Jun 2, 2017 - a part of an amazing class government. Thanks to ... and another girl in our class and other people did th
Volume 4, Issue 32 June 2, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati As an elementary principal, part of my job is to create safe spaces for all students and to reassure children. One of the things I have taught my own children comes from Mr. Rogers. I’m sure many of you have seen this quote, but it is well worth repeating as we try to see the world as it is and not just as our fears can sometimes distort things. Mr. Rogers said, “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.” It can be tempting to let one person’s hateful actions dominate our thoughts, so I am working to remember the people who step up, perform CPR, call the families, raise money, write messages of support on the walls, light candles, protect the innocent, and live out love. As our city honors the helpers I am again reminded of the beauty that can happen, even in the darkest times when we remember that so many people care. I know this community is filled with caring people, our students show their care and respect for each other every day at school. We have an incredibly caring staff who go above and beyond to help all of our students succeed. And we are so fortunate to have so many parents and other volunteers who care about our school, staff, and students. When I am grieving and troubled, the care in this place always makes my heart a little lighter. I hope that in this time you too see the helpers and that the care of others can make your heart a little lighter also.
Goodbye Llewellyn by: Mason, 5th grade
Are you the person who gets excited by L we see snow and school is when canceled? I am too! Yes, snow days are fantastic, however in my years at Llewellyn, school has been pretty great too. After moving here from across the country I started kindergarten at Llewellyn, not knowing what to expect. Over my six years here, I have made some amazing friends and have had many teachers who inspired me to do things that got me to where I am today. The education here is incredible. All of my teachers have helped me learn to do so much. In first grade I did a penguin unit and a farm unit. In second grade, I wrote a book on koalas and sewed a koala pillow. I did my very first speech on Jane Goodall in third grade with Mrs. Cranley. Fourth grade allowed me to explore the Oregon Trail and this year I have been a part of an amazing class government. Thanks to the PTA, I have had many fun times on field trips and I have learned some pretty awesome things through those class trips. I was able to go on two overnights in which we bonded with our friends in cabins and did lots of hands-on activities. I am so sad to leave Llewellyn, and I would like to thank all my teachers, and the rest of the staff for helping me have the best elementary school experience I could.
Important Dates: TONIGHT June 9 June 13 June 14 June 15
June 16 June 23 July 1
Llewellyn Carnival 5:30-8:00PM Campout Under the Stars Field Day 5th Grade Continuation 12:45PM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Kindergarten Continuation 9:00AM 5th Grade Party 12:30PM LAST DAY TO PICK UP LOST & FOUND Office Closed Office Closes for Summer
June 2, 2017 – Page 2
All About Sunday Parkways by: Sofia,
Spirit Week
by: Libby & Olivia, 4th grade
Dear reader, you should go on the Sunday parkway bike ride. Sunday parkway is lots of bikes that ride up and down very steep hills. You can ride on your bike for eleven miles; that is what I did myself. There are food booths on the side of the street. There also is music at a park. At the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th section of booths there is a map and you get to go and try to get the prize. Now some of you may want to know, what is the prize? The prize is a bike bell. I hope you know what to do to go to Sunday parkway. The Sunday Parkway schedule is available at: https://www.portlandoregon.gov/transportation/5 8929
by: Liam, 3rd grade
Gossip is a big problem. What you should do to stop it is 1) challenge whoever started it, 2) tell people to stop and 3) tell your teacher or principal. I say stop gossip and try to completely stop it before it starts. In my opinion, gossip is the number one problem starter.
Last week was Spirit Week. Monday was inside out and backwards day. We saw people that had hats backwards, shirts backwards and more! Tuesday was crazy hat / hair day. People dyed their hair. Ceiba and another girl in our class and other people did this too, but they had their hair up and over their head and they turned into a unicorn! Wednesday was sports day and me and Olivia “twined” with our soccer uniforms. Many other people also wore their sports uniforms. Thursday was PJ day and Gigi wore a blue unicorn onesie and other people wore crazy PJ’s too. Finally, Friday was Llewellyn day where you got to wear anything related to Llewellyn. We saw a lot of people wearing Llewellyn shirts. Overall, spirit week is the best week of the year!
The YARN Club Spring Time
by: Mattie & Octavia, 4th grade
In the spring there is rain & shine. In the spring the flowers bloom. In the spring the leaves are fine. In the spring the thunder booms. We love the spring time!
by: Lily & Gwen, 3rd grade
In the YARN Club you can be yourself. There are only a few rules: No bullying, no gossiping, be creative and have fun! The location and time is during 2/3 lunch recess in the garden or under the covered area if it rains. Now is a chance to let your mind fly! The club meets on Tuesdays and Fridays. Zee-Dub and George and a few other girls are members of this club so far. We hope you join this club. Remember, keep calm and let your mind fly!
June 2, 2017 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Third, Fourth and Fifth grades
Third Grade has it made! We are swimming in Portland History-Bridges, Art, Architecture, Landmarks, Important People and our Natural Landscape. We are exploring our city's history and all the changes over the past millennia through reading, writing, art, and trips out into the field. Our final Math unit is big number addition/subtraction and multiplication. Also, we have completed state testing-whew! Lots of events during these final days in school including Field Day. Please consider volunteering to help out during this school wide event. The Third Grade Teachers start our end of the year thank you’s to our Parent Led Art teachers and all of you for coming into our classes during the year to support our students. We can't do it without you! Fourth Graders are embarking on their last units of study which include learning about bones and skeletons, measurement and data in math and wrapping up the Oregon Trail studies. Many fourth graders are also working hard to finish their State testing in both Literacy and Math. The fourth grade classes had such a wonderful trip to Camp Kuratli for their Oregon Trail Overnight experience. Students were able to learn a traditional dance, cook off of hobo stoves, pan for gold, learn traditional tasks, walk an acre, and even build a miniature cabin together! Despite the rain, the kids were troopers and all made Llewellyn proud! These last few weeks will be filled with fun and learning as summer is just around the corner! Fifth Grade is busily working and counting down to their continuation! Along with our study of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, fifth graders in Ms. Mininger and Mrs. Clark's classes are headed to the planetarium on Friday! All fifth grade students are also learning about health, wellness, and their changing bodies. Students in Mrs. Clark's class had the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences with mindfulness this year with the founders of Yoga Calm. Students were interviewed and recorded last week! Fifth graders are finishing up their state testing, and preparing for the fifth grade spell down on June 12th.
Llewellyn is Awesome by: Vivian & Jade, 1st grade
Lucky we have Mr. John to clean our school Lucky we have our teachers Extremely cool We like Llewellyn Excellent Lucky we have Mr. Galati & Mrs. Gwen Like Llewellyn You are a star Nice teachers
Oaks Park
by: Solomon, 5th grade
The fifth grade students that participated in the safety program at Llewellyn this year got to go to Oaks Park last week as a reward for their commitment. We got access to all the rides and food (hopefully no one decides to do them at the same time). This reward is amazing and totally worth the early mornings because we get to play with our friends all day and miss school for an entire day! If you're in fourth grade, you should definitely work hard, and when you're standing in the cold rain at 7:45 in the morning, think about a sunny day at Oaks Park with all your friends.
June 2, 2017 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! Create Community: Come one, come all to the Llewellyn Carnival! Friday June 2nd 5:30-8:00pm on the blacktop! Fun games, booths, the dunk tank, and much more! You won't want to miss this annual event.
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The final PTA meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, June 13th from 7:008:00pm in the cafeteria We want to thank Orchard Supply and Blue Kanagroo for their donations to the Volunteer Appreciation. THANK YOU!!
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Eilidh Lowery E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Mason Bregoli Lily McBride Olivia Brown Mattie Cross Octavia Dalia Vivan Denton Sofia LaVelle Jade McGibbon Liam Nuding Gwen Van Ostrum Libby Wise
Lili (poem) and Reina (art) were published in the 2017 Honoring Our Rivers-Student Anthology book. Lili and Reina's pieces were among over 600 submissions were only 150 were selected for the book.
Natasha Natasha was was the the Llewelyn Llewelyn School School representative representative for for the the first first annual annual District District Science Science Fair Fair held held at at OMSI. OMSI. She She was was able able to to visit visit with with scientists scientists and and share share her her project project with with students students from from grades grades 3-5. 3-5.