System. The I&M System Overview. Supervising Committee. I&M Center. DKI
Jakarta. Public and Stakeholder. Supervision and. Regulatory Level. Registration
Inspection and Maintenance System in Indonesia Future Opportunity by : Martin Steckdaub & Restiti Clean Air Project Swisscontact GITE Regional Workshop on Inspection and Maintenance Policy in Asia Bangkok, 10 – 12 December 2001
The I&M System Overview Public and Stakeholder Supervision and Regulatory Level Supervision & Services Level (Private Sector)
Supervising Committee I&M Center DKI Jakarta
I&M System Registration and supervision of I&M Workshops
Implementation Level (Private Sector)
Training and registration of I&M Operator
Development and operation of software and data transfer
Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Implementing Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Workshops Output
Consumer Level
Lower car emission & fuel savings Good services for car owner
Equipment maintenance and calibration
The I&M Operation Procedure Implementing Workshop No *
Car before I&M OK?
Time or
Field on road check
Recommendation letter
Data-transfer by contractor
Note: * Maintenance can be done in any Workshop as car owner’s choices
I&M Center Jakarta Gov’t Office
Information exchange
Car Registration (Tax Office)
The I&M Information Network lData
of emission check and registration vehicle will be electronically sent to the main computer at Jakarta Government Office. lIn
the main computer, data will be analyzed and transferred to the Tax Office in order to cross check the pass certificate. lThe
analyzed data from main computer shall be accessible to the public to guarantee transparency.
INSTITUTIONAL SETTING •Bapedalda (Local Environmental Office) is responsible for coordination of air pollution reduction •DLLAJ (Traffic and Transport Office) is responsible for on-road test •Industrial Office issues the workshop license and supervise the operational of the workshop •Law Office is responsible for the issuance of any regulation A task force as an interdepartmental organization has to be established
•Certification of I&M operators •Certification of Workshops and Implementation supervision •Software Development and Maintenance •Implementation of I&M at private workshops
The performance of technicians and workshops will be evaluated and monitored regularly by surveillance system.
Law Enforcement
•A random on-road control system including penalties will be established •Mandatory I&M will be connected with yearly vehicle tax payment
Campaign on the I&M System l
Public relation events (Seminars, Workshops,
Training’s, Interactive Dialogue, public exhibition, Campaign materials distribution, competition, etc)
Media campaign (TV & radio Talk Show, Public Service
Advertisement Placement on TV, radio and media print, Press communication & Newsletter)
Emission reduction month (Joint cooperation
with more than 100 workshops in Jakarta. The car owners are asked to check their car emission in workshops, free of charge during a month)
Campaign on the I&M System (cont.) Emission Reduction Month Objective: • to promote emission inspection and maintenance of private cars • to enhance public awareness on emission maintenance • to prove that the workshops are able to offer emission service Participants in the latest Emission Reduction Month (17 April – 14 May 2000): •Around 8,000 car owners •117 workshops around Jakarta •23 car manufacturer (Chrysler, Fiat, Daewoo, Chevrolet, Mercedes, Renault, BMW, Ford, Isuzu, Opel, VW, Timor, Daihatsu, Honda, Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Volvo, Suzuki, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota, Hyundai, Audi)
Emission Reduction Month (cont.) Work Done to Achieve Emission Reduction Gasoline Cars 78% 74% 71% 66% 60% 51% 31% 20% 19% 14% 16% 28% 0%
Air Filter, cleaning
Diesel Cars
Change Oil
Fuel Filter, cleaning
53% 50%
Fuel Filter, replacement
26% 18% 15% 15% 26% 0%
Air Filter, cleaning Ignition Time, adjusting Fuel Filter, cleaning Carburretor / Injection, calibration Change Oil Spark-Plug, cleaning Spark-Plug, replacement Contact Point, replacement Fuel Filter, replacement Contact Point, adjusting Air Filter, replacement other work
Injection Time, adjusting Air Filter, replacement Injection, calibration 60%
other work
Emission Reduction Month (cont.) Emission reduction (on road vs after service) as result from PUTE Activity
49 %
53 % 5 % of Fuel saving potential
61 %
Internal I&M System in Clean Bus Program as a Potential of Emission Reduction & Fuel Saving l Clean
Bus Program, a voluntary based to reduce diesel soot and fuel consumption, economical benefit promoted through: l Improvement of Internal I/M System l Improvement of HR quality l Improvement of driving skill and knowledge l Support on equipment and spare parts
Clean Bus Program(cont.) Number of Buses 5,790
6,000 5,000
~ 25%
4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000
1,6151,430 800
522 350 320 259 180 154
0 Number of Buses PT. Hiba Utama PT. Big Bird (Blue Bird) PT. Arimbi Jaya Agung PT. Sinar Jaya megah Langgeng PT. Pahala Kencana PT. Safari Dharma Raya
From 21.000 Buses in Jakarta
Clean Bus Program (cont.) Measure in Internal I&M System Summary Number of inspection/service Emission over limit (before service) Emission over limit (after service) Average opacity before service,% Average opacity after service,% Opacity reduction (%) Service without additional cost,% Service with additional cost,%
3,904 1,607 24 56.4 43.6 22.1 84.2 15.8
4,325 1,710 104 40 27 31 84 16
5,790 1,697 273 51.7 36.4 30.6 83 17
4,413 1,395 236 51.2 36.7 30.2 84.9 15.1
Fuel Saving Potential + 5% * Data up to October 2001
Clean Bus Program (cont.) Measure in internal I&M system Im p rovement of works h o p c o n d itio n E m is s ion meas u rem e n t before and after service S tep by step corrective action according to following scheme A
C leaning of air filter
S e ttin g o f in jection nozzle pres s u re
S e ttin g o f in jection time
R e p lac e m e n t o f air filter
R e p lac e m e n t o f nozzle
C alibratio n o f in jec tio n p u m p
R e v is ion of inje c tio n p u m p
Clean Bus Program (cont.) Technical Training
almost 70%
410 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
In 4 years 389
Technical staff Technical staff from 9 Bus Companies Not trained staff
Trained Technicians in CAP Program
Clean Bus Program (cont.) Driver Training Program
5000 4000 1629
3000 2000 1000 0
Driver Drivers from 9 Bus Companies Not trained drivers
Trained Drivers in CAP Program
Fuel Saving Potential 5 – 15 %