Inquiry Physics Curriculum Map - Bartlesville Public Schools

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3 Worksheet B. Unit 4: III.D. The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile are .... (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 9, Lab A & B). Core Lab ...
Bartlesville ISD 30 Secondary Science Curriculum for 11th and 12th Grade Physics Inquiry/Lab

Bartlesville Independent School District 30 SECONDARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT CURRICULUM

Inquiry Physics • • • •

Curriculum Map Objectives with Teaching Strategies & Resources Core Labs Process Skills Checklist Core Labs Summaries This course is an in-depth study, centered in lab experience, of the physical world. Central themes are the properties and interrelationships of matter and energy. Topics include: motion in a straight line, graphical analysis of motion, vectors, falling objects, projectile motion, Newton's Laws, friction, circular motion, universal gravitation, work and energy, static electricity, electrical circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetism. Students with poor algebra skills should not attempt this course. Grade Level: 11-12

Pre-requisites: 1. One or more units of science 2. Recommend a 'B' or better in Algebra I

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August 2008 Revision

Bartlesville ISD 30 Secondary Science Curriculum for 11th and 12th Grade Physics Inquiry/Lab

August 2008 Revision

Inquiry Physics Curriculum Map Quarter



Unit 0: Measurement

Unit 1: One-Dimensional Motion

Unit 2: Vectors Unit 3: Falling Bodies Unit 4: Projectiles


Unit 5: Force and Acceleration Unit 6: A Property of Matter

Objective I.A.

Accuracy is how close a measurement is to the actual value. Precision/tolerance is how many digits appear in a numerical measurement. I.B. The metric system is used extensively in physics measurements. I.C. Significant figures are used to express the appropriate precision/tolerance of a calculation. I.D. Percentage difference and error show the discrepancy between two measurements or a measurement and a predicted result. I.E. Many physics math relationships involve linear, parabolic, and hyperbolic functions and graphs. III.A. Displacement is the vector between an object’s initial and final positions. III.B. The rate of displacement change is speed, and the rate of speed change is acceleration.


Graphical methods are used to add and subtract vector quantities.


1 week

• • • •

Text Problems Bonus Quiz 1 Worksheet B Units 0-1 Quiz

3 weeks

• • • • • • • • • • • •

1 Lab 1 Worksheet A 1 Worksheet D Units 0-1 Quiz 2 Lab 2 Worksheet B 2 Quiz 3 Worksheet A 3 Worksheet B 4 Reading WS 1-4 Review 1-4 Test

1 week

III.C. All bodies near the earth accelerate at the same rate.

2 weeks

III.D. The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile are independent of each other.

1 week

III.E. Objects change their motion only when a net force is applied. Newton’s laws of motion are used to calculate precisely the effects of forces on the motion of objects. (PASS 1.A)

2 weeks

• 5 Labs A,B

2 weeks

• • • • • • • • • •

Unit 7: The Laws of Motion

Unit 8: Friction Unit 9: Linear Momentum

Approx. Length

3 weeks

III.F. Friction is a force resisting motion or attempted motion, and in solids is dependent on surface types, the force pressing the surfaces together, and whether the surfaces are in motion or not. III.G. Momentum is the product of an object’s mass and velocity and the total momentum of an isolated system is conserved.

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1 week 1 week

6 Lab A 6 Lab B 6 Reading WS 7 Lab 7 Worksheet A 5-7 Quiz 7 Worksheet B 7 Worksheet C 5-7 Test 8 Lab

• 9 Labs A, B • Sem 1 Final Exam

Bartlesville ISD 30 Secondary Science Curriculum for 11th and 12th Grade Physics Inquiry/Lab




Unit 10: Circular Motion Unit 11: Gravity and the Solar System

Approx. Length

Assessments • • • • • • • • •

III.H. Centripetal force and acceleration, coupled with a tangential linear speed, produce circular motion.

2 weeks

III.I. Gravitation is a universal force that each mass exerts on any other mass. The strength of the gravitational attractive force between two masses is proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. (PASS 1.B)

2 weeks

IV.A. The product of applied force and the distance moved parallel to that force is work. Power is the rate at which work is done. IV.B. 1. Energy can be transferred but never destroyed. As these transfers occur, the matter involved becomes steadily less ordered. (PASS 2.A) * Local: Energy is the ability to do work. 2. All energy can be considered to be kinetic energy, potential energy, or energy contained by a field. * Local: Energy transforms into many different types, i.e. mechanical (gravitational potential, kinetic, and elastic potential), chemical, electrical, radiant, nuclear, and thermal. (PASS 2.B) 3. Heat (* thermal energy) consists of random motion and the vibrations of atoms, molecules, and ions. The higher the temperature, the greater the atomic or molecular motion. (PASS 2.C) III.J. Electrostatics deals with the conservation, separation, conduction, and induction of charges. III.K. The electric force is a universal force that exists between any two charged objects. The strength of the force is proportional to the charges and, as with gravitation, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. (PASS 1.C)

2 weeks

2 weeks

• 14 Video • 14 Worksheet • 14 Quiz

Unit 15: Electric Circuits

III.L. The flow of charges in a wire is described by the concepts of current, voltage, and resistance, which are related by Ohm’s Law for many devices. Series, parallel, and complex circuits have different current, voltage, and resistance.

4 weeks

Unit 16: Magnetism Unit 17: Electromagnetism

III.M. Electricity and magnetism are two aspects of a single electromagnetic force. (PASS 1.D) III.N. Permanent magnets and current-carrying wires and coils create magnetic fields. III.O. Electromagnetic devices include meters, speakers, microphones, motors, generators, and transformers.

3 weeks

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Unit 12: Work and Power Unit 13: Energy


Inquiry Physics Curriculum Map Objective

August 2008 Revision

Unit 14: Electrostatics

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2 weeks

10 Lab 10 Worksheet 11 Vocab.Xword 11 Worksheet 10-11 Review 10-11 Test 12 Worksheet 12 Labs A, B 13 Worksheets B,C • 13 Text Problems, Worksheet D • 12-13 Test

15 Labs A, B 15 Lab C 15 Lab D, WS A 15 Reading 15 Lab E, WS B 15 Worksheet C 15 Worksheet D 14-15 Test 16-17 Worksheet 17 Lab 16-17 Test Sem 2 Final Exam

Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Inquiry Physics Objectives with Teaching Strategies & Resources Objective (Local, State, National) I.

Measurement A. Accuracy is how close a measurement is to the actual value. Precision/tolerance is how many digits appear in a numerical measurement.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Have students practice identifying the relative accuracy and precision of various measurements, as compared to a given “actual” measurement. Use class signaling techniques to quickly identify students who have/have not mastered the concept. Note how “accuracy” corresponds to “actual” as a mnemonic.

Aligned Resources: See text for related reading and practice problems

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) I.

Measurement B. The metric system is used extensively in physics measurements.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Establish advantages of metric system over English/U.S. Customary/British system: consistent prefixes, powers of ten, more modern standards (e.g. metric basis in mass vs. old basis in weight; Celsius lower basis in the freezing of water at one atmosphere vs. Fahrenheit use of brine solution). Have students memorize common metric prefixes and their abbreviations, e.g. nano, micro, milli, centi, kilo, mega. When applicable, show students conversions between common units and metric: lbs to newtons, mph to m/s, etc.

Aligned Resources: See text for related reading and practice problems On-line and computer-based unit conversion utilities on BHS Physics website or Meador’s Inquiry Physics 2000 CD-ROM

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) I.

Measurement C. Significant figures are used to express the appropriate precision/tolerance of a calculation.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Show how to calculate the number of significant figures in a number with and without a decimal point. Then show how to determine the proper sig figs in an addition/subtraction problem and in a multiplication/division problem. Stress that this technique keeps one “honest” about the precision/tolerance of a result.

Aligned Resources: See text for related reading and practice problems

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) I.

Measurement D. Percentage difference and error show the discrepancy between two measurements or a measurement and a predicted result.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Show how to calculate each quantity, using “real-world” examples. Practice these techniques in various laboratories, having students decide which type of calculation is appropriate. Percentage difference is used when there is no theoretical value available; it is computed by dividing the absolute value of the difference between two measurements (or the highest and lowest measurement) by the average of those two measurements, and then multiplying by one hundred to obtain a percentage. Percentage error is used to compare theoretical and measured values; it is computed by dividing the absolute value of the difference between the measured and theoretical values by the theoretical value, and then multiplying by one hundred to obtain a percentage.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 2: Vectors (percentage error) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 2, Lab) Core Lab 3: Forces and Acceleration Lab (distance vs. acceleration experiment; percentage difference) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 5, Labs A & B) Core Lab 5: Mass and Acceleration Lab (inventing F=ma; percentage errors) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 6, Lab B) Core Lab 8: Linear Momentum (percentage difference) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 9, Lab A & B) Core Lab 12: Ohm’s Law (percentage error) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab C)

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) I.

Measurement E. Many physics math relationships involve linear, parabolic, and hyperbolic functions and graphs.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Instruct/review students on the name, formal equation, simplified equation, proportion, and an example of the following basic functions: linear, parabolic, and hyperbolic. When applicable, ask students to construct and interpret graphs of their experimental data. Using computer technology to obtain best-fit lines and curves is recommended, but having probeware construct the graph with no student involvement is NOT recommended. When studying motion, have students walk in front of a motion detector connected to a computer for instantaneous graphing of displacement, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. Have students try to match their motion to pre-set d vs. t and v vs. t graphs. When studying projectiles, have students act out or make a ball conform to pre-set v vs. t graphs of horizontal and vertical motion (see Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 3: Kinesthetic Graphs Activity).

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 1: One-Dimensional Motion Lab (construct and interpret parabolic d vs. t and linear v vs. t graph) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 1, Lab) Core Lab 3: Forces and Acceleration Lab (optional: construct and interpret d vs. a graph showing zero slope and no relationship; mandatory: construct and interpret linear F vs. a graph) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 5, Labs A & B; Investigation 7: Lab Interpretation) Core Lab 5: Mass and Acceleration Lab (construct and interpret hyperbolic m vs. a graph OR linear 1/m vs. a graph) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 6, Lab B; Investigation 7: Lab Interpretation) Core Lab 12: Ohm’s Law Lab (construct and interpret linear V vs. I and hyperbolic R vs. I graphs) (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab C) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 1, Worksheet B: Interpreting Motion Graphs Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 3, Kinesthetic Graphs Activity Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 3, Concept Review

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) II

Vectors Graphical methods are used to add and subtract vector quantities.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Have students construct a three-force equilibrium on a force table or similar device, and construct graphical scale drawing showing how any two forces add vectorially to become the equilibrant of the third force (see lab below).

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 2: Vectors (Meadors 2000 Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 2, Lab) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 2 – Vectors Vector Addition software at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: addvecs.ip and vectcomp.ip

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) A. Displacement is the vector between an object’s initial and final positions.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Use concept of “distance” when doing 1-dimensional motion lab and work; introduce “displacement” concept with the introduction of vectors. Distinguish between the distance you run in a circle back to your starting point (circumference) and your displacement (zero), etc. Stress that the various one-dimensional motion equations are actually vector equations where “d” is displacement, and thus can be negative. This is important in a variety of problems, including falling bodies and projectiles.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 1: Motion (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 1, Lab) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 1 – Motion

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) B. The rate of displacement change is speed, and the rate of speed change is acceleration.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Have students collect data on an object undergoing constant acceleration, and plot distance vs. time and later speed vs. time graphs of the motion. A computer can help with the graphing and forming best-fit lines and curves, and you can relate the graphs to the one-dimensional motion equations. (See Core Lab 1 below.) Help students associate the slope of the d vs. t and v vs. t graphs with their physical meanings. (See Worksheet B below.) After inventing the two basic equations for average speed and the equation for acceleration, have the students use algebra to invent the remaining equations. (See Worksheet C below.)

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 1: Motion (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 1, Lab) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum, Investigation 1 – Motion specifically: Worksheet A: Calculating Motion Worksheet B: Interpreting Motion Graphs Worksheet C: Combining the Variables of Motion Worksheet D: 1-Dimensional Motion Problems

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) C. All bodies near the earth accelerate at the same rate.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Demonstrate the concept directly. Examples range from the simple to the complex: • drop a piece of paper and a small ball or rock and note their different rates of fall, have the students prompt you to crumple the piece of paper into a ball and note how the rates of fall become quite similar • use something like Pasco’s free-fall apparatus to time to the nearest thousandth of a second the fall time for a ball dropped about 1.5 meters, and have the students calculate the acceleration rate; or use one of the older types of free-fall apparatus (e.g. using photogates or spark paper) to find the acceleration • arrange an ultrasonic motion detector underneath a protective grill and drop various objects; a connected computer or calculator can show the acceleration, graph the motion, etc. Discuss Galileo’s logical argument for constant free-fall acceleration. (Tie a feather to an anvil: if Aristotle were right and heavier things fall faster, wouldn’t the heavier anvil fall faster than the feather and thus be retarded by the slower feather? But then again, the feather and anvil combination are heavier than an anvil by itself, so wouldn’t they fall faster than an anvil by itself? This logical paradox demonstrates the problem with the initial assumption that heavier things fall faster.)

Aligned Resources: Video: The Mechanical Universe - Falling Bodies (especially the segment showing a penny and feather falling in a vacuum, and the segment showing astronaut Dave Scott dropping a feather and a hammer on the moon) Demo Equipment: Pasco Free-Fall Apparatus Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 3 – Falling Bodies, Reading: Bodies in Motion (about Aristotle vs. Galileo with excerpts from Galileo’s Discourses on Two New Sciences) Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: falldown.ip and fallup.ip

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) D. The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile are independent of each other.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Pose the question: If one bullet was fired horizontally from a gun over a level field, and another bullet was simultaneously dropped from the same height, which would land first? Have students argue the possibilities and later demonstrate the answer is that they strike at the same time by using a Simultaneous Velocities Apparatus (or simply two marbles, one dropped while another is flicked off a tabletop). Pose the question: An object is fired straight upward from a cannon that is mounted on a train moving forward at a steady velocity; where will the cannonball land? Have students argue the possibilities and later demonstrate the answer is that the cannonball lands back in the cannon (neglecting air resistance and wind) by using a Ballistics Cart. Pose the question: If a banana is thrown at a monkey in a tree, but the frightened monkey lets go of a branch and falls at the same instant the banana is thrown, where does the banana go relative to the monkey? Have students argue the possibilities and later demonstrate that the banana strikes the monkey using a Monkey & Hunter Apparatus. Have students demonstrate their mastery of horizontal vs. vertical velocity graphs by acting out pre-set graphs you give them (see Kinesthetic Graphs activity below). Be sure to expand the concept to the generalization that perpendicular vectors do not affect each other’s size; this idea is important in force analysis, circular motion, etc.

Aligned Resources: Demonstration equipment: Simultaneous Velocities Apparatus, Ballistics Cart, Monkey & Hunter Apparatus Lab equipment: Trajectory Apparatus (the trajectory of ball rolling off a ramp is shown on carbon paper or by plotting of its motion) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 4: Projectiles, Reading: Galileo Explains Projectile Motion Investigation 3, Kinesthetic Graphs Activity Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: Acapulco.ip, airdrop.ip, projclif.ip, projecti.ip projgraf.ip

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) E. Objects change their motion only when a net force is applied. Newton’s laws of motion are used to calculate precisely the effects of forces on the motion of objects. (PASS 1.A)

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Use inertial balance to introduce mass concept; use airtracks or dynamics carts to illustrate force, mass, and acceleration relationships; use various tricks to demonstrate law of inertia (see core labs). Carefully define action and reaction as forces between two objects; demonstrate using two force probes pulling on each other, with inverted graphs of F vs. t showing on computer monitor. Have students create free-body diagrams for a donkey pulling a cart (7 significant action/reaction pairs) or a student sitting in a chair (illustrates confusion between weight, normal force, and identification of the true reaction to weight: earth pulled up by object). Discuss complexities and misconceptions in applying the third law to rocket propulsion (no need for atmosphere; action and reaction can be vaguely defined as rocket pushing gas and vice versa or more precisely defined as exploding gas particles pushing on combustion chamber walls, etc.). Check student understanding of laws of motion concepts by having them identify and correct the errors in various statements that contain a misconception or misstatement of one or more of the laws as applied to a situation (e.g. “A ton of feathers on earth has the same inertia as a ton of feathers on the moon.”)

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 3: Force and Acceleration Lab (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 5, Labs A & B) Core Lab 4: Inertial Balance (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 6, Lab A) Core Lab 5: Mass and Acceleration Lab (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 6, Lab B) Core Lab 6: The Laws of Motion (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 7, Lab) Various worksheets and activities in Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum, Investigations 5-7 Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: atwoods.ip, forcebal.ip, forcubal.ip, forceadd.ip, hangmass.ip, jetplane.ip Case Study: Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel Disaster on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM Video: The Mechanical Universe – Inertia Copy of Newton’s Principia from school library

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) F. Friction is a force resisting motion or attempted motion, and in solids is dependent on surface types, the force pressing the surfaces together, and whether the surfaces are in motion or not.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: The core lab will bring out the essential components of the objective, but there will be discrepant data due to the complex nature of friction phenomena. Students may have trouble with surface area concepts, reflecting the confusion in science between apparent and actual contact area, etc. Expanding the concept to include coefficients of friction is optional, as is the inclusion of air drag.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 7: Friction Lab (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 8, Lab) Investigation 8 in Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum, including Reading: Is Friction a Drag? and worksheet Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: airdrag.ip, carcurve.ip, h20drag.ip, h20vio.ip Video: The Mechanical Universe – Friction

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) G. Momentum is the product of an object’s mass and velocity and the total momentum of an isolated system is conserved.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Use airtracks or dynamics carts with built-in push springs to demonstrate conservation of momentum (see core lab). Use Velcro on air gliders or dynamics carts to illustrate inelastic coupled collisions. Demonstrate difference between elastic and inelastic collisions with “happy” and “sad” rubber balls made of different compounds. Demonstrate more complex collisions using pucks on an air table.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 8: Linear Momentum Lab (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 9, Labs A & B) Demonstration equipment: “Happy” and “Sad” rubber balls, air table with pucks Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: 2delastc.ip, 2dinlstc.ip, colision.ip, momexamp.ip Video: The Mechanical Universe – Conservation of Momentum

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) H. Centripetal force and acceleration, coupled with a tangential linear speed, produce circular motion.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Data-gathering on centripetal force can pose safety hazards, so core lab substitutes careful thought about an apparatus and a later geometric proof of the equation. For safety reasons, core lab also calls for a demonstration of released circular motion using a puck on an air table, rather than having students release circling stoppers. Emphasize that centrifugal force is fictitious and used to explain inertial effects; in an inertial frame of reference, there is only centripetal force and acceleration. Illustrate the inward acceleration using an accelerometer: put a fishing bob in a jar or flask of water; the bob always moves in the direction of the acceleration due to the water’s greater mass and inertia; spin holding the accelerometer to see the bob swing inward. Illustrate the distinction between angular and linear speed using a phonograph. Illustrate vertical circles using a cup of water spun on a string-mounted platform; use this to lead into critical speed calculation and segue later into orbital velocity.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 9: Circular Motion Lab (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 10, Lab) Investigation 10 in Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum, including Reading: Centripetal vs. Centrifugal Force and Worksheet: A Date With Circular Motion. Interactive Physics simulations at BHS website or on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM: circle.ip, circvert.ip Video: The Mechanical Universe – Circular Motion Demonstration equipment: accelerometer, vertical circle cup and platform, air table and puck

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) I. Gravitation is a universal force that each mass exerts on any other mass. The strength of the gravitational attractive force between two masses is proportional to the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. (PASS 1.B)

Suggested Teaching Strategies: This concept does not lend itself to experiments or physical demonstrations, but the story of how Western models of the solar system progressed is one of the most compelling in the history of science. Emphasize historical development of solar system conceptions from the Greek geocentric to the Copernican heliocentric, followed by Galilean evidence, Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion, Newton’s Universal Gravitation equation, Cavendish’s measurement of the Universal Gravitation Constant, and Einstein’s reconception of gravity as a warp in space-time.

Aligned Resources: Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 11 – Universal Gravitation, including crossword puzzle and Reading: The Law of Universal Gravitation PowerPoint Presentation on Gravity and the Solar System NASA weblinks for satellite tracking Video: The Day the Universe Changed with James Burke – Infinitely Reasonable NASA warped space simulation movies on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM to illustrate Einstein’s reconception Seasons and Phases of the Moon Powerpoint Presentation on Meador’s 2000 Inquiry Physics CD-ROM

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) J. Electrostatics deals with the conservation, separation, conduction, and induction of charges.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Have students in groups use electroscopes (e.g. pith ball, vane, leaf) and friction rods (e.g. plastic rod with silk, hard rubber rod with fur) to illustrate basic charge rules, charge separation, and conduction. Demonstrate Faraday cylinder to illustrate how charge remains on the exterior of a conductor with applications for electric shielding (e.g. cars in lightning storms, metal cages around computer chips). Have students examine induction with electrophori, and illustrate concept with old-style and dissectible Leyden jars. Use van de Graaff and Wimhurst generators to illustrate charge redistribution and related effects.

Aligned Resources: Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 14 – Electrostatics worksheet Available student lab equipment includes: pith ball, leaf, and vane electroscopes; hard rubber and plastic friction rods (glass available but not recommended); silk, flannel, and fur friction pads; electrophori. Demonstration equipment includes: Faraday cylinder, larger higher-quality instructor electrophorus, old-style and dissectible Leyden jars. Wimhurst generator can produce significant sparks when Leyden jars engaged; observe safety precautions. Three different van de Graaff generators available, with separate electrode sphere or wand, electric whirls, Volta’s chamber, insulating stool, etc. Do NOT allow students with heart conditions to participate in such demonstrations. Portable Tesla coil also available in chemistry department. Video: Raging Planet – Lightning (or older NOVA special on Lightning) Video segment of 1,000,000 V Tesla Coil, Faraday Cage, and “Human Light Bulb” on one of Clint Sprott’s Wonders of Physics demonstration tapes

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) K. The electric force is a universal force that exists between any two charged objects. The strength of the force is proportional to the charges and, as with gravitation, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. (PASS 1.C)

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Compare Coulomb’s Law to Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation and have students practice vector math with simple geometrical charge distributions and resultant forces. Coverage of electric field concepts is optional. Computer simulations can illustrate electric field lines of force – actual demonstrations with grass seed & mineral oil or fibrils on overhead are often unimpressive. Quantitative and vector analysis of electric fields is optional but instructor may prefer to restrict that to forces. Voltage concepts such as equipotential surfaces could be introduced, or left out with voltage introduced with circuits.

Aligned Resources: Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 14 – Electrostatics worksheet Simulations of electric fields on textbook CD-ROM’s and Physics by Pictures software. Available demonstration equipment: Electric fields apparatus for overhead projector, with electrodes to connect to high-voltage power supply and fibrils to spread around electrodes.

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) L. The flow of charges in a wire is described by the concepts of current, voltage, and resistance, which are related by Ohm’s Law for many devices. Series, parallel, and complex circuits have different current, voltage, and resistance.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: The core labs have students construct simple circuits and make measurements of voltage and current, discover Ohm’s Law, etc. They use dry cells and small light bulbs or high power resistors to eliminate problems of electric shock. Complex circuits are namely series-parallel combinations of sources and users. Kirchoff’s Laws are NOT introduced, but students instead simplify a series-parallel combination as needed.

Aligned Resources: Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15 includes some additional labs and worksheets which are most useful. Core Lab 11: Ammeters and Voltmeters (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab A – Basic Circuitry is a good introduction; core lab is Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab B - Current) Core Lab 12: Ohm’s Law (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab C – Ohm’s Law) Core Lab 13: Resistors and Series Circuit Properties (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab D – Series Circuits) Core Lab 14: Parallel Circuit Properties (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 15, Lab E – Parallel Circuits)

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) M. Electricity and magnetism are two aspects of a single electromagnetic force. (PASS 1.D)

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Begin with magnetism: Have students create a tadpole compass using straight pin, small cork, petri dish of water, and permanent magnet. Have students magnetize glass pin-shaped bulbs filled with iron filings to model what happened to the pin. Have students see how a lodestone affects a regular compass. Have students magnetize an iron rod and then demagnetize it. Have students design their own mini-experiments to determine which set of magnets is stronger: steel or ALNICO bar magnets. Then tackle electromagnetism with the core lab.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 16: Electromagnetic Induction (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 17, Lab – Electromagnetic Induction) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 16 – Magnetism and Investigation 17 – Electromagnetism, including worksheets and suggested activities. Available student equipment includes: straight pins, corks, petri dishes, glass pin bulbs with iron filings, stirring magnets, ceramic magnets, lodestones, iron rods, steel bar magnets, ALNICO bar magnets. Available demo equipment includes: Neodymium magnets, coil swing where candle flame takes a Canadian buffalo nickel above the Curie Point and it swings away from permanent magnet, horseshoe magnets, etc.

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) N. Permanent magnets and current-carrying wires and coils create magnetic fields.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Illustrate magnetic fields by sprinkling iron filings around various magnets under transparencies on the overhead projector. Pass around 3D model to emphasize true field shape. Core lab will show how coil field resembles that of a bar magnet. Also use large battery-powered electromagnet to illustrate how it can be quite strong, turned on and off, etc. Teach the students the various Ampere hand rules (including straight wire and coil rules). Illustrate field around a wire using a compass.

Aligned Resources: Available demonstration equipment includes: Bar and horseshoe magnets Iron filings 3D magnet model (transparent container with mineral oil and iron filings; small bar magnet slides into it) Large battery-powered electromagnet (will hold several hundred pounds) Core Lab 16: Electromagnetic Induction (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 17, Lab – Electromagnetic Induction) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Investigation 16 – Magnetism and Investigation 17 – Electromagnetism, including worksheets and suggested activities. Videos: Mechanical Universe: Magnetism (high school and college versions)

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Objective (Local, State, National) III.

Motions and Forces (PASS Content Standard 1) O. Electromagnetic devices include meters, speakers, microphones, motors, generators, and transformers.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Teach Ampere’s motor and generator rules. Apply the motor rule to speakers and show students a dissected speaker. Then show how a microphone is similar, and that a microphone can become a speaker and vice versa. Next use the motor rule to show how an analog meter works, using demonstration model and the large analog multimeter. Extend the meter behavior to how a motor works and show students how a motor is constructed and have them build one in their groups. (Sargent-Welch sells a nice cheap motor kit where students build field coil, armature, and commutator and run motor off a 1.5 V dry cell.) Then show how a generator is conceptually a motor used backwards and demonstrate concept with Genecon motor/generator. Discuss large-scale electricity generation and distribution, introducing transformers at that point. Demonstrate transformers by hooking up two coils with a common magnet, connecting one coil to large analog multimeter and other to battery with a hacksaw blade contact. Illustrate how a commercial generator avoids commutators and outputs AC for transformers. Demonstrate AC using party light demonstrator.

Aligned Resources: Demonstration equipment includes: Large and small speakers, intact and dissected Walkman radio with microphone in headphone jack Large demonstration meter with exposed coil, removable horseshoe magnet, and battery connections Large DC motor for 6V power supply AC/DC motor/generator AC/DC “Party Light” apparatus showing how a filament around a magnet behaves when AC vs. DC flows Genecon motor/generator (with optional 1 farad capacitor) Gilkey coils, hacksaw blade, batteries, wires, and large analog meter for transformer demo Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 17 – Electromagnetism PowerPoint Presentation: Electrical Power Generation (tour of Oologah power plant)

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August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) IV.

Conservation of Energy (PASS Content Standard 2) A. The product of applied force and the distance moved parallel to that force is work. Power is the rate at which work is done.

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Core lab will help invent the concept of work. Analysis of errors in the data can illustrate how simple machines create extra work due to friction, leading to the concept of efficiency. A fun power lab is to have students run stairs at the stadium and measure their horsepower output. Optional topics could include other simple machines such as pulleys.

Aligned Resources: Core Lab 10: Work (Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 13, Lab A: Working With An Inclined Plane) Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 13 – Work, Power, and Energy including Lab B: Personal Power Video: Mechanical Universe segment on work and energy Optional student lab use or teacher demonstration use of pulleys, wheels and axles, etc.

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August 2008 Revision

Objective (Local, State, National) IV.

Conservation of Energy (PASS Content Standard 2) B. 1. Energy can be transferred but never destroyed. As these transfers occur, the matter involved becomes steadily less ordered. (PASS 2.A) * Local: Energy is the ability to do work. 2.

All energy can be considered to be kinetic energy, potential energy, or energy contained by a field. * Local: Energy transforms into many different types, i.e. mechanical (gravitational potential, kinetic, and elastic potential), chemical, electrical, radiant, nuclear, and thermal. (PASS 2.B)


Heat (* thermal energy) consists of random motion and the vibrations of atoms, molecules, and ions. The higher the temperature, the greater the atomic or molecular motion. (PASS 2.C)

Suggested Teaching Strategies: Do a concept web about the six forms of energy. A good activity is to walk students through the energy transformations in an automobile using video from Ford Motor Co. Another interesting example is to calculate mass-to-energy conversions with E=mc2 and video of nuclear bombs. A cross-connection activity between the kinetic theory of heat and electricity is to have students model the increased electrical resistance of a wire with increasing heat: Have them line up in two columns in the room, and slowly move from side to side to represent a cool wire. The instructor or a student passing between the columns meets little resistance. Now have them heat up and move more rapidly from side to side – the person passing between the columns meets much more resistance.

Aligned Resources: Meador's Inquiry Physics Curriculum: Unit 13 – Work, Power, and Energy including Worksheet B: Energy Equations and other items PowerPoint Presentation: Energy: Types, Nuclear Bombs, and Impacts Video: The Physics of Roller Coasters (and older NOVA video on same) Video: Trinity – The Atomic Bomb Movie PowerPoint Presentation: Energy Transformations in an Automobile

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Objective (Local, State, National) These objectives have been reassigned to 10th Grade Physical Science: Interactions of Energy and Matter (PASS Content Standard 3) Energy (potential, kinetic, and field) interacts with matter and is transferred during these interactions. A. Waves have energy and can transfer energy when they interact with matter. Sound waves and electromagnetic waves are fundamentally different. (PASS 3.A) B. Electromagnetic waves result when a charged object is accelerated or decelerated. (PASS 3.B)

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August 2008 Revision

Physics (Inquiry)


August 2008 Revision














9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16










Observe and measure 1. 2. 3,















































Use observable properties to place an object or event into a classification system Identify the properties on which classification system is based Graphically classify physical relationships (e.g. linear, parabolic, inverse, etc.)







Evaluate the design of a physics investigation Identify the independent variables, dependent variables, and controls in an experiment Use mathematics to show relationships within a set of observations Identify a hypothesis for a given problem in physics investigations Recognize potential hazards and practice safety procedures in all physics activities
















Interpret and Communicate data by making inferences, predictions, or conclusions and by describing, recording, and reporting experimental procedures and results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8





Experiment by making observations and measurements to test ideas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




Classify based on similarities, differences, and interrelationships 1. 2. 3.


Identify qualitative and quantitative changes given conditions (e.g. temperature, mass, volume, time, position, length, etc.) before, during, and after an event Use appropriate tools (e.g. metric ruler, graduated cylinder, thermometer, balances, spring scales, stopwatches, etc.) when measuring objects and/or events Use appropriate SI units (i.e. grams, meters, liters, degrees Celsius, and seconds); and SI prefixes (i.e. micro-, milli- centi-, and kilo-) when measuring objects and/or events

Select appropriate predictions based on previously observed patterns of evidence Report data in an appropriate manner Interpret data tables, line, bar, trend, and/or circle graphs Accept or reject hypotheses given results of a physics investigation Evaluate experimental data to draw the most logical conclusion Prepare a written report describing the sequence, results, and interpretation of an investigation or event Communicate or defend scientific thinking that results in conclusions Identify and/or create an appropriate graph or chart from collected data, tables, or written description



















Model: Forming a mental model or physical representation from data, patterns, or relationships to facilitate understanding and enhance prediction 1. 2. 3.

Interpret a model which explains a given set of observations Select predictions based on models Compare a given model to the physical world

























































VIII. Inquiry: the opportunity to ask a question, formulate a procedure, and observe phenomena 1. 2. 3. 4.

Formulate a testable hypothesis and design an appropriate experiment relating to the physical world Design and conduct scientific investigations in which variables are identified and controlled Use a variety of technologies, such as hand tools, measuring instruments, and computers to collect, analyze, and display data Formulate explanations or models (physical, conceptual, and mathematical), engage in discussions (based on scientific knowledge, the use of logic, and evidence from the investigation) and arguments that encourage revisions of their explanations, leading to further inquiry

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Inquiry Physics Curriculum

August 2008 Revision

Inquiry Physics Core Lab Summaries The lab titles are hyperlinks to the online laboratory handouts; labs come from Inquiry Physics: A Modified Learning Cycle Curriculum by Granger Meador ACTIVITY 1 One-Dimensional Motion Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 1, Lab) CONCEPTS:

Velocity is measurable and describes the change of position of an object.


Grooved wooden track or air track ring stand or blocks to incline the track ball for wooden track or air track glider or wheeled toy meter sticks stopwatches masking tape


Students collect data for analysis via distance vs. time graph and invent the concept of velocity.


Tracks can slip and cause injury if elevated too high.

ACTIVITY 2 Vectors Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 2, Lab) CONCEPTS:

A model which provides the magnitude and direction of a measurable quantity is a vector.


force tables with pulleys, strings, weight holders, ring one slotted weight set protractor, ruler blank paper, graph paper


Students construct a force vector diagram using data from the force tables. It is shown that one force on the table will always be the equilibrant of the other two.


no special concerns

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August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 3 Forces and Acceleration Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 5, Labs A & B) CONCEPTS:

A constant unbalanced force acting on any movable object produces a constant acceleration in the direction of the force. A certain amount of unbalanced force will result in a specific acceleration of an object in the direction of the force. (Force and acceleration are directly proportional.)


Option A (dynamic carts) dynamics cart of known mass meter stick spring masking tape Newton scale OR table pulley & wts 5 one-kilogram masses stopwatch


Students investigate how a constant force yields constant acceleration. They also collect data to construct and interpret a graph of force vs. acceleration.


If using springs to pull carts, students need large open areas to pull carts o avoid collisions. Distances and speeds must be controlled to prevent accidents. Springs need to be securely fastened to meter sticks to avoid possible injury

Option B (air tracks) air track air track glider string weight holder slotted weights OR tilt blocks stopwatch

ACTIVITY 4 Inertial Balance (Inquiry Physics Investigation 6, Lab A)


Weight is a result of gravity acting on an object. Mass is the quantity of matter in an object and responsible for its inertia.


Inertial balance 250 g cylinder 500 g mass


The concept of mass invented when it is shown that gravity cannot account for the decreased oscillations of the balance when more weight (actually mass) is added.


The 500 g mass must be taped into the balance securely to prevent it from falling out and possibly causing injury.

masking tape blank paper

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11th and 12th Grade Physics (Inquiry) Objectives

August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 5 Mass and Acceleration Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 6, Lab B) CONCEPTS:

Acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass being accelerated when a constant force is applied.


Option A dynamics cart of known mass meter stick spring masking tape or table pulley & wts Newton scale 5 one-kilogram masses stopwatch


Students collect data to construct and interpret graphs of mass vs. acceleration and 1/mass vs. acceleration.


If using springs to pull carts, students need large open areas to pull carts to avoid collisions. Distances and speeds must be controlled to prevent accidents. Springs need to be securely fastened to meter sticks to avoid possible injury.

Option B air track air track glider string weight holder slotted weights OR tilt blocks stopwatch

ACTIVITY 6 The Laws of Motion (Inquiry Physics Investigation 7, Lab) CONCEPTS:

An object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity and an object at rest will remain at rest unless an external unbalanced force acts upon it. The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the unbalanced force applied to it and inversely proportional to the object’s mass. If one body exerts a force upon another, the second body will exert an equal but opposite force back upon the first.


3 or 4 different masses blank paper masking tape ruler string ring stand five nickels and one penny


Students use the results (graphs) of core labs 4,5 and 7 to mathematically derive the second law of motion. Students perform the “tablecloth trick” and observe the inertia demonstration to develop the first law of motion.


Students must be careful not to pull the masses off the table in the tablecloth trick to avoid possible injury. In the inertia demonstration, the lecturer needs to be careful that falling mass does not strike his hand.

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August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 7 Friction Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 8, Lab) CONCEPTS:

When one object moves over another, a retarding force called friction acts opposite to the direction of motion. Both surface types, the force pressing the surfaces together, and whether the objects are in motion or not each affect friction between solids.


surface blocks (plain, mirrored, sandpaper) surface board long mirror metal plate Newton scales 100, 250, 500, and 1000 gram masses


Students pull blocks with various surfaces across various surfaces to identify the primary factors affecting friction.


no special concerns

ACTIVITY 8 Linear Momentum Labs A & B (Inquiry Physics Investigation 9, Labs A & B) CONCEPTS:

The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity. The momentum of an isolated system (one upon which no net external force acts) is conserved.


air track 3 air track gliders (two 300 gram and one 150 gram) photogates with basic timers electric glider launcher


Students collect data for elastic collisions that leads to the law of conservation of momentum.


no special concerns

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11th and 12th Grade Physics (Inquiry) Objectives

August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 9 Circular Motion Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 10, Lab) CONCEPTS:

When an object is moving in a circle about a central point, a force acts at right angles to the tangential motion of the object and toward the center of the circular path. The force is centripetal force and is directly proportional to the square of the object's speed.


100 gram mass string narrow glass or metal rod, approximately 6” long rubber stopper Demo: air table, puck, fishing line


Students observe the trajectory of a circling puck released on an air table, analyzing its behavior. They analyze the forces acting when they twirl a stopper using a tube device. A parabolic graph of applied force versus speed is produced when radius and mass are controlled.


The mass and stopper must be securely tied, or the equipment may unexpectedly enter projectile, not circular, motion and cause injuries.

ACTIVITY 10 Work Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 13, Lab A) CONCEPTS:

The mathematical product of a force and the parallel distance through which it operates is known as work. A system can do work only if it has energy.


inclined plane Hall’s carriage 500 and 1000 gram masses Newton scale masking tape meter stick


Students collect data for towing objects of varying mass up an inclined plane at various angles to develop the concept of work.


no special concerns

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11th and 12th Grade Physics (Inquiry) Objectives

August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 11 Ammeters (Inquiry Physics Investigation 15, Lab B)


An electrical circuit is present when there is evidence that electrical energy is being used. An electrical current moves or flows in an electrical circuit, is measured with an ammeter, and depends on the number of energy users and sources.


ammeter two 1.5 V dry cells two 1.3 V light bulbs in bases hook-up wire


Students learn how to operate an ammeter and see the effects of voltage and resistance on current flow.


Because low voltages are being used, risk of dangerous electric shock is minimal. Students should be monitored in dry cell hookup to avoid overheating due to improper connections. Meter hookup should be monitored to avoid equipment damage.

ACTIVITY 12 Ohm’s Law Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 15, Lab C) CONCEPTS:

Voltage is measured with a voltmeter. In an electrical circuit, a strict relationship among voltage, current, and resistance exists (V = IR). That relationship is Ohm’s Law.


hookup wire ammeter voltmeter 5, 10, and 20 Ω resistors 1.5-4.5V variable power supply or three 1.5 V dry cells ruler


Because low voltages are being used, risk of dangerous electric shock is minimal. Students should be monitored in battery hookup to avoid overheating due to improper connections. Meter hookup should be monitored to avoid equipment damage.

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11th and 12th Grade Physics (Inquiry) Objectives

August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 13 Resistors & Series Circuits Lab (Inquiry Physics Investigation 15, Labs D & E) CONCEPTS:

A resistor is a device especially designed for a certain amount of resistance and is coded using colored bands. A series circuit has one loop. In a series circuit, the voltage is additive, the current is constant, and the total resistance equals the sum of the individual resistances.


hookup wire 3 high-wattage color-coded resistors of varying sizes (5, 10, and 20 S) ammeter voltmeter 12V variable power supply


Students test color-coded resistors by collecting current and voltage data. They then collect similar data across the elements of a series circuit to determine its basic properties.


Because low voltages are being used, risk of dangerous electric shock is minimal. Meter hookup should be monitored to avoid equipment damage. Also, resistors should be checked for overheating.

ACTIVITY 14 Parallel Circuits Properties (Inquiry Physics Investigation 15, Lab F) CONCEPTS:

A parallel circuit has multiple loops. In a parallel circuit, the voltage is constant, the current is additive, and the inverse of the total resistance equals the sum of the inverses of the individual resistances.


Hookup wire 3 high power resistors varying sizes (5, 10, 20 S) ammeter voltmeter 12 V variable power supply


Students collect voltage and current data across the elements of two parallel circuits to determine their basic properties.


See activity 13.

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August 2008 Revision

ACTIVITY 15 Magnetism


Magnetization of ferromagnetic materials can be accomplished by exposure to an external magnetic field. Magnetism is caused by the alignment of magnetic domains, regions in which electron spins are aligned.


Compass large nails or iron rods Permanent bar and stirring magnets Glass tube with iron fillings Petri dish (Optional: hammer, Bunsen burner, tongs)


Students magnetize straight pins and build tadpole compasses. They magnetize an iron rod by stroking it with a permanent magnet and learn how striking (or heating) the rod destroys its magnetism. They examine lodestone and use a model to develop magnetic domain concepts. Optional activity includes heating nails and then cooling them in the field of a bar magnet and the planet.


Caution with flame and hot nails if heating option is used.

straight pin size 00 cork lodestone paperclips

ACTIVITY 16 Electromagnetic Induction (Inquiry Physics Investigation 17, Lab)


Magnetic fields can be used to generate electric current.


Wire coil 2 bar magnets


Students examine how a magnet can be pushed into a coil of wire to create electrical current. They explore possible controlling factors of insertion rate and depth, polarity, field strength, and relative motion of coil and magnet.


No concerns

compass galvanometer

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