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Aug 2, 2001 - due to the dramatic development of high-tech companies in the past two ...... In the basic case, I normalize the tech worker's fixed salary to be ...
Human-Capital Intensive Firms: Incentives and Capital Structure 1 Yiming Qian


August, 2001


I have benefitted tremendously from the encouragement and guidance of my advisor Kose John. I am indebted to Matthew Clayton, Hamid Mehran, Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Rangarajan Sundaram and David Yermack for numerous detailed discussions. I thank Heitor Almeida, Yakov Amihud, Christopher J. Flinn, Jay Hartzell, Anthony W. Lynch, Holger M. M¨ uller, S. Abraham Ravid, Matthew Richardson and Robert Whitelaw for helpful comments and suggestions. All errors are mine. 2 Contact: Yiming Qian, Department of Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University, 44 West 4th St., Suite 9-180, New York, NY 10012. Tel: 212–998–0372. Fax: 212–995–4233. e–mail: [email protected].

Human-Capital Intensive Firms: Incentives and Capital Structure Abstract

This paper builds a theory of human capital development within a firm. I model the process of human capital development in three distinct stages. In the first stage – the integration stage, the human capital supplier builds her firm-specific human capital. She then converts her human capital into the assets of the firm in the conversion stage. Upon the completion of this conversion process, she enters the post-conversion stage. During both the first and third stage, the human capital supplier can be easily replaced since there is a competitive market for general human capital. Only in the conversion stage, the human capital supplier has monopoly power over her firm-specific human capital therefore can bargain to share the rents. I apply this theory to explain the capital structure choice by human capital intensive firms. Since a human capital supplier has bargaining power and can share the rents during the second stage – the conversion stage, the continuation decision taken by the shareholders prior to this stage has a crucial effect on her incentives. Debt can distort the continuation decision and reduce the probability that she gets to share the rents. The reduction in the effective bargaining power hurts her incentive to invest in her firm-specific human capital in the early stage. When the human capital inputs are very important to a firm, equity is preferred to avoid such a problem. I construct proxies for human-capital intensity and test the theoretical prediction. I find strong supporting evidence that there is a negative relationship between leverage and human-capital intensity.




The importance of human capital is beginning to be recognized in the finance literature, partially due to the dramatic development of high-tech companies in the past two decades. For the first time in a long period, finance has turned its eyes to another type of investors other than financial investors. Human capital earns their owners sweat equity and this type of investment may command rents too. This understanding of human capital is of profound importance for all aspects of finance. Myers (1999) states that, “financial architecture adapts to support the co-investment of human and financial capital.” By financial architecture, he means “the entire financial design of the business, including ownership (e.g. concentrated or dispersed), the legal form of organization (e.g. corporation vs. limited-life partnership), incentive, financing and allocation of risk.” Classic works on human capital study the life-cycle of earnings and returns on human capital investment. (see section 2 for literature review.) However, there is little work in modern finance literature on how human capital affects firm value. This paper is among the first attempts in that direction. It contributes to the human capital literature by building a theory of cycles of human capital development at the firm level. It adds to the finance literature by demonstrating how finance decisions such as capital structure will be influenced by human capital considerations. I view human capital as people with highly specialized skills. Unlike typical goods and assets, human capital, due to its inalienability, cannot be bought and owned. An employer can only rent a person’s service. Low-skill labor bears this same trait. However, human capital differs from lowskill labor in the following sense. The input of human capital cannot be measured by units of time or any other clear-cut metrics. The product of human capital is usually clouded by other factors and thus cannot be valued perfectly. Merely retaining your employees cannot guarantee that they will provide their best services. Critical thinking and creativity cannot be measured by the hours put in at work. On the other hand, if the skills required is low enough time is an adequate measure of its worth to the firm. Due to this key difference, proper incentives must be provided to human capital suppliers to insure they will supply their human capital properly. A firm’s production inputs can be divided into three parts: financial capital (hard assets), human capital and labor. I define the human-capital intensive firms based on its relative human


capital input costs to the total input costs. Every firm has some key employees who will provide human capital. The traditional principal-agent studies provides extensive and in-depth discussions on how incentives should be provided to those key employees, usually the management. But the subject of this paper is the type of firms with broad-scope human capital. Some examples of such human capital are individual analysts and bankers in an investment bank, each programmer in a software company or all the scientists in a biotech company. An important difference between the human-capital intensive companies and the traditional companies in terms of prodiving incentive is that it is harder or much costlier for the former to provide adequate incentives by individual contracts. Other corporate decisions will have to adapt to the needs to provide incentives too. I theorize that when a person joins a firm, her human capital goes through three stages of development. Before she can apply her general human capital to increasing the firm value, she needs to integrate her general human capital with the firm’s assets, by developing her firm-specific human capital. After the integration is completed, she is ready to contribute to the firm value by converting her human capital into the firm’s assets. The converted assets could be tangible assets such as a finished product or intangible assets such as established culture and principles. The key factor is that, before the conversion is completed, the human capital supplier has some monopoly power over the unfinished product or the management ideas since she understands them best. But she gradually loses this monopoly power over the conversion process. Once the converted assets are well understood and can be maintained by other people without the original creator, they become assets owned by the firm. After the conversion and before she can enter another cycle of such dynamics, the employee has no monopoly power and can only contribute to the firm value in a noncritical way. Such dynamics have implications on various aspects of finance such as optimal incentive contracts, capital structure and firm value. A human capital supplier contributes to the firm value by converting her human capital. She is most important and valuable during the conversion stage. Hence she has the bargaining power during that stage and will be compensated in that stage for her investment in firm-specific human capital. She has every incentive to enter the conversion stage as soon as possible and stay in that stage as long as possible. There is little need to provide her incentives through compensation in the integration stage because she is self-motivated, neither 3

is it important to provide incentives in the post-conversion stage because her human capital is no longer crucial to the firm. However, monetary incentives are much needed in the conversion stage to counter her inclination to delay the conversion process. Hence I predict a non-monotonic dynamics of pay-performance sensitivity in key employees’ compensation structures. By the same token, the impact on the firm value of a key employee’s departure also depends on her tenure with the firm. Only if she leaves during the conversion stage, is the damage the most serious. This paper, however, focuses on one particular implication of this theory of human capital dynamics, i.e., its implication on capital structure. The idea hinges on the hypothesis that human capital suppliers receive compensation for their investment in firm-specific human capital only during the conversion stage because they enjoy bargaining power during that stage and can bargain for part of the rents. If that is the case, the underinvestment on the shareholders’ part that is associated with debt financing reduces the prospects that the project will be carried through and therefore reduces the chances the employee can realize her bargaining power. The reduction of her effective bargaining power and effective pay therefore hurts her incentive to invest in her firmspecific human capital in the early stage. For firms that emphasize human capital inputs, such consideration leads to a preference for equity rather than debt. I then test my prediction that human capital intensive firms tend to have low leverage and find strong supporting evidence. For all the proxies I use for human-capital intensity, I find significant and negative relationship between firm leverage and these proxies. I organize the paper as follows. In the next section, I discuss the related literature and my paper’s position in the literature. In section 3, I present my theory on human capital development within a firm and its implications for various aspects of finance. For the remainder of the paper, I focus on one implication of the theory, i.e., the implication on capital structure. I describe the model in section 4. Concentrating on the pure human capital suppliers, I demonstrate my main result in section 5. In section 6, I consider the entrepreneur’s human capital problem and present the trade-off between the debt and equity financing. I test my main prediction in section 7.



Literature Review

This paper draws from several branches of literature in economics and finance. It attempts to understand how the human capital, a type of asset distinctly different from real assets and capital, will affect corporate decisions. Many important concepts are borrowed from the classic human capital literature. Pioneering work in human capital study is carried out by Becker (1962, 1964), Mincer (1962) and Schultz (1963) and followed by influential works such as Ben-Porath (1967), Rosen (1972) and Ryder and Stephan (1976), among others. This strand of literature, sometimes called the literature of life-cycle of earnings, views investment in human capital like any other type of investment, with the cost including both direct costs on education and training and the foregone current earnings. Therefore, a person’s earning is low when she is young and increases at a declining rate, as the return on her human capital investment is realized, and finally declines as the human capital depreciates because of factors such as “aging” or “outdated knowledge”. In contrast, my theory pictures a micro cycle of earnings, i.e., firm-level cycle of earnings. In the integration stage, a person’s earnings are relatively low because she is developing her firm-specific human capital and does not have the bargaining power to share the rents. In the post-conversion stage, her earnings are low because she has lost the monopoly position over her firm-specific human capital during the conversion. Only in the conversion stage, can she enjoy a high bargaining power and the high earnings it brings to him. I then employ this theory to identify one determinant of capital structure of firms, the incentive to invest in (firm-specific) human capital. Debt discourages this incentives because it distorts the continuation decision of a project. As a result, firms tend to use less debt if this investment is very important, This paper is based on the important concepts such as general human capital and firm-specific human capital that are developed in the classic human capital literature. It extends this literature by developing new concepts such as conversion and the firm-level cycle of earnings. Finally, this paper does not stop at a person’s earning ability due to human capital investment. It goes further and studies the impact of human capital investment on financial decisions such as capital structure decisions. One essential concern in the human capital investment incentive problem described in the paper


is that this investment is firm-specific. Its value is significantly lower or close to zero if not employed in the same firm. This type of relation-specific investment problem is not new. It is at the heart of the literature of the boundaries of the firm. Until very recently, two strains of work have dominated the research of the boundaries of the firm: transaction cost economics and property rights theory. Holmstrom and Roberts (1998) give a nice survey on both. They state, “Both theories, while quite different in their empirical implications, focus on the role of ownership in supporting relationshipspecific investments in a world of incomplete contracting and potential hold-ups.” The two theories, of course, have more distinctions than just their empirical implications. But for the purpose of providing a context for this paper, I would like to emphasize their common thinking: the use of ownership to mitigate hold-up problems and enhance efficiency. The problem under question arises if one party need make relation-specific investment, when two parties, i.e., the owners of two pieces of distinctive assets, transact with each other. If it is impossible or too costly to write contingent contracts, the party that makes the investment is possibly held up ex post. They are at a disadvantage in the transaction because the product of their specific investment is worth considerably less if they do not transact with the other party. Such ex post vulnerabilities calls for some ex ante device to improve ex post bargaining power. One powerful device is ownership. Modern transaction cost economics represented by Williamson (1975, 1985), Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978) argue that such problems are reasons for internal coordination instead of market transaction. If specific investment is incurred under common ownership, there is no hold-up problem. The more frequent, the more uncertain the transactions are and the more specific the assets involved, the more likely the internal governance will be adopted. The property rights theory, pioneered by Grossman and Hart (1986), takes ownership of nonhuman assets as the defining characteristics of firms: a firm is exactly a set of assets under common ownership. The modern transaction cost theory implicitly assumes that integration yields the same outcome that would arise under complete contracts and therefore is always (weakly) better than nonintegration. Grossman and Hart (1986) allow for investment on the part of both parties and conclude that integration shifts the incentives for opportunistic behavior, but does not remove them. Ownership, i.e., the residual rights of control, improves a firm’s status quo in the ex post bargaining. It therefore improves its distribution of ex post surplus, and hence affects ex ante 6

investment decisions. Ownership should lie with the party that makes most important investment. In cases that both parties of investments are important, non-integration might be good. Hart and Moore (1990) further clarifies the role of ownership in mitigating underinvestment problem and improving efficiency. An agent is more likely to own an asset if she makes important investment or if she is a crucial trading partner (thus indispensable). In addition, common ownership of two assets by agent 1 (instead of being owned by agents 1 and 2, separately) is likely to increase efficiency if (1) the assets are strongly complementary; (2) 1 is an important trading partner for 2 and the workers of 2; and 2 is dispensable; (3) 1 or the workers of 1 have important investments. The caveat in both theories when they use ownership to solve the investment problem is that they do not quite apply to human capital. Underinvestment in human capital arises because employees need to make firm-specific human capital investments. Carrying out the solution proposed by these theories, the owner of the firm should own the human capital as well to solve the hold-up problems. However, human capital cannot be separated from the person and slave labor is not allowed. Inalienability of human capital and effective constraints on involuntary servitude makes the human capital problem a very distinctive one. It is generally infeasible for the human capital supplier (as a simplification, assume they are a unified group) to own the whole firm due to the simple reality that they are wealth-constrained. If firm-specific human capital investment and its costs are observable, it is efficient for the firm to pay for the optimal level of investment. But a great deal of such investment is unobservable and private to the individual employee. Hence the underinvestment problem in human capital is not solvable by ownership. I thus propose a partial solution through capital structure. Rajan and Zingales recently extended the theories of firms in a series of papers such as Rajan and Zingales (1998a, 1998b, 2001). The critical resource theory of firms, as it is called, broadens the view of boundaries of a firm. In modern firms, they argue, ownership of non-human assets are not always a bargaining tool as powerful as accessibility to critical resources. Control over the critical resource is a source of power and can provide better incentives than ownership. The organization, the realm of transactions governed by authority rather than by prices, consists of its critical resource and the agents and other critical resources that are tied to it via complementarity. 7

This theory is motivated by what they view as a shift in the nature of firms: i.e., the rising importance of human capital in modern corporations. They state in Rajan and Zingales (1998b) that the focus of the corporate governance must shift from strengthening the rights of owners to controlling and retaining human capital. This new emphasis on human capital as a determinant of corporate decisions is also shared by Myers (1999). The critical resource theory describes the power from access as follows in Rajan and Zingales (1998a) “The agent who is given privileged access to the resource gets no new residual rights of control. All she gets is the opportunity to specialize her human capital to the resource and make herself valuable.” While describing how an agent could make herself valuable by developing specific human capital, it does not explore the question how she is ensured that she will have continuing access to the critical resource after she develops her specific human capital, which is exactly the problem discussed in this paper. There are other papers that address the hold-up problems due to relation-specific investments. Titman (1984) considers the implicit costs that liquidation will cause to a firm’s customers and other associates that have made relation-specific investment in the firm. A value-maximizing firm will commit itself to liquidate only in those states where the liquidation value exceeds the continuation value by an amount greater than the costs imposed on its customers. An optimal capital structure will do the job. Under simplifying conditions, the theory implies that ceteris paribus, firms that impose potentially large costs on their customers in event of liquidation, choose low levels of debt which lead to bankruptcy only in few states of nature. However, the time-inconsistency problem of optimal liquidation described in his paper is not solved by pure equity. The optimal capital structure is a delicate balance between debt, preferred equity and common equity. Despite the prediction of a negative relation between the debt and the potential liquidation costs, such relation is not predicted between the sum of debt and preferred equity, and the potential liquidation costs. Titman and Wessels (1988) test the hypothesis that firms with more specific assets have higher liquidation costs, therefore lower leverage. They use R&D expenses and SGA (selling, general and administration) expenses as proxies for asset uniqueness and a negative relation between leverage and asset uniqueness. Shleifer and Summers (1988) argue that part of the equity value increase associated with takeover might be a transfer of wealth from stakeholders of firms to equityholders, rather than 8

creation of wealth. There are implicit contracts between old management and stakeholders who have made specific investment following the implicit contract. Transfer of wealth occurs after takeover because these implicit contracts are not to be honored. Berkovitch, Israel and Zender (1997) propose a bankruptcy procedure that biases the bargaining power toward the entrepreneur against the creditors. It thus gives ex ante incentive to the entrepreneur to invest in the firm-specific human capital. Jaggia and Thakor (1994) also present the firm-specific human capital investment problem. A firm trades off the advantage of the long-term contract which encourages workers to invest, and the disadvantage it brings that the firm cannot fire them if they turn out to be the bad type. If the former consideration is more important, the firm will use long-term contract. Since bankruptcy will terminate the commitment, more specific firms should take less leverage. These papers address relation-specific investment and propose different mechanisms to encourage such investments. The solutions suggested by Titman (1984) and Jaggia and Thakor (1994) involve capital structure. This paper is similar in these respects. However, this paper differs in important ways: first, it is not a bankruptcy cost story. The friction involved is the distorted continuation problem on the shareholders’ part in presence of debt. The shareholders have the discretion to discontinue a project before the control is transferred. Underinvestment in human capital is the result of interaction among three parties: the worker, the stockholder and the debtholder. It is the agency problem between the stockholder and the debtholder that leads to agency problem between the worker and the stockholder. Such features are not present in any of the above paper. In terms of empirical hypotheses, none of the above papers have predictions on human-capital intensity and capital structure. This paper also adds to the literature of capital structure. In theory, it identifies another factor that determines the capital structure. Empirically, it finds supporting evidence on the negative relationship between leverage and human-capital intensity. Harris and Raviv (1991) provide a nice survey on both theoretical and empirical works on capital structure. Two types of theories compete to explain firms’ capital structure choice: the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory . The trade-off theory believes that firms balance the advantages and disadvantages of debt and adjust to the optimal target leverage level. The pecking order theory, represented by Myers and Manjluf 9

(1984) and Myers (1984), predicts no optimal target leverage level. Instead, due to the lemon costs associated with asymmetric information, firms will use internal funds first, then debt and finally equity. Empirical findings suggest there are some truth in both theories. For example, see Brealey Fama and French (2001). It is unlikely that the pecking-order theory is true in its strict sense because firms do have other concerns related to debt. This paper fits into the trade-off theory regime of capital structure because it identifies one determinant of capital structure, among others. More empirical papers will be discussed in section 7.


The Theory

When I talk about human capital, I think of people with high level of skill that cannot be easily replaced. Such skills can come from high education, individual creativity and extensive work experience. A person can apply her knowledge and creativity to many different tasks. I call these attributes of her human capital her general human capital. This paper, however, focuses on a particular attribute of her human capital that she needs to contribute to a firm’s value, her firmspecific human capital. When a college student graduates from school, she has gathered a body of general knowledge and some knowledge about the industry. But before she is able to add to a firm’s value, there is usually on-the-job training to be done. Or, when a seasoned executive becomes the CEO of another firm in a different industry[specific example], it takes time for him to get to know the industry and the new firm before she can make any sensible business decisions. One might think within-industry job transfers will not involve much adaption. But to the extent that a firm has its own distinct firm assets and distinctive ways of operation, it takes time and effort for a new employee to build firm-specific human capital. The process is costly but essential for the employee to be valuable. I theorize that there are three stages of human capital development when a person works with a firm. When one first joins a firm, she is not important in the sense that her presence or her immediate departure will not affect the firm’s value. The firm has been running prior to her arrival. She has not made a mark on the firm yet. (There might be changes in firm value due to expectation of the person’s impact. But the expectation must be realized for the change to


be sustained.) In other words, her general human capital cannot contribute to the firm’s value directly. She must first find a way to apply her general human capital to increase the firm value. She accomplishes this in the first stage of her human capital development with the firm, which I call the integration stage. The goal during this period is to integrate the general human capital with the firm operation. I can understand this stage as a period in which the employee adds another attribute of her human capital, her firm-specific human capital. It includes her understanding of the firm’s assets, the way the firm employs those assets and most importantly, how she can integrate her general human capital to the network of the firm’s operation. This firm-specific human capital is a link between the employee’s general human capital and the firm assets. Upon the completion of the integration stage, the employee is in a position to contribute to the firm value by applying all attributes of her human capital, probably repeatedly. By doing so, she goes through a stage of converting her firm-specific human capital into firm assets. For this reason, I call the second stage the conversion stage. Some examples might be in order at this point to illustrate what I mean by integration and conversion. When a programmer joins a firm to develop some software, she first needs to read the specs, understand the objectives and get familiar with the internal computing resources, no matter how experienced a programmer she is. Then she starts to do her coding, applying her human capital. What does this lead to? A piece of usable software that can be maintained by other people, which is part of the firm’s assets. If it is a manager I are talking about, then her general human capital is her management style, her communication skills, etc. She goes through the integration stage trying to understand the financials, the old strategies of the firm and getting to know her colleagues, etc. Only after this, is she ready to do her job by cultivating new culture and making and implementing new strategies. Conversion occurs when her management style and new strategy becomes systems, rules, documents or principles that are widely understood and accepted in the firm. As can be seen from the examples, the firm assets that are converted from human capital can be tangible or intangible assets. The point is that during this conversion process, the individual employee gradually loses her monopoly power on the asset. The individual has monopoly power on her firm specific human capital because she goes through the integration stage to develop it, 11

which costs time and other resources. It is costly for the firm to replace him. However, to make her human capital valuable to the firm, she either has to show a finished product/project or convey her ideas to colleagues to make them work. Once the results of the application of her human capital are understood and shared by enough people in the firm, the conversion is completed. The converted asset is firm’s asset in that the employee does not have a monopoly on it anymore. I call the final stage the post-conversion stage. In this stage, the employee does not have monopoly power on her firm-specific human capital. For example, a programmer can continue to maintain the software she produced; a manger can continue her daily operation. However, either of them is easily replaceable in this stage. The dynamics of human capital developments in a firm have important implications to many aspects of the theory of firms. Incentives and compensation: There are straightforward implications in terms of incentive and compensation design that can be derived from the dynamics of human capital developments. It is easy to understand that an employee has more motivation to work hard when she is establishing himself. Within the above framework, an employee will be self-motivated in the first stage to develop her firm-specific human capital. She is eager to enter the second stage in which she can enjoy her monopoly on her firm-specific human capital and the bargaining power it brings. She can bargain for higher salaries, more perks and even higher percentage of ownership of the firm. She also realizes that when she finishes converting her firm-specific human capital into firm assets, she loses her monopoly power. Therefore she has no desire to enter the third stage very quickly. Instead, she would like to slow down this conversion process and prolong her monopoly status. Once she enters the post-conversion stage, she is replaceable. She can only work hard and contribute in an uncritical way. As a result, the most severe incentive problem exists in the conversion stage since the employee has an interest in remaining in this stage will try to slow down this process. It calls for external methods to motivate the employee in that stage. Compensation is a common way to do it. Gibbons and Murphy (1992) argue that career concerns make young people work hard. Therefore less compensation incentives are needed for young people than for those who are close to retirement. The human capital dynamics theory makes a related but different prediction. Similar 12

to G&M, I predict that a new employee in a firm needs less pay-performance sensitivity as an incentive to work hard. It is when they have established themselves as important and critical to the firm that high-powered compensation should be provided so that the conversion stage could be speeded. When an employee’s firm-specific human capital becomes obsolete, there is again little need to incentivize him using compensation. Firm valuation: Hart and Moore (1994) argue that the fact that human capital cannot be committed to staying with the firm is another dimension of risk to the financial investors and decreases the firm’s debt capacity. The theory in this paper offers further insight into the impact of human capital on firm value. It demonstrates that the severity of the noncommitment problem is not always the same. If an employees leaves the firm before her firm-specific human capital is developed, it is less costly to find a substitute. She is replaceable and her departure has little impact on the firm value. The same is true with the post-conversion stage. Only if she leaves during the conversion stage is her departure truly damaging. One testable hypothesis is that the impact of a top executive’s (voluntary) departure on the firm value depends on her tenure, in a non-monotonic way. Job design: Besides compensation, another way to adjust an employee’s incentive in different stages is by job design. To speed the conversion process, the employer can promote the employee so that she will supervise the conversion process. The promotion works in two ways: 1. It gives the employee incentive to speed the conversion by promising him rewards ex ante; 2. It gets other people involved in the process so that the monopoly will be dissolved naturally. Cycles of human-capital dynamics: I argue in the model that there are in general three stages in the developments of human capital within a firm. It should be noted that in different industries, for different types of jobs, the importance and the duration of the three stages will vary widely. A more important point is that it is not true that an employee can only go through the three stages once, even within one firm. It is possible that the cycles of these three stages can be repeated over and over again. For example, a biologist in a pharmaceutical company can be assigned to search for a new drug after she finishes producing one; a consultant can be assigned to another client to solve another problem. In these cases, I can modify my terms so that project-specific human capital is in the question instead of firm-specific human capital. But the same three stages dynamics will be 13

experienced in each cycle (maybe with the post-conversion stage being very short). If for a certain type of job, for a certain person, another cycle of the dynamics can be started quickly and easily, then the employee will not be stuck in one post-conversion stage very long and her disincentive for conversion will be reduced. The higher the chance for an employee to enter another cycle of human capital development and have monopoly power on something else, the less will be the agency problem in the current conversion stage. The implication is that prospects of being assigned to a new project will give an employee incentive to work hard on the current one. It is obvious that with different types of firms, for different types of jobs, the prospects of entering another cycle of human capital dynamics are different. Accordingly, different organizational forms could be utilized to solve the incentive problems. For example, with law and consulting firms, the same person will be assigned to one case after another, thus she experiences many such cycles and almost constantly has a monopoly power on what she is doing. These firms tend to stay private partnerships because outside financial shareholders have no bargaining power over the rents. In other cases, there is only one such cycle in sight and the owner of the human capital will lose her bargaining power post conversion. Then rewards should be committed ex ante to enhance the incentives. That is why venture capitalists promise to exit a portfolio firm at a point and leave control to the entrepreneur and other important human capital owners. I have so far talked about the human capital dynamics and its implications from an individual employees’ point of view. But there is a flip side to the same story from a firm’s point of view. When a firm is first formed, most employees need to develop the firm-specific skills. I can say that the firm is collectively in the integration stage. After most employees complete the first stage, the firm collectively enters the conversion stage. After it launches its product, the firm is in the postconversion stage until another product line or innovation starts. Such dynamics are also meaningful to a mature firm if the firm keeps developing new projects which call for new project-specific skills to be built. The human capital dynamics of a firm have implications on the firm’s capital structure. This paper provides a rationale for why human capital intensive firms tend to use equity as the main financing method instead of debt. I argue that an employee’s bargaining power is the highest when she is during the conversion 14

stage. Therefore, she is willing to receive a low wage during the integration stage and count on bargaining for a high wage during the conversion stage. Suppose there is an interim evaluation after the first stage to decide whether or not to continue the project. Assume the shareholders have the discretion to make the continuation decision. As is well known, debt will cause an underinvestment problem in such a situation. If the firm has a high leverage level and the employees know that the firm will either underinvest in the second stage or use this as a bargaining tool to lower the employees’ future compensation, the employees will have no incentive to invest in the firm-specific human capital and the project is doomed. To assure the employees that the firm will take up as much future growth opportunity as possible, the firm will use equity as the main financing method at the beginning of the first stage. I spell out the problem in the next section and analyze it in section 5.


The Model There are three parties that play in the game: an entrepreneur who controls the access to the

project, an investor who provides financial capital and a tech worker who will supply her human capital. Each party is risk neutral. It is often assumed in entrepreneurial economics literature that the entrepreneur is the same person who provides human capital. It may be true or not. I separate these two roles for several reasons. First of all, in most high-tech firms, the human capital of the group of nonfounder tech workers are equally or more important than the founder(s). The main theory presented in last section applies mainly to this group of human capital suppliers. The entrepreneur or the founder, may differ from the typical human capital supplier described in the theory section in that her firm-specific human capital investment is realized before she seeks financing. That difference has important implications in terms of financing decisions, as I will see later. Secondly, although the entrepreneur’s effort and creativity are very important to firm value, it is reasonable to assume that she does not have incentive problem because of non pecuniary reasons such as egos and reputation concerns. If that is the case, financing decisions will hardly affect her human capital decisions. It is the other tech workers’ human capital inputs that might be influenced by financing decisions. This connection in turn affects firm value. Thirdly, by separating


the role of the entrepreneur and the tech worker, I can disentangle the incentives of a shareholder and a human capital supplier. Although employees are often granted company shares/options, to the extent that their main incomes are still from non-equity sources, their interests are different from large shareholders. I later relax the assumption that the tech worker does not hold shares and my main results hold. I also study the situation in which the entrepreneur’s human capital supply is subject to similar incentive problem as the tech worker. I point out the trade-off of debt financing and equity financing under such situation. But for now, I assume only the tech work supplies human capital and the entrepreneur is always perfectly aligned with existing shareholders’ interests. I model the integration stage and the conversion stage as the first period and the second period, respectively. The project needs capital investment K at the beginning of period 1 and its payoff is realized at the end of period 2 if the project is carried through. Without loss of generality, I assume that the entrepreneur has no wealth of her own and she needs to raise the whole amount of required capital K from the investor. The firm is financed either by private debt or by private equity since it does not have access to public capital market as a startup firm.1 If the project is financed with debt, the investor holds a debt claim with face value D and the entrepreneur is the sole shareholder. The debt is risky in that L < K < D. If the project is financed by equity, the investor is promised (1 − α) share of the firm and the entrepreneur holds α. It is common knowledge at this point of time that the final payoff of the project at the end of the second period, X, depends on both the state of world, θ, and the tech worker’s (henceforth W) investment of firm-specific human capital during the first period, H, and her conversion effort during the second period, δ. In the basic analysis, I do not model the entrepreneur’s human capital inputs based on the assumption that she will always do her best. I relax this assumption in section 6. I assume X = θ + f (δ, H), where f is increasing and concave in H and δ. I also assume that f is supermodular in δ and H, i.e., if δ > δ 0 and H > H 0 , then the following is true: f (δ, H) − f (δ 0 , H) > f (δ, H 0 ) − f (δ 0 , H 0 ) 1

I later discuss the possible usage of more sophisticated securities such as convertible debt.


The costs function associated with making investment H and δ are C(H) and µ(δ). Both are increasing and convex functions. These cost functions not only reflects the foregone leisure and consumption of energy that need to be compensated, they also include the opportunity costs of specializing in case of investing H and the costs of giving up monopoly power in case of exercising δ. For simplicity, I assume that there are three possible states of world: low state, medium state and high state, (denoted as θL , θm , θh ), with probability p, q and (1 − p − q), respectively. The firm-specific human capital investment H is a binary choice, she either makes the investment or not, i.e. H=0 or 1. Finally, the conversion effort, δ, is assumed to be a continuous variable with its domain on the nonnegative real line. The following assumption assures that with some minimum inputs of human capital, the project is profitable. ¯ Assumption 1 p ∗ [θh + f (δ, 0) − µ(δ)] + q[θm + f (δ, 0) − µ(δ)] + (1 − p − q) ∗ L > K for δ ∈ (δ, δ). The entrepreneur makes the capital structure choice (and other business decisions) to maximize her expected payoff on this project. Given that all the financial securities are correctly priced, it is equivalent that the entrepreneur maximizes the firm value. Observing the entrepreneur’s move, the tech worker makes her decision on firm-specific human capital investment. At the end of the first period, the firm receives a signal on the state of nature. The signal is public and perfect. That is, everyone observes θ. However, the signal is not verifiable. Therefore, contracts cannot be written on this information. The entrepreneur will then make a continuation decision on behalf of shareholders’ interests. If the project is not to be continued, it will be liquidated and its liquidation value is L. If E decides to continue the project, she then bargains with the tech worker over the surplus due to human capital, i.e. f (δ, H). Assuming the final payoff X is unobservable and verifiable at the end of the period, the two parties can write enforceable contracts over X and the contract will be fully committed. The tech worker then exerts conversion effort to maximize her payoff. At the end of period two, X is realized. If there is debt, debt is paid off. The shareholders (the entrepreneur and the investor in case of equity financing) and the tech worker then split the rest according to their bargaining results at the beginning of the period. The timing of events are summarized in figure 1.


W chooses H 0 E raises K by debt or equity


W chooses δ 1 1.θ is observed 2.continuation decision is made 3.E and W bargain over f (δ, H)

t 2 X is realized and split among the three parties

The Analysis


The First Best

The first best is achieved if the business decision maker (in my model, E), the financial capital supplier and human capital supplier are all perfectly aligned, or if contracting is complete. I assume a social planner makes decision for all three parties in such a case. I work out the first best solution backwards. If it is decided that the project is to be continued, the planner then decides on how much conversion effort to exercise to maximize X net of costs: max θ + f (δ, H) − µ(δ) δ


Therefore, the optimal solution is: δ 0 = δ 0 (H) such that fδ (δ 0 , H) = V (δ 0 ). Let δ00 = δ 0 (0) and δ10 = δ 0 (1). Since fδH > 0, I know δ00 < δ10 . Let ∆nf 0 = [f (δ10 , 1) − µ(δ10 )] − [f (δ00 , 0) − µ(δ00 )]. It is easy to see that ∆nf 0 > 0. To concentrate on the most interesting situation, I make the following additional assumption: Assumption 2 θL + f (δ10 , 1) − µ(δ10 ) < L θm + f (δ00 , 0) − µ(δ00 ) > L θh > L Assumption 3 (p + q)∆nf 0 > C(1) According to assumption 2, the planner should continue the project if and only if θ >= θm . 18

With assumption 3, it is optimal for him to invest in the firm-specific human capital, i.e. H = 1. In short, the first best decision rules are as follows: H = 1; to continue the project if and only if θ >= θm ; δ = δ10 . Under these decision rules, the firm value is: V0 = p[θh + f (δ10 , 1) − µ(δ10 )] + q[θm + f (δ10 , 1)] − µ(δ10 )] + (1 − p − q)L − C(1) − K Before closing this section, it is worth having a brief discussion on some implications of as¯ Secondly, since the net value of δ, sumptions 1. First of all, it is obvious that δ00 , δ10 ∈ (δ, δ). 0 ] F (δ, H) = f (δ, H) − µ(δ) is globally concave in δ, F (δ, H) is monotonically increasing on [0, δH 0 , ∞]. Therefore no rational agent will take on more conversion and monotonically decreasing on [δH 0 given H. Lastly, I know that if H = 0, the project has positive NPV only if δ > δ. effort than δH

Similarly, I denote the lower bound of δ when H = 1 as δ 1 . That is, given H = 1, the project has a positive NPV if and only if δ > δ 1 . Let δ 0 = δ, the feasible ranges of δ is (δ i , δi0 ], where i = 0, 1. δ 1 < δ 0 if and only if (p + q)[f (δ 0 , 1) − f (δ 0 , 0)] > C(1).


Debt problem - Myers’ Underinvestment Problem and Underinvestment in Human Capital

In this section I show that the classic Myers’ underinvestment problem due to debt financing will lead to underinvestment problem in firm-specific human capital. In industries where human capital contribution is significant in terms of importance, the second underinvestment problem will lead to a preference for equity financing. To highlight my main idea, I first abstract from all complications and present the most stripped down model. In the basic case, I normalize the tech worker’s fixed salary to be zero and assume she is not granted any equity-like reward. Therefore the tech worker’s income comes only from her bargained share of rents during the second period. I also assume that final payoff X is observable and verifiable. For this reason, contracts written on X is enforceable and each party is thus fully committed. Of course, the most important assumption is that the entrepreneur has no incentive problem. As the founder, the entrepreneur receives the glory if the firm succeeds and she bears the embarrassment if it is a failure because this is “her project”. Not only that, the firm’s success could


also be her important source of self-esteem. Therefore, unlike employees and capital supplier, she has more in stake with the firm than money. The entrepreneur is attached to the firm emotionally and reputatationwise. Therefore it is very reasonable to make the assumption that she has no incentive problem in terms of her human capital input. I solve for the problem backwards. At the beginning of the second period, after θ is observed and the entrepreneur decides the project to be continued, the entrepreneur, on behalf of all shareholders, then bargain with the tech worker over the surplus due to human capital, f (δ, H). Suppose the shareholder’s bargaining power is φ under both financing methods. They write contracts on X so that the tech worker will have (1 − φ)f (δ, H). Under both financing methods, the tech worker’s problem is as follows: max (1 − φ)f (δ, H) − µ(δ) δ

The optimal solution for δ is such that (1 − φ)fδ (δ ∗ , H) = µ0 (δ). It is obvious that δ ∗ (H) < δ 0 (H). Using similar rule of notation, δ0∗ < δ00 and δ1∗ < δ10 . In other words, as long as φ > 0, there is distortion in the conversion incentive. This distortion is, however, the same under both financing methods. I assume that the distorted conversion effort is still within the feasible range of δ that makes the project profitable. It is the continuation decision that differs under the two financing methods. That difference in turn leads to difference in decision of investment on H. I will examine these issues under equity financing and debt financing, respectively, equipped with the following simplifying assumption: Assumption 4 θm + φ(f (δ0∗ , 0) − µ(δ0∗ )) > L θm + φ(f (δ1∗ , 1) − µ(δ1∗ )) < D θh + φ(f (δ0∗ , 0) − µ(δ0∗ )) > D


Assumption 5 (p + q)∆nf ∗ > C(1) p∆nf ∗ < C(1) where ∆nf ∗ = [(1 − φ)f (δ1∗ , 1) − µ(δ1∗ )] − [(1 − φ)f (δ0∗ , 0) − µ(δ0∗ )]. • Equity Financing: On date 1, the end of the first period, the state of nature, θ, is observed. The entrepreneur, acting on all the shareholders’ interests, will continue the project if and if only θ + φf (δ, H) > L. Hence she will continue if and only if θ >= θm . According to assumption 5, the tech worker will make the specialization investment, i.e. H = 1. Therefore, the firm value under equity financing is: Ve = p[θh + f (δ1∗ , 1) − µ(δ1∗ )] + q[θm + f (δ1∗ , 1)] − µ(δ1∗ )] + (1 − p − q)L − C(1) − K The agency costs due to the distortion in conversion effort is: V0 − Ve = (p + q)[(f (δ10 , 1) − µ(δ10 )) − (f (δ1∗ , 1) − µ(δ1∗ ))] Notice there is no distortion in the continuation decision or in the H investment. • Debt financing: On date 1, the entrepreneur, acting on the shareholders’ interests, will continue the project if and only if θ + φf (δ, H) > D. Based on assumption 4, the entrepreneur will continue if and only if θ = θh . That is, the cutoff of θ for continuation is larger that the cutoff under equity financing. That is the well-known Myers’ underinvestment problem. The novice of this paper is, however, to point out that the classic underinvestment problem due to debt leads to underinvestment in firm-specific human capital. For the tech worker to invest in H, her expected returns on H must be greater than the cost of this investment cost. Assumption


52 says that she will invest in H if and only if there is no distortion in the continuation rule. Since there is underinvestment on the part of the shareholders under debt financing, the chance that the tech worker can bargain for himself part of the rents diminishes. It is no more worthwhile for him to specialize. Hence, H = 0. The firm value under debt financing is: Vd = p[θh + f (δ0∗ , 1) − µ(δ0∗ )] + (1 − p)L − K The agency costs is: V0 − Vd = (V0 − Ve ) + (Ve − Vd ) =

(V0 − Ve ) + [(p + q)∆nf ∗ − C(1)] + q[θm + f (δ0∗ , 0) − µ(δ0∗ ) − L] |



δ distortion



underinvest in H




Myers’ underinvestment


The above equation is the first main result of this paper. Although neither equity financing nor debt financing can achieve the first best solution because the human capital supplier cannot reap all the rents of their inputs, equity financing dominate debt financing in terms of incentivizing the tech worker. That provides an alternative explanation to the phenomenon that high-tech firms prefer equity financing to debt financing. It is unnecessarily inconsistent with the conventional explanation that high-tech firms prefer equity because they do not have adequate tangible assets which might lead to big bankruptcy costs. The rest of this section relaxes some of the assumptions in the basic model and verifies that the main idea carries through in more complicated situations.


Ownership concentration and bargaining power

In the basic model, I assume that the entrepreneur’s bargaining power is the same under both financing methods. The bargaining power φ is exogenously specified and costless. However, either assumptions may not be true. I now assume that the entrepreneur needs to gain the bargaining power at a cost. Her bargaining power is an increasing and concave function of the costs she spends. 2

I check the robustness of my main result by varying assumption 5 in the appendix. I show it holds in general that underinvestment in shareholder’s part leads to underinvestment in human capital investment.


Or, equivalently, her costs of bargaining is an increasing and convex function of the bargaining power she desires. I denote this cost function as m(φ). I also assume that this cost is unobservable and unverifiable therefore has to be borne by the bargainer (the entrepreneur) alone, but not all the beneficiaries. The entrepreneur will spend some costs so that she can share the human capital value, but she will not do so to an extreme for two reasons: 1. she has to bear higher costs for higher bargaining power; 2. bargaining too aggressively hurts the tech worker’s incentive. Since she has to share the benefits with other shareholders, if any, but bear the costs alone, her incentive to bargain increases with her ownership. I will see this intuition in the following derivation. I assume the entrepreneur has α share of the firm on date 1. Again, the tech worker’s problem is: max (1 − φ)f (δ, H) − µ(δ) δ

The first order condition: (1 − φ)fδ (δ, H) − µ0 (δ) = 0


The entrepreneur’s problem: max α(θ + φf (δ, H)) − m(φ) φ

subject to equation 5.1. Equation 5.1 implies that the tech worker will exert more conversion effort if the entrepreneur bargains less aggressively. The entrepreneur takes that into account in maximizing her own payoff. The following proposition is proved in appendix. Proposition 1 (ownership concentration and bargaining power) A shareholder will bargain more aggressively the more share of the firm she owns. The tech worker will exert more conversion effort the less concentrated the ownership is. What this result tells us is that the more concentrated the ownership is, the more aggressive the shareholder will bargain against the tech worker, therefore the more distorted the conversion effort


is. It is clear in my model that debt financing leads to more concentrated equity ownership. In this case the entrepreneur holds 100% of the firm under debt financing while she holds α < 0 share of the firm under equity financing.3 On top of the underinvestment problem, the highly concentrated ownership leads to extra distortion in conversion efforts. This distortion will potentially lead to more underinvestment problem because continuation value is decreased. Therefore to the extent that debt financing leads to more concentrated ownership, further distortion in conversion efforts aggravates the problem associated with debt financing, making it even less desirable. Another matter of possible concern is that for some reason, the contract between the entrepreneur and the tech worker cannot be committed. For example, one reason could be X is not verifiable. Once the conversion effort is exerted, the shareholder maximizes her payoff without taking into account the effect of her action on the tech worker’s incentive. They will bargain more aggressively than in the full commitment case. With no misunderstanding of the situation, the tech worker will take this non commitment problem into account in her maximization problem. The shareholder’s ex post aggressive bargaining stand hurts her incentive. She will work less hard. She will gain less in the end, so are the shareholders. It is in the shareholder’s interests to be able to commit to the optimal bargaining power under the full commitment case, denoted as φc (in contrast, φu for the bargaining power they will obtain under the non commitment case). Since φu increases with their shareholding on date 2, one way to commit to less φu (ideally φc ) on date 2 is to reduce their shareholdings on date 1. An IPO might be called for. This result is similar in spirit with Myers. Myers argues that private owners are tougher bargainers than more dispersed shareholders. High-tech firms go to IPO in early stage of their production development as a commitment device to human capital suppliers that they will not face tough bargaining opponents ex post and they are guaranteed adequate share of rents. Both papers highlight the importance of human capital inputs and how finance decisions should be taken to maximize the human capital productivity. my paper, however, exogenizes the bargaining power and demonstrate explicitly the relationship between ownership concentration and bargaining power. 3 Very often the capital supplier, say a VC, holds more shares than the entrepreneur. The VC might have a higher incentive to bargain with the tech worker. But as long as she does not hold the whole firm and she has to bear the costs alone, she bargains less aggressively than a 100% shareholder.



Human capital supplier as a shareholder

It is common practice in corporate world, especially in high-tech firms, to grant firm stocks and options to important employees. These equity-related rewards tie employees’ payoff with the firm’s performance, therefore align their interests with the interests of the shareholders. In section 5.2, I argue that debt financing not only leads to underinvestment in shareholder’s part, but also to underinvestment in human capital. The latter is not in the interests of the shareholder. It is then naturally to ask if the underinvestment problem in human capital will go away if the tech worker’s incentive is better aligned with the shareholder by granting them equity during period 1. The answer is no. The analysis in the basic model carries through even if the tech worker holds a share of the firm. In fact, even if the tech worker holds 100% of the firm, it does not improve her incentive to invest in H as long as the classic underinvestment exists, which does in general under debt financing. To see this, I only need to point out that if the project is continued, the payoff to the tech worker is the same under both financing methods. Suppose the share of firm that is granted to the tech worker is β. The tech worker’s payoff if the project is continued to the second period is, β(θ + φf (δ, H)) + (1 − φ)f (δ, H) − µ(δ). If so, she will exert the same amount of conversion efforts under both financing methods. Given this conclusion, the rest of the analysis in section 5.2 goes through. In short, granting shares to the tech worker align her interests with that of the shareholders better in the second period, but only to the same degree under both financing methods. If that is the case, aligning the interests of the tech worker and the shareholders do not help align the interests of the shareholders and the debtholders. Therefore, the entrepreneur still has underinvestment problem under debt financing, which leads to the underinvestment in H.


The entrepreneur’s human capital

I have agreed that the entrepreneur’s human capital is very important to the firm value. In this section, I relax the assumption that the entrepreneur’s human capital is not subject to incentive problem similar to the tech worker’s. Thus I cannot take for granted the input of the entrepreneur’s 25

human capital and need to analyze the effects on it of financing decisions. The entrepreneur’s incentive differs from that of the tech worker in at least two ways. First, I assume that the entrepreneur specializes in the project before she seeks financing. As the founder of the firm, she specializes in the process of coming up with the business or product idea. She is the only one who has specialized when the firm comes to existence. Therefore, her H investment always equal to 1. It is only her conversion effort that may be subject to incentive problem. Second, she is an important shareholder. Under debt financing, she is the sole shareholder; under equity financing, she holds α of the firm. I will see that it is the first difference that makes all the difference in terms of optimal capital structure. The second difference, as hinted by the section 5.4, does not change the results. To include the extra factor of E’s human capital, I modify the model in the following way. Denote the entrepreneur’s conversion effort as e. The cost of e is ν(e), which is an increasing and convex function. E’s conversion effort increases the final payoff by g(e), i.e. X = θ + f (δ, H) + g(e), where g(e) is an increasing and concave function. Since the entrepreneur’s investment in H is always 1, I concentrate my analysis on the second period. I again assume away the complications that will not change the results. That is, I take the bargaining game between the shareholder and the tech worker and the bargaining game between the entrepreneur and the VC as given. Under debt financing, E is the sole shareholder. Let φ1 = φ, her maximizing problem is: max θ + φ1 f (δ, H) + g(e) − ν(e) − D e

The first order condition: g 0 (e) = ν 0 (e) Under equity financing, the entrepreneur needs to share her human capital value with the other shareholder, i.e. the VC. Assume VC’s bargaining power is φ2 against the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur’s maximization problem is, max α(θ + φ1 f (δ, H) + φ2 g(e)) + (1 − φ2 )g(e) − ν(e) e


The first order of condition is: (1 − αφ2 )g 0 (e) = ν 0 (e) It is easy to verify that the entrepreneur will exert more efforts under debt financing than under equity financing, as long as φ2 > 0. Under debt financing, all the marginal benefits of e accrues to himself. Under equity financing, she has to share those marginal benefits with the other shareholder. Therefore, debt financing is better to induce more human capital input from the entrepreneur. It is now clear that debt financing and equity financing differ in their roles to incentivize the entrepreneur and other nonfounder tech workers. Whether or not it is optimal to use debt or equity financing depends on the following factors: 1. How important is the pecuniary incentives to the entrepreneur. 2. The relative importance of g(e) and f (δ, H). 3. The costs function of C(1). If the costs of specialization is high, it is important to make sure that there is enough incentives for the tech worker to do so. Therefore, equity financing is given more preference. Other than individual or firm-specific factors, there are also industry or economy-wise factors that might affect this cost function. Recall that the cost function not only represents the time and energy needed to learn the firm-specific knowledge, but also includes the opportunity costs related to specialization. I would imagine that such opportunity costs are particularly high when the whole economy or the industry is good and there is a lot of alternative employment opportunities. Hence, according to my analysis, I will see more equity financing in good times. Lastly, I would comment on the use of convertible securities. It is shown in Kaplan and Stromberg that convertible preferred stocks are the prevalent securities used in VC financing. It is widely accepted as “the fact” in VC literature and a lot of papers attempt to justify that. Convertible debt or convertible preferred stocks, however, do not solve problems poised in this paper. To solve the underinvestment problem, I hope the entrepreneur is aligned with the investor when the state of nature is not so good; to give incentive to the entrepreneur, debt is preferred in the second period. What convertible debt does is the opposite. The holders of convertible debt will 27

not convert when times are not good, therefore underinvestment persists; and they will convert to share the rents in high states, therefore hurts the conversion efforts in the second period. To reconcile my results with the rest of the literature, there are three possibilities: 1. Although convertible securities can not solve the problem in my paper, they are useful for other purposes, as argued in papers mentioned before. 2. I need more data on the capital structure of high-tech startup firms. After all, Kaplan and Stromberg is the only paper provides evidence on this issue, which relies on a relatively small sample. A lot of people still believe that straight equity is the most common securities used in high-tech young firms. 3. Although convertibles are popular, the high-tech firms just should not use them.


Empirical Test

In this section, I test my main prediction that human-capital intensive firms tend to have low leverage. If this is true, I should observe significant and negative cross-sectional relationship between leverage and variables that indicate human-capital intensity, after controlling for other factors that might affect capital structure choices.


Proxies for human-capital intensity

The main regression in this section is Lev = α + β1 HC + β2 X


where Lev is the firm’s leverage ratio, HC is a proxy for human capital intensity and X is a vector of control variables. My theory predicts that β1 be significantly negative. I classify a firm’s production inputs into three categories: capital, low-skill labor and high-skill human capital. I denote the costs on the three types of inputs as Ck , Cl and Ch , respectively. The measure for human-capital intensity would be equal to 4

Ch 4 Ch +Cl +Ck .

Unfortunately, I cannot separate

Conceptually, human-capital intensity could also be measured from the production side. Ideally, if I can measure the product units that could be accrued to the three inputs, then I can measure the relative human-capital productivity. However, it is impossible to tear apart the product according to its input resources. High productivity, say, a high per capita production amount, could be equally possibly due to human creativity or to advanced machines.


the cost of human capital and cost of low-skill labor with the data available. What Compustat provides is the total labor costs, which is the sum of Ch and Cl . Even if Compustat provided labor costs for different jobs, the decision as to where to draw the dividing line between these two types would be subjective, given the descriptive nature of the definition of human capital. It is widely agreed, however, that human capital, the high-skill labor, are more productive than low-skill labor and therefore will be compensated at a higher level. A firm’s per capita labor costs (denoted as A hereafter) should carry information about the relative importance between human capital and low-skill labor. I make the additional assumption that the ratio of Ch relative to the total labor costs is proportional to the firm’s per capita labor costs, then the human-capital intensity h +Cl ) measure would be A C(C . I extend this expression to a Cobb-Douglas function as follows: h +Cl +Ck h +Cl ) Aα ( C(C )(1−α) . It is hard to tell what “the” correct α value should be. Therefore I will vary h +Cl +Ck

α to check the robustness of the results. I measure the human-capital intensity with a Cobb-Douglas function of two factors: one is the per capita labor costs and the other is the ratio of labor costs to total costs (or the ratio of labor costs to capital costs, since there is a one-to-one mapping). Besides salaries and wages, the labor costs in Compustat also includes incentive compensation, pension costs and other benefits plan, payroll taxes and profit sharing. With different relative labor costs measures, I obtain three humanlabor costs (1−α) , capital proxies. They are: proxy 1 (denoted as px1): (per capita costs)α ( capital expenditure ) costs (1−α) , proxy 3 (denoted as px3): proxy 2 (denoted as px2): (per capita costs)α ( costslabor of goods sold ) labor costs (per capita costs)α ( )(1−α) . net PPE(Property, Plant and Equipments)


Data description and regression specifications

I obtain accounting data between year 1962 and year 2000 from the annual Industrial Compustat database. As standard practice, I exclude commercial banks (Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes from 6000 to 6100) and utilities (SIC codes 4900 through 4999) because these are regulated industries. A firm-year observation is included if it contains enough nonmissing variables to run at least one regression as specified below. For example, I have four measures of leverage and three measures of human-capital proxies. For an observation to be included, it has to have at least one measure of leverage and one proxy of human-capital intensity not missing, besides having 29

all other control variables available. The sample thus contains 5290 observations. (The number used in each regression varies a little bit under different measures of leverage and human-capital intensity proxies.) I also perform the same analysis including the regulated firms and the results (not reported) remain qualitatively the same. The sample size is significantly reduced due to the lack of data on labor costs, which is needed to construct proxies of human-capital intensity.5 This item is voluntarily disclosed. According to Ballester, Livnat and Sinha (2001), only 10% of firms in Compustat consistently identify labor costs, another 30% report these costs in some but not all years. Larger firms, firms in less concentrated industries and firms in labor-intensive industries tend to disclose labor costs more often. Compustat contains only publicly-traded firms and does not have data on private firms or startup firms. That biases my sample toward large firms and relatively mature firms. The data requirement of labor costs further tilts the sample in that direction, for the reason described above. Two questions might arise: one, does my theory apply to large and mature firms? Two, can the results of the test on large firms be applied to other firms? It may be argued that my theory is less applicable to large firms because there are people in different stages of their human capital development in a large firm and the effects tend to be canceled off. However, capital structure is the cumulative outcome of past financing decisions. Each time a firm starts a new project that needs to be financed, its employees may need to build specific human capital to that project. Therefore the incentive problem as described before presents itself in the financing decision. Thus, human-capital intensity is a determinant for financing method in each financing round. It must also drive (to the same direction as it does on each financing round) the accumulation of the financing decisions, the capital structure. Because the sample is biased toward large and public firms, there is a chance that the results of this test might not apply to small and private firms. But to the extent that the argument is true that there is less noise in applying my theory to small startup firms since most employees are probably in the same stage of human capital development cycle, supporting evidence obtained from tests using large firms suggests stronger results. 5 There are 49645 observations that contain nonmissing variables other than human-capital proxies. After imposing the requirement that at least one human-capital intensity proxy is available, there are only 5290 firm-years left.


Table 1 lists the dependent and explanatory variables in my capital structure regressions. Four measures of leverage are used in this study. They are long-term debt and total debt divided by book value of assets and market value of assets. The market value of assets is defined as book value of assets minus book value of common equity plus market value of common equity. The proxies of human-capital intensity are the focus of interest of the analysis. However, as is well known, there are other factors that affect capital structure. Harris and Raviv (1991) present a nice survey on both theoretical and empirical studies on determinants of capital structure. Here I follow Berger, Ofek and Yermack (1997) to include the following fairly comprehensive list of variables that the literature expects to affect capital structure. Results from varying control variables are discussed in the subsection of robustness check. Two measures are used to control for firm growth opportunities, Tobin’s Q and R&D expenses. Tobin’s Q is measured as the book value of assets minus book value of common equity plus market value of common equity, divided by book value of assets. R&D expenses are standardized by sales. As well as selling, general and administrative expenses (SGA) standardized by sales, it is also a measure of uniqueness of firm assets. I control for firm profitability by using earnings before interest, depreciation and tax (EBITDA) over assets value. I control for nondebt tax shield by using investment tax credit over assets. The collateral value of assets is measured by the ratio of net property, plant and equipment plus total inventories over assets. Finally, I measure firm size by using the logarithm of assets. Table 2 displays the correlations between all the explanatory variables in the sample. The three proxies for human-capital intensity have low correlation with other explanatory variables.


Univariate Tests

Before I present the multiple regressions, in this section I present the univariate comparisons of firm’s leverage by quartiles of human-captial intensity proxies. I am interested to know if humancapital intensive firms, such as the firms in the fourth quartile, differ in leverage level from those firms that are not human-capital intensive, such as the firms in the first quartile. I test the hypothesis that leverage levels differ between firms in the fourth quartile and firms in the first quartile with a t-test. 31

Table 3 displays the mean (and median values in the parentheses) leverage ratios in each quartile of human-capital intensity proxies. In the last column, the difference of the mean value between the fourth quartile and first quartile is calculated and the t-statistic is shown in the parenthesis beneath. Since results are very similar for different values of alpha, I only present results with α = 0.5. There are three panels in the table. Each panel’s quartiles are based on one human-capital intensity measure. Under each human-capital intensity measure, all four measures of leverage are compared between the fourth and the first quartiles. It turns out that the average leverage does not always decrease monotonically across quartiles, so that comparing leverage between the first quartile and the fourth quartile may not be sufficient to describe the relationship between the leverage and human-capital intensity. Leverage for firms in the first quartile of human-capital intensity differ significantly from that of firms in the fourth quartile. For all but one combinations of leverage measures and human-capital intensity proxies, the fourth quartile’s leverage is significantly lower than that in the first quartile. The average magnitude of difference is 3.5%, 4.6% and 7.9%, under each human-capital proxy respectively. For comparison, I also run similar univariate tests based on quartiles of other capital structure determinants. As documented in other empirical papers and shown in later part of this empirical test, collateral value of assets, firm profitability, R&D expenses and firm size have the strongest explanatory power for leverage of all the control variables. On average (across different measures of leverage), the mean leverage ratio in the fourth quartile of collateral value is higher than that in the first quartile by 7.6%. The mean leverage ratio in the fourth quartile of profitability is 14% lower than that in the first quartile. The mean leverage ratio in the fourth quartile of R&D expenses is 7.2% lower than that in the first quartile. The mean leverage ratio in the fourth quartile of firm size is 1% higher than that in the first quartile.


Alternative Regression Models

I consider several regression methods to estimate model 7.1. They are Fama-MacBeth approach, pooled OLS regression, between-firm regression and within-firm regression. The first regression model uses the method presented in Fama-MacBeth (1973). With this approach, the cross-sectional regression in equation 7.1 is run for each year and the significance of 32

the averaged coefficients is tested. the Fama-MacBeth regression eliminates the problem of serial correlation of the error terms in a time-series cross-sectional regression. It effectively treats each year as an independent cross-sectional regression. Pooled OLS assumes independence across error terms and produce consistent estimates. The GLS regression could be run if we take into account panel-heteroskedasticity and/or serial correlation. The between-firm regression estimates the cross-sectional regression using the mean values of the regression variables across sample years for each firm. The last alternative regression model is the within-firm regression which adds firm dummies to the pooled regression. The coefficients estimated from the within-firm regression are equivalent as the coefficients from regressions using de-firm-meaned variables. Therefore this regression method also tests the relationship between cross-year variations of dependent variable and those of regressors. Both the Fama-MacBeth model and between-firm regression emphasize the cross-sectional relationship, the former averages the results from the cross-sectional regression for each year and the latter runs the collapsed cross-sectional regression. On the other hand, the within-firm regression tests a regressor’s explanatory power both cross-sectionally and across-years within the same firm, hence the name of the method. My theory predicts a cross-sectional relationship, that is, human-capital intensive firms tend to have high leverage. It has less time-series predicting power. For one thing, firms might have temporary workforce reduction for cost-saving purposes. This will lead to changes in the value of my human-capital intensity proxies, but it does not necessarily change a human-capital intensive firm to a non human-capital intensive firm, or vise versa. Therefore its financial structure does not necessarily change either. There might be also environmental changes over years such as changes in tax codes that will affect the capital structure choices independently of the factors I control in the regression. Although I also find supporting evidence using the within-firm regression, I prefer to focus on results from a cross-sectional method. I have the additional option of studying and comparing each year’s results by using the Fama-MacBeth method, as opposed to using the between-firm regression. Therefore the Fama-MacBeth estimates will be presented as my main 33

results. Regression results from other methods will be discussed as well.


Regression Results

In this section I first analyze the results from the Fama-MacBeth regressions then display the results from alternative regression methods. Under the Fama-MacBeth approach, the same cross-sectional regression is run for each year. I only include a regression if it has at least 30 observations. This requirement excludes year 1962, 1963 and 1964 from the sample.


and leaves me with 36 years of

data (year 1965 to 2000). Each regression includes industry dummies, with an industry defined by its first two-digit SIC code. Each regression also adjusts for heteroskedasticity with White’s (1980) correction. The first three years of observations are added back in the alternative regressions. Figures 2 and 3 display the histograms of coefficients and t-statistics of human-capital proxies from yearly cross-sectional regressions. To show the distribution of these yearly regression results, I put together the results of 1296 regressions (36 years * 4 measures of leverage * 3 measures of human-capital proxies * 3 values of α). The coefficients are not all comparable across regressions. However, the distribution of their signs can convey some information on whether or not my theory is valid. The t-statistics are comparable. As can be seen from both figures, the regression coefficients are overwhelmingly negative. In fact, 82% of the regressions have negative coefficients. Thirtyseven percent of the coefficients are negative and significant at the 10% level. Among the positive coefficients, only 4 out of 1296 are significant at the 10% level. Moreover, I also run a regression of the t-statistic of each regression on the observation number of that regression. There is a strong negative relationship between the two. It indicates that more reliable regressions with more observations will likely display the negative relationship between leverage and human-capital intensity. Table 4 through Table 7 present the average coefficients of each set of 36 regressions (with fixed measure of leverage, human-capital intensity proxy and α) and their t-statistics. T-statistics are calculated based on the standard deviation of the 36 estimates. Each table has the same explanatory variables but a different measure of the dependent variable, 6

Each of these years contain about 26, 19 and 22 observations, respectively. Again, the number for regressions with different leverage measures or human-capital proxies may vary by 1 or 2.


i.e., a different measure of the leverage. Table 4 displays results with the dependent variable as the book value of long-term leverage; Table 5 with the market value of long-term leverage; Table 6 with the book value of total leverage and Table 7 with the market value of total leverage. Each table contains three parts with different values of alpha, which is the power of per capital h +Cl ) )(1−α) . labor costs in the Cobb-Douglas function of human-capital proxy measures, i.e., Aα ( C(C h +Cl +Ck

Recall that in measuring human-capital intensity, I try to balance two considerations: one is the importance of labor against capital, the second is the proportion between human capital to lowskill labor. The higher the value of α, the more confident I am that high values of proxies are associated with firms abundant with human capital instead of low-skill labor. Column (1) - (3) display regression results with human-capital proxies measured with α = 0.25, columns (4)-(6) with α = 0.5 and the last three columns with α = 0.75. Under each of these three parts, each column stands for regression results run with one human-capital proxy. The four tables display quite consistent results. In particular, the following results are true under all measures of leverage. High collateral value leads to high leverage. This is consistent with the conventional wisdom that high collateral value implies lower bankruptcy costs and therefore supports more debt. High level of R&D expenses are associated with low leverage. This is consistent with two alternative theories, one is that R&D is a proxy for growth opportunity and firms with high growth opportunity tend to have low leverage; the other suggests that R&D is a measurement of the uniqueness of firm assets and firms with more specific assets tend to have low leverage (Titman and Wessels, 1988). Highly profitable firms tend to have low leverage, which is consistent with the results in Fama and French (2000). This result supports the pecking order theory which predicts that firms will use internal funds first before seeking outside funds. It is inconsistent with the static trading-off theory which states profitable firms needs more tax shield from debt. Firm size also has strong prediction power for leverage. Large firms tend to have more debt. This could be due to the fact that large firms are more diversified and the expected bankruptcy costs are lower. The coefficients of the above explanatory variables are all highly significant. The remaining three regressors other than human-capital proxies yield mixed results. Theories predict that firms with high growth opportunity tend to have low leverage. As the most commonly used proxy for growth opportunity, Tobin’s q is predicted to be negatively related with leverage. 35

Empirical papers such as Titman and Wessels (1988) find that it is negatively related to market value based leverage measures, but positively related with book value leverage measures. My results from the OLS regression, the between-firm regression and within-firm regression confirm their findings. With the Fama-MacBeth regression, I find that Tobin’s q is significantly negatively associated with market value leverage measures, but it is also negatively associated with book value leverage measures, although the coefficients are all insignificant. A big advantage of using debt is its tax shield value. If a firm has lots of non debt tax shield value, then the incentives to using debt is reduced. Therefore it is predicted that high non tax shield leads to low debt. The results found here are inconsistent with this prediction. With three measures of leverage, that is the book value of total leverage, the market value of long-run and total leverage, the coefficients of non debt tax shield are all insignificant and most of them are positive. Its coefficients under the book value of long-run leverage are significant but all of them are positive. My interpretation of this is that non debt tax shield simply does not have much explanatory power over leverage, given the other regressors. SGA expenses is another measure for firm uniqueness and Titman and Wessels (1988) predicts that it should be negatively associated with leverage. I find mixed results for this regressor. With market value leverage its coefficients are mostly insignificant and have mixed signs. With book value of long-term leverage its coefficients are positive and mostly insignificant. With book value of total leverage most of its coefficients are significantly positively. Thus, the relationship between leverage and SGA is not robust. As a matter of fact, SGA expenses includes R&D expenses and the two have a high correlation. I later drop SGA from my regressions and confirm that does not change my main results. The focus of the testing, of course, is the relationship between leverage and human capital intensity and how robust the relationship is. The results on Table 4 to Table 7 show that there is a negative relationship between leverage and human-capital intensity and this negative relationship is very robust under different measures of leverage and proxies of human capital intensity. Out of the 36 sets of regressions I run, all average coefficients of human capital intensity proxies are negative and all but one are significant at the 10% level. Most of them are highly significant.


7 It is suggested that when R&D expenses are not reported, they are usually close to zero. I then run the same regressions after setting R&D expenses to zero if they are not reported and obtain similar results.


In testing the significance of the averaged coefficients, the Fama-MacBeth method treat coefficients from each year’s cross-sectional regression with equal weights. It does not take into account of the strength or reliability of each regression. I address this problem by presenting a modified test. In the Fama-MacBeth method, a t-statistic is constructed to be an averaged coefficient divided by its standard deviation, which is the standard deviation of the coefficients divided by t =

¯ X √ σX / (n)


(n), i.e.,

¯ is the averaged , where X is the coefficient of a regressor from each regression, X

coefficient, σX is its standard deviation and n is the number of regressions and equal to 36 here. Under the modified Fama-MacBeth approach, I test the significance of the averaged standardized (by standard errors of estimation) coefficients . Assuming normality and independence across regressions, the averaged standardized coefficients is normally distributed with a mean of zero and p

a standard deviation of 1/ (n), if the null hypothesis is true that there is no relationship between the dependent variable and a regressor. Hence, the modified t-statistic is t =

(n)( σXX ) , where σX


is the standard error of X in each regression estimation. Under this modified approach, an insignificant but large coefficient estimate will receive little weight in constructing the t-statistic, while it will receive equal weight as other significant estimates in the original Fama-MacBeth approach. Table 8 displays the t-statistics for human-capital intensity proxies under various regression specifications. In general, the results are even stronger than those under the original Fama-MacBeth approach. I have shown that the coefficients of the human-capital are statistically significant. But how much variation of leverage they help to explain and what is their economic significance? The univariate analysis in section 7.3 gives some idea to answer this question. Moving from the first quartile of human-capital proxy to the fourth quartile, the average (across leverage measures) mean leverage ratio drops by 3.5%, 4.6% and 7.9%, under each human-capital proxy respectively. These numbers are comparable to the changes due to collateral value of assets, firm profitability, R&D expenses and firm size. To answer the question more directly, I calculate the ratio of regression of coefficients times standard deviation of a regressor to the standard deviation of a leverage measure, as a direct measure of variation explained by that regressor. These ratios do not add up to 1 across regressors because they are ratios of standard deviation instead of variance. Table 9 compare this ratio across 37

important regressors under book (and market) value of long-term leverage and assuming α = 0.5. The variation of the book value of long-term leverage explained by the three human-capital intensity proxies is 11%, 12% and 17%, respectively. The variation of market value of long-term leverage explained by the three human-capital intensity proxies is 10%, 18% and 29%, respectively. They are very close to the explanatory ability of collateral value of assets and R&D expenses, and always higher than that of firm size. The variation explained by firm profitability seems to be the highest. But under the market capital structure, the extraordinary high variation explained by profitability is to a large extent due to the positive correlation between profitability and the market value of equity. In terms of economic significance, human-capital intensity is also important. At the median levels of per capita labor costs, which is $16320, and the median value of the three human-capital intensity proxies, increase of per capital labor costs by $10000 increases the book value of long-term leverage by 1.8%, 0.5% and 0.8%, respectively under each proxy. Finally, I run the other three types of regressions discussed in section 7.4 and find supporting results. Results are similar for different values of α. They are also similar with the two measures of book (market) value leverage. Hence I only present the results for the book (market) value of long-term leverage ratio and for α = 0.5 in Table 10(Table 11). The first three columns of Table 10 and Table 11 contain results from pooled time series and cross sectional regressions with dummies for year and industry. The next three columns show results from between-firm regressions, with dummies for industry. The results from within-regression are displayed in the last three columns. All t-statistics in the parentheses are corrected for heteroskedasticity. I also try to adjust autocorrelation for the pooled OLS regressions and the within-regressions. I run these two types of regressions assuming an AR(1) error structure and find strong results (not reported here). I find supporting evidence in the alternative regressions as well. All the coefficients of humancapital intensity proxies are negative. With the book value of long-term leverage, only one estimate is insignificant at the 10% level and most of them are significant at 5% level. With the market value of long-term leverage, there are 3 coefficients of human-capital proxies are insignificant at the 10% level, one of which is on the borderline with a t-statistic of 1.63. Recall that I have applied 38

the two-sided test. It is a more strict test than the one-sided test, which is also legitimate under my theoretical prediction. Other than the consistent results for human-capital proxies, the three alternative methods also produce consistent results for explanatory variables such as collateral value and profitability, whose coefficients are mostly significant in all the regressions and have the same signs as in the FamaMacBeth approach. Unlike under the Fama-MacBeth approach, Tobin’s Q now displays significant and positive associations with book value of leverage measures and significant and negative associations with market value of leverage measures. The coefficients of non debt tax shield and SGA expenses have mixed signs under different regression methods and they are mostly insignificant. We find strong and consistent results for both firm size and R&D under the Fama-MacBeth approach. However, the current results are mixed. Coefficients of firm size are significantly positive under OLS regressions and within-firm regressions. But under between-firm regressions, they are insignificant with book value of leverage measures but positive and significant with market value of leverage measures. R&D expenses are still negatively related with leverage in OLS and betweenfirm regressions but are less significant than under the Fama-MacBeth approach. Under within-firm regressions, while the coefficients are significantly negative for market value of leverage measures, they become positive and insignificant for book value of leverage measures.


As discussed before,

this weakened result on R&D could be due to the fact that temporary changes in R&D expenses do not necessarily change the firm’s growth opportunity or uniqueness, therefore neither do they change the leverage. To the extent that my proxies are good measures of human-capital intensity, I conclude that human-capital intensity is a factor that leads to low leverage.


This is true even for regressions without human-capital intensity proxies.




Proof of Proposition 1: Suppose the bargaining shareholder has α share of the firm. I want to show that

∂φ∗ ∂α

> 0 and

∂δ ∗ ∂α

< 0. In

the rest of the proof, I suppress the asterisk signs with the knowledge that all the derivatives pertain to φ and δ are taken at their optimal values . The bargaining shareholder’s maximization problem is: max αφf (δ, H) − m(φ) δ,φ

st.(1 − φ)fδ − µ0 (δ) = 0 Therefore, the Lagrangian function is L = αφf (δ, H) − m(φ) + λ((1 − φ)fδ − µ0 (δ)) where λ is the Lagrangian multiplier. The first order conditions give the following three equations:

From equation A1, I can get

∂φ ∂δ

(1 − φ)fδ − µ0 (δ) = 0


αf − m0 (φ) − λfδ = 0


αφfδ + λ((1 − φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ))) = 0



(1−φ)fδδ −µ00 (δ) fδ

< 0.

From equation A2, I view λ = λ(α, δ), then ∂λ f = >0 ∂α fδ


αfδ − m00 (φ) ∂φ ∂λ ∂δ − λfδδ = >0 ∂δ fδ


From equation A3, I view δ = δ(α), then ∂δ =− ∂α αφfδδ + αfδ ∂φ ∂δ +

φfδ + ∂λ ∂δ [(1

∂λ ∂α [(1

− φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ)]

− φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ)] + λ[(1 − φ)fδδδ − µ000 (δ) − fδδ ∂φ ∂δ ]


If (1 − φ)fδδδ − µ000 (δ) < 0, every term of the denominator is negative, therefore sign(

∂δ ∂λ ) = sign(φfδ + [(1 − φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ)]) ∂α ∂α

And ∂λ [(1 − φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ)] ∂α f φfδ + [(1 − φ)fδδ − µ00 (δ)] fδ f αφfδ φfδ + (− ) fδ λ fδ φfδ − αφf · αf − m0 (φ) αf ) φfδ (1 − αf − m0 (φ) 0

φfδ + = = = =

Proof of φc < φu : In the uncommitted case, the bargaining shareholder’s problem is: max αφf (δ, H) − m(φ) φ

The first order condition is: αf (δ, H) − m0 (φ) = 0


Again, the tech worker’s incentive is determined by the following first order condition: (1 − φ)fδ − µ0 (δ) = 0


Equations A6 and A7 determine the optimal δ and φ, as opposed to Equations A1 - A3 in the committed


case. Comparing Equation A6 with Equation A2, I have m0 (φc ) = φf − λfδ < m0 (φu ) = φf



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Table 1: Definition of Variables Dependent variables long-term leverage (book value) long-term leverage (market value)

total leverage (book value) total leverage (market value)

Independent variables q

Definition long-term debt÷ asset value long-term debt÷(asset value- book value of common equity + market value of common equity) (long term debt + debt in current liabilities)÷ asset value (long term debt + debt in current liabilities)÷(asset value- book value of common equity + market value of common equity)

firm size px1

Definition (asset value- book value of common equity + market value of common equity)÷ asset value (net property, plant and equipment + inventories)÷ asset value research and development expenses÷ sales earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation ÷ asset value investment tax credits÷ asset value selling, general and administrative expenses÷ sales log(asset value) labor costs (1−α) (per capita costs)α ( capital expenditure )


costs (1−α) (per capita costs)α ( costslabor of goods sold )


costs (1−α) (per capita costs)α ( labor net PPE )

collateral value of assets R&D expenses profitability non debt tax shield sga expenses


Table 2: Correlation of Explanatory Variables This table displays the correlation between the explanatory variables in the Fama-MacBeth Regression model. The probability that the correlation is zero is shown in the parentheses. To save space, the collateral value of assets is denoted as clatrl, the R&D expenses denoted as R&D, profitability denoted as profit, nondebt tax shield denoted as taxshld, selling, general and administrative expenses as sga and log(company size) as s. q 1



-0.19 (0.00)



0.30 (0.00)

-0.28 (0.00)



-0.39 (0.00)

0.15 (0.00)

-0.46 (0.00)



-0.08 (0.00)

0.27 (0.00)

-0.09 (0.00)

0.13 (0.00)



0.42 (0.00)

-0.20 (0.00)

0.59 (0.00)

-0.48 (0.00)

-0.10 (0.00)



-0.07 (0.00)

0.10 (0.00)

-0.09 (0.00)

0.22 (0.00)

0.01 (0.44)

-0.18 (0.00)



0.08 (0.00)

-0.35 (0.00)

0.16 (0.48)

-0.31 (0.00)

-0.18 (0.00)

0.13 (0.00)

-0.14 (0.00)



0.27 (0.00)

-0.31 (0.00)

0.39 (0.00)

-0.29 (0.00)

-0.08 (0.01)

0.40 (0.00)

0.00 (0.90)

0.53 (0.00)



0.14 (0.00)

-0.52 (0.00)

0.25 (0.02)

-0.31 (0.00)

-0.14 (0.00)

0.17 (0.00)

-0.14 (0.00)

0.80 (0.00)

0.49 (0.00)












Table 3: Univariate Test

1st quartile

2nd quartile




4.2082 (4.4119)

7.4502 (7.4512)

10.4253 (10.3691)

17.5106 (15.0225)

13.3025 (46.2685)


0.209 (0.2023)

0.1742 (0.1753)

0.1623 (0.1592)

0.1662 (0.1392)

−0.0428 (−2.8074)


0.1736 (0.1547)

0.1643 (0.1544)

0.1577 (0.1382)

0.1367 (0.1146)

−0.0368 (−7.3957)


0.2516 (0.2439)

0.2196 (0.2204)

0.2087 (0.2031)

0.2198 (0.186)

−0.0317 (−2.0374)


0.2082 (0.1873)

0.2052 (0.1961)

0.1997 (0.1824)

0.1805 (0.1521)

−0.0277 (−4.887)

1.4871 (1.5728)

2.2056 (2.2012)

2.8521 (2.8304)

4.7313 (3.9763)

3.2442 (33.6349)


0.1955 (0.1859)

0.185 (0.1843)

0.1657 (0.1628)

0.1654 (0.1312)

−0.0301 (−1.9425)


0.1776 (0.1601)

0.1804 (0.1717)

0.1565 (0.1408)

0.1173 (0.091)

−0.0604 (−12.7228)


0.243 (0.2288)

0.231 (0.2298)

0.2081 (0.2051)

0.2175 (0.1868)

−0.0254 (−1.6118)


0.2221 (0.1975)

0.2237 (0.2124)

0.193 (0.1754)

0.1545 (0.1289)

−0.0676 (−12.3121)

1.9646 (2.0789)

3.3133 (3.308)

4.5825 (4.5478)

7.6619 (6.5261)

5.6972 (53.3222)


0.2255 (0.2151)

0.1761 (0.1799)

0.1643 (0.165)

0.1456 (0.1183)

−0.0799 (−5.1501)


0.193 (0.1705)

0.1695 (0.1647)

0.1585 (0.1435)

0.1108 (0.0901)

−0.0822 (−16.95)


0.2684 (0.2533)

0.22 (0.2229)

0.2152 (0.211)

0.1961 (0.1626)

−0.0723 (−4.5672)


0.229 (0.2034)

0.2095 (0.2014)

0.2043 (0.1921)

0.1504 (0.1251)

−0.0786 (−14.2689)

panel 1 px1

panel 2 px2

panel 3 px3


49 3.8047∗∗ (1.9739) 0.0807∗∗ (2.1546) 0.0083∗∗∗ (4.8233)

3.4829∗ (1.8819) 0.0272 (0.9051) 0.0066∗∗∗ (4.0323) −0.0033∗∗∗ (−4.3733)

non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size



R2 0.5399

−0.0192∗∗∗ (−7.3545)

0.0054∗∗∗ (3.2704)

−0.5746∗∗∗ (−9.3973)

−0.6224∗∗∗ (−3.3108)

0.1003∗∗∗ (4.3618)

px3 0.544

−0.5747∗∗∗ (−8.6924)

−0.6004∗∗∗ (−9.8422)


−0.0305∗∗∗ (−3.2268)

0.0312 (1.0438)

−0.5255∗∗∗ (−3.5697)

−0.6783∗∗∗ (−4.1449)

R&D expenses


3.347∗ (1.824)

0.1745∗∗∗ (8.7201)

0.1449∗∗∗ (6.9331)

collateral value of assets

−0.0074 (−0.808)

−0.0027 (−0.2867)

−0.0062 (−0.6883)





Independent variable

α = 0.25


−0.0045∗∗∗ (−6.593)

0.0068∗∗∗ (4.212)

0.0186 (0.6405)

3.5117∗ (1.8869)

−0.599∗∗∗ (−10.5058)

−0.6311∗∗∗ (−3.984)

0.1463∗∗∗ (7.0549)

−0.0068 (−0.7458)



−0.0163∗∗∗ (−4.3823)

0.0085∗∗∗ (5.0276)

0.0697∗∗ (2.2203)

3.9171∗∗ (1.9863)

−0.5732∗∗∗ (−9.2091)

−0.5091∗∗∗ (−3.3555)

0.1727∗∗∗ (8.6786)

−0.0033 (−0.3487)


α = 0.5


−0.0167∗∗∗ (−6.837)

0.0056∗∗∗ (3.2749)

0.0223 (0.7687)

3.5937∗ (1.9577)

−0.5696∗∗∗ (−9.6794)

−0.572∗∗∗ (−2.985)

0.0938∗∗∗ (3.7865)

−0.0075 (−0.8217)


the book value of long-term leverage

Table 4: Fama-MacBeth Regression


−0.0052∗∗∗ (−7.1697)

0.0079∗∗∗ (4.9809)

0.002 (0.071)

4.0034∗∗ (2.0302)

−0.5865∗∗∗ (−10.9599)

−0.5687∗∗∗ (−3.6259)

0.1556∗∗∗ (7.3891)

−0.0061 (−0.6714)



−0.0084∗∗∗ (−5.6231)

0.009∗∗∗ (5.3127)

0.0356 (1.309)

4.2779∗∗ (2.0556)

−0.5662∗∗∗ (−9.9117)

−0.5161∗∗∗ (−3.2578)

0.1705∗∗∗ (8.5997)

−0.0037 (−0.4006)


α = 0.75


−0.0108∗∗∗ (−5.9102)

0.0074∗∗∗ (4.5354)

0.001 (0.0376)

4.1515∗∗ (2.0985)

−0.5617∗∗∗ (−10.6758)

−0.503∗∗∗ (−3.0313)

0.1238∗∗∗ (5.4562)

−0.0059 (−0.6519)



−0.3524∗∗∗ (−3.0048) −0.5451∗∗∗ (−9.034) 1.4963 (1.0007) 0.0416 (1.4678) 0.0067∗∗∗ (5.0245)

−0.4289∗∗∗ (−3.9794) −0.5708∗∗∗ (−10.1957) 1.1649 (0.8034) −0.007 (−0.3289) 0.0053∗∗∗ (4.3148) −0.0015∗∗ (−2.4274)

R&D expenses


non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size



R2 0.579

−0.017∗∗∗ (−7.5173)

0.0036∗∗∗ (3.2163)

−0.0062 (−0.2784)

0.468 (0.3446)

−0.546∗∗∗ (−10.5913)

−0.3597∗∗∗ (−3.088)

0.0894∗∗∗ (4.9273)

−0.0379∗∗∗ (−4.8862)


px3 0.582

0.1519∗∗∗ (8.8853)

0.1337∗∗∗ (8.2164)

collateral value of assets

−0.0235∗∗∗ (−3.2267)

−0.0343∗∗∗ (−4.37)

−0.035∗∗∗ (−4.463)





Independent variable

α = 0.25


−0.0018∗∗∗ (−2.9404)

0.0055∗∗∗ (4.5225)

−0.0139 (−0.662)

1.2432 (0.8436)

−0.5738∗∗∗ (−10.3379)

−0.4021∗∗∗ (−3.6447)

0.1345∗∗∗ (7.977)

−0.0355∗∗∗ (−4.4631)



−0.0111∗∗∗ (−3.4027)

0.0069∗∗∗ (5.2851)

0.0236 (0.9836)

1.5349 (1.0135)

−0.5467∗∗∗ (−9.309)

−0.3307∗∗∗ (−2.6443)

0.1503∗∗∗ (9.1929)

−0.0345∗∗∗ (−4.3849)


α = 0.5


−0.0128∗∗∗ (−6.8002)

0.0043∗∗∗ (3.8685)

−0.016 (−0.7615)

0.9333 (0.6709)

−0.5425∗∗∗ (−10.8018)

−0.3113∗∗∗ (−2.6522)

0.0904∗∗∗ (4.8522)

−0.0378∗∗∗ (−4.8486)


the market value of long-term leverage

Table 5: Fama-MacBeth Regression


−0.0023∗∗∗ (−3.3412)

0.0061∗∗∗ (4.9658)

−0.025 (−1.2658)

1.4354 (0.9453)

−0.5707∗∗∗ (−10.1819)

−0.3752∗∗∗ (−3.1698)

0.1375∗∗∗ (8.0184)

−0.0352∗∗∗ (−4.4305)



−0.0053∗∗∗ (−3.2905)

0.0069∗∗∗ (5.234)

−0.0023 (−0.1163)

1.6036 (1.0289)

−0.5528∗∗∗ (−9.4999)

−0.3342∗∗∗ (−2.657)

0.1495∗∗∗ (9.3442)

−0.034∗∗∗ (−4.3621)


α = 0.75


−0.0071∗∗∗ (−4.2265)

0.0059∗∗∗ (5.1488)

−0.0314 (−1.5867)

1.5541 (1.0364)

−0.5477∗∗∗ (−10.3633)

−0.2882∗∗ (−2.4356)

0.1169∗∗∗ (6.495)

−0.0359∗∗∗ (−4.6112)



−0.5625∗∗∗ (−4.627) −0.6967∗∗∗ (−10.5374) 2.883 (1.4451) 0.1504∗∗∗ (3.1524) 0.0101∗∗∗ (4.8929)

−0.7501∗∗∗ (−6.534) −0.7269∗∗∗ (−11.6425) 2.3344 (1.2619) 0.0684∗∗ (2.1062) 0.0079∗∗∗ (3.8384) −0.003∗∗∗ (−3.808)

R&D expenses


non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size



R2 0.547

−0.0187∗∗∗ (−5.1227)

0.0072∗∗∗ (3.2637)

0.0775∗∗ (2.3159)

2.182 (1.1772)

−0.73∗∗∗ (−11.2472)

−0.6743∗∗∗ (−4.8849)

0.102∗∗∗ (3.453)

−0.006 (−0.6754)


px3 0.547

0.1674∗∗∗ (6.1314)

0.1436∗∗∗ (5.0128)

collateral value of assets

−0.0434∗∗∗ (−3.6647)

−0.0032 (−0.3712)

−0.0062 (−0.7383)





Independent variable

α = 0.25


−0.004∗∗∗ (−4.4192)

0.0084∗∗∗ (4.1377)

0.0551∗ (1.6597)

2.5642 (1.3138)

−0.7162∗∗∗ (−12.4478)

−0.6844∗∗∗ (−6.7449)

0.1456∗∗∗ (4.8219)

−0.0074 (−0.8733)



−0.0202∗∗∗ (−3.8219)

0.0106∗∗∗ (5.2306)

0.1193∗∗∗ (2.9079)

3.1846 (1.535)

−0.6965∗∗∗ (−10.8785)

−0.5624∗∗∗ (−4.2501)

0.1643∗∗∗ (6.017)

−0.0034 (−0.3951)


α = 0.5


−0.0158∗∗∗ (−6.5732)

0.0074∗∗∗ (3.5751)

0.0608∗ (1.8709)

2.4632 (1.3372)

−0.7169∗∗∗ (−11.9771)

−0.5918∗∗∗ (−4.6605)

0.0948∗∗∗ (2.9566)

−0.0066 (−0.7409)


the book value of total leverage

Table 6: Fama-MacBeth Regression


−0.0055∗∗∗ (−4.7596)

0.0097∗∗∗ (4.7718)

0.0325 (1.0049)

3.024 (1.4983)

−0.7143∗∗∗ (−12.5702)

−0.6265∗∗∗ (−5.5313)

0.1493∗∗∗ (4.8935)

−0.0065 (−0.7673)



−0.0109∗∗∗ (−4.2098)

0.011∗∗∗ (5.3522)

0.0753∗∗ (2.2562)

3.3658 (1.5929)

−0.701∗∗∗ (−11.3866)

−0.5661∗∗∗ (−4.278)

0.1643∗∗∗ (5.999)

−0.0026 (−0.3094)


α = 0.75


−0.0103∗∗∗ (−4.1689)

0.0096∗∗∗ (4.7187)

0.0268 (0.7839)

3.2445 (1.62)

−0.6943∗∗∗ (−12.4076)

−0.5212∗∗∗ (−4.8925)

0.1193∗∗∗ (3.5826)

−0.0053 (−0.611)


52 0.0514 (0.0301) 0.0917∗∗∗ (2.6725) 0.0073∗∗∗ (4.3759)

−0.4958 (−0.3084) 0.0189 (0.8082) 0.0055∗∗∗ (3.3788) −0.0013∗ (−1.7436)

non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size



R2 0.6032

−0.0182∗∗∗ (−6.595)

0.004∗∗ (2.334)

−0.7256∗∗∗ (−10.0282)

−0.4282∗∗∗ (−4.2352)

0.0874∗∗∗ (3.5052)

px3 0.6033

−0.6897∗∗∗ (−9.6358)

−0.7221∗∗∗ (−10.2709)


−0.0341∗∗∗ (−3.6131)

0.0294 (1.1469)

−0.3796∗∗∗ (−3.9154)

−0.4858∗∗∗ (−5.4461)

R&D expenses


−1.3156 (−0.8507)

0.1492∗∗∗ (6.7272)

0.1322∗∗∗ (5.3543)

collateral value of assets

−0.046∗∗∗ (−5.172)

−0.0439∗∗∗ (−5.2491)

−0.0439∗∗∗ (−5.1566)





Independent variable

α = 0.25


−0.0013 (−1.1644)

0.0061∗∗∗ (3.6958)

0.0068 (0.2798)

−0.1457 (−0.0871)

−0.7089∗∗∗ (−10.041)

−0.4341∗∗∗ (−5.0036)

0.1355∗∗∗ (4.8688)

−0.045∗∗∗ (−5.2601)



−0.0137∗∗ (−2.138)

0.0078∗∗∗ (4.7562)

0.0541 (1.5327)

0.307 (0.1773)

−0.6853∗∗∗ (−9.6689)

−0.3702∗∗∗ (−3.4023)

0.1458∗∗∗ (6.8523)

−0.0443∗∗∗ (−5.3453)


α = 0.5


−0.0128∗∗∗ (−6.2432)

0.0049∗∗∗ (3.1034)

0.0108 (0.4415)

−0.7831 (−0.5048)

−0.7048∗∗∗ (−10.5659)

−0.3356∗∗∗ (−3.878)

0.0911∗∗∗ (3.2133)

−0.0465∗∗∗ (−5.3162)


the market value of total leverage

Table 7: Fama-MacBeth Regression


−0.0023∗ (−1.7907)

0.0068∗∗∗ (4.208)

−0.008 (−0.3465)

0.032 (0.0186)

−0.7142∗∗∗ (−10.2096)

−0.4155∗∗∗ (−4.4016)

0.134∗∗∗ (5.1158)

−0.0446∗∗∗ (−5.2576)



−0.007∗∗ (−2.4189)

0.0078∗∗∗ (4.7516)

0.022 (0.8771)

0.2564 (0.1457)

−0.7004∗∗∗ (−9.7944)

−0.3713∗∗∗ (−3.3615)

0.1474∗∗∗ (6.7253)

−0.0428∗∗∗ (−5.2111)


α = 0.75


−0.0063∗∗ (−2.2059)

0.0071∗∗∗ (4.2562)

−0.0184 (−0.6886)

0.1732 (0.1036)

−0.6882∗∗∗ (−9.9753)

−0.2911∗∗∗ (−3.1514)

0.1172∗∗∗ (3.8514)

−0.0452∗∗∗ (−5.3666)


Table 8: Modified t-statitics in Fama-MacBeth regression

Human-capital proxy

α = 0.25

α = 0.5

Panel A: dependent variable: book value of long-term leverage px1 −6.2863 −7.5957

α = 0.75










Panel B: dependent variable: market value of long-term leverage px1 −4.0836 −5.1589










Panel C: dependent variable: book value of total leverage px1












Panel D: dependent variable: market value of total leverage px1













Table 9: Variation Explained by regressors

book leverage

market leverage

panel1 px1 clatrl profit R&D firm size

11.15% 8.09% 36.76% 18.99% 4.99%

10.31% 17.19% 81.38% 27.96% 9.32%

panel2 px2 clatrl profit R&D firm size

11.98% 9.55% 35.18% 15.32% 6.24%

18.86% 19.21% 77.54% 23.00% 11.70%

panel3 px3 clatrl profit R&D firm size

16.58% 5.19% 34.96% 17.21% 4.11%

29.36% 11.55% 76.94% 21.65% 7.29%



−0.2315 (-1.47) −0.4159∗∗∗ (-2.80) −0.8959 (-0.89) 0.0054 (0.20) 0.0102∗∗∗ (4.99)

−0.4267∗ (-1.93) −0.4713∗∗∗ (-2.69) −1.5899 (-1.36) −0.027 (-0.99) 0.0073∗∗∗ (3.86) −0.003∗∗∗ (-3.39)

R&D expenses


non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size


0.5939 5287

R2 obs 0.6055 5286

−0.0148∗∗∗ (-4.11)

0.0067∗∗∗ (3.62)

−0.0219 (-1.02)

−1.2208 (-1.12)

−0.4573∗∗∗ (-2.90)

−0.3107∗ (-1.84)

0.1847∗∗∗ (4.87)

0.1017∗∗∗ (2.85)


px3 0.5920 5249

0.2409∗∗∗ (5.95)

0.2418∗∗∗ (5.70)

collateral value of assets

−0.0283∗∗∗ (-3.23)

0.1044∗∗∗ (3.03)

0.1027∗∗∗ (2.87)





Independent variable


0.4549 843

−0.0039∗∗ (-2.11)

0.0009 (0.18)

−0.0261 (-1.60)

1.5554 (0.78)

−0.2988∗∗ (-2.32)

−0.2674∗ (-1.92)

0.3142∗∗∗ (4.24)

0.0678∗ (1.81)


0.4856 857

−0.021∗∗ (-2.28)

0.004 (1.07)

−0.0087 (-0.45)

1.9777 (1.01)

−0.2056∗ (-1.78)

−0.0956 (-1.08)

0.3048∗∗∗ (4.75)

0.0787∗∗ (2.05)



0.4563 858

−0.0135∗∗∗ (-2.81)

0.0002 (0.04)

−0.0232 (-1.42)

2.207 (1.13)

−0.2702∗∗ (-2.16)

−0.1655∗ (-1.70)

0.2548∗∗∗ (4.10)

0.0672∗ (1.80)


the book value of long-term leverage and α = 0.5

Table 10: Alternative Regressions

0.8556 5249

−0.0015 (-1.41)

0.0418∗∗∗ (5.58)

0.1688 (1.47)

0.3467 (0.51)

−0.291 (-1.38)

0.3965 (0.92)

0.1866∗∗∗ (3.58)

0.109∗∗∗ (5.75)


0.8541 5286

−0.0191∗ (-1.68)

0.8547 5287

−0.0167∗∗∗ (-3.25)

0.0543∗∗∗ (6.08)

0.0628 (1.36)

0.0868∗ (1.74) 0.0556∗∗∗ (4.83)

0.8522 (1.36)

−0.3811∗ (-1.94)

0.4442 (1.18)

0.136∗∗∗ (2.83)

0.1167∗∗∗ (6.07)


0.5054 (0.81)

−0.3498∗ (-1.84)

0.4685 (1.24)

0.1973∗∗∗ (3.73)

0.1155∗∗∗ (6.06)




−0.128∗∗∗ (-2.68) −0.2156∗∗∗ (-5.20) −0.278 (-0.54) −0.0012 (-0.24) 0.0057∗∗∗ (6.36)

−0.1839∗∗∗ (-3.04) −0.2419∗∗∗ (-5.27) −0.55 (-1.04) −0.0071 (-0.85) 0.0051∗∗∗ (5.73) −0.0016∗∗∗ (-4.27)

R&D expenses


non debt tax shield

sga expenses

firm size


0.3218 5287

R2 obs 0.3047 5286

−0.0079∗∗∗ (-9.10)

0.0048∗∗∗ (5.47)

−0.0068 (-1.20)

−0.3566 (-0.70)

−0.2432∗∗∗ (-5.92)

−0.1363∗∗∗ (-2.81)

0.0903∗∗∗ (5.55)

−0.0133∗∗∗ (-3.03)


px3 0.3100 5249

0.1303∗∗∗ (8.12)

0.1224∗∗∗ (7.61)

collateral value of assets

−0.0038 (-1.18)

−0.0129∗∗∗ (-2.85)

−0.0131∗∗∗ (-2.86)





Independent variable


0.3394 843

−0.0017∗∗ (-2.55)

0.0048∗∗ (2.36)

−0.0015 (-0.29)

0.0557 (0.04)

−0.1313∗∗∗ (-3.91)

−0.106∗∗ (-2.50)

0.2039∗∗∗ (5.75)

−0.0096∗∗ (-2.39)


0.3321 857

−0.0006 (-0.26)

0.0043∗∗ (2.13)

−0.0012 (-0.29)

0.3595 (0.29)

−0.0974∗∗∗ (-3.06)

−0.0573∗ (-1.92)

0.2193∗∗∗ (6.10)

−0.0092∗∗ (-2.00)



0.3537 858

−0.0063∗∗∗ (-5.17)

0.0043∗∗ (2.17)

−0.0016 (-0.34)

0.4002 (0.33)

−0.1227∗∗∗ (-3.85)

−0.0656∗∗ (-1.96)

0.1735∗∗∗ (4.82)

−0.0097∗∗ (-2.48)


the market value of long-term leverage and α = 0.5

Table 11: Alternative Regressions

0.7807 5249

−0.0005 (-1.63)

0.7804 5286

−0.0066∗ (-1.89)

0.0216∗∗∗ (6.16)

0.0117 (1.49)

0.0226∗ (1.68) 0.0173∗∗∗ (6.63)

0.0613 (0.16)

−0.1825∗∗∗ (-4.83)

−0.1313∗∗ (-2.08)

0.0888∗∗∗ (4.29)

−0.0102∗∗∗ (-4.46)


−0.017 (-0.04)

−0.165∗∗∗ (-4.12)

−0.1389∗∗ (-2.21)

0.0916∗∗∗ (4.25)

−0.0112∗∗∗ (-4.64)



0.7837 5287

−0.0072∗∗∗ (-5.60)

0.0217∗∗∗ (8.04)

0.0028 (0.42)

0.2215 (0.57)

−0.2003∗∗∗ (-5.02)

−0.143∗∗ (-2.27)

0.0602∗∗∗ (2.73)

−0.0097∗∗∗ (-4.26)
