very attracted to the world of advertising and Ogilvy's quote was sheer music to my ears. 'Ogilvy on Advertising' was an
PREFACE This project report has been written in July 2005 after completing two months of internship with Innocean Worldwide from 1st of May. Innocean is the in- house advt agency for Hyundai and Kia Motors and it is located in Delhi.
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNSHIP REPORT..................................................................................................1 INDUSTRY- ...............................................................................................................1 NAME OF ORGANISATION- ...................................................................................1 DEPARTMENT-.........................................................................................................1 JOB DISCRIPTION-...................................................................................................1 RITIKA SINGH ..............................................................................................................1 PREFACE.......................................................................................................................2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................3 CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................4 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................4 COMPANY PROFILE ................................................................................................5 MY DEPARTMENT...................................................................................................5 CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................6 PROJECT REPORT....................................................................................................6 First Lesson .............................................................................................................6 First Campaign- The Point of Purchase Campaign for Getz .....................................6 FIFA Booklet...........................................................................................................7 The Magazine Innovation Advertisements ...............................................................7 The Radio Campaign for Hyundai Getz ...................................................................8 Kia Carens European Pitch ......................................................................................8 The Recruitment Advertisements .............................................................................8 The Dealer Advertisement Templates ......................................................................8 Internet Advertisements for Hyundai Getz and Hyundai Sonata...............................9 The Mall Activity for Getz.......................................................................................9 CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................11 CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION “When people aren’t having any fun, they don’t produce good advertising”. Thus wrote David Ogilvy in his book entitled ‘Ogilvy on Advertising’. Having been born in the age of commercial Television, I have always been very attracted to the world of advertising and Ogilvy’s quote was sheer music to my ears. ‘Ogilvy on Advertising’ was an eye opener. His statement “When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative’. I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product” raised many questions in my mind. Over the years I had always judged advertisements by their creativity, so I was at a loss to comprehend Ogilvy’s statement in its entirety. Could creative ads not be successful? Introspection revealed that this was a fact. While I liked the Close Up tooth paste ads for its creativity, yet! I continued to use another brand of tooth paste. Obviously, there was much that I did not understand and even more that I did not know. To get a deeper insight into the fascinating world of advertising I decided to intern at Innocean Worldwide. At Innocean, 2 months of training with the Creative Group gave me the opportunity to work on projects in their entirety. I learnt, how to analyze the creative brief and identify the objectives be met through every advertisement. My seniors also motivated me to think out of the box, keeping the medium and the proposition of the product in mind. I got to understand the nuances of various mediums by the ‘hands on learn by your mistake method’ and above all I got the opportunity to clear the cobwebs from my head. As a part of the fun in advertising I got learn about cars, from Ferraris and Alfa Romeos to our very own Getz and Santro. BHP, VTVT engines, Disk Breaks and Jefferson’s Struts hitherto Latin and Greek to me now became terms to throw at others and watch their eyes roll.
The appended report has been structured in the following manner. Chapter 1. The present chapter Chapter 2. Project report Chapter 3. Conclusion 1.Introduction 2. Project Report 3. Conclusion 4. Annexture 1- projects
5. Annexture 2The Daily Diary
COMPANY PROFILE Innocean Worldwide creates advertisements for all models manufactured by Hyundai and Kia Motors. It had been established in June 2005, in Korea and the Indian office was opened in November 2005. It also has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, UK and Poland.
MY DEPARTMENT I worked in the creative department as a trainee copywriter. During my training I worked under the guidance of:Mr. Varun Arora (Creative Director) Mr. Saurabh Dasgupta (Creative Head) Mr. S. Mani (Creative head) Mr. Deepanshu Saha (Art Director) Mr. Tirtho Bose (Copy head) Mr. Mohammad Zaid (Art head) Mr. Arijeet Sengupta (Copywriter)
CHAPTER 2 PROJECT REPORT In May 2006, when I joined Innocean it was only a 6 month old advertising company and still a very lean albeit not mean advertising company. As the first and only trainee I got the opportunity to work ‘hands on’ on several projects. I was never the ‘errand boy’ and I got to bounce some my wackiest ideas off the very best copy writing personnel in the industry. While quite a few off my ideas were labeled as ‘creative but will not work’ some did pass muster and found their way to final campaign and Ads. This project report not only covers ideas that ‘made it’ but also those that did not. I have analyze each success and failure and followed up with lessons learnt. At Innocean I worked on the following Campaigns and Advertisements:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Point of Purchase Campaign for Hyundai Getz The FIFA Booklet Magazines Innovation Advertisement for Hyundai Getz Radio Campaign for Hyundai Getz Kia Carens Pitch for Europe Recruitment Ads. Dealer advertisement templates Internet advertisements for Hyundai Sonata and Hyundai Getz Mall activities for Hyundai Getz
First Lesson
The first lesson was the analysis of ‘the creative brief’, to understand the meaning of an ‘insight’; an ‘idea’ and an appeal. However, it was not till after several submissions and drafts of the above mentioned projects did I understand the purport of these terms. First Campaign- The Point of Purchase Campaign for Getz
After the grind of analyzing and presenting my views on over 20 advertisements did I get my first campaign ‘Point of Purchase Campaign for Hyundai Getz’
The Point of Purchase campaign was the combination of ‘Tent Cards’, wobbler and danglers for cars in the show room. The idea was to enable the customer to learn the nuance of each feature of the car without the salesman being present. Being a Point of Purchase Campaign, the idea had to be persuasive to convince the customer to buy the product. My idea was of Herby selling its self and therefore I decided to word all text to be in first person. This idea was accepted and I am happy to say that this point of sale campaign has already been successfully launched. The details of this project are placed at Annexure I. FIFA Booklet
Hyundai was the official sponsor of FIFA 2006 and my agency was tasked to create an information booklet called ‘Fields of Gold’. This booklet, a pullout of the June issue of Top Gear magazine contained information about participating teams, game schedule etc. and on each page there was an Ad strip. I wrote catchy lines like “Kick off with power and style” and “Power packed performer”. Seven of my strip advertisements found their way in to the final booklet placed at Annexure I. I also wrote aditorial for the opening page. This project initiated my interest in football. Until I worked for this project, I had found it odd for a car company like Hyundai to be associated with a sport like football. But on reading about the game and about greats like Pele, Maradona and Ronaldo, I started associating with the spirit of the game and came up with the lines for the strip ads. This project not only taught me how to make headlines ‘talk’ and but I also gained knowledge about the company and its association with football along with writing a cohesive piece of copy for the aditorial. All the drafts for this campaign have been presented at Annexure I. The Magazine Innovation Advertisements
Right since childhood story books with 3 dimensional cutouts have caught my fancy. I used these concepts to create layouts for magazine ads. I also wrote the associated headline. This ad thought me to think visually and it enabled me to learn the synergy between the copy and the visual. This was also my first print ad at the agency. The rough layouts have been placed at Annexure I
The Radio Campaign for Hyundai Getz
After listening to various FM channels and working in the college Radio studio I found writing a radio script is very exciting. ‘Ad on the talk’ required the language to be funky yet sophisticated in keeping with the product. Moreover, since the promos had to be written for Mumbai the language had to be Mumbaiya. Along with all this one had to make sure that the proposition of the car “A Bigger Feeling” was not lost. Thus, I learnt the importance of constructing a message keeping the target audience, medium and the proposition of the car in mind. The Radio scripts are placed at Annexure I. Kia Carens European Pitch
Carens an MUV (multi utility vehicle) manufactured by Kia Motors was to be marketed in Europe. My seniors guided me through the ideation process behind television commercials. During the Carens pitch I learnt how a TVC is visualized and scripted. Initially my thoughts were convoluted and I needed more clarity to communicate my ideas effectively and in the simplest way. Like in a game of Billiards I tried to look at the target from different angles and my efforts are at Annexure I. This ad was presented by me at the Innocean board meeting. This by its self was a great learning experience and gave me a lot of confidence. The Recruitment Advertisements
The recruitment advertisements I wrote for OJA Hyundai dealership, targeting sales persons and the Aditorial I wrote for the FIFA booklet taught me how to write a crisp and cohesive piece of body copy. Most importantly, I learnt was that it is not only important for the first line but also the last line to reiterate the thought presented in the headline for a ‘Come back’ The Dealer Advertisement Templates
It had been seen that a lot of initiative was taken by dealers to push the product. Hence, there was a need to create a standard template for such dealer ads. which the consumer could identify as a Hyundai ad.
Though the dealer advertisement templates did not involve much creativity, I realized how important they were for the running of a business and hence an agency. I also understood the importance of emphasizing on every feature as well as the logos and prices of all the cars.
Internet Advertisements for Hyundai Getz and Hyundai Sonata
I also got a chance to create internet advertisements and acquainted myself with the boons and banes of the medium. Internet being an interactive medium, taught me to create user friendly advertising which was innovative and unique! The layouts for this project have been appended in Annexure I The Mall Activity for Getz
The Mall activity for Getz in Mumbai was interesting to work on; as it had to be interactive, it helped me understand customer psychology better! The ideas I presented for the same have been placed at Annexure 1. Apart from these projects I also worked on comparison booklets for Sonata (compared to Toyota Camry Ford Accord) and Accent (compared to Chevrolet Aveo and Ford Fiesta). These gave me a deeper insight into all the features of these cars and how they fared, compared to competition. Moreover, I learnt what factors were to be kept in mind while designing a booklet. Through this internship I not only learnt the craft of advertising but was also exposed to award winning advertisements which inspired me to think beyond the ordinary. I read books like ‘The One Show’, ‘The Works’, ‘Showcase Of Indian Advertising’, ‘The Copy Book’ and ‘Ogilvy On Advertising’ apart from going through archives collected by my seniors. Apart from learning the nuances of advertising this experience also boosted my confidence and I got an insight into organizational behavior, it being an MNC advertising agency. Moreover, the friendly office atmosphere helped me to discuss ideas not only regarding cars but also social messages and ask questions without any hitch. My cultural exchanges with the Korean intern,
Heekyung were also enlightening and I learnt a lot about her culture. Hence this internship turned out to be a wonderful learning experience for me.
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION With every project, I learnt something new and my understanding of advertising and the various mediums used grew. The books I read and the television commercials I viewed widened my horizons and inspired me to think out of the box. This two month internship also aroused an interest in cars within me and I started reading automobile magazines to update my knowledge of this segment. Through the booklets I worked on, comparing various car brands, I understood the features present in every car better. The various projects I worked on made me realize the importance of making sure that I did not deviate from the proposition laid down by the car. Under the guidance of my seniors, I also tried my level best to think of ideas which were easy to understand and not convoluted. This experience also taught me how an organization functions and how formal lines of communication are followed to ensure work flows through different departments smoothly. Healthy interaction with my seniors and the cultural exchanges with the Korean intern, Heekyung broadened my approach to life. This internship not only taught me the nitty grittys of advertising but also helped raise my confidence level.