Hospitality Management - University of Pittsburgh Bradford

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Hotel/Convention Salesperson. Night Auditor. Management Accountant. Cruise Ship Purveyor. Hospitality College Recruiter. Club Manager. Club Owner.

HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT undergraduate program Consistent with the overall mission of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, the Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality Management includes a liberal arts core curriculum, much of which is taken during the first two years of study.

Employment Opportunities: Conventions Manager Events Manager Facilities Manager Food & Beverage Manager Food/Restaurant Critic Hotel Supplier Golf/Country Club Manager Front Office Manager General Manager Human Resources Director Marketing Director Menu Design Consultant

A major is Hospitality Management leads to endless possibilities for travel, adventure, advancement, and networking opportunities. The Hospitality Management program prepare, students to handle multiple facets of hotel and food operations, management of human resources & accounting, and the planning and marketing of tourism destinations, services, meetings and events. Hospitality Management majors at Pitt-Bradford take courses in Management, Economics, Accounting, Human Resources, Legal Issues in Hospitality and Tourism, Hotel Operations, Finance, Principles of Food Preparation, Marketing and Special Events Planning. Hospitality majors receive hands-on experience by working with nearby attracts like Holiday Valley Ski Resort, Glendorn Resort and/or the Disney Corporation. Required Skills:

Possible Employers:

Menu Planner Catering/Banquets Manager Purchase Director Recreation Manager Hotel/Convention Salesperson Night Auditor

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Management Accountant Cruise Ship Purveyor Hospitality College Recruiter

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Leadership Problem Solving Organizational Behavior Teambuilding Multi-Tasking Communication (Written & Oral) Goal Setting Conflict Management

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Airlines Restaurants Cruise Lines Entertainment Complexes Health Spas Hotels Resorts Tourism/Travel Agencies Convention Centers

Club Manager Club Owner Conference Services Manager Travel Agent Hotel Manager Restaurant Manager/Owner

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Hotel and Lodging Association National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education Club Managers Association of America

Health Spa Director Tour Guide Travel Media Consultant 9/19/16

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CAREERS HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT AT: Career Services Hotel Career Solutions Hospitality Jobs Online www.hospitalityonline.con Hospitality Careers Online

Hospitality Management (BS) – Curriculum Guide Student Name:

GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS COMPETENCIES (Minimum grade of C- required in all Competencies) FS 0102 (if transferring in fewer than 18 credits) Writing ENG 0101 English Composition I ENG 0102 English Composition II Mathematics * Math 0098 College Algebra II or higher (see major) THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE Students are required to complete two courses designated as“Global” ” ARTS & LETTERS (9 credits minimum, At least 1 must be a Literature course and at least 1 must be a creative, fine or performing arts) Literature Arts Literature, Arts, Language BEHAVIORAL, ECONOMIC, & POLITICAL SCIENCES (9 credits minimum, 2 categories MUST be represented) (see major) (see major)

HISTORY, CULTURES, & PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY (9 credits minimum, 1MUST be History, and at least 1MUST NOT be HIST) HIST

PHYSICAL, LIFE, & COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES (9 credits minimum, 1 MUST be a Physical Science, 1 MUST be a Life Science and 1 must include one laboratory) Physical Science Life Science Physical, Life or Computational Science (see major) LAB


REQUIRED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR ACCT 0201 Financial Accounting Concepts ACCT 0202 Managerial Accounting Concepts ECON 0103 Introduction to Macroeconomics GE ECON 0112 Tourism GE FIN 1301 Corporate Finance HMGT 0101 Introduction to Hospitality Management HMGT 0201 Service Industry Structure & Leadership HMGT 0210 Legal Issues in Hospitality & Tourism Ind. HMGT 0220 Foodservice Management HMGT 1310 Hotel Operations HMGT 1320 Hospitality Information Systems HMGT 1330 Principles of Food Preparation w/lab HMGT 1340 Food and Beverage Cost Control HMGT 1370 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing HMGT 1451 Senior Seminar for Hospitality Majors MATH 0098 College Algebra II GE MATH 0133 Statistics GE MGMT 0110 Principles of Management MGMT 1320 Human Resource Management MIS 0103 Computer Applications for Management MRKT 1301 Principles of Marketing MAJOR ELECTIVES (9 CREDIT HOURS)

(9 credit hours chose 3 of the following courses) HMGT 1350 Foodservice Purchasing HMGT 1360 Contemporary, Leisure & Recreation HMGT 1380 Special Events Planning HMGT 1410 Analytical Methods for Hospitality Planning HMGT 1430 Commercial Food Prep & Menu Planning HMGT 1440 Tourism Destination HMGT 1445 Professionalism in Hospitality

According to your Degree Progress Report in MY.PITT.EDU upon successful completion of the current term: You will have EARNED _________ credit hours You NEED _________ for 120 credit hours required for graduation. You will have earned _________ credit hours of Upper Level course work.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1 Credit) PEDC *MATH 0098 does not meet the mathematics competency at the Pittsburgh campus 9/19/16

You NEED ______ for the 30 credit hours required for graduation. NOTE: This guide is unofficial. Completing the requirements on this sheet does NOT guarantee degree completion. Official degree completion information can be found in MY.PITT.EDU. Contact your Faculty Advisor and/or the Registrar’s Office with questions or concerns.