Implementation of a Development in Cognitive ...

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approach for the developmental stage of children between the ages of four to six years. The level .... aged 3 to 6 years are at Phallic level. At this stage, children.
2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017

Implementation of a Development in Cognitive, Psychomotor and Socio Emotional elements through Games to Achieve National Preschool Curriculum Standards Irwan Mahazir Ismail, Suhaizal Hashim, Siti Khadijah Anis, Affero Ismail, Mohd Erfy Ismail Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

children needs to be given special attention in every learning activity commenced. The Secondary Teaching and Learning Standards contained in the National Preschool Curriculum Standard emphasize preschool teachers to use a suitable approach for the developmental stage of children between the ages of four to six years. The level of development must be consistent with the age of the children. Through the application of developmental stages in each learning activity, it will be more effective and meaningful for the children, especially in terms of cognitive, psychomotor and socio emotional aspects [4].

Abstract—Learning through playing in pre-school learning has proven its effectiveness. Game is a learning approach that is ideal for teachers to apply in preschool, to keep this game interesting, all its element need to be applied in every activity carried out during the teaching and learning process. Moreover, the game must also have elements of child development in line with the requirements of the National Preschool Standard Curriculum. Based on given literature review, developmental elements need to be emphasized in the children preschool learning. This study is a case study for document analysis that focus on game, emotional, cognitive and psychomotor element based on standard curriculum blueprint for early childhood education. The findings of this study highlight on the age and learning objectives that will be achieved through the teaching and learning process based on the elements from the development. The result shows that the developmental elements applied in the game were suitable with the preschool students age and it can achieve the objectives that outlined by the National Preschool Curriculum Standard. Keywords— Preschool; cognitive; psychomotor; emotional, National Preschool Standard Curriculum

While the specific studies on games used for preschool children are very few, the results of the studies have found that learning through play for preschoolers provides many benefits [2] [3]. Through this approach, it can increase the motivation of the children in which they will experience the fun and joy of learning. It can also build and enhance a variety of skills such as imagination and creativity skills; feelings control skills, thinking skills, language skills and social skills besides moral and divine skills. In addition, by applying this approach in the teaching and learning process, children can actively engage in learning activities, conducting group activities and interacting with other partners [2] [3]. In addition, children learn to use symbols such as numerical and literal symbols themselves [4] [5].


I. INTRODUCTION The learning approach through playing is one of the approaches emphasized in the National Preschool Curriculum Standard [1]. Through suitable age fitting approaches, it will provide an enjoyable learning process [2]. It is in line with the focus of preschool education in Malaysia to provide a fun and meaningful learning opportunities for children aged four to six years old. Through effective teaching and learning process, children will obtain basic concepts and skills that will help them continue their learning in primary school [3].

Games used for preschool children learning should contains cognitive, psychomotor and socio emotional where they can understand what is learned through it, play it physically besides engage and socialize with each other while playing. However, based on past studies, games that include the three elements are very limited [3] and it not focusing on preschool children for learning purposes [4]. To develop children's games, special devotion needs to be taken by integrating diversity of developments in cognitive, psychomotor, socio emotional and psychosexual voguish game to produce a child who can fulfill the objectives as

Playing during learning is a very important approach to early childhood learning. The use of games in learning is very relevant as they are closely related to the cognitive, psychomotor, socio emotional and psychosexual development of preschool children [4]. The development of preschool

978-1-4673-6956-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE


2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017


Cognitive Development The cognitive developmental theory for early childhood has been pioneered by Jean Piaget through constructive theory Based on the theory, the cognitive development of children will be in line with maturity. In the early stages of children between the ages of four and six years, they are in the preoperative phase or the intuitive phase as shown in figure 2. In this phase, children still can’t think logically but their learning is more social and centralized. Children have many curiosities, where they will often ask and love to explore something new.

outlined by the National Preschool Curriculum Standard. Therefore, recognizing the importance of it, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the elements of the development for preschool children that should be emphasized and applied in the development of the game for learning purposes. II. DEFINITION OF PRESCHOOL STUDENTS In general, UNESCO [6] defines early childhood as a newborn child group until they are eight years old. It also defines as an early childhood that is between two to five years old [8]. European countries have set the age for children to enter school. The age range of the child varies according to the place where the prescribed age is between the ages of four to seven years [9]. The terms of preschool, kindergarten and pre-kindergarten is a common term for defining children in educational institutes. Some countries have a pre-school education system where most parents have enrolled their children in preschools to prepare for their actual schooling. Children also categorize as preschool children as aged between five and six years in the United States [8]. While in German, preschool children are between the ages of three to six years old. The Irish state that preschool students contain a group of children under the age of four. In Sweden, preschool children are under seven years old of age. However, in Malaysia, preschool age is determined based on the National Preschool Curriculum Standard which is children aged between four and six years old.

Fig 2. Piaget’s Cognitive Development Phase

According to Gage and Berliner [11], in the pre-operative phase and intuitive early phase, the child will able to • Clarify or categorize objects by color and material. • Working with numbers. • Using an easy language. • Can organize objects by series. • Understanding shape changes based on mass and volume.

Therefore, based on figure 1 it can be concluded that preschool students are groups of children between the ages of four to six years old. This is because the age of four to six years has the same level of development in terms of cognitive [9], psychomotor [7] and socio emotional [10].

B. Psychomotor Development The expansion of children aged between three and six years is a rapid growth stage, especially in psychomotor development. At this stage, the development of coordination, movement, strength and balance of the body should be given attention. Based on figure 3 below, it is the phase of psychomotor development [10].

Fig 1. Preschool age by country

III. THE IMPORTANCE OF APPLYING DEVELOPMENT OF GAMES ELEMENT FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN There are three important developments for early childhood learning. These developments are cognitive, psychomotor and socio emotional. The emphasis on the combination of games on these three developments phase in early childhood learning to be developed is very important as it will have a positive impact on the children [3].

Fig 3. Psychomotor Development Phase


2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017

Based on the figure above, preschool children are in the fundamental phase of movement where they are at the beginning and elementary levels. In this fundamental phase of movement, the movement of children is more discrete, serial and involve in continuous movement. Their movements such as running, jumping, throwing, picking, dancing, walking on and standing on one foot are the movements that thrive on this phase. However, the development of this movement is a development affected by the maturity, environment and experience of the children [10]. To strengthen the movement of children between the ages of four to six years, parents and teachers need to offer encouragement and full attention especially in aspects of their learning.

D. Psychosexual Development Psychosexual development is a development that needs to be evolved in every child’s development but it is not significant for game development. However, the development of psychosexuality is also discussed so that children can grow up in line with their levels. Sigmund Freud is the pioneer of early childhood psychosexual development [13]. He has stated that children aged 3 to 6 years are at Phallic level. At this stage, children have a high awareness of their body, they can distinguish between men and women and able to differentiate their mother and father's sex.

C. Socio Emotional Development The development phase of the child socio emotional is a phase that is influenced by parents, siblings, family members, teachers and friends. Erikson [10], has classified these socio emotional developments into eight phases. Based on figure 4, preschool children are in the third stage, with basic trust level; as it is the level of knowing the physical ability. While at the autonomy level, children are more likely to be in a discreditable autonomy crisis, at point which children are more suitable for eccentric training. In the event of a discreditable experience, the child will be ashamed and will indirectly learn from that experience. Based on the following situations, children will learn something based on the skills they have experienced.

However, games that focus on the development of psychosexually have yet to be found in the market. This is because game researchers of preschool children in opinion that the elements in this development are not important to be applied in the game. IV.


This study is a case study for document analysis that focus on game, emotional, cognitive and psychomotor element based on standard curriculum blueprint for early childhood education. Based on this document analysis, each element in this journal will be mapped based on standard curriculum blueprint for early childhood education that being formed. This document is conducted based on peer review for the confirmation and reliability that meets the requirements of the qualitative method. The data will proposed the elements of game's needed that meet the early childhood education requirement. V.

Fig 4. Erickson’s Personality Level


Based on the age developmental stages discussed, Peirce [3] concluded it by developing the Development Mapping according to the Age of Childhood as contained in figure 5. Based on the following mapping, it can provide guidance for the development of a child-specific game Pre-school age ranging from four to six years old.

In the intuitive level, children will be more motivated to engage in group activities and interact with each other. In this development, adults play a role by monitoring children when they do activities and children and will be more excited if rewarded for every achievement gotten. In the context of teaching and learning in schools, adults are referring to teachers. NCCA [12] has stressed that the role of adults is very important in the process of development because: • Children learn through the actions and interaction of fellow peers. • Adults serve as an example to children through interaction. The effectiveness of communication between parents and children will affect learning. • Playing is a very important medium for children's learning. The conducive learning environment whether in or out of the classroom is also important for positive learning outcomes.

Based on Development Mapping according to the Age of childhood, the elements of each development are applied in the game and it can achieve the objectives contained in the National Preschool Curriculum Standard [1]


2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017

Fig 5. Age Development Stage

Based on the importance of cognitive, psychomotor, socio-emotional and psychosexual development, Peirce [3] has outlined the design of a game development designed specifically for preschool students. A. Cognitive • Simple interface and don’t use words or sentences. • Easy symbol use. • Easy language usage. • Easy task. • Developed games should consider the background, experience and culture of children B. Socio emotional • Egocentric children at very limited stage and make them difficult to understand the diversity of perspective in the game. • The egocentric nature of children makes them easily quarrel and hard to share. • Competition in the game as one of the motivations for children. • Children of two to four years old cannot properly manage their behavior. Children aged of three to five years old have stable behavior. C. Psychomotor • Fine motor skills with eye and hand coordination are still in the stage of increasing and design for the interface should be noted. • Child's eyes are still not ready to see in a long span of time. • Growth of male and female body growth are same. • The ability of the motor to grow drastically, but not for the body and spatial for children.


2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017



The learning approach while playing is an ideal approach for teachers to apply in the teaching and learning process for preschool children. The game-oriented approach in classroom learning has proven to be beneficial in terms of motivation thus building and improving the skills necessary for children as a preparation for them to go to school. This is in line with the requirements and guidelines set by the Preschool Curriculum Standards National [1] which is to produce students who master the physical, emotional and social aspects, intellect and spirituality.


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[4] [5]

Therefore, based on the criteria set out in the cognitive developmental phase of preschool children, a suitable must focuses on games that have basic mathematical and language skills. Among the examples of basic mathematical skills that are suitable to children between the ages of four to six years is easy operation for plus and minus, spatial concepts and geometry as well as numerical concepts [3] while the example of language skills is phonological awareness as it is the ability for an individual or child to pronounce the structure of the word clearly so that the child feels it is easier to read and it is one of very important skills in early childhood learning [14].





Whereas, based on the criteria described in the psychomotor development of preschool children, the game needs to be physically fit and can apply the elements of fine and basic motors [4]. Physical games can improve the manipulation and coordination of eye and hand movement well [15].


[11] [12]

These socio emotional development criteria need to be applied to games such as group activities so that children can socialize and interact with friends. Children should also be guided and monitored by teachers or parents during the play for them to feel more confident. The elements of reward also need to be in the game. Moreover, the game can also give a meaningful experience to children so that they can learn through experience [4].




Therefore, the implications explained from the developmental elements that are applied in the game are suitable to the preschool children age. It is also proven that it can achieve the objectives as outlined by the National PreSchool Standard Curriculum [1]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) for their support in making this project possible. Part of this work was supported by the Research University Grant initiated by UTHM under VOT STG U648.


2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), Kanazawa, Japan, November 9-10, 2017