ICT professional development

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olows you To seorch lor weD poges lhot moy hove content re oled to yoLlr opr' .)6.o1 6 o' o'ooJ . ... fovoufite bookmorking site, li w lplonipt. Pros ond cons of.


ICTprofessional development-\"i*

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thern. Wel, hod youf breothrth s is where soc crl bookmork ng comes nto ihe plcture

Whotissociolbool(morking? Socio bookmork ng s o woy of tctgg ng o web poge (bookmofking) thol cl ows you io access t from onywhere provded you

Chugh: rByRitesh Hove you everlosllrqckof the vorous web poges thoi you llkewh lst surfrngthe Web? lhink,qt somestqge,we o clo. llyouqre browsing the pogesfrom youf home of work compulet thenchqnces ore lhol yoLl wi bookmqrk themor odd them os your fo\o rrte. lo yoLrroo tro^ a| blrr r56il por{ob lity betweencompuing devices is lim ted. When usng d fterenl computers - o lcrpiop, o PC ol home, o PC ol work or o PDA - il wo! d be greot to lre crble to shqre the some bookmclrks omong O7.l





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hove o computer wifh lnternel occess. Tcrggng is ossigning o keyword to ony webs le or resourcethot you flnd on ne 'n J o o , b o o l Fo . n g . o ' o . o I a web pqges ore soved on the Web, on a provder's webste, nstecld ot beng olJoched to your web browser.Hoofcry Most soclcrbookmorkng stes olow you to cfeote tcrgs'of keywords'thot olow eosy crccessto your togged web poge Everytime you odd q well poge To youf fovoufite bookmorking site, li w lplonipt

you to qdd words of tqgs clescrbing tfre l n k T h i sw l o l o w y o u t o o l g o n s e Y o u l clolq by togs or by cieoling colegores There mcly be mcrny people wno nove usecl ihe some keywords os yours, wnlcn olows you To seorch lor weD poges

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lhot moy hove content re oled to yoLlr . ) 6 . o 16 o ' o ' o o J . - d . o ' o r . o ' opr' vafious web poges, soving you ime qnd effod n ocotng specic nformotjon l5 oso o socql experience, lleccluse youl

TesouTc ond/or potentic

bookmorks con be shofecl wtfr onyone ocross the globe You con clso bro\,vse other people's bookmqfked s tes,cfeoting o truly co lective environnrenl You |-ngll

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even end up inlefqctng wth othel k ng sjte membefs on the bookfarcrf

Prosond cons of sociolbool(morl(ing Every fechnoogy hos lts own oncl weoKnesses,clno 50c o


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Hfl Hbout KegtUords: the risEcnd rise ct scciol bookr-norking r)O a



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Sociol bookmorking jn educotion As r]f educoto, yoLr con use socrol Dookmorklfg lo orgonise vctrious wet) resources thqt you corne ocross. Ihe resoLtfcescon be shorecl wilh youf sludenls ono/or peeE, who moy conlrlbute oTher

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The some tctg or keywords. Jhrough soctol bookmofking, you con nelwork w:th otner people who mcty be interestecl in your topc Tqgged sit,-smclke il ectsierto shclre resoufces ond encoLrrqge cl colioboroTtve ^ 1o na. r-. or b- ,.eo.o.. o.e




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and ubiquitous web Dookmorking heps to

resource. Socro cieoie collective ffelligence ond yel moinloifs o sense of owne|ship.

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Joining lhe swof m

Free io loin orld ose


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ooo ^ o.. . o. .36n odo ,o. . o, ^..:: urvui- cl,o^..olha. ,ooe ,0.6 r_o ., w/'h . o i, 'Uoo4, D-pO. g Ol . e Doot o,,,.o,..e o. .o, ,Lro^, w vre\r lhe bookmarks bclsed on lctgs o . o . . o , , , . ot , ^ o o o . . a o . 1 \ l'r-.^o.O n ror oloo.. o o,oe, Mo.^ otd. L orl noI, The bookmqrking site hos on rnbuilt search engjne ihqt mokes the seofcn ng easy you con evef expod your perso|q Dookmorks from youf complrler io The soclql-bookmqrkingsite thcll you chose ro lmagine the beneifs of hovtng ^use. ".' ihe bookmcrrks creclled by :..-.-::, rk-6-mrncleal usersond ihe communiiy

do not p."c.. ifie,orovidefs


UyUr siuctenls will discover torge ]"1-,"nO nLrrba' ot oeop,^ o.t , - h-o r ro rre ''tr. o ecr,,,-oo,ooo.no,o,, o,on qooL.li simlor topics. As ct consequeJtce or rqgging the contenl new knowleoge EDL I-ATION




is creqted thot is ovoiloble for reuse.As o resun ihgre is greoter contfol oT the con1entthqi you find os it is contpieo usinoiogs t e o , ' s . , ,a ' - o s t b o o F n orti.gn1-sota, ncludel

willfind resources tholyouwoulclnor nove dlscovered onyourown.

making il eosier for

the userrcliherlhon Themhovingto creaie thetr Thereiso vosirongeofsociql bookmorKtng own logs. slies usedto bookmcrrkdifferenlresources. . ' qgs Ond Youcon subscfibeto feeclsof vorious Co r n - A n r " I n O - Co r O e O c l c l e d The qforemenlioned Deliclousond Dtigo rqgs ond disptqyo tjstof .togged to ctosslfyyourfovouritesites / w , v ^d , q o . c o n c | r e, h o slteson / . bookmorks thol v e r y p o o u o r qny web poge thot you create cqn be viewed 5t,-Sfhot bOA., O vo.,e_!O. feotu,-5unCI chronologcoly, by cofegory, or by rc_tgs functionalitiesollowingyou to collecTond Summorising the benefits uSng qn internolseqrch englne shqre your web poges with others. ' b o o L m o r L s -O t tsoth Inconclusion,sociolbookmqrking q C o ^b e O (. e s s e o, / t eo websiles is userul offerfreeregistrqjionond you ore web browser woy of orgctnising ond qccessingdlfferent feody to slort shoring your bookmqrked web pqges . rne qbility to subscribe ihot you come ocrosswhtlsf to feeds of poges with others in minutes. FlickLcr suffingthe djfferenttogs web. lt is eqsyto leqrn ono use populor photo-shqring siie, qlso . ihe dote bookmorks uses qnd is undoubtedlybecomjng were creqted poputctr.lt rogs tor eosy shqring ond ldentjtlcouon providesvolue os everyone ccln benettfby or photos. Cileulike ond Connoteo ore snaflngbookmcltks. Now on to sornetipsthqt ensureq frlenory bookmorklngslies.torgeted ot acqdemtcs oookmorklng Sociolbookmqrkingwill prove to experience for youonclyour ond researchers be o thqt ql/ow you to keep voluoble studentsi tool in monogifg informqTton Trqck your of reseorch mqleriol ond omef overlood . Keepyourtogs for studenls ond teocners wellotgonised rereTencesites.If yol] odd on . Theiogs shouJd ocqdemic olike.Teochingsludents be simpJeso thqi they orucie to uUlisesocrol to your reseorch materiat, qre tecognjsoble. bookmorkjnglo orgoniseweb resources Cofnoteo olso jmporfsihe blbliografrnrc . tr you do not w tsovetheirilmeondenergyondprovlde wont to shore your oeToils, moking il very convenient for fhe q bookmorks With others, mqke networkecl environment for them them reseorcher.The iqble To below lisls some rnt-aroctif privote. successfuJly Encourqgeyour oiner b'ookmorking sitescrndclossifies . You con creote rne sTudentsto use bookmofking o group fot your resoLtrces sites ono thqt they tog. qrscoverthe feqfures studentsso lhot ihe bookmarksqr_o on offer @ ony Toprovicleyou wlth somefurfher instghl visible to ihe membersof the gfoup. rnlo Deliclous,here ore some jts xey Ritesh . Rotethe vqlue of Chugh tecturesin the F.tcultyaf of the websilesthctTyou feoturesi find,os ihe foting moy be useful Ans, Business, lnfamqtics and Educotion for orner . tr con importyour exisUngbookmor(s people fo determine lhe relevonce at CQU njvercity,s Melbau rneCam pus. ono from your browser contenl. tie teaches to bath postgrodudle orE . rTcon narrowqnd brooden undergroduafestudentsin the hetdsar yourseclrch(for exomple Thefruilsof sociol bookmorking infarmdtian sysfemsmanogement '' ano Educqtion>K I 2>Ausirolia,,). Some of the poges thoi you develapment,lSprcject manogement bookmqrk . lt con shoreoccumulclted knowleoge moy not be recld or used, bul it and electrcnic commerce. Mr Chugh is befer beiween users. TTrqn surfingogoin ond wqstingtime looKrng . you nasDeen oworded CeUnivercity,s 2AA7 con see ihe popuiqriiyof q ror someihlng thot you have tocutfy pro-Vice Ch.tncellars,poftfanos/ oireody bookmqrkbqsed on the numbef of come acrossbul lost becouse il AIC Tietane Aword for teoching wqs noT people who hqve bookmorkedq site. bookmclrkedin the first ploce. excellence He con be contocted Muflpe . JTcon recommencls at popuJartogs, peopie often usethe very r, ch ugh @met. cq u.edu.au. some worcrsror togglng,so your seorchfor ,educotion, or schoo/s' willgiveyouo lis]ng of every1r)rng ihql usershove togged usingthose togs.A recenl seofch on sociol-bookmarkinq site Connoteq (!vww.connoieo or9 Delicious for .educqtion,deliveredover onemiJlion _ ond ihotnumber results Flickr (www flicfI com) keeps growng,soit isimportontto distinguish Redclit(www reddit.com) me New ond populorweb poges wne,lt trom the chqif ln o likelihood you Dlgg (htlpi//digg.con.r) O75




Norrowjngdown the seorch

Please cite as: Chugh, R 2010, ‘All About Keywords: the rise and rise of social bookmarking’, Education Technology Solutions, vol. 38, Oct/Nov, p.74-76.