Indoor Air Quality: A Bibliometric Study - MDPI

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Oct 23, 2018 - Department Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning ... IAQ; Bibliometric study; Indoor Environmental Quality; Sick Building.
sustainability Article

Indoor Air Quality: A Bibliometric Study Mattia Pierpaoli *

and Maria Letizia Ruello

Department Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning (SIMAU), Università Politecnica delle Marche, 60131 Ancona, Italy; * Correspondence: Received: 25 September 2018; Accepted: 20 October 2018; Published: 23 October 2018


Abstract: What are the actual trends in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), and in which direction is academic interest moving? Much progress has been made in identifying and mitigating indoor pollutants, due to both prevention campaigns (e.g., smoking bans) and greater control of product emissions. However, IAQ is still of interest and the future trends are unknown. In this study, a thorough bibliometric analysis was conducted on the scientific literature available on the Web of Science database with CiteSpace from 1990 until today. It was possible to identify past trends and current advances, both with the aim of introducing the IAQ topic to those encountering it for the first time and to examine the issues that are expected to be pertinent in the future. Keywords: Indoor Air Quality; IAQ; Bibliometric study; Indoor Environmental Quality; Sick Building Syndrome

1. Introduction Clean air is a basic requirement of life, together with food and water. Although the latter two have been a primary concern for many civilizations for multiple centuries, especially in more industrialized countries, shaping new lifestyles and driving new economies, air is something imposed, with no possibility of choice. Since the industrial revolution, as people started to spend most of their time in confined environments, clean air should have been considered a prerogative, as indoor air had become a leading exposure for humans. Therefore, in places of life and work, it is necessary to monitor the urban environment. For this reason, as major environmental concerns, policy directives and guidelines have recently highlighted energy use, sustainable buildings, outdoor air quality, and indoor air quality (IAQ). Bibliometrics is the application of quantitative analysis and statistics to publications using different parameters, such as author co-citation, document co-citation, co-word analysis, and journal mapping, in order to understand emerging trends and the knowledge structure of a research field. Jointly with science mapping tools, it is possible to start from a large dataset of scientific publications in order to generate straightforward visual representations of complex structures for statistical analysis and interactive data exploration. Using bibliometric tools to analyze the scientific literature collected by Web of Science, this article provides, firstly, an overview of the IAQ topic from 1990 to 2018, by reporting the most important publications and by collocating the existing literature in a finite number of clusters and, secondly, the latest developments and future trends. Although this work is not structured as an exhaustive review of the related literature, it does illustrate the opportunity of bibliometric techniques for exploring research gaps and new frontiers.

Sustainability 2018, 10, 3830; doi:10.3390/su10113830

Sustainability2018, 2018,10, 10,3830 x FOR PEER REVIEW Sustainability

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2. Materials and Methods 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Data Collection 2.1. Data Collection All data were obtained from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) by Thomson Reuters All were obtained the Web of Science Core (WoSCC) by Thomson prior todata 1 May 2018. In this from study, the keywords used for Collection the data retrieval strategy were asReuters follows: prior to 1 May 2018. In this study, the keywords used for the data retrieval strategy were as follows: TS: (“Indoor air quality” OR “IAQ”). English-only document types were articles, letters, and reviews, TS: (“Indoor air 1990 quality” OR “IAQ”). English-only types were articles, letters, and reviews, ranging from to 2018, from the following document indexes: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, ranging from 1990 to 2018, from the following indexes: SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, and ESCI. The final dataset contained 7389 bibliographic records of Article or Letters or CPCI-SSH, ESCI. The final dataset contained 7389 bibliographic records of Article or Letters or Review in and English. Review in English. 2.2. Data Analysis 2.2. Data Analysis We utilized several scientific and visual analytic methods. The statistical results are displayed in We utilized several scientific and visual analytic methods. The statistical results are displayed in CiteSpace V [1], visualization software used for analyzing data by network modeling. CiteSpace V [1], visualization software used for analyzing data by network modeling. For the first analysis, the overall time span adopted was 1990 through 2018, with a 1-year time For the first analysis, the overall time span adopted was 1990 through 2018, with a 1-year time slice. The Term Source included Title, Abstract, Author Keywords, and Keyword Plus; Node Type slice. The Term Source included Title, Abstract, Author Keywords, and Keyword Plus; Node Type was selected according the type of analysis conducted; and Selection Criteria included the top 50. No was selected according the type of analysis conducted; and Selection Criteria included the top 50. pruning was selected. For the second part, in order to focus on the actual and future trends, a No pruning was selected. For the second part, in order to focus on the actual and future trends, restricted dataset, in which only papers selected with the same criteria from 2010 to 2018, was used. a restricted dataset, in which only papers selected with the same criteria from 2010 to 2018, was used. A different thresholding method was adopted: Instead of selecting the top 50 articles of each time A different thresholding method was adopted: Instead of selecting the top 50 articles of each time slice, CiteSpace thresholding parameters (citation, co-citation, and the cosine coefficient thresholds, slice, CiteSpace thresholding parameters (citation, co-citation, and the cosine coefficient thresholds, shortened as: c, cc, and ccv) were set at 8;8;40, 6;6;30, and 2;2;10, respectively. This choice was justified shortened as: c, cc, and ccv) were set at 8;8;40, 6;6;30, and 2;2;10, respectively. This choice was justified by the three thresholding being respectively referred to: Begin, middle, and end of the selected period by the three thresholding being respectively referred to: Begin, middle, and end of the selected of time and, by applying more selective parameters for the first years, only the most relevant period of time and, by applying more selective parameters for the first years, only the most relevant publications are reported. In the last period, a wider number of publications are reported. publications are reported. In the last period, a wider number of publications are reported. 3. Results 3. Results 3.1.Data DataDescription Description 3.1. Thedistribution distributionofofyearly yearlyoutputs outputsisisshown shownininFigure Figure1.1.The Thepublishing publishingtrend trendincreased increasedfrom from1313 The publicationsinin1990 1990toto786 786publications publicationsinin2017, 2017,highlighting highlightingthe theincreased increasedglobal globalfocus focuson onthe thetopic. topic. publications In particular, since 1990, it is possible to distinguish between two different phases. During the first In particular, since 1990, it is possible to distinguish between two different phases. During the first phasefrom from1990 1990toto2009, 2009,a aslow slowincrease increaseininpublications publicationsoccurred. occurred.The Thesecond secondphase phaseoccurred occurredfrom from phase 2010 to 2017, with a higher growth rate, indicating the growing interest in the topic. This distinct 2010 to 2017, with a higher growth rate, indicating the growing interest in the topic. This distinct separationcoincides coincideswith withthe thepublication publicationofofthe theWorld WorldHealth HealthOrganization Organization(WHO) (WHO)guidelines guidelinesfor for separation indoorair airquality quality[2]. [2]. indoor 900


750 600 450 300 150 0 1990







Figure 1. Temporal distribution of the bibliographic set. Figure 1. Temporal distribution of the bibliographic set.

Almost 30% of the publications in the dataset were published by five scholarly journals (2102, Almost 30%accounting of the publications thepublications. dataset wereThis published five scholarly journals (2102, 28.45%), each one for aboutin350 trend isby reported in Figure 2. 28.45%), each one accounting for about 350 publications. This trend is reported in Figure 2.

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Figure 2. Top 10 journals with the highest number of publications. The line represents the cumulative Figure 2. Top 10 journals with the highest number of publications. The line represents the cumulative incidence of the entire dataset. incidence of the entire dataset.

The top 15 contributing institutes are listed in Table 1. The University of California (3.71%) ranked top 15 are Tsinghua listed in University Table 1. The University of California (3.71%) first,The followed bycontributing two Chineseinstitutes universities: (2.64%) and Hong Kong Polytechnic ranked first, followed by two Chinese universities: Tsinghua University (2.64%) and Hong University (2.56%). Among the top 25 institutions, 11 are American, followed by 7 European, Kong and 3 Polytechnic University (2.56%). Among the top 25 institutions, 11 are American, followed by 7 Chinese. However, more than one-quarter of the total records are American, followed by People’s European, and 3 Chinese. However, more than one-quarter of the total records are American, Republic of China (PRC) (14.12%). followed by People’s Republic of China (PRC) (14.12%). Table 1. Top 15 contributing institutions. Table 1. Top 15 contributing institutions. Organizations Records

% of 7389


Organizations Records % of 7389 Country University of California System 274 3.71% USA University of California System 3.71% USA Tsinghua University 195274 2.64% China Tsinghua University 2.64% China Hong Kong Polytechnic University 189195 2.56% China University California Berkeley 186189 2.52% USA Hong KongofPolytechnic University 2.56% China United States Department of Energy DOE 158186 2.14% USA University of California Berkeley 2.52% USA Technical University of Denmark 141 1.91% Denmark United States Department of Energy DOE 158 2.14% USA United States Environmental Protection Agency 127 1.72% USA Technical University of Denmark 141 1.91% Denmark Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 126 1.71% USA United StatesHarvard Environmental Protection Agency 1.72% USA University 123127 1.67% USA Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS 91126 1.23% France Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1.71% USA Chinese Academy of Sciences 85 1.15% China Harvard University 123 1.67% USA University of London 82 1.11% UK Centre National de Institute la Recherche Scientifique 1.23% France Finland National for Health Welfare CNRS 80 91 1.08% Finland Chinese Academy of Sciences 1.15% China Uppsala University 77 85 1.04% Sweden Centers for Disease Control Prevention USA 71 82 0.96% USA University of London 1.11% UK Finland National Institute for Health Welfare 80 1.08% Finland Uppsala University 77 1.04% Sweden The top 10 contributing countries, in terms of publications, are reported in Table 2. In first for Disease Control Prevention USA with 2032 71 records, 0.96% USA place, the Centers USA accounts for 27.5% of the total literature, followed by China with 1043 records (14.12%). England, Canada, and South Korea ranked third, fourth, and fifth place, The top 10 contributing countries, in of terms of publications, in Table In first place, respectively, with a cumulative number publication equal toare thereported total number of 2. publications in the USA accounts for 27.5% of the total literature, with 2032 records, followed by China with 1043 1990, followed by four European countries and Australia. records (14.12%). England, Canada, and South Korea ranked third, fourth, and fifth place, respectively, with a cumulative number of publication equal to the total number of publications in 1990, followed by four European countries and Australia.

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Table 2. Top 10 contributing countries. Country


% of 7389

USA China England Canada South Korea Italy France Germany Denmark Australia

2032 1043 444 375 371 369 355 288 282 241

27.50% 14.12% 6.01% 5.08% 5.02% 4.99% 4.80% 3.90% 3.82% 3.26%

The top 10 categories are reported in Table 3. However, only the first four constitutes the major fields. The top four categories, in order of importance, are: “Engineering”, “environmental sciences ecology”, “construction building technology”, and “public environmental occupational health”. Table 3. Top 10 categories. Field

Record Count

% of 7389

Engineering Environmental Sciences Ecology Construction Building Technology Public Environmental Occupational Health Energy Fuels Meteorology Atmospheric Sciences Chemistry Thermodynamics Science Technology Other Topics Toxicology Materials Science Agriculture Allergy Instruments Instrumentation Mechanics

2839 2426 2285 1748 719 627 458 374 280 275 184 142 104 104 102

38.42% 32.83% 30.92% 23.66% 9.73% 8.49% 6.20% 5.06% 3.79% 3.72% 2.49% 1.92% 1.41% 1.41% 1.38%

3.2. Categories and Journal Co-Occurring Networks The network of co-occurring subject categories (Web of Science categories), reported in Figure 3, highlights the relationship between the main subjects and disciplines in the field. The thickness of each link represents the density of the co-occurring category and the color map refers to the average year of the node. The color of a category ring denotes the time of corresponding utilization. The thickness of a ring is proportional to how many times the category has been used in a specified time slice. Lighter colors (yellow) correspond to newer nodes, while darker colors (blue) are related to older nodes. This method enabled us to highlight the multidisciplinary and temporal evolution of the subject. We found that environmental sciences and engineering, construction and building technology, and public, environmental, and occupation health were the main subjects in the IAQ field. Minor categories, constituted mainly by unlabeled nodes because of their lower amount, have been grouped into larger areas. “Material science” is a linking node between chemistry, physics, and environmental studies and “public, environmental, and occupational health” belongs to the highest burst, as it connects the most populous nodes (construction and building engineering with environmental sciences).

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Figure3.3.Network Networkofofco-occurring co-occurringsubject subjectcategories. categories. Figure

InInorder setset ofof journals that areare connected to the IAQ topic, thethe co-citation network at ordertotooutline outlinethe the journals that connected to the IAQ topic, co-citation network the levellevel is shown in Figure 4. Like4.theLike previous figure, color andcolor thickness reflect the reflect temporal at journal the journal is shown in Figure the previous figure, and thickness the distribution of the cited was possible categorize the journals into four macro temporal distribution ofjournals. the cited It journals. It was to possible to categorize the journals into four areas: macro Medicine-related (center),(center), energy-related (left), building-related (bottom), and environment-related areas: Medicine-related energy-related (left), building-related (bottom), and environment(top). The(top). biggest correspond to the most journals. most-cited journals were the ones related Thecircles biggest circles correspond to cited the most cited The journals. The most-cited journals were reported Figure 2 in but, while2“Building Environment”, “Atmospheric Environment”, “Indoor and the onesinreported Figure but, whileand “Building and Environment”, “Atmospheric Environment”, Built Environment” are, the top three journals termsjournals of number of publications, were “Indoor and Built Environment” are, the topinthree in terms of numberthe of most-cited publications, the “Indoor Air”,were “Energy and Buildings”, andand “Environmental Health Perspective”. Unlabeled nodes are most-cited “Indoor Air”, “Energy Buildings”, and “Environmental Health Perspective”. minor journals given number of given citations. Unlabeled nodes aretheir minor journals their number of citations.

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Figure 4. Network of co-occurring Journals. Figure 4. Network of co-occurring Journals.

3.3. Term Burst

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2018 Su yeight 10 nab aREV 2018 Su xPEER yeight 10 nab FOR aREV 2018 Su xfrelationship yEW 10 nab FOR ars 2018 Su xfrelationship yyears 10 nab FOR ars 2018 Su yyears 10 nab FOR ars 2018 xfPEER yyears 10 nab FOR ars 2018 yyears 10 nab FOR REV 2018 xfPEER yyears 10 FOR REV 2018 PEER yyears 10 FOR REV 2018 xfPEER EW yyears 10 FOR REV 2018 xPEER EW 10 FOR REV xPEER EW 10 FOR REV xPEER EW 10 FOR REV xby PEER EW FOR REV xby PEER EW FOR REV PEER EW REV PEER EW REV PEER EW REV EW REV EW REV EW EW EW 13 13 o 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 o 18 13 ohe 18 13 ohe 18 13 o18 13 o18o1818 Su 2018 ab nab aSu 2018 ynab aSu 2018 y10 nab aSu 2018 y10 nab aSu 2018 x y10 nab aFOR Su 2018 x y10 nab aFOR Su 2018 x y10 nab aFOR Su 2018 x PEER y10 nab aFOR 2018 x PEER y10 nab aFOR 2018 x PEER y10 nab FOR REV 2018 x PEER y10 FOR REV 2018 x PEER yand 10 FOR 2018 x PEER yand EW 10 FOR 2018 x PEER EW 10 FOR x PEER EW 10 FOR x PEER EW 10 FOR x PEER EW FOR REV x PEER EW FOR REV PEER EW REV 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studies ventilation. by on studies ventilation. by on studies ventilation. by on studies ventilation. on studies ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. ventilation. hip onship relationship lationship tionship ship between between between between between between indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor indoor and outdoor and outdoor and outdoor and outdoor outdoor pollutants, outdoor pollutants, pollutants, pollutants, pollutants, pollutants, followed followed followed followed followed followed by by studies studies studies by studies by studies on studies on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. on ventilation. ventilation. 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WHO. WHO. heat. The terms (title, abstract, and keywords) having the strongest citation bursts in the dataset keywords in the literature can reveal the main research content, and literature citation frequency can constitutes constitutes constitutes constitutes constitutes constitutes constitutes aAnother constitutes amajor constitutes amajor constitutes amajor constitutes amajor constitutes topic. amajor topic. amajor topic. amajor topic. amajor Another topic. amajor Another topic. amajor Another topic. amajor Another topic. major Another topic. Another topic topic. Another topic topic. Another topic topic. 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A 8. A list 8. 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Table Table Table A Table 8. A list 8. 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Another topic topic. topic common topic. Another topic common topic. 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2012–2015 2012–2015 The full list is reported the material. 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and formaldehyde and emissions formaldehyde formaldehyde emissions 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 15.73 2011–2014 2011–2014 u, W.F., .F., C.W.F., ,Yu, 2010 C.W.F., Yu, 2010 C.W.F., Yu, 2010 C.W.F., Yu, 2010 C.W.F., Yu, 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, VOCs 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, VOCs 2010 [43] C.W.F., Yu, VOCs 2010 [43] C.W.F., and VOCs 2010 [43] C.W.F., and VOCs 2010 [43] formaldehyde and VOCs 2010 formaldehyde and VOCs 2010 formaldehyde and VOCs 2010 formaldehyde and VOCs [43] formaldehyde and VOCs [43] formaldehyde and VOCs [43] formaldehyde and VOCs [43] emissions formaldehyde and VOCs emissions formaldehyde and VOCs emissions formaldehyde and VOCs emissions formaldehyde and VOCs emissions formaldehyde and formaldehyde and formaldehyde and emissions formaldehyde 15.73 emissions 15.73 emissions 15.73 emissions 15.73 emissions 15.73 15.73 15.73 emissions 15.73 emissions 2011–2014 15.73 15.73 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 15.73 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 The fab ens The rs fab The rs fab m The rs fab m rs fab m rs fab m rs one es m one es m one es n one es n one n one n he n he The n ecYu, he The gh ecYu, he The fStandards gh ecaYu, as The rs fStandards gh ecyears as The rs fop gh ecyears m The rs fop gh ecyears m The rs fop gh es m of The rs fop es m of The rs one sNo fop years es m of The rs udy one sNo feop es m of The rs udy one sween feop es m of The rs n one sween fop es m of The rs n one s8Standards fop s10 he es m rs n one sre fop sgh he m rs n one fop sgh he as m rs IAQ n one sbe he as m IAQ n sebe he as es m IAQ n one sgh ees he as es gu IAQ n one ees he as es gu IAQ n one gh e25 years as gu IAQ n one gh eng years as gu n gh eng years as de nes gu n gh eng years as de of nes gu gh eng years as de of nes pub s8he gh eche years as de of nes pub udy s8he gh eche years as of nes pub 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nes shed pub by shed pub by shed pub by shed he by shed he WHO by shed he WHO by he WHO by he WHO by he WHO he WHO he WHO WHO IEQ IEQ IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: assessment: assessment: Standards Standards Standards and Standards and and and and and Table 4. 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by shed he udy IAQ ssc>oover of by he udy IAQ sreng ssco>over WHO of by he udy IAQ sreng WHO of gu by udy IAQ sreng so>over he WHO gu udy sreng so>es he WHO gu he udy IAQ sos>es he WHO de gu IAQ sos>over he WHO nes gu IAQ ss>over he nes gu IAQ ss>over he nes gu pub IAQ nes gu pub IAQ de nes gu pub de nes gu shed pub de nes gu shed pub nes gu shed pub nes by shed pub nes by shed pub nes by shed he pub nes by shed he pub WHO by shed he pub WHO by shed he pub WHO by shed he WHO by shed he WHO by shed he WHO by he WHO by he WHO by he WHO he WHO he WHO WHO The The The fab The rs fab The rs fab m The rs fab m The rs fab es m The rs f10 es m The rs one f10 es m rs one fhav es m rs one fhav es m rs one n es m one n he es m one n he es one n as he es one n as he one n e8years as he gh es8cyears as he gh es8cas he gh e25 he gh e25 as gh e25 as gh e25 as of gh e25 of sreng gh e25 of udy sare gh of udy of udy of udy sreng sop of udy sreng of udy sreng he of udy sreng IAQ he udy sreng IAQ he udy IAQ sahaving he gu IAQ sa>op he gu IAQ he gu IAQ he gu IAQ he nes gu IAQ nes gu IAQ de nes gu pub de nes gu pub de nes gu pub de nes shed pub de nes shed pub nes shed pub nes by shed pub by shed pub by shed pub he by shed he WHO by shed he WHO by shed he WHO by he WHO by he WHO by he WHO he WHO he WHO WHO Table Terms high citation burst strengths. ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ ▂▃▃▃▃▂▂▂▂ Yu, Yu C.W.F., Yu C Yu W C Yu W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 [43] W C Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F VOCs 2010 W C 43 F VOCs 2010 W C 43 F VOCs 2010 W 43 F and VOCs 2010 43 F and VOCs 2010 43 formaldehyde and VOCs 2010 43 and VOCs o 43 and VOCs ma o 43 and VOCs ma o 43 dehyde and VOCs ma o 43 dehyde and 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o em dehyde and ss ma o ons em dehyde and ss ma o ons em dehyde and ss ma o ons em dehyde ss ma o ons em dehyde ss ma o ons em dehyde 15 ss ma ons em dehyde 15 ss 73 ons em dehyde 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons 2011–2014 em 15 ss 73 ons 2011–2014 15 ss 73 ons 2011–2014 15 73 ons 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 73 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 u W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F 2010 W C 43 Yu F VOCs 2010 W C 43 F VOCs 2010 W C 43 F VOCs 2010 W 43 F and VOCs 2010 43 F and VOCs 2010 43 and VOCs 2010 o 43 and VOCs ma o 43 and VOCs ma o 43 dehyde and VOCs ma o 43 dehyde and VOCs ma o 43 dehyde and VOCs ma o dehyde and VOCs ma o em dehyde and VOCs ma o em dehyde and VOCs ma ss o em dehyde and ma ss o ons em dehyde and ma ss o ons em dehyde and ma ss o ons em dehyde ma ss o ons em dehyde ma ss o ons em dehyde 15 ma ss ons em dehyde 15 ss 73 ons em dehyde 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons em 15 ss 73 ons em 2011–2014 15 ss 73 ons 2011–2014 15 ss 73 ons 2011–2014 15 73 ons 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 15 73 2011–2014 73 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 2011–2014 IEQ assessment: Standards and IEQ EQ assessment: EQ assessmen EQ assessmen EQ assessmen EQ assessmen EQ assessmen EQ Standards assessmen EQ S assessmen EQ anda S assessmen EQ anda S assessmen EQ anda S ds assessmen and EQ anda S ds assessmen and EQ anda S ds assessmen and anda S ds assessmen and anda S ds and anda S ds and anda S ds and anda S ds and anda S ds and anda S ds and anda ds and ds and ds and and IEQ IEQ assessment: IEQ IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: Standards IEQ assessment: IEQ assessment: Standards IEQ assessment: Standards IEQ assessment: Standards IEQ assessment: and Standards IEQ assessment: Standards assessment: and 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me M PM Shamme oT da A me M p PM Shamme da A me M p Sehamme n Ch da A me M p Sehamme n d Ch da A me M p Sy d en ma Ch da me M Sy d en ma Ch da exposu M Sy d en Ch da exposu M Sy d en Ch M Snd en Ch M ed en Ch ed o en Ch exposu PM o en Ch exposu PM o en Ch exposu PM ed o en Ch exposu p PM ed o en Ch exposu p PM n ed o en ma Ch exposu p PM n ed o en ma Ch exposu p PM yn ed o en ma exposu p PM yn ed o en ma exposu p PM yn eo en ma exposu p PM yn eoma exposu p PM yn eoma p PM yn eoma p PM yn eoma p PM yn eoma p PM yn oma p PM ynma p ynma p ynma p yma yma y y A A me A me da A me da A me Shamme da A me M Shamme da A me M Shamme da me M Shamme da M Shamme da M Shamme M Shamme M Ch Ch d Ch d en Ch en Ch exposu en exposu en Ch exposu d exposu en d en exposu en en oCh exposu PM oma exposu PM oma PM en o p PM en o p PM en o ma p PM n o ma p PM y ma py n ma py n ma p yed ma yed ma yn yn Symptoms ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▃▃▃▂▂▂ 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43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 43 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 m L S2011 Satish, m L S2011 S2012 m L S2011 S2012 m L S2011 S2012 m L S2011 S2012 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m L S S2012 48 m S S2012 48 S S2012 48 S 2012 48 2012 48 48 48 48 48 11 11 43 11 43 11 43 11 43 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 2014–2015 11 2014–2015 11 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 11 43 2014–2015 43 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 5s5.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 55.15 41 Sa Sa sh Sa sh Sa U sh Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 U 50 sh 2012 U 50 2012 U 50 2012 50 2012 50 50 50 50 50 58.67 93 58.67 93 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 93 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 93 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 93 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 58.67 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 U., sh, ,ss, 2012 Satish, U., 2012 Satish, U., 2012 Satish, U., 2012 Satish, U., 2012 Satish, U., [50] 2012 Satish, U., [50] 2012 Satish, U., [50] 2012 Satish, U., [50] 2012 Satish, U., [50] 2012 U., [50] 2012 U., [50] 2012 U., [50] 2012 [50] 2012 [50] [50] [50] [50] [50] 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 Geiss, Geiss, Geiss, O., Geiss, O., Geiss, O., O., 2011 O., 2011 O., O., [51] 2011 O., [51] 2011 O., [51] 2011 O., [51] 2011 O., [51] 2011 O., [51] 2011 [51] 2011 [51] [51] [51] [51] [51] 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 2014–2015 5.15 2014–2015 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 O., Geiss, ,2012 2011 O., Geiss, O., Geiss, 2011 O., Geiss, 2011 O., Geiss, 2011 O., Geiss, [51] 2011 O., Geiss, [51] 2011 O., Geiss, [51] 2011 O., Geiss, [51] O., Geiss, [51] O., Geiss, [51] O., Geiss, [51] O., [51] O., [51] O., [51] [51] 2011 [51] [51] [51] [51] [51] 5.15 5.15 P.N., P.N., P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 P.N., 2011 P.N., 2011 P.N., 2011 2011 [52] 2011 [52] [52] [52] [52] [52] 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 011 gas, P.N., s, 2011 P.N., 2011 P.N., 2011 2011 [52] 2011 [52] [52] [52] [52] [52] 8.67 8.67 8.67 2014–2015 A me aN., da A me S2011 da A me M SPegas, da me M SPegas, da M SPegas, da M SPegas, M SPegas, M Ch Ch d Ch d en Ch A d en Ch exposu A me d en Ch 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49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 41 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 41 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 5▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 Sa Sa sh Sa sh Sa U sh Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 2012 Sa U 50 2012 U 50 2012 U 50 2012 U 50 2012 50 2012 50 50 50 50 50 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 U 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 Sa U 50 sh 2012 U 50 sh 2012 U 50 2012 U 50 2012 50 2012 50 50 50 50 50 58.67 93 58.67 93 5d 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 58.67 93 ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ Ge Ge ss Ge ss O Ge ss O Ge 2011 ss O Ge 2011 ss O Ge 2011 ss O Ge 2011 ss O Ge 2011 ss O Ge 51 2011 ss O Ge 51 2011 ss O Ge 51 2011 ss O Ge 51 2011 ss O Ge 51 2011 O 51 2011 ss O 51 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43 2014–2015 2014–2015 2014–2015 Hospodsky odsky sky D DHospodsky DHospodsky DJ.M., Hospodsky Hospodsky Hospodsky Hospodsky Human Hospodsky occupancy Hospodsky occupancy D Hospodsky occupancy D Hospodsky occupancy D Hospodsky D Hospodsky as D Hospodsky as aHuman D Hospodsky sou as aS2012 D Hospodsky sou as aS2012 D Hospodsky ce sou aS Human D Hospodsky ce sou o Human D Hospodsky ce o Human D ce o Human D occupancy o Human D occupancy D occupancy D occupancy D occupancy occupancy as Human occupancy as aHuman sou occupancy as a2014–2015 Human sou occupancy as a2014–2015 Human ce sou occupancy as a2014–2015 Human ce sou occupancy as o a2014–2015 Human ce sou occupancy as oa2014–2015 Human ce sou occupancy as oa2014–2015 ce sou occupancy as o2014–2015 a2014–2015 ce sou occupancy as o2014–2015 a2014–2015 ce sou occupancy as o2014–2015 a 43 ce sou as o2014–2015 a ▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ ce sou as o2014–2015 a11 ce sou as o2014–2015 a11 ce sou as o a11 ce sou as o a11 ce sou o2014–2015 a11 ce sou 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2011 N Pegas P 2011 N 52 Pegas P 2011 N 52 Pegas P 2011 N 52 Pegas P 2011 N 52 Pegas 2011 N 52 2011 N 52 P 2011 N 52 P 2011 N 52 2011 52 2011 52 52 52 52 52 67 67 85▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 67 85▂▂▂▂▃▃▂▂▂ 67 67 8bu 67 82014–2015 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 as, Pegas, ,gas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] Pegas, P.N., 2011 [52] P.N., 2011 [52] P.N., 2011 [52] P.N., 2011 [52] 2011 [52] 2011 [52] [52] [52] [52] [52] 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 8.67 2014–2015 2014