UDC 631.445.35
Original scientific paper
Radanovic Dragoja, Dejan Pljevljakusic, Tatjana Markovic, Mihailo Ristic (2007): Influence of fertilization model and pe mulch on yield and quality of arnica (A. monrana) at dystric cambisol. -Zemljiste i biljka. Vol. 56, No.3, 85-95, Beograd. Field trial has been established on mountain Tara ( 1000 m. a.s.l.), in order to tesl influence of fertilizati on with mineral and organic fertilizers in PE mulch weed control system on morphological traits and yields and quality of Arnica flowers (Arnica montana L. ). Positive effects of fertili zation has exerted mostly on rosette diameter development, and in a lesser degree on fl owers number per plant increment, whilst there was no influence on plant height and stems number. In the first cultivation vegetation, mineral fertilizers was increased yield of Arnica flowers for 20,5%, and organic fertilizers for 9.4%, in compare with variants without being fertilizing. Black and silver mulch films, in the first year, have positively influenced: number of flowers per plant (increment for 95, I - 102.8%), rosette diameter (increment for 26,4 - 37,2%) and plant height (increment for 45, I 55%), in compare with non-mulch cultivation, whilst on stems number
Corresponding author: Dr Dragoja Radanovic. Institute fo r Medicinal Plant Research .,Dr Josif Pancic". Belgrade. T. Koscuska I. Serbia, e·mail:
[email protected], Phone: +38 1 I I 303 1 655
ZEMLJ ISTE I BILJKA. Vol. 56. No.3. 85-95. 2007. per plant tra it the re was no stat istically sig nificant influence. Flower yie ld in pl ants g rown on black film was 2,5 times hi ghe r, and in plan ts g row n o n sil ver film 2, J8· times hi ghe r than A rnica grow n without mulch. Content of overall DHHT in a ll sam ples of A rni ca flowers was hig hl y above requirement of minimum conte nt 0.4% m/m. wh ic h h ·· S Wll - -+- -Lt-Ort~ _ .....__ (;,
--o---l'I• Wil
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f'kklu~ c l~ltt•
Chart 5. Yields of Arnica montana L. Yie lds of Arnica flowers obtained on fe rtili zing plots accounted for ca. 2 1Og of dry flowers per m , what correspond to yield commonl y ac hieved in the first year of culti vation under this model of Arnica production (Galambosi, 2004). Flower yield of plants grown on the black mulch film was 2,5 times higher, and yield of plants grown on the silver one was 2, 18 times highe r in comparison to Arnica plants grown without mulch (contro l treatment) . The effects of fertilization generally speaking, expressed less, as it was also in case in the most morphological traits that affect yield of Arnica flowers (Chart 5). Mineral fertilization has increased yield of Arnica fl owers in the first year for 20,5%, whilst organic fertilization increased it fo r 9,4%, in comparison to control treatment (without fertilization). Regarding yield dynamics during harvesting period, it can be concluded that the lowest yields were recorded on all non-mulch variants in the first three flower pickings (out of five) , while in the last two pickings the yie lds of flowers from non-mulch organic fertilization variant was identical to variants with the black and the sliver mulch films. In general, the lowest yields have been recorded in the first and the fourth picking, in reference to the remaining three pickings (Chart 5). In the first picking this was rather expected because it was beginning of flower development phase, but in the fourth picking, the reason for yield depression is probably a consequence of cold and rainy weather present during the picking time. Quality
Raw materia l from each picking undergone chemical analysis for determination of the content of active compound , dihydrohe lenalin tiglate (DHHT), calculated with reference ·to the dried drug.
Content of total sesquiterpene lac tones, in a ll samples of Arnica flowers cu ltivated on mountain T ara, was highe r then minimum demanded content of 0 ,4% m/m according to European Pharmacopoeia (E. Ph., 5.0) . Consideri ng differe nces in the content of active pri nc iple observed among tested treatments, foll owing can be stated with precautions: there is a tendency fo r flowe rs grown in non-mulch model to have lower DHHT content in comparison to those grown in mulch mode l, but in order to get more re liable conclus ion, additional investigation have to be conducted. Influence of fertilization on DHHT contents in Arnica fl owers, during first production vegetation, was not observed. Ce rtai n depression in DHHT contents, in the second and the third pickings, in comparisons to remaining ones, may be attributed to the lower tempe1:ature and highe r precipitation that were present during that time (Chart 6 and 7).
Arnica montana • Kaluc:lorsko Bare 2006
300 2.50
~ 2.00
1.00 0.$0
C hart 6. Ac tive compound contain through harvesting period Percipitation -Temperature (avg.)
Climadiagram - Kalutlerske Bare
20 1S
3 3
10.0 10
6.0 4.0
o.o +-r-.-rr-.t--,rr.-r'l.r-~.a,-.-r'l,-tY·,A,--c-rYNt,.-,-t-r-,.,...-l
l piC!Wlg
v pwciMg
Harvesting period
Chart 7. Average day temperature and sum of daily precipitations during haryesting period
ZEMUISTE I BIUKA. Vol. 56, No.3. 85 -95. 2007.
CONCLUSION Application of PE much films in Arnica, grown at dystric cambiso l that is characteristic for mountain region of West Serbia, proved to have significant positive effects on tested morphological traits (plant height. number of flowers and rosettes diameter) and the obtained yields, already in the first year of cultivation. Positive effects of application of organic and mineral fer tili zers were recorded in the first vegetation on a smalle r number of observed morphological traits (rosette diameter and flowers number) and in lesser degree on the achieved yields. The obtained plant raw material , Arnicae flos, represents high quality drug that satisfies demands of prescribed EU standards . Application of PE mulch in Arnica cu lti vation in mountain region of Serbia might be prosperous solution for achievement of high yield of good quality Arnica flowers.
Acknowledgements. -Presented results belong to research conducted in the frame of project BTN 32 1003B, entitled: "Standardized liquid extract of the root of grown Yellow Gentian (Extractum Gentianae) and flower of grown A rnica (Extractum Arnicae), for possible app lication in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries", financed by the Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia. REFERENCES HOMME, U. ( 1999): Anbau und ZUchtung von A mica 1110I11C111a L. Zeizs