Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

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pressed into a surface under a known load; and (2) those where sharp diamonds of ... Keywords: Hardness testing, Review, Historical development, Indentation, ...

Historical origins of indentation hardness testing S. M. Walley* Although it has been known for thousands of years that materials differ in hardness, quantitative methods of measuring hardness by performing careful indentation experiments only began to be developed during the nineteenth century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, hardness testing machines began to be commercially available. The methods that have persisted to this day may be divided into two broad categories: (1) those where a hardened steel ball or cone is pressed into a surface under a known load; and (2) those where sharp diamonds of various shapes are pressed into a surface also under a known load. An issue that has long been of interest is the relation of hardness to simpler measures of material strength, particularly the tensile strength. The review will cover the development of the various static and dynamic techniques and their subsequent application to a wide range of materials. Keywords: Hardness testing, Review, Historical development, Indentation, Brinell, Knoop, Vickers, Berkovich, Hertz, Martens, de Re´aumur, Shore scleroscope, Rockwell, Meyer

This paper is part of a special issue on ‘Hardness across the multi-scales of structure and loading rate’

Deep history It has long been known that some substances are harder than others in that one substance may scratch or cut another but not the reverse. The earliest references to this phenomenon I have been able to find so far is from the Hebrew prophets (quotations from the English Standard Version): The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron; with a point of diamond it is engraved on the tablet of their heart. Jeremiah 17: 1 (seventh century BC) Like emery harder than flint have I made your forehead. Ezekiel 3: 9 (seventh century BC) They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the LORD of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets. Zechariah 7: 12 (sixth century BC) As in any history, there has to be a cutoff. This I chose to be the 1950s, the decade in which David Tabor published his famous book The Hardness of Metals1 as well as a number of influential journal papers.2–5 The writing of this present historical account would have been much more difficult, and probably impossible, without the excellent bibliography put together by Williams in 1942.6 I also acknowledge the excellent historical overviews of all forms of hardness investigations published by Kohn in 19527 and O’Neill in 1934 (second edition 1967).8,9 According to Todhunter10 writing in the 1890s, the earliest reported study of the hardness of materials was Fracture and Shock Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, J.J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK *Corresponding author, email SMW14@cam.ac.uk


ß 2012 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute Received 23 August 2011; accepted 23 December 2011 DOI 10.1179/1743284711Y.0000000127

by Huygens in his Traite´ de la Lumie`re (Leyden, 1690) in which he describes differences in the scratching of Iceland Spar by a knife held at two different angles to the sliding direction.11,12 Huygens interpreted the double refraction of light in this crystalline material in terms of it consisting of flattened spheroids. His mechanical experiments with the knife were performed with a view to confirming this hypothesis. Todhunter also helpfully surveys other studies on hardness up to around 1860 and found that they were mostly concerned with minerals, one exception being a Dutch investigator (Musschenbroek) who reported in 1729 that he had used a chisel attached to a pendulum to study the dynamic hardnesses of various woods and metals. After the invention of the telescope and microscope, it became necessary to polish glass lenses to high precision. As a result of doing this, Isaac Newton noticed and wrote in his Opticks that ‘…metal is more difficult to polish than glass…’,13,14 but as Newton himself realised there were a number of reasons why this is so (if the difference were simply due to hardness, the opposite would be true). Detailed descriptions of how to polish metallic mirrors for telescopes were given later in the eighteenth century by Mudge15 and also early in the nineteenth century by Cecil.16 The use of diamonds in machining was described by Wollaston in 1816.17 The anisotropy of diamond was reported by Charles Babbage in 183218 as follows: ‘An experienced workman, on whose judgement I can rely, informed me that he had seen a diamond ground with diamond powder on a cast-iron mill for three hours without it being at all worn, but that, changing its direction with reference to the grinding surface, the same edge was ground down’. Mohs19 is widely credited with the idea of a relative and graded scale for the abrasive hardness of minerals.

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

1 Schematic diagram of Newton’s cradle arrangement used by Hodgkinson in the 1830s21 to investigate relative dynamic hardness of range of materials

However, Todhunter10 pointed out that at least two other researchers, Werner (in Germany) and Hau¨y (in France) had previously published the idea of a scale of hardness defined by mutual scratchability. By 1848, Dana20 had arranged 10 minerals (ranging from talc to diamond) in sequence. Hodgkinson21 published in 1835 the results of a study of the dynamic hardness of a wide range of materials using the Newton’s Cradle arrangement (Fig. 1).

First indentation techniques Probably the first machines for performing indentation measurements were reported by Wade in 185622 (Fig. 2) and Calvert and Johnson in 185923 (Fig. 3). Wade wrote: ‘The comparative softness, or hardness of metals, is determined by the bulk of the cavities, or indentations, made by equal pressures; the softness being as a bulk directly, and the hardness, as the bulk inversely’. That these are likely to be the first such investigations is attested by the first sentence of the paper by Calvert and Johnson: ‘The process at present adopted for determining the comparative degree of hardness of bodies, consists in rubbing one body against another, and that which indents or scratches the other is admitted to be the harder of the two bodies experimented upon’. Calvert and Johnson then rank eight substances in decreasing

3 Indentation machine developed by Calvert and Johnson in 1850s23

order of hardness, namely, diamond, topaz, quartz, steel, iron, copper, tin and lead. They continue: ‘This method is not only very unsatisfactory in its results, but it is also inapplicable for determining with precision the various degrees of hardness of the different metals and their alloys. We therefore thought that is would be useful and interesting if we were to adopt a process which would enable us to represent by numbers the comparative degrees of hardness of various metals and their alloys’. Unwin (in 1896)24 and Jaggar (in 1897)25 confirm that hardness previous to the 1850s was determined by various scratch tests. Why were people at the end of the nineteenth century dissatisfied with the long established scratch methods of determining hardness? One reason was given by Auerbach who was of the opinion that scratch hardness was too complicated a concept compared to indentation26 (see also page 143 of Williams’ book6). Calvert and Johnson used the machine shown in Fig. 3 in a different manner to the indentation machines developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in that: ‘When we wished to determine the degree of hardness of a substance, we …gradually added

2 Wade’s indenting tool for testing of cannon in early 1850s22

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

4 Schematic diagram of Middelberg’s knife indentation technique for studying hardness of railway tyres27

weights on the end of the lever, C, until the steel point, F, entered 3?5 mm (or 0?128 of an inch) during half an hour, and then read off the weight’. An example of one of the tables of results they obtained is given in Table 1. They gave the following reasons for their choice of metals thus: ‘We specially confined our researches to this class, wishing the results to be practically useful to engineers and others who have to employ metals, and often require to know the comparative hardness of metals and alloys’. Middelberg in 1886 wrote in a short letter27 that he had used a knife indentation technique for some years to determine the relative hardness of railway tyres (Fig. 4). Unwin in 1896 reported an indentation technique that used a short square section tool steel bar pressed into a bar of the test material (Fig. 5). His measure of hardness was the depth of the indentation produced by a given load when the bar had stopped penetrating. An example of his results is presented in Fig. 6. A method that has been returned to from time to time, which its protagonists say is useful in giving an indication of the relative hardness of two materials and which is claimed to be relevant to machining or cutting, is the crossed cylinders method28–30 (see also Fig. 7). Figure 7 is from Cowdery’s 1930 paper.30 In it he says the first reported use of the mutual indentation

Table 1 Example of one of tables of results from Calvert and Johnson’s studies:23 authors normalised their data with respect to cast iron

Names of metals Staffordshire cold blast cast iron: grey, no. 3 Steel Wrought iron Platinum Copper: pure Aluminium Silver: pure Zinc do Gold do Cadmium do Bismuth do Tin do Lead do


Weight employed lbs.

Calculated cast iron51000



4600 4550 1800 1445 1300 1000 880 800 520 250 130 75

958 948 375 301 271 208 183 167 108 52 27 16

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5 Indentation hardness machine reported by Unwin in 189624

technique was by de Re´aumur in 1722.31 However, having read what de Re´aumur wrote (or at least its 1922 reprint), I have come to the conclusion that Cowdery misinterpreted the French text (unless the 1922 reprint left some text out). The tract was about converting iron into steel and techniques then employed to harden and soften the steel. He discusses the hardness of steel in a number of places, but (as far as I can judge) only twice discusses ways of actually measuring it (in his tenth memoir on ‘The Art of Converting Forged Iron into Steel’). Both these techniques were proposed as thought experiments: for as you can see from the footnote to Quote 2, he was pessimistic about putting his ideas into practice as skilled workmen were not very well paid or well regarded in French society at the time! Quote 1 Au point de vue durete´, on pourra se proposer deux buts diffe´rents: ou bien chercher la meilleure tempe´rature de trempe, c’est-a`-dire le meilleur grain d’un acier, en e´tudiant sa durete´ tout le long d’une barre chauffe´e a` un bout et trempe´e; ou bien comparer les durete´s de deux aciers sur deux barres semblablement traite´es, en e´tablissant la correspondence entre durete´s et grosseurs de grain. Les e´prouvettes utilise´es pour examen de la cassure serviront donc encore ici; on fait un essai a` la lime sur une surface plane, en bordure de la cassure. On a employe´ pour cela un certain nombre de limes en matie`res de durete´s croissants: verre, cristal de roche tender, cailloux transparents et durs, agathe, jaspe, topaze ou saphir, diamant. My translation of quote 1 In considering hardness, one could propose two different objectives: either look for the best quenching temperature (that is to say the one that produces the best grain for a steel) by studying hardness along the length of a bar that has been heated at one end and then quenched, or compare the hardness of two steels on two bars similarly treated, by establishing the correspondence between hardness and grain size. The specimens used to examine fracture will thus serve well here; one makes a test with a file on a plane surface, near the break. One would use files for this purpose made of materials of increasing hardness: glass, soft rock crystals, hard transparent stones, agate, jasper, topaz or sapphire, diamond.


Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

6 Hardness results from machine shown in Fig. 524

Quote 2 Pour essayer en meˆme temps la durete´ et le corps, certains ouvriers forgent un ciseau dans le me´tal a` e´tudier, le trempent a` un certain degre´ de chaleur et essayent de lui faire couper du fer a` froid; si la tentative n’aboutit pas, ils le trempent a` une autre tempe´rature, et ainsi de suite jusqu’a` re´ussite. Si on attaque le fer obliquement, l’aspect des copeaux donne des indications sur la durete´ du ciseau. Ce proce´de´ tre`s rudimentaire peut eˆtre perfectionne´; il suffit de tremper une barre d’acier par un bout et de la graduer; l’essai du ciseau sur les diffe´rentes parties de la barre continue une mesure de la durete´ du ciseau. On pourrait e´galement, au lieu de frapper sur le ciseau a` l’aide d’un marteau, utiliser un poids tombant d’une certain hauteur, la variable de l’essai e´tant le nombre de coups (1). (1) De Re´ aumur n’a d’ailleurs pas grand espoir de voir pratiquer ses methods d’essais; «Dans l’e´ tat ou` sont les arts, tant qu’on ne cherchera pas a` entretenir une noble e´mulation entre les ouvriers, tant qu’on ne´ gligera de re´compenser ceux qui se distinguent dans leur profession, il ne faut pas se

promettre qu’ils s’attacheront a` de pareilles recherches et qu’ils feront quelque chose avec pre´ cision… » My translation of quote 2 In order to measure hardness and malleability at the same time, some workmen forge a chisel out of the metal of interest, quenching it at a certain temperature. They then try to cut iron with it when cold. If this is not successful, they quench it at another temperature, and so on until they are successful. If the chisel is used to attack iron obliquely, the form of the chips produced gives an indication of the chisel’s hardness. This very rudimentary procedure could be perfected by quenching a steel bar from one end in a graduated manner. Testing the chisel at different places along the bar would give a value for the chisel’s hardness. Equally one could, instead of hitting the chisel with a hammer, drop a weight on it from a known height, the test variable being the number of blows required (1). (1) de Re´aumur did not, however, have great hopes of seeing his testing methods being put into practice:

7 Four different crossed cylinders method for measuring mutual hardness of metals30

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

8 Plot of percentage loss of hardness for steel used for wood working measured as function of tempering temperature using four different hardness methods36

‘In the present state of the mechanical arts, in so far as improvement to technique is not sought among workmen and those who distinguish themselves in their trades are not rewarded, one must not kid oneself that they will pay any attention to researches such as mine nor that they will make such things with the necessary precision…’. Both static and dynamic machines for quantifying indentation hardness became commercially available around 1900.32–34 Why then? Shore commented in 191133 that: ‘Hardness testing instruments have during the past few years come into practically universal use, both in this country [the United States] and abroad. The apparent suddenness of this popular movement may be due to more than one cause. One is surely the development of the automobile, and another perhaps the appearance, at what may be said to have been the psychological moment, of a cheap and rapid method of performing the test itself’. Lysaght34 later reckoned that the reason indentation hardness testing took off so quickly after around 1900 was the transition to mass production of items in the automotive, aeronautic, machine tool and similar industries requiring every item produced to be quality tested. Turner in 1886 (and later, more comprehensively in 1909)35,36 gave a number of reasons why people were interested in the hardness of metals, particularly iron and steel: efficacy of machine tools, wear resistance (including erosion by water and sand) and brittleness after tempering. He published a comparison of the various methods available showing that one tempering technique would imply that the material is suitable for a given application whereas another would not (Fig. 8). According to Clamer in 1908,37 the most widely used hardness measuring technique in the early 1900s was the Brinell Ball Test. This technique was published by Brinell in 1900.38 The technique originally consisted of pressing a hard steel ball under a known load into the material of interest. The Brinell hardness H was then calculated by dividing the load P by the surface area


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9 Does hardness give measure of wear resistance?50

of the indentation (a spherical cap),39 a method also suggested by Martens in 1898,32,40 i.e. P (1) H~ pDd where D is the diameter of the ball indenter and d is the depth of the indentation. Meyer later found41 that the load is a function of the diameter of the indentation di i.e. P~adin


where a and n are numbers which both depend on the material being tested. a also depends on the size of the ball. Meyer also suggested that the hardness be defined as the load divided by the projected area of the indentation, i.e. P h H~ (3)  1=2 i ðpD=2Þ D{ D2 {di2 This is a formula that is relatively easy to implement in a workshop or a factory. The validity of Meyer’s formula has been investigated by a number of authors since then.2,42–47 One problem with the Brinell test is that the hardness number increases with increasing load due to a combination of workhardening and increase in the diameter of the indentation. As mentioned above, one very important reason why indentation hardness testing took off so quickly was that it was believed that it would give a more sensitive indication of the wear resistance of materials (particularly steels) used in friction bearings than the previously widely


Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

10 Method of separating out unwanted soft steel balls:6 originally published in Ref. 60

used file or scratch test.48,49 However, as Unwin showed in 1916,50 the relation between Brinell hardness and resistance to abrasion is not straightforward (Fig. 9). Nevertheless, in 1937 Tonn51 established an empirical relation between Brinell hardness and abrasive wear 1 Abrasive wear~ : 0 0205|Brinell hardnessz1:32


Some wear processes (such as solid particle erosion) are so complex that people are still looking for simple relations between wear resistance and indentation hardness to this day.52–54 The Brinell hardness is a ‘static’ measurement. But around the same time, dynamic methods were also being investigated.55 Vincent in 1900 measured the diameter of dents produced by dropping steel balls on various materials.56 Shore in 190757 observed that measuring abrasion hardness using a file (which he said had been standard workshop practice for many years previous) was not able to distinguish the differing machinabilities of the new alloy steels being developed at that time. He thus devised the ‘scleroscope’ (from the Greek for hardness), a device that measured the rebound of a steel ball or pointed cylinder dropped down a graduated glass tube onto the material of interest.58 He observed that dynamic hardness was proportional to elasticity. Another dynamic method of measuring hardness was patented by Ballentine also in 1907.59 This method (along with a few others, including the static technique due to Brinell) was assessed by Clamer et al. in 1908.37 One amusing and ingenious way dynamic hardness has been used on a production line was to sort out (unwanted) soft steel balls from those of the desired hardness by bouncing the mixture obliquely off a hard anvil: the soft balls rebounded less high and were caught in a lower bin (Fig. 10). Howe and Levy61 investigated the effect of repeating Shore scleroscope tests on the same spot. They found that the hardness increased with the number of tests. This was attributed to workhardening. However, the results from experiments where the frequency of the tests was varied (from once every 6 s, 5 min, 30 min and 60 min) were not as expected. They thought that the high frequency tests (repetition every 6 seconds) would lead to an accumulation of heat so that the rate of workhardening would be decreased. However, they did

11 Effect of interval between Shore scleroscope tests on hardness values for steel61

not find this to be true ‘[reminding] us of the profundity of our ignorance of the nature and habits of plastic deformation’ (Fig. 11). Hardness was also used early on as a laboratory research tool to study, for example, internal friction of metals by seeing how hardness varied with temperature62,63 (Figs. 12 and 13). It can be seen from Fig. 13 that duration of loading has an effect on the measured hardness even for classically ‘plastic’ materials such as metals. It seems that recording indentation load as a function of time only widely began in the early 1950s,64,65 although Martens built a machine that was capable of doing this in 1898!32,66 Such measurements are of particular importance for viscoelastic materials such as polymers (see, for example, Fig. 14) but are now standard in all academic studies of indentation hardness.67

Comparison of techniques The reasons that indentation methods were preferred in industry to tensile testing are the following: indentation is non-destructive, cheap and can be applied directly to all items of a factory’s output.68 However, the various hardness tests give different results. So there were quite a number of detailed studies performed comparing the different techniques in order to derive conversion tables and formulae.34,68–74 Some results of these investigations are presented graphically in Figs. 15–17. One important issue is that, as Turner36 and Auchy78 pointed out, the Brinell test is static, whereas the Shore test is dynamic (it had been known for several decades that the static and dynamic mechanical properties of materials differ79). To address this issue, Shore and Hadfield performed a large number of experiments69 (see also Fig. 18). One major source of inaccuracy in the

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

12 Plot of hardness (as measured by Brinell himself) of two steels as function of temperature62

13 Effect of temperature on hardness of two elements: times given are duration of loading; data from Ref. 63, replotted in Ref. 6; purpose of this study was investigation of internal friction

Brinell test that they found was the ball flattens when materials above a certain hardness are tested. To overcome this, they performed some experiments with a spherical diamond, but they thought that this would not generally be possible in routine laboratory or industrial testing. By 1939, Scott and Gray recommended that materials harder than 450 BHN should not have their hardness measured using a standard Brinell steel ball.80 However, since the Brinell method was a widely trusted technique, by 1943 hard steel balls, tungsten carbide balls, and even hemispherical diamonds were available for testing very hard materials.81 The main problem Shore and Hadfield identified was that the scleroscope gave results closer to the elastic limit of the material whereas Brinell hardness machines produced substantial plastic deformation and hence measured properties closer to ultimate strength. Thus direct comparison was only possible if low loads (less than 1000 kgf) were used in the Brinell test. The issue of comparing the different methods of indentation testing continues to be studied (occasionally) right up to the present day.82,83 Rockwell and Rockwell patented in 191984,85 a method of hardness testing that has the effect of subtracting off the elastic response of the material, i.e. measuring the

14 Indentation load as function of time for PMMA indented initially using load of 25 gf and secondly by load of 0?5 gf64


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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

15 Early comparison (1911) of hardness methods for a range of materials75

plastic hardness only. This is done by first applying an initial small load to the indenter (10 kgf), then adding a much larger load (10 times larger for a ball or 15 times larger for a cone), and then removing the smaller load. The measure of hardness is the depth of the indentation after this has been done. The Rockwell C test (which uses a diamond cone) in particular met the need for hardness testing of materials harder than those which the Brinell test could accurately measure.80 Petrenko68 recommended that balls be used with soft materials and cones for hard materials when using the Rockwell method. In order to preserve geometrical similarity during an indentation, the Vickers test was developed in which the indenter is a square section diamond pyramid.86–88 One important advance on previous methods was that it can be used to test very hard materials. It also has no lower limit, so is very versatile. Cone indenters also exhibit geometrical similarity41,89,90 so that ideally the hardness measured will be independent of load.81 However, Fig. 19

17 Relationships between Brinell and Rockwell numbers given by different investigators: Figure from Ref. 68 containing data from Refs. 70, 76 and 77

presents evidence that using a pyramid does not entirely remove the load dependence of hardness. Scott and Gray80 also reckoned that the Vickers method was not as practical to use in a factory as the Rockwell technique. The change in hardness for small loads became increasingly important when obtaining hardness from very small indentations (microhardness) became both desirable and required.91,92 The Knoop test94 uses a diamond indenter whose diagonals differ from each other by a factor of 7. This means that elastic recovery has the largest effect along the shorter diagonal (BB in Fig. 20) so that it is possible (by measuring the two diagonals after the load has been removed and also knowing the dimensions of the indenter) to determine both the recovered and the unrecovered

16 Graph of two Rockwell methods (ball and diamond) against Brinell hardness for wide range of materials76

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

18 Comparison between Brinell ball and Shore scleroscope hardness numbers69

dimensions of the indentation. A direct comparison of Knoop, Vickers and Brinell indentations made on a single block of metal is given in Fig. 21 (the author does not state what metal these tests were performed on). A problem with the Vickers and Knoop diamond indenters was identified by Berkovich at a time when it was desired to perform very small (micro) hardness tests. The problem was that it is difficult to ensure that all four sides of a four-sided pyramid meet at a point.65 Most indenters instead had a ridge about 0?5 mm long. This

does not matter very much if the indenter is large, but becomes increasingly important for small indenters. To overcome this problem Berkovich introduced the triangular cross-section (or three-faceted) pyramidal indenter.95 It is clear from Fig. 21 that even at the surface the flow of material around an indentation is complicated. In cross-section (Fig. 22), it can be seen that a measurement of the width (or diameter) of an indentation in top view will overestimate the value in the plane of the original surface due to ‘pile-up’ around the indentation.90 Also the load will be partly supported by this ridge of material, although Devries75 reckoned that the resistance of the material remaining underneath the indenter would be decreased by the flow of material away. Since the change in flow stress of both the

20 Schematic drawing of Knoop indentation6

19 Relation of hardness number to load for two different diamond pyramid methods and two materials93


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21 Comparison of Knoop (leftmost), Vickers (middle) and Brinell (rightmost) indentations6


Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

23 Three different ways (A–A, B–B or C–C) size of Brinell indentation could be measured for indentation where pile-up occurs96

22 Schematic diagram indentation90





piled-up material and the material underneath the indenter are both unknown (and the change will not be the same for different materials), it called into question how accurately such measurements can discriminate between, say, the machinability of closely related alloys (one of the reasons indentation testing was originally introduced on the shop floor).

In 1922, Foss and Brumfield published a detailed study96 of the effect on the Brinell hardness number of three different ways of measuring the size of the indentation (see Fig. 23 where it is apparent that the size of the indent could be assessed by the chords A–A, B–B or C–C). They found that for low Brinell hardness numbers (less than 150), there was very little difference between the three methods, but as the depth of the indentation decreased, the hardness number computed from the depth of the indentation increased very much more rapidly than the hardness number computed from the true area of the indentation. They also found that the

24 Comparison of amount of ‘swell’ (pile-up or sink-in) expressed as percentage of depth of indentation for various metals:96 inset shows anisotropy in swell for extruded brass rod

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

25 Plot of Brinell hardness number and grain size against annealing temperature for rolled cartridge brass154

amount of ‘swell’ (pile-up or sink-in) depended on the material being tested (Fig. 24) and for extruded brass rod, the ‘swell’ was markedly anisotropic (see inset to Fig. 24). However, Norbury and Samuel97 published a detailed study of both piling-up and sinking-in for Brinell and a number of other tests and found that although it was a large effect, it had ‘a constant value for a given material, irrespective of the size of the impression, if expressed as a percentage of the measured depth of impression’.

Ideas why materials differ in properties The main drivers for investigating the mechanical properties of metals in the nineteenth century, particularly steel, were the development of pressure vessels for steam engines, rails for the railways, guns and iron ships.22,98,99 One of the pioneers of these studies was Kirkaldy in London.100,101 The machine that Kirkaldy developed was so large it was never moved and is now preserved in situ in a museum. A great deal of empirical data was obtained in the latter part of the nineteenth century, but it was not at all clear then why some materials were hard and brittle, others soft and ductile, and yet others hard and ductile.24,102–104 Full

27 Comparison of various hardness tests with tensile elastic limit and ultimate strength166

understanding of these matters would not come about until the development of quantum mechanics105,106 (and its subsequent application to chemical bonding107–111) and dislocation112–116 and fracture117,118 mechanics. Before this time, a number of ideas were explored including: atomic weight,119 electrical and magnetic properties,120–130 cohesion,131–134 crystal structure,135–139 amorphous component,140–143 thermal properties144–146 and density147 (at least for alloys of varying composition). One characteristic of metals that began to be studied intensively in the 1880s148,149 and which has since proved very fruitful was grain size.150–153 Papers relating grain size to indentation hardness began to appear after the First World War154–159 (although de Re´aumur had speculated that there might be a relation between grain size and hardness in 1722:31 see the quote earlier in this paper). Bassett and Davis154 made the qualitative observation that when rolled cartridge brass was annealed the grain size increased and the hardness decreased (Fig. 25). Matthewson160 derived the following relation from Bassett and Davis’s154 data Brinell hardness ! ðnumber of grains per square millimetreÞ1=2

26 Plot of inverse square of grain size against Brinell hardness number for various steels161


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28 Plot of relation between maximum stress and Brinell hardness for number of carbon steels subjected to various heat treatments168


Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

29 Plots of a Brinell hardness and b tensile strength against magnetic hysteresis area for nickel steel156

Note that Matthewson mistakenly published this as a reciprocal relationship, whereas Bassett and Davis’s data clearly show the hardness increasing with the number of grains per square millimetre. However, Rawdon and Jimeno-Gil’s observations on steel157 were not as clear cut. Wood in 1930161 found that hardness was inversely proportional to the square of the grain size (determined using an X-ray method) of various steels (Fig. 26).

Relation to other mechanical properties For many applications. the measurement that is really needed is the tensile strength. So ideally one would perform tensile tests, but these are much more expensive to perform than hardness indentations. Tensile tests are also destructive. whereas indentation tests are not162,163 (at least for large objects). So the obvious question soon arose as to the relation of hardness measurements to tensile measurements164–167 (see also Fig. 27). The earliest papers I have found comparing indentation hardness and tensile measurements were published in 1915.168,169 Abbott performed a very thorough study on about 300 types of steel subjected to a number of different heat treatments. Each steel in each condition was subjected to a tensile test as well as Brinell (quasistatic) and scleroscope (dynamic) indentation testing. Some idea of the number of tests he performed is given in Fig. 28, the first of 18 such figures in his paper!

30 Hertz’s schematic diagram of stresses produced by loading rigid flat by elastic sphere183

It is clear from Fig. 28 that there is a linear relationship between tensile strength and hardness and this was stated explicitly by Unwin in 1918101 as T~0:2Hz6


Y ~0:23H{13:5


where T is the tensile strength, Y is the yield point (both in tons per square inch) and H is the Brinell hardness (in kilograms per square millimetre). McWilliam and Barnes also studied a large number of steels (though not as many as Abbott) and found that the ratio of maximum tensile stress to Brinell hardness lay in the range 0?23–0?26. One of the authors (McWilliam) performed many of the calculations in India and commented about his experience thus: ‘All the above calculations were made in the midst of an Indian jungle to the accompaniment of the threatening note of the mosquito and the wild howls of jackals, so suggestive of hostile criticism, that all the figures were doubly checked’. A number of other studies into the relationship between tensile strength and hardness were published between then and 1947170–179 (see, for example, Fig. 29) when Tabor published his famous paper2 which, among many other things, explained the relationship between hardness and yield stress (see also Refs. 1, 180 and 181). Even for purely elastic deformation, the stress fields are complicated. Hertz famously derived expressions for the stresses at the surface of an elastic half-space against which an elastic sphere is pressed.182,183 He did not give expressions for the stresses within the half-space, for he states ‘the formulae are far too complicated to allow of our doing this directly. But by considering the stresses near the z-axis and near the surface we can form a rough notion of this distribution’. He then gives a figure (reproduced here as Fig. 30) for which he states that ‘arrow-heads pointing towards each other denote a tension, those pointing away from each other a pressure’. Huber gave the solution to the problem of the bulk stresses beneath an elastic indentation in a paper published in 1904.184 Coker in 1921185 applied the photoelastic technique (which he had recently developed)186 to the problem of deformation beneath a cylindrical flat ended punch (Fig. 31).

Materials Science and Technology








Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

flat cylindrical punch and a ball indenter. For the flat indenter, he found that the hardness was 2?84Y where Y is the yield stress in compression. This is close to what later became known as the Tabor factor relating hardness H to yield stress (H53Y). Note that Tabor only ever said this was an approximate relation. Many assumptions were made in deriving this factor, e.g. which yield function the material obeys (whether Tresca or von Mises) interfacial friction, etc. Shield197 later redid Ishlinsky’s calculation using a more accurate method (Fig. 32).

Absolute hardness

31 Photoelastic fringes showing stress in large rectangular block loaded over small part of its upper surface by cylindrical flat ended punch185

Timoshenko and Goodier give a more understandable derivation of the Hertz surface stress field in their textbook on elasticity.187 The formula for the radius of contact a was written by Frank and Lawn in 1967 in the form given in equation (8) using Hertz’s theory188 (ignoring friction) 3 a3 ~ kPR (8) 4     where k~ 1{n21 =E1 z 1{n22 =E2 , E1,2 and n1,2 are the Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratios of the two materials, P is the normal load and R is the radius of the indenting sphere. The effect of friction on the Hertzian surface stresses was investigated by Johnson and co-workers.189 It should be emphasised that Hertz’s analysis is not for plastic indentation as he assumed an elastic response only. However, his analysis is a good approximation for both the static and dynamic interactions of hard metal, ceramic or glass balls with silica glasses and ceramics.188,190–193 Detailed analyses of the plastic flow of material around indentations of various shapes were performed by Hencky,194 Prandtl,195 Ishlinsky196 and Shield.197 They all assumed the indented material was rigid perfectly plastic, i.e. no elasticity, no workhardening. Ishlinsky performed a slip line field analysis for both a

A major problem with all hardness testing methods is that they alter the material whose properties you are trying to measure. This was realised in the early 1890s by Auerbach who published a number of papers on the problem of ‘absolute hardness’.26,198,199 This issue was helpfully reviewed by Mahin and Foss in 1939.200 Honda132 suggested that intrinsic hardness be defined as ‘the intensity of maximum pressure which just produces yielding’. The main problem with this definition is that elastic contact between a ball and a flat surface initially produces infinite stresses. In practice, of course, the indenter flattens and the surface plastically indents.182,183 Mahin and Foss200 favoured the following definition of absolute hardness as ‘the maximum unit stress which a material will support without permanent indentation’. The way they achieved this measurement was to drill a number of holes of different depth using a drill with a spherical cutting surface whose diameter was the same as the Brinell ball indenter they used (5 mm). They then loaded each hole with the indenter until they found the one that did not increase the size of the hole. Apart from this being normally impractical to do, Heyer and Kenyon commented in the discussion section of the paper that ‘[Hardness tests] were never designed to measure ‘absolute’ properties and practically all efforts to eliminate the complicating variables and reduce them to such fundamentals have proved fruitless. When such properties are to be measured, it seems to be much better to design special tests than to try and adapt old ones’.

Concluding remarks Towards the end of the nineteenth century, it became clear the scratch method used in workshops since time immemorial was no longer adequate for distinguishing

32 Slip line field solution for body occupying space z>0 indented by flat ended cylindrical punch centred on r50 and contacting surface out as far as A197


Materials Science and Technology







between the new types of steels being developed, particularly in regard to their wear resistance. Thus during the first decade of the twentieth century, indentation techniques (which had first been described around 50 years before) began to be widely used in factories as a non-destructive method of assessing the tensile strength of metals incorporated into finished products. This was needed as in some manufactures, testing of every item produced was required. Understanding of why materials differed in hardness, and indeed what ‘hardness’ actually is, lagged several decades behind the widespread adoption of indentation methods in industry. In the meantime, several different machines for measuring hardness were developed and sold commercially. The measurements these machines generated were found to be difficult to relate to one another for a variety of reasons. For example, some were dynamic (e.g. Shore scleroscope), others quasistatic (e.g. Brinell) techniques. Also the Shore scleroscope measured hardness close to the elastic limit, whereas Brinell indentations produced a large amount of permanent deformation (plasticity). They also gave conflicting results about, for example, the effect of temperature on mechanical properties. The problem may be simply stated that many different properties of a material contribute to the values obtained in indentation testing. Thus, techniques that in some respects started life as ‘rough and ready’ tests on production lines, designed primarily for quality control, have in later years been interpreted to reveal many fundamental features of plastic flow: flow stress, workhardening and fracture toughness. It is well to remember, however, that it remains widely useful in the machine shop and the production line, and is most useful as a standardised discriminator of materials.

Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor R. W. Armstrong, Professor L. M. Brown, Dr M. M. Chaudhri, Professor J. E. Field and Professor M. A. Meyers for their comments on this paper. I would also like to thank Dr A. C. A. Woode for advice and help in translating de Re´aumur’s French. I also thank the referees for their suggestions for improving the paper and informing me about publications I would not otherwise have known about.

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

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Materials Science and Technology








Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

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Historical origins of indentation hardness testing

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Addendum and correction to: ‘Historical origins of indentation hardness testing’, by S. M. Walley S. M. Walley*

Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

Since the above paper1 was published, I have come across a published translation into English of the eighteenth century studies by de Re´aumur on steel.2 In my paper (pp. 1030–31) I cast doubt on whether de Re´aumur developed a mutual indentation hardness technique. However, it is now clear that he did, the method being clearly seen in Fig. 3 of his tenth plate (see Fig. 1) and described on page 204 of the English translation.

References 1. S. M. Walley: ‘Historical origins of indentation hardness testing’, Mater. Sci. Technol., 2012, 28, 1028–1044. 2. R. A. de Re´aumur: ‘L’art de convertir le fer forge´ en acier et l’art d’acoucir le fer fondu’; 1722, Paris, France, Michel Brunet (for a translation into English, see A. G. Sisco and C. S. Smith: ‘Re´aumur’s memoirs on steel and iron’; 1956, Chicago, IL, The University of Chicago Press).

1 Crossed indenter technique first published Re´aumur in 1722 (see plate 10 of Ref. 2)



Fracture and Shock Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK *Corresponding author, email smw14@cam.ac.uk


ß 2013 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute DOI 10.1179/0267083613Z.000000000477

Materials Science and Technology