ICCH 210 General Chemistry I Course Syllabus

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Week 1-6: Scientific Method and Measurement, Atomic Theory, Chemical ... Textbook: General Chemistry tenth Edition by Hill, Petrucci, McCreary, and Perry.
Course Specification Name of Institution

Mahidol University


Salaya campus Mahidol University International College Science Division

Section 1 General Information 1. Course Code and course title (Thai) ICCH 210 เคมีทั่วไป ๑ (English) ICCH 210 General Chemistry I    

2. Number of Credits

4 (4-0-8) (Lecture/Lab/Self-study)

3. Curriculum and type of subject 3.1 Curriculum Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) 3.2 Type of subject

Core science course

4. Responsible faculty member

Dr. Chayanant Hongfa

5. Trimester / year of study 5.1 offered in every curriculum in bachelor’s level 5.2

Number of students between 20-30

6. Pre-requisite(s) 7. Co-requisite(s)


8. Venue of study

Mahidol University, Salaya campus

9. Date of latest revision

September 2007

Section 2 Goals and Objectives 1. Goal


After successful completion of this course, students should be able to understand detailed concepts of general chemistry; understand the concepts of atomic structure, electron configurations, atomic properties and the periodic table; understand the relationships between thermodynamics, kinetics and intermolecular forces.

2. Objective of development revision To up-date the knowledge content of the course

Section 3 Course Management 1. Course Description

แนวคิดและหลักการทางเคมีทั่วไป โครงสร้างอะตอม พันธะเคมี สตอยคิโอเมทรี แก๊ส ของแข็ง ของเหลวและสารละลาย อุณหพลศาสตร์เคมี จลนศาสตร์เคมี และสมดุลเคมี Comprehensive concepts and principles of chemistry; atomic structure; chemical bonding; stoichiometry; gases, solids, liquids and solutions; chemical thermodynamics and kinetics.

2. Credit hours / trimester Lecture (hours) 48 (4 hours x 12 weeks)

Additional Class

Laboratory/field trip/internship





0 hours

8 hours

(0 hours x 12 weeks)

(8 hours x 12 weeks)


3. Numbers of hours that the lecturer provides individual counseling and guidance 1 hour/week

Section 4 Development of Students’ Learning Outcome

1. Expected outcome on students’ skill and knowledge Student will be able to apply the knowledge from lecturer and additional research with the ideas received from analysis and synthesis to set up solutions / precautions to benefit individuals and their community.

2. Teaching Methods - Lecture - Self-study - Practical laboratory exercises. 3. Evaluation methods 1. Morality and Ethics 1.1 Expected outcome on morality and ethics: 1) To posses morality and ethics and integrity. 2) Have self-discipline, honesty, compassion, self-responsible and social responsibility 3) Have a positive attitude toward professors/career and express their morality and ethics 4) Respect other people’s rights and are a good listener 5) Respect rules and regulations of institution and society 6) Can adapt and adjust to work in team both as leader or member 1.2 Teaching method: 1) Learning-centered education with emphasis on - Ethics and morality - Traditional and learning 2) Course contain moral and ethical issues 3) Case studies with past experiences and current events 4) Group discussion 5) Group assignment 1.3 Evaluation strategies: 1) Students’s acitivities, presentation and seminar in course 2) Class attendance, class participation and behavior in class 3) On-time submission of reports and assignments and their quality 2. Knowledge development 2.1 Expected outcome on knowledge development: 1) expected outcomeŤon knowledge

2) Possess basic knowledge, theories and concepts of chemistry towards the understanding of self, society, surrounding in order to be well-rounded person 3) Can process the chemistry knowledge related to principles, theories and practice in the course 2.2 Teaching strategies: 1) Lecture 2) Learning-centered education with emphasis on -­‐‑ chemistry knowledge development -­‐‑ important chemistry skills in career development and living -­‐‑ encourage students to use their full potentials 3) Diverse teaching methods that serve the education objective 4) Appropriate IT 5) Integrate chemistry theory and practice 6) Case studies with past experiences and current events 7) Group discussion 8) Group assignment 2.3 Evaluation strategies: 1) Evaluate chemistry knowledge and application in career using written examination 2) Students’s acitivities, assignment, presentation and seminar in course 3) Class attendance, class participation 3. Cognitive Skills 3.1 Expected outcome on intellectual development: 1) Have systematic and analytical thinking 2) Can apply knowledge and experience to creatively solve problems both in general and academic and synthesize of solutions and precautions. 3) Can apply theoretical and practical knowledge to their real life 3.2 Teaching Strategies 1) Lecture 2) Diverse teaching methods that serve the education objective 3) Appropriate IT 4) Integrate theory and practice 5) Case studies with past experiences and current events 6) Group discussion 7) Group assignment 3.3 Evaluation Strategies 1) Evaluate knowledge and application in career using written examination 2) Students’s acitivities, assignment, presentation and seminar in course 3) Class attendance, class participation 4. Interpersonal relationship and responsibility 4.1 Expected outcome on interpersonal skills and responsibility

1) possess good interpersonal relationship skills (self esteem and dignity) and have respect for the rights and value of others 2) Be constructive team member (in various roles) and be responsible for assignment tasks, professional and society 3) possess initiative in problem solving 4.2 Teaching Strategies 1) Emphasis on training and practice 2) Course contain ethical and moral issues 3) Group discussion in case studies and assignment 4.3 Evaluation Strategies 1) Students’s acitivities, assignment, presentation and seminar in course 2) Class attendance, class participation and behavior in class 5. Mathematical analytical thinking, communication skills and information technology skills 5.1 Expected outcome on mathematical analytical thinking, communication skills and information technology skills: 1) Can select and apply appropriate statistical and mathematical analytical thinking to research problems 2) Can apply information technology for data gathering, processing, interpreting and presenting information/results 3) Can communicate effectively and select appropriate methods of presentation 4) Can use effectively in English or other languages to research data and information appropriately. 5.2 Teaching Strategies 1) Lecture 2) Use diverse IT for self learning 3) Integrate theory and practice 4) Case studies with past experiences and current events 5) Group discussion 6) Group assignment 5.3 Evaluation Strategies 1) Evaluate knowledge and application in career using written examination 2) Students’s acitivities, assignment, presentation and seminar in course 3) Class attendance, class participation Section 5 Teaching and Evaluation Plans 1. Teaching plan Week  

Topics  /Seminar  

1   Measurement  









Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

2   Matter,  atoms,   molecules  and  ions  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

3   Stoichiometry  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

4   Stoichiometry  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

5   Gases  and  gas  laws  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

6   Gases  and  gas  laws  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

7   Thermochemistry  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

8   Atomic  structure  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

9   Electron  configurations,   atomic  properties  and   periodic  table  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

10   Chemical  bonds,  theory   and  molecular  structure  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

11   State  of  matter  and   intermolecular  forces  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  

12   States  of  matter  and   intermolecular  forces  




Dr.  Chayanant   Hongfa  




2. Evaluation plan Expected outcomes




Methods / activities



1. (1) to (4)




2. (1) to (5)

Group assignment



3. (2) to (3)




(Midterm 40 Final 40)

Section 6 Teaching Materials and Resources 1. Texts and main documents Hill, J.W. and Petrucci, R.H. General Chemistry an integrated approach 3rd Edition, USA: Prentice Hall; 2002. Chang, R. Chemistry 6th Edition, USA: McGraw-Hill; 1998. Atkin, P.W. Atkin’s Molecules 2nd edition, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2003. 2. Documents and important information Laboratory manual, Hand-outs 3. Documents and recommended information Example research papers

Section 7 Evaluation and Improvement of Course Management 1. Strategies for effective course evaluation by students 1.1 Evaluation of peers by students 1.2 Student evaluation 1.2.1

Course content


Course management




Overall opinion

2. Evaluation strategies in teaching methods 2.1 Student evaluation 2.2 Presentation 3. Improvement of teaching methods Workshop on course improvement with the participation of all instructors in the course 4. Evaluation of students’ learning outcome

Analysis of students’ learning outcomes using scores from class attendance, group activity and presentation of project and poster presentation 5. Review and improvement for better outcome Review the course before trimester starts and before each teaching period