Oct 7, 2016 - PTA Meeting 7:00PM. Foundation Meeting 8:00PM. Oct. 14. NO SCHOOL ... our kids are going to be ready for R
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October 7, 2016
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Two weeks ago was the exclamation point of a dream that came to fulfillment. This was achieved through a gift from Lowes and Nike. If you noticed, the playground field looks a little different. That is because we now have a large track that surrounds the perimeter of the field. Over the weekend, a crew from Lowes (30 employees) from four different Lowes stores came out and installed our track. This involved excavating the ground, laying rock and then putting hemlock bark composite down. On Monday, students were running on it, walking on it, and counting their laps. The kids are on it during their morning recess, lunch recess and for the older kids their afternoon recess. It appears that kids are trying to increase their stamina and endurance. Get ready Foundation, our kids are going to be ready for RUN Llewellyn. If you haven’t checked it out, please do and take a walk on it. I have individual student testimonies in which some of our kids have run between 16-20 laps during their lunch recess. It seems each day, students are sharing with me their personal best.
Impor tant Dates TODAY Oct. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 19 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 9-11
Gift Wrap Sales End Volunteer Orientation 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Foundation Meeting 8:00PM NO SCHOOL – Teacher Inservice Day LATE OPENING – School Begins 10:00A Cup of joe with Joe 8:15AM Monster March starts 3:00P @ Llewellyn Wreath Sales Begin NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day NO SCHOOL–Conferences/Veterans Day
Oct. 4 7:30PM
Reading Night 6:00-
Oct. 11
PTA Volunteer
Our Custodians by: Stella & Stella, 5th grade
You know how you leave school and your room floor is filthy and in the morning it is clean? It’s like magic. Well, the magic comes from our awesome custodians. First is John, he works all day. Then Darren is out night custodian. Every time you see either John or Darren, say Thank You because they make our rooms sparkling clean. Be respectful to not make big messes for them to clean because they might not enjoy taking care of everyone’s messes. Remember John and Darren are a big part of our Llewellyn Community! Best. Custodians. Ever.
Salamanders by: Hanna, 5th grade
In Mr. Rozell’s class, he brought in baby salamanders! Salamanders are little lizards that like water, but not too much. Mr. Rozell also brought in a tank with bark chips and rocks. He also hired “zookeepers” who spray misty water in their tank every day. They are hard to find, but once in a while, they pop The most camera shy member up! of Mr. Rozell’s Class.
October 7, 2016 – Page 2
The Thorns Playoff Game
Personal Narratives
by: Lucia, 5th Grade
by: Finley, 2nd grade
On Sunday, October 2nd, The Thorns soccer team played their last game of the season. I went to the game at Providence Park, and they were playing against the New York Flash. Earlier this season they played The Flash and beat them 2-1. But this Sunday, they just didn’t have it going. Unfortunately, they lost 3-4. But they did go into overtime because it was tied 2-2. Of course, being a big Thorns fan, I was very disappointed, and hope to never see The Flash again!
In second grade, we are working on writing personal narratives. Here is a personal narrative that I wrote. I went to the Sellwood Pool with my dad and sister, Naomi, last summer. We were swimming, but suddenly the lifeguard said to get out of the pool. "Yuck" I said. I am not going in the pool again. "Let's go get slurpies," said Dad. "Okay" I said. I got orange and Naomi got orange too. The orange slurpy tasted sour and sweet on my tongue. My taste buds had a smiley face on them. After that, we went home in our car. When we got home, I read to my dad. I accidentally spilled my slurpy on my book, but I had a great day with my dad and sister.
Jump Rope Club I Like This School
by: Delaney, Sofia, Zoey, Eva & Finley, 2nd grade
by: Clara, 1st grade
In Ms. Cronen’s class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday we are doing a Jump Rope Club. Anyone can join. We will be on the Buddy Bench, and you can get your jump ropes. It is at lunch recess, but only at 2nd and 3rd recess. We are doing the Jump Rope Club because it fun and it is good exercise.
I like this school because it is fun. I have a good teacher and nice friends. I learn a lot here! There is always something fun to do here! I like computer lab, science, math and more! It is exciting and fun to go to this school. I like this school!
Facts about Foxes by: Maya & Harper, 2nd grade
We are going to tell you some amazing facts about foxes. Foxes are really common in the United Kingdom. They are related to dogs. A fox can only get a little taller than a cat. The life span of a fox is around fourteen years. A female fox is called a vixen and a baby fox is called a cub. These animals have really good hearing. They use a "call" to communicate with each other. Hopefully you learned some facts about foxes.
by: Poppy, 5th grade
Right now I am reading Wildwood. So far it is a really good book, and I am not very far into it, but I think it’s good and that’s saying something! This book has two main characters: Prue and her friend Curtis. There are other characters too, like her Mom and Dad and Prue’s baby brother Mac. Mac is one year old. If you love action-packed books, then this is the book for you!
October 7, 2016 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Kindergarten and 1st Grades
Kindergarten: We are excited to be entering into our second month of kindergarten. We are becoming comfortable with the daily routines. In math we're learning how to sort by a variety of different attributes. We're also working on naming and describing the features of basic 2D shapes: square, circle, rectangle and triangle. How is a square different than a rectangle? In Reading we're working on becoming Storybook Readers by making our words match the pictures, talking like the characters, and using "connecting" words like "and then," "next," and "meanwhile," to make the different parts of the story stick together. In Writing we have been writing teaching books and now we are beginning to write stories about our lives. We have begun to look for signs of fall and can't wait to dig deeper into our investigation of trees. First Grade: In reading, first graders are working on summarizing the most important parts of a story including the sequence of events. In writing, students are working on writing with complete sentences: does every sentence have a WHO and a WHAT. We are also breaking apart short and long words and isolating all of the sounds in the word before writing them down. In math, we are working on subtraction, number sentences and story problems.
I Am by: Mason, 5th grade
Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge by: Olivia & Madelyn, 4th grade
I am Oregon From rivers to valleys Mountains and Springs I am Portland From burger – gelato Biking galore I am Sellwood Bridges, stores, buildings From gift shops to Houses to docks to parks I am Llewellyn Stars twinkling, fun Reading writing arithmetic I am Room 208 From projects to desks Salamanders to paw paws My home… OREGON
This week, our classroom went on our first field trip to the Oak Bottom Wildlife Refuge. First, we walked to Sellwood Park where the trail started. In the beginning, we saw many animals and bugs. After a while, we saw wetland start to appear. The water was covered with duckweed and different green plants. Soon we stopped for a snack on a small deck overlooking the wetland. After we traveled deeper into the trail and started to see more bugs, for example we saw an enormous spider and many fuzzy caterpillars. As we started to reach the end we realized we were LATE FOR LUNCH! So we started running up the hill at a record pace. We stopped when we reached the street, but we were all still afraid we wouldn’t eat lunch. Thankfully, when we got back to school there was still hot lunch, but we had to eat in our classroom, have a private recess and almost be late for buddies! But in the end it was fun!
October 7, 2016 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers *** find us on instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up todate on the latest events & happenings.***
Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Sill E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Eva Bisango Hanna Brady Mason Bregoli Clara Chittum Lucia Cooper Olivia Doster Poppy Friel Stella Gamber Madelyn Joe Zoey Jones Sofia Mario LeVelle Stella Page Finley Sager Delaney Wold
Create Community Monthly PTA Meeting - Tuesday, October 11th 7:00-8:00pm in the Cafetorium. On the agenda: Measure 97 presentation, Committee reviews, report from Joe, and an update about traffic safety. **Childcare is not provided due to insurance reasons. Any questions contact Amanda Buck:
[email protected] Enhance Learning 5th Grade Overnight - Fundraising Update THANK YOU to all of those who participated in the Sunday Parkways Bake Sale & Lemonade Stand last weekend. Thankfully the rain stopped and people came out, had fun and bought up nearly all of our goodies! Chinook Book Sales are still wrapping up! The 5th graders did a fantastic job and we are very close to meeting our goal! If you don't have yours yet, we still have some Apps and Books left (Combo packs are sold out), please contact Jen Soares or Sarah Taylor this week via email at
[email protected] or
[email protected], or pick one up in the office. Organize Volunteers Volunteer Orientation: Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30pm (right before the PTA meeting) If you are new to Llewellyn or want a refresher on the where's or how to's in volunteering in our school, come join us. Just meet outside the school office. Recess Volunteers Needed! Although the Llewellyn staff takes turns at recess, there's a lot of kids outside and more adults on hand helps keep recess fun and safe for everyone. Please remember to sign-in at the office and put on a "recess vest" found in the ball bucket. Also, review the posted playground rules. **Please note: all volunteers must have filled out a background check and passed in order to volunteer. Copy and paste the following link to sign up! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0549abaa28a1f85-recess
LLEWELLYN'S 4th Annual OBOB Competition!
It’s Not Too Late!
The Oregon Battle of the Books, OBOB, is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Libraries. It's open to all 3rd, 4th & 5th graders - check out the OBOB book list and start reading!
You can still order school photos! The information needed to order online is the website address: mylifetouch.com and the code: FO736822Q0. Photos will NOT arrive with the “day of” orders, but ARE still available!
Information Night: Thursday, October 20th at 7:00pm in the school library. For more information, please go to: http://llewellynobob.weebly.com