Ideal Quantum Nondemolition Readout of a Flux

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Nov 22, 2018 - We show that this novel readout mechanism is free of dipole-field ..... Fowler, B. Campbell, Y. Chen, Z. Chen, B. Chiaro, ...... + A2 (∂ωr. ∂Ict).
Ideal Quantum Nondemolition Readout of a Flux Qubit Without Purcell Limitations Xin Wang,1, 2 Adam Miranowicz,2, 3 and Franco Nori2, 4 1

Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2 Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 3 Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, 61-614 Pozna´ n, Poland 4 Physics Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA (Dated: November 22, 2018) Dispersive coupling based on the Rabi model with large detuning is widely used for quantum nondemolition (QND) qubit readout in quantum computation. However, the measurement speed and fidelity are usually significantly limited by the Purcell effects, i.e.: Purcell decay, critical photon numbers, and qubit-dependent Kerr nonlinearity. To avoid these effects, we propose how to realize an ideal QND readout of a gradiometric flux qubit with a tunable gap via its direct dispersive coupling to a boundary-tunable measurement resonator. We show that this novel readout mechanism is free of dipole-field interactions, and that the qubit-QND measurement is not deteriorated by intracavity photons. Both qubit-readout speed and fidelity can avoid the Purcell limitations. Moreover, this direct dispersive coupling can be conveniently turned on and off via an external control flux. We show how to extend this proposal to a multi-qubit architecture for a joint qubit readout. PACS numbers: 42.50.Ar, 42.50.Pq, 85.25.-j

Performing large-scale quantum computation requires fast and high-fidelity qubit-readout to compete with the decoherence of fragile quantum states [1–4]. For some robust error-correction proposals (like surface codes [5, 6]), the qubit measurement also has to be repeated many times to give an accurate diagnosis of the corrections within a given coherence time [7]. In quantum computing, based on circuit quantum electrodynamics [8, 9], a superconducting qubit is often readout by its dispersive coupling with an auxiliary cavity [10–15]. The cavity frequency depends on the qubit state [9]. Applying a coherent drive to the initially empty cavity near its resonance frequency, the qubit state is encoded in the output field, and obtained by distinguishing two pointer states in phase-space [16]. However, the dispersive coupling is usually based on the dipole-field interaction between a resonator and a qubit, described by Hx = gx (a + a† )σx [10], with a (a† ) being the annihilation (creation) operator of the cavity, and σx,z the Pauli operators of the qubit. In the largedetuning regime, the system Hamiltonian can be written as (setting ~ = 1) [17–19]: Hd = ω r a † a +

ωq σz + χIz σz a† a + KI (a† a† aa) σz , 2


where ωq (ωr ) is the qubit (resonator) frequency, and χIz ≃ λgx is the induced dispersive coupling (IDC) strength with λ = gx /(ωq − ωr ) ≪ 1. The Kerr nonlinearity KI = −λ3 gx depends on the qubit state [20]. The original Hamiltonian Hx does not commute with the Pauli operator σz , and therefore, the qubit readout via Hd is not an ideal quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement [21]. The IDC sets limitations to both qubit measurement fidelity and speed. First, the homodyne-detection speed

relies on a high value of the photon-escape rate κ [22, 23]. However, due to virtual excitation exchange, this strong dissipation channel leads to an additional qubit Purcell decay at rate Γp = λ2 κ [22, 24, 25], which might destroy both gate-operation and readout fidelities. One can suppress this additional decay by employing a Purcell filter [23, 26, 27]; which, however, increases experimental complexity. Second, to suppress the qubit error transitions induced by the dipole-field interaction, the intracavity photon number ha† ai should be lower than the critical photon number nc = 1/(4λ2 ) (i.e., in the quasiQND regime) [10], which can lead to a poor pointer-state separation with a long measurement time. All these trade-off relations result from the dipole-field interaction, which reduces the fidelity of a QND measurement. We present here a method for measuring a gradiometric flux qubit via its direct dispersive coupling (DDC) with a frequency-tunable resonator. Therefore, the whole system is free of the dipole-field interaction. The intracavity photons cannot deteriorate the QND qubit readout, and the Purcell effects are effectively avoided. We prove that both readout fidelity and speed can go beyond the Purcell limitations. Direct dispersive coupling.—As demonstrated in Fig. 1, we consider a gradiometric four-Josephson-junction (JJ) flux qubit with a tunable gap [28–32] interacting with a frequency tunable transmission line resonator. There are two kinds of circulating currents in the qubit: (i) the conventional persistent current Ip (red arrows) in the main loop [33–38], and (ii) the circulating current Icir,α (blue arrow) in the α-loop [31, 39], which is related to the longitudinal degree of freedom and much less discussed in previous studies [40–42]. At the optimal point, the qubit frequency ωq is tuned by the flux Φα through the αloop. In the Pauli-operator notation of the qubit ground



can be tuned via Φext according to the following relations [20]:   Ls (Φ0ext ) , (2a) ωr0 = ω0 1 − Lt   ∂ωr πω0 Ls (Φ0ext ) πΦ0ext R= , (2b) tan 0 =− ∂Φext Φext Φ0 L t Φ0

δΦ ex t a in




(b) a in

a o ut C g

L0 C0

L0 C0

Φ ext


I cir , α Φα


FIG. 1. Schematic (a) and lumped circuit (b) diagrams of a SQUID-terminated λ/4 resonator interacting with a gradiometric four-Josephson-junction flux qubit [30] via the mutual inductance Mα . This interaction is due to a direct dispersive coupling as follows: Icir,α (related to the qubit operator σz ) generates a flux perturbation on the bias flux δΦext , which in turn changes the effective length d0 of the resonator by an amount δd. The result is a dispersive interaction where the photon-number operator a† a couples to the qubit-state operator σz . The resonator capacitance and inductance per unit length are C0 and L0 , respectively. The red bars in (a) and crosses in (b) represent the Josephson junctions. To dispersively readout the qubit state, one can apply an input field ain via the capacitance Cg . The output field is denoted by aout .

and excited state basis, the main loop current operator is Ip σx , The α-loop current operator is Icir,α = I+ I0 + I− σz [20], where I0 is the identity operator. Note that I− is the difference of the α-loop circulating currents, which depend on the ground and excited qubit states. This mechanism enables a σz −type interaction (i.e., the longitudinal coupling). As shown in Fig. 1, we employ a resonator terminated by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) [43–50] to detect the quantized current Iˆcir,α . The resonator is open ended on its left side, while is terminated to ground via the SQUID on its right side. The two JJs of the SQUID are symmetric with identical Josephson energy Es0 and capacitance Cs , and the effective Josephson energy of the SQUID is tuned by the external flux Φext according to Es = 2Es0 cos(πΦext /Φ0 ), where Φ0 is the flux quantum. The SQUID has a tunable nonlinear inductance Ls (Φext ) = Φ20 /[4π 2 Es (Φext )] [45– 48, 51]. Both the SQUID nonlinear inductance Ls (Φext ) and the capacitance Cs are much smaller than the total capacitance Ct = d0 C0 and inductance Lt = d0 L0 of the resonator. Based on a distributed-element model and its boundary conditions, the resonator fundamental mode is of quarter-wavelength (λ/4) and its eigenfrequency depends on the SQUID nonlinear inductance Ls (Φext ), and

where we assume that the external flux Φext is composed of a prebiased static part Φ0ext and a small deviation part δΦext ≪ Φ0ext . Similar to the discussions in Ref. [48] and its experimental realization in Ref. [51], this parametric boundary condition changes the resonator effective length d0 slightly, which is akin to a moving mirror for modulating the effective wavelength in the optomechanical system. Note that R is the sensitivity of the frequency ωr tuned by the external flux Φext , and ωr0 is the renormalized mode frequency. As discussed in Refs. [43, 49, 52], the attached SQUID introduces a Kerr nonlinearity (KD ) to the whole circuit, which is proportional to [Ls (Φext )/Lt ]3 , and approximately given as [51]: KD

 3 2 πe2 ωr0 Lt πLs (Φext ) . ≈− 8 2Lt


Figure 2 shows the flux sensitivity R and the Kerr nonlinearity KD versus the applied flux Φext . One finds that, when biasing Φext from zero to ≈ Φ0 /2, both |R| and KD increase rapidly from zero. This indicates that the SQUID is a highly nonlinear element and can be exploited for enhancing nonlinear couplings. In our proposal, the static flux bias Φ0ext is prebiased by an external field, while the flux deviation δΦext is generated by the circulating current Icir,α of the flux qubit. One can employ the SQUID-terminated resonator to detect the qubit state, and the Hamiltonian for this system becomes [20]: Hα = ωr′ a† a +

ωq † † † σz + χD z σz a a + KD (a a aa), 2


where χD z = RMα I− is the DDC strength. The identity matrix term in Icir,α only slightly renormalizes the mode frequency as ωr′ = ωr0 + RMα I+ . Note that Hα commutes with σz , indicating that a qubit readout via Hα is not deteriorated by intracavity photons. Apparently, compared with Hd [Eq. (1)] based on the Rabi model, Hα has no relation to the dipole-field coupling but results from the circulating current Icir,α of the flux qubit affecting the effective length of the resonator. The Purcell decay and critical measuring photon-number limitation is effectively eliminated. Therefore, we can realize an ideal QND dispersive readout based on Hα . Another advantage of this DDC layout is that the dispersive coupling χIz can be switched on/off by tuning Φext . When implementing a gate operation to the qubit, one can bias the flux at Φext = N Φ0 (where N is an integer, see point A in Fig. 2(a), the flux sensitivity R is





K (KHz)


nonlinearity strength







0 -0.5















bias flux

1.0 ext






bias flux





FIG. 2. (a) Resonator frequency ωr and (b) its flux sensitivity R versus the SQUID flux bias Φext . Parameters are adopted from the experiments in Ref. [50, 51]: ω0 /(2π) = 6 GHz, Es /(2π) = 2.5 THz and Lr = 10 nH. Point A (B) correspond to the qubit-resonator decoupling (coupling) regime. (c) and (d) are the local enlarged plots of (a) and (b) in the range Φext ∈ [0.45, 0.55].

zero so χD z = 0. The readout resonator decouples from the qubit and does not disturb quantum information processing. Once a qubit readout is required, one can reset Φext around N Φ0 /2 (point B) to reestablish the coupling, which is fast and only takes several nanoseconds according to [44]. For the qubit, the circulating current difference I− in the α-loop is about one order lower than Ip . At point B in Fig. 2(c) and (d), the flux sensitivity is |R|/(2π) ≃ 16 MHz/(mΦ0 ) (point B) with a nonlinearity KD /(2π) ≃ 110 kHz (point B′ ). To avoid this Kerr nonlinear effect, one must ensure that χD z ≫ KD . To achieve stronger χD , one can employ the kinetic muz tual inductance Mα by sharing a branch of the α-loop with the resonator SQUID [31, 53–56]. By assuming Mα = 15 pH and Icir,α ⋍ 60 nA, the DDC strength is about χD z /(2π) ⋍ 7 MHz, which is of the same order as the IDC strength reported in experiments [23, 57], and strong enough for a qubit QND readout. More detailed discussions about system parameters can be found in Ref. [20]. Note that the coupling strength χD z can still be enhanced by reducing the wire cross-section area of the kinetic inductance, or by inserting a nonlinear JJ inductance at the connecting position [58, 59]. Direct dispersive qubit readout.— Based on the layout in Fig. 1, one can realize an ideal QND readout of the flux qubit via the coupling Hamiltonian Hα without being disturbed by the Purcell effects. To compare the qubit readouts for the IDC and DDC cases, we assume χIz = χD z = χz and KD = KI = K below. Applying an incident field ain in the left port of the resonator at the

resonator frequency ωr′ , the quantum nonlinear Langevin equation for the resonator operator reads √ da(t) 1 = −iχz σz a(t)−2iKhN (t)ia(t)− κa(t)− κain (t). dt 2 (5) For the IDC case, hN (t)i = ha† (t)a(t)iσz is due to the qubit-dependent Kerr nonlinearity; while for the DDC case, hN (t)i = ha† (t)a(t)i results from the standard Kerr term. This input field ain (t) = αin + din (t) is characterized √ by its mean value (a coherent drive) αin = −ǫeiθd / κ and fluctuation din (t). Due to the dispersive coupling, the qubit state is encoded in the output quadrature Y (φh ) = a†out eiφh + aout e−iφh . The measurement corresponds to a homodyne detection √ R τ of Y (φh ) with an integration time τ , i.e., M (τ ) = κ 0 Y (φh )dt. We first consider an ideal case with K = 0. By formally integrating √ Eq. (5) and using the input-output relation aout = κa + ain , we obtain the separation signal Ms = hMs i|ei − Ms,|gi (with hσz i = ±1) as [20] Ms (τ ) = 4ǫ sin 2θq sin(θd − φh )    sin(χz τ + 2θq ) − 1 4 cos2 (θq ) 1− e 2 κτ , (6) × τ− κ sin(2θq ) where θq = arctan(2χz /κ) is the rotating angle of the output field. The average intracavity photon number is approximately derived as   2 2ǫ cos(θq ) 1 + exp(−κt) hn(t)i = κ   1 − 2 cos(χz hσz it) exp − κt . (7) 2

4 1.0






signal-to noise SNR

DDC ((without Purcell decay) 10

IDC (with Purcell decay)


weak drive

F fidelity



required time

required time

ns ns

start point



stop point



IDC DDC (with

opt h




measurement time


0.6 1


escape rate





DDC (with







strong drive




drive amplitude








drive amplitude

FIG. 3. (a) Signal-to-noise ratio for the DDC and IDC cases versus the integrated measurement time κτ . (b) Measurement fidelity Fs versus photon escape rate κ at τ = 30 ns and τ = 80 ns. In (a) and (b) we set ǫ = χz . (c, d) The measurement time κτ required to reach the fidelity 99.99% versus the drive amplitude ǫ for: (c) weak (ǫ/κ < 1) and (d) strong (ǫ/κ ≥ 1) drives. In the IDC case, the solid (empty) circle marks the start (stop) point, indicating the lower (upper) bound of ǫ. In the DDC case, we employ the optimal shifted homodyne angle δφopt for different drive strengths, as discussed in Ref. [20]. We set the h parameters as: λ = 0.1, K/(2π) = 100 kHz, χz /(2π) = 8 MHz, and κ/(2π) = 16 MHz. The cyan areas are the regimes that cannot be reached in the IDC case due to the Purcell effects.

In the steady state (κt ≫ 1), the intracavity photon number is n ⋍ (2ǫ/κ)2 cos(θq ). The fluctuation dout (t) introduces noise into the measurement signal. For the 2 2 vacuum input, the noise reads MN (τ ) = [hMN (τ )i|ei + 2 hMN (τ )i|gi ] = 2κτ [21]. In the long-time limit κτ ≫ 1, the signal-to-noise-ratio SNR = Ms (τ )/MN (τ ) is optimized by setting θd − φh = π/2 and θq = π/4 (i.e., χz = κ/2). The measurement fidelity is defined as Fm = [1 + erf(SNR/2)]/2.

to escape quickly. The relation can be clearly found in Fig. 3(b): for a certain integrated time τ , the readout fidelity increases with κ. Therefore, to reduce the Purcell decay, one should decrease the measurement speed with a relatively low κ in the IDC case. However, this tradeoff relation does not exist in the DDC case: it is without dipole-field coupling, and the qubit QND readout is not disturbed by the Purcell decay. One can employ a large κ to speed up the readout.

The effects of the nonlinearities in the IDC and DDC cases are different [20]: the Kerr nonlinearity in the IDC case is qubit-dependent, and symmetrically reduces the effective cavity pull [17], which causes a poor signal separation if ha† (t)a(t)i is large. For the DDC case, K leads to asymmetric rotation angles of the cavity field in the phase space. However, the signal-separation distance is still high, even for large ha† (t)a(t)i. Moreover, for the IDC case, since [Hx , σz ] 6= 0, Hd is not an ideal QND readout Hamiltonian. There is a qubit Purcell decay channel Γp via the readout resonator, which is proportional to the photon escape rate κ. Assuming the qubit relaxation is limited by the Purcell decay [20], the readout SNR can be numerically derived by replacing σz by hσz i(t) = [1 + hσz i(0)] exp(−Γp t) − 1 in Eq. (5). It is hard to obtain analytical results of Eq. (5) by including both K and Γp . Thus, below we present only numerical results.

In Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), we plot the time κτ required to reach the fidelity 99.99% as a function of the drive strength ǫ. Figure 3(c) corresponds to the weak-drive limit (ǫ < κ). Due to the qubit Purcell decay, there is a lower limit of ǫmin (start point) for the drive amplitude in the IDC case. If ǫ < ǫmin (cyan area), the measurement can never reach the desired fidelity even if taking an infinitely-long time. However, for the DDC case (red dotted curve) based on our proposal, the ideal fidelity can be reached in principle for ǫ < ǫmin .

We first plot the SNR versus time in Fig. 3(a). In the IDC case, due to the Purcell decay, the SNR decreases after reaching its maximum. For the DDC case, the escaping photon does not lead to the decay of the qubit √ states, and the SNR is proportional to 2κτ in the longtime limit κτ ≫ 1 [16, 21]. One may try to suppress Γp by reducing κ. However, to achieve a fast qubit readout, κ should be large enough to allow readout photons

In the strong-drive limit, ǫ > κ [Fig. 3(d)], for both cases, the required time κτ is significantly reduced. Unfortunately, the IDC case encounters another two Purcell limitations: First, the effective cavity pull  is significantly reduced as χz 1 − ha† (t)a(t)i/(2nc ) , which leads to a reduction of the signal separation [20]. By comparing Fig. 4(a) and (b), It can be found that with the same measurement time κτ = 3, for the IDC case, the signal separation distance (oliver arrows) in phase space is much smaller than that in the ideal case. Consequently, the required time becomes much longer than that for the ideal case. Second, to avoid photon-induced qubit-error transitions, the intracavity photon number should be much smaller than the critical photon number nc = 1/(4λ2 ). This √ sets another upper bound limitation ǫmax = κ/(2 2λ) for the drive strength [10]. The

5 6





-4 Re(

-6 r


-6 0







) r



(c) DDC case




Im( -6 0


(b) IDC case


(a) Ideal case








-4 Re(

-6 r



-6 0


-4 Re(

-6 r



FIG. 4. The Wigner distributions of the intracavity field for (a) the ideal, (b) IDC, and (c) DDC cases for the same measurement time κτ = 3. The red (black) curves are the timedependent evolution trajectories in phase space, and the upper (lower) signals correspond to the qubit being in its excited (ground) state. The arrows represent signal separation distances and directions. The parameters adopted here are the same as those in Fig. 3(d), and the drive strength is assumed to be the same as for the stop point. For the DDC case in (a), the signal separation direction is rotated by an angle δφh .

measurement time τ cannot be shortened below the stop point. For large ha† (t)a(t)i, the Kerr nonlinearity in the DDC case also induce apparent effects. However, as shown in Fig. 4(c), its main effect is to change the signal separation direction with a small angle δφh [20, 49], while the signal separation distance is still large compared with the IDC case. Moreover, intracavity photons do not cause qubitstate error flips and, therefore, in principle, there is no such a stop point. To minimize the Kerr effects, we can slightly shift the homodyne angle φh by an optimized small angle δφopt h . The detailed method about how to shift the measurement angle can be found in Ref. [20]. As seen in Fig. 3(d), the required time can be quite close to the ideal case. Therefore, by injecting many photons, the measurement time can go far below the Purcell-effect regime. Multiqubit readout via a single resonator.— It is also possible to employ an array of SQUIDs to terminate the measurement resonator (see Ref. [44]). The effective nonlinear inductance of each SQUID can be tuned independently via the flux Φext,j produced by an individual flux-bias line [20]. Considering the jth SQUID interacting with the jth flux qubit (σz,j ) via its circulating current Icir,αj , the interaction Hamiltonian is [20]: X χz,i σz,j a† a, (8) Hα,Σ = j

where χz,i = R(Φext,j )Icir,αj Mj , with Mj being the mutual inductance. To readout the mth qubit without being disturbed by other qubit-resonator couplings, one can tune R(Φext,j ) to zero with Φext,j = 0 for j 6= m, while keeping R(Φext,m ) around point B (see Fig. 2). In

this case, the resonator is employed as a shared readout resonator for each individual qubit. Moreover, we could realize a joint readout of multiqubit states [57]. For the example of two qubits, we set χz,1 /2 = χz,2 = χ0 . The two-qubit basis {|e, ei, |e, gi, |g, ei, |g, gi} corresponds to four different rotation angles (in phase space) θqN = arctan(N χ0 /κ), with N = ±1, ±3 for the output field, which represents four separated pointer states. This multi-SQUID layout enables scalability for an ideal qubit-joint QND readout. Conclusions.— We showed how to realize an ideal QND readout of a flux qubit via its direct dispersive coupling with a SQUID-terminated measurement qubit. The coupling can be conveniently switched on and off via an external flux control. Compared with the conventional induced dispersive coupling based on the Rabi model, this novel mechanism is free of dipole-field interactions and, therefore, it is not deteriorated by the Purcell effects. We can employ a strong drive field and a quick photon escape rate. Thus, both measurement fidelity and speed can avoid the Purcell limitations. Considering a single resonator, which is terminated by a series of SQUIDs, this proposal is scalable and tunable to realize a multi-qubit joint QND readout. This might also be applied to other weak-signal measurements, such as detecting virtual photons or qubit-excited states in the ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime [60, 61]. The authors acknowledge fruitful discussions with Xiu Gu, Yu-Xi Liu, Zhi-Rong Lin, and Wei Qin. X. W. thanks Yun-Long Wang for helping to depict the schematic diagrams. X.W. is supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation No. 2018M631136, and the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 11804270. A.M. and F.N. acknowledge the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. F.N. is supported in part by the: MURI Center for Dynamic Magneto-Optics via the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) (FA9550-14-1-0040), Army Research Office (ARO) (Grant No. W911NF-18-1-0358), Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD) (Grant No. FA2386-18-1-4045), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (Q-LEAP program, the ImPACT program, and CREST Grant No. JPMJCR1676), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (JSPSRFBR Grant No. 17-52-50023), and the RIKEN-AIST Challenge Research Fund.

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Supplementary Material for “Ideal Quantum Nondemolition Readout of a Flux Qubit Without Purcell Effects” Xin Wang1,2 , Adam Miranowicz2,3, and Franco Nori2,4 1

Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2 Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan, 3 Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, 61-614 Pozna´ n, Poland 4 Physics Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA

Here we present detailed derivations of our main results reported in the article on “Ideal Quantum Nondemolition Readout of Flux Qubit Without Purcell Effects”. In particular, in Sec. I, we derive an effective Hamiltonian with induced dispersive coupling (IDC) based on the Rabi model, and explain the occurrence of the Purcell limitations, i.e.: Purcell decay, critical photon number, and qubit-dependent Kerr nonlinearity, for a standard quantum nondemolition measurement based on the IDC. In Sec. II, we show how to realize a boundary-tunable resonator by terminating one of its ends with a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). We also discuss the tunability of the resonator, the induced Kerr nonlinearity, and a multi-SQUID generalization of this device. In Sec. III, we describe two kinds of circulating currents in a flux qubit, and show how to realize a direct dispersive coupling (DDC) between a flux qubit and a SQUID-terminated resonator. In Sec. IV, we discuss experimentally-feasible parameters (including the DDC and Kerr nonlinearity strengths, and decoherence rates) for the proposed device. In Sec. V, we compare quantum nondemolition readouts to show that the qubit readout based on DDC is much faster than that using IDC.



In a typical circuit-QED system, the conventional light-matter dispersive coupling is based on dipole-field interactions. In the large-detuning regime gx ≪ ∆d = ωq − ωa (where ωq and ωr are the qubit and resonator frequency, respectively), the system Hamiltonian is approximately described by the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) Hamiltonian (setting ~ = 1) HR0 =

ωq σz + ωr a† a + gx (aσ+ + a† σ− ). 2


In a qubit dispersive readout, one often injects many photons into the resonator to speed up such measurement. Once the photon number is large, it is necessary to push the dispersive coupling into higher-order nonlinear terms. Here we follow the approaches in Refs. [S1, S2], and derive a more exact nonlinear dispersive coupling Hamiltonian. We fist define the unitary transformation UD as [S2] √  arctan(2λ NJ ) † √ UD = exp −Θ(NJ )(a σ− − aσ+ ) , Θ(NJ ) = − , (S2) 2 NJ

where λ = gx /(∆d ), ∆d = ωq − ωr , and NJ = a† a + |eihe| is a function of the total excitation number operator of the system. Applying the transformation UD to the JC Hamiltonian HR0 , the off-diagonal terms can be eliminated, and yielding HR0 =

 p ∆d  ωq 1 − 1 + 4λ2 NJ σz . σz + ωr a† a − 2 2


This equation is still the exact diagonalized solution for the system Hamiltonian without any approximation. To √ obtain the dispersive coupling, we can expand 1 + 4λ2 NJ to second order in 4λ2 NJ to find [S2]    σz 1 + KI (a† a† aa)σz , (S4) HR0 = ωr′ a† a + ωq + 2χIz a† a + 2 2

2 where ωr′ is the shifted resonator frequency, χIz = gx2 (1 − 2λ2 )/∆d ⋍ gx2 /∆d is the induced dispersive coupling (IDC) strength, and KI = −gx4 /∆3d is the qubit-dependent Kerr nonlinearity strength. Note that the validation of this perturbation result requires that Eq. (S4) does not only depend on a small parameter λ ≪ 1, but also requires that the total excitation number satisfies hNJ i ≪ 1/(4λ2 ), which results in a critical photon nc = 1/(4λ2 ) [S3]. In a qubit measurement, the intracavity photon number should be much smaller than nc . The coupling Hamiltonian between the measurement and the environment is Z ∞p κ(ω)[b† (ω) + b(ω)](a + a† )dω, Hκ = 0

where b(ω) is the annihilation operator of the environmental mode ω. Applying the unitary transformation UD to the field operators (a + a† ), we obtain † UD (a + a† )UD ≃ (a + a† ) + λ(σ− + σ+ ) + O′ (λ2 ).


One can find that the field operator acquires an extra part related to the qubit operators σ± in the dressed basis. In the interaction picture and applying the rotating-wave approximation to the Hamiltonian Hκ , we obtain Z ∞ p Z ∞ p Hκ = dω κ(ω)[b(ω)a† e−i(ω−ωr )t + H.c.] + λ dω κ(ω)[b(ω)σ+ e−i(ω−ωq )t + H.c.], (S6) 0


where the last term describes an additional Purcell decay channel for the qubit. The cavity is assumed to couple with a thermal environment with zero average boson number. Following the standard steps of deriving the master equation, we find that the last term adds an extra qubit decay with rate Γp = λ2 κ(ωq ). In the main article, we assume that κ(ωq ) is not frequency dependent and equals to the photon escape rate κ. S2.



Tuning the resonator frequency via SQUID: Linear approximation

As shown in Fig. 1 in the main article, we consider a transmission line resonator (TLR) (along the x axis with length d0 ) short-circuited to ground by terminating its right side with a dc SQUID (at the position x = d0 ) [S4, S5]. The two Josephson junctions of the SQUID are assumed to be symmetric with identical Josephson energy Es0 and capacitance Cs . The effective Josephson energy of the SQUID is tuned with the external flux Φext , according to the relation Es = 2Es0 cos(πΦext /Φ0 ) (Φ0 is the flux quantum). Note that the SQUID has a nonlinear inductance Ls (Φext ) = Φ20 /[(2π)2 Es (Φext )], and its Lagrangian is written as [S4, S6]  X  Φ2 Cs 2 0 ˙ L= (S7) φi + Es0 cos φi . 2(2π)2 i=1,2 Setting φ+ = (φ1 + φ2 )/2 and φ− = (φ1 − φ2 )/2 = πΦext /Φ0 , we rewrite Eq. (S7) as L=

Φ20 Cs ˙ 2 φ + Es cos φ+ . (2π)2 +


Given that Es ≫ (2e)2 /(2C), the zero-point fluctuation in the plasma oscillation is of small amplitude with φz0 = p 4 4e2 /(2Cs Es ) ≪ 1, the SQUID is around its quantum ground state [S7]. The SQUID can be seen as a harmonic oscillator with Lagrangian [S4] L≃

Es 2 Φ20 Cs ˙ 2 φ − φ . (2π)2 + 2 +


Let us denote the transmission-line capacitance and inductance per unit length as C0 and L0 , respectively. The dynamics of the field along the transmission-line direction (denoted as the x axis) is described by the Helmholtz wave equation 2 ∂ 2 ψ(x, t) 2 ∂ ψ(x, t) − v = 0, ∂t2 ∂x2


3 √ where v = 1/ L0 C0 is the wave velocity. At x = 0 with a large capacitance Cg , the bound condition is ∂x ψ(0, t) = 0, which requires that the wavefunction solutions of Eq. (S10) for a mode k have the form ψ(x, t) = ψ0 sin(kvt) cos(kx). At x = d0 , the boundary conditions are [S4, S8] ψ(d0 , t) = φ+ (t), ¨ 0 , t) + 2Cs ψ(d

∂x ψ(d0 , t) (2π)2 Es ψ(d0 , t) + = 0. Φ20 L0


By substituting the wave function into Eq. (S11), one can find that the mode frequency ωr = vk of the resonator can be derived from the following transcendental equation [S9]:   2  πωr (2π)2 2Cs πωr πωr = tan L E (Φ ) − , (S12) t s ext 2ω0 2ω0 Φ20 Ct 2ω0 where Lt = d0 L0 and Ct = d0 C0 are the total inductance and capacitance of the resonator, respectively. The fundamental frequency of the quarter-wavelength resonator is ω0 = πv/(2d0 ). By assuming that the capacitances of the Josephson junctions Cs are much smaller compared with the total capacitance Ct , we neglect the last term in Eq. (S12). Since the total inductance Lt strongly exceeds that of the SQUID nonlinear inductance Ls (Φext ), we find ωr /ω0 ≃ 1, and rewrite Eq. (S12) as  −1  πωr Ls (Φext ) πωr tan . (S13) = 2ω0 2ω0 Lt By expanding the left-hand side of Eq. (S13) with (πωr )/(2ω0 ) around π/2 to first order, we obtain   Ls (Φext ) . ωr = ω0 1 − Lt


From this equation, we find that the external flux Φext through the SQUID determines its nonlinear inductance, which eventually shifts the mode frequency ωr . Similar to the discussions in Ref. [S8], this parametric bound condition changes the resonator effective length only slightly, which is akin to a moving mirror for modulating the effective wavelength in the optomechanical system. We assume that the external flux is composed of a prebiased static part Φ0ext and a small deviation part δΦext ≪ Φ0ext , and write the mode frequency as ∂ωr ωr = ωr0 + δΦext , (S15) ∂Φext Φ0ext where the shifted mode frequency ωr0 and its flux sensitivity R are expressed as   Ls (Φ0ext ) ωr0 = ω0 1 − , Lt  0  ∂ωr πω0 Ls (Φ0ext ) πΦext R= . tan 0 =− ∂Φext Φext Φ0 L t Φ0

(S16a) (S16b)

Note that in our discussions we assume that the dc-SQUID loop inductance can be neglected when compared with Ls , which can be easily satisfied in experiments [S10]. Therefore, the frequency jump effects of the mode frequency due to its hysteretic flux response can also be neglected [S9]. B.

Resonator self-Kerr nonlinearity

Since the SQUID is a nonlinear element, attaching it at the end of the resonator makes the entire system nonlinear. Here we want to estimate the amount of such nonlinearity. In Eq. (S9), we approximately viewed the SQUID as a linear circuit element by neglecting the higher-order terms. To obtain the nonlinear terms of this system, we expand the SQUID cosine potential to include non-quadratic corrections. Since φ+ ≪ 1, it is enough to consider its forth-order terms in the Lagrangian L=

Φ2 Cs ˙ 2 Es 2 Es 4 φ+ − φ+ + φ + ··· . 2 (2π) 2 24 +


4 The boundary condition in Eq. (S11) now contains the cubic terms,   1 3 ∂x ψ(d0 , t) (2π)2 ¨ Es (Φext ) ψ(d0 , t) − ψ (d0 , t) + = 0. 2Cs ψ(d0 , t) + Φ20 6 L0


The cubic term not only relates the boundary equation with both first and third-harmonic modes, but also produces a shift of the resonant frequency, which depends on the photon number of the resonator mode. Comparing Eq. (S18) with Eq. (S11), we can roughly view the Josephson energy E1 (Φext ) to be slightly modified as E1 (Φext ) → E1 (Φext )[1− 1 2 6 ψ (d0 , t)], which indicates that the nonlinear inductance Ls1 (Φext ) now depends on the intracavity field intensity ψ 2 (d0 , t). Employing Eq. (S14), and similar with the deduction in Ref. [S11], the quantized Hamiltonian of the fundamental mode with the self Kerr nonlinearity can be approximately written as H = ωr0 a† a + KD a† a† aa,


with the Kerr nonlinearity strength KD = −

r cos4 ( πω 2ω0 )

4Ls (Φext )

2πφ2zpf Φ0



 3 2 πe2 ωr0 Lt πLs (Φext ) , 8 2Lt


  where the quantized form of the field amplitude is ψ1 (t) = φzpf a exp(−iωr0 t) + a† exp(iωr0 t) , with φzpf = p (ωr0 Lt )/2 being the zero-point fluctuations of the flux field. The self-Kerr nonlinearity is due to attaching the SQUID at the end the resonator. In our discussion, the condition Ls (Φext )/Lt ≪ 1 is always valid, and the Kerr strength KD is proportional to the cubic-order of the small parameter Ls (Φext )/Lt , which is much weaker than the first-order effects [Eq. (S14)]. In the main article and the following discussions, we consider this Kerr nonlinearity effects on the qubit readout process. C.

resonator pure dephasing due to tunable boundary conditions

Different from a frequency-fixed resonator, the mode frequency of the SQUID-terminated resonator now depends on external parameters. The bias noise of these control parameters leads to dephasing processes of the resonator, which is similar to the qubit case [S12–S14]. In our proposal, the mode frequency is tuned via the flux bias through the SQUID and the Josephson energy. The bias flux noise might come from the external control lines, and the most important part is the 1/f noise. Moreover, the noise in the critical current Ic of each junction may result in fluctuations of the Josephson energy via the relation Es0 = Ic Φ0 /(2π) [S15]. Consequently, the resonator Hamiltonian can be formally written as   ∂ωr ∂ωr Hr = ωr0 a† a + δΦN (t) + δIN (t) a† a, (S21) ∂Φext ∂Ic where δΦN (t) and δIN (t) are the flux and critical current fluctuations around the static biases. For convenience we set f1 (t) =

∂ωr δΦN (t), ∂Φext

f2 (t) =

∂ωr δIN (t). ∂Ic

In the shifted frame of frequency ωr0 , decoherence processes can be defined via the time-dependent off–diagonal operator +  * Z t X fi (t′ ) . (S22) a(t) = exp(−iωr0 t) exp −i dt′ 0


Rt P The phase of the off-diagonal terms of ha(t)i acquires a random term −i 0 dt′ i=1,2 fi (t′ ). The time average of the fluctuation correlation function is defined by its noise power, which is expressed as Z ∞ 1 dωSi (ω) exp(iωt). (S23) hfi (t)fi (0)i = 2π −∞





Φ ex t, 1


... ...


Φ ex t, 2 ... ... Φ ext,N

flux bias line SQUID array

a in qubits FIG. S1. Schematics of a quarter-wavelength transmission-line resonator (TLR) terminated by an array of N SQUIDs. The effective nonlinear inductance of the jth SQUID is controlled via the external flux Φext,j , which contains a static part (produced by the jth bias line) and a perturbation part (produced by the circulating current of the jth flux qubit).

Usually, the integrated noise is given by a Gaussian distribution, and there is no correlation between these two different noise sources. Similar to the discussions in Refs. [S12–S14], we obtain the following relation  +   *  Z t Z t X Z t X 1 dt′ fi (t′ ) dt′′ fi (t′′ )  fi (t′ ) = exp − exp −i dt′ 2 0 0 0 i=1,2 i=1,2   Z ∞ 2 X sin (ωt/2) 1 dω = exp − Si (ω). (S24) 2 −∞ 2π (ω/2)2 i=1,2

The noise correlation function Si (ω) determines the decoherence behavior of the off-diagonal matrix elements. Given that the correlation time of the noise is extremely short, Si (ω) is almost flat in the frequency domain, and the corresponding line shape is Lorentzian with homogeneous broadening [S15]. However, for the 1/f noise, its correlation function is approximately described as Si (ω) ∝ 2πA2i /|ω| with a singularity around ω = 0 [S12], where Ai is the noise amplitude. For simplification, we assume that the 1/f frequency ranges of both flux and critical current noises are limited by the same infrared (ωir ) and ultraviolet (ωuv ) cutoff. In this case, we solve the decoherence rate by substituting Si (ω) into Eq. (S24) to obtain [S13]: ( " ) 2  2 # 1 ∂ωr ∂ωr a(t) ⋍ exp −iωr0t − A1 t + A2 t | ln(ωir t)| . (S25) 2 ∂Φext ∂Ic We can roughly treat ln(ωir t) as a constant, and find that ha(t)i decays with time as t2 . From Eq. (S25), the estimated dephasing rate Γf,Φ and Γf,I induced by the 1/f flux and critical current noise are written as     ∂ωr ∂ωr Γf,Φ = A1 , Γf,I = A2 , (S26) ∂Φext ∂Ic respectively. In the following discussions, we evaluate the decoherence effects induced by these bias noises. D.

Multi-SQUID terminated resonator

As shown in Fig. S1, the one-dimensional transmission line resonator (TLR) can also be terminated in its right side by a series of N dc SQUID [S6, S11]. Each SQUID can be tuned by via an independent external flux bias. The two Josephson junctions of the jth SQUID are symmetric with identical Josephson energy Esj and capacitance Csj . The effective Josephson energy is tuned with the external flux Φext,j according to the relation Ej = 2Esj cos(πΦext,j /Φ0 ), and the nonlinear inductance is Lsj (Φext,j ) = Φ20 /[(2π)2 Ej ]. The Lagrangian of the jth SQUID is  X  Φ2 0 2 ˙ Csj (φji ) − Esj cos φji , Lj = 2(2π 2 ) i=1,2

6 where φji is the phase difference of the ith junction in the jth SQUID. Similar to the single SQUID case, we obtain the boundary equation at the right-hand side [S6]: ψ(d0 , t) =


φj+ (t),



2 ¨ 0 , t) + (2π) Ej (Φext,j )φj+ (t) + ∂x ψ(d0 , t) = 0, 2Cs ψ(d Φ20 L0


where φj+ = (φj1 + φj2 )/2. By expanding the left-hand side of Eq. (S27b) with ωr /ω0 around π/2 to first order, we obtain " # PN j Lsj (Φext,j ) ωr = ω0 1 − , (S28) Lt from which we can find that the external flux Φext,j through the jth SQUID determines its nonlinear inductance independently. Their joint effect eventually shifts the mode frequency to ωr . Similar to the discussions of the singleSQUID case, we obtain the resonator frequency ωr0 and the flux sensitivity Rj of the jth SQUID as   N X Ls (Φ0ext,j ) , ωr0 = ω0 1 − (S29a) Lt j=1 ! πω0 Ls (Φ0ext,j ) πΦ0ext,j ∂ωr . (S29b) =− tan Rj = ∂Φext,j Φ0ext,j0 Φ0 L t Φ0 Note that the above discussions can also be applied to the single-SQUID case by setting N = 1. Assuming that the flux perturbations of the jth SQUID are produced by the circulating current of a single flux qubit as a quantum bus, then it is possible to dispersively couple multiple qubits with a single resonator. Employing this layout, we can achieve a multi-qubit QND readout, which is discussed in the main article.



As shown in Fig. S2(a), the gap-tunable flux qubit has a gradiometric topology by adopting an eight-shaped design, and the small α-junction is replaced by a SQUID (the α-loop). The gradiometric structure splits the persistent current symmetrically. This special geometric arrangement allows one to control the gap value α via the external flux fα without disturbing the energy bias [S16–S18]. We assume that the two junctions (with a gauge-invariant phase difference ϕ1,2 ) in the main loop have the same Josephson energy EJ and capacitance C. The other two junctions in the SQUID loop (with a gauge-invariant phase difference ϕ3,4 ), are also identical but with smaller Josephson energies and capacitances by a factor α0 compared to the junctions in the main loop. Since the loop inductance is usually much smaller than the effective nonlinear junction, we neglect the phase accumulated along each loop circumference. Therefore, the fluxoid quantization conditions of the fα , fǫ1 and fǫ2 loop are [S19, S20] ϕ3 − ϕ4 + 2πfα = 2πNα , ϕ3 + ϕ1 + ϕ2 + 2πfǫ1 = 2πNǫ1 ,

(S30a) (S30b)

−ϕ4 − ϕ1 − ϕ2 + 2πfǫ2 = 2πNǫ2 ,


where Nα and Nǫ1,ǫ2 are the integer numbers of the trapped fluxoids, and fα,ǫ1(2) = Φα,ǫ1(2) /Φ0 with Φα (Φǫ1(2) ) being the external flux through the fα (fǫ1,2 ) loop. We assume Nα = 0. By setting n = Nǫ2 −Nǫ1 and fǫ = Φǫ /Φ0 = fǫ1 −fǫ2 , the above boundary conditions reduce the freedom of the systems and, thus, ϕ3,4 can be given in terms of ϕ1,2 : ϕ3 = −π(n + fǫ ) − (ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) − πfα ,

ϕ4 = −π(n + fǫ ) − (ϕ1 + ϕ2 ) + πfα .

(S31a) (S31b)





I cir ,α




a out a in




f ε1


f ε2


a out


a in FIG. S2. (a) Schematic diagram for a gradiometric flux qubit. The Josephson junctions are represented by the crosses. The phase difference across the ith junction is denoted by ϕi . The energy bias (energy gap) of the flux qubit is controlled via the reduced magnetic flux fǫ1(2) = Φα,ǫ1(2) /Φ0 (with fα = Φα /Φ0 ) through the two gradiometric loops (α-loop). The persistent current Ip (red arrows) is split into two symmetrical parts, which circulate around two identical gradiometric loops. Another quantized super-current Icir,α circulates in the α-loop, which is usually employed to create the longitudinal coupling. (b,c) Schematics of a flux qubit interacting with a SQUID-terminated resonator via mutual inductance M and circulating current I: (b) Mα and Icir,α , (c) Mp and Ip .

The Josephson energy (or the potential energy) for this four-junction system as a function of ϕ1 and ϕ2 is expressed as U/EJ = 2 + 2α0 − cos ϕ1 − cos ϕ2 − 2α0 cos(πfα ) cos [ϕ1 + ϕ2 + π(n + fǫ )].


We now consider the charging energy stored in the capacitances of the four junctions in this circuit, and the kinetic energy has the form T =

1 2

Φ0 2π

2 X 4 i=1

Ci ϕ˙ 2i =

Φ0 2π


 (1 + 2α0 )C 2 (ϕ˙ 1 + ϕ˙ 22 ) + α0 C ϕ˙ 1 ϕ˙ 2 , 4


where we have employed the relation ϕ˙ 3,4 = −(ϕ˙ 1 + ϕ˙ 2 ). The Lagrangian for the whole circuit is L = T − U , from which we obtain the canonical momentum pi = ∂L/(∂ ϕ˙ i ) as the conjugate to the coordinate ϕi . Therefore, by employing a Legendre transformation, the corresponding Hamiltonian is written as X pi ϕ˙ i − L H= i=1,2


4Ec [(1 + 2α0 )(p21 + p22 ) − 4α0 p1 p2 )] 1 + 4α0  +EJ 2 + 2α0 − cos ϕ1 − cos ϕ2 − 2α0 cos(πfα ) cos [ϕ1 + ϕ2 + π(n + fǫ )] .


To quantize the above Hamiltonian, we introduce the commutation relation [ϕi , pj ] = iδij with pi = −i∂/∂ϕi . For a flux qubit, to minimize the dephasing induced by the flux noise in the main-loop, one usually operates the flux qubit at its degeneracy point with fǫ = 0. Moreover, under the condition 0 < 2α0 cos(πfα ) < 1, the potential U has a double-well shape. The eigenproblem described by Eq. (S34) can be numerically solved in the plane-wave basis [S21]. As discussed in Ref. [S19], the two lowest energy-levels are well-separated from all the higher ones. The ground state |gi and the first excited state |ei are, respectively, symmetric and anti-symmetric along the axis ϕ+ = ϕ1 + ϕ2 , and can be approximately expressed as [S20]: 1 |gi = √ (| + Ip i + | − Ip i), 2 1 |ei = √ (| + Ip i − | − Ip i), 2

(S35a) (S35b)

8 where | ± Ip i are the two persistent-current states of the opposite directions in the main-loop [S21, S22]. To calculate the circulating current in the α-loop, we focus our attention on the supercurrent through the junctions 3 and 4, which is expressed as I3,4 =

2πα0 EJ sin(ϕ3,4 ) = Ic sin(ϕ3,4 ). Φ0


Employing the relation in Eq. (S31) and expanding I3,4 in the basis of |gi and |ei, we obtain the current operator for the junctions 3 and 4 as follows:   I3,ee I3,eg I3 = I3,ge I3,gg   he| sin(ϕ+ + πfα )|ei he| sin(ϕ+ + πfα )|gi , (S37) = Ic hg| sin(ϕ+ + πfα )|ei hg| sin(ϕ+ + πfα )|gi and  I4,ee I4,eg I4,ge I4,gg   he| sin(ϕ+ − πfα )|ei he| sin(ϕ+ − πfα )|gi . = Ic hg| sin(ϕ+ − πfα )|ei hg| sin(ϕ+ − πfα )|gi

I4 =


Since |gi (|ei) is of even (odd) parity with respect to ϕ+ at the degeneracy point, it is easy to verify that I3,ee = −I4,ee = sin(πfα )Ic he| cos(ϕ+ )|ei, I3,gg = −I4,gg = sin(πfα )Ic hg| cos(ϕ+ )|gi.

(S39a) (S39b)

Therefore, given that the qubit is in its excited (ground) state, the average current of the junctions 3 and 4 are of opposite signs, and they generate a circulating current with amplitude I3,ee (I3,gg ) in the α-loop. For the off-diagonal terms, it can be easily verified that I3,eg = I4,eg = cos(πfα )Ic he| sin(ϕ+ )|gi,


which is, in fact, equal to the persistent-current Ip of the main loop (related to the σx operator). Therefore, the circulating current operator in the α-loop and persistent current operator in the main-loop is expressed as I3 − I4 = I+ I0 + I− σz , 2 Ip′ = I3 + I4 = 2I3,eg (|eihg| + |gihe|) = Ip′ σx , Icir,α =

(S41a) (S41b)

where I+ = (I3,ee + I3,gg )/2, I− = (I3,ee − I3,gg )/2, and I0 is the identical operator. The standard definition of the SQUID circulating current in Refs. [S19, S23] also gives the same form for Icir,α . From Eq. (S34) we find that the flux qubit is controlled by the external fluxes fα and fǫ . Assuming that n = 1 and the flux qubit is prebiased at the optimal point {fα , fǫ } = {fα0 , 0}, the circulating currents Ip′ and Icir,α can also be derived via a thermodynamic relation [S19, S21]. Specifically, by considering the flux perturbations δfα and δfǫ , we can rewrite the Hamiltonian in Eq. (S34) as H(fα , fǫ ) = H(fα0 , fǫ0 ) +

∂H ∂H δfα + δfǫ . ∂fα ∂fǫ


In the basis of |ei and |gi, it can be easily verified that the following thermodynamic relations hold [S19, S21] ∂H = Icir,α Φ0 ; ∂fα

Ip′ ∂H = Φ0 . ∂fǫ 2


Therefore, we can rewrite Eq. (S42) as H=

Ip′ 1 ωq σz + σx δΦǫ + (I+ I0 + I− σz )δΦα . 2 2


9 where δΦα = δfα Φ0 and δΦǫ = δfǫ Φ0 . The circulating currents Icir,α and Ip , obtained from the thermodynamic relation Eq. (S43) and the definitions in Eq. (S41b) lead to the same results. For the flux qubit working at its degeneracy point, the qubit transition frequency ωq between |ei and |gi is determined by the control flux fα , and the dephasing resulting from the flux noise in fǫ vanishes to first-order. The effective persistent-current circulating in each symmetric main loop is divided by two due to the gradiometric topology, i.e., Ip = Ip′ /2. In this gap-tunable flux qubit, the persistent current Ip of the flux qubit is widely employed to create (σx −type) dipole couplings. The circulating current difference I− in the α-loop, can be employed to induce longitudinal coupling (σz −type) [S18]. As shown in Fig. S2(a) and S2(b), the circulating currents Icir,α and Ip can produce a flux perturbation through the SQUID of the resonator via the mutual inductances Mα and Mp , respectively, which changes the effective length of the resonator. Specifically, in the basis of |ei and |gi, the interaction between Icir,α and the SQUID-terminated resonator corresponds to a direct dispersive coupling (DDC). Note that both circulating currents Icir,α and Ip naturally enhance the qubit sensitivity to flux noises. The 1/f -type flux noise of the α-loop leads to the broadening of the qubit transition frequency ωq , which corresponds to a pure dephasing process (T2 ). The flux noise through two gradiometric loops affects the qubit via the persistent-current operator Ip σx , which results in the energy-relaxation process (T1 ). Similar to discussion in Ref. [S12, S13, S15], the relaxation and dephasing rates can be approximately written as 2  2 ∂H 1 ⋍ S⊥ (ωq ) = Ip′ Φ0 S⊥ (ωq ), Γ1 = T1 ∂fǫ   1 ∂H Γf = Aα = Aα (I− Φ0 ) , (S45) ⋍ T2 ∂fα where S⊥ (ωq ) is the noise power at the qubit frequency, and Aα is the amplitude of the 1/f -type flux noise in the α-loop. Note that the nonzero current difference I− makes the qubit sensitive to the 1/f noise in the α-loop. As in the following discussion, for the flux qubit, the amplitude of I− is usually lower than the persistent current Ip by about one order of magnitude. Moreover, the experimental results reported in Ref. [S17] indicate that the flux noise Aα might be much smaller than that of the main loop. Therefore the dephasing rate induced by I− is possibly much slower than that in the case when the qubit is operating far away from its optimal point. S4.


We now discuss a set of possible parameters for the SQUID-terminated nonlinear resonator. Our discussions are mainly based on the experimental parameters in Refs. [S9, S10]. We first consider a λ/4 resonator with fixed frequency ω0 ≃ 2π × 6 GHz and total inductance Lt = 10 nH. A rapid photon escape rate κ enhances the speed of the qubit readout, and we set κ/(2π) ≃ 16 MHz in the following discussion. By assuming Es0 = 2π × 2.5 THz, the flux sensitivity and the self-Kerr nonlinearity strength changing with the control flux have been shown in Fig. 2 of the main article. The flux sensitivity is about R/(2π) ≃ 16 MHz/(mΦ0 ) with the Kerr nonlinearity KD /(2π) ≃ 110 kHz at Φext ≃ 0.48Φ0. The flux (critical current) noise amplitude of the SQUID attached to the resonator can be set as A1 = 5 × 10−6 Φ0 (A2 = 5 × 10−6 Ic ) [S15]. Employing these parameters, the dephasing rates in Eq. (S26) are calculated as Γf,Φ /(2π) ≃ 75 kHz and Γf,I /(2π) ≃ 30 kHz. Therefore the reduction of T2 due to these two dephasing processes can be neglected when compared with κ in our discussions. To view the whole circuit in Fig. S2(a) as a flux qubit, the effective gap value α′ = 2α0 cos(πfα )


should be in the range 0.5 < α′ < 1 [S21], so that the double-well potential approximation is valid. In Fig. S3, we plot the qubit parameters changing with the external control flux fα by setting 2α0 = 1 (left panel) and 2α0 = 0.75 (right panel), respectively. As shown in Fig. S3(a) and (b), the qubit frequency ωq can be tuned in a wide range, when fα is biased to be nonzero. The slope of ωq changing with fα is proportional to the circulating-current difference I− in the α-loop [Eq. (S43)]. As shown in Fig. S3(a), the two-energy-level structure vanishes (i.e., ωq = 0) at fα = 0 for 2α0 = 1. To obtain a qubit energy-level structure, we need to bias fα far away from zero, for example, to the dashed-line position, where there is an effectively nonzero circulating current I− ≃ 60 nA [Fig. S3(c)]. When we keep on biasing fα , I− becomes larger. As described by Eq. (S45), increasing I− leads to a reduction of the pure dephasing time T2 . In Fig. S3(e), we

10 2





qubit frequency effective






qubit frequency effective









( GHz )





0.6 0



100 50



I -100




s) (e)















s) 3

















0 10
























T 10













FIG. S3. Flux-qubit parameters versus the external control flux fα for 2α0 = 1 (left panels) and 2α0 = 0.75 (right panels). These parameters include: (a,b) the effective gap value α′ , given in Eq. (S46), (red dashed curve) and the qubit frequency ωq (black solid curve); (c,d) Circulating-current amplitudes I− (red dashed curve) and I− (black solid curve); and (e,f) the energy-relaxation times T1 (red dash-dotted curve) and and decoherence T2 (black curve). In the left panels, the vertical line is at position fα ≃ 0.27. In (b), the points A and B correspond to fα ≃ 0 and fα ≃ 0.22, respectively. Here we assume EJ /(2π) = 320 GHz and EJ /EC = 70. The flux-noise amplitudes are set as S⊥ (ωq ) = 5 × 10−10 s and Aα = 5 × 10−6 according to Refs. [S13, S15].

find that the pure dephasing time T2 decreases to about 1 µs at the dashed line position. In a gate operation, one may need a much longer qubit dephasing time. The experimental results in Ref. [S17] indicate that the flux noise in the α-loop has a much lower amplitude than that in the main loop, and it is possible to obtain longer T2 in experiments by reducing the (1/f ) noise amplitude Aα . Here we discuss another approach to increase T2 . In fact, by setting 2α0 < 1, the qubit is insensitive to the first order of the flux noise in the α-loop at fα = 0, and the examples with 2α0 = 0.75 are plotted in the right panel of Fig. S3. At fα = 0 (point A), the qubit frequency is ωq /(2π) ⋍ 2 GHz with I− = 0. Since I− = 0, the qubit is insensitive, to first order of the 1/f flux noise, and T2 is much longer than 1 µs. When employing this qubit for quantum-information processing, one can operate it at the point A with much longer dephasing time. Once the qubit state is to be measured, the flux fα is adiabatically biased away from zero without damping a given qubit state. As shown in Fig. S3(d), the circulating current Icir,α increases with |fα |. At fα ⋍ 0.22 (Point B), Icir,α ⋍ 50 nA and the dephasing time is about T2 ∼ 1 µs. As discussed in Ref. [S24], the qubit-readout time can be finished in tens of ns and therefore it is possible to perform several measurements within T2 . After finishing the measurements, one can adiabatically reset the flux bias fα = 0 with a longer dephasing time for further quantum information processing. As shown in Fig. S2(b), assuming that the qubit interacts with the resonator via mutual inductance Mα , the circulating current Icir,α produces a small deviation part δΦext = Mα Icir,α , which can be detected by the resonator with a flux sensitivity R. Thus, the flux qubit can be coupled to the SQUID-terminated resonator. To enhance their coupling strength, we should employ a large mutual inductance to sense the circulating current. Assuming the mutual inductance between the α-loop and the SQUID of the resonator is Mα , the Hamiltonian for the whole system can be written as ω HD = σz + ωr0 a† a + RMα (I+ I0 + I− σz )a† a + KD a† a† aa 2 ω † † † (S47) = σz + ωr′ a† a + χD z σz a a + KD a a aa, 2

11 ′

where χD z = RMα I− is the DDC strength, and ωr = ωr0 + RMα I+ is the renormalized mode frequency. One can find that this coupling has no relation to the dipole-field interactions. This qubit readout based on the Hamiltonian (S47) can be denoted as ideal quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement because HD commutes with the qubit operator σz . As shown in Fig. S2(c), if there is a mutual inductance Mp between the main loop and the SQUID of the resonator, one can also couple the σx operator with the resonator via the persistent current Ip . The corresponding coupling † D is Hp = χD x σx a a with χx = RMp Ip . Note that Hp does not commute with σz . To readout a given qubit state, one should adiabatically tune the main-loop flux far away from the degeneracy point without damaging the qubit state [S17, S20]. However, this method suffers from a quick qubit dephasing (away from the degeneracy point) and extra adiabatic operating steps. In our discussions, we focus on the QND measurement based on Hα . As depicted in Fig. S3, we set Icir,α ⋍ 60 nA and Ip ⋍ 300 nA in our discussion. To obtain strong coupling strengths, we can employ the kinetic inductance by sharing a qubit loop branch with the resonator SQUID. The kinetic mutual inductance is about 1 ∼ 3 pH/µm, and can still be enhanced by reducing the wires cross-section area [S19, S20, S25]. The mutual inductance is about 15 pH with a shared loop length ∼ 5 µm. Employing these parameters, we find that D the coupling strengths are χD z ⋍ 7 MHz and χx ⋍ 35 MHz, respectively. In the readout experiment with the IDC in Ref. [S24], the Jaynes-Cummings coupling strength is about gx /(2π) = 90 MHz with detuning ∆d ≃ 1 GHz, and the calculated IDC strength is about χIz /(2π) ≃ 8 MHz with the qubit-state dependent Kerr nonlinearity KI /(2π) ≃ 65 kHz. We find that it is reasonable to assume that χIz = χD z and KD ≃ KI in our discussions. Moreover, we have plotted the energy relaxation time T1 changing with fα . It can be found that T1 varies over a much smaller scale that T2 . By assuming the noise power spectrum at the qubit frequency S⊥ (ωq ) = (5×10−10 )2 s [S13], the relaxation time is around Γ−1 1 ⋍ 9 µs, which is of the same order as the experimental results [S26]. In a qubit readout proposal with IDC, the resonator usually has a quick decay rate. By setting the photon escaping rate κ/(2π) = 16 MHz and λ = 0.1, the energy relaxation time due to the Purcell effects is about Tp = Γ−1 p ⋍ 1 µs. Because Γp ≫ Γ1 , and it is reasonable to assume that the qubit decay is mainly limited by Purcell effects.



From the discussions above, we find that the Kerr nonlinearity is involved in a qubit readout for both the IDC and DDC cases. However, these two nonlinearities are due to two different mechanisms: KD is due to attaching a nonlinear SQUID in the measurement resonator, while KI results from qubit dressing effects via the dipole-field coupling. As shown in Fig. 1 of the main article, at t = 0 we apply an incident field ain in the left port at the shifted frequency of the resonator. In the interaction picture, the Langevin equation of the resonator operator, governed by Eq. (S4) (the IDC case) and Eq. (S47) (the DDC case) can, respectively, be written as √ 1 da(t) = −iχIz σz a(t) − 2iKI hn(t)iσz a(t) − κa(t) − κain (t), dt 2 √ da(t) 1 D = −iχz σz a(t) − 2iKD hn(t)ia(t) − κa(t) − κain (t), dt 2

(S48) (S49)

where hn(t)i = ha† (t)a(t)i is the time-dependent photon number in the resonator. The Kerr term KI in Eq. (S48) is dependent on the qubit state, i.e., is related to the Pauli operator σz ; while the Kerr nonlinearity KD in Eq. (S49) is a standard Kerr term. This input √ field ain (t) = αin − din (t) is assumed to be characterized by its mean value (a coherent drive) αin = −ǫ exp(iθd )/ κ and a fluctuation part din (t). To compare the qubit readout process for these two different cases, we assume χIz = χD z = χz and KD = KI = K in the following discussion. Below we start from the ideal case without the Kerr nonlinearity, i.e., K = 0, and give an analytical form for the measurement fidelity. After that, we reconsider the nonlinear effects in these two cases.


Ideal case: Measurement without Kerr nonlinearity

By setting KD = KI = K = 0, we obtain the same linear Langevin differential equation from both Eqs. (S48) and (S49). The average part of the output field is obtained from the input-output boundary condition αout =

√ √ καr (t) − ǫ exp(iθd )/ κ,

12 where αr (t) is the average field of the resonator, and is derived by formally integrating the Langevin differential equation [S27]:    √ 1 ǫ κ exp [i(θd − hσz iθq )] q 1 − exp −(iχz hσz i + κ)t , (S50) αr (t) = 2 1 2 2 κ + (χ hσ i) z z 4

where θq = arctan(2χz /κ) is the rotating angle of the output field due to the dispersive coupling. The average intracavity photon number can be approximately written as      2 1 2ǫ cos(θq ) 1 − 2 cos(χz hσz it) exp − κt + exp(−κt) . (S51) hn(t)i = κ 2 The output fluctuation part dout (ω) in Fourier space can also be obtained from the Langevin differential equation, and is expressed as dout (ω) =

i(ω + χz hσz i) − 21 κ din (ω). i(ω + χz hσz i) + 12 κ


One find that Eq. (S52) leads to completely different expressions for different types of input noise din (ω), (e.g., the vacuum, single-, and multi-mode squeezed vacuum). For simplicity, we assume that din (t) is the vacuum without squeezing, and satisfies the correlation relation hdin (ω)d†in (ω ′ )i = δ(ω + ω ′ ). Due to the dispersive coupling, the qubit in its ground or excited states corresponds to rotating the output field in phase space with two different angles. The qubit state is encoded in the output quadrature Y (φh ) = a†out eiφh + aout e−iφh with φh being the homodyne-measurement angle. The output signal corresponds to a standard homodyne detection of the quadrature Y (φh ), with an integration time τ , and has the following form Z τ h i √ M (τ ) = κ dt a†out (t) exp(iφh ) + aout (t) exp(−iφh ) , (S53) 0

By setting hσz i = ±1 in Eq. (S50), respectively, one obtains an expression for the separation signal Ms as Ms (τ ) = hMs i|ei − hMs i|gi

  4 cos2 (θq ) sin(χz τ + 2θq ) 1 = 4ǫ sin(2θq ) sin(θd − φh ) τ − 1− exp(− κτ ) . κ sin(2θq ) 2 


On the other hand, the fluctuations dout (t) brings noise into the measurement signal. The integrated imprecision noise MN (τ ) is identical for the qubit ground and excited states, and is expressed as [S27] Z τ 2 † 2 2 2 iφh MN (τ ) = [hMN (τ )i|ei + hMN (τ )i|gi ] = 2κ dt[dout (t)e + H.c.] = 2κτ. (S55) 0

According to Eq. (S54), the signal Ms (τ ) is optimized by setting φ′h = θd − φh = π/2 and θq = π/4 (i.e., χz = κ/2) in the long-time limit with κτ ≫ 1. In Fig. S4(a), by adopting the same parameters as those in Fig. 3(d) in the main article (the drive strength is assumed at the stop point), we plot the evolution of the intracavity fields in phase space. The red and black curves represent the qubit in its excited and ground states, respectively. The two circles connected by the same black arrow correspond to the same time t. We find that the separation direction between these two signals in phase space is along the black solid arrows and is always vertical to the red dashed arrow, which corresponds to the optimal relative angle φ′h = θd − φh = π/2 of a homodyne measurement. The signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) becomes √    1 Ms (τ ) 2 2ǫ 2κτ − 21 κτ cos κτ SNR = 1− 1−e = . (S56) MN (τ ) κ κτ 2 The measurement fidelity is defined as Fm =

1 + erf(SNR/2) . 2


where erf(x) is the error function. In the following discussion, we discuss the IDC and DDC cases. We find that the optimal measurement signal described in Eq. (S56) can be destroyed by both the Kerr and Purcell effects.

13 Ideal case [Eq. (49)]






excited state


excited state












excited state



DDC [Eq. (49)]

IDC [Eq. (47)]

ground state


ground state ground state


-3 0





-3 0










FIG. S4. Evolutions in phase space of the intracavity field for (a) the ideal [(Eq. S50))], (b) IDC [(Eq. S48))], and (c) DDC [(Eq. S49))] cases. The red (black) curves correspond to the qubit being in its excited (ground) state, and the black solid arrows connecting two circles represent the separations between two signals at the same time t. In (c), δφopt indicates the h rotated optimal homodyne angle for a homodyne measurement. In these plots, both Kerr nonlinearity and Purcell effects are considered. The parameters used here are the same as those in Fig. 3(d) of the main article, and the drive strength is assumed to be the same as for the stop point.


Kerr nonlinearity for IDC and DDC cases

In the IDC case, according to the nonlinear Langevin equation (S48), the effective cavity frequency pull ξg (t) is reduced by the photon number due to the qubit-dependent Kerr terms, which can be written as     hne (t)i hng (t)i , ξe (t) = χz + 2Kne (t) = χz 1 − , (S58) ξg (t) = −χz − 2Kng (t) = −χz 1 − 2nc 2nc where hng,e (t)i = ha† (t)a(t)i is the mean photon number when the qubit is in its ground and excited states, g,e

respectively. As discussed in Ref. [S2], Eq. (S58) indicates that with increasing the measuring photon number, the effective cavity pull ξ is decreased. Specifically, when the intracavity number reaches hng,e (t)i = nc , the cavity pull is reduced as ξg,e (t) = χz /2. Because the qubit-dependent Kerr nonlinearity is symmetric for the ground and excited states, it can be easily verified that hng (t)i ≃ hne (t)i and ξg (t) ≃ −ξe (t). The reduction of the cavity pull ξg,e (t) reduces the signal separation in phase space, which can be clearly found by comparing the numerical results in Figs. S4(b) and S4(a). With increasing time t, the separation distances (the black arrows) are significantly reduced compared with those in the ideal case. Consequently, the required measurement time becomes longer. Therefore, for the IDC case, increasing the intracavity photon number does not only enhance the qubit-error-transition probability (Purcell photon number limitations), but also reduces the measurement fidelity due to the Kerr nonlinearity K. For the DDC case without the dipole-field coupling, since the intracavity photons do not deteriorate the qubit states, there is no qubit-error-transition due to the Purcell effects. However, when hn(t)i is large, the Kerr nonlinearity (introduced by the SQUID) induces apparent effects. Different from the IDC case, the nonlinearity is not qubitdependent, and the changing of the cavity pull for the two qubit states is not symmetric. For K < 0, the cavity pulls for the qubit being in its ground and excited state are, respectively, ξg (t) = −χz + 2Kng (t),

ξe (t) = χz + 2Kne (t),


from which we can find that, by increasing the photon number, the effective cavity pull |ξg | (|ξe |) increases (decreases). This leads to asymmetric rotation angles of the cavity field for the qubit in the ground and excited states, which can be clearly found from Fig. S4(c). The evolutions for the ground and excited states in phase space are asymmetric. The signal separation direction (black arrows) is now time-dependent and rotates in phase space. However, the signal separation distance is still large compared with the DDC case, and almost equal to that in the ideal case. In a homodyne experiment, one can tune the measurement angle φ′h for the DDC case, to maximize the total signal separation Ms (τ ) during the integrating time τ . As sketched in Fig. S4(c), φ′h can only be slightly shifted with an

14 4



measurement time


Purcell limitation area

shifted angle




numerical results linear fit


without optimal angle (

' h


with optimal angle ideal case [Eq. (56)]





drive amplitude







drive amplitude

FIG. S5. (a) Optimal shifted homodyne angle δφopt (corresponding to the shortest measurement time to reach F = 99.99%) h versus the drive strength ǫ (in units of κ). The curve with crosses shows the numerical results, and the red curves show our linear fit according to the relation ǫ/κ = aδφopt h + b. Here we set a ≃ 0.144 and b ≃ 0.01. (b) Required measurement time to reach the fidelity F = 99.99% for the ideal case [Eq. (S56)], the DDC case with and without the shifted optimal angle δφopt h . The cyan area corresponds to the Purcell limitation area in Fig. 3(d) of the main article. The parameters here are the same as those in Fig. 3 of the main article.

amount δφ′h . For a certain drive strength ǫ, there exists an optimal shifted angle δφopt h , which corresponds to the shortest measurement time for a certain fidelity. In Fig. S5(a), by adopting the same parameters as those in Fig. 3 of the main article (with F = 99.99%), we plot δφopt changing with ǫ. It can be found that, with a stronger drive h strength ǫ, we need a larger optimal shifted angle δφopt h . Their relation can be approximately described by a simple linear function ǫ/κ = aδφopt + b (red curve). In Fig. S5(b), we plot the required measurement time to reach the h fidelity F = 99.99% for the ideal case, the DDC case with and without shifted optimal angle δφopt h . We find that, even without shifted optimal angle (curve with asterisks), the measurement can still go into the Purcell limitation area of the IDC case (yellow area, below the stop point in Fig. 3 of the main article). If we choose the optimal shifted angle δφopt h , the required time can still be shortened (curve with circles), and it is close to the ideal case (green solid curve). Therefore, by slightly rotating the measurement angle, the measurement time can go far below the Purcell limitation area compared with the IDC case.

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