Cube, the Incredible 81. Cube, the Magic 76. Cubex Playing ..... Origami 77.
Original Scala 46[GV] .... Soma cube (Patterns in space) 42. Sombrero (
Children's ...
1 GAMES & PUZZLES MAGAZINE (SERIES 1 1972-1981) INDEX Preliminary Notes G&P included many series, and where a game reference relates to a series, a code in square brackets is added. The table below lists the series in alphabetical order with the code shown in the left hand column. Principal authors are listed together with the first and last issue numbers. Small breaks in publication of a series are not noted. Not all codes are required in the body of the index. Book reviews were initially included under Gamesview, but under Bookview later. To distinguish book reviews from game reviews all are coded as [BV]. References to the Forum series (Reader's letters Code [FO]) are restricted to letters judged to contribute relevant information. Where index entries refer consecutively to a particular game the code is given just once at the end of the issue numbers which are not separated by spaces. For example 21,31,41[FO] means that the listed item is mentioned in issues 21, 31, and 41 in the Forum series. Series [AB] Across the Board (News) 51-81 [BG] Backgammon - 'Blot' 32-39 [BBI] Bedbug Island, Tales from - Richard Sharp 50-67 [BRI] Bridge - Richard Sharp 10-17 [BRI] Bridge for Everyone - Phillip Alder 75-80 [BV] Bookview 64-81 (But all book reviews are marked [BV]) [CH] Chess - 'Sherlock' 12-38 [CH] Chess for Everyone - W.H.Cozens 39-69 [CR] Crosswords - Don Putnam 20-81
[DIP] Diplomacy - Don Turnbull 1-10 [DIP] Diplomacy - Alan Calhamer 37-48 [DRA] Draughts - 'Will o' the Wisp' 19-30 [FAN] Fantasy Games - 'Warlock' 79-81 [FIG] Figures (Mathematics) - Many authors 19-71 [FO] Forum (Reader's letters) 1-81 [GV] Gamesview (Game reviews) 6-81 [GGW] Great Games of the World - David Patrick 6-12 [GO] Go - Francis Roads 1-12 [GO] Go - John Tilley 13-24 [GO] Go - Stuart Dowsey 31-43 [GO] Go, annotated game - Francis Roads 69-74 [MAN] Mancala - Ian Lenox-Smith 26-29 [MW] Miniature Warfare - John Tunstill 1-6 [OTC] On the Cards - David Parlett 29-73 [PG] Parade Ground (Wargames) - Nicky Palmer 51-81 [PB] Pieces and Bits - Gyles Brandreth 1-19 [PEN] Pentominoes - David Parlett 9-17 [PLA] Platform - Authors named in Index 64-71 [PR] Playroom 43-81 [POK] Poker - Henry Fleming 6-12 [PUB] Pub Games - Arthur Taylor 26-38 [PUZ] Puzzles - Darryl Francis, David Wells, P.R.Jackson 1-81 [RG] Reader's Games - John Humphreys 1-81 (Intermittent items) [SCR] Scrabble - Gyles Brandreth 1-9 [SCR] Scrabble Board, The - Darryl Francis, Richard Sharp 3-60 [WAR] Wargaming - Don Turnbull 2-11 [WAR] Wargaming, What is? - Donald Featherstone 25-30 [WR] Word Row - Ross Eckler 16-61 [WR] Playing with Words - Ross Eckler 62-64 [WR] Word Row - Ross Eckler, Trevor Truran 65-71 [WR] Word Gamer's Page - Alan Richter 72-73
Subject entries A to Z of Festive Fun 8 Abstrac (Cards) 49 Acquire 11, 44[PR], 69[GV] Across the Board (Horse Race Game) 73[GV] Action Man Game, the 58[GV] Action Test 72[GV] Ad Lib (Word game) 31, 50[GV] Addique 54[GV] Admiral 70[GV] Admirals 25[GV] Advice 56[GV] Afrika Korps 7[GV] Age of Tinplate, the 75 Aggravation 39[GV]
Aggression 33 Air Force 54[PG] Air War 73[PG] Air Wargaming 7 Airways 47[GV] Alarm 60[GV] Alaska 75[GV] Alexander 52[PG] Alice in Puzzleland 43 Alice in Wonderland 22[GV], 29,31,41[FO] Alien Space 69[PG] Aliens, the 80[PR] All Fours (Cards) 45[OTC] Alta Finanza 77[GV]
Always say Die 63 Ambush 19[GV], 31 Anagrab (Christmas game) 31 Andromeda 80[GV] Antheap 38[RG] Antiquity, Game Illustrations from 53 Anzio (Wargame) 2, 6[GV] Apocalypse 53[PR] Appeal of Excellence, the 47 April foolery (Party games) 12 Archimedes 41[RG] Arcola 78[PG] Arithmetical Chess (Philosopher's Game) 16
2 Arrow of Letters (Christmas game) 43 As Others See Us... 80 Ascot 74[GV] At the Ball (Patience) 53[PR] Auction Sales 51[PR] Aunt Sally 35[PUB] Avalanche 55[PG] Avanti 80[GV] Averages (Darts) 23 Aviation 11[GV] Awful Green Things from Outer Space, the 81[PG] Ayo (Mancala) 26 Baazi 52[GV] Babel (Cards) 20 Backgammon 10[GV], 39[GV] Backgammon 4[GGW], 9, 11,28[FO], 43[PR] , 48[PR] Backgammon Book, the 10[BV] Backgammon for Profit 55[BV] Backgammon Tutor 51[BV] Backgammon, Discovering 36,59[BV] Backgammon, Harrap's Easy Guide to 39[BV] Backgammon, Know the Game 44[BV] Backgammon, Teach Yourself 67[BV] Baffle Box 70[GV] Bagatelle 35 Bagh Chal (Himalayan game) 52 Baker's Game (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Ball rolling puzzles (On the Ball) 54 Balloon Race (Ballon Rennen) 63[AB], 71[GV] Banda 60[GV] Bang On (Darts) 25 Bantu 68, 70[FO] Barbacan 71[GV] Barbarossa (Wargaming) 3 Barricade 23[GV] Barrier 47[GV] Baseball Strategy 43[GV] Basic Jokesi (Go) 17[BV] Bastard (Cards) 29[PUB] Bataille de la Moskowe, La 62[PG] Battle for Midway 57[PG] Battle of Britain 71[GV] Battle of the Sexes 3 Battle for Rome 70[PG] Battling Tops 2 Bay of Pigs 61[PG] Beat Inflation 54[GV] Bedlam (Cards) 78 Begin Chess 7[BV] Bell and Hammer 48
Bermuda Triangle, the 64[GV] Besicovitch's Game (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Best Games People Play, the 67[BV] Better Chess for Younger Players 76[BV] Beyond Competition 70[BV] Bezique (Cards) 27, 30,32[FO], 44[OTC] Bezique markers (Playthings) Bicentennial (Calculator games) 51 Big Boss 14 Big Bully (Children's game) Big Cheese 13[GV] Billiard Patents 51 Billiards and Snooker 15 Billiard Table Bowls 38[PUB] Binary diversions 18 Bingo (Lotto) 44 Bionic Crisis 63[GV] Bird, Flower, Animal 62[PR] Bismarck (Cards) 33[OTC] Blackjack (Casino game) 47 Black Box 63[PR], 63[GV], 66,75[FO], 74,76[PR] Black Maria (Cards - Dirty Lady) Black Squares 42 Blast-Off 12[GV] Blobs 60[PR] Blockade 79[GV] Blockado 74[GV] Blockword 52[GV] Bluff (Cards) 28 Board and Table Games of many Civilisations 12[BV] Board Game Book, the 76[BV] Board Games can Damage your Health 70 Board Games, Discovering Old 31[BV] Board Games, Make your Own 75 Board Games, the Pocket Book of 81[BV] Board Wargaming 8, 65[BV] Board Wargaming, the Best of 80[BV] Boggle 59[GV], 64[FO] Boggle Competition 59 Bonnie Prince Charlie 68[GV] Book Market (Cards and Puzzles) 43 Boring Game, the World's most 76[PR] Borsenpoker 73[GV] Box Clever (Boxes) 64[PR] Brag 50[OTC] Brainline 58[GV]
Brain Teasers, the Sunday Times Book of 79[BV] Brandreth's Bedroom Book 23[BV] Brandreth's Book of Waiting Games 41[BV] Breakthru 22[GV] Bridge (Cards) 16[FO], 20, 30[OTC], 65, 67[BBI] Bridge 54[BV] Bridge, Improve your 78[BV] Bridge Defence, Focus on 80[BV] Bridge, Winning at Rubber 46[BV] Bridge, Men, Women and 75[BV] Bridge - Play in Four Hours 78[BV] Bridge, the Simple Squeeze in 75[BV] Bridgette 45[GV] Broker 52[GV], 56[BBI] Buccaneer 19[GV] Bucket Brigade 7[GV] Bulge, Battle of the 3[WAR], 9[GV] Bull, Ringing the 34[PUB] Bungo (Darts) 36, 51[PR] Buried Treasure, 58[PR] Business 59[GV] Business Game, the 20[GV], 40 Business Jungle, the 11 Business Strategy 51[GV] But is it Art? (Game design) 58 C&0/B&O 16[GV] Cabbie 25[GV], 28[FO] Caissa's Web (Chess) 46[BV] Calcula 38[GV] Calculators 50, 51 52 Call my Bluff 9[GV] Call your own Bluff 47 Calypso (Cards) 34[OTC] Campaign 55[GV] Car Capers 24[GV] Caramba 53[GV] Card Buluch (Cards) 27, 31[FO] Card Cricket 4, 12[FO] Card Games for Four 70[BV] Card Games, All the Best 74[BV] Card Games, Know the Game 33[BV] Card Games, Original 70[BV] Card Games (Perfect Information) 49 Card Games (Pink Nines) 29[PUB] Card Games, the Penguin Book of 76[BV] Cards, Cigarette (The inquisitive nose) 38 Careers 27[GV] Carpet Golf 34[GV] Carrom 13 Cartel 29[GV] Cartino 65[GV] Casablanca 68[GV]
3 Casino Games (Games and gaming) 47 Castle of Crossed Destinies, the 65[BV] Catch the Ten (Cards) 45[OTC] Cato (Cards) 72 Caves 27[PUB] Cego (Cards) 9 Ceramic Gamblers 50 Challenge (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Challenge Golf 27[GV] Chaos 16[GV] Chatter, French 24[BV] Chaturanga 30[FO] Checkers and Draughts, the Science of 20[BV] Checkers, see Draughts Chemin de Fer (Chemmy - Games and gaming) 47 Chess books (Survey) 33[BV] Chess Championships, World computer 32 Chess Championships, World (Spassky vs Fischer) 1 Chess Combination as a Fine Art 72[BV] Chess Companion, the 15[BV] Chess, Electronic 71[PR] Chess Endings 17[BV] 2, 20, 21, 24,27[FO] Chess for Starters 51[BV] Chess, How to Cheat at 52 Chess, Idiot's Guide to 46 Chess Pieces through the Ages 4 Chess Player's Calendar 42[BV] Chess Robots 28 Chess, Simple 73[BV] Chess simplified 66[FO] Chess, the Art of Coarse 17 Chess Tourneys, a Tale of Two 14 Chess Variants, Modern 23, 25[FO] Chess Variations 79[BV] Chess, Arithmetical (Philosophers' Game) 16 Chess Books (Various) 77[BV] Chess, Chinese 19, 22,27[FO] Chess, Chinese 68 Chess, Fairy 13 31,45[FO] Chess, Japanese, see Shogi Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, the 77[BV] Chess, Tibetan 27 Chess, Discovering 59[BV] Chess (Gamesmanship) 5, 43-46, 48 Chessboard Morris 51[PR] Chessmen, Lewis 27
Chez Angelique (Problem Book) 49[BV] Children's Games 8, see also Family Games Children's Games, a Parents' Guide to 18[BV] China War, the 77[PG] Chinese Chess 19, 27[FO], 49,52,68[PR] Chinese Chess End-stage 63[BV] Chinese Civil War 77[PG] Chinese War Game 51[PR] Chobche (Himalayan game) 52 Christmas Games 8, 20, 31, 43, 55 Chutzpah 6 Cigarette Cards (The inquisitive nose) 38 Circus Jumboli (Family game) 9 Citadel 44[PR], 66[PG] Civilisations, Board and Table Games of many 12[BV] Claymores and Kilts 33[RG] Cliffhanger (Children's game) 8 Clobber 44[RG] Cluedo 49[PR], 60[BBI] Codes and Ciphers 22[BV] Codex 40[GV] Colarito 29[FO] Collect 37[GV] Colomino 63[GV] Colonies 46[PR] Colourtaire (Solitaire) 30 Columbus Egg 73[BV] Combination (Patience) 52[PR] Competitive Bidding (Bridge) 80[BV] Complete Strategyst, the 13[BV] Computer Coin Games 79[BV] Computer Games 15, 17[FO], see also Binary diversions, Chess, Nim, Wargaming Computer Games, More BASIC 79[BV] Computer Rage 75[GV] Confessions of a Games Hater 6 Confessions of a Rat-Racer 39 Conflict 54[PR] Confrontation 30[GV], 32, 35[FO] Connect Four 48[GV] Conquest 48[GV] Consequences (Random games) 4 Conservation 10[GV] Construct-o-Straws 15[GV] Context 36[GV] Contra'50 75[GV] Contraband 1 Cooks Tours 27[GV] Coppit 35[GV]
Copyright Games, How to 28, 34[FO] Corner 73[PR] Corona 47[GV] Cosmic Encounter 67[GV] Counterstrike 70[GV] Coup d'Etat 70[GV] Courier 57[GV] Crack 12[GV], 35[FO] Craps (Dice) 5 Crash (Cards) (Pink Nines) 29 Creature that Ate Sheboygan, the 81[PG] Creature Castle 56[GV] Cribbage 10[GGW], 29[FO], 60[OTC] Cribbage boards 23, 34 Cribbage, Solo 45[PR] Cribbage Squared 62[PR] Cricket, Card, see Card Cricket Cricket (Christmas game) 43 Crimea 70[PG] Criss Cross 34[GV] Crokey 61[GV] Cromwell 55[PG] Crosso and Chains 42[RG] Cross over the Bridge (Family game) 9 Crossnumbers, Composing 56,57,58[FIG] Crossover 54[PR] Crossword Solving, Know the Game 44[BV] Crosswords for the Devotee 30[BV] Crosswords for the Enthusiast 20[BV] Crosswords from Captivity 36 Crown Chess 30[GV] Crown the Queen 48[FO] Crude 58[GV] Crystals 37 Cu-Bono (Chess variant) 23 Cube Fusion 7[GV] Cube, the Incredible 81 Cube, the Magic 76 Cubex Playing Cards 60[GV] Cul-de-Sac 45[GV] Curious and Curiouser (Chess) 4 Custer's Last Stand 68[PG] Cutting Corners 31 D-Day 51[PG] Daft Draughts 12 Dan Dare - Mastermind 58[PR] Dark December 78[PG] Dartboards 28[PUB] Dartoon (darts) 44 Darts 18,23,25,36,44,28[PUB] Darts Game, Silver Jubilee 63[PR] Darts Golf 71[PR]
4 Darts Rugby 70[PR] Darts Snooker 75[PR] Dealer's Choice 15 Decline and Fall 14[GV], 17, 52[PG] Democratic Anarchy 58[PR] Derby Game, the 41 Destiny 77[GV] Desertion 52[PR] Devil's Golf 32 Diabolo 72[GV] Diagares 48[PR] Diamond 61[GV] Dice Games 54 Dice and Lots 13 Dice Tennis (Christmas game) 43 Dice, Anti-cheating (Patents) 25 Dice, Mathematical 28[RG], 29[FO] Dice-Ceramic 50 Dicing cups 14 Diplomacy 13, 14, 17[FO], 18, 19, 20, 21, 24,27,29,30,31,44,45[FO] Diplomacy 52[FO], 53[BBI], 53,55,56,58,59,60,67,73,74[PR] Diplomacy, the Gamer's Guide to 75[BV] Diplomacy Games and Variants 76[BV] Diplowinn 56[PR] Dirty Lady (Cards) 2 Dirty Water 20 Disaster, Diary of a (Tom Werneck) 64 Discovering Old Board Games 21[BV] Discovery (Diplomacy variant) 70 Diversity of Puzzles, a 72[BV] Dix Mille (Dice game) 54 Doctor Who 80[GV] Domicolour 59[GV] Domingo 74[GV] Domino Book, the 76[BV] Domino Games and Domino Puzzles 54[BV] Domino Problems 72, 73, 80 Dominoes 11[GGW], 42, 44, 46, 72 Dominoes 74,77[PR] Dominoes in the New World 68 Donkey and the Carrot, the 76[GV] Don't go Overboard (Family game) 9, 15[GV] Don't let the Leaves fall (Children's game) 8 Double Jump 56[PR] Double Star 79[PG] Double Think 79[GV] Dover Patrol 66[GV] Downfall 78[GV] Dracula, the Game of 66[GV]
Dragon Island, Games from (Papua New Guinea) 59 Drang nach Osten 57[PG] Draughts (Problems) 52[PR], 56[PR] Draughts (Shortest game) 49,78[PR] Draughts 7[GGW], 43,48,49[PR] Draughts, the Complete Encyclopaedia of 74,77[BV] Draughts, Science of Checkers and 20[BV] Draughts History 62 Draughts, Thai 64[FO] Draughts, Third international match 22, 24[FO] Dreadnought 54[PG] Dune 77[PG] Dungeon 77[GV] Dungeons and Dragons 48, see also Fantasy gaming 39 Dungeons and Dragons 56,57,58,59,60,62,75[PR] Dunnigan Interviewed, Jim 80 Easy Hex Reference 59[PR] Ecology 13[GV] Economy Game, the 67[GV] Educational Games (Patents) 25 Educational Games, Learning maths through 29 Eight Off (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Eighteen Fifteen (1815) 62[PG] Eighteen Twenty Nine (1829) 39[GV] Either/Or 51[PR] Election 31[GV], 45 Election Game, the 24[RG] Elementary Watson 75[GV] Eleusis (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Empire of the Petal Throne 57 En Garde 55 En Passant 59[PR] Encyclopedia of Games, Scarne's 22[BV] Endgame Studies (Chess) 1, 38[BV] Energy Quest 74[GV] English Civil War, the 74[GV] English Jigsaw Puzzle, the 10[BV] Entropy 81[GV] (Rules described incorrectly) Epaminondas 42[GV], 43,48[PR], 51[FO], see also Under the strategy tree 36 Epaminondas (Draw) 48, 61[FO] Equable 63[GV] Equations 34[GV] Escalade 50[RG]
Escape from Colditz 29[GV], 35[FO], 50[BBI] Escape from Colditz Castle 25[GV] Espionage 34[RG] Euchre (Cards) 35,39[FO] 45[OTC] Executive Decision 33[GV] Exploration 25[GV] Explosion 55[PR] Eye Teasers 64[BV] Facts in Five 71[GV] Fairy Chess 13 Fairy Chess, Five Classics of 21[BV] Fairy Go 43[PR] Family, Games for the 9 Family Tree 57[GV] Fanarona 41, 50[PR], 58 Fantasy Games Meet the Chip 81 Fantasy gaming 39, see also Hyboria, D&D 48 Farming 3[FO], see also Pig Farming, Sheep Dip, Squatter Feudal 19, 46[PR] Ffence 46[PR] Fibonacci series 58[FIG] Fighting Sail 1[RG] Fighting Ships 62[BV] Finders Keepers 13[GV] Finest Hour, Their 72[PG] Firefight 58[PG] First World War, the 70[PG] Five Hundred (Cards) 72[PR], 73[FO] Flank 61[PR] Flutter 33[GV] Focus 71, 80[GV] Foil 17[GV] Fore 47 Formula One 11[GV], 13 Fortress Rhodesia 66[PG] Forts 34 Fortune 59,76[GV] Fortune Telling 9 Four Sight 65[GV] Four Thousand AD (4000 AD) 6, 10,12[FO], 65 Fourth Dimenslon 56[PR] Fox and Geese (Solitaire) 17, 35, (Patents) 25 Foxed (Family game) 9, 18[GV] Foxy 76[GV] Freedom in the Galaxy 77, 79[PG] Freeze 36[RG], 39[FO] From Ur to Us 22 Fugitive 35[RG] Fun with Sums (Children's games) 5 Fury in the West 66[PG] Galaxy Invader 78[PR] Gambler, the 4
5 Gambling (Games and gaming) 47 Game Award of 1975 43 Game Award of 1976 54 Game Award of 1977 67 Game Award of 1978 72 Game Equipment (Playthings) 34 Game of Nations 16[GV], 37,40[FO] Games Puzzlers Play, the 67 Games and Gaming (Casino games) 47 Games and Puzzles for Addicts 75[BV] Games and Simulations 13 Games for the Super-Intelligent 67[BV] Games for Trains, Planes and Wet Days 31[BV] Games, How to copyright 28 Games, How to market 29 Games in School 6 Games: Metamorphoses of an Art 77 Games Test Panel, the 68 Games with Pencil and Paper 16[BV] Games, Why we play 2 Games you can Build Yourself 68[BV] Gamesmanship (Chess) 5 Gammon Master 2 (Electronic game) 68[PR] Gamut of Games, a 13[BV] Gear Shift 72[GV] Gimel (Senet) 78[GV] Gin Rummy 14 Go Series 1-74[GO], 74,76[PR] Go, Thirty Eight Basic Joseki 17[BV] Go, Basic Techniques of 18[BV] Go, Fairy 43[PR] Go, the Master of 14[BV] Go for Broke 2 Go for Fun 47[BV] Go, a Guide to the Game 19[BV] Go for Beginners 25[BV] Go, Invitation to 63[BV] Goal! (Indoor Soccer game) 1 Godfather Game, the 7 Godsfire 69[PG] Goldrush 31[GV] Golf, Ace Handicap 61[GV] Golf, Devil's 32 Golf, Pro- 35[GV] Golf, Thinking Man's 9[GV] Golfwinks 15[GV] Goose, Game of (Patents) 25 Gops (Cards - Besicovitch's Game Perfect Information) 49 Gotcher 50[GV] Grab 55[PR] Grain Drain, the 78[GV]
Great Downhill Ski Game 38[GV] Great Game of Britain 19[GV] Great Train Robbery, the 50[GV] Greeks and their Puzzles, the 80 Greyhawk (Dungeons and Dragons) 58[PR] Guerilla 65[GV] Gybe-oh! 60[GV] Halma s.a. Hexahop 80[GV] Hanafuda 26[GV], 42 Handful of History, a (Cards) 81[BV] Hangmaths 45[PR] Hare and the Tortoise, the (Spiral game) 32 Hare and Tortoise 30[GV], 33 Hats Off (Children's game) 8 Haunted House 7 Havannah 79, 81[FO] Hearts Humoresque 50[PR] Hepta 56[GV] Hex 16, 25[FO] Hex (Family game) 9 Hex Reference, Easy 59[PR] Hexago 5[RG] Hexagonal Chess, First Theories of, 34[BV] Hexagonal Chess (Chess variants) 23, 45[PR] Hexagonal Cul de Sac 57[PR] Hexagony 80[GV] Hexagrams, Solomon's 72, 73, 75,78[FO] Hexahop (Halma) 80[GV] Hexhalma (Halma) 45[PR] Hexiamonds 50[PR] Hexline 49 Hexominoes (Patterns in space) 37 Hextrap 35 Hideaway 59[GV] Highland Clan Battle Game (Claymores and Kilts) 33[RG] Highway Robbery (Cards) (Christmas game) Himalayan Games 52 Hnefatafl (Tafl games) 38 Holocaust, After the 67,69[PG] Home you go 15[GV] Honeycomb (Children's game) 8 Hoppit 53[GV] Horseshoe pitching 32[PUB] How I Invent Games (Mark Berger) 69 How I Invent Games (Eric Solomon) 56 Howzat 66[PR] Hsiang Ch'i 37[GV] Hunt Games (Patents) 26
Huntergrams 69[GV] Hyboria 23, 27[FO], see also Fantasy Gaming Illustrated Book of Table Games, Hamlyn's 45[BV] Illustrations of Games from Antiquity 53 Image 49[GV], 54[BBI] Indoor Amusements, Cassell's Card Games, Fireside Fun and, 24[BV] Indoor Games Book, the 23[BV] Indoor Soccer Games 1, 17[GV], 47, 62[GV] Infinity 36[GV], 52 Inflation 54[PR] Information, Perfect 49 Inkognito 50[GV] Inquisitive nose, the 38 Inside the House of Games (John Watson) 60 Insubordination 76[PR] Interaction 71[GV] Intercept 58[PR] Intern 79[GV] Intersection 52[GV] Interpol 72[GV] Invasion America 57[PG] Invasion Sicily 37[GV] Invisible War 62[PR] Isola 58[GV] It's all in the Game (Psychology) 2 It's in the Bag (Children's game) 8 Jackpot 26[GV] Japanese Chess 28, also see Shogi Janus 77[GV] Jarlshof Game (Tafl games) 38 Jass (Cards) 46[OTC] Jerusalem 55[PG] Jiggered 45[RG] Jigsaw Puzzle, the English 10[BV] Jigsaws, a brief history 24 Jigsaws 10[BV] Jockey 57[GV] Joker (Cards) 46[OTC], (Tarots) 26 Juggernaut 52[GV] Junior Chef 77[GV] Jungle Game, the 11 K-i-Awase-Karuta 33 Kage's Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go 46[BV] Kai-Awase (Karuta) 33 Kajba-4 75[GV] Kampfpanzer 58[PG] Kan-u-Go (Word game) 31 Karuta (Cards) 33 Kaura (Himalayan game) 52
6 Keno (Lotto) 44 Keyword 35[FO] Kimbo 75 King, Queen and Knight 41[BV] King of the Castle 70[GV] Kingdoms 59[GV] Kingmaker 40[GV], 41, 46[FO], 53[PR], 72 Kings (Dragon Island) 59 Klaverjass (Cards) 46[OTC] Klik 16[GV] KLM Game, the Great 77[GV] Klondike 70[GV] Knight's tours 9,15,22[FO] Knights & Crosses 80[PR] Korea (Wargaming) 3 Kriegspiel (Chess) 50, 56[PG] Kuk (Dragon Island) 59 Kuvro 29[RG] Labyrint 73[GV] L'Attaque 24[GV] L-Game 30, 31,33,42[FO], 47[PR] L.O. Game, the (Christmas game) 43 Lady 2 Ladaxo 24[GV] Lahal 21 Laki (Dragon Island) 59 Landlord's Game, the (Monopoly) 34 Langurbaji (Himalayan game) 52 Lap 21, 24,26,27[FO] Lasca 44 Lasca (Annotated game) 59 Last Word 40 Latin Verb Game (Patents) 25 Le Truc (Cards) 5 Lee vs Meade 28[GV] Legrand 44[GV] Legominoes 65[PR] Legs 2 Letterbox 64[GV] Lewis chessmen 27 Lexicon 11[GV], (Word game) 31 Leyden (Dominoes) 46 Libido 44[GV] Lines 55[PR] Lobositz 75[PG] Loco 57[PR] Logic Five 80[PR] Logic, Recreations in 79[BV] Logic, Test your 18[BV] Logicon 64[GV] London Game, the 3 Lose your Shirt 57[GV] Lotto 44 Lotto Imagino 80[GV] Ludo variants (Patents) 25 Ludo (Pachisi) 8, 29[FO]
Ludus Duodecim Scriptorum (From Ur to Us) 22 Luftwaffe 3[WAR] Luftwaffe 56[PG] Lying (Mastermind variant) 48[PR] Machine Plays Chess, the 72[BV] Mad Marbles (Family game) 9 Mad Mate 79 Magic Cube, the 76 Magic Realm 79[PG] Magical Secrets, Exclusive 67[BV] Magnificent Race, the 55[GV] Mah Jong 12[GGW], 18[FO] Mah Jong, Discovering 59[BV] Mah Jongg, the Complete Book of 64[BV] Makahit 53[GV] Mammoth Book of Fun and Games, the 68[BV] Man Eater! 67[GV], 70 Mancala 6[GGW], 26-29[MAN], 34, 38[FO] Mancala Solitaire 74[PR] Mangola (Mancala) 46 Mani (Dragon Island) 59 Marbles Championship 50 Marinattack 80[GV] Marketing your Game 29 Masco 47[GV] Masis (Dragon Island) 59 Mastermind 12[GV] 23, 26,35,37,41[FO], 43,45[PR], 46[FO], 48[PR] Mastermind championships 42, 45, 64, 67, 72 Masterpiece 7[GV] Match and Move (Children's game) 8 Matchday 74[GV] Matchstick Puzzles, Tricks, and Games 73[BV] Mate (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Mathematical Dice 28[RG] Mathematical Games and Puzzles 25[BV] Mathematics (Learning through games) 29 Mattix 17[GV] Max and Jacks (Cards) 34[FO] Mazdaism 60[PR] Maze Book, the 30[BV] Mazes, the Penguin Book of 76[BV] Mechwar 77, 58[PG] Mediterranean 41[GV] Meischen 48[PR] Mentalis 66[GV] Merels (Nine Men's Morris) 3, 70
Metamorphosis Alpha 67[PR] Metropolis 76[GV] Microdot 64[GV] Middleman 52[FO] Midway 2[WAR] Military Modelling Manual No. 1, 40[BV] Milles Bornes 56[GV] Mind Mover-3 62[GV] Mind Teasers, Logic Problems, and Games of Deduction 74[BV] Mini-wargames 11 Minuteman 67[PG] Miss World 8[GV] Mississippi (Bagatelle) 35 Model soldiers (Wargaming) 29 Modern Board Games, the G&P Book of 46[BV] Modern Chess (variants) 23 Money Spinner Game 76[GV] Monopoly Book, the 38[BV] Monopoly fun 70[PR] 0oly 1, 3,4,6,7,21[FO], 70[PR] Monopoly, Who invented 34 Montage 24[GV], 30 Moonshine 80[GV] Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played 8[BV] Motor Speed 53[PR] Moviemaker 21[GV], 35, 38[FO] Mudcrack Y and Poly-Y 55[GV] Murder 57[PR] Murder at Tudor Close (Cluedo) 10 Music Game (Patents) 25 Myriads, Strings, and Cash (Early Chinese card games) 71 Mystic Wood, the 80[GV] My Word 35[FO], 41[GV] Nam Nam (Mancala) 27 Napoleon at Leipzig 78[PG] Napoleon at St Helena (Origins of Patience) 40 Napoleon at Waterloo 2[WAR] Napoleon's Last Battles 62[PG] NATO - Red Sky at Night 59[PG] Naval Bombardment 50[PR] Naval Bombardment (Christmas game) 43 Naval Game, the 66[PR] Naval Wargames 41[BV] Netherworld (Senet) 78[GV] Network 22 Network Game, the (Christmas game) 43 Neutron 71,73[PR] Never Give a Sucker an Even Break 68[BV]
7 Nile 6[GV] Nim 25[FO], (Computer) 15 Nimbust 62[PR] Nimcross 56[PR] Nimmclock 55[PR] Nine Holes 3[RG] Nine Holes (Bagatelle) 35 Nine Men's Morris 3, 70 Nineteen Eighteen (1918) 3[WAR] Nineteen Forty Two (1942) 75[PG] Ninety Nine (Cards) 22, 29[FO], 33[OTC] No Dice (Patents) 54 No, but seriously 55 Non Stop 45[GV], 48[FO] Normandy 2[WAR] North Sea Oil 45[GV] Nova 16[RG] Nsolo (Mancala) 38[FO] Numba Duel 58[GV] Numbers Up 17[GV] Numbers Up (different) 49[GV] Numble 65[GV] Numerate 49[PR] Numero 2[RG] Nuremberg (1980 Report) 77 Nuremberg, the View from 81 O x X 24[GV] Octagon (Cards) 43 Offshore Oil Strike 74[GV] Ogre 69,81[PG] Old Family Coach 40 Old Lady in a Shoe 13[GV] Ombre (Cards) 45[OTC] On Sets 56[GV] On the Ball (Glass top puzzles) 54 On Words 57[GV] One Too Many (Children's game) 8 Operation (Dexterity game) 51[GV] Operation Crusader 75[PG] Orbit 58[GV] Organised Crime 44[GV], 49, 49[FO], 58[PR] Origami 77 Original Scala 46[GV] Original Tarock 47[GV] Origins of World War Two 4, ll Osmosis (Cards) 23 Othello 50[FO], 78, 79, 80[PR] Outreach 69[PG] Oval World, It's an (American Football) 74 Overboard 69[GV] Overlord 40[GV] Oware (Mancala) 26-29[MAN], 32[FO] Pachisi 8[GGW]
Pagoda 46[GV], 50[PR] Panzer 44 58[PG] Panzerblitz 5[WAR] Panzerleader 58[PG] Parcheesi (Pachisi) 8 Party Games (April foolery) 12 Pasa (Himalayan games) 92 Passage 47[RG], 50[PR] Password 81[GV] Pasta 57[PR]. 59[PR] Patented Board Games 25, 26 Patented Dice Substitutes 54 Patented Playing Cards 45 Patented Puzzles 36, 39 Patented Race Games 49 Patented Table Games 48 Patents, New 52, 53, 70 Patents 34[FO] Patience (Cards - Perfect information) 49 Patience 39[OTC] Patience, Origins of 40 Patolli 41 Patterns in Space 37, 41, 42 Pawns and People 40 Pay Day 54[GV] Penalty (Indoor soccer) 1, 20[GV] Penneech (Cards) 45[OTC] Pennyroyal 30[RG] Pentominoes 9-17[PEN], 14,19[FO] Perfect Information (Cards) 49 Per Plexus 61[GV] Persona 54[GV] Phat (Cards) 29 Philately 29[GV] Philosophers' Game, the 16, 19[FO] Pick-Up 73[GV] Pig Farming (Devise-a-game competition) 4 Ping Pong 55[PR] Pink Nines (Cards) 29 Pinochle (Cards) 45[OTC] Piquet (Cards) 30[OTC] Pit 8[GV] Platform (Gyles Brandreth) 64 Platform (Richard Guignard) 65[PLA] Platform (Jack Jaffe) 68[PLA] Platform (Richard Sharp) 69[PLA] Platform (Ian Livingstone) 71[PLA] Play for Mate (Chess) 67[BV] Playing Cards (Ceramic) 50 Playing Cards (Six Hundred Years of) 58 Playing Cards (Indian) 42[OTC] Playing Cards (Japanese - Hanafuda) 42 Playing Cards (patents) 45[OTC]
Playing Cards (Suit Systems) 47[OTC] Playing Cards (Tarots) 26 Playing Cards (Through the ages) 24 Playing Last 48[PR] Playing Politics 77[BV] Playthings (Equipment) 34 Pleasure Hunt 55[PR] Pleasure isn't the Word for it (Scrabble) 37 Ploy 21[GV], 22 Po-ke-no (Lotto) 44 Pocket Calculator Game Book, the 50[BV] Point 80[GV] Poker 50,51,57[OTC] Pokol 2[RG] Poker chips 45 Poker, Total 61[BV] Poker, Bluffing and Betting in 80[BV] Police State 64[GV] Polyominoes (Patterns in space) 37, 41, 42, see also Pentominoes Polytaire (Solitaire) 30 Pompeii Game 65 Pong Hau K'i 53[PR] Pontlevis 48[PR] Pool 33[PUB] Pool - Know the Game 81[BV] Popular Party Games 26[BV] Power Game, the 49[GV] Prairie 65[GV] Predicaments 1 Press-ups 43[GV] Prize Property 48[GV] Pro Golf 35[GV] Probe 11, 35[FO] Problem Book, the Bumper Late Night 49[BV] Profit 57[PR] Progressive Chess 26[FO] Propaganda 28[GV], 41 Protect your Game, How to (Patents) 28, 34[FO] Protracted Game, the 34[BV] Proviso (Spoof) 61[PR] Pub Games (Cards) 56[0TC] Pub Games 53[BV] Pushover 44[GV] Puzzle Town 67[GV] Puzzler's Paradise 74[BV] Puzzles and Teasers for Everyone 31[BV] Puzzles, Patented 36, 39 Puzzles, the Moscow 51 Puzzlement 72[BV] Pyramids 55[PR] Q-Bits 54[GV]
8 Quadrigon 50[RG] Quandary 15 Quantum 46[GV] Quaro 50[GV] Quatre Bras 64[PG] Quebec 1759 22[GV], 24 Queen Bee 62[GV] Quintet (Cards - Perfect Information) 49 Quinto (Cards) 38[OTC] Quirk 26[RG] Quoits 2,27,32[PUB] Race Games, Patented 49 Race Games, Spiral 32 Race Games, Unusual (Patents) 25 Racing Aces (Cards - Pink Nines) 29 Racing Demon (Cards) 1 Railway Pioneers 70[GV] Railway Rivals 35[GV], 38[FO] Rancher 21[GV] Random Games (Party games) 4 Rat Race 37[GV], 39 Reach for the Summit 57[GV] Rebound 11[GV] Recreational Games, Handbook of 51[BV] Red Fred (Cards) 4[RG] Regatta 8[GV] Reich, Highway to the 66[PG] Renju 76 Research Games 74[BV] Reversi 20, 26[FO], 51[PR] Ricochet 47[RG] Ringbearer, the 63[PR] Risk 2, 6,58[FO], 50,54,73[PR] Robin Hood 78[PG] Rocks of Scilly (Bagatelle) 35 Rommel 56[PG] Rosette (Hexagonal Go variant) 34 Rotascript 12[GV] Roulette 10, 47 Roulette, Russian 28[FO] Rover 80[PR] Royal Game of Ur 52[GV] Royal Marriage (Patience) 51[PR] Royal Marriage (Combination) 52[PR] Rub-a-dub-dub (Family game) 9 Rubber Dachsunds 74[GV] Rubik's Cube 76, 81 Rukh-pat 46[PR] Rummy, Origins of 32[OTC], see also Gin Rummy 14 Russian Roulette 28[FO] Sadowa 70[PG] Safari Round-up 33[GV]
Saga (Family game) 9 Saga (different) 63[GV] Sans Egal (Bagatelle) 35 Santa Cruz 68[PG] Satu (Dragon lsland) 59 Scala, Original 46[GV] Scarne's Encyclopedia of Games 22[BV] Scarne on Dice 44[BV] Schafkopf (Cards) 44[OTC] Schaska 62[GV] Schimmel (Bell and Hammer) 48 Schutztruppe 61[PG] Scoop 49[GV] Scotch Whist (Cards) 45[OTC] Scrabble (Series and Problems) 1-60, 16,17,28,39,43,57[FO], see also Editorial 45 Scrabble, Championship 80[BV] Scrabble (Sample game) 57 Scrabble Championships 37 Scrabble Draw 62[PR] Scrabble for Juniors (Children's game) 8 Scrabble Patience 21, 5[FO] Scrabble, Know the Game 35[BV] Scrabble, the Complete Book of 80[BV] Scrambled Exits 64[BV] Scrape 76[PR] Scree 73[GV] Seastrike (Evolution of a game) 30, 33[GV], 37[FO], 73 Seegover 66[PR] Seeldwe 51[PG] Senat (From Ur to us) 22 Senet, see Netherworld, Gimel Serpentino (Children's game) 8 Seven League Boots 64[GV] Seventeen Seventy Six (1776) 29[GV] Seventh Cavalry 68[PG] Sewenlip (Dragon Island) 59 Shadow 61[PR] Shakewords (Word game) 31 Shape Puzzles (Children's jigsaws) 18[GV] Sheep Dip 5[RG] Shell Games of Japan 48 Shenandoah 57[PG] Shodan, the Breakthrough to 51[BV] Shogi 24, 26[GV], 43 Shogi (Opening play) 28 Shopping Game, the 52[GV] Shove Ha'penny 26,30[PUB] Shovel Board 26[PUB] Siege 7, 76[GV] Sigma (Games Club) 68
Sigma File 15[GV], 16 Silly Card Games 56[OTC] Sim 65[PR] Simulation Exercises, Handbook of Games and 32[BV] Simulations, Games and 13, 21 Simulations, the Guide to 32[BV] Simultana 48[RG] Sirius 79[GV] Sixteen-to-One 72[PR] Sixth Fleet 53[PG] Sixty Six (Cards) 45[OTC] Skat (Cards) 36, 38, 44,55[OTC] Ski Game, the Great Downhill 38[GV] Skirrid 72[AB], 74, 75[GV] Skirrid (British Championships) 76 Skittles 17 Sleuth 20[GV], 26 Smog 18[GV] Snail Game, the (Spiral game) 32 Snakes 32[RG] Snakes and Ladders (Patents) 25 Sniff 53[GV] Snifty Snakes 44[GV] Sniper 58[PG] Snooker, Billiards and 15 Soccer (Indoor games) 1, 17[GV], 47 Soccerboss 55[GV] Soft Pawn 81[BV] Sogo 68[GV] Solitaire 17, 30, 31, 35, 39[FO], 69[BV] Solo (Cribbage) 45[PR], 48[OTC] Solo (Dominoes) 42 Solo (Whist) 52[OTC] Soma cube (Patterns in space) 42 Sombrero (Children's game) 8, 73[GV] Sopwith 77[GV] Sorcerer's Cave, the 74[GV], 78 Sour Grapes 61[GV] Space 1999 48[GV] Space Connection 77[GV] Spanish Chatter 24[BV] Spassky vs Fischer 1, 2 Spectra 31[GV] Speculate 6[GV], 8 Speed Circuit 34[GV], 40, 44[PR], 54[PR] Spell Master (Family game) 9 Spellmaker 75[GV] Spingo 75[GV] Spiral Games 32 Spiralo Shamrock 73[GV] Spite and Malice (Cards) 3 Splash 74[GV]
9 Sport (as subject for table games) (Patents) 26, see also Soccer, Golf etc. Spot Check 64[PR], 69, 72[PR] Springline 77[GV] Sprouts 2, 36 Spy Ring 72[GV] Sqez 20[RG] Squad Leader 73[PG] Square Mile 73 Squasp 44[GV] Squatter 44[GV], 78[PR] Squeeze Between 58[PR] SSN (Steel Fish and Silent Men) 59[PG] Stalingrad (Wargaming) 2, 10[GV] Starship Troopers 69[PG] Star Soldier 69[PG] Starchess 75[PR] Stellar Conquest 69[PG] Stepping Stones (now called Intermedium) 32[GV] Stick 'em Up 69[GV] Sticks and Stones 73[PR] Stock Market Game, the 50[GV] Stockbroker 23[GV], 56 Stockpiler 51, 53 56,60[PR], 61 Stocks and Bonds 43[GV] Stop! Thief! 72[GV] Strategy 34[GV] Strike it Rich 60[GV] Study of Games, the 11,40[BV] Subbuteo (Indoor soccer) 2, 3[FO] Submarine 55[PG] Subterfuge 32 Sugoroku 56 Summit (Numbers game) 53[PR] Summit (different) 76 Supermazes No. 1 70[BV] Superpuzzle 14[GV] Surprises, Problems and paradoxes 33, 36[FO] Swindle 51[GV] Swip (Dragon Island) 59 Symmetry Solitaire 53[PR] Synchro 49[RG] T.A.F.4.2.4 (Table football) 9 Tablanette - Ceramic 50[GV] Table Football 47 Table Games, Illustrated book of 45[BV] Table Games, a Player's Guide to 68[BV] Table Soccer 17[GV] Tablut 38, 64 Tafl Games 38, 41,42[FO] Take and Make 44[RG]
Take the Brain 3, 4, 5 Tangrams 15, 20,23[FO], (Patterns in space) 37 Tangrams Kit, Fun with the 65[BV] Tank Commander 39[GV] Tank Warfare 58[PG] Tarock, Original (Cards) 47[GV] Tarock, Austrian (Cards) 22[FO], 47[GV] Tarock, Bavarian (Cards) 9 Tarot Games 81[BV] Tarots (Cards) 26, 45[OTC] Tau 23[GV] Tavern of Crossed Destinies, the (Tarot) 68 Tavli 37 Tavoli (Bagatelle) 35 Tavoly 46[GV] Tempo 75[GV] Tenement 25 Tension (Children's game) 8 Terrible Swift Sword 61,72[PG] Their Finest Hour (Invasion of England) 59[PG] Thinking Man's Golf 9[GV] Thirteen Against the Bank 50[GV] Thirty Years War 50[PG] Thoughtwave 36[GV], 38 Three Up 18[GV] Tibetan Chess 27[FO] Tiddlywinks 19, 24[FO] Times Table Trio 14[GV] Tivoli (Bagatelle) 35 Tobruk 54,61[PG] Tolkien Wargames 69 Tolleys of Tinsley Green, see Marbles Top Club Soccer 62[GV] Tornado 79[GV] Tornado Bowl 10[GV] Totally 50[GV] Totopoly 3 Tournament Golf 18[GV] Tous Tout 78[GV] Tower of Power 48[PR] Trackgammon 46[GV] Treasure of the Pharaohs 54[GV] Trespass 53[GV], 60[PR] Tri-Chess 80[GV] Tri-Desertion 54[PR] Tri-Line 60[PR] Tri-Nim 41[GV] Tri-Tactics 5, 47[PR] Tricks, Games and Puzzles 24[BV] Tricolor 32[GV] Trilo 45[FO] Trio 35[GV]
Trioker (Patterns in space) 37, 45[FO] Trippples 42[GV] Trippplominoes 56[PR] Triquet 53[OTC] Trireme (Wargaming) 2 Triton 59[PR] Trominoes (Flank) 61[PR] Trou Madame (Bagatelle) 35 Tsolo (Mangola) 46 Tuf-abet 49[GV] Tumble Track 69[GV] Tunnels and Trolls 57, 66[PR] TV Games 2 Twentieth Maine, the 78[PG] Twill 79[GV] Twixt 18, 56,62[FO] Twyst (Cards) 61 Tyzicha (Cards) 21, 45[OTC] Ulcers 14 Under the strategy tree 36 Ur, Royal Game of 52[GV] Usborne Book of Puzzles 79[BV] Vector 73[GV] Viaduct 56[GV] Victor the Second 79 Video Games 30[PUB] Wacht am Rhein 73[PG] Waddingtons Family Card Games 8[BV] War at Sea 61[PG] War between the States 68,72[PG] War in the Air 7[WAR] War in the East 70[PG] War in the Pacific 74[PG] Wargame of the Year 1978 71[PG] Wargames (Patents) 26 Wargamesmanship 40 Wargaming, Books on 29,47[GV] Wargaming by Computer 15 Wargaming, Miniature 1-6[MW], 8[FO], 11 Wari, see Mancala Warlock 77[PR], 80[GV] Warlord, the 69[GV] Watch your Garden Grow 20[GV] Waterloo 2[WAR] Waterworks 68[GV] Watney Book of Pub Games 12[BV] Way to Play, the 42[BV] We Three Kings (Christmas game) 43 Wembley (Indoor football) 1, 22[GV] Wermacht 66[PG] Wff'n Poof 26[GV], see also Equations, Propaganda What am I bid? 32[GV]
10 What is the Name of this Book? 77[BV] Whist Markers 39, (Playthings) 34 White Bear and Red Moon 61 Whosit? 65[GV] Why we Play Games 2 Wigwam 71[GV] Win Place and Show 38[GV], 51[BBI] Winning at Rubber Bridge 46[BV]
Wizards and Warfare (Fantasy gaming) 39 Wizard's Quest 77[PG] Word Game Book, the 67[BV] Word Games, Boxed 31, 35[FO] Word Power 49[GV] World Beater 48[GV] World Soccer 7 World War III 53[PG]
Xerxes 45[GV] Yahtzee (Dice) 13[GV] Yam (Dice game) 54 Yeti 74[GV], 74[PR] Your Move 15[GV] Zetema (Cards) 35[OTC] Zigzag 69, 73[GV] Zone X 47[GV] Zug 25[RG]