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Bioacoustics: The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
INTERNATIONAL BIOACOUSTICS COUNCIL (IBAC) Version of record first published: 13 Apr 2012.
To cite this article: (2000): INTERNATIONAL BIOACOUSTICS COUNCIL (IBAC), Bioacoustics: The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording, 11:2, 165-166 To link to this article:
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Bioacoustics The International Journal ofAnimal Sound and its Recording, 2000, Vol. 11, pp. 165-166 0952-4622100 $10 © 2000 AB Academic Publishers
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IBAC 1999 The XVIIth IBAC symposium was held between April 6-11, 1999, in the beautiful cathedral town of Chartres, France. Organised by Thierry Aubin and Nicolas Mathevon (Universite Paris XI-Orsay), it was attended by 65 delegates from 17 countries. The consensus of those present was that it was one of the most successful IBAC meetings held. 33 papers on a variety of subjects were read including invited papers on 'Regional dialects in birds and humans' by Luis Baptista (USA), and 'The function of species-specific recognition in the acoustic communication signals system of birds' by Jacques Vielliard (Brazil). There were also 17 poster presentations. At the 'IBAC AGM' session, Michael Fine (USA) was voted onto the IBAC Executive Committee and Sten Wahlstrom (Sweden) stood down. The programme and abstracts of all spoken papers and posters have been published at
IBAC 2001 The next IBAC symposium will take place in Cogne (Val d'Aosta) in the heart of the National Park "Grim Paradiso" in the Italian Alps. The meeting will adjoin the international nature film festival "Starnbecco d'Oro" (Golden Ibex). The dates for the film festival are 26th AugustSeptember 1st 2001. The IBAC symposium will be organised by Dr Gianni Pavan and colleagues (Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Arnbientali, Pavia University) in the first week of September, provisionally Sunday 2nd-Friday 7th September. Besides the normal scientific programme, the IBAC symposium will provisionally include a round table discussion with wildlife film makers, screenings of commercial documentary films presented to the film festival and of scientific videos made by researchers; and finally a daytime field trip to see wild animals and a nocturnal excursion to
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hear the noises and the voices of the night. The organisers hope to offer a choice of attending both the film festival and the IBAC meeting. Cogne can be reached by regular coaches from Aosta, Torino and Milan. Further details will be posted later on the Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche Ambientali website (http:/www.unipv.itlcibra), or contact: Dr Gianni Pavan Centro di Bioacustica Istituto di Entomologia Universita Pavia Via Taramelli N.24 27100 Pavia Italy e-mail:
[email protected]