Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 21(4): 333-341 (2010) University of Tehran, ISSN 1016-1104
Ideal Amenability of Banach Algebras and Some Hereditary Properties M. Eshaghi Gordji,1,* B. Hayati,2 and S.A.R. Hosseinioun3 1
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,Semnan University, Semnan, Islamic Republic of Iran 2 Department of Mathematics, Malayer University, Malayer, Islamic Republic of Iran 3 Department of Mathematics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Received: 2 March 2009 / Revised: 1 May 2010 / Accepted: 31 October 2010
Abstract Let A be a Banach algebra. A is called ideally amenable if for every closed ideal I of A, the first cohomology group of A with coefficients in I* is trivial. We investigate the closed ideals I for which H1 (A,I* )={0}, whenever A is weakly amenable or a biflat Banach algebra. Also we give some hereditary properties of ideal amenability. Keywords: Derivation; Weakly amenable; Biflat; Ideally amenable
X * is inner. This definition was introduced by B.E.Johnson in [15], [20] and [14]. A Banach algebra A is weakly amenable if every derivation from A into A * is inner. Bade, Curtis and Dales have introduced the concept of weak amenability for commutative Banach algebras [2] (see [17,6,9,10,11]). Let n ∈ N , a Banach algebra A is called n-weakly amenable if
Introduction For a Banach algebra A let X be a Banach A bimodule. Then X * , the dual space of X , is also a Banach A -bimodule with module multiplications defined by
〈 x ,a.x * 〉 = 〈 x .a, x * 〉, 〈 x , x * .a 〉 = 〈a.x , x * 〉
(a ∈ A , x ∈ X , x
[5], [16]. Let G = SL (2, R), the set of elements in M 2 (R)
In particular, I and I * are Banach A -bimodule for every closed ideal I of A . A derivation from A into X is a continuous linear operator D such that
D ( ab ) = a.D (b ) + D ( a ) .b
with determinant one, also let A = L1 (G ) and I be the augmentation ideal of A , then theorem 5.2 of [18] implies that H 1 (A , I * ) ≠ {0} . On the other hand A is
( a, b ∈ A ) .
weakly amenable. This example guides us to the following definitions. Let A be a Banach algebra and let I be a closed ideal of A, then A is said to be I-weakly amenable if every derivation from A into I* is inner, in other words H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} . We call A ideally amenable if A is I-
We define δ x ( a ) = a.x − x .a for each x ∈ X and a ∈ A is a derivation from A into X , which is called an inner derivation. A Banach algebra A is amenable if every derivation from A into every dual A -bimodule *
H 1 A , A ( n ) = {0} , where A ( n ) is the n-th dual of A
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Vol. 21 No. 4 Autumn 2010
Eshaghi Gordji et al.
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is a Banach A -bimodule with module multiplications defined by:
weakly amenable for every closed ideal I of A [8,7]. Let n ∈ N , a Banach algebra A is called n-ideally amenable if for every closed ideal I in A, H 1 ( A , I ( n ) ) = {0} . Obviously, an ideally amenable Banach algebra is weakly amenable. Since every closed ideal of A is a Banach A -bimodule, an amenable Banach algebra is ideally amenable. There are examples of Banach algebras show that ideal amenability is not equivalent to the weak amenability or amenability. In the following we give some of them.
a. (b ⊗ c ) = ab ⊗ c , (b ⊗ c ) .a = b ⊗ ca ( a, b , c ∈A ) ˆA The corresponding diagonal operator ∆ : A ⊗ → A is defined by a ⊗ b ab , and extended uniquely by linearity. It is clear that ∆ is a Banach A -bimodule homomorphism. Let E be a Banach space and (E) be the space of finite rank operators on E . We say that E has the approximation property if there is a net (S α )α in (E)
Example 1. Let A be the unitization of the augmentation ideal of L1 (SL ( 2 , R )) . Then A is weakly amenable but is not ideally amenable [8].
such that (S α ) → id E uniformly on compact subsets of E.
Example 2. Let A = L1 (SL ( 2 , R )) . Then A is weakly amenable which is not ideally amenable [18, Theorem 5.2].
Closed Ideals of Weakly Amnable Banach Algebras
Example 3. Let A be a non-nuclear C* -algebra. Then A is ideally amenable which is not amenable [8].
In this section, we find some closed ideals of a weakly amenable Banach algebra A for which H1 ( A, I* ) is trivial. Also if we denote the linear span
Example 4. Let A be a commutative weakly amenable Banach algebra which is not amenable. Then, for each n ∈ N , A is n -ideally amenable [8]. Let A be a Banach algebra, X a Banach A bimodule and let Y be a closed A -submodule of X . We say that the short exact sequence i π X {0} →Y → X → → {0} of A -bimodules splits if π Y has a bounded right inverse which is also an A bimodule homomorphism. The following theorem is well known.
of the set {ab : a, b ∈ A } by A 2 , in Theorem 2.14, it is proved that for a closed ideal I satisfies A 2 ⊆ I and H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} , then A 2 is dense in I . This is a
generalization of Gronbæk's theorem [3, Theorem 2.8.63]. Let X be a Banach A -bimodule and let Y be a closed A -submodule of X . We give some conditions that H 1 ( A , X * ) = {0} implies H 1 ( A ,Y * ) = {0} .
Theorem 2.1. Let A be a Banach algebra, X a Banach A -bimodule and let Y be a closed A submodule of X . If H 1 ( A , X * ) = {0} and the exact
Theorem 1.1. Let A be a Banach algebra, X a Banach A -bimodule and let Y be a closed A submodule of X . Then the following conditions are equivalent.
i) The
{0} →Y
{0} → Y
X X → → {0} splits. Y ii) i has a bounded left inverse which is also an A bimodule homomorphism. iii) There exists a continuous projection of X onto Y which is also an A -bimodule homomorphism.
→X * →
X* → {0} Y ⊥
of Banach A-bimodules splits, then H 1 ( A ,Y
(1) *
) = {0} .
Proof. Let D : A →Y * be a derivation. Since the exact sequence (1) splits, π has a bounded right inverse, say φ , such that φ is also an A -bimodule homomorphism.
Proof. A more general case, for example, can be found in [3, page 56]. Let A be a Banach algebra. Then, the projective ˆ A . This space tensor product of A is denoted by A ⊗
In this case φ o D : A → X * is a derivation, so there exists f ∈ X * such that φ o D = δf . Thus, we have π o φ o D = π o δf . This shows that dY * o D = δ π ( f ) and
Ideal Amenability of Banach Algebras and Some Hereditary Properties
therefore D = δ π ( f ) . The following lemma is in the literature. We give its proof.
So Q is a left A -module homomorphism. Similarly Q is a right A -module homomorphism and this completes the proof.
Lemma 2.2. The exact sequence (1) splits, if the following splits
Corollary 2.3. Let A , X and Y be as in Theorem 2.1. If the exact sequence (2) splits and
{0} →Y
→X →
X → {0} Y
H 1 (A , X
then for each y ∈Y and f ∈ X
) = {0} , then H ( A ,Y ) = {0} . 1
H 1 (A , X
(n )
) = {0} .
we have
Proof. Let ∧ n −1 : X ( n −1) → X map. Then the exact sequence
〈 y ,Q ( f )〉 = 〈 y , f 〉 − 〈 y , P f 〉 *
= 〈 y , f 〉 − 〈P ( y ) ,f 〉
∧ n −1
{0} → X ( n −1) → X ( n +1) →
= 0. So Q ( X * ) ⊆ Y f ∈X
. On the other hand for each
= 〈 x ,(f − P *f − P * (f − P *f ))〉 =〈 x , f 〉− 〈 P (x ), f 〉− 〈 P (x ), f 〉
( n +1)
( n −1)
be the canonical
→ {0} of
∧ n − 2 , ∧*n − 2 :
( n −1)
Theorem 2.5. Assume that A is a weakly amenable Banach algebra. If one of the following conditions holds for each closed ideal I in A, then A is ideally amenable. i π A* i) The exact sequence {0} → I ⊥ → A * → ⊥ → {0} , I splits. i π A ii) The exact sequence {0} → I → A → → {0} , I splits.
−〈 P (x ), f 〉+ 〈 P (x ), P *f 〉 =〈 x , f 〉−〈 P (x ), f 〉 =〈 x ,Q (f )〉
Also for f ∈ X
( n +1)
X →X , is a left inverse of ∧ n −1 which is also an A -bimodule homomorphism. Now use Corollary 2.3. First, by Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.3, we have the following theorem.
〈 x ,Q 2 (f )〉 = 〈 x ,Q (f − P *f )〉
Thus Q is a continuous projection of X
( n +1)
and x ∈ X we have
Corollary 2.4. Let A be a Banach algebra and let n > 1 be an element of ℕ. If H 1 ( A , X ( n + 2) ) = {0} , then
Proof. Since the exact sequence (1) splits, there exists a continuous projection P of X onto Y which is also an A -bimodule homomorphism. Let Q = id X * − P * , *
onto Y
, x ∈ X and a ∈ A , we have
= 〈 x .a, f 〉 − 〈 P ( x ) .a , f 〉
Theorem 2.6. Let A be a Banach algebra and let I be a closed ideal of A with a bounded approximate identity. Then the following conditions are equivalent i) I is weakly amenable; ii) H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
= 〈 x .a, f 〉 − 〈 P ( x .a ) , f 〉
Proof. (ii) ⇒ (i).
〈 x ,Q (a.f )〉 = 〈 x , a.f − P * (a.f )〉 = 〈 x .a, f 〉 − 〈 P ( x ) , a.f 〉
H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0}
D : I → I be a derivation. Since I is psudo unital A bimodule, by Proposition 2.1.6. of [20], D has an extension D : A → I * such that D is also a derivation;
= 〈 x .a,Q ( f )〉 = 〈 x , a.Q (f )〉
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Eshaghi Gordji et al.
consequently H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
by hypothesis D and so D is inner. The converse is lemma 2.1 of [8]. Recall that, in a Banach algebra A , a net (eα )α is quasi central in A if for each element a ∈ A ; lim(aeα − eα a ) = 0 . Obviously, each approximate
Theorem 2.8. Let A be a weakly amenable Banach algebra and let I be a closed ideal of A with a bounded approximate identity. If one of the following conditions holds, i) I is Arens regular. ii) A is Arens regular.
identity in A is quasi central in A . Theorem 2.7. Let A be a weakly amenable Banach algebra and let I be a closed ideal of A with a bounded approximate identity which is quasi central in A . Then H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
Then H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} . Proof. The Arens regularity of A implies the Arens regularity of any closed ideal of A . so we consider the case(i). Let I be Arens regular and let (eα )α be quasi
Proof. Let (eα )α be a bounded approximate identity in I which is quasi central in A and let J be an ultrafilter on the index set of (eα )α such that dominates the order filter. Define
central in A . Let E ∈ I ** be a w*-accumulation point of (eα )α . Then E is the identity of I**. Also for each a ∈ A , we have aE , Ea ∈ I ** and thus aE = E ( aE ) = (Ea)E = Ea. Therefore lim (aeα − eα a ) = 0 for each
P : A * → A * , φ ω * − lim(φ − e α .φ )
a ∈ A , this proves the claim. Now, by the above theorem, H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
The above limit exists ( see [3] ). For every φ ∈ A * and a ∈ I we have
Corollary 2.9. Let A be a weakly amenable Banach algebra such that each closed ideal of A has a bounded approximate identity which is quasi central in A . Then A is ideally amenable. It seems that, for a Banach algebra, conditions in the above corollary is much more to exist, but fortunately C*-algberas provide the above conditions.
a , P φ = lim a, φ − eα .φ = lim a − aeα , φ = 0 J
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Thus PA * ⊆ I ⊥ . Also for φ ∈ I ⊥ and a ∈ A , we have 〈a, P φ 〉 = lim ( 〈a , φ 〉 − 〈aeα , φ 〉 ) = 〈a, φ 〉 J
Corollary 2.10. Every C*-algebra is ideally amenable.
This shows that P is a projection of A * onto I ⊥ . On the other hand, for a, b ∈ A and φ ∈ A * , we have
Proof. Let A be a C*-algebra, then A is weakly amenable [14]. Since every closed ideal of A is also a C*- algebra, it has a bounded approximate identity. On the other hand, every C*-algebra is Arens regular. Thus , by Theorem 2.8, for each closed ideal I of A , we have H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
〈b , P (a.φ )〉 = lim〈b , a.φ − eα .(a.φ )〉 J
= lim〈ba − beα a , φ 〉 J
= lim〈ba − baeα , φ 〉 J
Theorem 2.11. Let A be a Banach algebra and let A 2 ⊆ I for a closed ideal I of A . If A is I -weakly amenable, A 2 is dense in I .
= lim〈ba, φ − eα .φ 〉 J
= 〈ba , P (φ )〉
Proof. Assume A ≠ I . Then there exists 0 ≠ ϕ ∈ I *
= 〈b , a.P (φ )〉
such that ϕ is trivial on A 2 . Let Φ ∈ A * be a HahnSo P is a left A -module homomorphism. Similarly P is a right A -module homomorphism. Therefore the i π A* exact sequence {0} → I ⊥ → A * → ⊥ → {0} splits and I
Banach extension of ϕ on A . Define D : A → I * by
D ( a ) := a, Φ ϕ . For a, b ∈ A , D ( ab ) = ab , Φϕ . Also for i ∈ I we have
Ideal Amenability of Banach Algebras and Some Hereditary Properties
〈i , D ( a ) .b 〉 = 〈i , ( 〈a , Φ〉ϕ ) .b 〉
Closed Ideals of Biflat Banach Algebras We say that a Banach algebra A is biprojctive if ˆ A → A has a bounded right inverse which is an ∆ :A ⊗ A -bimodule homomorphism. Also we say that a Banach algebra A is biflat if the bounded linear map * ˆ A has a bounded left inverse which is ∆* : A * → A ⊗
= 〈a , Φ〉〈bi , ϕ 〉 = 0. So D(a).b = 0. Similarly a.D(b) = 0.
Therefore D is a derivation from A into I and by hypothesis there exists ψ ∈ I * such that D = δψ . Also
an A -bimodule homomorphism [20]. Obviously by taking adjoints, one sees that every biprojective Banach algebra is biflat. It is well known that every biflat Banach algebra is weakly amenable [3], and a Banach algebra is amenable if and only if it is biflat and has a bounded approximate identity [21]. Since there is no Hahn-Banach theorem for operators, there is none for bilinear continuous forms. In other words, let E and F be two Banach spaces with G as a subspace of E and let φ ∈ BL(G , F ; C) , where ीे(G,F; C ) is the set of all bounded bilinear mappings from G×F into C . In general case, there is no any extension of ߶ to a bilinear map φ ∈ BL(E , F ; C) .
for every i ∈ I we have
〈i , ϕ 2 〉 = 〈i , ϕ 〉〈i , Φ〉 = 〈i , D (i )〉 = 〈i , δψ (i )〉 = 〈i , i ψ − ψ i 〉 = 0. So ϕ = 0 , which is a contradiction. Thus A 2 is dense in I .
BL(G , F ; C ) ≈ L (G , F * ) ,
is *
equivalent to say that each element T ∈ L (G , F ) doesn't have any extension to an element T ∈ L(E , F * )
Corollary 2.12. Let A be a Banach algebra and let M be a closed non- maximal modular ideal of A with codimension one. If H 1 ( A , M * ) = {0} , then A 2 is
[4,1.5]. However, there is some conditions that Hahn-Banach theorem works for operators as well. Let π (z ; E , F ) be ˆ F and G the projective norm of the element z ∈ F ⊗ be a subspace of E . Then it is clear that ˆF. π ( z ; E , F ) ≤ π ( z ;G , F ) for each element z ∈ G ⊗
dense in M . Proof. Since the codimension of M is one, there exists a ∈ A such that A = Ca + M . We show that a 2 ∈ M . Assume that a 2 does not belong to M , so there exists 0 ≠ α and m ∈ M such that α 2 = α a + m . Now let b be an arbitrary element of A , there exist β and
there exists such that λ ≥1 ˆF π ( z ;G , F ) ≤ λπ (z ; E , F ) for each element z ∈ G ⊗
ˆ F respects G into E ⊗ ˆF , then we say that . ⊗ ˆ F respects G into isomorphically. For example, . ⊗ ˆ E ⊗ F isomorphically if G is a complemented subspace of E [4, 3.9]. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, we can extend each * ˆ F to a continuous linear functional element T ∈ G ⊗
m ' ∈ M such that b = β a + m ' , so
b − b (α −1a ) = ( β a + m ' ) − ( β a + m ' ) (α −1a )
= m ' − βα −1m − α −1m 'a
ˆ F provided that . ⊗ ˆ F respects G into T on E ⊗ ˆ E ⊗ F isomorphically [4]. Recall that an ideal I is left essential as a left Banach A -module if the linear span of {ai : a ∈ A , i ∈ I } is dense in I .
Thus b − b (α −1a ) belongs to M for each b . This shows that α −1a is a left modular identity for M . Similarly α −1a is a right modular identity for M , so M is a maximal modular ideal which is a contraiction. Therefore a 2 belongs to M and consequently A 2 ⊆ M . Now, by the above theorem, A 2 is dense in M .
Theorem 3.1. Let A be a biflat Banach algebra and let ˆ. I be a closed ideal of A which is left essential. If A ⊗ ˆ Respects I into A ⊗ A isomorphically, then
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Eshaghi Gordji et al.
H 1 ( A , I * ) = {0} .
( )
)〉 = 〈b , ρ (i .∆* Da
Proof. Let D : A → I * be a derivation. Since A is
ˆA biflat , ∆ : A → A ⊗ *
J. Sci. I. R. Iran
)〉 = 〈bi , id A * (Da
has a bounded left inverse Since I is left essential and Da , δ φ (a ) are both
which is an A -bimodule homomorphism. Let
ˆI T : L (A , I * ) → A ⊗
) ,S T
continuous linear functional on I , we have for each a ∈ A , Da = δ φ (a ) ; thus D = δφ .
be the isometric iso-
morphism which is defined by 〈a ⊗ i ,T S 〉 = 〈i , S (a )〉 . ˆA. Let T be a Hahn–Banach extension of TD on A ⊗
Corollary 3.2. Let A be a biflat Banach algebra with a left approximate identity. Then A is ideally amenable ˆ . respects all closed ideals into provided that A ⊗ ˆ A ⊗ A isomorphically. There are a kind of biprojective Banach algebras whose left closed ideals are left essential. These algebras are semiprime biprojctive Banach algebras with the approximation property [22].
We claim that D = δφ , where φ = ρ (TD ) |I . First we show that for each i ∈ I ) , where Da a ∈ A ; i . ( aT . D − TD .a ) = i .∆* (Da
and is a
Hahn-Banach extension of Da on A . Let b , c ∈ A we have
〈b ⊗ c , i . aT . D − TD .a 〉 = 〈b ⊗ ci , aT . D − TD .a 〉
Corollary 3.3. Let A be a semiprime, biprojective Banach algebra with the approximation property , and ˆ . respects I into let I be a closed ideal of A . If A ⊗ 1 ˆ A ⊗ A isomorphically, then H ( A , I * ) = {0} . In
= 〈b ⊗ cia − ab ⊗ ci ,TD 〉 = 〈b ⊗ cia ,T D 〉 − 〈ab ⊗ ci ,T D 〉
particular, for each closed ideal I which is complemented as a subspace of A , the assertion holds.
= 〈cia , Db 〉 − 〈ci , D (ab )〉
Hereditary Properties
= 〈ci , a.Db − D (ab )〉 = 〈ci , Da.b 〉 〉 = 〈bci , Da〉 = 〈bci , Da
Let A and B be two Banach algebras and let φ : A → B be a continuous homomorphism with dense range. We know that B is amenable if A is amenable
)〉 = 〈b ⊗ ci , ∆* (Da
[15], however this is not true for the weak amenability. In special case, if A is weakly amenable and commutative, then B is weakly amenable [3].
)〉 = 〈b ⊗ c , i .∆* (Da Theorem 4.1. Let A and B be two Banach algebras and let φ : A → B be a continuous homomorphism with dense range, also let J be a closed ideal of B . If the following conditions hold: i) φ |JC is one to one, where J c is φ −1 (J C ) .
Now, let a, b ∈ A and i ∈ I . Then we have 〈bi , δ φ (a )〉 = 〈bi , a.φ − φ .a 〉
( )
ii) φ (J C ) is dense in J .
( )
= 〈bi , a.ρ TD |I − ρ TD |I .a 〉
iii) H 1 A , J C
( )
= 〈bia − abi , ρ TD 〉
( )
) = {0}.
Then H 1 ( B , J * ) = {0} .
= 〈bi , a.ρ TD − ρ TD .a 〉
D :B →J*
Proof. Let *
T :J → J
( (
= 〈b , ρ i . aT . D −TD .a 〉
be a derivation. Define
, by f T f , where T f ( a ) := f (φ ( a )) .
Obviously for each f ∈ J * ,T f is a continuous linear
Ideal Amenability of Banach Algebras and Some Hereditary Properties
functional on J c and so T is well defined. We show C
bounded linear map. Let a1 , a2 ∈ A and a ∈ J C . Then
〈a , D (a1 , a2 )〉 = 〈a,T D (φ (a1 ) ) 〉
= 〈a,T D (φ ( a1 ) ) .φ (a2 ) + φ (a1 ) .D (φ ( a2 ) ) 〉
such that
( p n )n ⊆ ]1, 2[
< ∞ . Also let
( k n )n ⊆ N
= 〈φ ( a ) , D (φ ( a1 ) ) .φ ( a2 ) + φ ( a1 ) .D (φ ( a2 ) )〉
be two strictly increasing sequences
satisfying the following inequalities
= 〈φ ( a2a ) , D (φ (a1 ))〉 + 〈φ (aa1 ), D (φ (a2 ))〉
K nPn
= 〈a2a ,T o D oφ (a1 )〉 + 〈aa1 ,T o D o φ (a2 )〉
1 2
≥ e n−1 , K
Now set
= 〈a , D ( a1 ) .a2 〉 + 〈a , a1 .D (a2 )〉.
defined on
φ (A ) is dense in B , D = δ f Let A and B be two Banach algebras and let φ : A → B be a continuous homomorphism with dense range. In general, we assert that the ideal amenability of A does not imply the ideal amenability of B . We know that, the approximation property is not necessary for the weak amenability of the algebra of approximable operators on a Banach space [1, Corollary 3.5]. Also there are some Banach spaces E with the approximation property such that (E) is not weakly amenable. In [1], Ariel Blanco gives one of these examples; let (e n )n be a sequence of positive numbers
of J and f is a bounded linear functional on φ (J C ) . By Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a continuous linear functional f on J such that f |φ J C = f . It is ( ) clear that T f = g . * Now define D : A → J C by D := T o D o φ.D is a
D (φ ( a ) ) = δ f (φ ( a ) ) for each a ∈ A . Again since
and define that T is onto. Let g ∈ J C C f : φ ( J ) → C by φ (a ) g (a ) . φ (J ) is a subspace
φ (J C )
* Thus D is a derivation. Since H 1 A , J C = {0} ,
E =
1 1 − Pn +1 2
(∑ ⊕
kn pn
l pknn
, where l 2 -norm is
by 1
∞ 2 ( f 1 , f 2 , …) l 2 = ∑ f i pi 2 i =1
* there exists g ∈ J C such that D = δ g . But T is onto,
so there exists f ∈ J * such that T f = g . We claim that
Indeed, E is the space of element (f 1 , f 2 ,…) for
D = δ f . Let a ∈ A and a1 ∈ J C , we have
each i ∈ N; f i ∈ l pkii and
∑ fi
< ∞ . Then E is a
i =1
〈φ ( a1 ) , D (φ ( a ) )〉 = 〈a1 , D (a )〉
= 〈a1a − aa1 ,T f 〉
Banach space with the approximation property such that for which, by [1, Proposition 5.3], A( E ) is not a weakly amenable Banach algebra. On the other hand, the nuclear algebra (E) of E is biprojective and so is weakly amenable. Since (E) is topologically simple, then (E) is ideally amenable. But (E) is not ideally amenable and the inclusion map i : N ( E ) → A(E ) is a
= 〈φ ( a1a − aa1 ) , f 〉
continuous homomorphism with dense range. This proves the assertion.
= 〈a1 , a.g − g .a 〉 = 〈a1a − aa1 , g 〉
Theorem 4.2. Suppose Y and Z are closed subspaces of a Banach space X , and suppose that there is a collection Λ ⊂ L(X ) with the following properties: i) Every φ ∈ Λ maps X into Y . ii) Every φ ∈ Λ maps Z into Z .
= 〈φ ( a1 ) , φ ( a ) .f − f .φ ( a )〉 = 〈φ ( a1 ) , δ f (φ ( a ) )〉
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Eshaghi Gordji et al.
iii) sup { φ : φ ∈ Λ} < ∞ . iv) To every y ∈Y and to every ε > 0 corresponds a φ ∈ Λ such that y − φ y < ε . Then Y + Z is closed.
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D |I = 0 . Let i ∈ I and j ∈ J , we have 〈 j , D ( i )〉 = 〈 j , D (i )〉 − 〈 j , δ Φ1 (i )〉 = 〈 j , D (i )〉 − 〈 ji − ij , Φ1 〉
Proof. [19, Theorem 1.2].
= 〈 j , D ( i )〉 − 〈 ji − ij ,φ1 〉
Corollary 4.3. Suppose A is a Banach algebra. Let I be a right closed ideal and J be a left closed ideal of A. If I has a bounded approximate identity, then I + J is closed.
= 〈 j , D ( i )〉 − 〈 j , ι* ( D ( i ) )〉 = 〈 j , D (i )〉 − 〈 ι ( j) , D(i)〉 = 0.
Proof. Let (eα )α be a bounded approximate identity for
A In this case, D |I = 0 and D induces a map from I into J * which is a derivation and we call it D itself. J J Since I ⊂ Ann ( , then ) , the annihilator of J ∩I J ∩I
. Set Λ = {Leα : A → A | Leα ( a ) = eα a}
Obviously Λ ⊂ L( A ) . For each
α , we have
Leα ( A ) = {eα a : a ∈ A } ⊂ I and Leα ( J ) = {eα j : j ∈ J }
J ∩I
⊂ J . Also we have
is a Banach
A -bimodule. I
On the other hand, let
(eα )α
be a bounded
approximate identity in I . Then for each x ∈ I ∩J
sup Leα ∈ Λ ≤ sup{ eα } < ∞ α
and a ∈ A we have
Now let ε > 0 is given and i ∈ I . There exists α 0 such that
x , D ( a + I ) = lim xeα , D (a ) α
= lim eα , D ( a ) .x
i − Leα ( i ) = i − eα 0 i < ε
= lim eα , D ( ax ) − a.D ( x ) α
Thus by the above theorem, I + J is closed.
=0 Theorem 4.4. Let A be a Banach algebra and let I be a closed ideal of A with a bounded approximate A identity. If I and are ideally amenable, then A is I ideally amenable.
J ⊥ A So, D ⊆ ( I ∩J ) ≅ . Since I has a I J ∩I bounded approximate identity, then by Corollary 5.3 , J +I J + I is a closed ideal of A , thus is a Banach I J J +I space. Now define ψ : by j + J ∩I → J ∩I I
Proof. Let J be an arbitrary closed ideal of A and let D : A → J * be a derivation. Consider ι : I ∩J → J as *
an inclusion map. Obviously ι* : J * → ( I ∩J ) is an A -bimodule *
( I ∩J )
j + I . It is clear that ψ is an algebra isomorphism,
ι *o D : A → *
and consequently ι *oD |I : I → ( I ∩J )
therefore ψ is an
drivations. Since I is ideally amenable, there exists *
φ1 ∈ ( I ∩J )
such that ι *o D |I = δφ1 . Let Φ1 be a
A -bimodule isomorphism. Also I
ψ ( j + J ∩I ) = j + I
Hahn-Banach extension of φ1 on J . Define D : D − δ Φ1 = inf{ j + i : i ∈ I }
. So D is a derivation from A into J * . We show that 340
Ideal Amenability of Banach Algebras and Some Hereditary Properties
≤ inf { j + i : i ∈ I ∩J }
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= j + J ∩I So, ψ is bounded. By the open mapping theorem Ψ J is a homeomorphism, in other words, J ∩I
⊥ J +I . Therefore there exists Φ 2 ∈ ( I ∩J ) such I that D = δ Φ 2 . So we have D = δ Φ1 +Φ2 , that is, D is
inner and A is ideally amenable. We recall that the above theorem is true for weak amenability and amenability even if I does not have any hounded approximate identity [3].
Results In this paper, We investigate the closed ideals I of Banach algebra A for which H1 (A,I* )={0}, whenever A is weakly amenable or a biflat Banach algebra. Also we give some hereditary properties of ideal amenability.
Acknowledgement The authors wish to thank the referees and the editor for their useful comments and suggestions.
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