Interactive Search Results

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(pdf, doc, jpg, html, etc). UPLN's search engine indexes bibliographic information like “author”, “date of acceptance” and “title”, which exists in a separate ...
Interactive Search Results John Papadakis1, Ioannis Andreou1 and Vassileios Chrissikopoulos2 1

University of Piraeus, Computer Science Department, Karaoli & Dimitriou 80, 18534 Piraeus, Greece

{jpap, gandreou} 2

University of Ionio, Department of Archives and Library Sciences, Plateia Eleytherias, 49100 Corfu - Greece [email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we address the issue of interactive search results manipulation, as provided by typical Web-based information retrieval modules like search engines and directories. Many digital library systems could benefit a lot from the proposed approach, since it is heavily based on metadata, which constitute the building block of such systems. We also propose a way of ranking search results according to their overall importance, which is defined as a weighted combination of the relevancy and popularity of a resource that is being referenced in a search results list. In order to evaluate this model, we have developed a interactive search results manipulation application, which is executed at the client's workspace through a Web browser without any further interaction with the server that provided the initial search results list. The prototype implementation is based on the XML standard and has been evaluated through an adequate evaluation process from which useful conclusions have been obtained.

1 Introduction Traditionally, information retrieval modules at the Web as well as at the field of Web-based digital libraries, are evaluated according to their ability to fetch search results that are relevant to users' queries. Two factors are employed for such a task, namely precision and recall [17]. Precision measures how well the retrieved documents match the referred query and recall reveals the percentage of relevant documents that are retrieved by the module [15]. However, as it will be argued throughout this work, such an evaluation could prove to be inaccurate since there are cases where users may be dissatisfied with the output of such modules even if they contain references to resources of high relevancy to the corresponding query. In a search results list of many items, documents are usually ranked according to their relevancy to the query that triggered the creation of the list. Many times though, users don't know exactly what they are looking for when submitting a query to a search engine. Instead, they just enter a vague description of the knowledge they pursue and try to locate the corresponding resource(es) by harvesting long lists of search

results. Thus, in the case of long lists with more or less relevant results, there is rarely any option on screen to manipulate the list items (except maybe by scrolling down the list or moving across pages) in a way that would allow users to "play around" with them in order to choose the most appropriate resource with minimum effort. Providing just a static visualization of search results ranked by relevancy is simply preventing users from retrieving useful information located anywhere else apart from the top of such lists. In this paper, we introduce the notion of interactive search results as applied to existing Web-based information retrieval modules like search engines. The proposed approach depends on metadata and therefore could prove to be particularly useful at the field of digital libraries, where metadata are most commonly met. The deriving functionality is provided as a separate software component located in an intermediate layer between existing information retrieval modules and their users. According to this concept, search results lists are dynamic documents, which may be manipulated in various ways in order to provide a better understanding about their content. We also argue that the importance of a resource should not only be estimated from its relevance to the corresponding query. Instead, we propose a method for measuring the importance of a resource by also taking into consideration the number of times it has been accessed (i.e. selected from a search results list) during it’s lifecycle. A distinctive feature of applications based on the notion of interactive search results apart from the fact that they should operate supplementary to the search engine, is that they should preferably rely on the client computer’s resources without putting additional strain to the server. Such a requirement is possible to be fulfilled through the employment of the XML standard, as it will be discussed later in this paper. The above thoughts have been applied to a prototype implementation of an interactive search results manipulation system based on XML/XSLT technology, which extends the functionality of the search engine of a working digital library system. Furthermore, useful remarks about the proposed functionality have been obtained from the evaluation process of the prototype system. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in the next section, related work in the field of interactive information retrieval applications is presented. Section 3 describes the proposed Interactive Search Results architecture, focusing on metadata elements and execution space. Section 4 illustrates a prototype implementation of the above architecture while section 5 outlines the results that have been extracted from an evaluation process of the corresponding implementation. Finally, section 6 concludes this paper.

2 Related Work The importance of the way search results should be displayed and the need to accommodate them with dynamic manipulation functionality has been the issue of many researchers before the advent of Web-based information retrieval modules. Based on the cluster hypothesis of van Rijsbergen [26], Bead [3] and Lyberworld [5] are two systems that provide extended functionality to search results. Scatter/Gather [4] goes

one step further by observating that ”the same sets of documents behave differently in different contexts”. The idea behind this system is to cluster retrieval results in k clusters, scatter the documents inside and then partition the document set into another k clusters. Some other systems would (statically) present search results based on two[19] or three-[1] dimensional visualization schemes. Such solutions however, although they are relatively popular at the field of traditional digital libraries, cannot be easily applied to the entire Web and specifically to Web-based digital libraries that employ the Web browser to host their User Interface, for a number of reasons. Thus, most of these systems require either sophisticated graphical software, or are difficult to scale, or require excessive system resources, or most frequently, combine the above features [2]. The particular needs of Web-based information retrieval and, most importantly, the need to decouple search engine logic from manipulation of search results are regrettably difficult to be found in the information retrieval literature [24]. Zamir and Etzioni [27] proposed a method for re-ranking and tagging the most relevant documents returned by search engines, based on a clustering algorithm. The VIEWER system [2] provides an intermediate layer between the query formulation stage and the display of search results. According to this system, users are able to dynamically interact with search results by manipulating various "views", where a view is defined as the subset of retrieved documents that contain a specified subset of query terms. However, in order to get a different view of the search results, users have to reformulate their query and reinvoke the search engine. Apart from the above references to the information retrieval literature, a number of commercial and non-commercial information retrieval modules on the Web have apparently realized the problems of current search results presentation [21]. However, most of the search engine development performed by companies comes with little or no publication of technical details. This causes search engine technology to remain largely a black art [13]. The Google search engine [13] relies on PageRank [14] to rank search results lists. According to PageRank, a resource is highly ranked if the sum of the ranks of its backlinks (i.e. links that point to a given resource) is high. This system utilizes the link graph of the Web [6] to estimate the importance of a Web page (in terms of relevance and popularity in the graph). Although the employment of PageRank for ranking resources has proved to be useful in the sense that it objectively ranks sites according to their importance, still no interaction with users on the search results list is allowed. Moreover, PageRank cannot be easily applied to multimedia content. In the field of Web-based digital libraries, ResearchIndex [20] and the Open Journal Project [10] have their own definitions of importance for ranking search results. ResearchIndex is a digital library of scientific literature that measures the importance of documents based on the Autonomous Citation Indexing (ACI) system. This implicit Recommender System maintains an index that automatically catalogues documents’ citations by linking them with the cited works. Thus, documents within the search results list are ranked according to the citations they have. Furthermore, ResearchIndex takes under consideration the elapsed time since a document was first published [18]. A similar approach (though not as applicable as ResearchIndex since it relies on specific document format) is followed by the Open Journal project. According to this

project, a link service that associates every journal with the others through its citation links is defined. Links are provided through a publicly available link database. However, just like in the previous cases, interaction with users is not supported. The NCSTRL [22] Web-based digital library has recently employed a methodology for a priori interactive manipulation of search results. Specifically, upon construction of a query, users have the opportunity to group and rank the expected results according to their relevance, discovery date and archiving. Users are not able to dynamically change the grouping and/or ranking of search results without re-submitting their query.

3 Interactive Search Results

3.1 The Architecture In this work, we introduce the notion of Interactive Search Results. It refers to a methodology according to which information retrieval functionality continues to be available even after the construction of search results lists. Such functionality requires active participation from users and execution space at the client’s Web browser through adequate applications. Search results lists are considered as dynamic, homo-

User’s workspace Server

Web form

query query search engine

search results list in XML

Interactive search results application


Fig. 1. Interactive Search Results architecture

geneous lists of references to resources with metadata (i.e. descriptive data about other data [16]) that are common to all the items of such lists. Such information is provided from the search engine, which, in turn, collects the metadata from the digital library’s repository. In the case of search engines on the Internet, the provided metadata set is reasonably smaller. Users are able to transform the original lists by exploiting the information provided by the corresponding metadata, thus making quick and accurate

decisions about the usefulness of the referred resources. Long lists may be rapidly transformed to shorter ones and provide users with more comprehensive information about the included items. Moreover, faster and more accurate transactions result in saving of network and server-side system resources. The proposed interactive manipulation may be provided in terms of grouping, filtering and/or rearranging of the items that constitute the original search results list. In order to develop applications capable of employing the proposed functionality, an adequate architecture should be followed. Thus, as illustrated in fig. 1, the output of a search engine is directed to a complementary application that is executed at the client-side. Users are able to interact with the application and accordingly change the ranking and/or population of the search results list items. The number of transformations that may be applied to such lists depends on the amount of metadata that are provided from the search engine. A rich set of metadata results in a similarly rich set of interaction possibilities. 3.2 Metadata Elements The most common criterion for ranking search results is by far the relevancy of the resources to the initial query. For many years, search engines at the Web relied entirely on relevancy to rank search results. However, in an attempt to improve quality of search results, search engines have evolved to consider a number of alternative ways of ranking search results [21]. In this work, we propose a way to rank resources by taking into account their popularity. In order to measure the value of this metadata element, we make use of the observation that frequently visited resources are considered to be more popular than others that are less frequently visited. Of course, popularity should be estimated in conjunction with the lifecycle of a resource. The “age” of a resource is therefore another important metadata element that affects popularity. Unlike relevance, information like age and popularity is independent of the user’s query and should be obtained from the digital library’s repository. Such information is combined with relevance to define importance. It should be possible for users to decide the participation percentage of these two complementary elements (i.e. popularity and relevance) when calculating the importance of a resource. For example, a possible scenario dictates that search results are ranked according to their importance, which is defined as a sum of 90% of relevancy plus 10% of popularity. Apart from the above metadata elements that are common to virtually all Web resources, there are a number of metadata that are specific to certain collections. For example, when referring to a Web-based digital library of technical reports (e.g. NCSTRL [22]), we come against metadata like author, date of submission, title, etc. Moreover, Web-based digital libraries of specific formats (e.g. image, video and sound) have their own specific metadata. It is therefore the interactive search results application’s responsibility to exploit the information provided by the information retrieval module (in terms of metadata elements) in order to provide extended functionality to its users.

3.3 The Execution Space According to this work, the proposed functionality requires availability of adequate execution space at the client-side. Information retrieval functionality (e.g. search engines and directories) is by far the most popular feature of the majority of today's Web-based digital libraries. Relying on the server for such tasks would demand for even greater processing power and consume large amounts of additional network bandwidth for the exchange of data between server and clients. In order to avoid the additional cost, it is necessary to provide the requested functionality at the client-side. A few years ago, it was very difficult, if not impossible, to find a technology capable of fulfilling the requirements for a unified way of processing search results across the diversity of the Web in terms of computer platforms and software. Fortunately, the emergence of XML as a Web standard for exchanging and presenting information and its wide adoption from the major Web browsers, renders XML as a suitable technology for the implementation of the proposed model. Additionally, the ability of XMLbased applications to separate content from presentation and to transform documents from one form to another are two very important features that are applicable to interactive Web models like the one that is presented in this work.

4 Prototype Implementation

4.1 The Application In order to test the proposed Interactive Search Results model, we have implemented a search results manipulation application, which we have applied to the University of Piraeus Lecture Notes (UPLN) digital library [25]. This prototype application acts as a Recommender System [12] in the sense that it provides assistance to its users in locating useful resources. UPLN is a Web-based digital library that provides common search facilities to its users. The underlying repository contains teaching material from nine departments within the University. The actual content of the digital library is the lecture notes of each course, which may be stored in various formats (pdf, doc, jpg, html, etc). UPLN’s search engine indexes bibliographic information like “author”, “date of acceptance” and “title”, which exists in a separate bibliographic file for each set of lecture notes: BIB-VERSION:: CS-TR-v2.1 ID:: unipi.csd//csd-001 TITLE:: "Database Systems" ENTRY:: February 12, 1999 AUTHOR:: George Chondrokoukis ABSTRACT:: ="Homework for Relational Schemas..." END:: unipi.csd//csd-001 COUNTER:: 624

Such data is directly associated to the metadata elements that are needed for the interactive manipulation of search results. The prototype application utilizes metadata elements like Title, Author, Entry, Abstract and Counter, where “Counter” monitors the number of times the corresponding resource has been accessed from the users of the digital library. In order to apply the proposed functionality, the output of the UPLN’s search engine has been modified to export the search results list not as a static html stream but as a XML structure containing the aforementioned metadata elements (i.e. author, date, counter, etc), as illustrated below: George Hondrokoukis George Vassilakopoulos Each item of the search results list corresponds to a “resource” element containing the URL and other information about the resource according to its bibliographic file. "Relevancy" refers to the relevancy score provided by the underlying search engine. The “popularity” attribute represents the access rate in terms of hits per month for the specified resource. The “importance” attribute is obtained from the equations 1-3, where impi is the importance factor for resource i, reli is the relevance of resource i (0≤i≤n, where n is the total number of search results) as obtained transparently from

impi = reli ∗ k + popi ∗ (1 − k ),


impmax = max(impi ),


impi = impi impmax


the search engine, popi is the popularity of a resource expressed in hits per month (counter/30), k is the weighting factor of relevancy in importance and (1-k) is the weighting factor of popularity in importance. k's value ranges from 0 to 1 (0≤k≤1). k decides which of the two elements (i.e. relevancy and popularity) will mostly affect the overall importance. Values near “0” are in favor of popularity, whereas values near “1” are in favor of relevancy. The user should be able to adjust k’s value according to her/his particular needs. However, for simplicity reasons, we have decided to assign k with the fixed value of 0.8. Finally, impi is normalized to the range of [0,1]. The deriving XML tree is fed to our prototype application, which transforms it to HTML according to the directives included in an adequate XSL file. The list items are initially sorted by relevancy. As illustrated in fig.2, the left frame on the screen contains the provided functionality.

Fig. 2. Search Results, ranked by popularity

Users are able to re-rank search results according to a) their popularity, b) the total number of times they have been accessed (i.e. “total hits”) and c) their importance, as it has been previously defined. Moreover, users may choose to view the results items that refer to a specified author, by clicking the “Filter” button. Fig. 2 illustrates a re-ranked search results list according to the popularity of the documents it contains. If a user wishes to view the lecture notes of just one author in

the above list, she/he may filter search results by filling the “Author” field and by clicking the “Filter” button. 4.2 Implementation Issues The proposed application consumes client-side system resources through the employment of JavaScript and XSLT. The initial goal was to rely just on XSLT for the implementation of the project, since most of the currently available Web browsers claim to be XML-compatible. However, we soon realized that it was impossible to develop an application that would be compatible with all the XML-capable Web browsers, due to the fact that each Web browser supported a different subset of a different version of the XSLT recommendation. In fact, we didn’t find a single Web browser that would support the required subset of the XSLT standard. At the end, we employed JavaScript and developed an application that is only compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer ver. 5.0 and later. The lack of adequate support to XSLT resulted in certain restrictions as far as the users' data input is concerned. Thus, due to the inconsistent pattern-matching support, the exact value of the "author" element should be typed in the "filter" editbox to produce a match. Current trend at the Web though indicates that it is just a matter of time before the major Web browsers fully support the XML and related standards. The implementation scenario dictates that the initial XML tree is subject to a number of XSL transformations that cause the search results items to be ranked and filtered according to the ranking and filtering criteria that are available at the left frame. The information retrieval module at the server (i.e. UPLN’s search engine) will be reinvoked only if a new search is performed. The above system is hosted in a Compaq Proliant machine running at 350 MHz under Linux OS. Modifications to the original UPLN’s search engine (i.e. Perlfect search 3.10 [23]) were applied using the Perl programming language. 4.3 Scalability to the Web The proposed model can be applied with minor modifications to a number of digital libraries, since resources within such systems traditionally employ rich sets of metadata. Despite the fact that Web resources rarely employ metadata, Web search engines could also benefit from the employment of such functionality. For example, apart from importance and relevancy ranking, items in a search results list could be filtered according to their Web location or language. The only requirement is that search results should be provided in XML format. Moreover, the hierarchical structure of XML data and the rapid growth of hardware development (current PC workstations are remarkably powerful while maintaining their price at reasonable levels), ensure that manipulation of very long and diverse search results lists will be equally effective.

5 Evaluation

5.1 The Evaluation Method According to Nielsen [11], methods for evaluation can be separated into usability testing methods where users are involved and usability inspection methods where users are not involved. Usability is related to how well a user could use the provided functionality. In order to evaluate the proposed system, we have developed a questionnaire, which we have distributed to a group of users who had previously used the prototype system. Then, a discussion was taken place with each subject separately about their overall impression of the system. The advantage of this evaluation method is that it can easily involve numerous users and, in addition, is an inexpensive survey method. On the other hand, it should be kept in mind that it is difficult to get 100% accurate results when using questionnaires since users' answers are usually based on what they think they do, not on what they actually do [11]. However, the specific questionnaire is heavily based on a questionnaire that is specially adopted for digital libraries [24] and is claimed to be highly reliable by the authors. Questions that are targeted to both style and content have been avoided, since they usually confuse users [8]. Finally, it should be kept in mind that our main goal is to evaluate the usability of interactive search results through the use of our system and not the system itself. 5.2 The Experiment The goal of the evaluation process was to realize the usefulness of the principles of interactive Web-based information retrieval modules that have been addressed throughout this paper. In particular, we have conducted an experiment in which the subjects were asked to submit a number of random as well as predefined queries to the search engine of a digital library of teaching material through our prototype application. The predefined queries were designed in a way to return relatively long search results lists. Then, the subjects had the opportunity to interact with the results through the provided functionality of our system. The next step of the experiment was to distribute a questionnaire among the subjects, which they were asked to fill-in. At the end of this process, we had a five to ten minutes conversation with each subject in order to obtain their overall opinion about the system. 5.3 The Testbed The extensive employment of metadata in digital libraries and in the UPLN specifically, renders this system as a suitable testbed for our evaluation process. The UPLN's search engine has been operational since 1998 and proved to be a very popular and efficient information retrieval module for the UPLN's digital library users. Another

reason for the employment of the specific system for the evaluation process was the familiarity of the subjects with its content and search facilities. Such familiarity resulted in the development of an easy to understand and use questionnaire, which facilitated the overall process. 5.4 The Subjects Nine subjects participated in the evaluation process. Four of them were Ph.D. candidates at the Informatics department and the remaining five were undergraduate (senior) students at various departments within the University of Piraeus in Greece. All of the subjects had previous experience with the specific digital library. The evaluation process took place in a laboratory containing ten PC workstations running at 350 MHz under Windows NT, equipped with Internet Explorer 5.5, which supports XML ver. 1.0. 5.5 The Questionnaire The questionnaire was comprised of six categories that contained up to four questions each. The categories were namely: 1. Overall reactions to the system 2. Screen display 3. Learning 4. System capabilities and user control 5. Navigation 6. Completing tasks and were inspired by Yin Leng Theng's et al. [24] classification scheme which, in turn, was heavily based on Lingaard's classification of usability defects in interactive systems [9]. Specifically, questions belonging to the first category evaluate users' overall perception of the system's performance in terms of satisfaction, completion of tasks and appeal. The "Screen display" category contains questions about the organization and screen display of the overall information. "Learning" refers to the ease of use of the system, "System capabilities and control" examines it's response time and reliability and "Navigation" investigates whether the user is lost in the underlying environment. Finally, the "Completing tasks" category examines the extent of usefulness for the provided facilities in helping users to complete their tasks. All of the questions were closed questions, since they are generally easier to analyze than open ones [9]. As proposed by [24], users' responses were given through a 7point scale except from question 4.3 (which requested an ordering of five options- see appendix). A value of 1 represented the most negative response whereas a number of 7 represented the most positive one for the particular question. Finally, a mid-value of 4 was considered to be a neutral response.

5.6 Results and Analysis On the whole, questionnaire results were not surprising. A first glance at fig. 3 reveals that the subjects were generally satisfied with the application. Fig. 3 shows the average value of the nine different answers that correspond to the six categories of the distributed questionnaires. 7 6 5 average 4 values 3 2 1 0 1







Fig. 3. Average values for received answers

The subjects were particularly satisfied with the ease of use of the prototype (category 3). Despite the fact that during the previous years they were used to working on a simple User Interface for the same digital library, they quickly adapted (the training of the subjects on the new User Interface lasted in all nine cases no more than 10 minutes) to the more complex system and realized the advantages of the provided functionality. The subjects were asked, through the questionnaire, to rate the importance of the ranking and filtering criteria, as compared to the traditional static, exhaustive browsing of search results for locating useful resources. The results suggest that the users made repeated use of all the ranking and filtering possibilities provided by the system. This may also be witnessed from the replies to question 4.3 (see appendix) where the participating subjects decided that "ranking by relevancy" was not a very satisfactory ranking criterion, as compared to the other criteria that were provided from the prototype application. Specifically, "ranking by popularity" was the most appealing ranking option according to the subjects, followed closely by "ranking by importance". The "ranking by relevancy" and "filter by" options came third and fourth respectively and last, came the "ranking by total hits" option. Moreover, the proposed model shifted the user habits from inspection to interaction with the search results reducing the time and effort spent to examine them and increasing the user satisfaction. It is also important to notice that the extended functionality didn’t cost additional execution time. In fact, the overall impression is that without the provided functionality at the left frame, users would complete their ultimate goal for retrieving useful results in longer time. The relatively low average for questions belonging to the fourth category (i.e. system capabilities and user control) is due to the restriction according to which, only the exact author's name may be entered for filter-

ing (XSLT pattern matching functions are not well supported in this version of the employed Web browser). Users probably felt uncomfortable with the fact that just the surname of an author wouldn't work. As is has already been mentioned though, such inconsistencies will most likely disappear in upcoming versions of current Web browsers.

6 Conclusions This paper introduced the notion of Interactive Search Results on the Web, which provides an alternative way of locating references to useful resources in search results lists. The proposed model is particularly applicable to long lists, where users are forced to spend considerable amount of time browsing through numerous pages of short summaries to relevant and/or irrelevant resources. Interaction with search results is provided through adequate software modules that enable users to re-rank the initial lists by applying new ranking criteria. Moreover, users are able to reduce the size of such lists by applying certain "filters". Such functionality is based on a number of metadata elements that are provided from the search engine. A method to rank search results according to the weighted combination of relevancy and popularity (i.e. importance) of the resources they refer to, has also been proposed. For performance and bandwidth-saving reasons, applications based on the above thoughts should be executed at the client's working space. Moreover, the effectiveness of such applications heavily depends on the Web browser’s ability to support XML and related standards. A prototype implementation has been developed in order to evaluate the concepts that have been presented in this paper. According to the results obtained from the evaluation process, the proposed functionality seems to help users accomplish their information retrieval-related tasks in Web search results lists in a shorter time with minimum effort. However, current support from the major Web browsers to the XML and related standards is probably inadequate for the development of applications that would exploit the full potential of the proposed principles of interactive search results. There are though strong indications in the field of Web technologies that future versions of Web browsers are most likely to overcome such inconsistencies.

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Appendix-Questionnaire 1.1 How helpful did you find the options "filter" and "rank by" in locating useful resources? 1.2 Do you believe that the provided functionality at the left frame of the UI is a good alternative to exhaustive browsing of search results? 1.3 How often did you change the default option of ranking search results? 2.1 Is the functionality provided by the system easy to access? 2.2 Do you feel comfortable with the overall screen layout? 3.1 How long did it take you to get used to the provided User Interface of the system? 3.2 How often did you use the provided help? 4.1 How long did it take for your actions at the left frame of the Use Interface to be applied at the main frame? 4.2 Did you feel confident with the filter and the rank by criteria of the system? 4.3 Please order the ranking and filtering possibilities provided at the left frame in an order that describes the usefulness of each choice regarding the top items of the corresponding search result lists (i.e. which choice ranks search results more efficiently?). A. Relevancy B.



Total hits

D. Popularity E.

Filter by

5.1 How easy was to move from one view of the search results to another (e.g. from the filtered view to the rank by importance view)? 6.1 Did you feel that in some cases, exhaustive browsing could be a faster method for locating useful search results? 6.2 Provided that the queries returned relatively long search results lists, did you locate any useful resources in other pages except the first one? 6.3 In cases where the search engine didn't return any useful results, do you think that the functionality provided at the left frame was helpful in deciding quicker that you had to rephrase the original query in order to get useful results? 6.4 Do you feel that ranking by relevancy should be the only ranking criterion in a search results list?