Industrial IT System 800xA Safety - Ares Sureste

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Industrial IT Extended Automation System 800xA improves process availability ... ABB has more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, and.
IndustrialIT System 800xA Safety Overview

Features and Benefits ■ Embedded High Integrity Control and

Safety: Control and safety delivered in a single environment eliminates interfacing, cost and complexity, and widens the functional scope. ■ Improved Reliability, Availability, and

Scalability of Overall Plant Operations: AC 800M HI controller combines safety critical loops with control applications to facilitate maximum utilization of process equipment within defined safety boundaries during changing production modes. ■ Comprehensive Safety Functionality

Meets Industry Standards: Provides complete safety instrumentation, complying with IEC 61508 and including SIL rated controllers, I/O and instrumentation. ■ Total Lifecycle Management: SIL-

compliant function libraries streamline the engineering workflow, from concept, design and implementation, to operation and maintenance. ■ Reduces Time to Decision and Action:

Intuitive operator interface and advanced reporting features monitor production, identify developing situations, and take appropriate actions, all while minimizing risks.

Reducing Risk through High Integrity Automation Industrial IT Extended Automation System 800xA improves process availability while reducing the risk to overall plant operation by providing a common environment for production control, safety supervision, and production monitoring. Within this environment, System 800xA offers a complete Safety Instrumented System (SIS) solution, complying with the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards and covering, not only the logic solver, but also entire safety loops, consisting of field instruments, central controllers and field actuators.

■ Optimizes Plant Availability and

Performance: Real-time plant asset management features increase plant availability and safety integrity through early detection of performance problems and efficient remediation processes. ■ Safety Services: Services span the com-

plete asset and safety lifecycle, providing safety consultancy, SIL assessment, software and hardware technologies support, and maintenance support.

SIS realization is achieved by utilizing dedicated controllers or via SIL designated applications within the same controller as process control. By utilizing common hardware and software, System 800xA can reduce costs significantly. In this way, the objectives of both systems are achieved: maximum plant availability and minimum risk. With safety applications such as emergency shutdown systems, fire and gas systems, and burner management, 800xA Safety delivers safe reliable operation of any industrial process.


Introduction In today’s fast-paced global economy, competitive advantages result when a company can tap into its assets’ unused productivity safely and effectively to meet changing demand. Continuous pressures to reduce costs are balanced by the company’s social responsibility to protect their people, property, environment, and the surrounding community from harm. With the increasing acceptance of “smart” equipment, the process industries are experiencing a revolution; demanding closer integration of safety and control systems, safety functions at varying states, and flexibility, scalability, and reusability of safety components. In addition, the process industries require safety system certification and protection of their installed system investments. ABB has more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining fault-tolerant, programmable, safety systems for oil and gas, petrochemicals, fine chemicals, and power generation applications. Through System 800xA’s common operations, engineering, and information environment for Basic Process Control Systems (BPCS) and Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS), ABB provides safety solutions that are easily scalable from a few loops to complete safety systems. The 800xA Safety offering, as described in this document, includes the following:


A unified, high integrity system architecture

A complete SIL compliant SIS solution

Total lifecycle management engineering environment

Personalized workplaces for safety personnel

Information management for safety

Safety asset optimization

Safety services


Industrial IT System 800xA

High Integrity System Architecture Today, companies require tighter integration among safety and control applications. The industry is calling for SIS solutions that are cost effective through integration with control systems, less frequent proof-testing, and scalable architectures. The 800xA system satisfies these objectives by providing a functional building block approach for system design to meet every system application need. Based on ABB’s patented Industrial IT Aspect Object technology and a common set of hardware, System 800xA seamlessly integrates traditionally isolated plant devices and systems. This unique unified, high integrity architecture reduces duality and associated lifecycle costs of maintaining separate BPCS and SIS systems. Project engineering, training, operations, maintenance and spare parts are optimized through the use of the common architecture.

Embedded Safety and Control

The 800xA system architecture offers the flexibility of hosting both safety and process critical control applications in the same controller (see Figure 1). The AC 800M HI controller is supported by common engineering tools, human system interface, historian, audit trail, asset and device management applications, and instruments; thereby improving the overall integrity and reliability of BPCS and SIS operations. Such an environment offers safe, instant, interaction between applications; leading to a host of benefits, from easier handling, through better technical solutions, to lower costs.

Figure 1. System 800xA’s high integrity architecture provides a unified environment for embedded safety and process control.




Overall, tight integration between BPCS and SIS applications offers the following advantages: ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

Embedded safety bypass management during different states of control (example: start up, product changes, sequence stepping, maintenance work). Safety parameters can be easily adapted automatically to process, phase, or product changes. The control application can read parameters within the safety application in real time to optimize control of safety distances (example: dynamic adaptation to one or different safety boundaries). Faster interaction between control and safety applications. The same instruments can be used in both safety and basic control application. Dual instruments facilitate comparison of signals for higher safety.

When safety and process applications are executed within the same controller, they can freely exchange signals and data without the need for external, complexity adding, interface hardware, software, and mirroring of data. However, safety integrity is secured by certified embedded firewalls.

System Security and Embedded Firewalls

System 800xA’s extensive diagnostics and firewall mechanisms eliminate commoncause failures of control and safety circuits. System security. At the highest level, 800xA safety system integrity is protected through inherent system security features, such as user log-overs, data access controls, and advanced security features. Operator actions in the system can be assigned different permissions. This assignment defines the permissions a user needs to perform his/ her duties. Examples of permissions are: Read, Configure, and Operate. Each attribute of a control object can be assigned a different permission, so that access rights can be differentiated down to the level of individual commands directed at individual control object. Time-stamped audit trails document all changes made to the system in terms of user and nature. Embedded firewall mechanism (Access Management). Access Control to applications, Confirm Operation and Force Control are all firewall mechanisms (Access Management) embedded within the safety controller (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Embedded firewalls and confirmation procedures protect the SIL application from inadvertent/accidental control actions.


Access Control to SIL applications includes functionality for configuration, operations and maintenance. When designing a SIL application, each safety object is given an applicable access level; Read Only, Confirm or Confirm and Access Enable. In Operations, these SIL access levels are automatically enabled. However for the highest access level, a physical input must be enabled to secure authorized access. When Access Enable is active, permission is given to make online changes in the SIL application. 3BSE038820R0001

Industrial IT System 800xA

Confirm Operation, together with Access Control, is the embedded firewall mechanism for safe access of object variables during operation and maintenance. Force Control, Override Control, or Bypass Management functionality is necessary to maintain availability of the process in many situations, for example during automatic startup or maintenance of SIS related field equipment. The Force Control in the AC 800M HI follows the lifecycle of the SIS. During design of a SIL application, the safety engineer defines the maximum number of concurrent forced inputs and outputs. During operations and maintenance, the Access Management SW keeps track of the active number of forced I/O points. This information is presented via the safety operator's personalized workplace. The Operator may set and reset forces from the workplace. For an emergency reset of all forces a firmware function including a dedicated physical input is available in the Logic Solver. This both complies with regulatory requirements as well as reduces time consuming application design, implementation and testing.

Functional Safety Management via Aspect Objects Platform

The framework for the 800xA high integrity system environment is built upon ABB’s Aspect Object technology. Managing data within this singular virtual database environment, System 800xA makes all information required to install, operate, and maintain the system available through a common portal. This makes it possible to access data (aspects) directly from its source in the context of the asset (object) without needing to know where the data comes from, and without concern about data integrity and concordance.

Safety Workplace Safety Aspects Safety requirements specification & Safety analysis report HAZOP / Risk idenfication index IEC 61508 / Risk classification Compliance Manager

SIF Design & SIS configuration and programming

Reliability calculation

Requirements & compliance management

Real objects

Figure 3. System 800xA makes data on all plant items available as aspects. Safety related aspects include: hazardous operation studies, safety requirement specifications, configuration settings and application programs.




800xA’s system platform opens new perspectives in design and realization of safety and control applications as well as in Functional Safety Management (FSM) and safety related support functions (Figure 3). For example, safety aspects could include hazardous operation studies, safety requirement specifications, safety allocation specifications, SIL Assessments, installation and test support, maintenance, modifications and Change Management, Configuration Management, SIL monitoring and validation and verification (V & V).

Meets Industry Standards

800xA Safety systems are delivered and supported in accordance with the strictest current standards. The high integrity system meets among others the IEC 61508, IEC 61511, EN 954, NFPA 85 & NFPA 72 standards. IEC61508 is an international standard titled "Functional Safety of electrical/ electronic/ programmable electronic (E/E/PE) safety-related systems," and is a generic standard providing guidance in the design of safety systems. Based on IEC 61508, IEC 61511 is process industry specific and entitled "Functional safety Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector." Other industries are

Figure 4. ABB's Compliance Manager offers a set of efficient tools for management of safety applications, from conception to maintenance.



Industrial IT System 800xA

following suit. For example, the manufacturing industries will soon replace EN 954 with IEC 62061. In addition to guidelining product requirements, these standards specify procedures and routines for all activities required to manage safety throughout the entire lifecycle of the SIS system. This includes planning, design, implementation, documentation, training, operation, and maintenance. Due to its strict accordance with the relevant standards, TÜV Product Service, the foremost independent certification agency in the business, has certified all product components of the 800xA Safety offering (Figure 5).

Figure 5. 800xA Safety is certified to the IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 safety standards.

Extending Installed System Capabilities

The 800xA system architecture is designed to ensure future enhancements in system technologies will not compromise current investments. 800xA Safety provides users the ability to extend the scope of their installed control and safety systems with high integrity safety functions. 800xA supported controllers are summarized in Table 1. 800xA supported controllers AC 800M Series

Safeguard 400 Series

Advant Master Series

SATT & Sattline Series

Advant MOD 300 Series

Symphony DCI Series

Freelance Series

Symphony Harmony Series

Melody Series

AC 870P Series

Table 1.




Complete SIL Compliant SIS Solution Flexible and Scalable Design

800xA Safety features a flexible and scalable SIL compliant design. 800xA high integrity controllers and I/O (see Figure 6) are highly modular, offering many interconnection options and making them suitable for all safety and business critical process automation applications, from small to large. Through its modular design, AC 800M controllers and associated I/O options contribute to lower costs, higher engineering quality, and higher operating efficiency. SIS scalability results in a higher return on assets by providing the flexibility to choose the specific safety functions required to meet actual plant needs.

Figure 6. Certified firewalls isolate SIL and non-SIL applications from one another, enabling them to reside in the same controller and run concurrently.



Industrial IT System 800xA

AC 800M HI Controller. The AC 800M HI offers a TÜV certified control environment for combining safety and business critical process control in one controller without sacrificing safety integrity. The AC 800M HI, in combination with a diverse co-processor, performs diagnostics and monitoring of application execution and I/O scanning. For embedded safety and control applications, all functions/types in standard libraries are marked non-SIL or SIL to show their usability. Embedded safety measures prevent inadvertant degradation of safety applications. SIL selection activates the relevant restrictions and limitations, such as only SIL marked elements to be used in SIL applications. In SIL rated applications, it is possible to choose between three IEC 61131-3 languages, Function Block Diagram, Structured Text, and Sequential Function Chart. For non-SIL applications, all five IEC 61131-3 languages are available for use.

High Integrity I/O. System 800xA’s S800 I/O is a distributed, highly modulized and flexible I/O system, providing easy installation of I/O modules and process cabling. S800 I/O modules and its termination units can be mounted and combined in many different configurations to fit any space requirements or meet any application. A comprehensive assortment of I/O modules and accessories are available for safety critical and non-critical use. Within the S800 I/O family, there are SIL3 compliant modules that can be used for safety critical applications. These I/O modules include those for 4 20 mA analog inputs, 24 Vdc digital inputs and 24 Vdc digital outputs. The digital output module provides both Normally Energized (ESD) and Normally Deenergized (F&G) outputs. Analog inputs support HART routing for easy calibration checking and diagnosis with configurable access, while the digital inputs support local timetagging of signal changes for high accuracy sequence-of-events logging.

High Integrity Instrumentation. ABB can provide a wide range of SIL-rated sensors, valve positioners, and actuators. Various solutions are available; from high integrity transmitters with full redundancy (Hardware Fault Tolerance = 1) designed and certified by TÜV against IEC 61508 requirements to standard transmitters with enhanced internal diagnostics to minimize the Probability of Failure on Demand. The positioner/actuator is available with a shutdown module allowing for overriding of the control action in case of demand. All of these include third party calculations/evaluation of safety performances / lambda to enable SIL loop calculation / assessment. The instruments internal diagnostics provide detailed information regarding internal status. This information can be displayed by the system's asset monitor functions. The instrument manuals define the proof test interval that, in the fully redundant version, can be extended up to 10 years.

Fault Tolerance for Maximum Availability


The AC 800M HI safety controller is SIL compliant in a single controller architecture. Additionally, redundancy is available in all areas of the safety control and I/O subsystem eliminating single points of failure and providing maximum availability. These include controllers, I/O, control networks, internal buses and power supplies. When a fault occurs in a primary circuit, bumpless transfer to the backup ensures uninterrupted operation (Figure 7).



Figure 7. System 800xA Safety includes redundant options in all critical areas for improved availability.

Two AC 800M HI’s can operate in parallel, one as the primary and the other as the back-up. If the primary controller fails, the back-up takes over automatically. There is also a communication bus isolation and switchover scheme whereby redundant fieldbus communications can be maintained unimpaired even if one of the two controllers fail. According to user change management procedures, hardware modules, hardware settings, and applications may be changed on line, in real time, and under power, resulting in maximum control availability. The AC 800M HI Controller offers enhanced availability. Advanced diagnostics provides higher integrity and better utilization of redundancy in business-critical control applications. For complete AC 800M Control and I/O details, please refer to the AC 800M Control and I/O Overview.

Total Lifecycle Management Providing a single, accurate, source of system information helps ensure data consistency and improves engineering performance throughout the lifetime of the plant automation system. Working within a common engineering environment, 800xA Engineering supports a consistent information flow from design, through installation and commissioning, to operation and maintenance (Figure 8). It lays the foundation for continuous improvements in lifecycle and operation dimensions of information flow, resulting in engineering for maximum performance and real increases in overall productivity. 10


Industrial IT System 800xA

In general, System 800xA Engineering features include: ■

Total Asset Lifecycle Engineering. Opportunities to drive operational performance improvement begin early in the project lifecycle where key asset information is being created in core design systems. By using 800xA’s Process Engineering Tool Integration for INtools, not only can automation system structure, functionality, and graphics be created directly from the INtools design, but operational changes, such as ranges, units, and settings, can be continually reflected back to INtools. Engineering savings of 40% and operational savings of 20% are achievable from reduced as-built cycles and by automatically maintaining design synchronization.

Graphical Function Design. Graphical function design enables engineers to be engineers instead of programmers. Provides graphical design of the entire control loop - from field devices to process logic. This enables easier engineering and maintenance of IEC 61131-3 applications.

Device Management. Device management for intelligent devices provides the tools to engineer device integration from topology on down to the field elements, including device parameterization, application planning, commissioning and detailed diagnostics.

Reusable Solutions. Facilitates the incorporation of “best practice” standards. The common framework allows logically defined solutions to be quickly reproduced and adapted to meet specific needs with minimum engineering and re-validation. When modifications are made to existing standards, instances are automatically updated.

Operator Graphics. Interactive operator graphics can easily be customized through the use of predefined elements and symbols.

Figure 8. Safety logic development within the 800xA Engineering environment.




SIL Compliant Application Environment

800xA’s object oriented engineering environment with SIL-compliant function libraries efficiently supports the entire safety lifecycle. The 800xA engineering environment includes safeguards against non-SIL compliant configurations. Once identified as a safety application, the engineering system will automatically limit user configuration choices and will prevent download if SIL requirements are not met. A series of safety measures are implemented both for the downloading process and runtime environment. These measures form an important part of the firewall mechanism for Embedded Control and Safety. CRC protection on different levels, double code generation with comparison and compiler with revalidation are just a few examples of the AC 800M HI embedded firewall mechanisms. Specifically, System 800xA provides the following additional measures for safety system engineering: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Cause and Effect Design

IEC61131-3 language usage Access control and override (force) control Application change report Cause and Effect design Application libraries and solutions

One of the many options for secure and efficient engineering is System 800xA's Cause & Effect Tool. This tool is used to design, verify and document cause-&effect matrices used for shutdown and protection-related applications (Figure 9). A Cause & Effect matrix is a representation of the relationship between sets of process inputs and the output actions they trigger. The tool supports the design of hierarchical safety shutdown levels and may be used to organize overall shutdown strategies. The Cause & Effect tool generates both the logic and the Operator Workplace's dynamic graphics.

Figure 9. System 800xA Safety's Cause and Effect Tool makes it easy to define visually which safety (output) actions may be required and the input conditions that should trigger them.



Industrial IT System 800xA

SIL Compliant Application Solutions

Figure 10. 800xA’s Fire & Gas library includes a complete range of high-level Control modules, Alarm Management and operational templates and strategies.

System 800xA includes a comprehensive library of standard reusable components that include extended automation entities such as faceplates, graphic elements, trends, document links, and alarm and events. In addition, ABB provides a broad family of industry specific libraries that contain pre-configured Control Modules, Function Blocks, and graphic elements. These pre-tested proven libraries significantly reduce the time required to engineer, test, and maintain control applications, while minimizing project risks (Figure 10).

With more than 25 years of experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining safety systems, ABB provides a wide range of field proven applications, including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Fire & Gas systems Emergency and Process shutdown (ESD and PSD) Interlock systems Burner Management and Boiler Protection (BMS) Critical Control High Pressure Protection Systems (HIPPS) Pipeline Protection systems (PPS)

For complete 800xA Engineering details, please refer to the System 800xA Engineering Overview. 3BSE038820R0001



Personalized Workplaces for Safety Personnel System 800xA’s Process Portal provides a single, consistent, and intuitive human system interface to access and interact with information included within the extended automation scope. In day-to-day operations, the safety level of a plant depends mainly on the quality of the equipment, the execution of different activities, and the work flow process management. Analysis of major accidents and catastrophes have shown that a series of unfortunate coincidental events have taken place prior to such incidents, and that adequate actions where not taken in the first critical phase of fighting them. Therefore, knowledge, information availability, and overall plant awareness are the keys to the daily achievement of plant safety. Unique to Process Portal is its ability to gather information from multiple plant sources and transform it into relevant information for a diverse set of users. For example, it allows users, such as safety operators, maintenance technicians, engineers, or safety managers, to organize information and navigate throughout the system intuitively in the context of their job functions (Figure 11). The Aspect Object navigation presents the entire production facility in a consistent, easy-toview fashion. This allows a single window environment to include SIS field devices, I/O, and logic solvers, alarm and events, asset optimization functions, safety reports, etc. Therefore, by virtue of the system’s integration and its ability to link to all information aspects of a process or safety object, root causes can be quickly identified and analyzed; allowing users to react to specific process and safety related events in a safe, consistent, and timely fashion (Figure 12).

Figure 11. Personalized User Workplaces. System 800xA Process Portal presents plant information in the proper context at the right time, in the right form, and to the right people.



Industrial IT System 800xA

Figure 12. Examples of operator workplace displays: a process flow diagram (above) and a Fire and Gas alarm overview (right).

Specifically, Process Portal can provide the following safety supervision functions: ■

Sequence of Events and Alarms (SOE). By time tagging events to millisecond accuracy, Event and Alarm SOE displays can identify the root causes of trouble. Object Signal Displays. Every field device connected to a safety controller has a corresponding predefined object display with real-time information and dialog with the device. Access Management. During process startup, maintenance, and testing, it is necessary to inhibit specific safety functions. With System 800xA, specific inputs may be inhibited and outputs bypassed through standardized operator dialog. Care has been taken in the design of access control, safety integrity and bypass status overview of System 800xA to combine ease of operation with maximum safety integrity. Diagnostics. Every element in the safety system and SIS loops are automatically included in the system status supervision function. Controller, I/O, communication, power supplies, field device, etc. status is monitored. System Status and Asset Viewers provide detailed information about the health and location of the components. Messaging. Remote personnel are notified of critical events via mobile telephones, email accounts, and pagers by the system’s SMS (Simple Messaging Service) and e-mail messaging service. Using GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) mobile phone technology, 800xA allows remote acknowledgement of notification and confirmation of receipt.

For complete 800xA Process Portal details, please refer to the System 800xA Operations Overview. 3BSE038820R0001



Information Management for Safety Timely collection and distribution of reliable information to the plant’s decision makers is critical in today’s production environment. System 800xA Information Management provides the ability to collect and securely store business, process, and safety data from all plant sources. This data can be analyzed and transformed into useful information, and presented to plant users to improve operations efficiency, safety, and profitability. System 800xA Information Management features include:

800xA Compliance Reports


Intuitive Information Display. Desktop displays provide managers and other plant users concise, enterprise-wide system and process information in a familiar office presentation format without leaving their office workplace.

Automated System Actions. Versatile scheduling options provide automatic triggers for key system actions such as process or safety data collection, report generation, historical information archiving, and history data consolidation to provide a single plant-wide history repository, as well as back-up functions.

Flexible Report Generation and Distribution. A variety of reports are supported included Microsoft® Excel and Crystal ReportTM providing very familiar, easy-to-use formats. Standard report templates are included, which offer quick report set-up.

Secure Historical Data Storage and Access. Fault tolerant and distributed data configurations provide dependable data and information availability.

Typical 800xA Compliance reports include: ■

Override Report. Gives an overview of all 800xA tags that are currently in force, blocked, suppressed, in override etc.. It is also possible to review when a tag was e.g. blocked or suppressed and released historically.

Valve Verification Report. Summarizes valve functionality in the system. This report contains valve operation information, such as calculated valve travel time and operation status, and a fault frequency report on valve and valve groups. The operation status included are: excessive travel time, valves not operated during a given time, valves with fault, valves operating properly, valves with chatter on the limit switches and valves with quick operation (valves not reaching the limit switch due to a contradicting command). The fault frequency portion of the report calculates the number of critical faults that occurred during a given period of time. The higher the fault frequency is, the more likely the valve will fail the next time of operation. The fault frequency is calculated for individual valves and pre-configured valve groups. The Valve verification can be configured to include all or some of the valves in the system, and can include valves without limit switches, valves with one limit switch (open or close) or valves with both limit switches available. See Figure 13.

Valve Leakage Test Report. Summarizes results from valve leakage testing. The Valve Leakage Test Report can be used on all valves, both critical and non-critical. The report consists of logging pressure data for a valve after the operator has created a pressure difference on the valve. The report presents


Industrial IT System 800xA

Figure 14. Automatic Shutdown Report

Figure 13. Valve Verification Report.

information in tabular and graphical views, so that any leakage can be identified and necessary preventive actions can be performed. The valve leakage test can be used on both manual and control valves. For valves without pressure measurements available in the process, the operator can enter this information into the report manually. ■

Automatic Shutdown Report (ASR). First cause identification, shutdown logic verification, and process equipment performance are all critical for safe and optimum production. ASR validates the success of a Process Shutdown (PSD) or Emergency Shutdown (ESD). The ASR report contains an overview of all the shutdowns performed in the system, and gives the operator detailed information of all the causes and effects including status of the operations performed. The time taken for scrolling the event lists after a shutdown to verify the main cause and its effects is highly valuable. With the main shutdown cause verified, safety operators can restart the process as quickly as possible. See Figure 14. For complete 800xA Information Management details, please refer to the System 800xA Information Management Overview.




Asset Optimization 800xA Asset Optimization features significantly increase control and safety system availability while reducing maintenance costs through optimized remediation work processes and early detection of asset performance problems.

Asset Condition Monitoring

Most failures of safety systems are not caused by logic solvers but by field devices. In conjunction with 800xA’s asset optimization features, the safety system exploits the wealth of diagnostic information available in the instrumentation, logic solver, final elements, and electrical elements to assess and document equipment conditions in real time. This information is collected, aggregated, analyzed, and compared with historical data to provide advanced notice of degrading performance and impending failure (Figure 15). These functions enable personnel to schedule maintenance accordingly. Thereby, 800xA Asset Optimization real-time condition monitoring and reporting features can greatly reduce the amount of costly corrective maintenance and time-consuming preventive maintenance required.

Safety Integrity Monitoring / Proof Testing

Safety Instrumented Systems are required to be proof tested on a regular basis to reveal hidden dangerous failures that cannot be detected and announced by the inherent diagnostics. The main concern resides with the field equipment and its functional connection to the Logic Solver, equipment and connections that typically have to be proof tested on a yearly basis. The required proof test interval of safety-instrumented functions (SIF) is calculated on the basis of reliability formulas in IEC61508. With 800xA’s real-time plant asset management and information management applications, the need for off-line proof testing is dramatically reduced while production uptime and safety integrity is correspondingly improved. Actual events in daily operation are monitored, analyzed and used in the functional verification and documentation of the integrity of individual safety instrumented functions, thus extending the test interval by postponing proof testing.

Optimized Remediation Work Processes

Additionally, System 800xA’s integrated environment for device calibration and maintenance management provides safety system users with a versatile plant lifecycle management and workflow optimization tool (figure 15). By providing calibration and maintenance management within a single window interface, plant personnel can significantly reduce the maintenance cycle by interacting with equipment data and accurately access equipment conditions and status in real time. For complete 800xA Asset Optimization details, please refer to the System 800xA Asset Optimization Overview.



Industrial IT System 800xA

Figure 15. Asset Optimization reporting displays provide quick identification of critical plant performance conditions (left). Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) resident information is readily avaialble for viewing by rightclicking on the asset’s graphic element. Hyperlinks provide direct connection to the specific work order located within the CMMS system (right).

Safety Services ABB’s safety critical systems team provides a wide range of engineering services to a broad spectrum of users globally. The strengths of this team are founded on a proven knowledge of engineering issues from an end user / operator perspective and on-going access to the capabilities of the total supply chain. ABB Safety Services assists in the practical implementation of all phases of the IEC 61508 / 61511 safety lifecycle for both existing and new facilities by applying proven techniques and working methods including: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) assessments Software tools supporting the safety lifecycle Identification of safety critical elements / functions Safety lifecycle audits Functional safety assessments Independent validation & verification - Hardware / software design - System integration Support for strategies to implement IEC 61508 / 61511 Support for in-house training and awareness programs.

For complete Safety Services details, please refer to the System 800xA Safety Services Overview. 3BSE038820R0001



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3BSE038820R0001 © Copyright 2005 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Pictures, schematics, and other graphics contained herein are published for illustration purposes only and do not represent product configurations or functionality. User documentation accompanying the product is the exclusive source for functionality descriptions. The IndustrialIT wordmark, Aspect Objects, and all above-mentioned names in the form XXXXXXIT are registered or pending trademarks of ABB. All rights to other trademarks reside with their respective owners.