Apr 7, 2017 - by: Zoe, Chloe & Ruby, 1st grade. The King Penguin is. 36 inches tall. They .... Editor: Joe Galati. C
Volume 4, Issue 25 April 7, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Spring break is such a lovely time. While having the opportunity to see students and our incredible staff each weekday is a privilege, I recognize that we all need time to renew and refresh so that we can be our best. I so appreciated Spring in that even though I worked Portland some over the break, I got to play with my wife and kids. We enjoyed our time together and I know that I came back ready for this final chapter of the school year. It seems like after spring break the calendar really fills up. Music nights, art week, carnival, field day, and more. This is a time of student assessments, field trips, and celebrations! I begin to get more than a little melancholy about our fifth graders who are moving on and how much I will miss their contributions to our school. Luckily, pretty soon our kindergartners begin to show up as families continue to register and get to know the school. This helps me to be excited about the whole new group of students joining us next year. As we face the busyness of the end of the school year I am thankful for the times we have to rest, but I am reminded that in the midst of all the hustle and bustle there are so many wonderful things to appreciate and celebrate.
Important Dates: April 11 April 13 April 17-19 April 19 April 21
April 25 April 28
PTA Meeting 7:ooPM in the Cafetorium Run Llewellyn 5th Grade Overnight NO LATE START School Begins at 8:00AM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM in the Library Earth Day Celebration 2:30PM Llewellyn Talent Show 6:00PM 5th Grade Music Concert 6:30PM Spring Photo Day
Paint Fairies
by: Lily, 5th grade
Over Spring Break, the boys and girls bathrooms on both floors were painted! They now look so bright and colorful; it’s just plain awesomeness! When they used to be just plain boring, it didn’t make students excited. Now that they’re painted, it makes students happy and excited. Even though being excited doesn’t affect student learning, it’s just fun to be excited. THANK YOU PAINT FARIES!
Who ARE the Paint Fairies? Find out on Page 4!
Project Second Wind by: Ms. Marie Dolson, Learning Center Teacher and Project Second Wind Coordinator
The numbers are in! The community of by L Llewellyn School gathered a total of 1,727 pounds of food and $96.51 in cash. This is equivalent to 1,671 meals for those in the community that may otherwise go hungry. Way To Go!! The Oregon Food Bank has sent a certificate of appreciation for all of our efforts and a great big THANK YOU from those families that visit the Oregon Food Bank. “We are grateful for your effort to feed the human spirit…because no one should be hungry.” I would like to thank everyone that donated food and money, helping to make this food drive a huge success. I would also like to thank Ken, the regional manager of Papa Murphy’s for the donation of free pizzas for the grand prize, as well as the PTA for the donation of coupons for free Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen and a hamburger meal from Killer Burger.
April 7, 2017 – Page 2
The Pangolin by: Eideann,
Have you heard of a Pangolin or Pholidota? Well, if you have not heard of a Pangolin you should know that Pholidota is a Pangolin’s scientific name. A Pangolin’s life span is up to 20 year. Also, a Pangolin is an endangered animal because it is hunted for it’s meat and scales. I hope you enjoyed this article about Pangolins.
Christiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi by: Mason, 5th grade
Have you heard of the rivalry between soccer legends Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi? If you haven’t, Ronaldo and Messi are the most well-known and some believe they are the best. But who really is the very best? Today let’s find out the very best player. Do you know what the ballon d’or is? It’s the USA’s golden ball but in a different language (French). It’s a large FIFA award given to the world’s best male and the world’s best female. Ronaldo has three ballon d’or and Messi has four. The penalty kicks accuracy is very close for these top-notch athletes. Messi has an 86% rate and Ronaldo has a 90.4% rate. Messi has a 7.2% success rate, but Ronaldo has only a 6.7% success rate. Assists are almost more important than goals. The goal wouldn’t happen if not for assists. Messi has 87 and Ronaldo has 67 career assists. Header goals, a goal with your head, Ronaldo has 36, but Messi only has 11. When you play in a soccer game, it’s good to touch the ball/ Messi has an average of 80 touches per game and has had 16,936. Ronaldo has had 12,145 touches, 58 per game. Messi and Ronaldo have been in a goal scoring competition for years. There have been so many different types of goals. For hat tricks (three goals in a game) Messi has 32 that’s 96 goals just from hat tricks. But Ronaldo has 33 hat tricks; 99 goals. On the inside of the 18-yard box, Ronaldo has scored 198 goals Messi has scored 204 goals. On the outside of the box, Messi has 32, but Ronaldo has 36 goals outside the box. In a total number of goals Ronaldo has 237 goals. So I think Messi is the best player. What do you think?
The Titanic
by: Julia, 4th grade
In class, we watched a video about scientists who went into the deep seas and studied the Titanic. The film was amazing because we got to see the real ship! We were all very surprised that the window from a door and a bed frame were still preserved. Mrs. Streano’s great grandfather did lots of the woodwork on the Titanic, and it was special to see the beautiful wood that he did! This movie definitely got the class more interested in the Titanic.
by: Zoe, Chloe & Ruby, 1st grade
The King Penguin is 36 inches tall. They have black feet and weigh 30 pounds. They have yellow and orange feathers on their heads and chests. They can lay two eggs but may incubate only one. They eat fish and krill. Do you know that Rock Hopper Penguins have bright yellow feathers sticking out past their eyes and they have orange feet? They find rocks and plants to build a nest and they are five to six pounds. They eat shrimp and krill, are 19 inches tall, and they lay two eggs. Little Blue Penguins weigh two to three pounds and are 16 inches tall. The female lays two eggs and they are the only penguin in the world that is blue. They have black beaks.
April 7, 2017 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Fourth and Fifth Grades
Fourth Grade: The fourth grade is preparing for our busiest and most exciting learning opportunities of the year! Our classes completed our Circuits and Pathways electricity units, where students (safely) engaged in hands-on, inquirybased experiments with batteries, lightbulbs and wires, among other tools. Students learned about the various electric pathways and their conductors and inhibitors, different types of circuits, etc. We are about to start our Oregon Trail unit, where the students will work in wagon teams to make the journey from Independence, MO to Oregon City or Fort Vancouver. This is an integrated unit that encompasses writing, reading, geography, and history. Our culminating activity is the Oregon Trail Overnight in May. We will also be studying macroinvertebrates through our Oaks Bottom outdoor education experiences. In math, our classes have started or will soon start the unit on fractions and decimals. We have continued to focus on reading comprehension skills through novel studies and Reading Street. Coming up, we will be taking the state tests in April or May. Fourth grade parents, please don’t forget aboutThe sending in your Trail forms your teacher! Fifth Grade: big news is students’ that fifthOregon graders leave fortoOMSI Science Thank Camp you, parents, and community, for your support our Oregon experience history in Newport on of April 17, 18 &Trail 19thOvernight . This is our annualthat trekcombines to learnOregon more about and outdoor education! oceanography and the environment on the Oregon coast. The camp is situated
in Newport so we have the "opportunity" to bond on a school bus for the 2.5 hour trip! Overall, it's a great way to spend three days of "school." Due to the fifth graders being gone, we will need parents to help with Safety Patrol crossing for the three days that we're gone. Typically, fourth graders are trained before we embark on this trip, However, we're leaving one month earlier than normal so we feel it's too early to begin training fourth graders. Therefore, if you are a parent and can watch one of the three stops (front of school, DQ or 17th and Tolman) on either the morning (7:40am) or afternoon (2:15-2:25pm), the entire fifth grade would appreciate your help. Just contact Mr. Rozell (
[email protected]) to let him know your availability.
Mr. Galati
Marvelous Rad Great Amazing Leadership Awesome Tremendous Intelligent
by: Ava & Libby, 4th grade
Spring Break
by: Ryan, 3rd grade
Spring Break started on March 25th and ended on April 2nd. Spring by L Break is a time to have fun with your family and friends. You might go to Seattle, the beach, or even Australia! You can spend time with your friends, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins or even your pets! And there is so much to look forward to after Spring Break such as birthdays, Easter, and soccer & basketball games. I hope you had fun during your Spring Break!
April 7, 2017 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Mason Bregoli Chloe Brownbridge Ruby Burke Ava Johnson Lily Koehler Eideann O’Riordan Zoe Richardson Ryan Stauffer Julia Vogel Libby Wise
Create Community - Come join us at our Monthly PTA Meeting coming up next Tuesday, April 11th at 7:00pm in the cafeteria! Come hear about upcoming events and a report from Joe. Please note, childcare is not provided due to insurance purposes. Any questions, please contact us:
[email protected] Enhance Learning - Mark your calendars! TUESDAY, April 25th, is the Pizzicato Dough for Dollars Fundraiser! There are two ways to support our school. 1. Pre-order gift cards! Order forms will be coming home soon or 2. Eat PIZZA all day at the Westmoreland Pizzicato location. (Dine in, Take out, or delivery!) 20% of your order will come back to Llewellyn. More info to come soon!! Any questions contact: Amanda Buck
[email protected] Parent Led Art (PLA) lessons are done for the year. We enjoyed exploring the lives and artwork of our favorite artists, including two new artists, Georgia O’Keefe and Lillian Pitt. We feel especially proud that each Llewellyn student had the opportunity to create a ceramic piece this year. Many, heartfelt thanks to our dedicated, thoughtful volunteers who gave their time and effort and to our teachers who opened their doors to enrich art literacy in the classroom. This month, each student will select their favorite piece to be included in an art gallery-style show. We’re doing things a bit differently this year; there will be no evening event. Student artwork will be displayed throughout the school during:
Art Week! Thursday, April 27th to Thursday, May 4th All families are invited to view student masterpieces before or after school hours during this week.
Paint Fairies Revealed! Kim Borcherding, with The Hasson Company, Realtors volunteered, coordinated and paid for supplies and some painters. Additional donations were made by: Aaron Adrian with Circle A Painting, John Horsman at Westmoreland Ace Hardware donated most of the paint. Feastworks and PDX Sliders provided lunch for the volunteers and Muddy Rudder and Opa provided dinners. Fairlane Coffee and Khavelogy provided coffee. Rob Hallerbach documented the project on video and Jillian Lancaster at 22pages photography took professional “after” photos. Volunteers were: Don, Ron, Eileen, Krystyna, Brent, Emily & Brian, Derek, Sara, Danny, Shad, John, Alexa, Debra, Carrie, Jacob, Patrick, Chrystal, Lynae, Rebecca, Marsha, Sean & Zoey, Jennifer, Anita, Edward, Lori, Debbie, Cydney, Lisa, Brin, Jasmine and Abby from Ace Hardware. THANK YOU!