USING A TABLET PC TO ENCORAGE THE STUDENT’S LEARNING IN ACID-BASE TITRATION Warunee Manosong1*, Pimchana Hoktha2 Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science, Thaksin University, Phattalung 93110, Thailand *E-mail:
[email protected], Tel. +66 74311885-7 Ext 2329, Fax. +66 74443946
Abstract: This research aimed to compare students' conceptual understanding of the acid-base titration, and to investigate students’ learning satisfaction after learning through the integrated instruction using a tablet PC and acid-base titration concept. The participants in the study consisted of thirty undergraduate students enrolled in Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory 1 course, Thaksin University in Songkhla during the second semester of the academic year 2013. The experimental instruments were a tablet PC and acid-base titration experiment simulator. The collecting data instruments were the acid-based titration concept tests and the students’ learning satisfaction questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed by means, percentage and standard deviation. The results of the research were as following: students’ conceptual understanding scores of the acid-base titration concept were higher from the poor level up to the excellent level, and the students' learning satisfaction scores were in the most satisfied level after learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration concept. 1. Introduction Technology is ubiquitous that is touching almost every part of life. The integration of technology into the classroom and scientific laboratory are exploring the potential tech offers for teaching and learning process to help students acquire skills neccessary to survive in a complex, highly technological and economic knowledge – based society .[1] The new technology tools for conceptualizing and simulating the experiments, especially in science will enhance the better understanding of students in abstract subjects and scientific ideas and experiments that are difficult to understand. These tools can help students to conceptulize the science concepts easily, make models, built and demonstrate thier understanding that can help them to learn scienific knowledge efficiently. With technology tools, students are more likely to be active and on task. They also reduce behavioral problems in the classroom and scientific laboratory [1] Tablet Personal Computer (Tablet PC) or simply tablet, is a mobile computer with display, circuitry and battery in a single unit, equipped with sensors, including microphone, cameras, accelerometer and touchscreen, with finger or stylus gestures replacing computer mouse and keyboard. An
Figure1: Students were studying and doing the experiment by using an experiment simulator on a tablet PC in the classroom. on-screen, pop-up virtual keyboard is usually used for typing.[2] The tablet PC is suitable for students' lifestyles and more available to provide new ways for teachers to deliver contents and encourage students to participate in their study both inside and outside the classroom and laboratory. Using tablet PC for learning the acid-base concept will help students to have better understanding. In tablet PC, there are graphics, sound, colors and other medias of the acid-base titration concepts that can encourage students to learn more, pay more attention to the lesson. The students feel comfortable to learn both in the classroom and scientific labratory. The concept of the acid-base titrations is acidbase titrations usually used to find the amount of a known acidic or basic substance through acid base reactions.[3] The analyte (titrand) is the solution with an unknown molarity. The reagent (titrant) is the solution with a known molarity that will react with the analyte. This concept is important in a science classroom, but it is difficult to understand because of its complexity and abstract concept. This will lead to students' inability to create images, and demonstrate their understanding which further causes the students
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2014 (PACCON2014)
1009 fail the test, have the negative attitude and unsatisfied learning outcomes. It is, therefore, this research was conducted to compare students' conceptual understanding of the acid-base titration concept, and to study students’ learning satisfaction after their learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acidbase titration concept.
2.2 Collecting data instruments: 2.2.1 The acid-based titration concept tests adaped /created by Ms.Warunee Manosong and Dr.Pimchana Hoktha which included pretest and post-test about the pH range of an indicator, the selecting indicator for acid – base titration, and acid – base titration. The total score is 10 marks. 2.2.2 The students’ learning satisfied questionnaire.
Hypothesis The Preset Criteria The second year pre-service science undergraduate students get the higher scores of the acid-base titration test after learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration concept. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Experiment Materials: 2.1.1 Tablet PC, “Model Cube U30GT Dual Core RK3066 Android 4.1.1 Tablet PC 10.1 inch Cube U30GT Peas 16GB” 2.1.2 The integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration experiment simulators. These simulators were installed on a Tablet PC that created by Microsoft power point, Crocodile Chemistry version 605, Camtasia Studio 7 and Windows movie maker. 2.1.3 The integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration lesson plan
The acid-based titration concept test aimed to check students’ performance about learning in the acid-based titration concept. The test consisted of 20 items with 10 score. The rate of score cloud be interpreted the students’ performance level as follows: Score 8.0 - 10 7.0 - 7.9 6.0 - 6.9 5.0 - 5.9 0 - 4.9
Performance level Excellent Good Fair Poor Need improvement
The students’ learning satisfied questionnaire aimed to check students' satisfy after learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acidbase titration. The test consisted of 10 items with 5 rating scares for response. The rating numbers cloud be interpreted as follows: Rate 1 2 3 4 5
Means 1.00-1.49 1.50-2.49 2.50-3.49 3.50-4.49 4.50-5.00
Degree of satisfy Least Less Moderate More Most
Research Method
Figure2. The tablet PC and the experiment simulator
The experiment was pre - test and post - test in design with one group of participants. It was conducted at Thaksin University, Songkhla. The class time was 1 period a week, 3 hours each. The experiment was completed on the class time. The instructional implement took 1 week. The research procedure was conducted as follows: 1. The participants took the pre - test of the acid-based titration concept tests. 2. The instructional implementation was carried out following the lesson plans. 3. The participants took the posttest of the acid based titration concept tests and the students’ learning satisfied questionnaire. 4. The data obtained were statically analyzed and results were interpreted.
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2014 (PACCON2014)
Participants in the Study
3. Results and Discussion
The participants were 30 second year pre-service Science-Chemistry students of Thaksin University who enrolled in Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory 1 course in the first semeter of the 2013 academic year.
1. 96.67 % of all participants got higher scores after learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration experiment simulators. 2. The mean, SD and percentage of pre-test scores were 5.27, 2.48 and 52.67 which was in the poor performance level. The mean, SD and percentage of post-test score were 8.64, 2.56 and 86.33 which was in the excellent performance level. (Table 2)
Data Collection The data were collected before and after the participants learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration in steps as follows: 1. Students took the pre-test. 2. Students conducted the experiment : - Part 1: Indicator pH range and acid – base titration - Part 2: Selecting indicator for acid – base titration - Part 3: Acid – base titration 3. Students took the post-test. 4. Students took the students’ learning satisfied questionnaire
Table 1: Mean, SD, percentage and performance level of the acid-based titration concept tests of the participants
Pre-test Post-test
5.27 8.64
2.48 2.56
52.67 86.33
Performance level Poor Excellent
3. 80.59 % of all participants highly satisfied with their learning outcomes. 4. Conclusions
Figure3. Students were doing pre-test.
Figure4. Students were studying and doing the experiment by using an experiment simulator on a tablet PC. Data Analysis The data obtained were analyzed by means, percentage and standard deviation using Microsoft Excell 2007 software.
1. The students got higher scores after learning through the integrated instruction of using a tablet PC and acid-base titration concept because: 1.1 The tablet PC encouraged students to learn more through graphics, sound, colors and other medias to make them understand the concept better than learning by using usual laboratory or lecture. 1.2 Using tablet PC is appropriate with the students’ lifestyle. They feel comfortable to learn and share their knowledge with their classmates which can make them learn more efficiently. 2. The students were highly satisfied with their learning because: 2.1 The students can see the results and errors of the experiment clearly through the tablet PC before doing the real experiment. This can help them to do the actual experiment correctly and effectively. 2.2 They can find answers immediately when they want to know from the tablet PC. 2.3 They felt more comfortable to use the tablet PC for learning the concept of the acid-base titrations before doing the actual experiment. 2.4 They were impressed and wanted to use the tablet PC in other lessons. 2.5 They believed that they will definitely pass the test after learning through the tablet PC. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Department of Mathematic, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University for Tablet Personal Computer (Tablet PC) used in this research and the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Thaksin University for other facilities.
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1011 References [1] http://www.edutopia.org/technology-integrationintroduction (Retrieved December, 5, 2013) [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablet_computer (Retrieved December, 5, 2013). [3] G.H.Jeffery, J.Bassett, J.Mendham and R.C.Denny, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Longman Scientific & Technical, New York, (1989), pp.257-260.
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2014 (PACCON2014)