Implementation of recommendations - Abolition of Allowance.PDF ...

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RBENo. lo3l20L7 New Delhi,dated3o.08.2017.

No. E{P&A)t-2o17lv U cpC/AL-1


TheGeneralManagers and principalFinancialAdvisers, All IndianRailways & Production Units. Sub: lmplementationof recommendations of SeventhCentralpay Commission - A,bolition acceptedby the Government of Allowances. ***** Consequent uponthe decisions takenby the governmenton the recommendations of the Seventh'Central PayCommission, the President is pleasedto decideto abolishthe followingallowances with effectfrom L't JuIy,20!7: {i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)


Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASV)Allowance(incentiveto AccountsStock Verifierson passing AppendixlV-A(IREM)Examination); CommercialAllowance(specialallowanceto announcers - ECRCs/Comml. '-.,,,. Clerks/TCs/ASMs/SMs), FlyingsquadAllowance(speciar ariowinceto cfls/TTEsworkingin HQ Flying Squad); NightPatrolling Allowance to Trackmen; Rajdhani Allowance (special allowance to Train supdts./Dy. Train Supdts./Stewards (Dy,TrainSupdts) of RajdhaniTrains); and VigilanceAllowance(specialallowanceto VigilanceInspectorsworkingin ZonalRailways/Production Units).

2' This issueswith the concurreh'ce of the FinanceDirectorateof the Ministry of '"""""',""''',',::a Railways. 3,

Please acknowledge receipt.


(Ririlfumar) Dy. Director/E(p&A)-l RailwayBoard. No. E(P&A)I-2077 lvt CPC/AL-I

New Delhi,datedto.og,ZA17

Copyto the Deputy Comptrollerand AuditorGeneralof lndia (Railways), Room No.222,RailBhawan,NewDelhi(with40 spares). for FinancialCommissioner/Railwayt @ lfatrozal Federution of Indian Railwaymen (N,F.I.R) 3, Cltelmsford Road, New Delhi. , I No,I/S(g)/Part VI Dated:31/08/2017 Copy is forwarded to the Genersl Secretaries of affiliated Unions of NFIR for information. C/: Mediu Centre/NFIR. C/: File No, IV/NFIM7 CPC (mp)/2016/Allowunce/Part I. C/: File No. IV/NFIM7 CPC (Imp)/2016/R.8.-Part I.

sf-4( ' .---t (Dr. M. Raghavaiah) General Secretary