Sep 18, 2012 - William Kennedy, Frank Ritter, Christian Lebiere, Ion Juvina, ... Barchunova, Jan Moringen, Robert Haschke, Helge Ritter ... Paul Smart.
ICCM 2012 Proceedings
9/18/12 21:23
ICCM 2012 Proceedings Official Proceedings The official proceedings are available here: Use this link for linking to your paper. Please use the following information when citing papers presented at ICCM 2102: Anonymous, A. (2012). Title of the paper. In N. Rußwinkel, U. Drewitz & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Berlin: Universitaetsverlag der TU Berlin.
Title-page PDF Table of Contents PDF Organization & Committees PDF Sponsoring & Support PDF Invited Speakers PDF - Niels Taatgen PDF - Klaus Oberauer PDF - Alex Kirlik PDF Tutorials PDF Papers & Abstracts PDF Presentations Fri 10:30 - Talks: Decision Making, Prototypes, and Analogies (10:30, Fri Apr 13) Modeling Intuitive Decision Making in ACT-R William Kennedy, Robert Patterson
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Dynamic Use of Multiple Analogies in the AMBR Model Causing Re-Representation of the Target Georgi Petkov, Ivan Vankov, Boicho Kokinov A Cognitive Model For Predicting Aesthetical Judgements As Similarity to Dynamic Prototypes Ute Schmid, Michael Siebers, Johannes Folger, Simone Schineller, Dominik Seuss, Marius Raab, Claus-Christian Carbon, Stella J. Faerber An ACT-R Approach to Reasoning about Spatial Relations with Preferred and Alternative Mental Models Sven Brüssow, Matthias Frorath, Marco Ragni, Thomas Fangmeier A multinomial model of applying recognition to judge between multiple alternatives Philip Beaman Fri 13:50 - Talks: Learning and Problem Solving (13:50, Fri Apr 13) Data Acquisition Dynamics and Hypothesis Generation Nicholas D. Lange, Rick P. Thomas, Eddy J. Davelaar A cognitive architecture-based model of graph comprehension David Peebles Cognitive modelling of early music reading skill acquisition for piano Bruno Emond, Gilles Comeau An account of cognitive flexibility and inflexibility for a complex dynamic task Alberto De Obeso Orendain, Sharon Wood Fri 15:30 - Symposium: Cognitive Modeling of Processes "Beyond Rational" (15:30, Fri Apr 13) Cognitive Modeling of Processes “Beyond Rational” William Kennedy, Frank Ritter, Christian Lebiere, Ion Juvina, Alessandro Oltramari, Jonathan Gratch, Richard Young Fri 17:00 - Poster Session 1 (17:00, Fri Apr 13) Computational Simulation Of Visual Distraction Effects On Car Drivers’ Situation Awareness Thierry Bellet, Jean-Charles Bornard, Pierre Mayenobe, Jean-Christophe Paris, Dominique Gruyer, Bernard Claverie SimPilot: An exploration of modeling a highly interactive task with delayed feedback in a multitasking environment Michael Schoelles, Wayne Gray Cognitive Re-Use via Emergic Networks David Pierre Leibovitz, Robert West Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Manipulation Sequences from Bimodal Input Alexandra Barchunova, Jan Moringen, Robert Haschke, Helge Ritter Modeling the User’s Belief about the State of a Spoken Dialog System
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Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht A four factor model of landmark salience – A new approach Florian Röser, Antje Krumnack, Kai Hamburger, Markus Knauff Modeling the Effects of Base-rates on Cyber Threat Detection Performance Varun Dutt, Young-Suk Ahn, Noam Ben-Asher, Cleotilde Gonzalez Exploring Feature Collocation for Semantic Concept Identification Meng Yu Uses, Abuses and Misuses of Computational Models in Classical Conditioning Alonso Eduardo, Mondragon Plaza How WM load influences pronoun interpretation Jacolien van Rij, Hedderik van Rijn, Petra Hendriks An ACT-R Model of Credibility Judgment of Micro-blogging Web Pages Q. Vera Liao, Peter Pirolli, Wai-Tat Fu Computationally Efficient Forgetting via Base-Level Activation Nate Derbinsky, John Laird A Change for the Better? Assessing the Computational Cost of Re-Representation Todd Wareham, Robert Robere, Iris van Rooij Defining Factors of Interest for Large-Scale Socio-Cognitive Simulations Ryan Kaulakis, Changkun Zhao, Jonathan Morgan, Jeremiah Hiam, Joseph Sanford, Frank Ritter Emotion Detection by Event Evaluation using Fuzzy Sets as Appraisal Variables Michael Kotzyba, Barbara Deml, Hendrik Neumann, Stefan Gluege, Kim Hartmann, Ingo Siegert, Andreas Wendemuth, Harald Traue, Steffen Walter Modeling behavior and performance of air traffic controllers using coloured Petri nets Hardy Smieszek A Framework for Task Accomplishment Using an ACT-R Simulation Michael Beckmann, Ulas Yilmaz, Gloria Pöhler, Anne Wegerich Performance Modelling of Interface Dynamism in Motor Skills Acquisition Olurotimi Richard Akinlofa, Patrik O'Brian Holt, Eyad Elyan Explorations in ACT-R Based Language Analysis – Memory Chunk Activation, Retrieval and Verification without Inhibition Jerry Ball Prospective Memory and Working Memory: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach Nina R. Arnold, Ute J. Bayen, Rebekah E. Smith Non Inversion of Similarity and Dissimilarity in Judging Faces Ludovica Lorusso, Enrico Grosso Towards optimal payoff manipulations Christian Janssen, Andrew Howes, Duncan Brumby What Can (and Can't) Make Problem Solving by Insight Possible? A ComplexityTheoretic Investigation
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Todd Wareham A Concept of a Cognitive System of Motivation Andreas Ammann A Computational Model for Forms of Selective Attention based on Cognitive and Affective Feelings Luis Macedo A process model of immediate inferences Sangeet Khemlani, Greg Trafton, Max Lotstein, Phil Johnson-Laird Cognitive Robotics: Analysis of Preconditions and Implementation of a Cognitive Robotic System for Navigation Tasks Stefano Bennati, Marco Ragni Accumulation of Evidence and Information Search in Experiential Decisions Katja Mehlhorn, Varun Dutt, Noam Ben-Asher, Cleotilde Gonzalez A Computational Model of Collective Sensemaking: Differential Effects of Communication Network Structure on Collective Sensemaking Abilities Paul Smart Using Support Vector Machines to Determine Linear Separability Bram Van Rensbergen, Eef Ameel, Fons Van Assche, Gert Storms Sat 10:30 - Talks: Memory and Learning (10:30, Sat Apr 14) A Rational Analysis of Memory Search Termination Eddy Davelaar, Erica Yu, J. Isaiah Harbison, Erika Hussey, Michael Dougherty Modeling representational shifts in learning the number line Leif Kåre Lende, Niels Taatgen Oscillatory Basis of Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity Krzysztof Andrelczyk, Tomasz Smolen, Adam Chuderski Modeling the Temporal Dynamics of Visual Working Memory Johannes Lohmann, Oliver Herbort, Martin V. Butz Sat 13:30 - Talks: Architectures, I (13:30, Sat Apr 14) A Reinforcement Learning Model of Bounded Optimal Strategy Learning Xiuli Chen, Andrew Howes Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice of Approximate Bayesian Inference Johan Kwisthout, Iris van Rooij Competence-Preserving Retention of Learned Knowledge in Soar’s Working and Procedural Memories Nate Derbinsky, John Laird Pre-attentive and Attentive Vision Module Enkhbold Nyamsuren, Niels Taatgen Sat 15:20 - Talks: Architectures, II (15:20, Sat Apr 14)
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ACTR-QN: Integrating Queueing Network and ACT-R Cognitive Architectures Shi Cao, Yili Liu Sat 15:40 - Talks: Decomposing Cognition (15:40, Sat Apr 14) Relating ACT-R buffer activation to EEG activity during an attentional blink task Marieke van Vugt One Model, Two Tasks: Decomposing the Change Signal Task Larry Moore, Glenn Gunzelmann, Marissa Daigle Sat 16:20 - Poster Session 2 (16:20, Sat Apr 14) Verbalization of problem solving processes in unaided object assembly Linn Gralla, Thora Tenbrink Modeling Risky Decision Making by Cellular Automata Kenryo Indo Conditioning for Least Action Eduardo Alonso, Michael Fairbank, Esther Mondragon Annual Cognitive Modeling Competition Kevin Gluck Choices, choices: task selection preference during concurrent multitasking Menno Nijboer, Niels Taatgen, Hedderik van Rijn Extending and Evaluating a Multiplicative Model for Semantic Composition in a Distributional Semantic Model Akira Utsumi Towards Pinpointing the Neural Correlates of ACT-R: a Conjunction of Two Model-Based fMRI Analyses Jelmer Borst, John Anderson Qualitative and Quantitative Individual Differences in Semantic Categorization Steven Verheyen, Gert Storms Modeling Efficiency-guided Modality Choice in Voice and Graphical User Interfaces Stefan Schaffer, David Reitter A First Approach to Generate Hybrid Animations for Maintenance Tasks in IPS² Ulrike Schmuntzsch, Ulaş Yılmaz, Ralf Reichmuth, Matthias Rötting Abstraction in Natural Language Categories Loes Stukken, Wouter Voorspoels, Gert Storms, Wolf Vanpaemel Semantic Cognition: A Re-examination of the Recurrent Network "Hub" Model Olivia Guest, Rick Cooper Memory and Contextual Change in Causal Learning Uwe Drewitz, Stefan Brandenburg Functional Modeling of Personality Properties Based on Motivational Traits Joscha Bach
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Model-Based Prediction of Between-Trial Fluctuations in Response Caution From EEG Data Udo Boehm, Leendert van Maanen, Birte Forstmann, Hedderik van Rijn Cognitive Model of Drivers Attention Kerstin Haring, Marco Ragni, Lars Konieczny Cognitive modeling of different processing modes in task switching: toward an explanation of the effect of aging on switching cost Stephane Deline, Jacques Juhel A LIDA-based Model of the Attentional Blink Tamas Madl, Stan Franklin Self-Organization and Associative Learning as a Basis for Cognitive and Sensorimotor Modeling of Speech Production, Perception, and Acquisition Bernd Kroeger, Cornelia Eckers, Christiane Neuschaefer-Rube The Role of Memory in MHP/RT: Organization, Function and Operation Muneo Kitajima, Makoto Toyota Modeling Behavior of Attention-Deficit-Disorder Patients in a N-Back Task Jonathan Kottlors, Daniel Brand, Marco Ragni Combining cognitive modeling and EEG to predict user behavior in a search task Felix Putze, Johannes Meyer, Joscha Borné, Tanja Schultz, Daniel Holt, Joachim Funke Towards a 50 msec Cognitive Cycle in a Graphical Architecture Paul Rosenbloom Practical Optimal-Solution Algorithms for Schema-based Analogy Mapping Robert Hamilton, Todd Wareham Extending the Computational Belief-Desire Theory of Emotions to Fantasy Emotions Rainer Reisenzein Dual-route Connectionist model of Greek Spelling Ioanna Katidioti, Ian Simpson, Athanassios Protopapas Matching Results of Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Text Andreas Niekler, Patrick Jähnichen A self-organized neuronal comparator Guillermo Luduena, Claudius Gros Sun 09:00 - Symposium: Human Performance Modeling (09:00, Sun Apr 15) Symposium on Human Performance Modeling Wayne Gray, David Kaber, Guk-Ho Gil, Sang-Hwan Kim, Noam Ben-Asher, Joachim Meyer, Shi Cao, Yili Liu, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Glenn Gunzelmann, Kevin Gluck
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