Mayapuri, New. De1l1i.pp. 185-214. Misra, A K; Singh, V. K and Saini, J. P. 2002. Effect of interval and number of sprays of carbendazim for the control of mango.
[ourun! of Eco-friendbj
AgriCIIltllre 2(2): 187-189 : 2007
In vitro evaluation of Trichoderma spp. against vegetative mango malformation pathogen Fusarium moniliforme var. subg/utinans Pradeep Kumar, A. K. Misra and B. K. Pandey Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, PO. Kakori, Lucknow - 227107 (U.P.), India.
ABSTRACT Three different species of Trichoderma i.e. Trichoderma uiride, T. uirens and T. liarzianum were tested against the Fusarium nionilijoriue var. suoglutiuans (fms). The three bioagents varied in their efficacy against F. monilifonne var. subgluiinans isolates. In general, all the three bioagents were effective in checking the growth of all evaluated isolates of fusaria. However, out of the three bioagents tried against F. monilijonne var. subglutinnns, best result was obtained with T. liarzianum followed by T. uirens and T. uiride. Results clearly show that the per cent inhibition of fusariae isolates by T. harzianum was significantly superior to T. viride for all the isolates except F18. It was also observed that T. harzianum was significantly superior to T. uirens isolates F1, F4 and F11. When T. uirens and T. viride were compared, it was found that T. uirens was Significantly superior to T. viride for F1 and F10 isolates.
Key Words: Bio control, Fusarium Trichoderma sp.
var. subglutinans,
Malformation is a threat to mango in India and several other countries causing great economic loss to the mango production (Kumar et al., 1993;Kumar and Chakrabarti, 1997; Misra et al., 2000). In India, it causes 50-80% loss every year (Kumar and Chakrabarti, 1997) and causes gross deformations of the vegetative and floral tissues in mango (Ploetz, 2001). Fusarium subglutinans t=Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans) is isolated from vegetative as well as floral malformed tissues (Kumar and Beniwal, 1987; Chakrabarti and Ghosal, 1989). Varma et al. (1971) realized the need of systemic fungicides for the curative control of the disease as the causative fungus found located in the cortex-phloem portion. In vitro test, Benlate and Aphidan, inactivate fungus when cut malformed branches are partially dipped in solutions. Other fungicides, viz. Bavistin (Sharma and Tiwari, 1975;Siddique et al., 1987); Wettable Sulphur (Dovel et al., 1976) are also reported effective. However, Ibrahim et al. (1975)could not get reduction with the spraying of Cap tan (0.3%), Dithane (0.3%) and Benlate (0.1%). Chadha et al. (1979) also failed to check malformation with fungicides. Application of different fungicides though tried, has not given satisfactory result or repeated applications required (Misra et al, 2002), which may adversely affect the environment. At present removal of affected tissue is reported, which control the disease up to some extent (Singh et al., 1983). Bhatnagar and Beniwal (1977) reported that in nursery typical bunchy top symptoms can be produced in seedling by inoculating the fungus through soil and the fungus is present in parenchymatous cell of the pith region of the malformed tissues, which indicates the systemic nature of causal pathogen. Keeping this in view, it has been thought ©2007
mango malformation,
vegetative malformation,
that the bioagents may play important role in management of the disease. Trichoderma sp. has been studied as biocontrol agent against soil born pathogenic fungi (Chet and Inbar, 1994). Results from different studies have shown that several strains of Trichoderma had a significant reducing effect on the plant diseases caused by Fusarium sp. (Basim et al., 1999). Strains of Trichoderma can produce antifungal metabolites (Kucuk and Kivanc, 2003),which check the growth of various fungus, act as competitors (Simon and Sivasithaparam, 1988) and promote plant growth (Inbar et al., 1994). MATERIALS AND METHODS Pathogen: Pathogen of mango malformation i.e. Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans (fms) was isolated from different malformed tissues by using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium (Hi-Media, India). Five isolates of F. moniliforme var. subglutinans i.e., F1, F4, F10, Fll and F18 were selected for the study, were having difference in their cultural characters. Bioagents: Three Tricoderma spp. i. e. T. viride, T. virens and T. harzianum were locally isolated from the rhizosphere and used in present study. These were found effective against Fusarium sp. in our earlier investigation. Dual culture test: Twenty ml of medium after sterilization was poured in 90 mm pre-sterilized petri-plates and allowed to solidify. Discs of 5 mm from 7 days old growing cultures of each isolates of fms were cut using a sterilized metallic cork borer. Single disc of each isolate was inoculated on one side of the petri-plates separately. Similarly, 5mm discs of
Pradeep Kumar, A. K. Misra, B. K. Pandey and D. R. Modi
the three bio-agents were cut from 7 days old cultures and one disc of each was placed separately on opposite side of pathogen inoculated petri-plates in such a way so 70 mm distance may be maintained between the pathogen and antagonist discs. Each treatment was replicated thrice. The inoculated plates were incubated at 28±1 DC in a BOD incubator. Observations on the radial growth of fms isolates were recorded after 72hrs after incubation. Per cent inhibition was calculated over control by following formula (Vincent, 1947). C-T 1=x 100 C
Where, 1=Inhibition percentage, C= Growth in control, T= Growth in treatment. Results and Discussion Observations on the radial growth of the five isolates of F. nioniliforme var. subgluiiuans in the presence of 3 bioagents recorded after 72hrs of the incubation is presented in table-t. The fms isolates showed the suppression in their radial growth when co-cultured with the bioagents. After 72hrs of incubation, the colony growth of 5 isolates of F. moniliformevar. subglutinans ranged between 17.7-20.7mm in presence of T. viride, 17.7-19.3mm in presence of T. virens and 17.0-18.3mm in presence of T. harzianum. The pathogen fms isolates in absence of bioagents (control) showed colony radial growth of 29.0-30.0mm. The per cent inhibition of growth of F. numiliforme -var. subgluiinans by T. viride was from 28.7-39.0, while it was T. uirens 33.3-39.0 and 34.9-46.9 by T. liarzianum. In general, all the three bioagents were effective in checking the growth of evaluated all the five isolates of fusaria (Fig. 1). However, out of the three bioagents tried against F. moniliforme var. subglutinans, best result was obtained with T. harzianuni and followed by T. inrens and T. viride. Results clearly show that the per cent inhibition of fusarium isolates by T. harzianum was significantly superior to T. viride for all
the isolates except F18 (Fig. 2). It was also observed that T. harzianum was significanty superior to T. virens isolates F1, F4 and Fll. When T. virens and T. viride were compared, it was found that T. virens was significantly superior for F1 and F10 isolates as compared to T. viride. Isolates of Trichoderma sp. grow considerably faster on PDA than the pathogen, fusaria under the same conditions. The rapid growth gives Trichoderma an added advantage in the competition for the space and nutrient with plant pathogenic fungi, even before it deploys its arsenal of mycotoxins (Simon and Sivasithaparam, 1988).Many studies in past have found the Trichoderma sp. to be potential biocontrol agent of several soil borne pathogens (Chet and Inbar, 1994) and hence, Trichoderma found potential to control many diseases of crops (Singh and Singh, 2004; Kidwai et al., 2006). The potential of Trichoderma sp. as biocontrol organism for phytopathogenic Fusarium, including competition of Trichoderma sp. and F. moniliforme in vitro has been advocated by Calistru et al., 1997). In present study also all the three species of Trichoderma were found effective in controlling F. moniliforme var. subglutinans however, T. harzianum was best for the different isolates. Bhatnagar and Beniwal (1977) in their studies found that in nursery typical bunchy top symptoms is produced in seedling if the fungus is inoculated through soil and the fungus is present in parenchymatous cell of the pith region of the malformed tissues and disease is systemic in nature. This finding indicates that the vegetative malformation in nursery may spread through soil. Hence, application of bioagents in nursery may be advocated, which may take care of vegetative malformation in nursery along with other control measures. Application of T. harzianum will also take care of other soil borne diseases of mango in nursery. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are thankful to Dr. B.M.C. Reddy, Director and Dr. Ram Kishun, Head, Crop Protection, CISH, Lucknow for providing facilities and going through the manuscript.
Table 1. Radial growth of Fusarium moniiijorme var. subglutinans isolates in presence of different antagonists. Isolate
Control (Without bioagent)
Growth of fms isolates and per cent reduction in their redial growth in presence of bioagents after 72hrs T. viride
Radial growth (mm)
FI0 Fll FI8 CD (p=0.05) 188
T. virells
T. harzia1ll11l1
Reduction ('Yo)
Radial Reduction (0/.,) Radial growth growth (mm) (mm) 29.0 20.7 28.7 19.3 33.3 17.0 29.3 17.7 39.0 17.7 39.0 18.0 29.6 20.3 30.4 19.3 34.8 17.3 30.0 20.7 34.4 19.0 36.7 17.0 29.0 19.0 34.4 19.0 34.5 18.3 Factor A (Isolates growth) = 3.9011,Factor B (per cent inhibition) =3.0218,Interaction A X B = NS [ournal of Eco-frieudu]
Reduction (%)
37.9 46.9 34.9 42.2 36.8
2(2) 2007.
III vitro
E .E.
evaluation of Trichoderma spp. against vegetative mango malformation pathogen Fusarium monilifonue var. subglutinan»
F1 D F4 ~ F10 0 F11 f.!] F18
e '"
~ "0
o~ T. viride
T. virens
T. harzianum
Fig. 1. Radial growth of Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans isolates in presence of different antagonists.
~ T. viride
D T. virens
• T. harzianum
50 .•.• c: c: 0
Q)~ () () •.. ::J CIl"O
;i:d OdD F1
Fig. 2. Per cent reduction of Fusarium moniliforme var. isolates in presence of different antagonists.
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