Interior Design 194: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING - Bellevue College

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Bellevue Community College. Summer 2010. Interior Design 194: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING. Page 1. Class Session: Tu / Th 1:30p-3:20p. Credit Hours: Two (2).
Bellevue Community College

Summer 2010

Interior Design 194: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING Class Session: Credit Hours: Location: Instructor: Office: Hours: email: Phone:

Tu / Th 1:30p-3:20p Two (2) L219 Dan Beert L122 by appointment or email [email protected] (425) 564-4041

COURSE DESCRIPTION An exploration of perspective sketching for students with prior knowledge of projected perspective methods. The emphasis is on creating quick, freehand sketches. Prerequisite: INDES 160 or equivalent, or recommendation of instructor.

Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. draw freehand perspective sketches with greater confidence 2. use sighting methods to sketch existing architecture and interior spaces 3. create more convincing entourage (people, landscape, furniture, etc.) 4. work from photographs, identifying scale, vanishing point, horizon line to create simulated revisions to existing spaces 5. work from computer-generated printouts of perspective models, such as those created in SketchUp, to make more “animated” presentation drawings 6. create a quick perspective setup of a room using 1-point and 2-point views 7. pursue more advanced perspective lessons by having a toolkit of skills and knowledge to facilitate further practice REQUIRED TEXTS

None. Recommended texts will be introduced in class. REQUIRED FOR EVERY CLASS SESSION: Sketch book, Roll or pad of tracing paper, drawing tools, in-progress work, and completed assignments. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING





Attendance and active participation is required. Contact me if you cannot attend. As much as possible, we will limit the assigned work to what we can accomplish in class. That’s why it’s important that you be here every week.


Sketchbook: A sketchbook will be a required aspect of both in-class and homework activities. It can and should also include any lecture notes, etc. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 50 pages in their sketchbook to pass the class. Drawings may be fastened onto sketchbook pages if they were created on separate sheets.


Portfolio: A portfolio of student-selected work will also be required. This will include reproductions or original work that might be from the sketchbook, in-class exercises, or sketches created to fulfill perspective drawings assignments outside of class.


Assessment: Completion of all assignments is required to pass this course. However, each project will be assessed according to expectations for individual students, based on their expertise. Essentially, demonstrate that you know HOW to do what was covered in class, regardless of how elaborate your execution may be. Regular consultations with the instructor will serve as the student’s source of evaluation, assessments, and feedback throughout the term.

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Bellevue Community College

Summer 2010

Interior Design 194: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING Assessment distribution: Attendance and class participation Assignments completed and submitted

30% 70%

INSTRUCTOR’S EXPECTATIONS: Your conscientious attendance and on-time arrival. (If you are unable to attend class or miss part of a class, speak to your fellow students, borrow notes, etc. to find out what you missed.) Please contact me if you will not be attending, or may be late to class. Your involvement and attention in class lectures and discussions is required to pass this class. You will be sharing your sketchbook work with me and other members of the class, so you must have drawings to present each week that demonstrate your progress. RESPONSIVENESS: Please let me know if you have difficulty understanding an assignment. If you have specific concerns with the expectations of the class, your work, or the method of instruction, bring them to my attention. I will do my best to make sure you understand the requirements of the class. I expect students to take advantage of my office hours to cover personal issues relating to the course. If you have questions about how you are doing in class, make an appointment to talk with me. Do not expect me to talk about this before, during, or immediately after class.

SPECIAL NEEDS: If you require accommodation based on a documented disability, emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case of emergency evacuation, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. If you would like to inquire about accommodations and counseling you may call 564-2498 or go in person to the DRC (Disability Resources Center) in B132. Refer to the handout Student Procedures and Expectations, Arts and Humanities Division regarding eligibility for accommodation.

DIVISION POLICIES: Refer to the handout Student Procedures and Expectations, Arts and Humanities Division for additional information, including requirements for special needs. With regard to Academic Honesty, note that for studio courses ALL WORK MUST by performed by the individual.

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Bellevue Community College

Summer 2010

Interior Design 194: PERSPECTIVE DRAWING Week 1 Introduction to quick sketching concepts Quick sketching The box in perspective Drawing human figures

Week 2 Figures continued Sketching from observation: sighting angles and proportions The box in perspective Analytical drawings

Week 3 Drawing furniture Drawing other entourage

Week 4 Direct Perspective: laying out rooms in perspective

Week 5 Direct Perspective and Entourage

Week 6 Tonal Value and Texture Studies

Week 7 Color quickly

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