Influence of boundary conditions on modeling ...

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beach as the boundary of groundwater investigations, assuming the first type ..... D.A. Barry, C.B. Pattiaratchi: Numerical modelling of tide-induced beach water ...
Advanced Materials Research Vols. 250-253 (2011) pp 3074-3078 Online available since 2011/May/17 at © (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/

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Advanced Materials Research Vols. 250-253



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>>< +.- D A Tidal dynamics of the water table in beaches ! & & .3 : "" .,.4 .,/0;,::>< +/- 8 ' ' = $ G & $ = 5 A A new analytical solution for water table fluctuations in coastal aquifers with sloping beaches 5 ! & .3 ,. "" ,./:1,.04;.>>/< +0- = 1$ G =5 & $ D = A Two-dimensional approximation for tide-induced water table fluctuations in a sloping sandy beach 5 ! & .9 ,> "" ,>0>1,>04;.>>2< +2- 8 & 8 A Effects of dispersion on salt encroachment in coastal aquifers ! 1$ "" D " ,3,/17 $ ) $ ;,:30< +3=5 7 D A Numerical modelling of tide-induced beach water table fluctuations 7 /> ,1. "" ,>21,./;,::4< +45 15 & H 6 =5 6 A Tidal effects on sea-water intrusion in unconfined aquifers G 8 .,3 ,1. "" ,4 /,;,:::< +9- I C 5 G A Research into equivalent seawater boundary based on FEFLOW seawater intrusion mode $ J 5 /0 , "" ,,1,.;.>>9< ;( 7 < +:= $ K A Development in Researches on Seawater Intrusion of Coastal Areas, * $ ./ . "" 9.194;.>>0< ;( 7 < +,>-C ! A Contaminant Transport Dynamics in Porous Media ;$ G ' D $ 7 .>>4< ;( 7 < +,,-G & I * I 6 A Laboratory-scale saltwater behavior due to subsurface cutoff wall G 8 "" ..4 ./3;.>>:< +,.-7 ( H A SUTRA: a Finite Element Simulation Model for Saturated–Unsaturated, Fluid-density Dependent Ground-water Flow with Energy Transport or Chemically Reactive Single Species Solute Transport, $ ) $ 7 A& H5 ;,:90< +,/C C 7 G $ A FEFLOW modeling techniques applied in groundwater system of large-scale areas L "" 0/103;.>>4< ;( 7