This edition applies to version 10, release 2, modification 0 of IBM® TRIRIGA®
and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new
IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.2
Portfolio Management User Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 213.
This edition applies to version 10, release 2, modification 0 of IBM® TRIRIGA® and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
ABOUT THIS GUIDE ................................................................................... 1 Conventions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ................................................................... 2
Overview............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Menus, Business Objects, and Forms .............................................................................................................................. 2 States and Actions (Portfolio Record Life Cycle) ........................................................................................................... 5
GEOGRAPHY .................................................................................... 9
Geography Forms .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Hierarchy/Relationships ................................................................................................................................................... 9 Geography ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Geography - Functional Areas ....................................................................................................................................... 14 General .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Contacts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 County, Metropolitan Area, Graphic, Reporting ........................................................................................................... 17 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
GIS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................19
Specification Forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Setup for Specification Classes ....................................................................................................................................... 22 Specification – Functional Areas .................................................................................................................................... 23 General, Details, Environmental Details ....................................................................................................................... 34 Units, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Details, Item Cost ................................................................................................. 35 Item Use Cost, Entitlements .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Details, Bill of Materials (Parts List), Compatible Specifications ................................................................................. 37 Request Catalogs, Product Catalogs, Products .............................................................................................................. 38 Inventory, Inventory Details, Inventory Items, Inventory Transactions ........................................................................ 39 Maintenance Life Cycle, Safety Plans (Procedures), Readings, Warranties ................................................................. 41 Self Service.................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Notes, Documents ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Space Standard Specification ........................................................................................................................................ 42
ORGANIZATIONS ..............................................................................44
Organization Forms ........................................................................................................................................................ 44 Hierarchy/Relationships ................................................................................................................................................. 46 Organizations ................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Organization - Functional Areas .................................................................................................................................... 51 General, Details, Reporting ........................................................................................................................................... 57 Environmental Details ................................................................................................................................................... 58 Address, Primary Address, Other Addresses ................................................................................................................. 60 Contacts ......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Employees, Consultants, Team Members ..................................................................................................................... 60 Contracts, Products and Services................................................................................................................................... 61 Adjacency Requirements, Space Level Allocation........................................................................................................ 62 Retail Details, Retail Centers, External Locations ........................................................................................................ 62 Environmental ............................................................................................................................................................... 63
LOCATIONS ....................................................................................64
Location Forms ................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Hierarchy/Relationships ................................................................................................................................................. 65 Locations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 68 Location – Functional Areas........................................................................................................................................... 69 General, Details ............................................................................................................................................................. 91 Environmental Details ................................................................................................................................................... 91 Energy Rating Setup, Energy Rating Result.................................................................................................................. 93 Units, Location Graphic ................................................................................................................................................ 93 Location Status, Primary Address, Primary Phone Numbers, Reporting ...................................................................... 94 Contacts, Other Addresses, Other Phones ..................................................................................................................... 96 Graphic .......................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Area Measurements, Area Summary ............................................................................................................................. 97 Space Measurements, Current Use Space Classification............................................................................................... 98 Occupancy ................................................................................................................................................................... 102 People – Primary Location, People – Secondary Location, Associated Assets, Associated Equipment, Space Standards ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Allocation - Space ....................................................................................................................................................... 104 Allocation - Floor ........................................................................................................................................................ 106 Landlord/Owner, Other/Management Contact ............................................................................................................ 108 Geography, Geography Cost Index ............................................................................................................................. 108 Contracts ...................................................................................................................................................................... 109
Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 109 Maintenance Details, PM Schedules, Safety Plans (Procedures), Building Systems, Readings, Warranties, Projects, Tasks, Checklists, Meter Service Allocations, Transaction Log, Available Services ................................................. 110 Regulatory ................................................................................................................................................................... 113 Retail Center Sections ................................................................................................................................................. 114 Retail Location Sections .............................................................................................................................................. 115 Proposed Retail Location Sections .............................................................................................................................. 116 External Retail Location Sections ............................................................................................................................... 116 Structure Sections ........................................................................................................................................................ 117 Checklists .................................................................................................................................................................... 118 GIS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 123 Location Disposition ...................................................................................................................................................... 123 Retire One Location .................................................................................................................................................... 123 Retire Multiple Locations ............................................................................................................................................ 125 IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability ....................................................................................... 128 Carbon Emissions (Carbon Footprint Calculator) ....................................................................................................... 128 Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool .................................................................................................................................. 136 Environmental Log Data ............................................................................................................................................. 139 Carbon Credits/Sinks ................................................................................................................................................... 150 U.S. Federal Government Locations ............................................................................................................................ 152 Federal Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 152 Federal XML Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 154
PEOPLE ....................................................................................... 156
People Forms.................................................................................................................................................................. 156 People.............................................................................................................................................................................. 157 People - Functional Areas ............................................................................................................................................. 158 General, Detail, Reports To ......................................................................................................................................... 162
Primary Organization, Contact Information, Primary Location, Graphic ................................................................... 164 Emergency Contact Info, Other Phones, Other Addresses, Other Emails ................................................................... 165 Primary Location, Other Assigned Locations, Assigned Equipment, Assigned Assets, Graphic................................ 165 Manage Move Locations, Manage Move Geographies ............................................................................................... 166 Licenses and Qualifications, Labor Details, Assigned Procurement Cards ................................................................. 166 Profile .......................................................................................................................................................................... 167 Move Log, Project History, Visitor Log ...................................................................................................................... 169 Calendar Details and Calendar Templates ................................................................................................................... 170 My Profile.................................................................................................................................................................... 171
ASSETS ....................................................................................... 175
Asset Forms .................................................................................................................................................................... 175 Assets .............................................................................................................................................................................. 176 Asset – Functional Areas............................................................................................................................................... 177 General, Details, Environmental Details ..................................................................................................................... 186 Units, Spec Information............................................................................................................................................... 187 Asset Status ................................................................................................................................................................. 187 Parent Asset, Building System, Specifications (Parts List), Component Assets ......................................................... 192 Contacts ....................................................................................................................................................................... 192 Details.......................................................................................................................................................................... 192 Graphics ...................................................................................................................................................................... 193 Purchase Details, Life Cycle, Contracts ...................................................................................................................... 193 Assessment .................................................................................................................................................................. 193 Maintenance Details, PM Schedules, Safety Plans (Procedures), Warranties, Tasks, Building Systems.................... 194 Readings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 195 Transaction Log, MTBF Log, Downtime Log, Move Log .......................................................................................... 197 Notes, Documents ....................................................................................................................................................... 198 Calendar Details and Calendar Templates ................................................................................................................... 199
Asset Disposition ............................................................................................................................................................ 200 Retire One Asset .......................................................................................................................................................... 200 Retire Multiple Assets ................................................................................................................................................. 201
INDEX ................................................................................................ 204 NOTICES............................................................................................. 213
About This Guide This guide describes the procedure for effectively managing the core data associated with all aspects of the Integrated Workplace environment. Included is information about operating, modifying, and maintaining organizations, people, geographies, locations, specifications, and assets. This guide also contains descriptions of the various tabs and their functions.
Conventions This document uses the following conventions to ensure that it is as easy to read and understand as possible:
Note – A Note provides important information that you should know in addition to the standard details. Often, notes are used to make you aware of the results of actions.
Tip – A Tip adds insightful information that may help you use the system better.
Attention – An Attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.
Intended Audience This guide is for portfolio managers and others responsible for setting up, planning, and maintaining organizations, people, geographies, locations, specifications, and assets.
Prerequisites This guide assumes the reader has a basic understanding of IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform and the fundamental concepts required to operate the web-based IBM TRIRIGA system.
Support IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects, answering FAQs, and performing rediscovery. View the IBM Software Support site at
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
1. Portfolio Management Overview The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio Data Manager solution allows you to effectively manage the core data associated with all aspects of the Integrated Workplace environment, including:
Organizations and People (the ‘People’),
Geographies and Locations (the ‘Places’), and
Specifications and Assets (the ‘Things’).
Each record created – each organization, person, geography, location, specification, or asset defined – can contain as much or as little information as you want to track. Records can be assigned to a specific place in a hierarchy and can be associated with other records. In addition, all life cycle events associated with a record can be tracked, creating a complete history and audit trail.
Menus, Business Objects, and Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by menu, business object, and form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit you specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Portfolio Menu
Business Object
Building Equipment
Building Equipment
Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Key Ring
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Portfolio Menu
Business Object
Office Equipment
Office Equipment
Technology Assets
Point of Sale Equipment
Technology Assets
Security Equipment
Software License
Software License
Technology Assets
Technology Assets
Tools and Test Equipment
Tools and Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Work Area Outlets
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
Metropolitan Area
Metropolitan Area
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
Set Up > Geography
World Region
World Region
External Retail Location
Location Category
Planned Floor
Planned Floor
Planned Space
Planned Space
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Portfolio Menu
Business Object
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Proposed Site
Proposed Site
Retail Center
Retail Location
Space Group
Vertical Shaft
Vertical Shaft
External Company
My Company
Organization Category
Proposed Company
Work Group
My Profile
My Profile
External Contact
People Template
Set Up > Specification
Building Equipment Spec
Building Equipment Spec
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Portfolio Menu
Business Object
Set Up > Specification
Consumables Spec
Consumable Spec
Set Up > Specification
Cores Spec
Core Spec
Set Up > Specification
Furniture Spec
Fixture Spec
Set Up > Specification
Building Equipment Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Set Up > Specification
Furniture Spec
Furniture Spec
Set Up > Specification
Keys Spec
Key Spec
Set Up > Specification
Locks Spec
Lock Spec
Set Up > Specification
Office Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Set Up > Specification
Technology Assets Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Set Up > Specification
Technology Assets Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Set Up > Specification
Services Spec
Service Spec
Set Up > Specification
Software License Spec
Software License Spec
Set Up > Specification
Space Standards Spec
Space Standard Spec
Set Up > Specification
Set Up > Specification
Technology Assets Spec
Technology Spec
Set Up > Specification
Telephone Spec
Telephone Spec
Set Up > Specification
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Set Up > Specification
Vehicle Spec
Vehicle Spec
Set Up > Specification
Work Area Outlets Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
The following chapters explain each of these menus in detail.
States and Actions (Portfolio Record Life Cycle) All Portfolio records have a similar ‘life cycle’ consisting of States and Actions.
STATES: States are the major steps in the life cycle of a record
ACTIONS: Actions represent the ‘action’ the user (or the system) selects to transition a record from one state to the next
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Note – A State Family for an object also may have ‘hidden’ Actions (not shown in this section) that are used by the system to process business logic. Workflows, Data Integrator, and IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Business Applications are examples of system components that use hidden actions.
The following diagram describes the State Family (States and Actions) used for all Portfolio records.
State Family – States and Actions The following table describes some of the basic behavior of Portfolio actions and states. See the corresponding sections for behavior or business rules specific to a particular Portfolio business object. State
Business Logic All records in the IBM TRIRIGA system start in a ‘null’ state, which means they are not saved records. You must select Create Draft or the data you enter will not be saved. If you try to close a record in a ‘null’ state, the system prompts you to Save your changes.
Create Draft
Create Draft moves the record to the Draft state and changes the status of the record to Draft.
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Business Logic
You can Delete a record while it is in the Draft state. Deleting a record removes the record from the system.
Note – Once your record has been activated, or has associated history, you should Retire the record instead of deleting it. Retired records are removed from active queries but are accessible for historical reporting.
Activate moves the record to the Review state and changes the status to Review in Progress. All Portfolio records are integrated with the IBM TRIRIGA Approval and Notification functionality. If you have defined Notification and or Approval requirements, they will be implemented during this transition.
If a record is submitted for Approval and it is Approved, the system transitions the record to the Active state.
Note – This action is done through a separate Approval Routing Form.
If the record is submitted for Approval and it is Returned, the system transitions the record back to the Draft state.
Note – If there are no Approval requirements defined for a record, the system transitions the record to the Active state and changes the status to Active.
Note – This action is done through a separate Approval Routing Form.
The record will be read-only when in an Active state. The status changes to Active. To Edit the record select the Revise action.
A record can be edited in the Revise state. The status changes to Revision In Progress.
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Note – Several processes in the IBM TRIRIGA system only work with Active records. Once you have completed your revisions, select the Activate action.
Business Logic
Once your record has been activated, or has associated history, you should Retire the record instead of deleting it. Retired records are removed from active queries but are accessible for historical reporting. The status changes to Retired and the record is read-only.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
2. Geography Generally, your organizations are spread across multiple geographic areas or around the globe. To effectively manage these organizations, it becomes essential to manage the geographical areas as well. The Geography page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various geographic areas where your company, facilities, and resources may be located. The IBM TRIRIGA Geography hierarchy allows you to build a hierarchical structure of geographic areas. The Geography page is tightly integrated with the other Portfolio menus, forms, and processes.
Geography Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Business Object
Used for City records
Used for Country records
Used for County records
Metropolitan Area
Metropolitan Area
Used for Metropolitan Area records
Used for Region records
Used for State/Province records
World Region
World Region
Used for World Region records
Hierarchy/Relationships The Geography structure is hierarchical, which means you can organize your geographies based on their relationships with other geographies. This allows you to model your Geography ‘tree’ in the IBM TRIRIGA system to mirror physical, company, or governmental geographic boundaries and relationships, or to create any other hierarchical relationships you desire. The IBM TRIRIGA Geography hierarchy © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
provides a rich set of possible relationships between geographies, allowing you to completely model simple (flat structures) or complex hierarchical structures. The following diagram illustrates the variety of options available in the Geography hierarchy. The diagram is an example. Based on your company’s business needs, your geography structure may be different from that shown.
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Geography Hierarchy Example
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Note – A City record can have secondary associations to Metropolitan Area and County records.
The Geography Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Geography records in a tree structure.
A plus sign represents a record in the hierarchy. The contains child records.
The minus sign
The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
also indicates that the record
indicates the record is expanded, displaying child records.
Note – To improve performance in hierarchy trees that have a large number of children, only the first 1000 children are displayed along with an informational message “1000 results displayed. Use Manager Queries to view more.” Child records to the nodes that are not displayed in the tree can be added by opening the record from the query and viewing the Includes tab. The Includes tab displays the complete tree for the open record and its child records.
Example of Geography Hierarchy
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Geography The IBM TRIRIGA Geography portal section can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select Geography from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page). To Access Geography Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The Geography portal section lists the available forms.
Step 2
Select a form from the Geography portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
Step 3
World Region
Metropolitan Area
To display the Geography hierarchy, select Geography Hierarchy in the Geography portal section. The Hierarchy panel of the Geography Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Geography business object records in a tree structure. The system displays a plus sign for a parent business object. The plus sign also indicates that the record contains child records. The minus sign indicates the parent is expanded, displaying child records. The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
Step 4
Note – Because the Geography structure is hierarchical, you only can add records through the Hierarchy panel.
The results page displays a list of Geography records. To display Geography records in the results page either:
Select a form from the Geography portal section (for example: World Region), or
Select a geography from the Hierarchy. The results page displays all geography records that are children of the selected geography.
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Geography - Functional Areas
Tab City
Metropolitan Area
World Region
The following matrix lists all functional areas included in Geography records and the Geography forms with which they are used.
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Image, and Hierarchy Path)
Defines the Geography for the GIS map
List of contacts and their specific Contact Role
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA Approval process can route for Approval based on the Geography of the submitted/issued record. The Approval process will resolve the ‘approver’ based on the Contact Role and/or the Person in this section.
Displays the graphic for the Geography
Associates a County with a City
Metropolitan Area
Associates a Metropolitan Area with a City
Contains the names and links to the Geography’s ‘parent’ records
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
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World Region
Rules for approval routing
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
Status Change Notifications
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Geography record
Log for Comments associated with the Geography record
Notes & Documents
Related Documents
List of Documents associated with the Geography record
Notes & Documents
Related Links
Lists links associated with the Geography
Notes & Documents
Displays a GIS map pinpointing the Geography selected
Form report for the Geography record
Approval Routing Rules
Tab City
Metropolitan Area
The following describes each of the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Geography record. The functionality is similar on other Geography forms.
Note – Contact your IBM TRIRIGA Sales representative for more information about the ESRI ArcGIS Connector that can be used for the GIS features.
Note – IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Energy Star Benchmarking, the Geography for the address of the location must include a State Geography record that contains a valid two letter abbreviation for the state as the ID field of that record. The two letter state is required by EPA ENERGY STAR Automated Benchmarking System (ABS) so that it can
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correctly categorize the location in its ranking algorithms and is submitted to them from this field in the associated record. Without this correct linkage, any new buildings submitted to ABS will be rejected.
(Ref: Country) General Tab: General Section: •
ID: Enter an ID for the record, or if you leave the ID field blank the system auto-generates a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action
Status: System generated
Flag: Select an image for the Flag (optional – available for Country, State)
Name: Enter a descriptive name
Geography Location Code: Used by the system for GIS Map functionality
OSCRE ID: Enter the appropriate OSCRE ID for the Geography
Hierarchy Path: The full path in the hierarchy for the Geography record. Hierarchy Path is system generated and includes the current geography and all parent geographies. The hierarchy path often is used as the search and display field on associated objects.
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA system uses a ‘Role’ based system for managing Contacts. You can designate the ‘Contact Role’ (such as Manager, Primary Contact, or HR Contact) and the person who is currently filling that role.
Note – The Approval and Notification functionality in the IBM TRIRIGA system can be based on the ‘Contact Role’ for a record. If the person filling the role changes, you simply change it in one place. For example: When a Real Estate Request is submitted you want to notify or request approval from the real estate portfolio manager that manages that Geography. Over time that person may change. The Notification and Approval processes use the person assigned to that role at the time the notification is sent.
(Ref: State) General Tab:
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Contacts Section: Enter the contacts for the Geography.
County, Metropolitan Area, Graphic, Reporting (Ref: City) General Tab: County and Metropolitan Area Sections: Select the County and Metropolitan Areas for the City (if applicable) Graphic Section: Displays the graphic image for the Geography. The graphic images are stored and managed in the IBM TRIRIGA Document Manager. Reporting Section: Contains the names and links to the Geography’s ‘parent’ records
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
GIS In addition to showing a GIS map in the GIS tab of a Geography record, a Geography record has a GIS section on the General tab. (Ref: City) General Tab:
Note – Contact your IBM TRIRIGA Sales representative for more information about the ESRI ArcGIS Connector that can be used for the GIS features.
GIS Section: •
GIS Link Name: The name used to link this Geography record to the GIS application so that it shows correctly on GIS maps.
Country Code: The name used to link this Geography record to the Country.
Note – Both values must match the key fields in the map provider (ESRI).
(Ref: World Region) GIS Tab: The system displays the GIS map for the Geography record.
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3. Specifications The Specifications menu contains a central repository for Specification records. Specification records are shared across IBM TRIRIGA applications, so they contain information that is used for many purposes. Specifications in the IBM TRIRIGA system represent a description of an item, but not an actual item. Think of specifications as being like the items in a catalog. Specifications can represent a wide variety of items such as Equipment, Consumable Items, Services, Software Licenses, Vehicles, and even Space Standards. Assets in the IBM TRIRIGA system are the actual owned or leased items. An Asset has an association to a Specification. The Specifications page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various Specifications used within your company. Many of the IBM TRIRIGA applications leverage this common data for various processes such as Move Management, Inventory Management, Maintenance Management, Products and Services, Contract Management, Catalog Management, and Asset Management. Specifications are tightly integrated with the other Portfolio menus, forms, and processes.
Specification Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Business Object
Building Equipment Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Building Equipment items such as pumps, motors, fans, electrical equipment, and fire protection equipment.
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Business Object
Consumables Spec
Consumable Spec
Use this Specification object for Consumable items such as filters, belts, fasteners, lamps, and cleaning supplies.
Note – Typically Consumables include disposable items and items that you do not manage as Assets in the system.
Cores Spec
Core Spec
Use this Specification object for Cores as part of the Key Management application.
Furniture Spec
Fixture Spec
Use this Specification object for Fixture items such as lighting fixtures and display cases.
Building Equipment Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Food Service Equipment items such as coffee makers, grills, and microwave ovens.
Furniture Spec
Furniture Spec
Use this Specification object for Furniture items such as tables, chairs, desks, and file storage.
Keys Spec
Key Spec
Use this Specification object for Keys as part of the Key Management application.
Locks Spec
Lock Spec
Use this Specification object for Locks as part of the Key Management application.
Office Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Office Equipment items such as printers, fax machines, copiers, and conference and training equipment.
Technology Assets Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Point of Sale Equipment items such as bar code scanners and cash registers.
Technology Assets Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Security items such as theft prevention tags and scanners, doorway scanners, and surveillance cameras.
Services Spec
Service Spec
Use this Specification object to define types of Services such as labor, security, snow removal, and video-conference.
Software License Spec
Software License Spec
Use this Specification object to define the various software licenses
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Business Object
Space Standards Spec
Space Standard Spec
Space Standards is a unique Specification object used to manage office standards such as Executive Office, Manager Office, Staff Office, and Hoteling Workstation.
Technology Assets Spec
Technology Spec
Use this Specification object for Technology items such as Laptop Computers, Desktop Computers, and Handheld Devices.
Telephone Spec
Telephone Spec
Use this Specification object for Telecommunication items such as Desk Phones, Mobile Phones.
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Use this Specification object for Tools and Test Equipment items such as Calibration Devices, Measuring Devices, Meters, Protective Clothing, and Ladders.
Vehicle Spec
Vehicle Spec
Use this Specification object for Vehicles.
Work Area Outlets Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Use this Specification object for Work Area Outlets such as Electrical Outlets, Data Outlets, and Phone Outlets.
Specifications The IBM TRIRIGA Specifications portal section can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select Specifications from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap menu check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page). To Access Specifications Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The Specifications portal section lists the available forms.
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To Access Specifications Step 2
Select a form from the Specifications portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Rings
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software Licenses
Space Standards
Tools and Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Setup for Specification Classes Although the IBM TRIRIGA application comes with a wealth of data attributes (fields) in each Specification Class business object, if your company needs to add fields to match your business practices, it can be done from within the Specification Class. The users who have access to create, edit, or delete Specification Class records should be limited. Your access to this functionality may be limited based on your system security. The Fixture specification class is used as an example in this section. The other Specification Classes are similar. The Classifications menu provides access to all Classification records in the system, including Specification Class. The Classifications menu can be accessed from Tools > Administration.
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Step 1. Select Classifications from the Administration page. The system displays the Classifications hierarchy. You will see the list of existing classifications in the result page. 2. Scroll the Hierarchy and click Specification Class. Note the list of Specification Classes in the result page. 3. Use the Name or Hierarchy Path filters to find the desired Specification Class. 4. Click the hyperlinked name of the Specification Class. The system displays the Specification Class form. To add a field, 5. Click Add on the Data Attributes section bar. The system displays a Data Attribute Item form. 6. Enter values appropriate for the field being added. 7. Click Create. 8. If you have already set up a template that you wish to include, click Find Using Template on the Data Attributes section bar. 9. Click the check boxes next to the templates to be included. 10. Click OK. 11. When you have finished entering data attributes, click Save & Close.
Specification – Functional Areas The following matrix lists all functional areas included in Specification records and the forms with which they are used.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Building Equipment Spec
Consumable Spec
Core Spec
Fixture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Furniture Spec
Key Spec
Lock Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Service Spec
Software License Spec
Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Image)
Details specific to the Specification form
Environmental Details
Contains the environmental specs.
Spec Class Data Attributes
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Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Furniture Specification record all Currency fields will be in US Dollars
The Manufacturer’s Organization
Manufacturer Details
The Manufacturer’s details such as Brand, Model Number, and Product Code
Item Cost
The cost for the Specification Item
Item Use Cost
The usage cost applied when an item is Reserved
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Service Spec
Software License Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Lock Spec
Key Spec
Furniture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Fixture Spec
Core Spec
Consumable Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Furniture Spec
Key Spec
Lock Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Service Spec
Software License Spec
Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
List of functional roles that are entitled to request the Specification
Fixture Spec
Core Spec
Consumable Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Note – Works in conjunctional with the Functional Role field on People records
Space Layout
Full Description
The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field.
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Work Area Outlet Spec
Vehicle Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Telephone Spec
Technology Spec
Space Standard Spec
Software License Spec
Service Spec
Details specific to the Specification type
Security Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Lock Spec
Key Spec
Consumable Spec
Dimensions of the specification
Furniture Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Fixture Spec
Core Spec
Note – The fields vary depending on the Specification form
Compatible Specifications
List of Specifications that are considered ‘Compatible’ (equal to) the Specification
Bill of Materials (Parts List)
List of Specifications and Quantities that make up the Parts List for the Specification
Keycut Information
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Point of Sale Equipment Spec Security Equipment Spec
Printer Specifications Details
Copier Specifications Details
Fax Specifications Details
Scanner Specifications Details
Hardware – CPU Details
Default Operating System Details
License Details Details
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. Work Area Outlet Spec
Vehicle Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Telephone Spec
Technology Spec
Space Standard Spec
Software License Spec
Service Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Lock Spec
Key Spec
Furniture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Fixture Spec
Core Spec
Consumable Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
List of Products associated with the Specification
Product Catalogs
List of Product Catalogs that reference the Specification
List of Services associated with the Specification
Telephone Spec
Technology Spec
Space Standard Spec
Software License Spec
Service Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Lock Spec
Key Spec
Furniture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Fixture Spec
Core Spec
Consumable Spec
List of Request Catalogs that reference the Specification
Building Equipment Spec
Request Catalogs
Configuration Setup
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Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Inventory Details
Default Inventory Details
Service Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Lock Spec
Key Spec
Software License Spec
Inventory General
Furniture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
List of Request Catalogs that reference the Specification
Fixture Spec
Request Catalogs
Core Spec
Consumable Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Note – Inventory Details are used to default data to newly created Inventory Items
The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field.
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Consumable Spec
Core Spec
Fixture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Furniture Spec
Key Spec
Lock Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Software License Spec
Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Inventory Summary
Inventory Details
Service Spec
Building Equipment Spec
Inventory Purchasing Details
Inventory Transactions
List of Inventory Transactions associated with the Specification
Inventory Items
List of Inventory Items associated with the Specification
Life Cycle
The default life span of the Specification Item
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Building Equipment Spec
Consumable Spec
Core Spec
Fixture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Furniture Spec
Key Spec
Lock Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Service Spec
Software License Spec
Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Safety Plans (Procedures)
List of Procedures associated with the Specification
List of Readings associated with the Specification
List of Warranties associated with the Specification
Self Service
The sections and fields on this tab are formatted and displayed to Request Central users
Self Service
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
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Building Equipment Spec
Consumable Spec
Core Spec
Fixture Spec
Food Service Equipment Spec
Furniture Spec
Key Spec
Lock Spec
Office Equipment Spec
Point of Sale Equipment Spec
Security Equipment Spec
Service Spec
Software License Spec
Space Standard Spec
Technology Spec
Telephone Spec
Tools and Test Equipment Spec
Vehicle Spec
Work Area Outlet Spec
Status Change Notifications
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Specification record
Log for Comments associated with the Specification record
Notes & Documents
Related Documents
List of Documents associated with the Specification record
Notes & Documents
Form report for the Specification record
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The following describes the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Specification record. The functionality is similar on other Specification forms.
General, Details, Environmental Details (Ref: Furniture Spec) General Tab: General Section: •
ID: Enter an ID for record, or if you leave the ID field blank the system will auto-generate a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action
Status: System generated
Image: Select an image for the Specification (optional)
The Image is used throughout the system and is particularly important for Request Central users. •
Name: Enter a Name
The Name is often used as the search and display field on associated objects. •
Description: Enter a Description of the Specification
(Ref: Furniture Spec) General Tab: Details Section: •
Spec Type: Select if the Specification is a Hard Spec, Performance Spec, or Other
Specification Order Type: Select the appropriate Order Type
Spec Class: This field provides a way to sub-class the specification type. For example: You can note that the Furniture Spec you are creating is in the Tables and Desks Class.
Construction Class: Select the appropriate Construction Class
Spec Group: This classification can be used to Group like specifications. For example: a Conference group, or Executive Office Group
Building System Class: Select the appropriate Building System Class
Specifier: The name of the person who created the record
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Service Class: Select the Service Assignment Class
Manage Inventory: Select this check box if the item will be managed as Inventory
Contains Haz Mat: Select this check box if the item contains hazardous materials
Self Service Request: Select this check box if the item is to be viewed and selected by Request Central users
Move Item: Select this check box if the item is to be used in the Move Management process
(Ref: Furniture Spec) General Tab: Environmental Details Section: •
Energy Rating Type: Select from the rating types.
Energy Rating Value: Enter the value for the Energy Rating Type.
Overall Product Rating: Indicate whether the Specification is Preferred, Approved, Not Rated, or Has Issues.
For some Spec Class values there will be an additional Specification Class Data Attributes section. The Specification Class Data Attributes section contains relevant data defined by your company and set up when the Specification Class was created. The values set as default in the Specification Class can be adjusted.
Units, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Details, Item Cost (Ref: Furniture Spec)
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Specification record, all Currency fields can be in US Dollars and all Item Unit fields can be in a Quantity of Each.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency Unit of Measure (UOM)
General Tab: Units Section: Currency and Item Units: Select the appropriate Unit of Measure Manufacturer Section (optional): Select the Manufacturer for the Specification. The Manufacturer must be set up as an Organization in the
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after implementation.
Manufacturer Details Section: Enter the manufacturer’s information as required
Item Cost Section: •
Note – As Purchase Orders are placed against Specifications, the system will read the value of the Inventory Valuation Method field and will adjust the Item Material Cost to reflect the latest Purchase Order and the selected Valuation Method.
Enter the Material and Service costs and the Markup. The system will calculate the Total Cost.
Note – The Total Cost from the Specification is used as the Estimated Price for all Material Orders.
Initial Purchase Price: The system will record the price from the first Purchase Order for the Specification
Last Purchase Price: The system will record the latest Purchase Order price for the Specification
Average Price: The system will calculate and display the average price from Purchase Orders for the Specification
Item Use Cost, Entitlements (Ref: Furniture Spec) General Tab: Item Use Cost Section: •
Use Cost: Enter the usage cost for the
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Note – On the Entitlements section use the Find action to display the list of available roles that will limit the specifications shown for selection. (For example: only people in the organization with a role of Staff, Manager and Director are able to view and select the Desk Chair – but perhaps you want Executives and Vice Presidents to 36
Specification (for example: $10/day). The system uses this cost in the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager application multiplied by the duration of the reservation to determine the ‘usage’ chargeback for the Asset. If you do not charge for reserved Assets; or are not using the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager application enter the number 0. •
have a different grade of Desk Chair – in this case you would create another Specification for the Executive/VP Desk Chair and select the Executive and Vice President roles in the Entitlement section.
Use Units: Select the unit of measure for the Use Cost (for example: $30/hour, $120/day, $1000/occurrence).
Entitlements Section: Entitlements define the ‘Roles’ for people who are entitled to view and request an item. Employee records contain a Functional Role field with values such as Staff, Manager, Director, or Vice President. These values are user defined to match your company’s business nomenclature.
Details, Bill of Materials (Parts List), Compatible Specifications (Ref: Furniture Spec) Details Tab: •
Enter the Specification details as required.
Note – The Details vary based on the Specification Form.
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Compatible Specifications Section: •
Select the Specifications that are considered ‘Compatible’ with the current Specification.
Note – The Inventory module provides the ability for the Inventory Manager to view his Inventory Items for matching Specifications AND Compatible Specifications. By defining a Compatible Specification you are determining that the compatible items are acceptable alternates.
Bill of Materials (Parts List) Section: Select the Specifications and enter the quantities to create a complete Parts list.
Request Catalogs, Product Catalogs, Products (Ref: Furniture Spec) Products Tab: This section displays any Catalogs and Products associated with the Specification.
Note – Catalogs that are created in the Inventory > Setup > Catalogs can be used to group Specifications (Request Catalogs) into logical groupings to make finding and selecting items easier for users.
Request Catalogs: The Request Catalogs section displays a list of all Request catalogs that are associated with the Specification. Products Section: •
The Products section displays a list of all Products that reference the Specification.
Note – Products are defined in the Requests > Manage Requests > Products and Services, and are typically associated with Blanket Purchase
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Order Contracts or Service Agreements.
Product Catalogs Sections: The Product Catalogs section displays a list of all Product Catalogs that reference Products associated with the Specification.
Inventory, Inventory Details, Inventory Items, Inventory Transactions (Ref: Furniture Spec) Inventory Tab: The Inventory tab contains information used to ‘seed’ (pre-populate) Inventory Items. This simplifies the creation of an Inventory Item and provides consistency across the company.
Note – The Inventory Valuation Method Class is tied to business logic that re-calculates the Specification Item Material Cost as Purchase Orders for that Specification are Completed.
Inventory General Section: Select the appropriate Classification values for each field. • • • • •
Note – The ABC Class classifies items (using industry standard terms) to identify the small number of items that will account for most of the volume and that are the most important ones to control.
Inventory Group Inventory Category ABC Class Inventory Valuation Method Service Class
If ‘Average’ then Item Material Cost = Average Cost of purchased items,
If ‘FIFO’ (First In First Out) then Item Material Cost = Cost of first purchased item,
If ‘LIFO’ (Last In First Out) then Item Material Cost = Cost of last purchased item.
Inventory Details Section: •
• •
Create Asset on Receipt: Select if Asset records should be created when new items are received Inventory Type: Select the appropriate Classification value Manage Safety Stock: Select if by default new Inventory Items created
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Note – The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Specification record, all Currency fields can be in US Dollars, and all Item Unit fields can be in a Quantity of Each.
from this Specification should include safety stock Quantity Safety Stock: Enter the number of items that by default should be withheld as safety stock.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency Unit of Measure (UOM) after implementation.
Units Section: •
Item Units and Currency: Select the appropriate Units of Measure.
(Ref: Furniture Spec) Inventory Tab: Inventory Purchasing Details Section: Select the default Purchasing Reorder Logic and Purchasing Reorder Point. Inventory Summary Section: Contains read-only fields that reflect the totals (for each category of transaction listed) across ALL Inventory Items. Inventory Tab: Inventory Details Section: Contains read-only fields that reflect the totals (for each category of transaction listed) across ALL Inventory Items. Inventory Tab: Inventory Transactions Section: This section shows a list of ALL Inventory Transactions that are associated with the Specification. Inventory Tab: Inventory Items Section: This section shows a list of ALL Inventory Items that are associated with the Specification To create a new Inventory Item: •
Select the New Item action
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An Inventory Item form opens in a separate window, pre-populated with the Specification information.
Maintenance Warranties
(Ref: Building Equipment Spec) Maintenance Tab: Life Cycle Section: •
Life Expectancy: Enter the default life span for the Specification
Safety Plans (Procedures) Section: •
Select or Add Safety Plans (Procedures) for the Specification
Note – Procedures used throughout the IBM TRIRIGA applications are managed in Tasks > Procedures.
Safety Plans (Procedures) listed on Specifications are associated automatically with any new Asset records that reference the Specification. This provides consistency across the Portfolio and simplifies data entry. (Ref: Building Equipment Spec) Maintenance Tab: Readings Section: Select or Add Readings types for the Specification Reading types listed on Specification records automatically create Reading Log records for new Asset records that reference the Specification. This provides consistency across the Portfolio and simplifies data entry. (Ref: Building Equipment Spec) Maintenance Tab: Warranties Section: Select the Warranties associated with the Specification.
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Self Service (Ref: Furniture Spec) Self Service Tab: •
The Self Service tab is the only tab typically visible to Request Central employees (via system security) if they drill into a record in a search query. This provides them with a read-only view of the item Image, Spec Name, Spec Class, a Description of the item, and a list of Features.
Note – The Description and Features sections are rich-text sections. This section type provides you with additional formatting options.
Note – While you can enter information in these fields, end users typically see this information as read-only.
Notes, Documents (Ref: Building Equipment Spec) Notes & Documents Tab: Use the Comments section and Related Documents section to add additional comments or to associate documents. Documents uploaded or selected are managed by the IBM TRIRIGA Document Manager and are stored in the database.
Space Standard Specification You can use the Space Standard Specification to define your corporate Space standards, such as Manager’s Office, Staff Office, Manager Workstation, Staff Workstation, Small Conference Room, and Large Conference Room. You also can define Entitlements for a Space Standard Specification. For example: you may define a Space Standard Specification for ‘Manager Office’ and select the entitlement role of ‘Manager’; you also may define a Space Standard Specification for ‘Staff Office’ and select the entitlement role of ‘Staff’.
Note – Entitlements define the Roles for people who are entitled to view and request an item. Employee records contain a Functional Role field with values such as Staff, Manager, Director, and Vice President – these values are user defined to match your company’s business nomenclature.
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Tip – Space Standard Specification can appear similar to Space classification. Space classification is typically more generalized and Space Standard is often more specific to how it is outfitted/furnished, area, and associated to entitlements of functional roles of people potentially occupying the space. Space classification may be ‘Enclosed Office’, which Space Standard may be ‘Houston, Manager Level 1 Office’, the latter with standard room size, furniture, wall covering, and the like). Space Standard is typically optional.
Once you have defined your Space Standards, associate those standards to Space records. A Space record can be associated with one or more Space Standards. The IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager and the Move Management applications utilize the Space Standard Specifications and Entitlements to only allow users to view and select Spaces that their Functional Role entitles them to select. (Ref: Space Standard Spec) General Tab: The Space Standard Specification contains many of the same sections as other Specifications.
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4. Organizations The Organizations page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various organizations within your company; and any number of external companies you may do business with, that provide services to you, or that are co-tenants in a retail location. Most of the IBM TRIRIGA applications leverage this common organizational data for various processes such as move management, space use and allocations, maintenance management, real estate leases and transactions, and projects. The Organizations page is tightly integrated with the other Portfolio menus, forms, and processes.
Organization Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Business Object
The Agency form is used to represent your U.S. Government agency’s organizational structure.
Note – A user can belong to one or many Work Groups but only to one Primary Organization (for the U.S. Government, this is typically an Agency).
The Department form is used to represent your company’s departmental structure.
Note – A user can belong to one or many Work Groups, but only one Primary Organization (typically a Department).
The Division form is used to represent major divisions of your company. Typically divisions are comprised of one or many departments.
External Company
The External Company form can be used to manage information related to your external vendors, partners, and co-tenants.
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Business Object
The Government form can be used to create a record that represents the U.S. Government. If your organization has subsidiaries or other related legal business entities, you can create Government records as child records to your uppermost parent Government record. Typically the Government record will have one or many Agencies.
My Company
The My Company form can be used to create a record that represents your company. If your company has subsidiary companies or other related legal business entities, you can create My Company records as child records to your uppermost parent My Company record. Typically the My Company record will have one or many Divisions and/or Departments.
Organization Category
Note – Record company-level energy and carbon reporting in the My Company record.
The Organization Category form typically will not represent a physical organization. You should use it to group organizations of a particular type. Use organization categories to help organize your hierarchy view (for example, you could create Organization Category records for External Contracts, Work Groups, and Proposed Companies; and then add the organization records under the respective organization category records).
Proposed Company
The Proposed Company form is used primarily by the Real Estate application to indicate a company that is a contact for a real estate transaction project or lease; however, the Proposed Company form can be used to represent any organization.
Work Group
The Work Group form can used to represent virtual organizations, such as shops, project teams, or other logical groups of users. Typically Work Groups are groupings needed for work assignments, but that may not be represented by the corporate Division/Department or U.S. Government Agency structure.
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Note – A person can belong to one or many Work Groups, but only one Primary Organization (typically a Department or Agency).
Hierarchy/Relationships The Organizations structure is hierarchical, which means you can organize your organizations based on their relationships with other organizations. This allows you to model your Organization ‘tree’ in the IBM TRIRIGA system to mirror your corporate human resources system or to create any other hierarchical relationships you desire. The IBM TRIRIGA Organization hierarchy provides a rich set of possible relationships between organizations, allowing you to completely model simple (flat structures) or complex hierarchical structures. Hierarchical relationships can be recursive, meaning at that level you can continue to create as many sub-organizations as you need. For example, Departments can have child Departments; or Work Groups can have child Work Groups for as many levels as needed. The following diagram illustrates the variety of options available in the Organization hierarchy. The diagram is an example. Your organizational structure may differ from that shown.
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Organization Hierarchy Example
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The Organization Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Organization records in a tree structure.
A plus sign represents a record in the hierarchy. The contains child records.
The minus sign
The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
also indicates that the record
indicates the record is expanded, displaying child records.
Note – To improve performance in hierarchy trees that have a large number of children, only the first 1000 children are displayed along with an informational message “1000 results displayed. Use Manager Queries to view more.” Child records to the nodes that are not displayed in the tree can be added by opening the record from the query and viewing the Includes tab. The Includes tab displays the complete tree for the open record and its child records.
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Example of Organization Hierarchy
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Organizations The IBM TRIRIGA Organizations portal section can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select Organizations from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page). To Access Organizations Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The Organizations portal section lists the available forms.
Step 2
Select a form from the Organizations portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
Step 3
My Company
External Company
Work Group
Organization Category
Proposed Company
To display the Organization hierarchy, select Organization Hierarchy in the Organizations portal section. The Hierarchy panel of the Organization Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Organization business object records in a tree structure. The system displays a plus sign for a parent business object. The plus sign also indicates that the record contains child records. The minus sign indicates the parent is expanded, displaying child records. The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
Step 4
Note – Because the Organization structure is hierarchical, you only can add records through the Hierarchy panel.
The results page displays a list of Organization records. To display Organization records in the results page either:
Select a form from the Organizations portal section (for example: Department), or
Select an organization from the Hierarchy. The results page displays all Organization records that are children of the selected organization.
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Organization - Functional Areas
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Logo, and Hierarchy Path)
Details specific to the Organization type. The fields vary depending on the Organization type.
Details specific to the Organization type. The fields vary depending on the Organization type.
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Work Group
My Company
Proposed Company
Organization Category
External Company
The following matrix lists all functional areas included in Organization records and the Organization forms with which they are used.
Contains the names and links to the Organization’s ‘parent’ records
List of contacts and their specific Contact Roles
Primary Address
The Primary Address for the Organization
The address of the Organization
Retail Details
When the External Company’s Organization Type is Retailer, defines the category.
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Work Group
Proposed Company
Organization Category
In some forms, contains the Provider Rating and Environmental Management Practice for the Organization. In the My Company form, contains values used in managing environmental logs and carbon emission calculations.
My Company
Agency Environmental Details
External Company
When the External Company’s Organization Type is Retailer, lists retail centers that have retail locations.
External Locations
When the External Company’s Organization Type is Retailer, lists external locations.
List of Employees for the Organization (filtered for only Employee records)
Employees & Contacts
List of Consultants for the Organization (filtered for only External Contact records)
Employees & Contacts
List of Contacts and their specific Contact Roles
Employees & Contacts
List of contacts and their specific Contact Roles
Contact Details
Other Addresses
List of other addresses
Contact Details
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Work Group
Proposed Company
My Company
Organization Category
External Company
Retail Centers
CO2, CH4, N2O, and Total CO2e values
Scope 2 (Indirect) – Purchased Energy Summary
CO2 values
Scope 3 – Travel and Waste Summary
Travel and Waste CO2 values
Carbon Log
List of Carbon Logs for the My Company record
Energy Log
List of Energy Logs for the My Company record
Travel Log
List of Travel Logs for the My Company record
Emission Log
List of Emission Logs for the My Company record
Waste Log
List of Waste Logs for the My Company record
Water Log
List of Water Logs for the My Company record
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Work Group
Scope 1 (Direct) Summary
Proposed Company
My Company
CO2e values
Organization Category
External Company
Carbon Emissions Summary
List of Contracts associated with the Organization
Products and Services
List of Products and Services associated with the Organization
List of Insurance policies held
Service Matrix Records
Adjacency Requirements
List of Adjacency Requirements with other Organizations
Space Details
Space Level Allocation
List of Active and Retired Space Level Allocation records for the Organization
Space Details
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Work Group
Team Members & Contacts
Proposed Company
List of Team Members for the Organization (Team members can be Employees, Consultants, and/or External Contacts)
Organization Category
Team Members
My Company
List of Carbon Credits for the My Company record
External Company
Carbon Credits
Tab Agency
External Company
My Company
Organization Category
Proposed Company
Work Group
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
Status Change Notifications
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Organization record
Log for Comments associated with the Organization record
Notes & Documents
Related Documents
List of Documents associated with the Organization record
Notes & Documents
Calendar Details
Reserve information: Time Zone and Reservable flag
Calendar Details
Mail Server Login
E-mail server login for the Organization
Calendar Details
External Mail Server Details
Information about the external e-mail server
Calendar Details
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Displays this month’s calendar
Form report for the Organization record
Work Group
Calendar Details
Proposed Company
Specifies when the Organization is available
Organization Category
Agency Availability Calendar
My Company
External Company
The following describes the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Organization record. The functionality is similar on other Organization forms.
General, Details, Reporting The following example describes the functional areas of the Department record. Review of General, Details, Reporting Step 1
In the General tab, General section:
ID: Enter an ID for the Organization, or if you leave the ID field blank the system will auto-generate a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action
Status: System generated
Logo: Select an image for the Organization logo (if applicable)
Hierarchy Path: The full path in the hierarchy for the Organization record
Note – Hierarchy Path is system generated and includes the current organization and all parent organizations. The hierarchy path is often used as the search and display field on associated objects.
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Review of General, Details, Reporting Step 2
The Detail section contains information specific to the Organization form. In the Detail section:
Step 3
Short Name: Enter a brief name for the Organization
Color: The color displayed when showing the Organization on Visual Queries
Organization Type: Select the Organization Type. The Organization Type field is displayed on many other objects that reference the Organization
Complete the other fields as needed. The fields vary depending on the Organization form.
The Reporting section displays several levels of the Organization’s hierarchy parents including (on the Department form). In the Reporting section:
Up to 4 levels of Departments
The fields in the Reporting section vary depending on the Organization form and where the record is located in the hierarchy.
Environmental Details The appearance, fields, and role of the Environmental Details section varies depending on the business object of the record. For most it is as displayed using the Department record. When the record is a My Company record, the values are used in carbon calculations as part of the IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability products. The following example describes the functional areas of the Department or My Company record. Review of Environmental Details Step 1
In the General tab, Environmental Details section:
Provider Rating: Select the appropriate value from the list.
Environmental Management Practice: If the organization has a dedicated environmental practice, select this check box.
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Review of Environmental Details Step 2
Environmental data captured at the company level is included in the totals for reports. In the General tab, Environmental Details section:
Step 3
Carbon Calculation Method: Select the appropriate value from the list.
Carbon Calculation Region: Helps identify which conversion factor to use.
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint): Enter the value. The UOM is from the Carbon Calculation UOM field.
If there are actual Energy, Travel, and/or Waste log records associated with the My Company record and there is an IBM TRIRIGA Environmental Sustainability product license, the system calculates and populates the Total CO2e and CO2e Equity Share fields.
Equity Share (Percent): Indicate the percent of the values reported that belong to this My Company record.
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) Equity Share: The system calculates from the Total CO2e and Equity Share fields. A value you enter will replace what the system calculates.
Carbon Calculation UOM: Select the appropriate value from the list.
Last Update: Click the Calendar icon section.
Carbon Reporting UOM: A read-only value from the Environmental Settings section of Application Settings in Tools > System Setup > General.
and select the date for the data in this
Attention – IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability assumes that environmental data captured at the company level is NOT also captured at the location level.
Note – Carbon emission calculations at the company level are similar to the processing done at the location level.
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Address, Primary Address, Other Addresses The following example describes the functional areas of the My Company record. Review of Address, Primary Address, Other Addresses Step 1
In the General tab, Address section:
Enter the primary Address for the Organization.
Address sections in the IBM TRIRIGA applications are integrated with the Geography hierarchy. Type in any part of the Geography hierarchy path in the Geography Lookup field and if the system finds a matching record in the Geography hierarchy, the system populates the City, State/Province, and Country fields. If no matching entry can be found, you can enter these fields manually.
Contacts The following example describes the functional areas of the My Company record. Review of Contacts Step 1
In the Contact Details tab, Contacts section:
Enter the contacts for the Organization.
Step 2
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA system uses a ‘Role’ based system for managing Contacts. You can designate the ‘Contact Role’ (such as Manager, Primary Contact, or HR Contact) and then the person who is currently filling that role.
Note – The Approval and Notification functionality in the IBM TRIRIGA system can be based on the ‘Contact Role’ for a record. If the person filling the role changes you simply change it in one place. For example: When the status of an Organization changes you want to notify the ‘HR Contact’. Over time that person may change. The Notification process uses the person assigned to that role at the time the notification is sent.
In the Other Addresses section:
Use this section to enter as many Other Addresses as needed.
Select the appropriate Address Type for each address entered.
Employees, Consultants, Team Members The following example describes the functional areas of the Department or Work Group record. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Review of Employees, Consultants, Team Members Step 1
In the Employees & Contacts tab, Employees section:
Select the Employees associated with the Organization. The Find query on this section displays only Employee records.
Step 2
In the Consultants section:
Step 3
Note – Selecting an Employee in this section will automatically update the Primary Organization for the selected Person. A Person can only be a member of one Primary Organization (Department), but a person can be a member of one or more Work Groups.
Select the Consultants associated with the Organization. The Find query on this section displays only Consultant records.
In the Team Members & Contacts tab, Team Members section:
Select the Team Members associated with the Organization. The Find query on this section displays Employee, Consultant, and External Contact records.
Note – A Person can belong to one or many Work Groups.
Contracts, Products and Services The following example describes the functional areas of the Work Group record. Review of Contracts, Products and Services Step 1
In the Contracts tab, Contracts section:
The Contracts section displays all contracts to which the Organization is associated.
Step 2
Note – You do not add Contracts from this section. The Contracts are displayed when you associate an Organization on the Contract record.
In the Products and Services section:
The IBM TRIRIGA system allows you to define the Products and Services provided by an Organization via Blanket Purchase Orders or Service Agreements. If defined, those Products and Services records will be displayed.
Use Related Reports to switch between Products or Services.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Adjacency Requirements, Space Level Allocation The following example describes the functional areas of the Division record. Review of Contracts, Products and Services Step 1
Step 2
In the Space Details tab, Adjacency Requirements section:
The Adjacency Requirements section allows you to define the space planning relationship between two organizations. Use the Add and Remove actions to adjust the list.
Select the Organization.
Affinity: Select the appropriate level for the relationship.
Comment: Enter any additional comments required to describe the working relationship and space proximity requirements between the two organizations.
In the Space Level Allocations section:
The Space Level Allocations section lists all Active and Retired Allocations for the Organization. The Space Level Allocation records are created from the Space records.
Use Related Reports to display Assigned or Unassigned records.
Note – Space Level Allocations: The IBM TRIRIGA system allows you to define the Areas or Spaces that Organizations are using (responsible for) for space use analysis and charge back purposes. When an Organization is associated to a Space of type (Charged To) the system creates a Space Level Allocation record in Active status. When you remove the association, the system maintains the record for historical and reporting purposes but moves it to a Retired status.
Retail Details, Retail Centers, External Locations The Retail Details, Retail Centers, and External Locations sections are available only when the Organization Type is Retailer. The information in these sections helps retailers identify co-tenants, for example in a mall or shopping center. The following example describes the functional areas of the External Company record.
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Review of Retail Details, Retail Centers, External Locations Sections Step 1
In the General tab, Retail Details section: The Retail Details section allows you to define the category of the retail organization and whether or not this company is a competitor.
Step 2
Select the Retail Category from among the choices defined in the Classification hierarchy.
Competitor?: Select the check box if true.
In the General tab, Retail Centers section: Use this section to specify retail centers where this External Company has a Retail Location.
Step 3
Note – Retail Centers are defined in the Location hierarchy.
In the General tab, External Locations section: Use this section to specify other locations where this External Company has a presence.
Note – External Locations are defined in the Location hierarchy as External Retail Locations.
Environmental The Environmental tab contains environmental data at the company level. IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability assumes that environmental data captured at the company level is NOT also captured at the location level. Carbon emission calculations at the company level are similar to the processing done at the location level. The Carbon Emissions Summary, Scope 1 (Direct) Summary, Scope 2 (Indirect) – Purchased Energy Summary, and Scope 3 – Travel and Waste Summary sections summarize the data in the Carbon Log, Energy Log, Travel Log, Emission Log, Waste Log, Water Log, and Carbon Credits sections on the Environmental tab and the Environmental Details section on the General tab.
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5. Locations The Locations page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various locations that belong to, or are managed by, your organization or your organization’s customers. It allows you to build a hierarchical structure of all properties, land, buildings, structures, floors, spaces, retail centers, and retail locations utilized or managed by your organization. And the Locations menu provides a centralized common data repository that is shared and utilized by most processes in the IBM TRIRIGA system.
Location Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Business Object
Used for Building records
External Retail Location
Used for External Retail Location records
Used for Floor records
Used for Land records
Location Category
Used to organize Locations into groups
Planned Floor
Planned Floor
Used for Planned Floor records
Planned Space
Planned Space
Used for Planned Space records
Used for Property records
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Used for Proposed Retail Location records
Proposed Site
Proposed Site
Used for Proposed Site records
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Note – Proposed Sites are sites that are being evaluated (such as potential leased or owned buildings/structures for a real estate transaction) but are not yet locations that are an active part of your portfolio. 64
Business Object
Retail Center
Used for Retail Center records
Retail Location
Used for Retail Location records
Used for Space records
Space Group
Used to organize Space records into groups
Used for Structure records
Vertical Shaft
Vertical Shaft
Used for Vertical Shaft records
Note – Vertical Shafts represent vertical penetrations through a building/ structure, such as a stairwell or elevator shaft.
Hierarchy/Relationships The Location structure is hierarchical, which means you can organize your locations based on their relationships with other locations. This allows you to model your Location ‘tree’ in the IBM TRIRIGA system to mirror physical boundaries and relationships or to create any other hierarchical relationships you desire. The IBM TRIRIGA Location hierarchy provides a rich set of possible relationships between locations, allowing you to completely model simple (flat structures) or complex hierarchical structures. In some cases the hierarchical relationships are recursive, meaning at that level you can continue to create as many sub-records as you need. For example: A large land area may be sub-divided into lots or parcels; or a large space may contain several sub-spaces. The following diagram illustrates the variety of options available in the Location hierarchy. The diagram is an example. Your location structure may differ from that shown.
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Location Hierarchy Example
Note – A Floor record can have secondary associations to Area Overlay records. Area Overlays can be used to represent sections or wings of a Floor.
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The Locations Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Location records in a tree structure.
A plus sign represents a record in the hierarchy. The contains child records.
The minus sign
The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
also indicates that the record
indicates the record is expanded, displaying child records.
Note – To improve performance in hierarchy trees that have a large number of children, only the first 1000 children are displayed along with an informational message “1000 results displayed. Use Manager Queries to view more.” Child records to the nodes that are not displayed in the tree can be added by opening the record from the query and viewing the Includes tab. The Includes tab displays the complete tree for the open record and its child records.
Example of Location Hierarchy
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Locations The IBM TRIRIGA Locations portal section can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select Locations from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page). To Access Locations Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The Locations portal section lists the available forms.
Step 2
Select a form from the Locations portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
Step 3
Proposed Retail Location
Proposed Site
Location Category
Space Group
Retail Center
Retail Location
External Retail Location
Vertical Shaft
To display the Location hierarchy, select Location Hierarchy in the Locations portal section. The Hierarchy panel of the Location Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Location business object records in a tree structure. The system displays a plus sign for a parent business object. The plus sign also indicates that the record contains child records. The minus sign indicates the parent is expanded, displaying child records. The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
Note – Because the Location structure is hierarchical, you only can add records through the Hierarchy panel.
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To Access Locations Step 4
The results page displays a list of Location records. To display Location records in the results page either:
Step 5
Select a form from the Locations portal section (for example: Building), or
Select a location from the Hierarchy. The results page displays all location records that are children of the selected location.
To display the Geography hierarchy, select Geo/Location Hierarchy in the Locations portal section. The Hierarchy panel of the Geography Hierarchy page displays the hierarchy of Geography business object records in a tree structure. The system displays a plus sign for a parent business object. The plus sign also indicates that the record contains child records. The minus sign indicates the parent is expanded, displaying child records. The dot indicates the record is the lowest level in the hierarchy (i.e., it does not contain further child records).
Note – Because the Geography structure is hierarchical, you only can add records through the Hierarchy panel.
Location – Functional Areas The following matrix lists all functional areas included in Location records and the Location forms with which they are used.
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Details specific to the Location
Environmental Details
Contains the data attributes needed for environmental calculations for the Location
Energy Rating Setup
The target energy rating
Energy Rating Result
Displays the result of the most recent energy rating evaluation
Cost Summary
Defines the annual costs for the building
Building Class Data Attributes
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Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
External Retail Location
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Image, and Hierarchy Path)
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
Accounting Cost Code Details
Accounting Organizations
IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the as-delivered Building record all Currency fields will be in US Dollars and all Area fields will be in squarefeet.
Location Graphic
Displays the graphic for the Location
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Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
Populated based on the value of Structure Class.
Structure Class Data Attributes
External Retail Location
Associated Retail Locations
Primary Phone Numbers
The Primary Phone Numbers for the Location
Primary Organization
The Primary Organization for the Location
Area Measurements
Measurements for the Location
The address of the Location
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Vertical Shaft
The Primary Address for the Location
Primary Address
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
External Retail Location
Dates and status fields related to the current Location status. For example: Offline for Repair, Available)
Proposed Retail Location
Location Status
Location Category
Other / Management Contact
Management Contact Information for the Location
Contains the names and links to the Location’s parent records
Longitude, Latitude, Elevation
Space Measurements
Measurements for the Location
Current Use Space Classification
Space Occupancy information
Floor Measurements
Gross areas for the Floor
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Retail Center
External Retail Location
Vertical Shaft
The Landlord or Owner of the Location
Space Group
Proposed Site
Landlord / Owner
Retail Location
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Contact Details
Retail Center
List of contacts and their specific Contact Roles
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Defines the spaces in the Space Group
Location Category
External Retail Location
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA Approval process can route for Approval based on the Contacts listed on the Location record. The Approval process will resolve the ‘approver’, based on the Contact Role and/or the Person in this section.
Other Addresses
Other Addresses for the Location (such as Bill To address and Ship To address)
Contact Details
Other Phones
Other Phone numbers for the Location
Contact Details
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Building Measurements
Measurements for the Location
Area Measurements
Area Summary
Area Measurement Report for the Location
Area Measurements
Property Measurements
Measurements for the Location
Area Measurements
Retail Measurements
Measurements for the Location
Area Measurements
Measurements for the Location
Area Measurements
List of leases and/or subleases for the Location
Owned Property
List of owned property for the Location
Area Measurements
Floor Area Measurements
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
External Retail Location
This section type displays the graphic for the Location
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
Current Condition Index Summary
System Repair and Replacement Funding
FCI History
Inspection History
Building System Items
Regulatory Information
List of Building Systems associated with the Location
List of Regulatory Information records associated with the Location
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Vertical Shaft
Condition Details
Space Group
Retail Location
Proposed Site
Retail Center
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Space Group
Vertical Shaft
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
Retail Location
Condition Index Summary
External Retail Location
Maintenance Details
General Maintenance Details for the Location
Geography Cost Index
The Geography Cost Index is used as a multiplier to adjust a Cost Estimate for local conditions
Note – Geography Cost Index records are setup as standards in the Tools > Application Setup > Cost Estimates
PM Schedules
List of PM Schedules associated with the Location
PM Schedule
List of PM Schedules associated with the Location
Safety Plans (Procedures)
List of Procedures associated with the Location
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Vertical Shaft
List of Readings associated with the Location
List of Warranties associated with the Location
List of Projects associated with the Location
List of Tasks associated with the Location
Meter Service Allocations
Transaction Log
List of Transaction Log records associated with the Location. A Transaction Log record is created each time a Location is taken Offline or brought back Online
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Space Group
Retail Location
List of Building Systems associated with the Location
Proposed Site
Retail Center
Proposed Retail Location
Building Systems
Location Category
External Retail Location
Available Services
Service Matrix Records
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Carbon Credits
Welcome Package Links
Reserve Administration
Reservation Type
Downtime Log
List of Downtime Log records associated with the Location. A Downtime Log record is created each time a Location is taken Offline and brought back Online
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
General Information
Reserve Details
Quantity Available in Rooms
Admin Groups
Resources And Services
LayOut Option
Welcome Package Documents
Space Standards
Active Reservations
Food Service Contracts
List of Food Service Contracts associated with the Location
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Location Cost Index
Select a cost index for this Location
Move Cost Estimates
Overrides system settings
Space Occupancy Settings
Use to override the global settings for this location
Space Management
Real Property Type And Use
Legal Interest
Real Property Federal Status
Real Property Status
Reporting Organization
Reporting Agency
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Specific Move questions (may override system settings)
Move Policy Settings
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Using Organization
Condition Index
Mission Dependency
Annual Operating Costs
Main Location
Real Property Unique Identifier
Congressional District
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Installation / SubInstallation Identifier
Building Environmental Metrics
Carbon Emissions Summary
CO2e values
Scope 1 (Direct) Summary
CO2, CH4, N2O, and Total CO2e values
Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary
CO2 values
Scope 3 Travel and Waste Summary
Travel and Waste CO2 values
Carbon Log
List of Carbon Logs for the Location
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Travel Log
List of Travel Logs for the Location
Emission Log
List of Emission Logs for the Location
Waste Log
List of Waste Logs for the Location
Water Log
List of Water Logs for the Location
Climate Log
List of Weather Station data including the Station information and the heating and cooling degree days
Carbon Credits
List of Carbon Credits for the Location
Energy Ratings
Displays associated energy rating records for this location
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List of Energy Logs for the Location
Energy Log
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
People – Secondary Location
List of People for whom the Location is their ‘Secondary Location’
Associated Assets
List of Assets associated with the Location
Associated Equipment
List of Specifications indicating other equipment located at the Location.
Vertical Shaft
Space Group
List of People for whom the Location is their ‘Primary Location’
People – Primary Location
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
This will typically be equipment that you are not tracking as Assets in the system. Space Standards
List of Space Standards associated with the Location
Allocation General
General Allocation information for the Location
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Occupancy Allocations
List of Organizations occupying the Space for space planning purposes
Chargeback Allocations
List of Organizations occupying the space for chargeback purposes
People – Primary Location
List of people with location listed as their primary location
People – Secondary Location
List of people with location listed as their secondary location
Occupancy Details
Summarizes the occupancy of the location
Space Utilization
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Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Defines Space Class
Current Space Class
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Area Overlay Allocation History
Finish General
Area Overlay Allocations
Vertical Shaft
List of Area Overlays associated with the Location
Area Overlays
Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Note – The Floor record can have secondary associations to Area Overlay records. Area Overlays can be used to represent sections or wings of a Floor.
Area Overlays can have Organizations associated with them for charge back purposes. When an Organization is associated with an Area Overlay, the system generates an Area Level Allocation record.
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Room Finish Notes
Regulatory Information
List of Regulatory Information records associated with the Location
Calendar Details
Reserve information: Time Zone and Reservable flag
External Mail Server Details
Vertical Shaft
Calendar Details
Information about the external e-mail server
Calendar Details
Availability Calendar
Specifies when the Location is available
Calendar Details
Displays this month’s calendar
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Space Group
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Vertical Shaft
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
Status Change Notifications
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Location record
Log for Comments associated with the Location record
Notes & Documents
Related Documents
List of Documents associated with the Location record
Notes & Documents
Transaction Log
Downtime Log
Move Request Line Item Log
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Space Group
Retail Center
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
Retail Location
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
Location Category
External Retail Location
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
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Vertical Shaft
Space Group
Form report(s) for the Location
Retail Location
Retail Center
Proposed Site
Proposed Retail Location
External Retail Location
Displays a GIS map pinpointing the Location in the record.
Location Category
The following describes the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Location record. The functionality is similar on other Location forms.
General, Details (Ref: Building) General Tab: General Section: •
ID: Enter an ID for record, or if you leave the ID field blank the system auto-generates a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action.
Status: System generated
Image: Select an image for the Location (optional).
Name: Enter the name of the Location.
Hierarchy Path: The full path in the hierarchy for the Location record, including the Location Category. Hierarchy Path is system generated and includes the current Location and all parent Locations. The hierarchy path is used often as the search and display field on associated objects.
(Ref: Building) General Tab: Details Section: The fields in this section vary depending on the Location form. Enter details as appropriate.
Environmental Details (Ref: Building) General Tab: Environmental Details Section: Enter the details as required. •
Carbon Calculation Method: Whether or not you wish to estimate or use actual energy use data. Click the List icon
and select from Estimated or Actual Energy Use.
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Carbon Calculation Region: Click the Search icon
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint): Enter the value. If the Carbon Calculation Method = Actual Energy Use, the system auto-populates this field based on the latest Carbon Footprint calculation.
Certification Level: Click the Search icon Platinum.
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) Equity Share: The Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) multiplied by the Equity Share percentage. This is auto-populated from the Carbon Log.
Equity Share (Percent) : Enter your company’s economic interest in this location. It is a factor for the Carbon Emission Calculation and Greenhouse Gas credits.
Occupancy Rate (Percent): The percent the Location is occupied.
Total Area Occupied: The total gross area occupied.
Company Pays Utilities: Click the List icon
and select either Yes or No.
Electric Metering Type: Click the List icon Master Metered.
and select from Metered, Not Metered, or
Energy Reporting Exempt Status: Click the List icon and select from the choices presented. Select Yes if the Location is exempt from energy reporting requirements.
Weather Station: Enter a few characters of the value to take advantage of autocomplete or click the search icon . The system populates Climate Zone and Climate Division from the Weather Station selected.
Total Annual Utility Bills: Enter the amount and the currency.
Annual Energy Use: Enter the amount.
Last Update: The system auto-populates the date when it updates the data.
Carbon Calculation Needed: Select this check box to force the system to perform a carbon calculation for this Location.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
and select from the choices.
and select from Certified, Gold, Silver, or
Energy Rating Setup, Energy Rating Result You will find detailed information about the Energy Rating Setup section and the Energy Rating Result section in the “IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Energy Star Benchmarking” chapter of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Connector User Guide. (Ref: Building) General Tab: Energy Rating Setup Section: •
Energy Rating Type: Click the Search icon
Baseline Date: Provide the baseline date.
Baseline Rating: Provide the baseline energy rating.
Target Date: The date you expect to reach the Target Rating.
Target Rating: Establishes the energy rating goal.
and select from the choices.
Click Set Baseline to set the baseline data for the location. The system sets the baseline value from the most recent energy rating from the baseline date. If there is no baseline date, the system sets the baseline date and baseline value from the earliest energy rating record. Energy Rating Result Section: Displays the most recent energy rating record, showing the Energy Rating Type, Actual Rating, Target Date, Target Rating, Update Type, and Projected Yearly Savings. Click Update to create energy rating records manually.
Tip – The Update action is not available until the record has been saved.
Units, Location Graphic (Ref: Building) General Tab: Units Section: •
Currency, Area Units, Length Units, Carbon Calculation UOM, and Energy Reporting UOM: Select the appropriate
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Building record, all Currency fields can be in US Dollars, all Area fields can be in square-Feet, and all Length fields can be in feet and inches.
Unit of Measure. •
Carbon Reporting UOM: Auto-populated from the value in the Environmental Settings section of Application Settings in Tools > System Setup > General. Can be changed for this Location.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency Unit of Measure (UOM) after implementation.
Location Graphic Section: Displays the browser-graphic associated with the Location.
Location Status, Primary Address, Primary Phone Numbers, Reporting (Ref: Building) General Tab: Location Status Section: •
In Service: Typically the date the Location was constructed or last major renovation date.
The In Service date is used on the Assessment tab as part of the formula that calculates the ‘End of Useful Life’ for the Location. •
Actual Retirement: The date the Location is retired from the active portfolio.
(Ref: Space) General Tab: Location Status Section (Space/Vertical Shaft):
Note – The fields and actions displayed in the Location Status section change based on the Offline or Online status.
Location Status: Read-only. Displays the current status classification
Location Status Color: Read-only color
The Status Color is derived from the Status Classification record. •
In Service: Typically the date the Location was constructed or last major renovation date.
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Actual Retirement: The date the Location is retired from the active Portfolio.
Last Inventory: The date of the last inventory assessment.
Inventory Method: Select the Inventory Method (Automated, Manual, Scanned).
Online Date: The date of the last Online action.
Offline Date: The date of the last Offline action.
Expected Online Date: The date the Location is expected to be brought back Online.
Earliest Available Date: Calculated by the system based on the information in the Offline Location form.
Latest Available Date: Calculated by the system based on the information in the Offline Location form.
(Ref: Space) Offline Location Form Selecting the Offline action on the Location Status section opens the Offline Location form. Complete the form and select the Create action. •
No End Date: Select No End Date to place a space Offline for the remainder of the space’s life span. The space is then unavailable for commitments starting on the Offline Date.
Note – If an Asset or Location that is designated as Reservable is taken Offline, the system places a commit against the Asset/Location schedule for the duration between the Offline Date and the Expected Online Date. The commit is removed when the Online form is processed.
Note – Each Offline Location form changes the Location status to Offline for Maintenance or Offline for Repair and creates a Log record. All Offline Log records can be viewed on the History tab.
(Ref: Space) Online Location Form Selecting the Online action on the Location Status section opens the Online Location form. Complete the form and select the Create action. Each Online Location form changes the Location status to Available and creates a Log record. All Online Log records can be viewed on the History tab. Each Online Location form also triggers the creation of a Downtime Log record (downtime © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
duration = Online Date/Time – Offline Date/Time) (Ref: Building) General Tab: Primary Address Section: Enter the Primary Address for the Location. A Building, Structure, or Retail Location record inherits values from the parent Property. Primary Phone Numbers Section: Enter the Primary Phone Numbers for the Location. Reporting Section: Displays the names and links to the Location’s ‘parent’ records. The fields in the Reporting section vary based on the form.
Contacts, Other Addresses, Other Phones (Ref: Building) Contact Details Tab: Contacts Section: General contact information If this is a Retail establishment, be sure to assign a person in the role of manager so that when the help desk/contact center is recording a ticket they can see who the manager is at the building. The IBM TRIRIGA Approval process can route for Approval based on the Contacts listed on the Location record. The Approval process resolves the approver based on the Contact Role and/or the Person in this section. Other Addresses Section: Enter any additional addresses for the location such as Bill To address and Ship To address. Other Phones Section: Enter any additional phone numbers for the Location.
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Graphic (Ref: Building) Graphic Tab: Graphics Section: The Graphics section displays the browser-based graphic associated with the Location. The Graphics section can be an image file or a file exported from your IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator application. (Ref: Space) Graphic Tab: Graphics Section: The Graphics section displays the browser-based graphic associated with the Location. For Spaces, the Graphics section typically displays the floor plan with the Location highlighted.
Area Measurements, Area Summary (Ref: Building) Area Measurements Tab: Measurements Section: The Measurements section displays area measurements for the Location. The measurements displayed vary based on the form. Measurements are rollups from child locations in Imperial and Metric and typically include: •
Gross Area
Rentable Area
Usable Area
Property, Building, or Floor Common Area and R/U (Rentable to Usable) Ratios
Area Summary Section: This section contains a report that summarizes the key area measurements for the location. The report varies based on the form. Measurements are rollups from child locations.
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Space Measurements, Current Use Space Classification IBM TRIRIGA provides a user configurable system for set up and management of Space Classifications. During planning and set up of your system you should review the Space Classifications delivered with the product and make any modifications to the data necessary to reflect your industry, market, or business and reporting needs. Once your Space Use Classifications are set up, they can be applied across your portfolio for consistency and standardization. Changing a designation (for example: you want to change a Space Classification from Floor Common to Building Common) can be done at the Classification level and the change will be reflected across the portfolio.
Note – Space Use Classifications in the IBM TRIRIGA system can be set up to mirror the Area Measurement Standards recommended by industry organizations such as IFMA and BOMA and/or they can be tailored to meet your specific business standards.
This section describes the setup and business logic behind Space Use Classifications and how they are applied to spaces in the system. (Ref: Space) General Tab: Space Measurements Section: •
Area (Imperial and Metric): The actual area of the space.
Gross Area (Imperial and Metric): Typically the Gross Area field is 0. You can use the Gross Area field when defining a larger space that may contain one or more spaces.
(Ref: Space) General Tab: Current Use Space Classification Section:
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA application is delivered with a default set of Current Use Space Classifications that include those supported by IFMA and BOMA. You may wish to alter these Classifications to better fit your industry or business and reporting needs.
Note – The Area, Gross Area, and Space Classification can be populated using the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator. You also can Create, Edit, and Retire Space records using the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator.
This section is used to ‘classify’ the type of Space. The classification selected determines how the Space Area rolls up for Floor, Building, Structure, and Property level Area Summaries, and how the space is prorated during a Space Audit. •
Current Use Space Class:
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Used to classify how the Space is currently being used.
Note – Use the Find action and view and select the Space Use Classification.
Do Not Include in Area Rollup: If checked, the Space will not be included in Floor, Building, Structure, and Property Area Summaries
As Designed Space Class: Used to record the original design intent of the Space
Way Finder Weight: Enter the Way Finder weight (see side note)
Surcharge: If applicable, enter the amount and UOM.
Note – The Way Finder Weight field is used when determining the shortest route between two Spaces. For example: You might put a higher Way Finder Weight (10) on the CEO Conference Room since you do not want people to be walking through it when going from the top floor to a lower floor. You would put a lower Way Finder Weight (1) on the corridor you would prefer them to use.
Note – When you select the Current Use Space Classification several other fields in this section are populated (some are read-only). These fields are described below.
Space Class Current Classification Space Class Current Classification records are managed in the Classification hierarchy. Several of the fields from the Classification record are copied to the Space record when a
Note – The values delivered with the product for Proration Type are as follows:
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Not Applicable
Floor Shared
Building Common
Building Shared
Other Tenant
Classification is selected. •
Name: The name of the Classification. This is the name displayed in queries, reports, and on the Space record.
Color: A color for the classification. The color is used when you query and color-code the Floor Plan for Space Class.
OSCRE Standard: Flags this record as an OSCRE Space Class Standard.
OSCRE Code: OSCRE’s code for this record.
Proration Type: The proration type is used to ‘normalize’ the many Space Class records into ‘categories’. It is used by the system for prorating Space during the Space Audit process.
Surcharge: You can define a surcharge for the Space Class. The surcharge is applied when calculating the charge back costs for Space Level Allocation and Space Audit records Exclude from Rentable: If checked, the Area of any Spaces associated with the Space Classification will NOT be included as part of the Rentable Area calculations
Exterior Walls
Floor Common
Vertical Penetration
Tip – You may wish to change the name of the Proration Type field to ‘Space Type’ if your company is not using the BOMA standard for Area Measurement.
Note – The Surcharge value is defaulted to the Space record from the selected Space Classification record, but can be changed for each Space if needed.
Note – When the IBM TRIRIGA system calculates the Rentable Area, the system will NOT include spaces where the Exclude from Rentable field is checked. For example: Vertical Penetrations are typically excluded when calculating Rentable Area. You would, therefore, check the Exclude from Rentable field on all Vertical Penetration Space Class records.
Note – When the IBM TRIRIGA system calculates the Usable Area, the system will NOT include spaces where the Exclude from Usable field is checked. For example: Building Core and Service Areas and Primary Circulation are typically excluded when calculating Usable Area. You would, therefore, check the Exclude from Usable field on all Building Core and Service Areas and Primary Circulation Space Class records.
Note – If a Space is associated with a Space Classification where Vacant Common is checked, the system will change the Occupancy Status field for the Space to ‘Vacant Common’. Use Vacant Common for spaces that are not ‘occupied’ by employees, such as Utility Closets, Lobbies, Toilets, etc. When you run Graphic Queries to color-code the Floor Plan based on Occupancy Status (Vacant, Occupied, Shared, and Vacant Common) , then Vacant Common will be colored a unique color and will not
Exclude from Usable: If checked, the Area of any
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Spaces associated with the Space Classification will NOT be included as part of the Usable Area calculations •
Vacant Common: Select the Vacant Common check box if the Space is typically not occupied, such as an Electrical Closet or Toilet.
Note – If a Space is associated with a Space Classification where Property Common is checked, the system will include the Area of that Space in the Property Common totals and the Property R/U Ratio calculation; and will prorate that Area at the Property level during the Space Audit process.
Note – If a Space is associated with a Space Classification where Building Common is checked, the system will include the Area of that Space in the Building Common totals and the Building R/U Ratio calculation; and will prorate that Area at the Building level during the Space Audit process.
Note – If a Space is associated with a Space Classification where Floor Common is checked, the system will include the Area of that Space in the Floor Common totals and the Floor R/U Ratio calculation; and will prorate that Area at the Floor level during the Space Audit process.
Note – OSCRE mapping to IFMA/BOMA.
Property Common: Check if the Space Class is to be included in the Property Common rollup.
Building Common: Check if the Space Class is to be included in the Building Common rollup.
Floor Common: Check if the Space Class is to be included in the Floor Common rollup.
override the Vacant, Occupied, Shared designations of spaces such as Offices and Workstations.
OSCRE mapping to new IFMA-BOMA: Maps the OSCRE values to the IFMA/BOMA values for Exterior Gross, Interior Gross, Assignable, Rentable, and Usable for report rollups. See the chart to the right for values.
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Occupancy (Ref: Space) General Tab: Occupancy Section: •
Headcount Occupancy Status: Read-only field displays the current Headcount Occupancy Status (Vacant (Headcount = 0), Partially Occupied (Capacity > Headcount and Headcount > 0), Occupied (Capacity = Headcount), Over-Allocated (Capacity < Headcount), Vacant Common).
Chargeback Status: Read-only field displays the current Chargeback Status (Vacant (no ‘Charge To’ Organization), Occupied (more than 1 ‘Charge To’ Organization), or Vacant Common).
Headcount (Primary): Read-only field displays the total headcount where the Space is designated as the Person’s ‘Primary’ Location.
Headcount (Other): Read-only field displays the total headcount where the Space is designated as the Person’s ‘Secondary’ Location.
Seats Allocated: Read-only field displays the number of seats allocated.
Percent Occupied: Read-only field displays Seats Allocated divided by Capacity.
Remaining Vacant: Read-only field displays Capacity minus Seats Allocated.
Capacity: Enter the capacity of the Space.
Shared Capacity Factor: The desk-sharing ratio. For example, an office with 1 seat that is shared by a day shift and a swing shift person, 2 people to 1 seat, making the desk-sharing
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ratio 2:1 = 2. A seat that is assigned to a single individual and not shared has a 1:1 ratio and the Shared Capacity Factor = 1. •
Emergency Capacity: The capacity of the space if used to house workers in an emergency situation. For example, a 2-person workspace or small conference room could be converted quickly to a 4-person space.
Overflow Capacity: The capacity of this Space if used to house overflow mobile workers as a secondary shared space. Used if a space is outfitted for mobile workers but that is not its primary design intent, such as a break room, cafeteria, or library with seats and/or technology.
Total Planning Capacity: Read-only field displays Capacity times Shared Capacity Factor. For example, an office space has 4 seats (Capacity = 4) and each seat is used by 3 people (Shared Capacity Factor = 3); the Total Planning Capacity is 3 x 4 = 12.
Total Emergency Capacity: Capacity Factor.
Total Overflow Capacity: Read-only field displays Overflow Capacity times Shared Capacity Factor.
Planned Occupancy: Read-only field displays the sum of all open “People” type Move Request Line Items (MLI) having this space as their “To Location”.
Planned Vacancy: Read-only field displays the sum of all open “People” type Move Request Line Items (MLI) having this space as their “From Location”.
Adjusted Remaining Vacant: Read-only field displays the occupancy of this space when planned occupancy and planned vacancy are taken into account (Adjusted Remaining Vacant = Remaining Vacant + Planned Occupancy – Planned Vacancy)
Read-only field displays Emergency Capacity times Shared
People – Primary Location, People – Secondary Location, Associated Assets, Associated Equipment, Space Standards (Ref: Space) Details Tab: People – Primary Location Section: List of people for whom the Space is their ‘Primary’ Location. Adding a person to the People – Primary Location section changes the Primary Location field on the Person’s record. People can have only one Primary Location in the system. People can have any number of Secondary Locations.
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People – Secondary Location Section: List of people for whom the Space is their ‘Secondary’ Location. Associated Assets Section: List of Assets associated with the Location. Other Equipment Section: List of Specifications indicating other equipment located at the Location. This will typically be equipment that you are not tracking as Assets in the system. Space Standards Section: List of Space Standards associated with the Location.
Allocation - Space The IBM TRIRIGA system automates creating and retiring space use records (IBM TRIRIGA refers to as Space Allocations). A Space Allocation record is created whenever an Organization is associated with a Space with the association type of ‘Charged To’. The Space Allocation record is retired whenever a corresponding Organization is de-associated with the Space. This can be done from the Space record or using the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator. This allows you to manage your space use by simply adding and removing the Organizations from the Spaces. The system will manage the Allocation records for you. In a Space record this is done on the Chargeback Allocations section. On Find, new Space Allocations records are created. On Remove, the corresponding Space Allocation records are retired. The active and retired Space Allocation records display based on the related report selected. The IBM TRIRIGA system maintains the history of all Space Allocations. IBM TRIRIGA Strategic Facility Planning (IBM TRIRIGA SFP) uses Occupancy Allocations for strategic planning activities. For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Strategic Facility Planning User Guide. (Ref: Space) Allocation Tab: Allocation General Section: •
Area: Area of the Space entered on the General tab.
Floor Cost per Sq Unit: Referenced from the Floor record.
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Note – The Floor Cost per Sq Unit and the Cost per Sq Unit fields are used to calculate the charge back cost on Space Allocation and Space Audit records.
Cost per Sq Unit: Enter any additional Cost per Sq Unit that should be applied specific to the Space (For example: A computer clean room environment requiring facility resources above normal operating requirements)
Surcharge: Enter any additional surcharge that should be applied specific to the Space
(Ref: Space) Allocation Tab: Current Space Class Section: This section populates the same fields as the Current Use Space Classification section on the General tab of the Space record. (Ref: Space) Allocation Tab: Occupancy Allocations Section: This section contains the organizations occupying the space. Use the Find action to add an organization. Space Level Occupancy is used by IBM TRIRIGA SFP. For more information, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Strategic Facility Planning User Guide. (Ref: Space) Allocation Tab: Chargeback Allocations Section: This section contains the organizations charged for the space. On Find, the selected Organizations are associated with the Space and new Space Allocations records are created. On Remove, the selected Organizations are removed from the section and the corresponding Space Allocation records are retired. (Ref: Space) Allocation Tab: People – Primary Location Section:
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Contains the same information as the People – Primary Location section on the Details tab. Lists People records with this space as their primary location. People – Secondary Location Section: Contains the same information as the People – Secondary Location section on the Details tab. Lists People records with this space in their Other Assigned Locations section. Space Level Allocation The Space Level Allocation record contains information about: •
The Space,
The Organization,
The Area allocated,
The Costs to be charged, and
The reference Space Use Agreement (if any)
Note – When a Space Level Allocation is retired, the Date Unallocated, Unallocated By, and Un-allocate Comment fields are populated. The status field changes to Retired.
Allocation - Floor The IBM TRIRIGA system supports Area Overlays and Area Level Allocations. Area Overlays provide the ability to define area of a Floor (either graphically (via CAD) or manually). Area Overlays can be used to:
Define areas of a Floor for Floor-level charge back purposes
Define areas of a Floor such as a Wing, Ward, or Zone
An Area Level Allocation record is created whenever an Organization is associated with an Area Overlay with the association type of ‘Charged To’. The Area Level Allocation record is retired whenever a corresponding Organization is de-associated with the Area Overlay. This can be done from the Floor record, or using the IBM TRIRIGA CAD Integrator. This allows you to manage your space use by adding and removing the Organizations from the Area Overlay records. The system will manage the Allocation records for you. In an Area Overlay record this is done on the Organizations Charged section. On Find new Area Level Allocations records are created. On Remove the corresponding Area Level Allocation records are retired. The active and retired Area Allocation records are displayed in the Area Overlay Allocations section and the Area Overlay Allocation History sections respectively. The IBM TRIRIGA system maintains the history of all Area Overlays and Area Level Allocations.
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(Ref: Floor) Allocation Tab: Allocation General Section: •
Gross Area: Entered on the General tab
Floor Cost per Sq Unit: Entered on the General tab
Area Overlays Section: List of Area Overlay records associated with the Floor. Area Overlay Allocations Section: List of all Area Level Allocations with a status = Active Area Overlay Allocation History Section: List of all Area Level Allocations with a status = Retired Area Overlay •
Area: Total Area of the Area Overlay
Organizations Charged Section: On Find the selected Organizations are associated with the Area Overlay and new Area Level Allocations records are created. On Remove the selected Organizations are removed from the section and the corresponding Area Level Allocation records are retired. Allocations Section: List of all Area Level Allocations with a status = Active Area Level Allocation The Area Level Allocation record contains information about: •
The Area Overlay,
The Organization,
The Area allocated,
The Costs to be charged,
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The reference Space Use Agreement (if any),
Headcount Details, and
Portfolio Summary
Note – When an Area Level Allocation is retired the Date Unallocated, Unallocated By, and Un-allocate Comment fields are populated. The status field = Retired.
Landlord/Owner, Other/Management Contact (Ref: Proposed Site) General Tab: Landlord / Owner Section: Enter the Landlord / Owner Organization and Contact information. Other / Management Contact Section: Enter the Management Organization or other Contact information.
Geography, Geography Cost Index (Ref: Property) General Tab: Geography Section: Enter the Longitude, Latitude, and Elevation. (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Geography Cost Index Section: Select the appropriate Geography Cost Index for the Location.
Note – The Geography Cost Index is used for Cost Estimating to adjust the standard unit prices based on the Geography of the Location.
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Contracts (Ref: Building) Contracts Tab: Lease/Subleases Section: This section contains a list of contracts associated with the Location.
Assessment Facility Assessment is a comprehensive process that provides objective and subjective analysis of the existing (and projected future) condition of facilities as well as the building systems and assets within those facilities. This process determines the immediate and long-term cost liabilities for the assessed building systems. It enables an organization to address operational requirements along with required funding requirements. This assures that buildings/structures and systems are maintained in a proactive manner. Property, Land, Building, and Structure records in the IBM TRIRIGA system hold the primary Facility Assessment data. Assessment processes can be done directly from the Property, Land, Building, and Structure records such as:
Identifying and Managing Building System Items,
Managing Building System and Environmental Opportunities,
Managing Regulatory and Valuation information,
Initiating Inspection and Funding Requests,
Updating Component Renewal Dates and Amounts, and
Managing Facility Condition Index (FCI), System Index (SCI), and Green Condition Index history records
The Building record is used for the description of features, functionality and processes in this section. Similar tabs, sections, fields, and processes are available on the Property, Structure, and Land objects.
Note – Based on your user role and system access you may see some or all of the information described in this section. You also may have read-only access to some of the tabs, sections, and fields.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a complete description of the Facility Assessment functionality.
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(Ref: Building) Assessment Tab: The Assessment tab holds all information pertinent to managing Assessment data and processes for a Location (in this case a Building) including: •
Life Expectancy
Replacement Cost
Current Condition Index (with History Log)
List of Opportunities and Total Cost of Opportunities
Repair and Replacement Funding
Building Systems
Inspection History
Regulatory Information
Valuation Log
Maintenance Details, PM Schedules, Safety Plans (Procedures), Building Systems, Readings, Warranties, Projects, Tasks, Checklists, Meter Service Allocations, Transaction Log, Available Services (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Maintenance Details Section: •
Maintenance Priority: Enter the Maintenance Priority for the location.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: PM Schedules Section: List of PM Schedule records associated with the location.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a complete description of Reading Log records, Preventive Maintenance, Job Plans, PM Schedules, and Tasks.
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(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Safety Plans (Procedures) Section: List of Procedure records associated with the location. (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Building Systems Section: List of Building System records associated with the location. (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Readings Section: List of Reading Log records associated with the location.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a complete description of Reading Log records, Preventive Maintenance, Job Plans, PM Schedules, and Tasks.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Warranties Section: List of Warranty records associated with the location.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a description of Warranty Contracts.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Projects Section: List of Project records associated with the location. (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Tasks Section: List of Task records associated with the location.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a complete description of Reading Log records, Preventive Maintenance, Job Plans, PM Schedules, and Tasks.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Checklists Section: For Building, Land, Retail Location, or Structure records, lists the Checklists applicable for the specific location, such as Environmental, ADA Compliance, Facility Inspections, and others.
Note – Although Checklists are added from Building, Land, Retail Location, and Structure records, they are accessible from the menu bar. Select Sustainability > Certifications.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Meter Service Allocations Section: For each meter servicing the Building, Land, Retail Location, or Structure, indicates the allocation of utility expenses to this record. (Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Transaction Log Section: List of Transaction Log records associated with the location.
Note – A Transaction Log record is created each time the location is taken Offline and brought back Online. Refer to the Location Status section above for a description of the Offline and Online forms.
(Ref: Building) Maintenance Tab: Available Services Section: List of Available Services records associated with the location.
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Regulatory A Location can have one or many associated Regulatory Information records. The Regulatory Information record is used to create a log for all types of regulatory codes, practices, inspections, and issues including:
Regulation Type
Inspection Details
Key Contacts
Code, Title, Edition
(Ref: Floor) Regulatory Tab: Regulatory Information Section: List of Regulatory records associated with the Location. Regulatory Information Record The Regulatory Information record provides a format for creating log records for all types of regulatory codes, practices, inspections, and issues including: •
Regulation Type
Code, Title, Edition
Inspection Details
Key Contacts Note – The Regulatory Information record can be used to record:
The Codes and Regulations pertinent to the Location for quick reference
Specific Regulatory Issues and Resolutions
Regulatory related Inspections
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Retail Center Sections Some of the Retail Center sections and fields are unique. Details Section: Enter the details as required. Some of the fields that are unique are:
Property Class: Click the Search icon
Developer: Click the Search icon Companies.
and select from the choices in the list of External
Open Year: Click the Search icon
and select from the choices.
Occupancy Rate (Percent): Type in the number representing the percentage this property is typically occupied.
Number of Anchors: The Number of Anchors is populated from values selected in the Anchors section.
Gross Lease Area: After entering the appropriate data, click the List icon and select from the UOM choices. If the list is not complete, it can be updated in the Lists under Tools > Administration.
Remodel/Exp Date: Enter the date or click the Calendar icon
Enclosed: Click the List icon
Sales/Area Unit: Enter the value.
and select from the choices.
and select the date.
and select Yes or No.
Primary Address Section: Enter the required information. Among the fields that are unique to a Retail Center are:
Primary Street: The primary street for this location.
Street Location Type: Click the Search icon
Intersection: The nearest intersection to the location.
Distance from Intersection: Enter the number. The unit of measure is populated from the Units section.
Neighborhood Type: Click the Search icon
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and select from the choices.
and select from the choices. 114
Density Class: Click the Search icon
and select from the choices.
Associated Retail Locations Section: A list of Retail Locations of interest associated to this Retail Center is displayed in this section. Anchors Section: Click the Find action and select from the list of External Companies to identify the Anchors in this Retail Center. Co-Tenants Section: Click the Find action and select from the list of External Companies to identify other businesses of interest that occupy this Retail Center.
Retail Location Sections Some of the Retail Location sections and fields are unique. Details Section: Enter the details as required. Some of the fields that are unique are:
External Presence: Click the Search icon
Retail Comparable Store: Click the List icon and Non-Comp.
Location Format: Click the Search icon
Frontage: Enter the amount of frontage and click the List icon measure.
Location Layout: Click the Search icon
Entrances: Enter the number of entrances.
Depth: Enter the depth. The unit of measure is populated from the value in the Units section.
and select from the choices. and select from the choices, Closed, Comp,
and select from the choices. to select the unit of
and select from the choices.
Primary Address Section: Enter the required information. Among the fields that are specific to a Retail Location are: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Primary Street: The primary street for this location.
Intersection: The nearest intersection to the location.
Neighborhood Type: Click the Search icon
Street Location Type: Click the Search icon
Distance from Intersection: Enter the number and click the List icon measure.
Density Class: Click the Search icon
and select from the choices. and select from the choices. to select the unit of
and select from the choices.
Proposed Retail Location Sections Some of the Proposed Retail Location sections and fields are unique. Address Section: Enter the required information. Among the fields that are unique for a Proposed Retail Location are:
Primary Street: The primary street for this location.
Street Location Type: Click the Search icon
Intersection: The nearest intersection to the location.
Approx. Distance from Intersection: Enter the number and select the unit of measure from the list.
External Presence: Click the Search icon
and select from the choices.
and select from the choices.
External Retail Location Sections Some of the External Retail Location sections and fields are unique. Details Section: Enter the details as required. Among the fields that are unique are:
Location Format: Click the Search icon
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and select from the choices.
Location Layout: Click the Search icon
Retail Comparable Store: Click the List icon and Non-Comp.
External Presence: Click the Search icon
Entrances: Enter the number of entrances.
Frontage: Enter the amount of frontage and click the List icon measure.
Depth: Enter the depth. The unit of measure is populated from the value in the Units section.
and select from the choices. and select from the choices, Closed, Comp,
and select from the choices.
to select the unit of
Primary Address Section: Enter the required information. Among the fields that are unique to an External Retail Location are:
Primary Street: The primary street for this location.
Street Location Type: Click the Search icon
Intersection: The nearest intersection to the location.
Distance from Intersection: Enter the number and click the List icon measure.
Neighborhood Type: Click the Search icon
Density Class: Click the Search icon
and select from the choices.
to select the unit of
and select from the choices.
and select from the choices.
Structure Sections Most of the information about Buildings in this chapter also applies to Structures. However, one Structure section and some of the Structure fields are unique. Structure Class Data Attributes Section: The Structure Class Data Attributes section is populated by the system based on the value selected for Structure Class in the Details section.
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Checklists Checklists enable evaluating the current environmental and energy performance of facilities, monitoring the impact of planned and executed improvements, and rating environmental and energy performance to help determine what improvements should be made to achieve a higher level of certification. Checklists also are a way to verify that defined actions have been taken. A Checklist is comprised of Checklist Categories that group Checklist Items and their score. Checklist Categories contain Checklist Items, which are the requirements. Checklists and Checklist Items can include the specific Projects and/or Tasks to be implemented to achieve the score for the Checklist Item. Checklist Templates, located in Tools > Application Setup, includes Checklist Templates, Checklist Category Templates, and Checklist Item Templates.
Templates Templates facilitate standardization and easy creation of Checklists, Checklist Categories, and Checklist Items. If a checklist template is revised or retired, you will be asked whether you wish the action to be applied to checklists already created that were based on the template. Note the Update Associated Checklists action in the following Checklist Template example. There is a similar action on Checklist Item Templates. When selected, the Update Associated Checklists action updates the selected Checklists or Checklist Items and also updates non-location records associated to the Checklist or Checklist Item.
Checklists Checklists, Checklist Categories, and Checklist Items are applied to a Building, Land, Retail Location, and Structure within the location record.
Note – Although Checklists are added from Building, Land, Retail Location, and Structure records, they are accessible from the menu bar. Select Sustainability > Certifications.
The following illustrates the Checklists section in location business objects and describes how to use Checklists, Checklist Categories, and Checklist Items in the Checklists section. A Building is used as an example. Maintenance Tab Checklists Section The Checklists sub-tab is on the Maintenance tab of Building, Land, Retail Location, and Structure business objects. A checklist can be added through the Add action or the Add Using Template action on the Checklists section.
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Checklists Section If you select Add Using Template, you are presented with the currently defined Checklist Templates. Select from the choices given.
Note – To facilitate the adding of Checklists, use Checklist Templates.
Checklist Form If you select Add on the Checklists section bar, the system displays a Checklist form, in which you define the checklist. Linked Record Section Defines the Location record to which this checklist is linked. Clicking the Linked Record hyperlink opens the Location record. Checklist General Section
ID: Enter an ID for the Checklist. If you leave the ID field blank, the system automatically generates a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action.
Status: System generated.
Name: Enter a unique name for this Checklist.
Checklist Type: Click the Search icon
Checklist Source: Click the Search icon
Description: Describe the Checklist.
Version: Enter the version number of the Checklist.
Last Update: Click the Calendar icon
Certification Description: Describe the Certification Level that is the goal of this Checklist
and select from the choices. and select from the choices.
to indicate the date of the last update.
Checklist Details Section
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Certification Process Status: Click the Search icon and select from the choices. The Certification Process field is used to designate where a Checklist is in the certification process to facilitate reporting and tracking.
Certification Status: Click the Search icon and select from the choices. The Certification Status records an achieved level of certification, such as LEED-EB Silver or LEED-EB Gold.
Total Points: Based on the other information in this record, the system calculates the number of points toward this certification from the points defined for the Checklist Items.
Checklist Checklist Category Section Checklist Categories allow grouping Checklist Items and their score. Click Add to create a Checklist Category or Add Using Template to use an existing template to populate Checklist Categories. Categories Section If you select Add Using Template, you are presented with the currently defined Checklist Category Templates. Select from the choices given.
Note – To facilitate the adding of Checklist Categories, use Checklist Category Templates.
Categories Section If you select Add, the system displays a Checklist Category form, in which you define the Checklist Items in the Checklist Category. Checklist Category Form General Section
ID: Enter an ID for the Checklist Category. If you leave the ID field blank, the system automatically generates a unique ID on the Create action.
Status: System generated.
Checklist Category: Click the Search icon
Description: Describe the Checklist Category.
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and select from the choices.
Point Total: Based on the other information in this record, the system calculates the number of points from the points defined for the Checklist Items.
Checklist Category Checklist Items Section Checklist Items are the specific requirements. Actions, such as creating a project or a task, can be performed for a Checklist Item to be achieved for a point or credit. Click Add to create a Checklist Item or Add Using Template to use an existing template to populate Checklist Items. Checklist Items Section If you select Add Using Template, you are presented with the currently defined Checklist Item Templates. Select from the choices given.
Note – To facilitate the adding of Checklist Categories, use Checklist Category Templates.
Checklist Items Section If you select Add, the system displays a Checklist Item form, in which you define a Checklist Item. Checklist Item General Section
ID: Enter an ID for the Checklist Item. If you leave the ID field blank, the system automatically generates a unique ID on the Create Draft action.
Status: System generated.
Name: Enter a unique name for this Checklist Item.
Type: Click the List icon
Section: The section of the requirement corresponding to this Checklist Item.
Intent: Describe the intent of this Checklist Item in detail.
Version: Enter the version number of the Checklist Item.
Last Update: Click the Calendar icon
and select from the choices.
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to indicate the date of the last update.
Checklist Item Details Section Enter the number of points for this Checklist Item. The system uses the Point Range for validation. If not within the valid range, a message appears in the Attention message section and the system will not allow the record to be saved. Description Section Describe the Checklist Item. Requirements Section Describe the requirements for the Checklist Item. Checklist Item Tasks Section and Projects Section To associate Tasks or Projects with this Checklist Item, click the Find action on the respective section bar and select from the choices. Checklist Item Click Create Draft when the Checklist Item definition is complete. Click Activate. The Checklist Item shows in the Checklist Items section of the Checklist Category. Checklist Category Checklist Items Section Enter appropriate Points. Clicking the General tab recalculates the total. Checklist Category When the Checklist Category definition is complete, click Create, then click Save & Close. The Checklist Category appears in the Categories section on the Checklist. Checklist
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Tasks Section and Projects Section To associate Tasks or Projects with this Checklist, click the Find action on the respective section bar and select from the choices. Checklist When the Checklist definition is complete, click Create Draft, and then click Activate. The Checklist appears on the Location record.
GIS In addition to showing a GIS map in the GIS tab of a Location record, a Location record has a GIS section on the General tab. (Ref: Building) GIS Tab: The system displays the GIS map for the Location record. The IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide contains a description of the GIS controls.
Note – Contact your IBM TRIRIGA Sales representative for more information about the ESRI ArcGIS Connector that can be used for the GIS features.
Location Disposition When you retire a Building, Structure, Retail Location, or Floor, the system requests disposition information for an audit trail for historical purposes. Upon approval, the Disposition form also can trigger a cleanup workflow that de-associates people, assets, and/or organizations from the retired Location. Additionally, the system updates the location so the Carbon Emission value is 0 (zero) if the entire location is retired. When a Floor is retired, the Carbon Emission value is recalculated when the next Carbon Footprint Calculator runs.
Retire One Location The following steps show the Retire action and the Disposition form. Although a Floor is used in the example, the steps are similar for Buildings, Structures, and Retail Locations. Step 1. Find the location to be retired and open the record. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Step 2. Click the Retire action. The system displays the Location Retire form. Location Retire The ID and Status will be supplied by the system. Details Section 3. Click the Calendar icon
and set Retire Date Time.
4. Click the Search icon and select the Disposition Method from the choices presented (Landfill, Recycle, Sold, in this example). 5. Enter appropriate Comments. 6. Click Auto Clean-up Assets if you want the system to remove the association to any assets associated to this location. 7. Click Auto Clean-up People if you want the system to remove the association to any people associated with this location. 8. Click Auto Clean-up Organization Assignments if you want the system to remove any organization assignments associated to this location.
Note – If you do not select an Auto Clean-up check box, the system will not perform the clean up for you.
9. Click Create. The system triggers workflows for any clean-up activities and updates the Transaction Log in the History tab. Additionally, the system updates the location so the Carbon Emission value is 0 (zero).
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Retire Multiple Locations Multiple locations can be disposed from the Disposition Request business object. Step 1. Select Manage Requests from the Requests menu. In the menu box, select More. 2. In the result page, click Disposition Request. The list of Disposition Requests appears in the result page. From this screen you can add a new Disposition Request, modify an existing Disposition Request, or delete an existing Disposition Request. Disposition Request Add a Disposition Request 3. Click Add. The system displays a Disposition Request form. Disposition Request Add a Disposition Request General Tab The ID, Status, and Revision count are supplied by the system. Request Details Section 4. In the Description area identify what is unique about this Disposition Request. 5. Click the Search icon
next to Request Classification to select Disposition.
6. Select the Response Required check box if appropriate. 7. Click the Search icon
and select the Location Requested For.
8. Click the Search icon
and select the Organization Requested.
9. Select the Locations radio button next to Dispose of Assets or Locations. 10. When you select the Locations radio button, three new check boxes appear:
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Step 11. Click Auto Clean-up Assets if you want the system to remove the association to any assets associated with the location(s). 12. Click Auto Clean-up People if you want the system to remove the association to any people associated with the location(s). 13. Click Auto Clean-up Organization Assignments if you want the system to remove any organization assignments associated to the location(s).
Note – If you do not select an Auto Clean-up check box, the system will not perform the cleanup activities for you.
14. Use the Requested By section and Requested For section to identify the parties. 15. Click Create Draft. Disposition Request Locations Section Use the Find action to identify the Location(s) to be retired. For each Location: 16. Click the Calendar icon
and set Retire Date Time.
and select the Disposition Method from the choices presented 17. Click the Search icon (Landfill, Recycle, Sold, in this example). 18. Click Submit. The system routes the Disposition Request for approval. Upon approval, the system triggers workflows for any clean-up activities and updates the Transaction Log in the History tab of each location record. Additionally, the system updates the location so the Carbon Emission value is 0 (zero). Disposition Request Modify a Disposition Request 19. Select the Disposition Request you wish to modify by clicking the hyperlink. 20. Make the changes and click Submit.
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Step The system routes the Disposition Request for approval. Upon approval, the system triggers workflows for any clean-up activities and updates the Transaction Log in the History tab. 21. Additionally, the system updates the locations so that Carbon Emission value is 0 (zero). Manage Requests Disposition Request Delete a Disposition Request 22. Select the check box to the left of the Disposition Request you wish to delete. 23. Click Delete.
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IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate Environmental Sustainability adds sections and features on My Company, Building, Land, Structure, and Retail Location business objects. The topics discussed in this portion of the user guide are as follows:
Carbon Emissions (Carbon Footprint Calculator)
Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool
Environmental Log Data
Carbon Credits
Carbon Emissions (Carbon Footprint Calculator) The Carbon Footprint of a company (My Company), Building, Land, Structure, or Retail Location is measured in Tons CO2 / Year. It is becoming the standard way of measuring and reporting the environmental impact that a company, Building, Land, Structure, or Retail Location has on the environment. The calculations focus on the Scope 1(Direct) on-site energy production or other industrial activities, Scope 2 (Indirect) energy that is purchased from off-site (primarily electricity), and Scope 3 (Indirect), including employee travel, waste, upstream and downstream emissions, for My Company, Buildings, Land, Structures, or Retail Locations. The Carbon Footprint Calculator takes into account the following components:
On-site energy production and other industrial activities
Facility Area and Occupancy Percent
Facility Energy Use (such as electricity, gas, coal, oil, solar)
Corporate Travel (such as plane, rail, vehicle)
Corporate Waste
The Carbon Footprint Calculator converts each of these Energy, Travel, and Waste sources from their native unit of measure (e.g., kWh or miles) to U.S. or Metric Tons CO2 / Year by applying emission conversion factors. The calculator uses the most current Energy, Travel, and Waste data from the Energy Log, Travel Log, and Waste Log. These logs are kept indefinitely, or until such time as you delete them, and can be retired. On a recurring basis, daily by default, IBM TRIRIGA searches for any My Company records or locations where changes have occurred to the factors that affect the carbon calculation, for example, the entry of new energy or travel data. If changes have occurred, the system calculates the emissions for each designated My Company record or location and stores the calculation data in the Carbon Log. There is also a manual process using an action in a form. Some companies outsource their energy, travel, and waste data gathering and carbon calculations to industry consultants. The consultants may perform the carbon calculations on their own systems, using their own formulas. In this case, you or your consultant is responsible for creating Carbon Log records in IBM TRIRIGA, recording the energy, travel, and waste use data, and recording the Carbon footprint value. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
The calculator references three lookup tables for its calculations. The lookup tables are in Application Setup.
Energy Conversion Factors: Contains the conversion factors for converting energy data into grams or pounds of CO2. Conversion factors can be entered based on your company’s policy, such as: o
US Region Electricity Emission Factors (NERC Region and eGRID Subregion Emission Factors). This table contains Electricity Emission Factors for the US regions only.
World Region Electricity Emission Factors (Electricity Emission Factors - All Fuels)
World Region Electricity Emission Factors - Coal (Electricity Emission Factors – Coal)
World Region Electricity Emission Factors - Oil (Electricity Emission Factors – Oil)
World Region Electricity Emission Factors - Gas (Electricity Emission Factors – Gas)
Other user-defined Emission Factors such as those negotiated with an Energy provider.
Travel Conversion Factors: Contains the conversion factors for converting travel data into grams or pounds of CO2.
Waste Conversion Factors: Contains the conversion factors for converting waste data.
Each Carbon Footprint calculation creates a Carbon Log record that is stored on the My Company, Building, Land, Structure, and Retail Location forms. This provides an historic view of carbon emissions, including energy use and travel, over the life of the location. The calculator first looks for a value specified in the Carbon Calculation Region field on the General tab, Environmental Details section, of the record. If an entry cannot be found for the Carbon Calculation Region in the Energy Conversion Factors table, the system uses the Emission Factor from the Country associated with the record. The carbon footprint calculation is as follows.
Scope 1 The calculation for Scope 1 (Direct) emissions has three main parts: L = PART 1: Total of CO2 emissions M = PART 2: Total of CH4 emissions (This is GWP-weighted; the total of PART 2 is multiplied by the CH4 GWP Conversion value in the Environmental Settings section of Application Settings in Tools > System Setup > General) N = PART 3: Total of N2O emissions (This is GWP-weighted; the total of PART 2 is multiplied by the N2O GWP Conversion value in the Environmental Setting section of Application Settings) Each PART is added together for the Total of Scope 1 (Direct). Formula: ( L + M + N ). The total Scope 1 (Direct) is added to Scope 2 and Scope 3 for the total Carbon Footprint. PART 1: TOTAL OF CO2 emissions formula: L = ( F * H * J * K * 44/12 ). © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Where, F = Energy content of fuel combusted --- (Energy Log -> Quantity (Base UOM) ) H = Carbon Content factor --- Get value from Energy Emissions Factor lookup "Carbon Content Factor" w/ UOM. J = Oxidation factor --- Get value from Energy Emissions Factor lookup "Oxidation Factor(%)" w/ UOM. K = Unit conversion factor to kg (LOOKUP to existing conversion table?) PART 2: CH4 emissions in kg formula: M = ( F * H * L ) Where, F = "Energy content of fuel combusted" --- (Energy Log -> Quantity (Base UOM) ) H = CH4 Emission factor --- Value from Energy Emissions Factor lookup CH4 Emission Factor with UOM. L = Unit conversion factor to kg PART 3: N2O emissions in kg formula: N = ( F * J * L ) Where, F = Energy content of fuel combusted --- (Energy Log -> Quantity (Base UOM) ) J = N2O Emission factor --- from Energy Emissions Factor lookup N2O Emission Factor with UOM. L = Unit conversion factor to kg The system displays three columns of data. The first column shows emissions in the Location or Organization designated UOM, the second includes the equity share, and the third uses the appropriate Reporting UOM from the Environmental Settings section of the Application Settings record.
Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary: For each energy source: ((Total Energy Use * ((Total Area Occupied / Total Building Area) / Occupancy Rate))) * Emissions Factor) / 1,000,000 The energy use unit of measure is based on the Energy (Scope 2) Carbon Calculation UOM field in the Environmental Settings section of the Application Settings record.
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The system displays three columns of data. The first column shows emissions in the Location or Organization designated UOM, the second includes the equity share, and the third uses the appropriate Reporting UOM from the Environmental Settings section of the Application Settings record.
Scope 3 Travel and Waste Summary: For each travel source: (Distance Traveled * Emissions Factor) / 1000 For each waste source: (Quantity * Emissions Factor) / 1000 The travel use unit of measure is based on the Travel Carbon Calculation UOM field in the Application Settings record. The system displays three columns of data. The first column shows emissions in the Location or Organization designated UOM, the second includes the equity share, and the third uses the appropriate Reporting UOM from the Environmental Settings section of the Application Settings record. Carbon Emissions Summary = Scope 1 (Direct) Summary + Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary + Scope 3 Travel and Waste Summary The system displays three columns of data. The first column shows emissions in the Location or Organization designated UOM, the second includes the equity share, and the third uses the appropriate Reporting UOM from the Environmental Settings section of the Application Settings record.
Processing The steps below generally describe how the IBM TRIRIGA as-delivered Carbon Footprint Calculator works. Your company may have changed this process to conform to your internal processes, standards, and procedures. 1. The Carbon Footprint Calculator is initiated by one of the following means:
A Job Schedule scheduled to run on a recurring basis (default is Daily).
New Meter Logs (Energy Logs, Travel Logs, and Waste Logs) added and associated to a My Company, Building, Land, Structure, or Retail Location business object and changes made to attributes affecting the carbon footprint calculation.
Manually with an action on a form.
2. The system retrieves all associated My Company/Buildings/Lands/Structures/Retail Locations with the Carbon Calc Flag = True (this is a hidden field populated by the system). The system updates this flag when changes are made to the My Company, Building, Land, Structure, or Retail Location object. Such changes include: New meter log is associated to the My Company/Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location; disposition of an Asset/Building; and attributes such as Total Area, Total Area Occupied, and Occupancy Rate. For each My Company, Building, © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Land, Structure, or Retail Location, the system follows each step below to gather input data, calculate intermediate results and final output data, and create a Carbon Log record to associate to each My Company/Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location. 3. The system sets the following variables retrieved from the My Company/ Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location:
For Building, Structure, and Retail Location: o
Total Area = Total Building Area (Gross Area)
Total Area Occupied = Total Building Area Occupied (user entered)
Occupancy Rate = Building Occupancy Rate (user entered)
For Land: o
Total Area = Total Area of Land
Total Area Occupied = Area Utilized
Occupancy Rate = (user entered)
4. The system retrieves the most current Energy Logs, Travel Logs, and Waste Logs associated to the My Company, Building, Land, Structure, or Retail Location. For each Energy Log, Travel Log, and Waste Log the system takes the Usage Amount and looks up the correct Emission Conversion Factor from the Energy, Travel, or Waste Conversion Factor table. The system does the following to look up the correct Emission Conversion Factor:
For Energy Emission Conversion Factor (Energy Log): o
Determines the Country where the Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location is located.
If the Country is located in North America, determines NERC Region and eGRID Sub-Region based on the value entered in the Carbon Calculation Region field on the Environmental Details section of the General tab of the location record.
If no value is found, the system retrieves the conversion factor based on the Country associated with the location record.
Gets Source Type from the Energy Log.
Matches the above variables to the most current Energy Emission Conversion Factor record (based on date) and retrieves the Energy Emission Conversion Factor.
For Travel Emission Conversion Factor (Travel Log): o
Gets the Travel Type from the Travel Log.
Gets the Travel Sub-type from the Travel Log.
Matches the above variables to the most current Travel Emission Conversion Factor record (based on Control Number) and retrieves the Travel Emission Conversion Factor.
For Waste Emission Conversion Factor (Waste Log): o
Gets the Waste Type from the Waste Log.
Matches the above variables to the most current Waste Emission Conversion Factor record (based on Control Number) and retrieves the Waste Emission Conversion Factor.
5. The system performs the Carbon Footprint Calculation as described earlier.
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6. The system updates the My Company/Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location record with the current period Total Carbon Footprint. 7. The system creates a Carbon Log. 8. The system associates the newly created Carbon Log to the My Company/ Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location being processed. 9. The system moves the Carbon Log record to a read-only state. 10. The system resets the Carbon Calc Flag to False.
General Tab Some of the information the system needs to calculate the Carbon Footprint is on the General tab of the My Company/Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location record. In the following, a Retail Location is used as an example to feature the attributes for the Carbon Footprint Calculator. General Tab Units Section Click the List icon
and select the unit of measure for Carbon Calculation.
General Tab Environmental Details Section
Carbon Calculation Method: Whether or not you wish to estimate or use actual energy use data. Click the List icon and select from the choices presented.
Carbon Calculation Region: Click the Search icon
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint): Enter the value. If the Carbon Calculation Method = Actual Energy Use, the system auto-populates this field based on the latest Carbon Footprint calculation.
Certification Level: Click the Search icon and select from the choices presented; for example, Certified, Gold, Silver, or Platinum.
Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) Equity Share: The Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) multiplied by the Equity Share percentage. This is auto-populated from the Carbon Log.
Equity Share (Percent): Enter your company’s economic interest in this location. It is a factor for the Carbon Emission Calculation and Greenhouse Gas credits.
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and select from the choices presented.
Occupancy Rate (Percent): The percent the Location is occupied.
Total Area Occupied: The total gross area occupied.
Company Pays Utilities: Click the List icon
and select from the choices presented; for Electric Metering Type: Click the List icon example, Metered, Not Metered, or Master Metered.
Energy Reporting Exempt Status: Click the List icon and select from the choices presented. Select Yes if the Location is exempt from energy reporting requirements.
Weather Station: Click the search icon . The system populates Climate Zone and Climate Division from the Weather Station selected.
Total Annual Utility Bills: Enter the amount and the currency.
Last Update: The date is auto-populated by the system when the data is updated.
Carbon Calculation Needed: Select this check box to force the system to perform a carbon calculation for this Location.
and select either Yes or No.
General Tab Energy Rating Setup Section:
Tip – You will find detailed information about the Energy Rating Setup section and the Energy Rating Result section in the “IBM TRIRIGA Connector for Energy Star Benchmarking” chapter of the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Connector User Guide.
Energy Rating Type: Click the Search icon
Baseline Date: Provide the baseline date.
Baseline Rating: Provide the baseline energy rating.
Target Date: The date you expect to reach the Target Rating.
Target Rating: Establishes the energy rating goal.
and select from the choices.
Click Set Baseline to set the baseline data for the location. The system sets the baseline value from the most recent energy rating from the baseline date. If there is no baseline date, the system sets the baseline date and baseline value from the earliest energy rating record. Energy Rating Result Section:
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Displays the most recent energy rating record. Click Update to create energy rating records manually.
Tip – The Update action is not available until the record has been saved.
Environmental Tab Carbon Logs show on the My Company/Building/Land/Structure/Retail Location record’s Environmental tab. In the following, a Retail Location is used as an example. Environmental Tab Carbon Log Section The Carbon Log section shows the Carbon Logs for the record.
Note – The preferred approach is to let the system create Carbon Log records. The system generates records based on Energy Log, Travel Log, and Waste Log data. When set up properly there is no reason to add Carbon Log records manually.
To enter Carbon Log data manually, click the Add action. Carbon Log Enter the specifics for the time period represented by this Carbon Log. Enter Energy Emissions, Travel Emissions, and Waste Emissions data for this time period in the Energy Data, Travel Data, and Waste Data sections, respectively. The Carbon Log Summary section, Scope 1 (Direct) Summary section, Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary section, and Scope 3 Travel and Waste Summary section are populated when the user clicks the Create action on the Carbon Log record. Energy Emission Data Clicking the Add action on the Energy Data section bar opens an Energy Emission Data record. Travel Emission Data Clicking the Add action on the Travel Data section bar opens a Travel Emission Data record. Waste Emission Data Clicking the Add action on the Waste Data section bar opens a Waste Emission Data record. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool Use the Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool to perform what-if scenarios for emission reduction and cost saving strategies against a specific location (Building, Land, Retail Location, or Structure) or a selected group of locations, or structures by varying the data in the Carbon Footprint Analysis form and viewing the subsequent changes in the Carbon Footprint value. The what-if is done in real-time using the data from the latest capture period. The Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool records can be saved for future reference. While the Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool uses information from the location record(s) for a particular what-if scenario, it does not change any data on the location record(s).
Where to Find the Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool The Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool is available from two places in the system:
Building, Land, Retail Location, and Structure form
Environmental Data
Building, Land, Retail Location, Structure Form 1. Select the Building, Land, Retail Location, Structure record. 2. Select the Environmental tab. 3. On the Carbon Log section bar, select Carbon Log records to be included in the analysis, and click Carbon Footprint Analysis. The data pre-populating the Carbon Footprint Analysis form will be from the Carbon Log records selected on this Building, Land, Retail Location, Structure record. Environmental Data Select Analyze Carbon Emissions from the menu box under Sustainability > Environmental Data. No data pre-populates the Carbon Footprint Analysis form.
How to Use the Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool Once the Carbon Footprint Analysis form opens, follow these steps to use the Carbon Footprint Analysis form:
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Step Carbon Footprint Analysis If you got to the Carbon Footprint Analysis tool after selecting Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s), the data from the record(s) pre-populates the Carbon Footprint Analysis form. General Section
Name: Enter a unique name for this record.
From Date: Click the Calendar icon
To Date: Click the Calendar icon
Description: Describe the purpose of this record.
Energy Emission Factor Level: Click the List icon
Country: Click the Search icon
and select the beginning of the analysis date range. and select the end of the analysis date range.
and select from the choices.
and select from the choices.
Note – Since the analysis tool allows you to perform what-if scenarios against locations that may be in different emission factor regions, you must select a region or country so the tool knows which energy conversion factors to use.
Area Units: Click the List icon and select from the choices. The calculations during the what-if will use the value selected.
Carbon Intensity Section Displays the carbon intensity ratio of current vs. projected.
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Step Location Data Summary Section The system calculates and displays the values in this section based on the information in the Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s) in the Locations section below. The Current data attributes are from the most current Carbon Log(s) of the record(s) in the Location section. If you wish to change the values of the Projected data attributes, enter appropriate data. Carbon Footprint Analysis Summary Section The system displays the results of the current analysis scenario. Locations Section If you got to the Locations section after selecting Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s), the records show here. Click Find on the Locations section bar to add to the records under evaluation or select a record’s check box and click Remove to remove it from the list of records under evaluation. Energy Data Section If you got to the Energy Data section after selecting Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s), the corresponding Energy Log record(s) show here. Travel Data Section If you got to the Travel Data section after selecting Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s), the corresponding Travel Log record(s) show here. Waste Data Section If you got to the Waste Data section after selecting Building/Land/Retail Location/Structure record(s), the corresponding Waste Log record(s) show here. 1. Click Create. 2. Click Calculate Carbon Footprint.
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Step The Carbon Footprint Analysis Summary section shows the projected emission values for this what-if scenario. Proceed with your what-if scenario analysis by adjusting the parameters in the General tab. 3. Click Save or Save & Close to preserve the settings.
Environmental Log Data Environmental log data includes the Energy, Travel, Emission, Waste, Water, and Climate log data required for calculations, reporting, and metric analysis. This section illustrates how to enter such data directly from a My Company, Building, Land, Retail Location, or Structure record. The IBM TRIRIGA 10 Application Administration User Guide describes how to do so using an offline form. The data also can be entered into the system via a custom integration. Environmental logs are found in the Environmental tab of the My Company, Building, Land, Retail Location, or Structure record. The following logs are environmental logs:
Carbon Log
Energy Log
Travel Log
Emission Log
Waste Log
Water Log
Climate Log
Carbon Credits
Energy Log The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Energy Log sub-tab.
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Step The system displays the Energy Log entries for the Retail Location. 3. Click Add to add an Energy Log entry. The system displays an Energy Log form. Linked Record Section: The Linked Record section identifies the location to which the data pertains. General Section: 4. Energy Type: Click the Search icon
and identify what type of Energy the data represents.
5. Status: Automatically determined by the system. 6. Recorded By: The system auto-populates with the user’s name; to change click the hyperlink. 7. Energy Source: Updated by the system based on the Energy Type selected. 8. Description: Fully describe the source of the data. Units Section: 9. Select the Currency and Base UOM (Unit of Measure) for the data. The system displays Reporting UOM, Scope 1 Carbon Calculation UOM, and Scope 2 Carbon Calculation UOM based on the location record and the Energy Type selected.
Note – If you change either the Currency or the Base UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency UOM after implementation.
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Step Details Section: 10. Enter appropriate data.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the Base UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
Note – Total Cost is calculated on the Create action based on Rate times the number of units.
Purchased From Section: 11. Identify the source of the energy. Consultant Organization Section: 12. Identify the consultant organization, if applicable. Cost Code Section: 13. Click the Find action and select the cost code. 14. When the data is complete, click Create. 15. Click Activate. The log entry shows in the data in the Retail Location record.
Travel Log The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Travel Log sub-tab.
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Step The system displays the Travel Log entries for the Retail Location. 3. Click Add to add a Travel Log entry. The system displays a Travel Log form. Linked Record Section: The Linked Record section identifies the location to which the data pertains. General Section: 4. Travel Type: Click the Search icon
and identify what type of Travel the data represents.
5. Status: Automatically determined by the system. 6. Recorded By: The system auto-populates with the user’s name; to change click the hyperlink. 7. Description: Fully describe the source of the data. 8. Travel Type: Automatically populated by the system. 9. Travel Sub-Type: Automatically populated by the system. Units Section: 10. Select the Base UOM (Unit of Measure) for the data. The system displays Reporting UOM and Carbon Calculation UOM based on the location record and the Travel Type selected.
Note – If you change the Base UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Details Section: 11. Enter appropriate data.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the Base UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
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Step Consultant Organization Section: 12. Identify the consultant organization, if applicable. Cost Code Section: 13. Click the Find action and select the cost code. 14. When the data is complete, click Create. 15. Click Activate. The log entry shows in the data in the Retail Location record.
Emission Log The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Emission Log sub-tab. The system displays the Emission Log entries for the Retail Location. 3. Click Add to add an Emission Log entry. The system displays an Emission Log form. Linked Record Section: The Linked Record section identifies the location to which the data pertains.
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Step General Section: 4. Emission Type: Click the Search icon represents.
and identify what type of Emission the data
5. Status: Automatically determined by the system. 6. Recorded By: The system auto-populates with the user’s name; to change click the hyperlink. 7. Description: Fully describe the source of the data. Units Section: 8. Select the Base UOM (Unit of Measure) for the data. The system displays Reporting UOM based on the location record and the Emission Type selected.
Note – If you change the Base UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Details Section: 9. Enter appropriate data.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the Base UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
Note – Total Quantity is calculated on the Create action based on the formula shown.
Consulting Organization Section: 10. Identify the consultant organization, if applicable. Responsible Organization Section: 11. Identify the responsible organization, if applicable. Reporting Organization Section: 12. Identify the reporting organization, if applicable. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Step Cost Code Section: 13. Click the Find action and select the cost code. 14. When the data is complete, click Create. 15. Click Activate. The log entry shows in the data in the Retail Location record.
Waste Log Waste management practices produce different amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Calculating and voluntarily reporting greenhouse gas emissions could help solid waste planners and organizations implement a plan to reduce emissions and save energy. The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Waste Log sub-tab. The system displays the Waste Log entries for the Retail Location. 3. Click Add to add a Waste Log entry. The system displays a Waste Log form. Linked Record Section: The Linked Record section identifies the location to which the data pertains.
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Step General Section: 4. Waste Type: Click the Search icon
and identify what type of Waste the data represents.
5. Status: Automatically determined by the system. 6. Recorded By: The system auto-populates with the user’s name; to change click the hyperlink. 7. Description: Fully describe the source of the data. Units Section: 8. Select the Currency, Base UOM (Unit of Measure), and Waste Carbon UOM for the data. The system displays the Reporting UOM based on the location record and the Waste Type selected. The Waste Carbon UOM field is auto-populated with the Waste Carbon Calculation UOM from the Environmental Settings section of Application Settings in Tools > System Setup > General.
Note – If you change the Currency, Base UOM, or Waste Carbon UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency UOM after implementation.
Details Section: 9. Enter appropriate data. The fields in the Details section correspond to fields in Waste Emission Data/Factor tables. The middle values with (Reporting UOM) in the name use the Reporting UOM from the Units section for conversion. The left values with (Carbon UOM) in the name use the Waste Carbon UOM from the Units section for conversion. The Other Quantity field is not included in the Carbon Footprint calculation.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
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Step Purchased From Section: 10. Identify the source of the waste. Reporting Organization Section: 11. Identify the organization. Consultant Organization Section: 12. Identify the consultant organization, if applicable. Cost Code Section: 13. Click the Find action and select the cost code. 14. When the data is complete, click Create. 15. Click Activate. The log entry shows in the data in the Retail Location record.
Water Log The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Water Log sub-tab. The system displays the Water Log entries for the Retail Location. 3. Click Add to add a Water Log entry. The system displays a Water Log form.
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Step Linked Record Section: The Linked Record section identifies the location to which the data pertains. General Section: 4. Water Type: Click the Search icon
and identify what type of Water the data represents.
5. Status: Automatically determined by the system. 6. Recorded By: The system auto-populates with the user’s name; to change click the hyperlink. 7. Description: Fully describe the source of the data. Units Section: 8. Enter the Currency and Base UOM (Unit of Measure) for the data. The system displays Reporting UOM based on the location record and the Water Type selected.
Note – If you change either the Currency or the Base UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency UOM after implementation.
Details Section: 9. Enter appropriate data.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the Base UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
Purchased From Section: 10. Identify the source of the water.
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Step Consultant Organization Section: 11. Identify the consultant organization, if applicable. Cost Code Section: 12. Click the Find action and select the cost code. 13. When the data is complete, click Create. 14. Click Activate. The log entry shows in the data in the Retail Location record.
Climate Log The discussion that follows uses a Retail Location record for an example but the logs are quite similar for Building, My Company, Land, and Structure records. Step 1. Select the Environmental tab. 2. Select the Climate Log sub-tab. The system displays the Climate Log entries. The Climate Log section displays climate data entered for this location’s geography, typically a city. Fields include ID, Name, Calendar Period, Geography, Weather Station ID, Weather Station Name, Climate Zone, Climate Division, Heating Degree Days, Cooling Degree Days, and Total Degree Days.
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Carbon Credits/Sinks Companies can track purchases and sales of Carbon Credits (carbon offsets) as well as Carbon Sinks for the purpose of offsetting their carbon emissions. Carbon Credits are tracked at the company/portfolio level and are accessible from the Environmental Data. It is possible to associate Carbon Credits to a specific Building, Structure, or Retail Location, but typically Carbon Credits are purchased to offset the overall carbon emissions of a company’s portfolio. When associated with a Building, Structure, or Retail Location record, this information displays in the Environmental tab on the Carbon Credits sub-tab. Step 1. Click Carbon Credits/Sinks from Sustainability > Environmental Data. The system displays the Carbon Credit entries. 2. To add a Carbon Credit entry, click Add. The system displays a Carbon Credits form. Carbon Credits Form: General Section: If you do not specify an ID, the system assigns one. The system maintains the Status of the record. 3. Enter a Description. The user that opened the new record is identified in Recorded By. Units Section: 4. Select the Currency and Carbon Calculation UOM (Unit of Measure) for the data. The system displays Carbon Reporting UOM based on the Carbon Credit UOM field in the Environmental Settings section of the General tab of Application Settings. Application Settings is described in the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Application Administration User Guide.
Note – If you change either the Currency or the Carbon Calculation UOM, click the Apply action to update the record.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency UOM after implementation.
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Step Details Section: Enter appropriate data. 5. Offset / Sink: Click the List icon and select Credit for purchase of Carbon Credits, Sale for sale of Carbon Credits, or Carbon Sink to indicate carbon sequestered in forestry management, agricultural management, or other land management, including the amount of CO2. 6. Equity Share (Percent): Your company’s economic interest. It is a factor for the Carbon Emissions Calculation and Greenhouse Gas credits. Auto-populated from the location. 7. Quantity: Enter the number. The system displays the UOM from the Units section. 8. Cost Per Unit: Enter the cost. The system displays the currency from the Units section. 9. Quantity Equity Share: The system calculates from Quantity times Equity Share (Percent). 10. Total Cost: Calculated by the system based on the Quantity and Cost entered. 11. Quantity Equity Share (Reporting UOM): The Quantity Equity Share expressed in the Carbon Reporting UOM. 12. Total Cost (Equity Share): The system calculates from Total Cost times Equity Share (Percent). 13. Date Purchased/Sold: Click the Calendar icon purchased or sold. 14. Calendar Period: Click the Search icon data.
and set the date the Carbon Credits were
and select the calendar period represented by the
15. Carbon Sink Type: Displays when Offset / Sink is Carbon Sink. Click the Search icon select.
16. Carbon Sink Description: Displays when Offset / Sink is Carbon Sink. Enter a description of the carbon sink represented by this record.
Note – If the UOM displayed is not correct, change the Carbon Calculation UOM field in the Units section and click Apply to update the record.
Purchased From / Sold to Organization Section:
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Step Identify the source of the Carbon Credits or the recipient. Consulting Organization Section: Identify the organization, if applicable. Location / My Company (Optional) Section: If the Carbon Credits are to be assigned to a particular Building, Structure, Land, Retail Location, or My Company, click the Search icon to identify it. The system populates the Linked Business Object field based on the Location selection.
Note – If you assign the Carbon Credits to a location, the Carbon Credits record will show on the Carbon Credits section of the location’s Environmental tab.
U.S. Federal Government Locations U.S. Federal Government licenses add an additional tab and features on Building, Land, and Structure business objects. To identify a Building, Land, or Structure record for inclusion in Federal reports, the Building Class, Land Class, or Structure Class data attribute value must be Federal. The Building Class / Land Class / Structure Class field is on the General tab, in the Details section. The topics discussed in this portion of the user guide are as follows:
Federal Tab
Federal XML Reporting
Federal Tab Each Building, Structure, or Land record for which the Building Class data attribute is set to Federal also has a Federal tab. The Federal tab contains the fields described in the Federal Real Property Council’s most current “Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting” (referred to below as “Guidance”). The following describes the fields and their use. A Structure record is used for the example; the fields may differ for Building or Land records but will be as described in the Guidance document cited above.
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Federal Tab Real Property Type and Use Section Describes the location’s type and purpose. Refer to Appendix B in Guidance. •
Real Property Use: Click the Search icon
Real Property Type: The system displays the corresponding Real Property Type.
and select from the values.
Legal Interest Section Identifies the ownership status of the location. Real Property Status Section Reports the physical / operational status of the location.
Note – When you select Disposed for Status, the Disposition and Disposition Recipient sections become visible at the bottom of the Federal tab.
Reporting Agency Section Identifies the organization reporting the location to the FRPC. Using Organization Section Refers to the organization occupying the location. Size Section Refers to the size of the location in the unit of measure identified on the Area Measurements tab. Either click Populate Size to populate from the Area Measurements tab or manually input the Size. Value Section The value is the cost of replacing the existing constructed asset. Either click Populate Overhead Factor to populate from the Condition Details section of the Assessment tab or manually input Replacement Cost Per UOM and Overhead Factor.
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Condition Index Section A general measure of the constructed asset’s condition at a specific point of time. Enter Cost of Repairs. Mission Dependency Section The value the location brings to the performance of the mission as determined by the governing agency. Annual Operating Costs Section The cost of maintenance and repairs, utilities, janitorial, and ground expenses. Main Location Section The street/delivery address and latitude and longitude coordinates. Real Property Unique Identifier Section The code allows linkage to other information systems and must remain constant from year to year. Congressional District Section The Congressional District in which the location lies. Installation / Sub-Installation Identifier Section Codes that identify the location’s installation. Restrictions Section Limitations on the use of the location. If the status is Disposed, the Disposition and Disposition Recipient sections become part of the Federal tab. Enter the method, value, and organization.
Federal XML Reporting The Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) is an online system that houses the Federal real property inventory data. Agencies are required to report Federal data annually, submitting an XML file in a © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
proscribed format. The IBM TRIRIGA Federal XML Reporting feature automates the process of retrieving Federal data from IBM TRIRIGA and producing the XML records needed for reporting. Use the Location XML Report form located in the Tools > Data Utilities to generate the Federal XML Report(s). The Federal XML reports can be generated based on a selected set of locations. The generated XML is associated with the Location XML Report record and can be saved and downloaded from IBM TRIRIGA. The process for the RFPP data submission of each file is handled outside of IBM TRIRIGA.
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6. People People Management is a systematic process by which a company strives to improve the organizational effectiveness and productivity through tracking and monitoring resources. An effective People Management process involves the following activities:
Creating and tracking People records, which include personal contact details and other credentials
Tracking details pertaining to work location, project allocation, and assets assigned to employees
Assigning and monitoring the security control (application access permission)
Managing the Person’s work schedule (availability) and commitments against their work schedule
To effectively manage the business, you need to align all corporate resources, including employees, consultants, and external contacts (vendors/suppliers) with business objectives to meet strategic goals and drive profitability. The IBM TRIRIGA application gives the flexibility of not only defining the access permission for the employees/consultants (for the modules and services needed by them to complete their daily tasks) but also for the vendors and external service providers (to effectively streamline the process). You can enhance collaboration with partners, vendors, and product manufacturers by identifying them as External Contacts or Consultants in the People page. The People page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various People within your company; and any number of consultants and external contacts you may do business with or who provide services to you. Most of the IBM TRIRIGA applications leverage this common People data for various processes such as move management, space assignment, maintenance management, service management, contract management, asset management, real estate leases and transactions, and projects. The People page is tightly integrated with the other Portfolio menus, forms, and processes.
People Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the IBM TRIRIGA applications. Your environment may differ from those shown.
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Business Object
My Profile
My Profile
All active users of the IBM TRIRIGA system have a My Profile record that allows them to view and manage their personnel data and to ‘personalize’ certain aspects of the IBM TRIRIGA system.
The Consultant form can be used to manage information related to your external Consultants.
Note – Consultants in the IBM TRIRIGA system are considered as external partners or vendors who consume space and/or resources similar to Employees (may have an assigned office), or who are active participants in a process (such as a project team member, or a service provider).
The Employee form can be used to manage information related to your internal Employees.
External Contact
The External Contact form can be used to manage people who are incidental to a process. The External Contact business object provides a light version of the Employee and Consultant functionality and is included to cover contacts that you deal with on a regular basis, but are not a part of your organization and do not generally tax your facilities and maintenance staff.
People Template
The People Template form can be used to standardize the creation of People records.
People The IBM TRIRIGA People portal section can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select People from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap menu check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page). To Access People Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The People portal section lists the available forms.
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To Access People Step 2
Step 3
Select a form from the People portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
External Contact
My Profile
Visitor Log
To display the People By Organization hierarchy, select People By Organization in the People portal section. The result page displays a list of People records that are associated to the selected Organization.
People - Functional Areas
External Contact
The following matrix lists all functional areas included in People records and the People forms with which they are used.
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Image, and Hierarchy Path)
Details specific to the Person
Reports To
Note – The fields in the Detail tab vary based on the Person form
The direct supervisor/manager
Note – The ‘Reports To’ chain is used by the Approval functionality.
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External Contact
Primary Organization
The Primary Organization for the Person
Note – A person can have only one Primary Organization (Department/ Agency). They can belong to one or more Work Groups.
Contact Information
General contact information
Primary Location
The Primary Location for the Person
Note – A person can have only one Primary Location. They can have one or more Secondary Locations.
Primary Location Graphic
This section type displays the floor plan graphic for the persons Primary Location (with the Space highlighted)
Primary Address
The Primary Address for the Person
Emergency Contact Info
The Emergency Contact information for the Person
Contact Details
Other Phones
List of other phone numbers
Contact Details
Other Contact Info
List of other contact information
Contact Details
Other Addresses
List of other addresses
Contact Details
Other Emails
List of other Email addresses
Contact Details
Primary Location
The primary location for the Person
Locations & Assets
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Other Assigned Locations
List of ‘Secondary’ Locations for the Person
Locations & Assets
External Contact
Note – A person can have only one Primary Location. They can have one or more Secondary Locations.
Assigned Equipment
List of Equipment assigned to the Person
Locations & Assets
Assigned Assets
List of all Assets assigned to the Person
Locations & Assets
Graphic (for Selected Location or Asset)
Displays the graphic for the location or asset assigned to the Person
Locations & Assets
Manage Move Locations
Lists move locations
Move Locations
Manage Move Geographies
Lists move geographies
Move Locations
Licenses and Qualifications
List of any Licenses or other qualifications for the Person
Labor Details
List of one or more labor rates for the Person.
Assigned Procurement Cards
List of Procurement (Credit) Cards assigned to the Person
The User Name and Active TRIRIGA User fields used to populate the user’s My Profile record
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External Contact
Default Portal
The Home Page, Project Home Page, Menu, Project Menu, Sitemap and Disable Company Level fields used to populate the user’s My Profile record
The User Language, Currency, Time Zone, and related fields used to populate the user’s My Profile record
Group Details
Lists the security groups governing this People record, used to populate the user’s My Profile record
License Details
Lists the IBM TRIRIGA licenses assigned to this People record, used to populate the user’s My Profile record
Project History
The Project History Log contains a list of all Active and Completed Projects where the person is a Project Contact.
Move Log
The Move Log contains records of all ‘move-in’ and ‘move-out’ transactions for the Person.
Visitor Log
The Visitor Log contains a list of all ‘onsite’ visits including badge number, person visited, date/time in, and date/time out.
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
Status Change Notifications
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Organization record
Log for Comments
Notes & Documents
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External Contact
Related Documents
List of documents associated with the Person
Notes & Documents
Calendar Details
Reserve information: Time Zone and Reservable flag
Calendar Details
External Mail Server Details
Information about the external e-mail server
Calendar Details
Availability Calendar
Specifies when the Organization is available
Calendar Details
Displays this month’s calendar
Form report for the record
This section describes the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Person record. The functionality is similar on other Person forms.
General, Detail, Reports To (Ref: Employee) General Tab: General Section: •
ID: Enter an ID for the Person, or if you leave the ID field blank the system will auto-generate a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action
Status: System generated
Image: Select an image for the Person (optional)
Last Name: Enter the Person’s last name.
First Name: Enter the Person’s first name.
Full Name: System generated
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Prefix: Select a prefix from the list
Nick Name: Enter a nickname if appropriate
(Ref: Employee) General Tab: Detail Section: The Detail section contains information specific to the Person. Enter the information as required: •
Date of Hire: Enter the Person’s hire date.
Date of Exit: Enter date the Person left the company.
Title: Enter the Person’s title.
Functional Role: Select the appropriate Functional Role for the Person
Note – The Functional Role is used by several applications in the IBM TRIRIGA system to validate that the Person is ‘entitled’ to request certain types of products or spaces.
Assignment Type: Available for Employees and Consultants only. When you select a Functional Role, the system presents the associated default Assignment Type. You can modify this default value from the Classification Hierarchy. Navigate to Roles, then to the specific role. The Default Assignment Type is in the Details section. Note – The Assignment Types delivered with the standard IBM TRIRIGA software are: •
• • •
Assigned: Has a permanent office or workstation assignment (traditional assignment) Mobile: Normally works in the office but works in a desk-sharing or hoteling environment Non-Office Worker: Normally works in the office but does not have an assigned office or workstation (e.g., custodian, trades person) Remote: Does not normally work in the office (home-based or works on customer site)
Maintenance Priority: Click the Search icon
Last Reported Problem Location: This field is used and populated by the Contact Center.
and select from the choices.
(Ref: Employee) General Tab: Reports To Section:
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Reports To: Enter the direct supervisor/manager.
Note – The Reports To chain is used by the Approval functionality.
Primary Organization, Contact Information, Primary Location, Graphic (Ref: Employee) General Tab: Primary Organization Section: Select the Primary Organization for the Person
Note – A Person can have only one Primary Organization (Department/ Agency). They can belong to one or more Work Groups.
(Ref: Employee) General Tab: Contact Information Section: Enter the contact information for the Person (Ref: Employee) General Tab: Primary Location Section: Select the Primary Location for the Person
Note – A person can have only one Primary Location. They can have one or more Secondary Locations.
Primary Location Graphic Section: This section displays the floor plan graphic for the person’s Primary Location (with the Space highlighted) Primary Address Section: Enter the Primary Address for the Person.
Note – Address sections in the IBM TRIRIGA applications are integrated with the Geography hierarchy. Type in any part of the Geography hierarchy path in the Geography Lookup field and if the system finds a matching record in the Geography
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hierarchy the system will populate the City, State/Province, and Country fields. If no matching entry can be found, you can enter these fields manually.
Emergency Contact Info, Other Phones, Other Addresses, Other Emails (Ref: Employee) Contact Details Tab: Emergency Contact Info Section: Enter the Emergency Contact details Other Phones Section: Enter additional phone types and numbers Other Addresses Section: Enter additional Addresses Other Emails Section: Enter additional Email Addresses
Primary Location, Other Assigned Locations, Assigned Equipment, Assigned Assets, Graphic (Ref: Employee) Locations and Assets Tab: Note –The Show Graphic action on the various sections will change the display in the Graphic section based on the selected item.
Show Graphic on Primary Location section: displays the graphic for the Primary Location
Show Graphic on Other Assigned Locations section: displays the graphic for the selected Location
Show Graphic on Assigned Assets section: displays the Primary Location for the selected Asset
Primary Location Section: The system displays the Primary Location from the General tab. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Note – A person can have only one Primary Location. They can have one or more Secondary Locations.
Other Assigned Locations Section: Select the ‘Secondary’ Locations for the Person. Assigned Equipment Section: This section displays all Equipment assigned to the Person Assigned Assets Section: This section displays all Assets assigned to the Person Graphic (for selected Location or Asset) Section: This section displays the floor plan graphic (with the Location highlighted) based on the Location or Asset selected in the sections above.
Manage Move Locations, Manage Move Geographies (Ref: Employee) Move Locations Tab: Manage Move Locations Section: Adding a location in the Manage Move Locations section of an Employee or Consultant record adds the person in the Move Planner role to the Contact Details tab of the selected location. Manage Move Geographies Section: Adding a geography in the Manage Move Geographies section of an Employee or Consultant record adds the person in the Move Planner role to the Contact Details tab of the selected geography.
Licenses and Qualifications, Labor Details, Assigned Procurement Cards (Ref: Employee Credentials Tab: Licenses and Qualifications Section: Use this section to record a person’s licenses, training, or other special qualifications. Labor Details Section:
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Enter the default labor class and rates for the person
Note – A person can have one or more labor records. Labor details records are used with Time Entry records.
Assigned Procurement Cards Section: Procurement (credit) Cards are managed by the IBM TRIRIGA application in the Contracts page. Procurement Cards can be assigned to people. This section displays any Procurement Cards assigned to the Person.
Profile In order for a person to access the IBM TRIRIGA application they must be a valid user. You define them as an IBM TRIRIGA User from their Employee, Consultant, or External Contact record.
To Create an IBM TRIRIGA User
Note – Make sure the Active TRIRIGA User field is selected on the Profile tab and that you have entered a User Name and selected at least one Group and at least one License. The system will NOT create an IBM TRIRIGA user if the Active TRIRIGA User field is not checked.
Complete the information on the Profile tab of the Employee, Consultant, or External Contact record.
Select the Activate action on the record.
The system automatically creates a My Profile record and assigns a default password for the new IBM TRIRIGA user. The user can sign in to the system using the user name assigned in the Profile tab and the default password assigned by the system. After logging in, the user can change their password from their My Profile page.
To Remove an IBM TRIRIGA User
Uncheck the Active TRIRIGA User option on the TRIRIGA Account section of the Employee, Consultant, or External Contact record. Select the Activate action on the Employee, Consultant, or External Contact record.
The system deactivates the user’s My Profile record and removes their system access. (Ref: Employee) Profile Tab: TRIRIGA Account Section: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
User Name: Enter the user’s login name
Active TRIRIGA User?: Select this field if the person is to be an IBM TRIRIGA User (will have access to the IBM TRIRIGA applications)
Default Portal Section:
Home Page: Select the portal appropriate for the person’s role in the system.
Menu: Select the appropriate top-level menu structure for this person.
Project Home Page: Select the appropriate Project portal.
Project Menu: Select the appropriate top-level menu structure for this person when they are in a Project context.
Sitemap: If selected, the user has access to the Sitemap page. The Sitemap provides access to all objects in the system for which the user has security privileges.
Disable Company Level?: When checked, the user does not have access to Company level projects.
(Ref: Employee) Profile Tab: Preferences Section: Enter the user’s default preferences. Each user can change these preferences and set additional preferences in their My Profile record.
User Language: Enter the user’s default language
Currency: Enter the user’s default currency
Time Zone: Enter the user’s default Time Zone
Delegate To: Typically you will let each user define this option in their My Profile record.
Note – The system uses this time zone for such activities as displaying date/ times in a query result.
Note – If a Delegate To is selected, the IBM TRIRIGA system forwards all Approvals to the person listed as the delegate.
Approval Amount: Enter the user’s approval limit and unit of measure
Note – Approval Amount is used by the system when routing cost-based approvals.
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Group Details Section and License Details Section: Select the appropriate security group(s) and IBM TRIRIGA license(s).
Move Log, Project History, Visitor Log (Ref: Employee) History Tab: Project History Section: The Project History log contains a list of all Active and Completed Projects where the person is a Project Contact. Move Log Section: The Move Log section contains records of all ‘move-in’ and ‘move-out’ transactions for the Person. Move Log records are created by the system whenever a person changes locations.
Note – Move Log records are a good data source for ‘churn rate’ reports and charge backs.
Move Log Record The Move Log records the details of a Move Transaction such as Date Recorded, Action, Person Moved, Location, and the Person’s Organization. (Ref: External Contact) History Tab: Visitor Log Section: The Visitor Log contains a list of all ‘on-site’ visits including badge number, date/time in, and date/time out. Visitor Management The IBM TRIRIGA system Visitor management functionality provides an on-line system that can be deployed to Receptionists and Security Personnel involved with greeting, assigning badges, and tracking the sign-in and sign-out activities of Visitors. Visitor Management can be integrated with the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager.
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Visitor Log The Visitor Log record captures:
Purpose of the visit
Visitor Name and information
Internal Person Responsible for the Visitor while on-site
Location Visited
Badge Number and Visitor In and Visitor Out dates and times.
Calendar Details and Calendar Templates In the IBM TRIRIGA system each Resource (such as a Person, Location, Asset, or Task) can have an Availability Calendar that shows the Working Days/Hours the resource is generally available to be scheduled, and Non-Working Event days (such as holidays). To facilitate setup the system provides Calendar Templates that can be associated with a Person. (Ref: Employee) Calendar Details Tab: Calendar Details Section:
Time Zone: Enter the default Time Zone for the Person.
Reservable: Select this option if the person’s availability and commitments are to be tracked within the system.
External Mail Server Details Section: This field is used in conjunction with the optional External Mail Server integration as part of the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager product. Availability Calendar Section:
Select one or more Calendar Templates for the Person
Calendar Templates To create a Calendar Template record:
Select Calendars from Tools > System Setup > General. The system displays a list of existing Calendar Templates.
Select the Add action.
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The Calendar form opens in a separate window.
Calendar Templates General Section:
ID: If you do not enter one, the system will generate it.
Status: Read-only system generated field
Name: Enter a descriptive name for the Calendar Template. The product ships with a sample DEFAULT Calendar.
Note – If a resource does not have an Availability Calendar, it is assumed to be available 24/7.
Scheduling Assumptions Section:
Working Hours Per Day: Enter the number of hours per day people using this calendar work.
Working Days Per Week: Enter the number of days per week people using this calendar work.
Working Days Per Month: Enter the number of days per month people using this calendar work.
Working Hours Section:
Use Quick Add to define the Day, Start Time, and End Time for this calendar.
Note – To cover a meal or other break time, enter two lines – one for the pre-break working hours and another for the post-break working hours.
Non-Working Events Section:
Use Quick Add to define the Date and Event when people using this calendar will not work.
Select Create Draft and Activate when done.
My Profile In the IBM TRIRIGA system all active Users have a My Profile record in the system that can be accessed from the user’s Portal Home Page. The My Profile record allows each user to ‘personalize’ aspects of the system such as the formatting of Date/Time fields, their default Time Zone and Currency, display colors for graphs, Notification preferences, and Reservation preferences.
Note – Changes to fields that are common between a user’s My Profile record and the user’s Employee, Consultant, or External Contact record are synchronized by the system.
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My Profile Click Welcome, on the Welcome Bar. The user’s My Profile form opens. (Ref: My Profile) General Tab: General Information about the User. (Ref: My Profile) My Profile Tab: TRIRIGA Account Section: Users can change their login password from this section Default Portal Section:
Note – This section normally is not visible for end users. It is controlled by the Application Administrator.
Home Page: Select the portal appropriate for the person’s role in the system.
Menu: Select the appropriate top-level menu structure for this person.
Project Home Page: Select the appropriate Project portal.
Project Menu: Select the appropriate top-level menu structure for this person when they are in a Project context.
Sitemap: If selected, the user has access to the Sitemap page. The Sitemap provides access to all objects in the system for which the user has security privileges.
Disable Company Level?: When checked, the user does not have access to Company level projects.
(Ref: My Profile) My Profile Tab: Preferences Section: Used to manage user-specific system preferences. Select the appropriate values. Graph Color Preferences Section:
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Select the color preferences for how graphs are displayed. (Ref: My Profile) User Access Tab: Group Details Section and License Details Section: The Group Details and License Details sections display the security groups you are a member of and the type of licenses you have to the IBM TRIRIGA products. (Ref: My Profile) My Location Tab: Graphic Section: The Graphic Section displays the Floor Plan associated with your Primary Location. The Space is highlighted on the Floor Plan. (Ref: My Profile) My Notifications Tab:
Note – The Application Administrator controls the master Notification access list. You only will be able to view and subscribe to Notifications to which your security group has access privileges.
Approval Preferences Section:
Approval Amount: Displays your current approval limit
Delegate To: If a person’s name is selected, all Approvals assigned to you will be redirected to your ‘delegate’
Use the Delegate To option if you will be out of the office or not able to respond to incoming Approvals for a period of time. Notification Preferences Section: Depending on your role in the company you may receive several notifications from the IBM TRIRIGA system as the status of records change. Select the No Notification option to suspend notifications. Notification Exclusions and Notification Subscriptions Sections: Use these sections to ‘subscribe’ and ‘un-subscribe’ to various Notifications in the system
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(Ref: My Profile) Preferences Tab: Most of the preferences on this tab pertain to the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager product. They allow you to define your ‘favorites’. Your favorites are presented as the first options when reservations are made.
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Reservation Management User Guide for a complete description of the IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Reservation Manager and the use of the information entered on the Preferences tab.
Preferred Buildings, Preferred Vehicles, Preferred Meeting Spaces, Preferred Work Spaces Sections: Use the sections to specify your favorites. Reservation Delegates Section: Use the Reservation Delegates section to specify people who can make reservations on your behalf. Credit Card Information Section: Enter your default Credit Card information. Default Account Codes Section: Enter your default Account Codes for the services listed.
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7. Assets The Assets menu contains a central repository for Asset records. Asset records are shared across applications, so they contain information that is used for many purposes. Assets in the system represent the actual owned or leased items. An Asset has an association to a Specification. The Assets page provides forms and processes that help you track and manage the various Assets used within your company. Many of the applications leverage this common data for various processes such as Move Management, Inventory Management, Maintenance Management, Contract Management, and Asset Management. The Assets page is tightly integrated with the other Portfolio menus, forms, and processes.
Asset Forms The IBM TRIRIGA application organizes data by business object and by form. This structure helps you organize your Portfolio data. The IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio applications are delivered with many business objects and forms. Based on your particular market type or industry, your company may have modified, removed, or augmented the objects shipped by IBM TRIRIGA. IBM TRIRIGA makes it easy to tailor business objects, forms, and processes to better suit your specific business needs. This user guide describes the objects delivered with the applications. Your environment may differ from those shown. Business Object
Building Equipment
Building Equipment
Use this Asset object for Building Equipment items such as pumps, motors, fans, electrical equipment, and fire protection equipment.
Use this Asset object for Cores as part of the Key Management application
Use this Asset object for Fixture items such as lighting fixtures and display cases.
Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Use this Asset object for Food Service Equipment items such as coffee makers, grills, and microwave ovens.
Use this Asset object for Furniture items such as tables, chairs, desks, and file storage.
Use this Asset object for Keys as part of the Key Management application
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Business Object
Key Ring
Key Ring
Use this Asset object for Key Rings (collections of Keys) as part of the Key Management application
Use this Asset object for Locks as part of the Key Management application
Office Equipment
Office Equipment
Use this Asset object for Office Equipment items such as printers, fax machines, copiers, conference and training equipment.
Technology Assets
Point of Sale Equipment
Use this Asset object for Point of Sale Equipment items such as bar code scanners and cash registers.
Technology Assets
Security Equipment
Use this Asset object for Security items such as theft prevention tags and scanners, doorway scanners, and surveillance cameras.
Software License
Software License
Use this Asset object for managing the Software Licenses
Technology Assets
Technology Assets
Use this Asset object for Technology items such as Laptop Computers, Desktop Computers, Handheld Devices, etc.
Use this Asset object for Telecommunication items such as Desk Phones, and Mobile Phones.
Tools and Test Equipment
Tools and Test Equipment
Use this Asset object for Tools and Test Equipment items such as Calibration Devices, Measuring Devices, Meters, Protective Clothing, and Ladders.
Use this Asset object for Vehicles.
Work Area Outlets
Work Area Outlets
Use this Asset object for Work Area Outlets such as Electrical Outlets, Data Outlets, and Phone Outlets.
Assets The IBM TRIRIGA Assets can be accessed from the Portfolio page. You also can select the Assets from the Sitemap page through the Sitemap link in the upper-right corner of the Portal Home Page. The system displays this option only if the Sitemap menu check box is enabled in your personal record (in the People page).
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To Access Assets Step 1
From the menu bar, click Portfolio. The Assets portal section lists the available forms.
Step 2
Select a form from the Assets portal section and the records associated with the form display in the results page.
Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Rings
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Software Licenses
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Asset – Functional Areas The following matrix lists all functional areas included in Asset records and the Asset forms with which they are used.
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Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software License
Technology Assets
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
General Information (typically ID, Name, Status, Image)
Details specific to the Asset form
Environmental Details
Contains the environmental information
The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Furniture record all Currency fields will be in US Dollars
Spec Information
Reference to the associated Specification
Spec Class Data Attributes
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Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software License
Technology Assets
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Asset Status
This section describes and manages Transactions that can alter the status of the Asset such as Lost, Found, Offline, Online, Assigned, and Unassigned.
Parent Asset
The Parent Asset record (of which the current Asset is a Component Asset)
Building Systems
List of Building Systems associated with the Asset
Specifications (Parts List)
List of Specifications and Quantities that make up the Parts List for the Asset
Component Assets
List of sub-Assets (Components)
Operated by Keys
Key Location
Service Locations
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Ports Contacts
Work Area Outlets
Tools & Test Equipment
Technology Assets
Software License
Security Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Office Equipment
Key Ring
Food Service Equipment
Building Equipment
General General contact information
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA Approval process can route for Approval based on the Contacts listed on the Asset record. The Approval process will resolve the approver, based on the Contact Role and/or the Person in this section.
The IBM TRIRIGA applications ensure consistency across Units of Measure (UOM) by pointing all fields on an object to a common UOM field. For example: On the Furniture record all Currency fields will be in US Dollars
Dimensions of the Asset
Details specific to the Asset form
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Hardware - CPU
Default Operating System
License Details
The Floor Plan for the Primary Location associated with the Asset
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Work Area Outlets
Tools & Test Equipment
Scanner Specifications
Technology Assets
Software License
Security Equipment
Fax Specifications
Office Equipment
Key Ring
Copier Specifications
Point of Sale Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Printer Specifications
Building Equipment
Keycut Information
Facility Assessment information
Work Area Outlets
List of Contracts association with the Asset
Tools & Test Equipment
Technology Assets
The default life span and estimated replacement cost of the Asset
Software License
Life Cycle
Security Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Purchase information for the Asset such as Purchase Order, Date Purchased, and Cost
Office Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Purchase Details
Key Ring
Building Equipment
Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a description of the fields, sections, and processes associated with this tab.
Maintenance Details
General Maintenance information for the Asset such as Building System Class and Priority
PM Schedules
List of PM Schedules associated with the Asset
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Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software License
Technology Assets
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Safety Plans (Procedures)
List of Procedures associated with the Asset
List of Readings associated with the Asset
List of Warranties associated with the Asset
List of Tasks associated with the Asset
Building System
List of Building Systems associated with the Asset
Meter Service Allocations
Transaction Log
List of Transaction Log records associated with the Asset
List of MTBF Log records associated with the Asset
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Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software License
Technology Assets
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Downtime Log
List of Downtime Log records associated with the Asset. A Downtime Log record is created each time an Asset is taken Offline and brought back Online
Move Log
List of Move Log records associated with the Asset
Keys Available to Ring
Key Attachments
Manual Approvers (In Addition to Approval Requirements)
Lists who is an approver in addition to approval requirements
Approval Reviews
Lists approval reviewers
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Building Equipment
Food Service Equipment
Key Ring
Office Equipment
Point of Sale Equipment
Security Equipment
Software License
Technology Assets
Tools & Test Equipment
Work Area Outlets
Status Change Notification
Lists who will be notified of status changes in this Asset record
Log for Comments associated with the Asset record
Notes & Documents
Related Documents
List of Documents associated with the Asset record
Notes & Documents
Calendar Details
Scheduling information including the Asset’s default Time Zone and Availability Calendar
Calendar Details
External Mail Server Details
Information about the external e-mail server
Calendar Details
Availability Calendar
Specifies when the Asset is available
Calendar Details
Displays this month’s calendar
Form report for the Asset record
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The following describes the functional areas shown in the matrix above. Use the matrix above as a guide. The functional areas are described using a sample Asset record. The functionality is similar on other Asset forms.
General, Details, Environmental Details (Ref: Furniture) General Tab: General Section:
ID: Enter an ID for the Asset, or if you leave the ID field blank the system will auto-generate a unique ID on the Create Draft or Activate action.
Status: System generated
Image: Select an image for the Asset (optional).
When you select the reference Specification, the Image will be copied from the Specification record.
Name: Enter a Name.
The Name is used as the search and display field on associated objects. Details Section: Enter the Details as required.
Reservable: Select this option to enable the Asset for use with Reservations.
Organization: If the Asset is assigned to an Organization, select that Organization
Primary Location: If the Asset is assigned to a Location, select that Location
In Move Management you can find and move Assets associated with a Location. Environmental Details Section:
Energy Rating Type: Select from the rating types.
Energy Rating Value: Enter the value for the Energy Rating Type.
Overall Product Rating: Indicate whether the Specification is Preferred, Approved, Not Rated, or Has Issues.
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Units, Spec Information (Ref: Furniture) General Tab: Units Section:
Currency: Select the appropriate Currency.
Note – Evaluate your use of currencies during implementation and add or remove currencies pertinent to your company’s needs prior to adding data records. Failure to do so before creating records could cause conversion issues or data loss on those records. Do not remove or change a currency Unit of Measure (UOM) after implementation.
Spec Information Section: All Assets should be associated with a Specification record. Select the appropriate Specification.
Note – Several of the IBM TRIRIGA applications use the Specification record for common data across processes such as Procurement, Inventory, and Move Management.
For some Specification Classes, there will be an additional Spec Class Data Attributes section. The Specification Class Data Attributes section contains relevant data defined by your company and set up when the Specification Class was created. The values set as default in the Specification Class can be adjusted for a particular Specification.
Asset Status The Asset Status section shows the current status of the Asset and includes actions that open the various status transaction forms.
Note – The system maintains a log of all status transactions. They can be viewed on the History tab of each record.
Other processes will automatically change the status of an Asset and create a Transaction Log. Asset status transactions can be posted from Inventory Items; Assets can be created on Receipt; Assets can be assigned on issue from a Product Request or Task. (Ref: Furniture) General Tab:
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Asset Status Section: The Asset Status section shows the current status of the Asset and includes actions that open the various status transaction forms.
Note – The system maintains a log of all Status Transactions. They can be viewed on the History tab of each record.
Status actions available include:
Lost -> Found
Assign -> Unassign
Offline for Repair -> Online
Offline for Maintenance -> Online
Note – The fields displayed vary based on the current status of the Asset.
Other fields include:
In Service Date: The date the Asset was put into active service
Ownership Status: Populated and color-coded if the Asset is part on an Asset Lease
Warranty Status: Populated and color-coded if the Asset is covered by an active Warranty
(Ref: Furniture) General Tab: Asset Status Section: All Assets begin their life with a Status = Available To change the status, select the appropriate action on the Asset Status section bar. The colors displayed for each Status are defined on the Status record, which can be accessed in the Classifications menu. Lost Transaction To create a Lost Transaction select the Lost action on the Asset Status section
The Asset Lost form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
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Select the Continue action when complete.
The status changes to Lost. The status color changes to reflect the Lost color. The Lost Date displays. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections. Found Transaction To create a Found Transaction select the Found action on the Asset Status section
The Asset Found form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
Select the Continue action when complete.
The status changes to Available. The status color changes to reflect the Available color. The Found Date displays. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections. Offline Transaction To create an Offline Transaction select the Offline action on the Asset Status section.
The Asset Offline form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
Select if the Asset is Offline For Maintenance or Offline For Repair.
All Assets Offline: Select this option if you also want to take all downstream Assets Offline. Note – If you select All Assets Offline, the system will:
Check to see if the Asset is associated to any Building Systems
If YES, the system finds all Building System ‘nodes’ that are children of the Building System(s) the Asset belongs to
The system finds all Assets associated with the ‘downstream’ Building Systems
The system processes an Offline Transaction for all ‘downstream’ Assets
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This process allows you to take an entire system Offline if required.
Note – When you take an Asset Offline AND the Asset is marked as Reservable, the system puts a commitment against the Asset’s calendar for the duration between the Offline Date and the Expected Online Date. This keeps others from Reserving an Asset that is Offline.
Select the Continue action when complete.
The status changes to Offline for Repair or Offline for Maintenance. The status color changes to reflect the Offline color. The Offline Date displays. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections. Online Transaction To create an Online Transaction select the Online action on the Asset Status section
The Asset Online form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
All Assets Online: Select this option if you also want to bring all downstream Assets Online. Note – If you select All Assets Online, the system will:
Check to see if the Asset is associated to any Building Systems
If YES, the system finds all Building System ‘nodes’ that are children of the Building System(s) the Asset belongs to
An Online Transaction is processed for all Assets associated with the ‘downstream’ Building Systems that were taken Offline by the previous Offline action.
This process allows you to bring the entire system back Online if required.
Note – When you bring an Asset Online AND the Asset is marked as Reservable, the system removes the commitment against the Assets calendar that was created by the Offline action.
Select the Continue action when complete.
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The status changes to Available. The status color changes to reflect the Available color. The Online Date displays. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections. Assign Transaction To create an Assign Transaction, select the Assign action on the Asset Status section
The Asset Assign form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
Select the Person to assign the Asset to.
Select the Continue action when complete.
The status changes to Assigned. The status color changes to reflect the Assigned color. The Assign Date, Return Due Date, and Assigned To fields display. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections.
Note – When you assign an Asset to a Person, that asset also shows on the Person’s record in the system.
Unassign Transaction To create an Unassign Transaction, select the Unassign action on the Asset Status section.
The Asset Unassign form opens in a separate window.
Complete the information on the form.
Select the Continue action when complete.
The status changes to Available. The status color changes to reflect the Available color. The Unassign Date and Unassigned By fields display. The actions on the section change to show the appropriate selections.
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Parent Asset, Building System, Specifications (Parts List), Component Assets (Ref: Furniture) General Tab: Parent Asset Section: Select the Parent Asset. This will make the current Asset a Component of its parent. Building System Section: Select the Building System(s) that the Asset is associated with. Specifications (Parts List) Section: Select the Specifications that make up the Parts List for the current Asset. Enter the quantity for each Specification (Part). The system will calculate the total estimated cost. Component Assets Section: Select the Assets that are components (child assets) of the current Asset.
Contacts The Approval and Notification functionality in the IBM TRIRIGA system can be based on the ‘Contact Role’ for a record. If the person filling the role changes, you simply change it in one place. For example: When the status of an Asset changes you want to notify the ‘Assets’. Over time that person may change. The Notification process uses the person assigned to that role at the time the notification is sent. (Ref: Furniture) Contacts Tab: Contacts Section: Enter the contacts for the Asset.
Note – The IBM TRIRIGA system uses a ‘Role’ based system for managing Contacts. You can designate the ‘Contact Role’ (such as Assets, Primary Contact, or Contract Administrator) and then the person who is currently filling that role.
Details (Ref: Furniture) © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Details Tab: Enter the Asset details as required. The Details vary based on the Asset form.
Graphics (Ref: Furniture) Graphics Tab: Graphics Section: The system displays the Floor Plan for the Primary Location of the Asset (selected on the General Tab) with the location highlighted.
Purchase Details, Life Cycle, Contracts (Ref: Furniture) Contracts Tab: Purchase Details Section: Enter the Purchase Details for the Asset including the PO Number, PO Date, and Purchase Cost. Life Cycle Section: Enter the Life Expectancy, Percentage of Lifecycle, and estimated Replacement Cost. Contracts Section: This section displays all contracts associated with the Asset.
Assessment Facility Assessment is a comprehensive process that provides objective and subjective analysis of the existing (and projected future) condition of Facilities as well as the Building Systems and Assets within those Facilities. This process determines the immediate and long-term cost liabilities for the assessed building systems. It enables an organization to address operational requirements along with required funding requirements. This assures that Buildings, Structures, Systems, and Assets are maintained in a proactive manner. Property, Land, Building, Structure, and Asset records in the IBM TRIRIGA system hold the primary Facility Assessment data.
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Note – Refer to the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Facility Assessment User Guide for a complete description of the Facility Assessment functionality.
(Ref: Furniture) Assessment Tab: Condition Index Summary Section: Enter the information as required. The system calculates the estimated End of Useful Life for the Asset. Opportunities Section: This section displays all Opportunities (deficiencies) associated with the Asset. Building System Items Section: This section displays all Building System Items associated with the Asset.
Maintenance Details, PM Schedules, Safety Plans (Procedures), Warranties, Tasks, Building Systems (Ref: Furniture) Maintenance Tab: Maintenance Details Section: Select the Building System Class and Maintenance Priority for the Asset. PM Schedules Section: This section displays all PM Schedules associated with the Asset. Safety Plans (Procedures) Section: This section displays all Safety Plans (Procedures) associated with the Asset. Warranties Section: This section displays all Warranties associated with the Asset. Tasks Section: This section displays all Tasks associated with the Asset. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Building System Section: This section displays all Building Systems associated with the Asset.
Readings Each Asset in the system can be setup to feed readings to Job Plans. The Job Plan then evaluates the incoming reading against any Reading-Based PM Schedules to see if the reading is outside the defined operating parameters. If the incoming reading is outside the operating parameters, the system generates a Task (or Tasks) as defined in the associated Request Class and Service Plan. The system also associates any Procedures listed on the PM Schedule with the newly created Task(s). (Ref: Building Equipment) Maintenance Tab:
Note – You will want to create a Reading Group record for each different Reading Class. Reading Group records provide a way to group Reading Log records of a similar reading type.
Readings Section:
Add a Reading Group record for each different type of Reading.
If you defined Reading Groups on the Specification, the system automatically creates the Reading Group records for the Asset. (Ref: Building Equipment) Reading Group
Note – Make sure that the Reading Class and Reading Units match those selected on the Reading-Based PM Schedule records.
General Section:
ID: A unique number identifying the Reading Group record. This number is automatically generated and displayed when you select the Create action
Status: The system displays the current status of the record
Name: Enter a descriptive short name
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Description: Enter a description for the Reading Group
Readings Section:
Reading Class: Select the type of Reading for this group
Auto Reset Value: counter is reset.
Enter the reset value. This is the starting value when the reset total
Job Plan Section: Select the Job Plan to be searched when a new Reading Log record is created. PM Readings Log Section: The PM Readings Log section maintains the history of all Reading Log records against that Asset for the Reading Group. (Ref: Building Equipment) PM Reading Log A PM Reading Log record is created for each individual Reading. When you open the PM Reading Log record from an Asset, all fields are pre-populated except actual Value. Note – Every Reading Log for each Asset or Location contains four values. The PM Schedule can be set up to monitor any of these values. As a Reading Log is created the system calculates each of the values based on the actual recorded Value.
Value: The actual reading Value posted
Variance: The difference between the posted reading Value and the previous reading Value
Cumulative Total: The running total of all reading Values
Reset Total: The running total since that last reset point
General Section:
ID: A unique number identifying the Reading Log record. This number is automatically generated and displayed when you select the Create action.
Status: The system displays the current status of the record.
Comment: Enter a Comment if needed.
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Readings Details Section:
Reading Classification: Select the type of Reading for this group
Reading Units: Select the Reading and Units
Entered By: Pre-populates with the name of the person creating the record
Entry Date/Time: Pre-populates with the current Date/Time
Entry Method: Defaults to Manual. Select Building System if the reading is coming from a Building System
Value: Enter the actual reading value
Asset and Location Sections: If not pre-populated select the Asset that the reading is associated with. (Ref: Building Equipment) Reading Log After entering the required information select the Continue action.
The Status will be set to History, the values for Variance, Reset Total, and Cumulative Total are calculated, and the record is set to read-only.
On Continue the system will:
Get the Job Plan listed on the Reading Group record
Search the Job Plan for any PM Schedules that match the Reading Class and Reading Units
Evaluate the PM Schedules to see if a threshold has been reached
If a threshold has been reached, a Task will be created based on the settings in the PM Schedule
If a threshold has not been reached or there are no matching PM Schedules, then no action is taken.
Transaction Log, MTBF Log, Downtime Log, Move Log (Ref: Furniture) History Tab: Transaction Log Section: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
This section displays all Transaction Log records associated with the Asset.
Note – A Transaction Log record is generated for each action taken in the Asset Status section.
(Ref: Furniture) History Tab: MTBF Log Section: This section displays all MTBF Log records associated with the Asset. (Ref: Furniture) History Tab: Downtime Log Section: This section displays all Downtime Log records associated with the Asset.
Note – The system creates a Downtime Log record for each combination of Offline and Online. This creates a set of historical records for all downtime associated with an Asset, the dates and times, and the reason for the downtime.
(Ref: Furniture) History Tab: Move Log Section: This section displays all Move Log records associated with the Asset.
Note – A Move Log record is generated for each Move-In and Move-Out action against the Asset.
Move Log Record The Move Log records the pertinent details of a Move Transaction such as Date Recorded, Action, Asset Moved, and the Location information.
Notes, Documents (Ref: Furniture) Notes & Documents Tab:
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Note – Documents uploaded or selected are managed by the IBM TRIRIGA Document Manager and are stored in the database.
Comments Section: This section displays all Notes associated with the Asset. Use the Comments section for a running historical log of any Calls, Contacts, Conversations, Emails, and the like that are pertinent to the history of the Asset. Related Documents Section: This section displays all Documents associated with the Asset.
Calendar Details and Calendar Templates In the IBM TRIRIGA system each Resource (such as a Person, Location, Asset, and Task) can have an Availability Calendar that shows the Working Days/Hours the resource is generally available to be scheduled and Non-Working Event days (such as holidays). To facilitate setup, the system provides Calendar Templates that can be used to seed an Availability Calendar. (Ref: Furniture) Calendar Details Section:
Time Zone: Enter the default Time Zone for the Asset.
Reservable: Select this option if the Asset’s availability and commitments are to be tracked within the system.
Availability Calendar Section: Select one or more Calendar Templates for the Asset.
Note – Calendar Templates define the Available Days/Hours for the Asset as well as Exception Days such as Holidays.
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Asset Disposition When you Retire an asset, the system requests disposition information for an audit trail of the asset’s disposal for historical purposes. Upon approval, the Disposition form also can trigger a cleanup workflow that de-associates people, locations, and/or organizations from the retired asset.
Retire One Asset The following steps show the Retire action and the Disposition form. Although a Software License asset is used in the example, the steps are similar for all assets. Step 1. Find the asset to be retired and open the asset record. 2. Click the Retire action. The system displays an Asset Retire form. Asset Retire The ID and Status will be supplied by the system. Details Section: 3. Click the Calendar icon
and set Retire Date Time.
and select the Disposition Method from the choices presented 4. Click the Search icon (Landfill, Recycle, Sold, in this example). 5. Enter appropriate Comments. 6. Click Auto Clean-up Location Assignments if you want the system to remove the association to any space allocations associated to this asset. 7. Click Auto Clean-up People if you want the system to remove the association to any people associated with this asset. 8. Click Auto Clean-up Organization Assignments if you want the system to remove any organization assignments associated to this asset.
Note – If you do not select an Auto Clean-up check box, the system will not perform the clean up for you.
Retired By Section
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Step 9. If the person identified is not correct, use the Find action to select another. 10. Click Create. The system triggers workflows for any Clean-up activities and updates the Transaction log in the History tab of the location record.
Retire Multiple Assets Multiple assets can be disposed from the Disposition Request business object in the Manage Requests. Step 1. Select Requests > Manage Requests > More. In the result page, 2. Click Disposition Request. The list of Disposition Requests appears in the result page. From this screen you can add a new Disposition Request, modify an existing Disposition Request, or delete an existing Disposition Request. Disposition Request Add a Disposition Request 3. Click Add. The system displays a Disposition Request form. Disposition Request Add a Disposition Request General Tab The ID, Status, and Revision count are supplied by the system. Request Details Section 4. In the Description area identify what is unique about this Disposition Request.
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Step 5. Click the Search icon
next to Request Classification to select Disposition.
6. Select the Response Required check box if appropriate. 7. Click the Search icon
and select the Location of the asset(s) to be retired.
8. Click the Search icon
and select the Organization of the asset(s) to be retired.
9. Select the Assets radio button next to Dispose of Assets or Locations. 10. When you select the Assets radio button, three new check boxes appear: 11. Click Auto Clean-up Location Assignments if you want the system to remove the association to any space allocations associated to the asset(s). 12. Click Auto Clean-up People if you want the system to remove the association to any people associated with the asset(s). 13. Click Auto Clean-up Organization Assignments if you want the system to remove any organization assignments associated to the asset(s).
Note – If you do not select an Auto Clean-up check box, the system will not perform the cleanup activities for you.
14. Use the Requested By section and Requested For section to identify the parties. 15. Click Create Draft. Disposition Request Assets Section Use the Find action to identify the asset(s) to be retired. For each asset: 16. Click the Calendar icon
and set Retire Date Time.
17. Click the Search icon and select the Disposition Method from the choices presented (Landfill, Recycle, Sold, in this example). 18. Click Submit. The system routes the Disposition Request for approval. Upon approval, the system triggers workflows for any clean-up activities and updates the © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Step Transaction log in the History tab. Disposition Request Modify a Disposition Request 19. Select the Disposition Request you wish to modify by clicking the hyperlinked Request ID. 20. Make the changes and click Submit. Disposition Request Delete a Disposition Request 21. Click the check box to the left of the Disposition Request you wish to delete. 22. Click Delete.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
INDEX ABS, 15 Accounting Cost Code Details, 71 Accounting Organizations, 71 Actions, 5, 6 Activate, 7, 167 Active, 7 Active Projects, 169 Active Reservations, 80 Active TRIRIGA User, 167 Actual Retirement, 94 Add Using Template, 118, 120, 121 Address, 52, 72 Address Section, 116 Adjacency Requirements, 55, 62 Admin Groups, 80 Agency, 4, 44, 50, 159 Allocation, 85 Allocation General, 85 Allocation General Section, 104, 107 Allocation Tab, 104, 105, 107 Allocations Section, 107 Analyze Carbon Emissions, 136 Anchors, 72 Anchors Section, 115 Annual Energy Use, 91 Annual Operating Costs, 82 Annual Operating Costs Section, 154 Approval Preferences, 173 Approval Reviews, 15, 32, 56, 89, 161, 184 Approval Routing Rules, 15 Approved, 7 Approx. Distance from Intersection, 116 Area Level Allocation Record, 107 Area Level Allocations, 106 Area Measurements, 72, 75 Area Measurements Tab, 97 Area Overlay Allocation History, 87 Area Overlay Allocation History Section, 107 Area Overlay Allocations, 87 Area Overlay Allocations Section, 107 Area Overlay Record, 107 Area Overlays, 66, 87, 106 Area Overlays Section, 107 Area Summary, 75 Area Summary Section, 97 Area Units, 93 Assessment, 76, 182 Assessment Tab, 94, 110 Asset, 2, 19, 175, 178, 182 Asset Retire Form, 200 Asset Section, 196 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Asset Status, 179 Asset Status Section, 187, 188 Assets, 2 Assets Section, 202 Assign Transaction, 191 Assigned Assets, 160, 165 Assigned Equipment, 160, 165 Assigned Procurement Cards, 160, 166 Assignment Type, 163 Associated Assets, 85 Associated Assets Section, 103 Associated Equipment, 85 Associated Retail Locations, 72 Associated Retail Locations Section, 115 Auto Clean-Up Assets, 124, 125 Auto Clean-Up Location Assignments, 200, 201 Auto Clean-Up Organization Assignments, 124, 125, 200, 201 Auto Clean-Up People, 124, 125, 200, 201 Availability Calendar, 57, 88, 162, 170, 185 Availability Calendar Section, 199 Available Services, 79 Available Services Section, 112 Base, 88 Baseline Date, 93, 134 Baseline Rating, 93, 134 Bill of Materials (Parts List), 27 Bill of Materials (Parts List) Section, 37 Building, 3, 64, 68, 109, 118, 182 Building Class, 152 Building Class Data Attributes, 70 Building Common, 99 Building Environmental Metrics, 83 Building Equipment, 2, 175, 177 Building Equipment Spec, 4, 19, 22 Building Measurements, 75 Building System Class, 34 Building System Items, 76 Building System Items Section, 194 Building System Section, 192, 194 Building Systems, 78, 179 Building Systems Section, 111 Calculate Carbon Footprint, 138 Calendar, 57, 88, 162, 185 Calendar Details, 56, 88, 162, 170, 185 Calendar Details Section, 199 Calendar Templates, 170 Carbon Calc Flag, 131 Carbon Calculation Method, 59, 91, 133 Carbon Calculation Needed, 91, 133 Carbon Calculation Region, 59, 91, 133
Carbon Calculation UOM, 59, 93 Carbon Credits, 55, 79, 84, 150 Carbon Credits Form, 150 Carbon Emissions Summary, 54, 63, 83 Carbon Footprint Analysis, 136 Carbon Footprint Analysis Summary Section, 138 Carbon Footprint Analysis Tool, 136 Carbon Footprint Calculation, 129 Carbon Footprint Calculator, 128 Carbon Intensity Section, 137 Carbon Log, 54, 83, 135 Carbon Log Section, 135, 136 Carbon Log Summary Section, 135 Carbon Offset, 150 Carbon Reporting UOM, 59, 93 Carbon Sink, 150 Catalogs, 38 Categories Section, 120 Ceiling, 88 Certification Description, 119 Certification Level, 91, 133 Certification Process Status, 119 Certification Status, 119 Chargeback Allocations, 86 Chargeback Allocations Section, 105 Checklist, 119, 122, 123 Checklist Category, 120, 122 Checklist Category Form, 120 Checklist Category Template, 118 Checklist Form, 119 Checklist Item, 121 Checklist Item Template, 118 Checklist Items, 121 Checklist Items Section, 121, 122 Checklist Source, 119 Checklist Template, 118 Checklist Type, 119 Checklists, 78, 118 Checklists Section, 112, 118, 119 City, 3, 9, 60 Classification Hierarchy, 99 Climate Division, 91, 133 Climate Log, 84, 139, 149 Climate Zone, 91, 133 Color, 99 Comments, 15, 33, 56, 89, 161, 185 Comments Section, 42, 198 Company Pays Utilities, 91, 133
Compatible Specifications, 27 Compatible Specifications Section, 37 Competitor, 63 Completed Projects, 169 Component Assets, 179 Component Assets Section, 192 Condition Details, 76 Condition Index, 82 Condition Index Section, 154 Condition Index Summary, 77 Condition Index Summary Section, 194 Configuration Setup, 29 Congressional District, 82 Congressional District Section, 154 Connectivity, 29 Construction Class, 34 Consultant, 4, 61, 157 Consultant Organization Section, 141, 143, 147, 149 Consultants, 53, 55, 61, 156 Consulting Organization Section, 144, 152 Consumable Spec, 5, 20 Consumables Spec, 22 Contact Details, 53, 74, 159, 165 Contact Details Tab, 96 Contact Information, 159, 164 Contacts, 14, 16, 52, 53, 55, 74, 180, 198 Contacts Section, 96, 192 Contacts Tab, 192 Contains Haz Mat, 34 Continue, 197 Contracts, 55, 61, 75, 182 Contracts Section, 193 Contracts Tab, 109, 193 Copier Specifications, 28 Core, 2, 175, 177 Core Spec, 5, 22 Cores Spec, 20 Cost Code Section, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149 Cost Summary, 70 Co-tenant, 44 Co-Tenants, 72 Co-Tenants Section, 115 Country, 3, 9, 60, 137 Country Code, 18 County, 3, 9, 14, 17 Create, 95, 124 Create Draft, 6
Creating TRIRIGA User, 167 Credentials, 160, 166 Credit Card Information, 174 Currency, 93 Current Condition Index Summary, 76 Current Space Class, 86 Current Space Class Section, 105 Current Use Space Class, 98 Current Use Space Classification, 73 Current Use Space Classification Section, 98 Data Attribute Item Form, 23 Default Account Codes, 174 Default Operating System, 28 Default Portal, 161, 167, 172 Delete, 7 Density Class, 114, 115, 117 Department, 4, 44, 50, 159 Depth, 115, 116 Description Section, 42, 122 Detail, 51, 158, 163 Details, 24, 26, 27, 51, 70, 85, 178, 180, 182 Details Section, 34, 91, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 124, 141, 142, 144, 146, 148, 151, 152, 186, 200 Details Tab, 37, 103, 192 Developer, 114 Dimensions, 27 Disposition Method, 124, 126, 200, 202 Disposition Recipient Section, 154 Disposition Request, 125, 201 Disposition Section, 154 Distance from Intersection, 114, 115, 117 Division, 4, 44, 50 Downtime Log, 79, 89, 95, 184 Downtime Log Section, 198 Electric Metering Type, 91, 133 Emergency Contact Info, 159, 165 Emission Log, 54, 84, 139, 143 Employee, 4, 42, 53, 61, 157, 162, 163, 164, 165 Employees, 53, 55, 61 Employees & Contacts, 53 Enclosed, 114 Energy Data Section, 135, 138 Energy Emission Conversion Factor, 132 Energy Emission Data, 135 Energy Emission Factor Level, 137 Energy Log, 54, 84, 131, 139
Energy Rating Result, 70 Energy Rating Result Section, 93, 134 Energy Rating Setup, 70 Energy Rating Setup Section, 93, 134 Energy Rating Type, 35, 93, 134, 186 Energy Rating Value, 35, 186 Energy Ratings, 84 Energy Reporting Exempt Status, 91, 133 Energy Reporting UOM, 93 Entitlements, 26, 42 Entitlements Section, 36 Entrances, 115, 116 Environment Tab, 143, 145 Environmental, 54, 55, 63, 83 Environmental Details, 24, 52, 70, 178 Environmental Details Section, 35, 91, 133, 186 Environmental Management Practice, 58 Environmental Tab, 147, 149 Environmental Tab, 135, 136, 139, 141 Equipment, 79 Equity Share (Percent), 59, 91, 133 Exclude from Rentable, 99 Exclude from Usable, 99 External Company, 4, 44, 50 External Contact, 4, 53, 61, 157, 169 External Contacts, 156 External Locations, 53, 63 External Mail Server Details, 56, 88, 162, 170, 185 External Presence, 115, 116 External Retail Location, 3, 64, 68 Facility Assessment, 109, 193 Fax Specifications, 28 FCI History, 76 Features Section, 42 Federal, 81 Federal Real Property Profile, 154 Federal Tab, 152, 153 Federal XML Reporting, 155 Find Using Template, 23 Finish General, 87 Finishes, 87 Fixture, 2, 175 Fixture Spec, 5, 20, 22 Fixtures, 177 Floor, 3, 64, 66, 68, 88 Floor Common, 99 Floor Measurements, 73, 75
Floor Plan, 193 Food Service Contracts, 80 Food Service Equipment, 2, 175, 177 Food Service Equipment Spec, 5, 20, 22 Form, 15, 33, 90, 162, 185 Found Transaction, 189 Frontage, 115, 116 FRPC, 152 FRPP, 154 Full Description, 26 Functional Role, 163 Furniture, 2, 175, 177 Furniture Spec, 5, 20, 22 General, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 51, 70, 158, 162, 163, 164, 172, 178 General Information, 80 General Section, 34, 91, 119, 120, 121, 137, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 186, 195, 196 General Tab, 34, 35, 36, 43, 91, 93, 94, 96, 98, 102, 108, 133, 186, 187, 188, 192, 201 Geo/Location Hierarchy, 69 Geography, 3, 9, 60, 73, 164 Geography Cost Index, 77 Geography Cost Index Section, 108 Geography Hierarchy, 13 Geography Section, 108 GIS, 14, 15, 18, 90 GIS Link Name, 18 GIS Tab, 123 Government, 4, 45, 50 Graph Color Preferences, 172 Graphic, 14, 17, 75, 165, 173, 181 Graphic (for Selected Location or Asset), 160 Graphic Tab, 97 Graphics, 75, 181 Graphics Section, 97, 193 Graphics Section:, 97 Graphics Tab, 193 Gross Lease Area, 114 Group Details, 161, 168, 173 Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting, 152, 155 Hardware - CPU, 28 Hierarchy, 46 History, 161, 169, 183 History tab, 95 History Tab, 197, 198 In Service, 94
Inspection History, 76 Installation / Sub-Installation Identifier, 83 Installation / Sub-Installation Identifier Section, 154 Insurance, 55 Intent, 121 Intersection, 114, 115, 116, 117 Inventory, 30, 37 Inventory Details, 30, 31 Inventory Details Section, 39, 40 Inventory General, 30 Inventory General Section, 39 Inventory Item Form, 40 Inventory Items, 31 Inventory Items Section, 40 Inventory Purchasing Details, 31 Inventory Purchasing Details Section, 40 Inventory Summary, 31 Inventory Summary Section, 40 Inventory Tab, 39, 40 Inventory Transactions, 31 Inventory Transactions Section, 40 Inventory Valuation Method, 35 Item Cost, 25 Item Cost Section, 35 Item Material Cost, 35 Item Use Cost, 25 Item Use Cost Section, 36 Job Plan Section, 195 Key, 2, 175 Key Ring, 2, 176 Key Rings, 177 Key Spec, 5, 20, 22 Keycut Information, 27 Keys, 177 Labor Details, 160, 166 Land, 3, 64, 68, 109, 118 Land Class, 152 Landlord / Owner Section, 108 Landlord/Owner, 73 Last Reported Problem Location, 163 Last Update, 59, 91, 119, 133 LayOut Option, 80 Lease/Subleases, 75 Lease/Subleases Section, 109 Legal Interest, 81 Legal Interest Section, 153 Length Units, 93
License Detail, 168 License Details, 28, 161, 173 Licenses and Qualifications, 160, 166 Life Cycle, 5, 31, 182 Life Cycle Section, 41, 193 Linked Record Section, 119, 140, 142, 143, 145, 148 Location, 3, 64, 164 Location / My Company (Optional) Section, 152 Location Category, 3, 64, 68 Location Cost Index, 81 Location Data Summary Section, 138 Location Format, 115, 116 Location Graphic, 71 Location Graphic Section, 93 Location Hierarchy, 68 Location Layout, 115, 116 Location Retire Form, 124 Location Section, 196 Location Status, 72 Location Status Section, 94 Locations, 3, 64 Locations & Assets, 159 Locations and Assets, 165 Locations Section, 126, 138 Lock Spec, 5, 20, 22 Locks, 2, 176, 177 Lost Transaction, 188 Mail Server Login, 56 Main Location, 82 Main Location Section, 154 Maintenance, 31, 77, 182 Maintenance Details, 77 Maintenance Details Section, 110, 194 Maintenance Priority, 110 Maintenance Tab, 41, 108, 110, 111, 112, 118, 194, 195 Manage Inventory, 34 Manage Move Geographies, 160, 166 Manage Move Locations, 160, 166 Manual Approvers, 14, 32, 56, 89, 161, 184 Manufacturer, 25 Manufacturer Details, 25 Manufacturer Details Section, 35 Manufacturer Section, 35 Measurements Section, 97 Meter Logs, 131 Meter Service Allocations, 78
Meter Service Allocations Section, 112 Metropolitan Area, 3, 9, 14, 17 Mission Dependency, 82 Mission Dependency Section, 154 Move Cost Estimates, 81 Move Item, 34 Move Locations, 160, 166 Move Log, 161, 169, 184 Move Log Record, 169, 198 Move Log Section, 198 Move Policy Settings, 81 Move Request Line Item Log, 89 MTBF Log, 79, 89 MTBF Log Section, 198 My Company, 4, 45, 50, 52 My Location, 173 My Notifications, 173 My Profile, 4, 157, 167, 168, 171, 172 Name, 99 Neighborhood Type, 114, 115, 117 New Item, 40 Non-Working Event, 171 Notes & Documents, 15, 33, 56, 89, 161, 185 Notes & Documents Tab, 42, 198 Notification Exclusions, 173 Notification Preferences, 173 Notification Subscriptions, 173 Notifications, 14, 32, 56, 89, 161, 173, 184 null, 6 Number of Anchors, 114 Occupancy, 73 Occupancy %, 114 Occupancy Allocations, 86 Occupancy Allocations Section, 105 Occupancy Details, 86 Occupancy Rate (Percent), 91, 133 Occupancy Section, 102 Office Equipment, 3, 176, 177 Office Equipment Spec, 5, 20, 22 Offline, 95 Offline Location Form, 95 Offline Transaction, 189 Online, 95 Online Location Form, 95 Online Transaction, 190 Open Year, 114 Opportunities, 76 Opportunities Section, 194
Organization, 4, 44, 45, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 61, 89, 90, 159, 186 Organization Category, 4, 50 Organization Type, 58 Organizations, 4, 44, 50 Organizations Charged, 106 Organizations Charged Section, 107 OSCRE Code, 99 OSCRE Mapping to IFMA/BOMA, 99 OSCRE Standard, 99 Other / Management Contact Section, 108 Other Addresses, 53, 60, 74, 159, 165 Other Addresses Section, 96 Other Assigned Locations, 160, 165 Other Contact Info, 159 Other Emails, 159, 165 Other Equipment Section, 103 Other Phones, 74, 159, 165 Other Phones Section, 96 Other/Management Contact, 73 Overall Product Rating, 35, 186 Owned Property, 75 pace Classifications, 98 Parent Asset, 179 Parent Asset Section, 192 Parts List, 27, 37, 192 People, 4, 156, 157, 158 People – Primary Location, 85, 86 People – Primary Location Section, 103, 105 People – Secondary Location, 85, 86 People – Secondary Location Section, 103, 105 People By Organization, 158 People Portal Section, 157 People Template, 4, 157 Planned Floor, 3, 64 Planned Space, 3, 64 PM Reading Log, 196 PM Readings Log Section, 195 PM Schedule, 77 PM Schedules, 77, 182, 195, 197 PM Schedules Section, 110 Point of Sale Equipment, 3, 176, 177 Point of Sale Equipment Spec, 5, 22 Point Range, 122 Point Total, 119, 120 Populate Overhead Factor, 153 Populate Size, 153 Ports, 26, 29
Preferences, 161, 168, 172, 174 Preferred Buildings, 174 Preferred Meeting Spaces, 174 Preferred Vehicles, 174 Preferred Work Spaces, 174 Primary Address, 52, 60, 72, 159, 164 Primary Address Section, 96, 114, 115, 117 Primary Location, 159, 164, 165, 186, 193 Primary Location Graphic, 159, 164 Primary Organization, 72, 159, 164 Primary Phone Numbers, 72 Primary Phone Numbers Section, 96 Primary Street, 114, 115, 116, 117 Printer Specifications, 28 Priority for the Asset, 194 Procedures, 41, 183, 194, 195 Processing, 131 Procurement Cards, 166 Product Catalogs, 29 Product Catalogs Section, 38 Products, 29, 38, 55, 61 Products and Services, 55 Products Section, 38 Products Tab, 38 Profile, 160, 167, 168 Project History, 161 Project History Section, 169 Projects, 78 Projects Section, 111, 122 Property, 4, 64, 68, 108, 109 Property Class, 114 Property Common, 99 Property Measurements, 75 Proposed Company, 4, 45, 50 Proposed Retail Location, 4, 64, 68 Proposed Site, 4, 64, 68, 108 Proration Type, 99 Provider Rating, 58 Purchase Details Section, 193 Purchased From / Sold to Organization Section, 151 Purchased From Section, 141, 147, 148 Quantity Available in Rooms, 80 Reading Group, 195 Reading Log, 41, 197 Readings, 32, 78 Readings Details Section, 196 Readings Section, 41, 111, 195
Real Property Federal Status, 81 Real Property Status, 81 Real Property Status Section, 153 Real Property Type, 153 Real Property Type and Use, 81 Real Property Type and Use Section, 153 Real Property Unique Identifier, 82 Real Property Unique Identifier Section, 154 Real Property Use, 153 Region, 3, 9 Regulatory, 88 Regulatory Information, 76, 88, 110, 113 Regulatory Information Record, 113 Regulatory Information Section, 113 Regulatory Tab, 113 Related Documents, 15, 33, 56, 89, 162, 185 Related Documents Section, 42, 198 Related Links, 15 Remodel/Exp Date, 114 Report Filters, 57 Reporting, 14, 17, 52, 73 Reporting Agency, 81 Reporting Agency Section, 153 Reporting Organization, 81 Reporting Organization Section, 144, 147 Reporting Section, 96 Reports, 15, 33, 90, 162, 185 Reports To, 158, 163 Request Catalogs, 29, 30 Request Catalogs Section, 38 Request Classification, 125 Request Details Section, 125, 201 Requested By section, 202 Requested By Section, 126 Requested For Section, 126, 202 Requirements Section, 122 Reservation Delegates, 174 Reservation Type, 79 Reserve, 79, 174 Reserve Administration, 79 Reserve Details, 80 Resources and Services, 80 Responsible Organization Section, 144 Restrictions, 70, 83 Restrictions Section, 154 Retail Category, 63 Retail Center, 4, 65, 68 Retail Centers, 53, 63
Retail Comparable Store, 115, 116 Retail Details, 52, 63 Retail Location, 4, 65, 68, 118 Retail Measurements, 75 Retailer, 52, 53 Retire, 8, 123, 199 Retire Date Time, 126, 202 Retired, 8 Retired By, 200 Returned, 7 Review, 7 Revise, 7 Room Finish Notes, 88 Safety Plans (Procedures), 32, 77 Safety Plans (Procedures) Section, 41, 111, 194 Sales/Area Unit, 114 Scanner Specifications, 28 Scheduling Assumptions, 171 Scope 1 (Direct) Summary, 54, 63, 83 Scope 1 (Direct) Summary Section, 135 Scope 2 (Indirect) – Purchased Energy Summary, 54, 63 Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary, 83 Scope 2 (Indirect) Summary Section, 135 Scope 3 - Travel and Waste Summary, 83 Scope 3 – Travel and Waste Summary, 54, 63 Scope 3 Travel and Waste Summary Section, 135 Security, 177 Security Equipment, 3, 176 Security Equipment Spec, 5, 20, 22 Self Service, 32 Self Service Request, 34 Self Service Tab, 42 Service Class, 34 Service Matrix Records, 79 Service Spec, 5, 20, 22 Services, 29, 55, 61 Set Baseline, 93, 134 Sitemap, 157 Size, 82 Size Section, 153 Slots, 29 Software License, 3, 176 Software License Spec, 5, 20, 22 Software Licenses, 177 Space, 4, 55, 62, 65, 68, 159, 164 Space Allocation, 104 Space Class Current Classification, 99
Space Details, 55 Space Group, 4, 65, 68 Space Layout, 26 Space Level Allocation, 55, 62, 99, 106 Space Management, 81 Space Measurements, 73 Space Measurements Section, 98 Space Occupancy Settings, 81 Space Standard Spec, 5, 22, 42 Space Standards, 80, 85 Space Standards Section, 103 Space Standards Spec, 21 Space Use Classifications, 98 Space Utilization, 86 Spaces, 74 Spec Class, 34 Spec Class Data Attributes, 24, 178 Spec Group, 34 Spec Information, 178 Spec Information Section, 187 Spec Type, 34 Specification, 5, 175, 195 Specification Class, 22 Specification Class Data Attributes Section, 35 Specification Class Form, 23 Specification Order Type, 34 Specifications, 19 Specifications (Parts List), 179 Specifications (Parts List) Section, 192 Specifier, 34 State, 3, 9, 60 State Family, 6 States, 5 Status Change Notifications, 15, 33, 56, 89, 161, 185 Street Location Type, 114, 115, 116, 117 Structure, 4, 65, 68, 109, 118 Structure Class, 152 Structure Class Data Attributes, 71 Structure Class Data Attributes Section, 117 Submit, 126, 202 Surcharge, 99 System Repair and Replacement Funding, 76 Target Date, 93, 134 Target Rating, 93, 134 Tasks, 78, 183, 195 Tasks Section, 111, 122, 194 Team Members, 55, 61
Team Members & Contacts, 55 Technology, 177 Technology Assets, 3, 176 Technology Assets Spec, 20 Technology Spec, 5, 21, 22 Telephone Spec, 5, 21, 22 Telephones, 3, 176, 177 Tools and Test Equipment, 3, 176, 177 Tools and Test Equipment Spec, 5, 21, 22 Total Annual Utility Bills, 91, 133 Total Area Occupied, 91, 133 Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint, 133 Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint), 59, 91 Total CO2e (Carbon Footprint) Equity Share, 59, 91, 133 Transaction Log, 78, 89, 183, 187 Transaction Log Section, 112, 197 Travel Data Section, 135, 138 Travel Emission Conversion Factor, 132 Travel Emission Data, 135 Travel Log, 54, 84, 131, 139, 141 TRIRIGA Account, 160, 167, 172 TRIRIGA User Creating, 167 Unassign Transaction, 191 Units, 25, 26, 30, 71, 75, 76, 87, 178 Units Section, 35, 39, 93, 133, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 187 UOM, 71, 178, 180 Update, 93, 134 Update Associated Checklists, 118 User Access, 173 User Name, 167 Using Organization, 82 Using Organization Section, 153 Utilization, 82 Vacant Common, 99 Valuation, 76 Value, 82 Value Section, 153 Vehicle Spec, 5, 21 Vehicle Spec, 22 Vehicles, 3, 176, 177 Version, 119, 121 Vertical Shaft, 4, 65, 68 Visitor Log, 161, 169, 170 Walls, 88 Warranties, 32, 78, 183
Warranties Section, 41, 111, 194 Waste Data Section, 135, 138 Waste Emission Data, 135 Waste Log, 54, 84, 131, 139, 145 Water Log, 54, 84, 139, 147 Weather Station, 91
Welcome Package Documents, 80 Welcome Package Links, 79 Work Area Outlet Spec, 5, 21 Work Area Outlets, 3, 22, 176, 177 Work Group, 4, 45, 50 Working Hours, 171
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