THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Impact of Climate Change on groundwater recharge in Ho Chi Minh City Area, Vietnam Ha Quang Khai1, a *, Sucharit Koontanakulvong2,b
Abstract Ho Chi Minh is the biggest City in Vietnam, where is expected to be strongly influenced by climate change. Besides, Groundwater is also very important since it provides 34 % of water supply and thus groundwater level is also decreasing dramatically in recent years. At the same time, groundwater in Ho Chi Minh are directly impacted by climate factors such as precipitation, evapotranspiration river water table. However, the area have not been studied on the impact of climate change to groundwater even groundwater recharge. The study presented the application of groundwater model (MODFLOW) and Global Climate model (GCM) to study impact of climate change to groundwater recharge in the area. Global Climate Model (GCM) named MRI-AGCM3.2s (Mizuta et al., 2012) is used to project precipitation and temperature for the area in two future timeframes, which near future (2015-2039) and far future (2075-2099). Bias-correction method exhibits ability of reducing biases from the frequency and amount when compared with observed and computed values at grid nodes; based on spatially interpolated observed rainfall data. Finally, groundwater model (MODFLOW) is applied to estimate historical recharge (2010-2012) as well as simulation groundwater flow under the impacts of climate change. Based on result of groundwater model, the impact on groundwater recharge had been investigated.
Keywords: Climate change, Global Climate Models, bias correction, Ho Chi Minh City, MODFLOW, Groundwater recharge.
Ha Quang Khai Department of Water Resources Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand Email:
[email protected] Sucharit Koontanakulvong Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok, Thailand Email:
[email protected]
Introduction Groundwater is a very important part of life. It provides water for the lives of more than two billion people in the world. In many places, groundwater is also an important source of water supply for industrial development and protection of crops in the dry season. According to the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) data, some countries use groundwater resources as major sources to usage such as Bolivia, Jamaica and Barbados accounted 96% water use, or 26 to 35% water usage in the South Asia came from groundwater. Climate change will increase pressure to groundwater due to increase of water demand and change of groundwater recharge. (Döll, 2009) projected climate change impacts on groundwater resources using two climate models (ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM3) under the A2 and B2 scenarios and found that by 2050, more than 10% of the renewable groundwater resources could be decreased for approximately one fifth of the global land area, which would affect approximately 2.4 billion people. Ho Chi Minh City area is important area in Vietnam where GDP as 20% of total National. Here groundwater is important because of 34% water supply come from groundwater. This area is recognized as an area which will be most impacted by climate change in the world. In 2012, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental of Vietnam declared the latest climate change scenarios for Vietnam and according to the publication, during last 50 years temperature increased around 10C and will increase more in future, and increase 2oC at the end of century. Precipitation will change in the future. Meanwhile, According to (Vuong, 2010) in Ho Chi Minh City, there are 6 aquifers , among of them, there are four aquifers are impacted by climate factors as rainfall and recharge from rainfall in Saigon river basin varies between 0-17% (Chan.N.D, 2011). So, it seem that groundwater recharge in the area will be affected by climate. However, In Ho Chi Minh City area, there has not been studied regarding climate effect on groundwater recharge. Numerical modelling is a useful approach to assess past and future groundwater resources in response to climate change (Koontanakulvong, Chaowiwat, & Miyazato, 2013). In additional, groundwater model (MODFLOW) can simulate groundwater flow (Koontanakulvong & Suthidhummajit, 2000) and even estimate water
THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
recharge through calibrate/simulation process (Healy, 2010). In order to combine groundwater model with Global Climate Model, we need some methods. Due to the mismatch between relatively coarse resolutions of Global Climate Models (GCMs) and fine resolution of hydrologic models is the major drawback in climate change impact assessment on water resources at basin level. Despite being important tools to project the expected scenarios of climate parameters, GCMs contain biases when compared to observed data because of parameterized systems and larger (Taylor, Stouffer, & Meehl, 2012) than hundred kilometers-plus grid sizes or even with AGCM 3.2s is supper resolution with 20x20 km2 (Mizuta et al., 2012). Bias correction method can largely eliminate this kind of problems with added emphasis on statistical characteristics of historical climate data. Generally, bias correction can be divided to two types, namely, rescaling and quantile-based methods. Rescaling is the simplest bias correction method that aims to improve the systematic error in the mean precipitation amount. A quantile-based bias correction is useful to statistically transform rainfall simulated by GCMs to bias-corrected data and to make it applicable to impact assessment model (Sharma, Das Gupta, & Babel, 2007)). (Ines & Hansen, 2006) applied empirical-gamma transformation and multiplicative shift methods to correct the frequency and intensity distribution of daily GCM rainfall for a particular station and then applied it for crop yield simulation. All of these techniques improved the results of maize yield simulation and also indicated the significance of bias correction. The focus of the present paper is to investigate groundwater recharge in the past, formularize and project future recharge by applying MODFLOW. To acquire future climate conditions for impact on recharge, the paper adopted the Gamma-gamma transformation method to bias correction for statistically downscaling GCM named MRI-ACGM3.2s to project climate change in Ho Chi Minh City area. The groundwater recharge impact through future climate was also investigated. Study area Study area stretches from latitude 10.320 E to 11.201 E and from longitude 106.215 N to 107.024 N with an area of 8,659 km2. It covers all area of Ho Chi Minh City and some districts of Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Long An and Tay Ninh Province. The area has a tropical climate, specifically a tropical wet and dry climate, with an average humidity of 75%. The year is divided into two distinct seasons. Mean annual rainfall is at 1,612 mm and mean annual temperature is at 27oC. Terraced plain mainly characterize the topography of the area with elevation vary from 0 to 108m. In the area, there are 3 Major River as Sai Gon River, Vam Co Dong, River, and Dong Nai River. Regarding Hydrogeology, there are 6 aquifers distributing from top to bottom
respectively as follows: upper-Pleistocene (qp3), UpperMiddle Pleistocene (qp2-3), Lower Pleistocene (qp1), Middle Pliocene (n22), Lower Pliocene (n21) and upperMiocene (n13). Groundwater level in all of aquifers are decreasing and the annual rate of decline from 0.04m of upper Pleistocene aquifers to 0.9m of lower Pleistocene aquifer. Groundwater level in the area are close related with climate factors as rainfall and surface water. At the same time, Groundwater is major water supply sources for domestic and industrial and it provide 34% of total water supply in Ho Chi Minh City. Total groundwater abstraction is around 926.121m3/day. Daily observed precipitation, temperature, river water level data are collected at Southern Regional Hydrometeorology Center, groundwater monitoring and Hydrogeology data area collected at Division for Water Resources Planning and Investigation for the South of Vietnam (DWRPIS) and Groundwater abstraction and water use are collected at Department of Resources and Environmental.
Fig. 1 The study area. Methodology In order to assess the impact of climate change to groundwater recharge, 3 steps were applied in this study as follows. For the climate projection, a bias correction technique named Gamma – Gamma (GG) transformation (Ines and Hansen 2006) was applied to correct the bias of the GCMs outputs named MRI AGCM3.2s for rainfall, air
THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
temperature during the period 1980–2007, 2015–2034 and 2075–2099. Groundwater recharge flux during the period 2010 – 2012 is formulated from the calibrated value using groundwater model (MODFLOW) (Healy, 2010). A linear regression method was applied to develop relationship between recharge flux and value of monthly precipitation minus evaporation. After that groundwater model (MODFLOW) was applied again to project future groundwater recharge under new climate conditions. Equation used Bias-Correction 1. Establish the empirical distributions, F(x), by first classifying long-term daily rainfall for each month, based on positions of the ordered datasets. The empirical distribution function F(x) can be selected from a variety of available standard probability plotting methods. However, in present study, Weibull procedure is used as given in Eq. (1):
F ( x)
n m 1
' xGCM F 1 F xHis ; a,
The bias corrected rainfall method is applied to MRI – AGCM 3.2S, relative to spatially interpolated rainfall at GCM grid node. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method is used to estimate the spatial average rainfall at grid node from observed daily rainfall (Shepard, 1967). Correlation coefficient (R), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Standard Deviation (SD) are determined to assess the overall ability of the bias-correction method. n
F ( xi ) i f ( xi )
i 1
hi p n
h i 1
p i
Eq. (7) and (8) are describing IDW methods, where n is the number of scatter point in the sets, f ( xi ) is
Where n is the position of x in the ordered array, and m is the total number of data in the array. This should be
prescribed function value at the scatter points, i is Weighting functions at assigned to each scatter points, hi is the distance from known value point to the
followed by calculation of threshold value ( xGCM ), derived from the empirical distribution of daily historical rainfall data, to truncate the empirical distribution of the raw daily GCM rainfall for that particular month. Basically, F (xhis=0) is determined and then mapped to the daily GCMs rainfall distribution. 2. GG transformation method is selected for rainfall amount correction. For GG transformation, the truncated daily GCM rainfall and historical data are fitted into two-parameter gamma distribution (Eq. 2) and then the cumulative distribution (Eq. 3) of the truncated daily GCM rainfall is mapped into cumulative distribution function of the truncated historical data (Eq.4). The shape and scale parameters ( and ) for each Gamma distribution are determined using Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
f ( x; , )
1 x x 1 exp( ); ( )
x xTrunc F ( x; , )
(2) x
f (t )dt
F ( xGCM ; ,
F ( xHis ; ,
The corrected GCM rainfall amount for that particular day can be computed by taking the inverse of Eq. (4) such that:
interpolated point, and p is power parameter (generally equals to 2). Groundwater model Groundwater-flow models are used to simulate aquifer response, in terms of head (ground water level) and fluxes into and out of an aquifer, to natural and human-induced stresses; they are important tools for resource and environmental management, and they provide groundwater velocities needed for simulation of subsurface contaminant transport. Partial Differential equation which represents three dimensional movement of ground water is (9)
Where: Kxx, Kyy and Kzz are the values of hydraulic conductivity along the x, y, and z coordinate axes and h is the potentiometric head (hydraulic head) W is a volumetric flux per unit volume representing sources and/or sinks of water, where negative values are water extractions, and positive values are injections/recharge. It is a function of space and time (i.e. W = W(x, y, z, t)). Ss is the specific storage of the porous material and may be function of space. t is time. Recharge equation The recharge can be approximated as a function of precipitation (P) and evapotranspiration (E) using flowing equation (Krüger, Ulbrich, & Speth, 2001):
THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
R = P-E-Q0 (10) Equation (10) can be written again as follow: R=a*(P-E) +b (11) Here, a and b are constant and can be found by using goodness fit test. P is precipitation, and E is evapotranspiration and can be calculated by equation of temperature (T) (Singh, 1992): E = c*T+d (12) Where c and d are constants and can be found by using goodness fit test. Results and discussion Projected climate data The Gamma-Gamma transformation method is applied to MRI – AGCM 3.2S, precipitation and temperature scenario to reduce the biases from frequency and intensity when compared with the computed frequency and amount at reference grid nodes based on spatially interpolated rainfall data (Fig 2). Statistical parameters, which indicating the correspondence of raw GCM and bias-corrected GCM with R2 are greater than 0.9 (Fig. 3). This result show that GG method could be applied to bias correct MRI AGCM 3.2s for the area. Future precipitation (Fig. 5) show that precipitation tend to be decrease in the period of near future (2015-2039) and increase during the period of far future. From Fig. 4, temperature will gradually increase.
Fig.3 Correlation among precipitation observations and raw GCM and bias corrected data at Grid 13.
Fig.4 Mothly temperature in present (1980-2007), near future (2015-2039), and far future (2075-2099) periods
Fig.5 Annual rainfall in present (1980-2007), near future (2015-2039), and far future (2075-2099) periods Evapotranspiration (E) Evapotranspiration during the period 1982-2007 was collected from the Project on “Integrated Management and Water Resources Reasonable Usage on Dong Nai River system” (Lanh Do T, 2010). A comparison of evapotranspiration and temperature show that two variables have relation as linear function with R2 =0.53 in rainy season and 0.68 in dry season (Table 1). Fig. 2 The Study area and raingauge stations used in this study
Table.1 Coefficients of linear function expressed relation between evapotranspiration and temperature. Rainy season River Basin Sai Gon
a 12.1
Dry season
THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Rainy season
Dry season
Vam Co Dong
Dong Nai
River Basin
Calibrated model Groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was used to simulate groundwater flow conditions in the area during the period 2010 – 2012. Input data included river water level, observation groundwater level, and well abstraction as well as an assumption amount of recharge flux at different zone (Fig 6). After that, the model was calibrated until match with observation data. Result of calibration model show that computation values were close relation with observation data and expressed by average RMSE = 0.37m and Max = 0.42m, Min 0.34m detail in table 2. Table.2 RMSE value of aquifers in comparison with observation data. Aquifer
precipitation minus monthly evapotranspiration in each recharge zone (Table 3). Table.3 Coefficients of linear function expressed relation between P, E and R. b
Projected groundwater recharge Future groundwater recharge fluxes derived were input to groundwater model to project groundwater simulation for each aquifers (varied only recharge function and fixed for other boundary conditions). The results in the Fig. 8 show that recharge will decrease in the near future and increase in the far future periods. A comparison of future recharge, climate variables in Fig. 9 demonstrated that climate factors were strongly impact on groundwater recharge. In near future period, rainfall will decrease 7% and evapotranspiration will increase 16% affected to groundwater recharge rate and leading recharge rate reduced amount 29% in compared with the present period. However, in the far future period, groundwater recharge rate will increase again by 23% at the end of century, due to rainfall strongly increase.
Fig. 8. Projected groundwater recharge rate Fig 6. Distribution of recharge flux in each zone Recharge function Groundwater recharge fluxes in the step above were used to develop formulation between recharge and amount of monthly precipitation minus monthly evapotranspiration for each recharge zone (soil type). Results demonstrated a good relationship between groundwater recharge fluxes with amount of monthly
THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia” 28-30 January 2015, Bangkok, Thailand.
Fig. 9 Differences of future climate variables (temperature, evaporation, precipitation), recharge compared with present period Summary and conclusions This study is the first development of recharge function as well as impact assessment of climate change on groundwater recharge in Ho Chi Minh City area. Recharge flux in the area was divided into zones based on hydrogeology map, soil map, topography map and the study found that there were good relationship between recharge flux and value of rainfall minus evapotranspiration. Projected precipitation for future showed that during the near future rainfall will decrease at 7% in 2030s and after that increase again in the far future, especially, in 2090s will increase amount 23%. At the same time, temperature will also gradually increase and in the end of this century will increase to 3.50C. Temperature increased and it thus lead evapotranspiration to be increased also. Evapotranspiration are expected to increase at 16% in 2090s. Projected recharge showed that recharge will decrease 29% in 2030s and increase again in the far future. A significance rise of recharge in 2070s at 51% after that reduced to 23% in 2090s. . This study focused on the impact on groundwater recharge, though climate change will impact on groundwater resources on both direct through recharge rate and indirect through runoff. Hence, further research on runoff change under climate change, affected to groundwater resources, is needed to investigate a comprehensive impact of climate on groundwater. Acknowledgement The study cannot be concluded without raw precipitation scenarios provided from government agencies, e.g., Meteorological Research Institute (MRI, Japan). We also grateful to staffs of Division of Water Resources Planning and Investigation for the South of Vietnam (DWRPIS), Ho Chi Minh Department of Natural Resources and Environmental (DONRE) for observed historical data as well. The research also done under the Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. References Chan.N.D, K. N. V. H. D. T. (2011). Generating sources of exploitable groundwater reserves in Saigon river basin area. Vietnam National University -
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