May 4, 2018 - before the run to help build up our running strength. ... I no longer felt .... Questions? Contact. Margar
Volume 5, Issue 28 May 4, 2018
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Today was fun. Guess how many steps I took today? I walked 8,528 steps to be exact. Today I began my day at 7:30 this morning. I started
with fist bumping as the students came in the building, and I gave out scratch & sniff stickers. I checked in on classes, I helped at lunch and lunch recess and I went to the Superintendent’s office. I even got to sit in Mr. Guerrero’s chair and I shook his hand (see picture above). He gave us really cool lanyards. Today, I learned that it is hard to run a building and I know I need to rely on Mark—the principal’s secretary. I learned that there are over 500 names you have to remember. When I came into the school this morning, I was very nervous. By the middle of the day, I no longer I no longer felt nervous and I had fun. At 2:30, my day is over and I am very tired. If you want to be the principal, remember that it is hard to run a school. But it is possible if you have help.
Find Important Dates on page 3!
Run Llewellyn by: Julia, 5th grade
On Tuesday, Llewellyn students (and some teachers) participated in a fundraiser called Run Llewellyn. Before the run, the kids got sponsors would give them a certain amount of money per lap, or give them just a flat-out amount. Our PE teacher, Miss B, trained us before the run to help build up our running strength. On the day of the run, each student ran for 30 minutes, and we had parents mark on a card how many laps we completed. Kindergarten and 1st ran together, by L
2nd and 3rd, 4th and 5th. Some of the 5th graders also got to help the younger grades keep track of the laps. Run Llewellyn was so much fun, and satisfying to know we are helping raise money for our school!
by: Josie, Kindergarten
Moxa comes from a plant called Mugwort. Acupuncturists use it as a special warming technique. I learned about Moxa because when my mom comes home from work she always smells like it.
May 4, 2018 – Page 2
Persuasive Writing by Piper & Finley, 3rd grade By Ms.
Are you wondering what 3rd grade is like? Well right now we are learning about persuasive writing in Ms. Coholan’s class. Persuasive writing is where you persuade someone to do or think about something you want them to. For example, you can persuade your parents into getting you a pet. One thing you need to have in your letter is reasons and counter claims (ask your parents what counter claims are). It also needs a good introduction and conclusion. You can also go for more pizzazz and add a feeling, thought, or action. We hope you try to persuade someone into doing something you want or need them to do!
Acupuncture by: Grady, 2nd grade
Acupuncturists use Chinese Herbs that can go in teas, poultices, pills and liniments. Needles are another type of acupuncture. You put them in special points and they’re believed to help you feel better. One more thing is cupping. You take a glass jar put a flame in it, pull the flame out to make a vacuum and suction the skin. This helps with pain and colds. I learned about this because my mom is an acupuncturist.
Oregon Symphony by: Max, 2nd grade
Thursday May 3rd, all of 5th grade will be traveling to the Oregon Symphony. The 5th grade will be bringing our recorders which we have be practicing with and some will be singing along as a vocalist. We will be preforming alongside the Symphony. We will be playing and singing songs like “Come to Play”, “Blue Danube”, and “Nocturne”. We are all very excited to go and will have the time of our lives!
by Eideann, 5th grade
A hero with a purpose. A dragon to be slain. A member of a court. A member who is sane. A coward that runs. A joker that laughs. A clock where time doesn’t pass. A bird that caws. A kingdom that falls. A mouse that squeaks. A heart that beats.
The Scholastic Buy One, Get One Free Book Fair starts May 14th! Stock up for summer reading! All purchases earn books for the Llewellyn library and classrooms.
May 4, 2018 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Physical Education and the Library
Physical Education: THANK YOU to everyone who helped out on Wednesday and made it a great time for all! Run Llewellyn was a great success and the students enjoyed you cheering them on as they ran. A special thank you to the parents and 5th graders who helped mark tags and got the tags off of the runners so quickly. We couldn’t have done it without your help! Field day is only a month away, so be on the lookout for more information. Library: After 20 years at PPS, Cheryl McDonald is retiring! We have been so lucky at Llewellyn to have had Cheryl as our librarian for the last 15 years. There are many great skills that Cheryl possesses. I believe one of her best is the ability to bring books to life and get students excited about reading. She has placed countless books into the hands of students and many of them have gone on to become lifelong readers because of Cheryl’s gifts as a librarian. She will be greatly missed by both staff and students here at Llewellyn. BOOK NEWS: It’s that time of year again when we’re gearing up to get all the borrowed library books back. If your child has a library book they have not been able to locate, please keep looking for it and return it as soon as possible. In a couple of weeks we will be sending home print-outs with overdue book titles and the replacement cost for anything not returned. We would rather have library books returned because purchasing and processing replacement books takes time. Hint for lost books: Check your child’s classroom, classroom bookshelves and their locker for missing books.
Important Dates: May 7-11 May 14-18 May 14 May 16 May 16-18 May 18 May 21-25 May 28 June 1 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8
Teacher Appreciation Week Book Fair Fifth Grade Science Fair LATE OPENING School Starts 10AM Fifth Grade Overnight Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Spirit Week NO SCHOOL -Memorial Day Spring After-School Classes End Llewellyn Carnival Scrip Orders Due PTA Meeting 7:00PM Field Day Fifth Grade Continuation 12:45PM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL K Ceremony 9:00AM Fifth Grade Party 12:30PM Campout Under the Stars Scrip Orders Pick-up
The Counselor’s Corner by: Ms. Brittany Sill-Turner, Counselor
As the end of the school year is fast approaching, this time of year can be tough for students, parents and staff. There are a lot of different emotions that come up: excitement, worry, stress, and anger. Llewellyn’s counseling program is taking time to talk with students about the “tough stuff” that they are dealing with. By reading stories, discussion, and small group activities we are talking through the good and not so good choices that we make. Students will learn strategies to help them cool off, recognize when they need a break, and strategies to reduce stress and worry. Here are a few good reads to help talk through the “tough stuff”: How to Take the Grrr Out of Anger by: Elisabeth Verdick What to Do When You Grumble Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Negativity by: Dawn Huebner
Howard B. Wiggle bottom learns it’s Okay to Back Away by Howard Binkow
May 4, 2018 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers GET INVOLVED We have a number of opportunities to get involved. Below are some of our current opportunities: The Llewellyn Carnival is coming! To get involved contact
[email protected]
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Carey Ruhl E-mail:
[email protected]
RECESS HELP! We need parent volunteers to help out with recess each day. To sign-up please see the Llewellyn Elementary Parents page on Facebook or login to Konstella for a link to sign up. Please make sure your background check is current before volunteering. FOLLOW US To stay up to date on special events and ways to be involved at Llewellyn, follow us on social media: FACEBOOK - Llewellyn Elementary Parents INSTAGRAM - llewellynpta Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at llewellynpta@gmail com, we look forward to hearing from you!
Student Writers: Max Copus Grady Goff Josie Goff Jackson Hyde Eideann O’Riordan Finley Sager Holden Thomas Julia Vogel Piper Woodworth
Volunteers needed! Help Llewellyn earn money for our library and for classroom reading by volunteering at the Scholastic Book Fair. We especially need cashiers before and after school. Sign up at https://volunteer.scholastic. com/#/signup/chHHlVlw7. Questions? Contact Margaret Forsythe at
[email protected]
Calling all carnies ! The Llewellyn Carnival is happening on June 1st and we need your help putting together a fun and frolicsome spectacle for the kids. All strongmen, freaks and fire-eaters (AKA volunteers) please visit to put your name in the hat. You can also just email us at
[email protected] if you prefer. Thanks for your help !