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Oct 28, 2016 - Fall Photo Re-Take Day. Nov. 19. Holiday Market .... They are listed below. TumbleBooks is an online prog
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October 21, 2016

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Now that the rains have come, the leaves are falling, and the puddles are getting larger. With the changing weather this is a time when we need to be vigilant in watching for kids walking, biking, or scootering to school. Sometimes our little ones will suddenly appear out of nowhere. Our safety patrol students are out there too trying to help our students cross the street. Please remember, if you are driving, to monitor your speed, be cautious as you approach the school block, and remember that stopping time is needed. In the morning our days begin with darker skies and this too becomes a reminder to be extra watchful. Thank you to so many of you who are now parking a few blocks away and are walking up to the building. This has made a huge difference in traffic congestion both in the morning and afternoon. Finally, please be aware of the bus zones in front of the building and that these spaces are not a safe place to use as car unloading or drop off zones. It takes all of us doing our part to help keep our kids safe. Thank you for your work to care for all the children of our community.

Impor tant Dates Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 8 Nov. 9-11 Nov. 15 Nov. 19 Nov. 23-25 Dec. 2 Dec. 6 Dec. 13

Dec. 4

Cup of Joe with Joe 8:15AM Monster March starts 3:00P @ Llewellyn Wreath Sales Begin NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day PTA Meeting 7:00PM NO SCHOOL–Conferences/Veterans Day Fall Photo Re-Take Day Holiday Market 10:00AM-5:00PM NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break Wreath Delivery Day K-1 Music Concert 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM

Reading Night 6:00-

How to Sing a Zig-Zag by: Natasha, 5th grade

This year we have a new music teacher, Ms. Z-Duh-Bee. She comes to school every day with a big smile and her adorable dog George. We start every day with a “brain dance”, where she plays a song and we get to dance with the music. Sometimes for the “brain dance” we do things like freeze dance, high and low, and much more. We have learned many fun songs, such as “One bottle of pop” and “Don’t put your trash in my backyard”. In grades 3-5 she has been teaching us pulse, beat, pattern, rhythm, pitch, and melody. One of my favorite lessons was when she had drawn some lines on cards and we would follow the card with our voice; sometimes it was loopy and sometimes it was zig-zaggy. She made a song about Llewellyn stars. I am having a lot of fun in music. I think she is helping us understand and feel music.

Massive Storm Rips Up Coast by: Solomon, 5th grade Last week a historic storm traveled to the Northwest coast, causing tornadoes and long power outages. I call it historic because it is the biggest storm the Northwest has seen since the Columbus Day storm of 1962. Although this recent storm caused collateral damage to crops and houses, its death toll was minimal, landing at four lives. Some parts of Portland lost power for up to two hours on Sunday. We had multiple lightning strikes. Also my soccer practice was cut short because of one. I think this storm left us stunned but also on our guard in case this ever happens again.

October 21, 2016 – Page 2

Reading Night

The Campaign

by: Landon & Jackson, 2nd grade

by: Lucia, Elsa & Ms. Mininger, 5th grade

Last week, we went to Llewellyn Reading Night. It was really fun to see Timber Joey and have him read to us. He read an exciting book about soccer. We got free water bottles and books (Jackson got Harry Potter and Landon got a notebook with an invisible ray pen). Everyone should go to Reading Night at Llewellyn next year!

Library News by: Ms. Susan Roberson, Media Specialist

Hello Llewellyn Community, My name is Susan Robertson and I am the Library Media Specialist at Llewellyn. I am very happy to be working with your children this year and to be surrounded with the fabulous teaching staff here. Ms. McDonald and I are working together to continue all her wonderful activities in the library. I also spend time each week pushing into the upper grades to help with research and technology skills. I wanted to let you know of the resources available to you at home that can support reading and research needs. The two resources are WorldBook and TumbleBooks. WorldBook is an online encyclopedia and while at school, students don’t need to have a username & password. At home they do. They are listed below. TumbleBooks is an online program that “reads” books to students as they follow along with the words. After many of the TumbleBook stories there are quizzes and games relating to that story. Below are the directions to access the resources from home. Please let me know if you have any questions. Susan Robertson,   

Using WorldBook at home: PPS Inside (don’t sign in) click on Departments, scroll down to Library Services Click on WorldBook. Username: portpps Password: worldbook

Using Tumblebooks:  PPS Inside (don’t sign in)  click on Departments, scroll down to Library Services  Click on Tumblebooks  (no username/PW needed going to the site here)

In Ms. Mininger’s class we are doing a political unit called “The Campaign.” Instead of reading from a text book we cut, measured, and used paper to make Campaign and Party Headquarters. The first thing we did was split up into two political parties - liberals and conservatives. Then we named our parties and read over their beliefs. The liberals became The Liberal Innovators and the conservatives became The Calm Courageous Conservatives (or The C.C.C. for short.) We wrote them down and posted them at our headquarters. Then we make our political party’s candidates. (In case you’re wondering a political party is the two sides of the campaign - in real life it is the Democrats and the Republicans.) Next, we made characters and our characters “applied” to work for our political parties. After we were “hired” for jobs, we discussed what our duties would be. We are now working on making posters, commercials about our candidates, and writing speeches for Election Day. One of the jobs is even Security for our candidates! On November 8th, Election Day, our candidates will be running in our own personal election. Come visit us at Campaign Headquarters in Room 209 to learn more!

Out of My Mind by: Gigi, 4th grade

In Mr. Reardon’s class we are reading a book called Out of My Mind. Out of My Mind is a book about a girl named Melody Brooks. Melody has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy affects your brain. Melody can’t walk, talk or take herself to the bathroom. Imagine what it would be like to be in Melody’s situation. I am really enjoying this book.

October 21, 2016 – Page 3

At A Glance

This week we highlight 4th and 5th Grades

Fourth Grade: As the weather has cooled and the rains have arrived, fourth grade classes have been embracing our studies as we continue to build trust, community and respect in our classrooms. In our morning math block, we have finished Unit 1 on multiplication and division concepts and moved into multiplying larger numbers using array models and developing a deeper sense of the role of place value in multiplication. Our readers focus primarily on comprehension skills, as well as expanding vocabulary through close reading methods. One selection that is extremely timely is titled, So, You Want to Be President? In our Work and Play themed unit. Our previous unit, This Land is Your Land explored stories about travel across the United States, and complemented our geography studies. Fourth graders will be engaged in a hands-on science unit on Land and Water, launched through our first walking field trip to Oaks Bottom and a presentation by meteorologist Rod Hill. We look forward to our Parks and Rec led field trip to Oaks Bottom in early December. Our young writers are exploring character, setting, voice and other writers’ crafts by writing their personal narratives. Finally, Parent Led Art begins this month with our focus on Oregonian Native American artist Lillian Pitt. Fifth Grade: Things have been busy in 5th grade! All classes have begun reading novels alongside our Literacy program and students have begun to discuss different ideas as a group. In math, Unit 1 has just wrapped up as we march forward to double digit multiplication practices. In social studies many of us have finished up our map unit - mapping both the world and even Llewellyn School! Some classes visited the Andy Warhol exhibit this past month at the Portland Art Museum to see the featured artist of our Parent Led Art lessons (Some classes will go next month as well!) The thing we are all really looking forward to is the 3rd Annual Fifth Grade Spooky Story Party on Halloween where students will get to share their writing with their peers!


Irish Dancing by: Hazel,


Newport, Oregon

by: Sofia, 2nd grade


Have you ever heard about jigs and reels? Well, if you didn’t know, they are Irish dances. Irish dances are a combination of dance steps like hops, leaps, and skips, but these aren’t the same as normal hops, leaps, and skips. One unusual step that you probably haven’t heard of is sevens. Sevens are a jump with six steps. I practice my Irish dancing at The Children’s Gym. I really like Irish Dancing.

Have you ever been to Newport, Oregon? A few weeks ago my family and I went to Newport for one week. We went to the aquarium. First, we went to the sea lions. Next, we saw the baby seal and her ancestors. The baby seal cub had fourteen ancestors! Then we saw the birds. My sister was so excited about the birds because she had never seen a puffin before. (She is only one year old). Then, we went through the under-water tubes. I saw sharks, fish and an octopus. I hope I get to go to Newport, Oregon next summer.

October 21, 2016 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! Create Community: Cup of Joe with Joe - Friday, October 28th 8:00am in the library

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Sill E-mail: Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Gigi Brady Hazel Burke Lucia Cooper Elsa Cottrell Jackson Chavez Landon Hime Sofia Mauro-LeVelle Natasha Tomlinson

MONSTER MARCH - Sunday, October 30th at 3:00pm at Llewellyn. Parents and kids; come dressed in your Halloween costumes and march around the neighborhood. Some of our local businesses hand out candy so bring along your trick-or-treat bags! Rain or shine. Pumpkin Carving Contest - Kids! Bring in your already carved pumpkins for a surprise and contest. Bring to school Monday morning, October 31st and take home after school that day. Parents: please make arrangements if your kids need help carrying home their pumpkins. Organize Volunteers: Recess Volunteers Needed! Although the Llewellyn staff takes turns at recess, there's a lot of kids outside and more adults on hand helps keep recess fun and safe for everyone. Please remember to sign-in at the office and put on a "recess vest" found in the ball bucket. Also, review the posted playground rules. **Please note: all volunteers must have filled out a background check and passed in order to volunteer. Copy and paste the following link to sign up! Need: Parents, if you have any small or medium size pants for both girls and boys in your giveaway pile, please consider donating them to the office. Our younger ones sometimes have accidents, spills, or falls and need a backup pair. Thank you!

CORRECTIONS: In the October 7th issue, Olivia Brown was incorrectly identified as Olivia Doster. (Sorry Olivia, and Olivia) In the October 13th issue, Mabel Pettit did not get credit for her article. (Sorry Mabel)

Mabel Pettit

What is Dyslexia

by: Ms. Caroline Easton, Parent

What is dyslexia? If you're like we were when we started this journey, you may think you know but most likely don’t. If your child is struggling with reading, writing, spelling or even simple math, there is a chance that he/she is dyslexic! Here are some facts to consider: 1 in 5 people are dyslexic. It is not always easy to identify, so many dyslexic children and their parents don’t know why they struggle in school, or worse, think they are not capable when they have remarkable gifts and intelligence (for example, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, J.K. Rowling, and Leonardo DaVinci). Inform yourself. Learn about the struggle and also the gift of dyslexia! As Llewellyn parents we'd love to share our experience with you. Check out resources to learn more on the Llewellyn Facebook page and Email us at