Industrial Symbiosis in Iskenderun Bay

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Jun 6, 2012 - A New Approach to Industrial Waste Recycling in Turkey: Industrial. Symbiosis in Iskenderun Bay. Emrah Alkaya*, Merve Böğürcü*, Ferda ...
International Conference on Recycling and Reuse 4-6 June 2012 - İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

A New Approach to Industrial Waste Recycling in Turkey: Industrial Symbiosis in Iskenderun Bay Emrah Alkaya*, Merve Böğürcü*, Ferda Ulutaş*, Göksel N. Demirer** *Türkiye Teknoloji Geliştirme Vakfı, Cyberpark, Cyberplaza B-Blok Kat:5-6 Bilkent, Ankara, ** Prof. Dr., Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İnönü Bulvarı Ankara

Abstract Industrial symbiosis (IS) represents that two or more industrial operations, which are preferably close to each other physically and work independently, form long-term partnerships and work in solidarity to increase resource efficiency, environmental performance and competitiveness. In Turkey, the IS approach is being realized within the scope of the project “Industrial Symbiosis Project in Iskenderun Bay – Implementation Phase” between 2011 and 2012. The project is carried out by Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) with the consultancy of Middle East Technical University (Turkey) and International Synergies Limited Company (United Kingdom). Financed by the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC Co.), the general objective of the project is the introduction of IS into the area of Iskenderun Bay (Adana, Mersin, Iskenderun and Osmaniye), as a mechanism to increase the collaboration and solidarity between companies for the purpose of achieving both environmental and economical improvement in the region, as well as creating a background for a national program. The identification of symbiotic relations (IS opportunities), implementation of feasibility studies and realization of pilot applications are the backbone of the project. For this purpose a regional network of companies was established as a result of company visits and interactive workshops, in which potential synergies (symbiosis options) were developed. The benefits of the project will consist of both economical and environmental gains particularly underlining amount of waste reductions, resource savings, landfill diversions and decreases in CO2 emissions, etc. Keywords: Waste recycling, Industrial symbiosis, Industrial ecology 1.


Industrial symbiosis represents that two or more industrial operations, which are preferably close to each other physically and work independently, form long-term partnerships and work in solidarity to increase resource efficiency, environmental performance and competitiveness. From this aspect, by-products or wastes generated by an enterprise can be used as raw material or resource for other enterprise, for example in organized industrial zones, industrial parks, etc. As a result, economical advantages can be provided besides prevention of industrial environmental problems. Companies and activities in which the indicated type of synergy relations presented constitute the industrial symbiosis network.

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) can provide an important enhancement at resource utilization efficiency and effectiveness of companies. In this context, “resource” term contains a broad meaning and represents all of raw material, energy carriers, water, production substructure, carriage, logistic substructure, human resources and waste management and disposal substructure components. More effective and efficient utilization of these resources will ensure minimization of environmental damage and economical acquisitions which will enhance competitive capacity. More specifically benefits of IS are given below: • • • • • • • • 2.

Enhancing raw material quality and minimize costs Energy costs minimization Waste processing and disposal costs minimization Development of new products Transportation and logistics costs minimization To achieve a richer idea and human resource pool To produce less waste To ease compliance with environmental law and regulations

Industrial Symbiosis Project in Iskenderun Bay-Implementation Phase

In Turkey, the IS approach is being realized within the scope of the project “Industrial Symbiosis Project in Iskenderun Bay – Implementation Phase” between 2011 and 2012. The project is carried out by Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) with the consultancy of Middle East Technical University (Turkey) and International Synergies Limited Company (United Kingdom). Financed by the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC Co.), the general objective of the project is the introduction of IS into the area of Iskenderun Bay (Adana, Mersin, Iskenderun and Osmaniye), as a mechanism to increase the collaboration and solidarity between companies for the purpose of achieving both environmental and economical improvement in the region, as well as creating a background for a national program. The specific objectives of the project are as follows:     

To establish a technical and administrative infrastructure for realizing IS applications Development of IS opportunities and pilot applications in Iskenderun Bay Creation of a database and communication network in Iskenderun Bay for IS applications Dissemination of IS applications and strengthening the communications among stakeholders Preparation of a National IS Programme implementation model and plan

The project is expected to create and involve processes and outcomes which provide sufficient data and justification for interest both at governmental and private sector levels, as a motivation to initiate a Government-supported IS Programme at national level. Within the framework of the project an advisory committee was established. Members of the committee is listed below:

                   

Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Çukurova Development Agency East Mediterranean Development Agency UN Development Program (UNDP) Adana Chamber of Industry Ceyhan Chamber of Commerce Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry Adana Hacı Sabancı Organized Industrial Zone Boru Hatları ile Petrol Taşıma A.Ş. (BOTAŞ) Botaş International Limited (BIL) İskenderun Enerji Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. (İSKEN) Toros Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. TİLTAY Gıda. A.Ş. EKS-İMP İthalat İhracat A.Ş. Ceyhan Business Development Center Project International Synergies Limited (ISL) Middle East Technical University BTC Co Technology Development Foundation of Turkey Development of Intersectoral Cooperation Based Employment and Entrepreneurship Project

The major expectation from the Project is “realization of the synergies”. And active participation of the companies within this process is one of the most critical targets and requirements. Hence, for the synergies which can directly be implemented by the companies, this process will be facilitated and promoted. Meanwhile the applications will be followed up and the results will be reported. Within this process, if companies need any support (information, consultation, mediation, etc.) this support will be provided by the Project Team within the limits of the Project. On the other hand, the opportunities which cannot be realized by companies themselves and necessitates detailed studies and evaluations, will be subjected to an evaluation and prioritization process. For 10 opportunities identified with this process, feasibility studies will be started. Working groups will be formed for each study in which related companies themselves will also be involved. The feasibility studies will serve for the objectives listed below:     

Development of a feasibility methodology by which symbiosis opportunities are evaluated in terms of their technical, economical, environmental and legislative aspects Completion of the preliminary studies necessary for the implementation of the selected synergies Promotion of the private sector and creation of case studies for similar applications Taking the attention of the relevant governmental institutions to the legislative barriers by putting forth the potential environmental and economical gains Using the outcomes of the feasibility studies for dissemination activities

The general synergy management approach of the project is given below: Opportunities Suggested by the Company and/or Project Team -

Workshops Company visits Company data forms

Report to the Company Not applicable /Company(ies) is/are reluctant

Not applicable /Company(ies) is/are reluctant

Companies are ready to carry out the process

Call the company and evaluate the opportunities in the report

Try to overcome the barriers if any Carry out negotiations, etc.

Companies are willing/ see a potential

Project team is expected to carry out the process Inform the companies

Facilitate the process, if necessary


Feasibility study is required Applicable Follow the application


Facilitate, provide information and other similar supports


Figure 1. The general synergy management approach of the project

Not applicable /Company(ies) is/are reluctant


Identified Industrial Symbiosis Opportunities

The identification of symbiotic relations (IS opportunities), implementation of feasibility studies and realization of pilot applications are the backbone of the project. This is critical in order to strengthen the technical capacity, motivate the industrial facilities and make public institutions raise an ownership for the project. For this purpose a regional network of companies was established as a result of company visits and interactive workshops, in which potential synergies (symbiosis options) were developed. The current structure and sectoral distribution of 51 member companies of the regional IS network is presented in Table 1. As a result of analyses and follow-up studies, around 420 potential synergies were identified within the IS Network. Table 1. Sectoral distribution of member companies of Iskenderun Bay IS Network Sector Cement Lime Glass Food Products Oil pipeline operation Textile Products Beverage Oil trade Construction Iron and Steel R&D Consultancy Chemical Products Thermal Power Plant Manufactured Steel Products Bakers Yeast Leather Shoe Production Soda ash Fertilizer Cotton Seed Automotive Paper and Cardboard Energy Consultancy Environmental Consultancy Recycling Transport and Logistics Municipality Research Centre

Number of Companies 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 1 2


Prioritization of Industrial Symbiosis Opportunities (Potential Synergies)

Prioritization of potential synergies is being carried out in two phases as explained below: First Phase The opportunities decided to be taken into evaluation process were scored by the Project Team (including ISL and BTC representatives). The scoring was carried out in accordance with the scale of, “high: 3, medium: 2, little: 1, none: 0”, taking into account the existent quantitative data but in general with an approach of “executive decision” of the mentioned experts. 1) Financial Considerations a. Economical gain and viability (*) (including low implementation cost) b. Is grant funding or other subsidies available? 2) Legal Considerations a. Is there a legal barrier to the resource transfer occurring b. Is there a straight forward solution in existence (exemption or waste license) in EU/ UK, etc. 3) Environmental Impact a. Raw material saving b. CO2 emission reduction c. Landfill diversion d. The size of the existing environmental problem and the relevant disposal cost e. Do the companies have EMS or CSR requirements? 4) Easiness of Implementation a. Simplicity of the feasibility study itself b. Technical simplicity of the synergy (*) c. Time necessary to take the synergy into application (*) d. How applicable the companies find the synergy (enthusiasm) e. Existence of similar applications (case studies) and literature information f. Is it a complex multi organisation synergy (companies involved greater than 2) 5) Capacity and Approach of Companies a. Level of willingness and interest of the companies b. R&D infrastructure, innovative approach and capacity of the companies c. Potential of the companies to take part in the feasibility studies d. Positive approach of the companies towards making investments on the synergy 6) Impact Area a. Dissemination potential of the synergy (replication potential) b. If the companies are engaged in priority sectors (employment, regionally strategic, etc.) c. If the company(ies) is/are important actors in the sector/ region d. If the synergy has a potential of improvement for the companies and contributes to the capacity of the company

e. Innovation and R&D potential f. Extent of cooperation (number of institutions/companies that will be involved in the studies) g. If it provides solutions for an important problem h. Persistence of any potential outcomes (is it a one off, or does the synergy yield year in year out benefits) 7) Regional Criteria a. If both of the companies are located in the project region b. The sub-regions companies are located (**) c. Closeness of the companies with each other (proximity principle) (*) Despite the fact that technical, economical and legislative applicability will be the result of the feasibility study itself, a rough evaluation and educated guess was made in accordance with the present data and information during the evaluation stage. (**) Regional priority is based on the following: -

Ceyhan, Yumurtalık (high) Adana, Osmaniye (medium) İskenderun, Mersin (low)

Second Phase With the synergies selected for feasibility studies, it is aimed to create different examples and cases as well as including different fields of applications. In this regard, “maintaining diversity” is another important criterion. Hence, the final selection of the synergies identified as a result of the 1st phase prioritization, is being finalized in line with the following factors: 5.

Different sectors Different fields of applications Different regions Different company sizes

Selected Synergies for Feasibility Studies

Although 420 potential synergies were identified within the IS Network as a result of company visits and interactive workshops, some synergies were screened out and prioritized as described in Section 4. The prioritization study led the project team to concentrate on some sectors and associated synergies. Some examples of sectors/synergies which were prioritized are listed below: Table 2. Example sectors/synergies identified as a result of prioritization study Soda Ash - Cement Iron and Steel - Construction Iron and Steel - Construction Municipality - Cement

Use of non-hazardous waste of soda ash production as a raw material in cement production Utilization of arc furnace slags of iron and steel producers to produce construction materials Utilization of laddle furnace slags of iron and steel producers to produce construction materials Use of municipal wastewater treatment sludge in cement

Fertilizer - Cement Chemical Products - Soda Ash Lime - Food Products Chemical Products - Oil Trade Thermal Power Plant - Cement Lime Food Products - Lime


production Use of ship-generated waste for cement production Use of methanol containing wastes in soda ash production Use of fluidized bed lignite combustion ash in plaster production Use of ethylenglycol-containing wastes as substitutes of solvents Utilization of stackgas desulfurization wastes in cement and plaster production Use of cheasewhey in different industrial applications

Feasibility Studies and Applications

Feasibility studies which are being carried out to the selected (prioritized) synergies are composed of below chapters and the discussions listed under each heading: Technical Feasibility Analysis -

An exchange is technically feasible or not Composition of exchanged material is appropriate for the company that use it Availability of exchanged material is enough for the company or not The intended exchange fits in the current corporate organizational structure or not The intended exchange causes any process/technology change or not Chemical interaction between input material and exchanged material is appropriate or not Is it necessary to make testing and trials on the existing production, would this cease or interrupt the production, it is acceptable by the company The impact of the intended exchange on the quality of product

Economical Feasibility Analysis -

Savings and Costs associated with symbiotic relationship (investment, transportation and operational costs) An exchange is economically risky from a company perspective or not It is cost effective to use exchanged material in the raw material flow or not Market demand for products that are produced by using of exchanged wastes or by products Reducing cost for regulatory compliance Is it necessary to make testing and trials on the existing production, would this cease or interrupt the production, what is the cost of this?

Environmental Feasibility Analysis -

Reduction in consumption of resources Reduction in solid wastes, air emissions, wastewater The impact of intended symbiotic relationship on soil and groundwater...etc Reduction in carbon footprint Contribution to the environmental image of the companies (Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Management System, etc.)

Regulatory Feasibility Analysis -

Support or prevent the development of inter-industry links involved in this study Any regulatory limitation regarding the use of exchanged waste or by products Change in the product characteristics are within the acceptable levels or not Are there any exemptions in EU, UK, etc. For similar type of wastes/symbiotic relationship?

Impact Area Feasibility Analysis -


The probability of attracting leading-edge corporations and opening niches for new or expanded local ventures Creation of new jobs in much cleaner industrial facilities The gains interms of new clients for services and buyers for products obtained by the companies


In Turkey, the IS approach is being realized within the scope of the project “Industrial Symbiosis Project in Iskenderun Bay – Implementation Phase” between 2011 and 2012. The project is carried out by Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) with the consultancy of Middle East Technical University (Turkey) and International Synergies Limited Company (United Kingdom). Financed by the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company (BTC Co.), the general objective of the project is the introduction of IS into the area of Iskenderun Bay (Adana, Mersin, Iskenderun and Osmaniye), as a mechanism to increase the collaboration and solidarity between companies for the purpose of achieving both environmental and economical improvement in the region, as well as creating a background for a national program. The project is expected to create and involve processes and outcomes which provide sufficient data and justification for interest both at governmental and private sector levels, as a motivation to initiate a Government-supported IS Programme at national level. In the scope of the project a regional network of companies was established as a result of company visits and interactive workshops, in which potential synergies (symbiosis options) were developed. As a result of analyses and follow-up studies, around 420 potential synergies were identified within the IS Network of 51 member companies from 28 sectors. Although 420 potential synergies were identified within the IS Network as a result of company visits and interactive workshops, some synergies were screened out and prioritized. The prioritization study led the project team to concentrate on some of the sectors and associated synergies between the firms. The next step in the project is to carry out feasibility studies for selected (prioritized) synergies in order to foster the realization of the full-scale IS implementations. The benefits of the project/implementations will consist of both economical and environmental gains particularly underlining amount of waste reductions, resource savings, landfill diversions and decreases in CO2 emissions, etc.