How to Know God's Will - Cru Press Green

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ents will enable you to make sound, godly decisions in every area of your life through the use of wisdom. 1. Do you believe that God's will can be known ...
ARTICLE how to know god’s will

There is no simple recipe for knowing God’s will, and many ways in which he directs us, but the following ingredients will enable you to make sound, godly decisions in every area of your life through the use of wisdom. 1. Do you believe that God’s will can be known definitely and accurately? If not, look up Psalm 32:8 and Isaiah 30:21. 2. Are you willing to seek God’s will and do it? Or would you just like to have it as an option? See John 7:17. 3. Have you made a permanent decision of commitment to be yielded to God for the rest of your life? If not, meditate on Romans 12:1-2 and seek counsel. 4. Is there any known, unconfessed sin in your life? If so, stop here, confess it, and forsake it. If you won’t do that, there is no point in seeking God’s will. See 1 John 1:9, Proverbs 28:13, and Psalm 66:18. 5. Are you obeying the known will of God for your life on a daily basis? If not, start today, and demonstrate it before proceeding. See Psalm 119:59-60 and James 4:17. 6. Are you in neutral, willing for the matter to fall either way? Ask God to reveal whether you are truly open to whatever He has for you. If you are not, continue to pray that God’s desires will be your desires. See Philippians 2:13. 7. Are you praying specifically, and definitely, about the matter in faith? Make a list about your specific thoughts and pray about them. Pray in faith. See James 1:5-7 and Mark 10:51. 8. Are you in fellowship with God daily through reading His word and prayer? If not, commit yourself to begin today. See Psalm 5:3. 9. Has God spoken to you through His word in your regular reading, or through your Scripture memory review? Keep a written record of what God speaks to you about. If you have been in the Word, and have no guidance from it yet, continue in the Word and wait patiently. See Psalm 37:34. 10. Do you have all the facts? If not, take action to get the information you need. See Proverbs 24:3,4. 11. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) about the issue. 12. What does common sense tell you to do? See 2 Timothy 1:7. 13. What do you want to do? See Psalm 37:4.

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how to know god’s will


14. Why do you want to do it? What are your motives? See Proverbs 21:2. 15. Is it of benefit to you spiritually? Physically? Emotionally? Socially? Mentally? See 1 Corinthians 6:12. 16. Will it be a thorn causing anxious cares, desire for riches, or desire for pleasure? See Mark 4:19 and Luke 8:14. 17. Will it be a weight to your conscience, or an encumbrance that drags you down? See Hebrews 12:1.2. 18. Will it cause another to stumble? See 1 Corinthians 10:23 and Proverbs 14:21. 19. Will it glorify God? See 1 Corinthians 10:31. 20. Have you asked the counsel of three spiritually mature people? If so, record what they said. If not, write down the names of three you can ask. 21. Does it violate any known Scriptural principle? See Psalm 119:19-20. 22. Are you willing to wait in faith for God to line up His Word, circumstances, counsel, and inner confirmation? See Hebrews 10:36. 23. Do you have inner confirmation about a course of action? If so, proceed with conviction. See Romans 14:23. 24. Act in faith, believing God wants you to do it. See Hebrews 11:5.

End The Compass is the discipleship curriculum for Campus Crusade for Christ’s Campus Ministry. It was created by Centerfield Productions, the field based division of CruPress. We’d love to hear your feedback on this lesson. Please write us at [email protected] ©2007 Cru Press, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc . All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be digitally reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, without the prior permission of Cru Press.