Page. 1. /. 14. Loading⦠Page 1 of 14. Slide&No:&. Sec+on:&. Objec+ve:&. Notes&to&Programmer:&
Slide No: 1 Sec+on: #1 Objec+ve: Recognize the purpose of the Hybrid Tutorial Interac+vity: Da Vinci is introduced – line by line is drawn on the page un+l he is fully drawn and animated. Assets: Anima+on of Da Vinci Audio
This example is of specific screens from a storyboard for an interac+ve tutorial that results in the crea+on of a hybrid alignment map for blended instruc+onal design. Find selec+ons from the tutorial here: hQp://
Notes to Programmer:
Da Vinci is introduced – line by line is drawn on the page un+l he is fully drawn and animated. The +tle slides in from the leJ, then the sub+tle materializes below it simultaneous with the men+on in the VO. Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
Audio: I am Leonardo Da Vinci, drawn here to be your guide through an exercise of inten+onal design and discovery.
Slide No: 1 Sec+on: #1 Objec+ve: Recognize the purpose of the Hybrid Tutorial Interac+vity: Da Vinci is introduced – line by line is drawn on the page un+l he is fully drawn and animated. Assets: Anima+on of Da Vinci Audio
Notes to Programmer:
Da Vinci is introduced – line by line is drawn on the page un+l he is fully drawn and animated. The +tle slides in from the leJ, then the sub+tle materializes below it simultaneous with the men+on in the VO. Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
Audio: I am Leonardo Da Vinci, drawn here to be your guide through an exercise of inten+onal design and discovery.
Slide No: 2 Sec+on: #1 Objec+ve: Recognize the purpose of the Hybrid Tutorial
Hybrid Learning:
The perfect balance of the Art of Teaching with the Science of Technology
Interac+vity: Da Vinci maintains posi+on. The +tle slides in from the leJ, then the sub+tle materializes below it simultaneous with the men+on in the VO. Assets: Anima+on of Da Vinci Audio Text on screen
Notes to Programmer: Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
Audio: I’d like to welcome you to our interac+ve tool and tutorial on hybrid learning: the perfect balance of the art of teaching with the science of technology.
Slide No: 4 Sec+on: #1 Objec+ve: Recognize the purpose of the Hybrid Tutorial
Hybrid Alignment Map
Notes to Programmer:
Interac+vity: Text from last screen disappears. Next text appears at the top, then the map materializes. Hand moves down and to the leJ in order for the alignment map to be shown. Assets: Graphic of hand with paintbrush Text on screen audio
If we could get the sta+c hand to enlarge and circle the screen as the alignment map is appearing – as though a broad stroke “paints” on the alignment map -‐ that would be super-‐cool. Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
Audio: Throughout this process, we are going to be working on crea+ng a make-‐and-‐take Hybrid Alignment Map. This map will allow you to develop your course directly from your instruc+onal design. Here is an example of what a finished alignment map can look like. As we proceed, you’ll learn about all the elements that make up this alignment tool, and how to effec+vely use it to design your course.
Slide No: 5 Sec+on: #3 Objec+ve: Recognize the elements in the instruc+onal design process that must be in alignment. Interac+vity: Da Vinci walks up a ladder while discussing the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Each verb of Bloom’s Taxonomy appears as it is men+oned. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on Audio Text on screen
Notes to Programmer: S creen. Am not convinced this color/effect is the right one for the text on the Louvre. Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
( Da Vinci again): Outcomes and objec+ves come at different levels of complexity. One common yards+ck for dis+nguishing the “level” of learning is known as “Bloom’s Taxonomy.” Though a thorough examina+on of Bloom’s Taxonomy would need to be much longer than this experience, it is important to understand some of the basics. Each higher level of understanding is built upon a more primary understanding. There are six main components of Bloom’s Taxonomy. In order from simplicity to sophis+ca+on, they are: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evalua+ng, and Crea+ng.
Slide No: 6B Sec+on: #3 Objec+ve: Recognize the elements in the instruc+onal design process that must be in alignment.
Create, write, design, develop. Cri0cize, cri0que, compare, defend, evaluate, interpret, jus0fy, support. Analyze, compare, contrast, differen0ate, illustrate, diagram, dis0nguish.
Interac+vity: Da Vinci VO. Words appear simultaneously to their men+on in the VO. Line by line the verbs are added. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on Audio Text on screen
Apply, demonstrate, modify, prepare, produce, predict, construct, show.
Convert, dis0nguish, explain, es0mate, paraphrase, summarize, interpret. Define, describe, label, list, iden0fy, match, recognize. Notes to Programmer:
C on+nua+on of previous screen. Screen con+nues to next screen – no ac+on required from learner.
Audio: ( Da Vinci again): When students reach a higher level of understanding, they can evaluate, and these objec+ves commonly include verbs like “cri+cize, cri+que, compare, defend, evaluate, interpret, jus+fy, and support.” The highest level in the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy is crea+ng. This involves crea+ng a new whole from diverse parts. Instruc+onal ac+vi+es for this level include “create,” “write,” “design,” and “develop”.
Slide No: 1 Sec+on: #5 Objec+ve: Dis+nguish which kinds of assessments, ac+vi+es, resources and technology are best used to align with a given objec+ve.
Interac+vity: The book page from the previous screen turns and disappears. Da Vinci is alone on screen. Then, as Da Vinci talks, the individual resources that he is talking about slide in one at a +me un+l they populate the screen. Simultaneous with “A work of art” in audio, the Mona Lisa materializes on his easel. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on Audio Paintbrush & paleQe Small pots of paint Easel with canvas and stool Mona Lisa pain+ng
The learner proceeds to the next slide without any ac+on. Notes to Programmer:
( Da Vinci again): When I prepare for a pain+ng, I collect very specific materials. Each one is essen+al to the crea+on of the work of art. For example, I need my paints, my brushes, my easel and stool, and my paleQe. These are the resources I need to succeed at my objec+ve – crea+ng a work of art.
Slide No: 4 Sec+on: #5 Objec+ve: Dis+nguish which kinds of assessments, ac+vi+es, resources and technology are best used to align with a given objec+ve. Interac+vity: Da Vinci says ”different forms of Clay model for media” and the thought bubble bronze horse. for the Mona Lisa appears. During the rest of the audio, the horse slides in, then the corresponding thought bubble, and finally the same with the anatomical drawing. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on & audio Paintbrush & paleQe Small pots of paint Oil and canvas. Easel with canvas and stool Mona Lisa pain+ng Paper Beret & coatrack and graphite. Bronze horse graphic Paper and graphite sketch Dialogue thought bubbles The learner proceeds to the next slide without any ac+on. Add the “Click next to con+nue” Notes to Programmer: scroll to help with loading +me and clear the screen for the addi+on of the artwork.
( Da Vinci again): There are a variety of methods for sharing resources and materials. Different forms of media are common in face-‐to-‐face and online learning environments. The key element is that the technology you choose to deliver any given resource should be the most appropriate way for students to experience the resource. In the language of Quality MaQers, the choice of media should “support the achievement of the course learning objec+ves.”
Slide No: 2 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Iden+fy the different types of hybrid models, including: Flip, Instruc+onal Split, Online in the Classroom, and Mixed Cohort models.
Instructional Split
Online in th e Classroom
Notes to Programmer:
Cohort Exchang e
Interac+vity: Da Vinci waves his paintbrush and the book opens to a page with four graphics. At conclusion of screen, Da Vinci exits. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on & audio Book graphic Da Vinci man in circle graphic Graphic represen+ng “Instruc+onal Split” Graphic represen+ng “Online in the Classroom” Graphic represen+ng “Cohort Exchange”
No learner ac+on required to proceed to the next slide.
(Da Vinci again): We’re going to explore four different types of hybrid models: The Flip, the Instruc+onal Split, the Online in the Classroom, and the Cohort Exchange model. Each of these – though dis+nct and unique – can be combined in your hybrid course to create your own personal model.
Slide No: 3 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Iden+fy the different types of hybrid models, including: Flip, Instruc+onal Split, Online in the Classroom, and Mixed Cohort models.
• Group projects • Class discussions • Portfolio creation • Case studies • Group skill simulat ions
• Read articles • View videos • Listen to audio reco rdings • All papers and as sessments are submitted onlin e
Interac+vity: The book becomes larger and takes up the en+re screen as Da Vinci’s hand and paintbrush appear from off screen and wave and the book Flips open a new page with the “Flip” graphic on the leJ-‐hand side, and details on the right-‐hand side. The text on screen appears simultaneously with the men+on in the audio. Assets: Graphic of Da Vinci’s hand Da Vinci audio Book graphic Da Vinci man in circle graphic Text on screen
No learner ac+on required to proceed to the next slide. Notes to Programmer:
(Da Vinci again): Let’s look at the Flip model first. In this model the face-‐to-‐face class +me Is used for engaging in collabora+ve and individual learning experiences, like group projects, class discussions, working on porjolios or case studies, and group skill simula+ons like mock interviews or trials. The online +me is used exclusively for direct instruc+on, which is the term referring to the informa+on delivery that is s+ll oJen accomplished via lecture in a tradi+onal classroom. Online students would read ar+cles, view videos, listen to audio recordings, or review educa+onal anima+ons. All papers, assessments, and reflec+ons would be submiQed in the online classroom.
Slide No: 4 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Iden+fy the different types of hybrid models, including: Flip, Instruc+onal Split, Online in the Classroom, and Mixed Cohort models.
For classes that:
• High level of student interaction • Creation of a body of work • Discussion of examples, current events, or case studies
Interac+vity: Da Vinci’s hand flips a bookmark over the page. The text appears simultaneous with the men+on in the audio. Assets: Graphic of Da Vinci’s hand Da Vinci audio Book graphic Da Vinci man in circle graphic Text on screen. Bookmark graphic
No learner ac+on required to proceed to the next slide. Notes to Programmer:
(Da Vinci again): The Flip model works best with classes that need a high level of student interac+on, courses that require the crea+on of a body of work, like a porjolio, or courses that require discussion of examples, current events, or case studies.
Slide No: 12 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Recall the components that make up each of the four hybrid models.
Political Science Course:
Instructiona l Split
Online in the Classroom
Notes to Programmer:
Cohort Exchang e
• Students are paire d up during the face-toface portion • Students are mem bers of a different larger gr oup online • Students discuss topics face-to-face • They share learni ng submit online in larger grou ps
Interac+vity: Da Vinci’s hand waves his paintbrush and the book Flips a page, with the images and text for the different models appearing on the leJ-‐hand side, and the ques+on for the quick check on the right-‐hand side. His hand then disappears. Assets: Da Vinci audio Book graphic Da Vinci man in circle graphic Graphic represen+ng “Instruc+onal Split” Graphic represen+ng “Online in the Classroom” Graphic represen+ng “Cohort Exchange”
The learner selects one of the four models and clicks “submit.”
(Da Vinci again): For example-‐ In the classroom, the students are divided into pairs and online they are placed in one of two large groups. The students discuss topics in their duos, and then share their insights in their larger groups online. This is an example of what model? Click on the picture represen+ng the appropriate choice, and then click “submit.”
Slide No: 13 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Recall the components that make up each of the four hybrid models.
Political Science Course:
Instructiona l Split
Online in the Classroom
Cohort Exchang e
• Students are paire d up during the face-toface portion • Students are mem bers of a different larger gr oup online • Students discuss topics face-to-face • They share learni ng back go online in larger grou ps
If correct – Da Vinci’s hands come on and clap. Interac+vity: If incorrect, Da Vinci pokes his head onto the screen and strokes his beard during audio. The clapping hands fly out (or the Da Vinci head stroking his beard if the answer is incorrect) and the text is replaced with the new ques+on on screen. Assets: Da Vinci audio Book graphic Da Vinci man in circle graphic Graphic represen+ng “Instruc+onal Split” Graphic represen+ng “Online in the Classroom” Graphic represen+ng “Cohort Exchange” If correct: Hands clapping graphic If incorrect: “go back” buQon
The learner proceeds by clicking either “next” to proceed (if their selec+on was correct,) or “go Notes to Programmer: back”, (if their answer was wrong.) Audio:
(Da Vinci if correct choice is made): Correct! This is a descrip+on of a hybrid course using the “Cohort Exchange” model. Click “next” to proceed. (If incorrect choice is made.) The models are oJen challenging. Please go back to try again.
Slide No: 22 Sec+on: #7 Objec+ve: Create a thorough Hybrid Instruc+onal Design Map using the Hybrid Alignment Tool.
Objective: Placeholder for objective Assessment: Placeholder for assessment Online or f2f HERE. Resource: Placeholder for resource. Media/Technology: Placeholder for media. Activity: Complete an Placeholder for activity. alignment map Technology Tools: for another Placeholder for tech tools for objec+ve activity.
Proceed without addi+onal components
Interac+vity: Da Vinci walks back on. Da Vinci waves his paintbrush and the learner’s selec+ons regarding their hybrid alignment map to this point appear on a page of the book. Assets: Da Vinci anima+on & audio Text in “book” “complete an alignment map for another objec+ve” buQon “proceed without addi+onal components” buQon
Notes to Programmer: If the learner clicks “complete an alignment map”, the learner then goes to Slide #1 of (a recrea+on of all the hybrid alignment map pieces.) If the learner clicks “proceed without addi+onal Sec+on#7B components” they go to Slide #1 of Sec+on #8. Audio:
( Da Vinci again): Here are the components for your alignment map thus far. You have the choice to go back and add to your hybrid alignment map by including another objec+ve, a new assessment, new resources, media, ac+vi+es and technology tools. Or, you can proceed without building addi+onal components into your hybrid alignment map.