Mar 24, 2017 - Princess Sophia was hosting her 10th birthday! She was a ... are best friends and so are we. ... writing
Volume 4, Issue 24 March 24, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati This past Saturday I put on my spiffy hat and headed over to Oaks Park Pavilion for the annual PTA auction. I was so moved by all the people who came out. There were parents of current students, parents of alumni, staff and their partners, and community members. People gave generously, won wonderful items given by our neighborhood partners or created by our students, and enjoyed a fun time together. At the Foundation paddle raise portion of the evening we heard moving testimony from a parent and from a teacher about the realities of the shortfall in our state school fund. The support for our school was overwhelming and the paddle raise received more money than ever before! We still have a long way to go to ensure that all of our schools have the necessary funding for all students to succeed. Donating to the foundation is one way to get involved. I encourage folks to learn about the issues facing education in our state so that you can be an advocate for our students and community. Consider attending school board meetings, participating in education days in Salem, and sharing your vision of what school can be when we all come together to support our students. On Saturday, I saw a piece of what can happen when we all come together. Whenever I get discouraged I will hold on to the feeling of that night and the amazing support on display in this community for our school.
Important Dates: March 27-31 April 4 April 7 April 11 April 13 April 17-19 April 19
NO SCHOOL – Spring Break 4th Grade Music Concert 6:30PM TEACHER PLANNING DAY CANCELLED - School Begins at 8:00AM PTA Meeting - 7:00PM in the Cafetorium Run Llewellyn 5th Grade Overnight NO LATE START School Begins at 8:00AM
More Diversity Means More Love by: Julia, 4th grade
How would you feel to be a person of color when there are hardly and books where black people go on adventures? Mrs. Streano’s class demands more diversity in our literature! Apparently, some authors think it’s hard to write a book with the main character being Africa American, or Muslim, or any other race than Caucasian. The more diversity we have, the more people will be happy. So, next time you write a story, please consider having a lead character who is not white.
by L
6th Grade Enrollment News from Portland Public Schools As you prepare for your child to enter middle by L next year, Portland Public Schools is school seeking your cooperation with an important part of the transition process. PPS staff will be checking proof of residency for all students planning to enroll at Sellwood Middle School next year to make sure they register at the correct school for their home address. Families of 5th grade students will receive emails/letters with instructions soon. Please note that children enrolled in Special Education Focus Classrooms and children who qualify as homeless do not have to provide proof of address. Please contact the Enrollment and Transfer Center with questions: 503-916-3205 or
[email protected].
March 24, 2017 – Page 2
by: Libby & Ava, 4th grade
By Ms.
A few days ago we had Buddies. Our buddies are Harvey and Kennedy. They are best friends and so are we. In Buddies we usually do crafts or we read. This week we did reading. Ava and her buddy read five books and Libby and her buddy read a whole Bad Kitty book! Our buddies are kindergartners in Mrs. Frisby’s class. They are so cute!
Girls on the Run
by: Reina, 4th grade
Girls on the Run (GOTR) is lots of fun! This class goes on after school on Mondays and Wednesdays in my group. Every Monday and Wednesday we have classes training us to run a 5K (3.1 miles). Before we start our training we have lessons on the power of yourself and self-esteem. GOTR is fun and healthy, not to mention you can also make some great new friends!
The Green and Gold Coins by: Jade & Sophia, 1st grade
Princess Party - A Fairy Tale by: Sophia, 1st grade
Princess Sophia was hosting her 10th birthday! She was a beautiful princess. She was the daughter of Queen Vivian and King Henry. Her sister's name was Princess Jade. Jade was seven years old. "It is time for Princess Sophia's birthday!" King Henry said. Sophia ate cake and opened presents. It was time for Jade's present; it was a rhinestone necklace. Sophia loved it. Queen Vivian gave her a makeup set. King Henry gave her a cat. Sophia loved her gifts. Queen Vivian takes Sophia to get her ears pierced. When Sophia is done, they go home and go to bed.
The End
Last Friday was St. Patrick’s Day. In room 108, we had a leprechaun come into our room and leave us coins. There were green and gold ones. We were very impressed that he left us coins. During the day, we looked at our coins and on the back of the green coin there was writing that said “a four leaf clover for good luck”. At recess, some people were looking for leprechauns, but they did not find any. Friday was an exciting day.
Fast Facts
by: Ben, 4th grade
Today I have for you some fast facts! •Melatonin’s chemical composition is C13H16N2O2. • The Mexican mole lizard only has front feet, not back. • Coca cola would be green if food coloring wasn’t added. • About 150 people are killed by coconuts every year. • There are more lifeforms living on your skin than there are people on the planet. • A human will eat on average 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders while sleeping. I hope you liked these fast facts!
March 24, 2017 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Second and Third grades
Second grade has been studying and observing weather in science, and like you, we are grateful to makes notes about weather besides rain! Ask a 2nd grader about the different kinds of clouds; they know the stratus clouds all too well. Second grade is known for the study of community and neighborhood. More field trips and celebrating what makes West Moreland unique are happening this spring. If you know of a good local business that these classes should visit, please recommend it to a 2nd grade teacher soon. Naturally, we will need chaperones. We hope you notice what fabulous readers your 2nd graders are becoming. Keep up the good reading at home. Third grade wrapped up their Famous Person/Important Person Biography speeches this week! It has been an amazing project that reinforces so many skills: reading biographies, researching, writing, and using public speaking skills. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come watch our speeches! As we enter into spring, 3rd grade will begin to focus on our final units, Portland Bridges and Portland History, in addition to our final science unit, Rocks and Minerals. Also with spring, comes Smarter Balanced Statewide Testing! Each 3rd grade has developed a schedule for when their class will take the English Language Arts (ELA) and Math Assessments. ELA will take place in April, and Math in May (if you have further questions about Smarter Balanced, please see your child’s teacher). Have a wonderful and enjoyable spring break!
Music Notes
Mrs. Engstrom
by: Lavonna Zeller-Williams, Music Teacher
by: Ceiba, 4th grade
Our 4th grade is putting the finishing touches on their music program which is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30pm in the Cafetorium. Students are to arrive at 6:15pm and line up in the hallway with Mr. Galati as parents find their seats. The students have chosen a "Western" theme for their evening's performance and have asked to dress in western clothing. It can be as simple as jeans and a plaid shirt or as elaborate as pioneer dress. They have chosen these songs to go along with the history of the Oregon Trail that they will be learning in their classroom. We will be video recording the performance for your personal family viewing. You can purchase a DVD-R copy for $5 the evening of the performance. The DVD will be created using Windows Movie Maker, so please make sure that your method of playing the DVD will include media of that type. All proceeds go to our Music fund to provide more instruments and music materials for our Llewellyn students.
Merry Right Stupendous Excellent Nice Great Super TerRiFic Right Outstanding Marvelous
March 24, 2017 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click to follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!
{HAVE A WONDERFUL & SAFE SPRING BREAK!!!} Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Sophia Brownlow Ava Johnson Ceiba McGibbon Jade McGibbon Reina Morales Ben Steckler Heim Julia Vogel Libby Wise
AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES REGISTRATION UPDATE Registration is in full-swing for Spring Session of After School Classes. Some classes have already filled up, but there are still many with spots still available. The online registration site will remain open during Spring Break, so feel free to continue to register for classes that are still open. As a reminder, the link for the registration site is here: If you have already registered and your child has a confirmed spot in any classes, you should have received a confirmation email from Tori Harms, and you need to bring in your payment to the office by Friday, March 24th in order to secure your spot. Please make sure to write your child's name on the memo line of your checks for payment and ensure you are writing checks to the appropriate person/organization listed for each class. If you have not yet received an email from Tori, your child is likely on a waitlist for a class that filled quickly. We will continue to keep families posted if wait-list spots become available. Spring After School Classes will run April 10 - June 9, and this will be the last session of the school year. Remember, while some of the Winter Session classes end this week, some of the Winter Session classes will be holding their final snow-day make-up classes the week after Spring Break. Please check with your child's current instructor(s) if you are unsure if your Winter class will be meeting one last time the week of April 3rd. Questions about After School Classes? Please contact Tori Harms (
[email protected]).
Congratulations Claire Dolan! Llewellyn’s Spelling Contest Champ!
Please remember to send a re-fillable water bottle with your student so we are not wasting so many paper cups! Please and Thank You!