Activating SME´s and entre- preneurs in product ... ment support systems. ⢠New products from the ... project âSME
Facts about NordBio
Nordic Council of Ministers
Innovation in the Nordic bioeconomy
This project falls within three categories: Product development, sustainable food production and increased production of biomass. It is well in line with both Nordic and European priorities in terms of green growth and sustainable development and reflects the overall priorities of the Nordic Bioeconomy Initiative.
Goals of the project The overall objective of the project is to have direct economic impact through innovation and valuecreation in the Nordic bioeconomy and thereby strengthen regional and economic growth. This parallels with the objectives put forward in the Nordic Bioeconomy Initiative that is: Enhance Nordic cooperation advancing research and innovation and creating foundation for knowledge-based policies. Improve sustainable management and utilization of biological resources and strengthen the Nordic primary sectors to optimize the local economic and social benefits. Encourage proactive response to climate change, open new markets, create new jobs and contribute to food security and public health in the Nordic countries and beyond. Background The project will have a direct economic impact in the Nordic region focusing on pilot projects in three categories: 1. Innovation in food production In the first phase, starting spring 2014, focus will be put on product development in Iceland, Greenland
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and the Faroe Islands, building on the work carried out in the Nordic project “Arctic bioeconomy.” Activating SME´s and entre- preneurs in product development focusing on food products using local bioresources. Combining the efforts of food innovation centers, research centers, educational institutes and regional development support systems. • New products from the first phase will be presented at con-
ferences organized in connection with the meetings of Nordic ministers in June and November 2014 (FJLS and NER). The conference guests can „touch”, or even taste, the new products. • Evaluation and identification of performance factors to be considered in scaled up second phase. In August 2014 the second phase will be initiated covering all the
Nordic countries. Product development and/or application of new and more efficient processes will be executed, building on the network from the New Nordic Food project “SME in the Bioeconomy” and performance factors identified in phase one. • New and/or more valuable products and services for domestic use and/or export in all the Nordic countries. • New knowledge and new processes transferred. • Evaluation of the results and the factors most critical for success in the program and what factors were most inhibiting. • Formulation of strategy for innovation and value creation in the bioeconomy. Results and new products will be presented at the final conference of the Icelandic chairmanship program in 2016. 2. Increased sustainability in food production Aiming to make food production in the Nordic countries more sustainable with respect to feed production, fertilizers and other necessary inputs by locating the production of these inputs near using area. Taking reference to the map- ping work carried out and coordinated within the NordBio program best practices and areas with opportunities for improvement will be identified
in all the Nordic countries. The project calls for strong cooperation between the Nordic countries as work skills and knowledge will be transferred between regions. The project also calls for close cooperation between sectors, e.g. grain producers and aquaculture, poultry and pig farmers. First projects are expected to be formed in the third quarter of 2014.
production and installation of pilot plants for biomass production / bio-refineries. Taking reference to the mapping work carried out and coordinated within the NordBio program. First projects are expected to be identified in the first quarter of 2015.*
• Increased sustainability of food production in the Nordic countries.
• Installed pilot biomass production facilities/bio-refineries, increased biomass production and thereby increased value creation in the bioeconomy of the Nordic countries.
• Increased self-sufficiency of inputs for food production (feed, fertilizers, energy).
• New knowledge and/or transferred knowledge and technology between countries.
• Assessment of success and the factors most critical for success and what factors were most inhibiting.
• Increased biomass for the production of valuable products for the domestic market and/or export.
• Formulation of policies/strategy for sustainable food production in the Nordic countries. Results will be presented at the final conference of the Icelandic chairmanship program in 2016.
• Assessment of success and the factors most critical for success and what factors were most inhibiting.
3. Increased biomass production The aim is to increase biomass production for example; forestry, biomass for biotechnology products, biofuel, biomass for food production, including aquaculture. The projects will be carried out in close cooperation with the industry and include applying practical research on biomass
• Formulation of policies/ strategy for biomass production and future development in biomass production. Results will be pre- sented at the final conference of the Icelandic chairmanship program in 2016. *depending on sufficient funding
Read more at bioeconomy
What is NordBio? The Nordic bioeconomy initiative, NordBio, is a project initiated as part of the Icelandic chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2014. The aim is to promote a more sustainable utilization of natural resources and encourage less waste of resources.
Addresses & Information Nordic Council of Ministers Ved Stranden 18 DK-1061 Copenhagen K Tlf +45 3396 0200
The initial run of the program and all associated projects is three years and it involves a broad range of sectors. Implementation of the program will thus require close multidisciplinary collaboration. The focus will be on projects that add economic, environmental and educational value. The Nordic countries have good prerequisites for clearing the path for a more biobased economy and also have a very holistic approach to societal change. Hence they are well placed to lead the way in this field.
Contact information Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir Research Group Leader, Matis, Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D. Tel: +354 422 5000 E-mail: