Feb 9, 2018 - The moon as the call me,. I circle your earth, ... Some were using the Google document platform to write t
Volume 5, Issue 19 February 9, 2018
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Have you heard yet? Did you mark your calendar for Friday night? Do you have your clothes picked out? Oh yes, it is the time of year for our annual Small Tall Ball! This is an event that many of our students really look forward to. They come accompanied by a parent and I always wonder who has more fun; the student or the parent. On this festive night, which includes a royal ball, there are so many special things happening such as music, a photo booth, food, and most of all fun. This is a night designed especially for children and their parent. Everyone arrives with a sparkle in their eyes. At the Small Tall Ball there is a lot of smiling, a lot of dancing, and a lot of good times. If you haven’t attended before, I highly recommend it. Llewellyn is one of the few schools that has an evening designated for a ball and you and your child can join us. So, remember, this Friday night from 6:00-8:00, get ready to dance, laugh, and delight in this special event!
Yarn Flowers
by: Hazel, 4th grade
Have you ever made a yarn flower? Some of the kids in fourth grade are making them to sell at the Small Tall Ball. We’re doing this to raise money for our Oregon Trail overnight. But you don’t put these flowers in water or plant them. They’re made to be worn as a corsage or a boutonniere. You can buy them after school today or at the dance tonight. They come in all kinds of color combinations, so I am sure that you’ll find one that your date will like. by L
Micro Worlds by: Renia, 5th grade
In Mr. Rozell’s class, we started a new unit in science called Micro Worlds. We hadn't done any science since October, so I was pretty excited to start again. When Mr. Rozell was explaining our daily agenda, he said that we would be examining a penny. That got me curious, because I have always been interested in coins. When we started the work, he told us to draw what we remembered a penny to look like inside a circle, using as much detail as possible. Then he gave us a real penny, and we compared our drawings to the real thing. After, he had us look at the penny and draw it exactly as we saw it. Then comes the most interesting part. He gave us a magnifier and then we drew what we saw. He mentioned that there would be secret stuff that we would have to try and find. Secret stuff being things you could not see looking with the naked eye. There were four particularly interesting things I found out. One, on heads, on the bottom edge of the penny, there are three tiny letters, V, C, B. Mr. Rozell said it was the initials of the person who designed that side of the penny. Two, on the tails side, in the middle of the Lincoln Memorial there is a tiny picture of Abraham Lincoln. Three, on the same side, there are the letters FG that is also the name of the artist. Four, where it says The United States of America, the “O” is the only letter on the entire penny that is lower case. I hope you learned a lot.
Important Dates: TONIGHT Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 27
Small Tall Ball 6:00-8:00PM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM NO SCHOOL – President’s Day MEDICAL EXCLUSION DAY LATE OPENING-School starts 10AM Third Grade Concert 6:30PM
February 9, 2018 – Page 2
by: Eideann, 5th grade
The Science Behind the Scenes by: Jacob, 3rd grade
I rise higher above, With the stars all around, They are dancing suns, And they dance the Milky Way, They sway back and forth, Bowing to me, The guardian, Of the night, I am Luna, The moon as the call me, I circle your earth, For the tides and nights, I am there, To welcome the ones who drift, And dream.
New TV
by: Mattie & Georgia, 5th grade
By Ms.
Recently a mounted TV was added to Llewellyn right next to Ms. Kanz’ room. The TV shows a slideshow of pictures of many of our students at Llewellyn doing a lot of different things. We always catch ourselves looking up at the pictures because we might be in one of them. We think it’s cool that we can see some of our old Llewellyn peers. Soon, Mr. Galati will add reminders and announcements to the slideshow. We are excited that now everyone can see each other throughout the day.
This week, our class went on a Food Science field trip. One of our classmate’s dad’s worked there and guided us with a tour. We even got to see his lab. He showed us the different ice creams and how they make them. Then we got to go into a huge freezer where the ice cream stays. I learned that they carve apples and they use invisible lasers to cut them. All of this is done on the computer and then it cuts. This was really fun field trip because we got to try blue cotton candy ice cream. It was awesome!
Small Tall Ball by: Ryan, 4th grade
The Small Tall Ball is a happening some people know about it, it is on Friday, February 9th (TODAY!) from 6:00 to 8:00 at night. You can go with your dad or mom or friends. It was originally a dad and daughter dance but now it is open to anyone. There will be snacks and a DJ. You can request songs and dance with your parents or friends. There will be cookies and cupcakes, and you can buy a flower corsage. I hope you come in your nicest clothes! So come join us and be a part of the fun.
by: Willa, 5th grade
Good Natured Amazing in all ways Loves Kids (as far as I can tell) Awesome Principal Totally Rad Incredible
Connect to Kindergarten February 26th @ 6:00PM
Please take the time to invite anyone you know who might have an incoming Kindergartener for the 2018-2019 academic year! Volunteers also needed! See the PTA Information on the back page to learn how to volunteer!
February 9, 2018 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Fourth and Fifth Grades
Fourth Grade: The fourth graders are finishing their unit on Pacific Northwest Native American Communities. As classrooms are finishing their studies of past cultures, they are beginning a science unit on electricity (Circuits & Pathways), or starting on Oregon Trail studies. In Math, students are studying or finishing Unit Four on Geometry. They have learned a lot about angles, symmetry, graphing and coordinates and more. Then they will be starting Unit Five (larger multiplication). The students will learn strategies and the overall concept of multiplying two digit by two digit numbers and larger. Students have been writing reports on the Native Americans they were studying either in groups or independently. Some were using the Google document platform to write their reports. Many classrooms will be learning how to write persuasive or opinion essays soon. We have 2 confirmed trips plannedFifth soon.Grade: We are The attending the Children’s Water onwe March fifth graders continueClean to work hardFestival now that 13th at the University of Portland.have We are also going on the Oregon Overnight trip than on March 20th – entered the third quarter! WeTrail are officially more half way 21st. Permission trip forms and health history forms will be coming home soon. through our final year of elementary school! The following are some highlights of things all fifth grades are doing right now: In Math we are learning about finding common denominators – while it can be a tricky subject it is key to building our foundation for more fraction work in the spring. In social studies our Explorers Unit is coming to a close but we are gearing up to start our next Science unit which will focus on Microworlds, which allows us to look at everyday items under a microscope. On Valentine’s Day we will be delivering cards to neighborhood businesses that we made in Google Draw. Ask your child about their Valentine and how they designed it! We are already looking forward to the 5th Grade Play focusing on the American Revolution, 5th Grade Overnight at the beach, and other end of the year festivities!
The Kingsmen Drum Line by: Gwen & Molly, 4th grade
Center Time by: Andre & Ryan, Kindergarten
We sat down and all the drummers lined up in a row. The director said that the group practices between two and four hours a day. When they played, it started to get really loud. They played a very good song and we loved the tune. They played it a few times and then they played a different song. They told us about all the deferent drums. At the last song there was a big bang and everyone was clapping. They finally had to leave and we hope they come back soon.
Centers happen at the end of the day in Ms. Frisby’s class. Centers are fun things we get to do. We can play with blocks, we can play with the marbles, we can even play with the wood tiles where we make flowers, a rocket ship, and a boat or a car. We like centers because we get to pick what we want to do. We usually choose the same center but sometimes we choose something else. And we can also do other things too, but we always have to clean up first so that we can have closing circle. We will write about closing circles next week.
February 9, 2018 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Don't miss Cup of Joe next Friday (2/16) at 8:00am in the Library! GET INVOLVED We have a number of ways to get involved. Below are some of our current opportunities:
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editor: Mark Robb E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Jacob Aulwurm Georgia Brady Hazel Burke Andre Cabrera Mattie Cross Ryan Loeb Renia Morales Molly O’Neil Eideann O’Riordan Willa Richardson Ryan Stauffer Gwen VanOostrum
CONNECT TO KINDERGARTEN - Please sign up to volunteer on Monday, February 26th from 6:00 - 7:30pm for Connect to Kindergarten. This is the community event where we open the school to prospective kindergarten families. To sign up visit http://signup.com/go/rSXPndC RECESS HELP! We need parent volunteers to help out with recess each day. To sign-up please see the Llewellyn Elementary Parents page on Facebook or login to Konstella for a link to sign up. Please make sure your background check is current before volunteering. SUPPORT THE LLEWELLYN FOUNDATION The foundation plays an important role in providing supplemental dollars for our school. Here are some easy ways you can help: BECOME A MONTHLY DONOR - Become a monthly donor and help make a big impact on the school. Visit https://allhandsraised.org/donate/ and select "select a PPS school" and then "Llewellyn ES." EMPLOYER MATCH - Many companies, large and small, offer matching gift programs. Check with your employer's human resource department today to see if your company offers charitable donation matches. FOLLOW US To stay up to date on special events and ways to be involved at Llewellyn, follow us on social media: FACEBOOK - Llewellyn Elementary Parents INSTAGRAM - llewellynpta Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at llewellynpta@gmail com, we look forward to hearing from you!
Have your ties become dated and out of style? Do you need a place to “lose” that “special” tie your wife gave you for Christmas last year? Donate it for Llewellyn Knighting!
Complete confidentiality guaranteed! See the Llewellyn Office for details.