Information Systems in the Context of Sustainable Mobility Services: A ...

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Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016. 1 ... mobility services rely on sophisticated IS and modern technology, research ...
IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

Information Systems in the Context of Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review and Directions for Future Research Full Paper

Alfred Benedikt Brendel University of Göttingen [email protected]

Markus Mandrella University of Göttingen [email protected]

Abstract The sustainability of mobility services, such as car sharing, is undeniable. Therefore, it is important to research and improve mobility services, thereby revealing their full environmental potential. As modern mobility services rely on sophisticated IS and modern technology, research on IS in the context of sustainable mobility services should be an important focus in the field. Accordingly, this systematic literature review provides an overview of current research regarding mobility services and the IS employed therein. We analyze 58 publications using a concept matrix and develop a research framework. The framework builds on the IS success model by DeLone and McLean (2003) as we argue that IS quality and usage should be considered to unfold sustainable impacts as net benefits. We further outline three major research fields for future IS research in the context of sustainable mobility services: IS solutions, IS qualities and usage, and sustainable benefits. Keywords Mobility, Mobility-as-a-Service, Literature review, Green IS, sustainability, IS success.

Introduction The use of mobility services and the understanding of mobility are changing: rather than being centered on the vehicle, mobility is moving towards being seen as an on-demand service (KPMG 2014). Young people in particular often no longer need or want to own a car, opting instead to use a mixture of various mobility services (Kuhnimhof et al. 2011). Also critical is the rising trend of people living in urban areas. The UN predicts that by 2030, 60% of the total population will live in urban areas (UN 2007), implying that the demand for urban mobility will increase drastically, along with the need for additional roads and parking space (Pavone et al. 2012). At the same time, however the amount of available space will decrease. Therefore, future (passenger) transportation systems are looking for alternatives to privately owned cars in the form of flexibly and dynamically offered mobility services (Nykvist and Whitmarsh 2008). The sustainable potential of mobility services, such as car sharing, has been highlighted in past research (Firnkorn and Müller 2012; Shaheen et al. 2012). In this context, information systems (IS) can be seen as important enabler for new and sustainable mobility services (Hildebrandt et al. 2015). The research field of IS for environmental sustainability has garnered much attention in IS research during the last years (e.g., Malhotra et al. 2013; Watson et al. 2010). Studies have shown that Green IS can contribute to environmental sustainability by inducing proactive environmental strategies (BenitezAmado and Walczuch 2012), raising awareness of environmental concerns (Schlumpf et al. 2001), and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Rush et al. 2015). In the context of mobility services, such as car sharing, IS have the potential to support or automate supportive processes (e.g., booking or paying) or operative processes (such as planning mobility capacities or managing service disruptions). Hence, they have the potential to exploit and enable sustainable impacts of mobility services (Hildebrandt et al. 2015; Schröder et al. 2014). However, to fully unfold the sustainable potential of IS for mobility services, it is important that these systems are successful regarding the optimization of the mobility service and their market penetration

Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

(Hildebrandt et al. 2015). Therefore, it seems promising to investigate the success factors and related dimensions of these systems. To the best of our knowledge, no study provides an overview of IS for mobility services that identifies and structures efforts in this research area. Our study therefore examines the following research questions: (1) To what extent has literature already explored concepts of IS for mobility services? (2) Which environmental dimensions are analyzed in this research area? To answer these questions, we develop a framework that summarizes the current research on IS for mobility services. We build on the IS success model by DeLone and Mclean (2003) and related dimensions that are relevant for mobility services. By doing so, we aim to investigate which areas relevant for the evaluation of IS success have been addressed by research in this context. Furthermore, our study identifies several gaps in existing literature, which provide directions for future research. This paper is organized as follows: First, we provide the methodological explanation of the procedure used for our structured literature search. Following this, we present the results of our literature analysis. We then discuss our results by presenting the developed framework, giving directions for further research, and discussing the limitations. The paper closes with a conclusion and contributions.

Research Methodology To answer our research questions and examine the current state of research on IS in the context of mobility services and environmental impacts, we conducted a systematic and structured literature review. We used the following procedure (vom Brocke et al. 2009; Levy and Ellis 2006; Webster and Watson 2002): First, we searched, identified, and extracted the relevant literature to be included in the review. Second, we analyzed the articles identified by classifying them into topic-related concepts.

Data Collection Because mobility is an emerging research domain, it is necessary to examine all relevant literature. Therefore, we considered not only the leading journals in this research field but also articles published in lower ranked journals to ensure that the most recent mobility concepts were included. Furthermore, we included conference proceedings. As we aimed to investigate IS that enhance mobility services, the focus lay mainly on IS-related research, but we also included papers from related research journals, such as operation and transportation research. To adequately explore the literature base, we focused on the following databases that cover all MIS journals in IS research ranked in the top 50 (Levy and Ellis 2006): ScienceDirect, EbscoHost, ProQuest, JSTOR, and AIS electronic library. We used the following terms to collect an initiation group of papers: “mobility-as-a-Service”, “mobility service”, “MaaS”, “mobility information system*”, “transportation-as-a-service”, “transportation service”, “intermodal mobility”, and “intermodal transportation”. As conjoint search terms, we used various combinations of the terms “transportation” and “information system*”. By doing so, we were able to filter large search results even further and specify the context of the term “mobility.” This study focuses on articles published between 2006 and 2016, aiming to represent the status quo of the research field. Our database search was conducted in the beginning of 2016 and resulted in 1143 papers. In accordance with our terminological foundations, research articles had to satisfy the following two conditions: First, the primary focus of the article should be IS-related. Therefore, we included only papers with a direct IS relation, like IS-concept studies, mathematical models and algorithms, and IS applications. Second, IS should enhance or support a mobility service or MaaS. This excludes, for example, IS services for mobility products such as assistance systems. To determine their relevance according to these conditions, we analyzed the articles in several steps. First, the titles and abstracts were briefly scanned and irrelevant articles were removed. For example, the term “mobility” also includes mobile technology and services in a context that is not related to physical mobility. Furthermore, identical results were omitted. In the second step, we analyzed the content of the remaining articles according to the two conditions described above. Finally, we performed a backward and forward search. The backward search was performed by conducting a second database search with newly identified keywords: “mobility on-demand”, “transportation on-demand”, “multimodal mobility”, “multimodal transportation”, “intelligent transportation system*”, and “flexible transport service*”. This resulted in 409 additional articles, which were then filtered via the same procedure. Our final sample included 58 publications for further analysis.

Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

Data Analysis We followed the approach of Webster and Watson (2002), classifying the publications identified according to topic-related concepts. Our concepts relate to various dimensions of IS impact and success proposed by DeLone and Mclean (2003) and Seddon et al. (1999). These dimension have been widely used to evaluate systems in IS research (Sabherwal et al. 2006) and thus provide a robust theoretical basis to analyze different types of mobility IS. Furthermore, we classify the literature according to field of application and methodology used. Two doctoral candidates reviewed and classified the literature independently, afterwards discussing inconsistencies to reach a common understanding. The impact of an IS in the context of mobility services can be analyzed at different levels. Therefore, we used the IS success model of DeLone and Mclean (2003) as a theoretical lens and differentiate between three different dimensions: First, the quality of the IS can be evaluated, i.e., information, systems, and service quality of the IS. These quality dimensions relate to the IS itself or its development and are independent of the mobility service that is enabled or supported. Second, the use and user satisfaction related to the IS can be analyzed. Third, one can assess the net benefits related either to improvements in the mobility service itself – for example, better quality – or to the benefits for organizations providing this service, such as cost savings. Information systems can be classified into different types when being evaluated in research. In this paper, we use a subset of IS types proposed by Seddon et al. (1999) to classify the identified literature: (1) an aspect of a system (e.g., an algorithm), (2) a single application (e.g., a mobile application), and (3) a type of IT (e.g., GPS). However, as we investigate different types of IS in the context of mobility services, a specific type of IT is irrelevant. Instead, we used type of IS as a category for general research on a group of IS. Furthermore, as we investigated different types of IS in the context of mobility services, IS types at a higher level of analysis, i.e., organization-wide applications and the IT function of an organization, were not considered for classification. As noted by Seddon et al. (1999), the impact of IS may differ across different groups of interest. Because we are interested in the sustainable impact of mobility IS, we analyzed the environmental impact as net benefit based on the Belief–Action–Outcome framework proposed by Melville (2010). According to this framework, IS can have an impact on (1) the belief about environmental issues, (2) actions taken in terms of environmental behavior, and (3) environmental outcomes, such as a change in greenhouse gas emissions. As introduced earlier in this paper, a variety of different mobility services and MaaS exist. Therefore, we also analyzed the field of application and the mobility services enabled or supported. However, due to the novelty of the research field, to the best of our knowledge, no theoretically founded classification in this context exists. Hence, this classification was inductively developed. We therefore collected all application fields and categorized them into different dimensions manually. Finally, we used the systematization of Palvia et al. (2004) to classify the articles according to the methodologies used.

Results Our literature review reveals that the concepts are unequally employed (see Table 1). The results indicate that sustainability is relevant in this research area, but only eight articles mention or focus on the environmental impacts of mobility services or the use of IS in this context. In these articles, the influence of IS on sustainable actions is studied four times as well as the outcome. The effect of IS on sustainable behavior is apparently not an issue covered by current research. Articles focusing on sustainable actions (Degirmenci and Breitner 2014; Hildebrandt et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2011; Schröder et al. 2014;) are all based on the example of mobility sharing, such as bike or car sharing. In all articles, the sustainable impact arises from offering mobility sharing services. IS plays a key role in

Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

Success. Dim.


x x

x x

x x


x x x

x x x x x

x x

x x x x

x x


x x


x x

x x x x

x x

x x x

x x

x x

x x



x x

x x

x x x

x x x x x

x x


x x x

x x




x x

x x x


x x

x x x

x x











x x


x x

x x

x x

x x x

x x


x x x


x x x



x x

x x x x x

x x x x


x x x x x x


x x

Design Science / Prototype

x x



Mathematical Model

Literature Analysis

Quantitative Research


Framework / Concept. Model

Qualitative Research

Field Study

Flexible Transp. Services

x x x x x x

Autom. Self-Driving Services


(E-)Car Sharing



Car Pooling





x x x x x x x x x x x

Multi-/Intermodal Transp.

x x

x x x

Field of Application

Public Transportation

x x




Action Formation




Belief Formation


x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Type of IS



x x x x x x x x



Net Benefit

x x

Use / User Satisfaction

Alessandrini et al. 2015 Ambrosino et al. 2015 Atasoy et al. 2015 Atmani et al. 2014 Bin et al. 2013 Bruglieri et al. 2015 Carotenuto et al. 2011 Čertický et al. 2014 Chasin and Scholta 2015 Chasin et al. 2015 Cheng and Tsao 2015 Coppi et al. 2013 D’Alessandro and Trucco 2011 D’Alessandro and Trucco 2012 Dacko and Spalteholz 2014 Degirmenci and Breitner 2014 Dib et al. 2015 Dong and Hussain 2013 Fassi et al. 2012 Finn 2012 Guerriero et al. 2014 Hildebrandt et al. 2015 Hörold et al. 2015 Kergosien et al. 2011 Khanna and Venters 2013 Lee et al. 2011 Lovrić et al. 2013 Lützenberger et al. 2014 Martínez-Torres et al. 2013 Masuch et al. 2013 Nelson and Mulley 2013 Nelson et al. 2010 Noyen et al. 2013 Olusina and Olaleye 2013 Owczarzak and Żak 2015 Parragh et al. 2010 Pavone et al. 2012 Rickenberg et al. 2013 Runhua et al. 2013 Saeed and Kurauchi 2015 Saliara 2014 Schröder et al. 2014 Seeger and Bick 2013

IS Quality


IS Type


x x

x x x x x Continued on page 5.

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IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

Continued from page 4. Seign et al. 2015 Stelzer et al. 2015 Su and Chang 2010 Teal and Becker 2011 Teubner and Flath 2015 Velaga et al. 2012 Velaga, Rotstein, et al. 2012 Vidal et al. 2013 Wagner et al. 2014 Wagner et al. 2015 Weber et al. 2014 Xinghao et al. 2013 Xu et al. 2013 Zhang and Pavone 2016 Zhang et al. 2011 N=58


x x x

∑ 12 8

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 54




x x x

x x x





x x

x x x x

x x


x x x 29

x x


x x x x

x x

x x


x 21




x x 15 13 3 12 3 16 4

x x x x x x 3 27 5

x x x x

x x x x 5 28 8

Table 1. Concept Matrix. direct service-related processes. The articles dealing with sustainable outcomes (D’Alessandro and Trucco 2012; Lützenberger et al. 2014; Owczarzak and Żak 2015; Seign et al. 2015) focus on improving the sustainable impact by optimizing a certain aspect of mobility services (like operation area, software selection, or energy use). We identified six fields of application using an inductive approach. Flexible transportation services (e.g., call-a-ride services) are the subject of study in 16 articles of our sample, followed by public transportation and car sharing. However, carpooling (3 articles) and automated self-driving services (3 articles) are rarely investigated. Although sustainable impacts are more often examined in car-sharing studies related to other fields of applications, three papers is surprisingly low in light of the environmental potential of this mobility service (Firnkorn and Müller 2012). The main scope of the literature lies on aspects of IS (29 articles). Twenty one papers analyze types of IS and nine ten papers investigate a certain IS. Common research aspects of an IS are algorithms for route planning (e.g., Guerriero et al. 2014; Parragh et al. 2010; Teubner and Flath 2015) or algorithms for interor multimodal transportation (e.g., Dacko and Spalteholz 2014; Dib et al. 2015; Schröder et al. 2014). Regarding the impact of IS, net benefits are very often the subject of analysis (54 articles). In contrast, the qualities of IS are rarely examined, along with their use and user satisfaction. The main focus on the net benefits lies on using IS to improve the mobility service (e.g., Alessandrini et al. 2015; Wagner et al. 2014, 2015). How to implement and design the IS to make the benefits tangible is often only mention in the conclusion as part of future research (e.g., Wagner et al. 2015). The commonly used methods are development of a framework or conceptual model (27 articles) and deriving a mathematical model or algorithm (28 articles). Many current publications focus on providing improvement for special issues, like the dial-a-ride problem (e.g., Guerriero et al. 2014). By providing better algorithms, they try to improve the impact of IS in the context of mobility services. However, they lack real-world applicability, very often evaluating their algorithms via simulations instead of by a field test.

Discussion To answer our research questions, we propose a framework based on the derived information of our literature review. The framework reflects the current state of research on IS for mobility services and sustainability through the use of IS in such contexts (see Figure 1). Based on the IS success model of DeLone and Mclean (2003), we added the conceptual level and the sustainability aspect to the success level. It is important to note that researchers are not required to go through the whole framework but can instead focus on particular aspects or effects.

Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

The conceptual level includes the research concept and focus. Mobility research has a certain scope (aspect of an IS, a specific IS, or a type of IS) and field of application (for example, car sharing). Building upon this research can directly link to the promising net benefits (success level) or delve deeper into more IS-specific topics. On the IS level, IS qualities (information quality, system quality, service quality) and/or the usage (use and user satisfaction) can be analyzed. Originating from the IS level, implications for possible net benefits can be concluded. Net Benefits

Field of Application

Sustainability Belief

Carpooling Public Transportation


Multi-/ Intermodal Transportation



Car Sharing Automated Self-Driving Service Flexible Transportation Service

IS Quality


Information Quality



Business Opportunities Effectiveness

System Quality Service Quality

User Satisfaction

Mobility Service Quality Cost Savings

Scope Aspect


Expanded Markets


Type of IS

Conceptual Level

Additional Sales

IS Level

Success Level

Figure 1. Proposed Research Framework. Based on the proposed framework and the concept matrix, our results also highlight topics for future research. We identified the following understudied topics (marked in Figure 1): 1) The scope of current research mainly involves aspects of IS. They focus on algorithms, concepts, and frameworks for parts of possible IS. Future research should explore the effects of specific IS solutions (prototypes of IS). Furthermore, due to the various interdependencies of the IS and its real-world application, these IS should not be studied in isolation. One of the main methods currently used is the mathematical model in combination with a simulation (e.g., Čertický et al. 2014; Parragh et al. 2010; Wagner et al. 2015). To further expand the results of the simulations, it would be beneficial to implement and test the proposed algorithms. For example, implementing a call-a-ride system like the one descripted by Carotenuto et al. (2011) could give new insights into solving the problem. By doing so, the algorithms and assumptions can be verified and eventually used in practice. 2) Although the quality and usage of the underlying IS are major factors for both its success and that of future mobility services, little research has been conducted on these topics. Current research focuses on developing and verifying new methods and algorithms to enable new mobility services (e.g., Dib et al. 2015; Guerriero et al. 2014; Parragh et al. 2010). For future research, it will be important to analyze current and experimental IS and then develop concepts on how they must be designed and implemented to be effective. In addition, it is necessary to study the use and user satisfaction of these IS solutions. For example, a multimodal transportation IS (e.g. Zhang et al. 2011) could be confusing for the user and therefore not be used as intended. Only by being useful and user-friendly these IS can reveal their (sustainable) potential (Schröder et al. 2014). 3) Sustainability was recognized as an important factor for future research in only some of the articles (D’Alessandro and Trucco 2012; Degirmenci and Breitner 2014; Hildebrandt et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2011; Lützenberger et al. 2014; Owczarzak and Żak 2015; Schröder et al. 2014; Seign et al. 2015). These papers include the environmental impact and highlight its role in the context of mobility services, but they lack in proving insights on the belief formation. A reason might be that the impact of mobility IS on

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IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

environmental action and outcome is a higher and easier to measure in contrast to the psychological causes of the user’s actions. Future research should expand on this and verify the environmental impact quantitatively, bringing more depth into the discussion. In addition, it will be necessary to conduct research on the impact of IS on sustainable behavior and belief formation. Alongside enhancing the sustainable actions and outcomes, research on and improvement of sustainable behavior can have a major environmental impact. The results of this study must be interpreted with caution due to the following limitations. First, we analyzed how often different concepts were used in literature but could not examine their significance due to methodological limitations. Hence, further research should validate and extend our results by using other methods, such as meta-analyses. Second, the databases for the literature review were selected to cover IS-related journal and conference contributions. Thus, relevant literature in other research domains may not have been fully covered. Nevertheless, we found publications in adjacent research areas, indicating the importance of IS for mobility in many business-related research areas.

Conclusion In this study, we developed a framework that synthesizes research on IS for mobility services and its environmental impacts. Our literature analysis reveals that this is an emerging research area. Furthermore, effort has been made regarding the development sophisticated mathematical models and algorithms. However, our study revealed three promising fields for future research: evaluating IS solutions, investigating IS qualities and usage, and examining sustainable benefits more deeply. The contributions of this study are as follows. First, we contribute to field of IS for sustainability by demonstrating how IS can enhance sustainable effects in an innovative research field, i.e., mobility services. We propose that IS research should consider all aspects of IS success, including IS quality and use, to pave the way for sustainable impacts of IS. This applies for the research field of mobility in particular but may also be suitable for other contexts. The DeLone and Mclean (2003) and related concepts provide an appropriate theoretical foundation. Second, we contribute to the field of IS in the context of physical mobility by summarizing current knowledge in this research area. In addition, the framework presented provides promising directions and guidance for future research. Third, we offer practical contributions by giving an overview of new mobility IS concepts and raising awareness that all success aspects should be considered, ranging from IS quality, to usage, to net benefits. The given overview of new mobility IS concepts can help practitioners to develop novel ideas and improve their services or IS. Enhanced awareness of the aspects necessary for the success of IS in the context of mobility services will help in the development of more sophisticated systems and services.

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Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

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Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016


IS for Sustainable Mobility Services: A Literature Review

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Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego, 2016