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Dec 2, 2016 - and do not use your class time to campaign. If the campaign is a ... Mornings at my house can be a little
Volume 4, Issue 13 December 2, 2016

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati This time of year can be challenging. It is dark out in the mornings and sometimes it is difficult for all of us to get up and get going. Mornings at my house can be a little crazy. Our kids are old enough now that they can Thank you to Rick get dressed on their own, Warner from Moreland and even get their own Presbyterian Church for breakfasts, but it is not a your generous donation well-oiled machine. for our families in need. Recently I was at a friend’s house and saw that on the back of their door was a morning checklist. It got me thinking about the ways we find to deal with challenges. I always enjoy seeing things like the checklist and thinking about how to adapt things like that to help my family or our students. Ideas come from lots of places that can help us to be successful. I get ideas all the time from our parents, students, and staff. I know I am a better father because of the examples I see here and from my friends. In difficult times, in times of darkness, it is these little things, a checklist or an idea that get us through. I hope you find ways in this time of wintery weather and less light to be inspired and find ideas to light up your days.

Positive Post-Its by: Eve, 5th grade

A Campaign for Kindness

Positive Post-its, A Campaign for Kindness encourages students, families, and teachers to write positive messages on Post-its and display them on the pieces of butcher paper that will be hanging in the hallways of Llewellyn. The campaign started on Monday, November 21st, and will last until winter break. When it ends, we will laminate the papers and hang them in the hall. You are free to write any positive messages you like, but we do have a few strict rules: please no political messages, no negative messages, do not misuse the post-its, and do not use your class time to campaign. If the campaign is a success, we will have a permanent reminder of our Llewellyn Spirit.

Super Science

Important Dates:

by: Amy, 4th grade 4th grade

TODAY Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 16

Super by L Science magazines. Super

Wreath Delivery Day K-1 Music Concert 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Cops & Candy Canes – Before School Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM(ish) Dec. 19-Jan. 2 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break Jan. 3 SCHOOL RESUMES Jan. 16 NO SCHOOL – MLK, Jr. Holiday Jan. 17 2nd grade Music Concert 6:30pm Jan. 18 LATE OPENING – 10:00AM Start Jan. 20 Family Craft Night 5:30 - 7:30PM Jan. 27 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day

Oct. 11 PTA Volunteer Orientation 6:30PM

In Ms. Streanno’s classroom we get Science is a magazine that has articles about up-to-date scientific information. Every month we get a Super Science magazine, and every issue has different topics. You can find interesting facts that you have probably never heard about. There is also a quiz at the back of each issue. I get to log in and watch videos online about the Super Science magazines because they are so much fun!

December 2, 2016 - Page 2

The Colorado River Water Shortage by: Ben, 4th grade

My grade class with Ms. Streano watched a documentary about the Colorado River a couple weeks ago. It talked about not only the river, but the city of Las Vegas too. One of its main subjects was the low water level of Lake Mead. Lake Mead’s water level dropped to a record low of 37% just this week. So, after we watched the video, our class decided that each of us would handwrite a letter about this information, and write our own questions. We would then send them all to the mayor of Las Vegas. After we sent them, a few days later, we got a letter back from her. It told us some stuff that I don’t remember, but it didn't answer any of our questions, oddly enough. It also had a cool, shiny, Official Seal of Las Vegas printed in a metallic print. Our class thought that was the coolest thing about the letter. By Ms.



by: Stella, 5th grade

We are not normal. No one is. Normal is a word used to describe right and wrong, not ourselves. We, as humans, make different choices and that is what makes us different and unique. I may have thought to be different was unnormal and bad, but now I have learned that we are all normal and all not normal in our own ways of living. Life is never normal. It always has ups and downs but that is what we have to accept.

Library Time

by: Clara, 1st grade

First, our class went to the library and we were the first ones there because our classroom was stinky. Next we went to our classroom which was not stinky any more. Last I did my morning work and went to explore. Finally, we got packed up and did read-aloud and went home.


by: Celia, 5th grade

Life is what we live, but living is not all of life. Life is a series of events that come together to create what we live. But when we live, life doesn’t always take part in it. When we live our life we are living the dream of another and when our life ends another starts. Life never ends but living does. Together we live, but apart our lives are dark and alone. We need to live our lives together while the living’s still alive. The world has seen many things come and go but life has stayed still, always going on, never ending. Living going on with life, it never ends.

The Hour of Code by: Ms. Susan Robertson, Media Specialist

We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of students are learning how technology works. That’s why our school is participating in this learning event: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 511). During The Hour of Code week we will have speakers in the computer industry visit the library at Llewellyn to talk about their careers, educational backgrounds, and the computer industry. While the Hour of Code organization has put together a list of people in Portland interested in volunteering for this event, we could always use more volunteers. If you work in the computer industry (software development, programming, etc.) and would like to share what you do with a classroom at our school, and also help with an Hour of Code activity, please contact me. The Hour of Code activities are pretty simple and don’t require you to do anything beforehand. These Hour of Code activities that students learn at school can also be done at home. Ms. McDonald and I will be teaching students how to access these resources during Hour of Code week and students will be able to practice their coding skills throughout the entire year. Thanks for your time and happy coding! -Susan Robertson [email protected]

December 2, 2016 - Page 3

At A Glance

(This week we highlight Music and PE)

Music: Attention Kindergarten and 1st Grade Families! Tuesday, December 6th at 6:30 is the K/1 Music Program here at Llewellyn Elementary in the Cafetorium. Both grades will perform about 20 minutes on their own and sing a song together at the end. The entire program should be about 45 minutes. Student arrival time is at 6:15pm. Kindergarteners will be lining up in the hallway with Mr. Galati and Ms. Gwynn. 1st graders will be seated with their parents. We will have a professional videographer recording the performance and a copy can be purchased for $5 for your personal family viewing. Perhaps a possible Christmas gift for the Grandparents? Order forms will be included in the program for the evening. We look forward to seeing you there! PE: I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving this year. I know I am very thankful for many things in my life. Family, friends and work. This past month we were doing some fun cooperation games in PE. One that the kids really enjoyed is called Islands. The students were broken into four groups and were giving the task of getting from one shore line to the next without touching the gym floor. There was a mat (island) in the middle as a half way point. The tools to help them were one long rope and one scooter. If they touched the gym floor they had to start over from the beginning. All the classes were successful because they helped each other get across the gym. At the end of class I asked them to tell me one positive thing that happened during this activity. There were many. Lastly, I told them to be a good leader the most important thing, in my opinion is to be able to listen to others and their ideas. We are now starting to work on basketball skills, i.e. dribbling, passing and shooting.

Counseling Corner by: Mr. Brian Meyer, K & 3-5 Counselor

Our national election results this month highlighted how widespread disagreement can grow into more serious conflict. This month we have focused on the different types of conflict and made observations about the ways they can escalate. To avoid this, we’ve focused on being aware of what triggers us most as individuals, paired with the idea of taking on the perspective of another. In the lower grades we’ve also tackled identifying feelings and managing our anger. Overall we’ve dialed in our use of our mindful breathing techniques to support this work. We’ve also begun to look at the variety of ways to solve our conflicts once they’ve started – such as clear communication – and one of the hardest parts for kids and adults alike – mindful listening! We’ll be continuing with these themes as we continue into December. Wishing you all the best as we move towards the holidays over the next three weeks! by L

Fifth Grade Spelling Bee by: Solomon, 5th grade

Can you spell baccalaureate? If you are a fifth grader and you can't then you better get studying because the fifth grade spelling bee is coming up. What is the fifth grade spelling bee? It's just what the name says: a spelling bee for fifth graders. How it works is this: we are all given a list of about 1,400 words to study. There are also an extra 400 tiebreaker words in case the bee gets too close. My teacher told us to study 20 words a week on top of our regular spelling. Some examples of words that are on the list are: agrarianism, bathysphere, calisthenics, effervescence, etc. I am very excited for the spelling bee because I think good spelling is important and I like a good competition.

December 2, 2016 - Page 4

Congratulations to Jesse Broderick and the entire trumpet section! Jesse is the MUSE Band Student of the Month for the month of October in the Intermediate Band. Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Sill E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Amy Erickson Celia Leedy Stella Page Eve Ramsey Ben Steckler Heim Clara Steckler Heim

Lost and Found November Clean-out has been cancelled!! We will NOT be cleaning out the Lost and Found at the end of November. The next clean-out is scheduled for Friday, December 16th, so please remember to check many times over the next two week to be sure your items are claimed! All unclaimed (and unlabeled) items will be donated to the PTA Clothing Closet. Thank you for taking the time to check!

Also, the ENTIRE Trumpet Section in the Beginning Band is recognized for their excellent efforts in October.

Keep up the good work! Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! Create Community:

Mark your calendars for the Monthly PTA meeting, Tuesday December 13th, at 7:00pm in the cafeteria! More details to come. Friday, December 16th - Cup of joe with JOE - 8:00am(ish) in the Library Organize Volunteers: Recess Volunteers Needed! Although the Llewellyn staff takes turns at recess, there's a lot of kids outside and more adults on hand helps keep recess fun and safe for everyone. Please remember to sign-in at the office and put on a "recess vest" found in the ball bucket. Also, review the posted playground rules. Please note: all volunteers must have filled out a background check and passed in order to volunteer. Copy and paste the following link to sign up!

Holiday Elves for Kids of Llewellyn Being part of a community means taking the time to help others in need if you are able. Llewellyn has some children that could use that support. If your family has the means to help others in the Llewellyn community, starting today (Friday) you can come to the office to choose a mitten and help make a child’s holiday brighter. Each mitten has a gift wish written on it. Please take one and sign your name to the other and put it in the envelope on the door. Use the mitten wishes as a guide to shop for this child. Please wrap the gift, attach the mitten and deliver to the counselor’s office by the morning of Tuesday, December 13th. Thank you so much for your participation and generosity. If you have questions you can email, Sarah Erickson at [email protected]