international conference on environmental pollution ...

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Jun 30, 2010 - for obtaining VISA to attend ICEPWCH-2010. You may also visit the conference website ...

Organized by

Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi, Bangalore-560 056, India In Association with

Indian Society of Comparative Animal Physiology (ISCAP), Tirupati-517 502 Andra Pradesh, India


Environmental Pollution is one of the most challenging problems facing the international community; it has clear and known impacts on human health and natural ecosystems. Understanding and managing environmental relationships associated with economic development, population growth, ecology and human health requires inter-disciplinary interactions and cooperation among social, physical and life scientists. The international conference on environmental pollution, water conservation and health (ICEPWCH-2010) aims to bring together students, engineers, scientists and other professionals from different countries, involved in various aspects of environmental science to exchange and share their experience, new ideas, research results and latest developments in all aspects related to environmental pollution, water conservation and its impact on ecology and human health.

CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY(1909-2009) The Department of Zoology had its genesis in the year 1909 under Madras Presidency at Central College Campus, Bangalore. Later, it became the part of University of Mysore during 1937 and became the part of Newly established Bangalore University during 1964. The Department has had doyens of Zoology who have toiled in carrying the footprints since its inception. To mark the accomplishments, the Department has planned to conduct and organize several programmes such as Centenary lecture series, organizing National and International Seminars and Conferences, releasing centenary postal stamp etc., A special compendium including all the activities and a brief history of its journey of 100 years would be released during the conference. CONFERENCE VENUE : The ICEPWCH-2010 will be held at Jnana Jyothi Auditorium, Central College Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560 001, Karnataka, India. Bangalore is the most favorite destinations for Science and Technology in India which is also called the Silicon Valley of Asia. Bangalore is well connected by air, bus and train from different major cities of India. For International passengers, access to Bangalore is possible by air directly or via Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai and so on.

Bangalore University, the host institution for ICEPWCH-2010 was established in 1964 in an 1111 acre sprawling Jnana Bharathi campus having rich biodiversity and which has become the lung space for Bangaloreans. This University is well known nationally and internationally for its academic and research excellence. CONFERENCE MAJOR THEMES: The following is a selection of topics for which the Scientific and Programme Committee is particularly seeking contributions. However, contributions for any topic in the field of Environmental Science will be considered. The conference will have invited lectures, panel discussions, interactive sessions and presentations (oral and poster)  Global Environmental Change and Ecosystems  Toxicology and Toxicogenomics  Air pollution, Auto exhaust, Cigarette smoke and Health effects  Water quality and Water borne diseases  Waste water and Sludge treatment  Marine Ecology  Solid Waste Management  Hazardous substances, Biodegradation and Bioremediation.  Biopesticides  Toxicity assessment and Epidemiological studies  Medical Toxicology, Trace Elements in Human Health  Human diseases  Global Pharma, R & D strategies  Risk and Safety assessment  Biodiversity Conservation, Conservation of Medicinal plants  Reverine System, Lake and Coastal Management  Deforestation and Eco-technology  Environmental Biotechnology

 Environmental Management  Environmental and Legal issues, Awareness, Law & Policies  Quality guidelines, Environmental regulation and Monitoring  Early life environmental effects on later life health  Molecular genetics and vaccines


The rate of development of the Indian economy and the growing need for transport, manufactured goods and services brings new pressures on the government to regulate industrial and traffic pollution. The unprecedented rate of industrial and automobile pollution in India requires strict regulatory measures. The proposed colloquium will provide a common platform for environmental engineers, administrative officials, scientists, medical doctors, industrialists and community representatives to discuss the current scenario on various legal, administrative and health issues of environmental pollution in India, and to suggest solutions and policies to be adopted. ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be no longer than 300 words (including title, authors and affiliations) and should reflect one of the themes of the conference. Abstracts should be submitted by 30 JUNE 2010 in electronic form as an email attachment to: A separate hard copy is also preferred. The acceptance or otherwise will be communicated to authors within two weeks of submission. An official letter of invitation will be sent to foreign delegates for obtaining VISA to attend ICEPWCH-2010. You may also visit the conference website

CHIEF PATRON: Prof.N.Prabhu Dev Vice-Chancellor, Bangalore University Organizing Committee: Chairman: Dr. M.Ramachandra Mohan Professor and Chairman, Dept of Zoology, BU Organising Secretaries: Dr. M.S.Reddy Dr. S.Ramakrishna

Joint Secreta ries: Dr. M.G.Ve nkatesha Dr. P.Ma haboob Basha

Treasurer: Dr. D.V.Purushothama Members: Dr. Jayaprakash Dr. H.R.Sudha Dr. S.Asha Devi Dr. D.Usha Anandhi Dr. Be la Zutshi Dr. B.P.Harini Dr. S.R.Ambika Dr. M.C.Gayatri Dr. M.V.V.Subramanyam Dr. H.P.Puttaraju Dr. Rajashe kar K.Patil Dr. B.B.Hosetti Dr. Shivabasavaiah

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

K. Manjunath N. Na ndhini N.H. Manjunath Gangadha r P.C.Sreedhara n G.M. Nija guna G.M. Na reshkumar M.Swayamprabha A. Na garathna Ra hamath Ataz K.Vijaya kuma r K. Panc harathna

International Advisory Committee Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Debomoy K. Lahiri, USA Prasada Rao S. Kodavanti, USA Riyaz B. Mahammad, USA Srinivas Pentyla ,USA Chellu S Chetty, USA Samuel JK Abraham, Japan Dr. V.R. Nerella, Canada

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

C.B. Sanjeevi, Sweden Feroz Shaik, Sultanate of Oman K.Sekhar Reddy, USA Dorothea Brueckner, Germany Ben Oldroyd, Australia Raj Raghupathy, Kuwait


Siriwat Wongasiri, Thailand

National Advisory Committee Dr. K.V.Devaraj

Dr. P.Sivagnana Murthy

Dr. S.N.Hegde

Dr. C.Chandrasekhara Reddy,

Dr. M.Mahadevappa

Dr. H.M.Revanasiddaiah

Former VC, UAS, Dharw ad

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Dr. H.A.Ranganath,

Dr. R.Manjunath

Dr. Geetha Bali

Dr. M.Ramachandra Mohan

Dr. Raghavendra Gadagkar

Dr. Jayaprakash

CES, IISc., Bang alore

Professor, DOZ, Bang alore University

Dr. Kiran Majumder Shaw

Dr. S.Asha Devi

Dr. A.N.Yellappa Reddy

Dr. S.J.S. Flora

Dr. S.V.Reddy,

Dr. P.Reddanna

Dr. A.R.Kasturi Bai

Dr. S.Krupanidhi

Dr. H.R.Srinivasachar

Dr. K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao

Dr. Katre Shakuntala

Dr. G.Rajarami Reddy

Dr. S.Ravichandra Reddy

Dr. K.S.Jagannatha Rao

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Scientist, CFTRI, Mysore

Dr. N.J.Shetty

Dr. P.D.Prasada Rao

Dr. V.S.Ranganathan

Dr. Iqbal Ahmad

Dr. S.Krishnan

Dr. M.S. Reddy

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Associate Professor, DOZ, Bang alore University

Former VC UAS, Bang alore Former VC, University of Mysore

Director, NAAC, Bang alore VC, Katnataka State Womens, Uni. Bijapur

MD, Biocon, Bang alore

Environmentalist and former Secretary FEE, GOK Ministry of Envirnment, New Delhi Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University

Former Prof. DOZ, Bang alore University Professor and Chairma, DOZ, Bang alore University

Professor, DOZ, Bang alore University DRDE, Gwalior

Professor, University of Hyd erabad Professor, Sri Sathya S ai Inst. Of Higher Learning Professor, Acharya N ag arjuna University, Guntur, AP Professor, S.V.University, Tirupati,AP

Scientist, NEERI Scientist, ITRC

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS : Full papers received (in electronic form) by 30th June, 2010 will be published in the proceedings of ICEPWCH-2010.


ICEPWCH-2010 will give out several young/senior scientist awards (medals/prizes) for the best research presentations by young scientists below 35 years age and above 35 years for senior scientist (proof of age required).

TRAVEL SUPPORT : Travel support will be available for few participants and young scientists from India. Preference will be given to invited speakers, and young scientists/ senior scientists submitting full paper for publication in proceedings.

REGISTRATION : Indian Delegates Scientists/Teache rs in Universities and Institutions Research Scholars/Students Accompanying pe rsons Industry/Government Sponsored de legates

Foreign Delegates

Early bird registration (Before 30th June 2010)

Late registration (After 30th June 2010)

Rs. 2,000


Rs. 1,000


Rs. 750 Rs. 3,000

Rs.1,000 Rs.3,500

USD 200

USD 250

(The Registration Fee should be sent in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Treasurer, ICEPWCH-2010 payable at Bangalore; overseas delegates can pay the registration fee at the conference counter by banker’s check/cash in US dollars) IMPORTANT DATES: Receipt of abstracts: June 30, 2010 Receipt of registration forms together with registration fee: June 30, 2010

ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation would be provided to limited number of participants in the University guest houses and hostels at nominal charges on first come -first serve basis. Participants who wish to stay in hotels should indicate their preference and are advised to intimate and send advance payments to Conference secretariat or they can book online by clicking the selected hotel in web the page. HOTEL Atria Hotel Hotel Vijay Residency Hotel Sangam

Kamath Yatrinivas Sanman Hotel Tourist Hotel


SGL (Rs.)

DBL (Rs.)

Standard Room Fortune Room Standard Room Executive Room Double Deluxe Room Family Deluxe Room Executive Deluxe Double







Standard Room Standard Room



Conference organizers will make all sincere efforts for inexpensive accommodation but it is advisable to reserve in advance as it will be summer rush time. CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT: Chairman (ICEPWCH-2010): Dr.M.Ramachandra Mohan Professor and Chairman, Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore-560 056, INDIA Tel :+91 80 22961556, 22961551 Fax :+91 80 23219295 Cell :+91 9985366652 e-mail:

Organising Secretaries (ICEPWCH-2010): Dr.M.S.Reddy Dr.S.Ramakrishna Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore-560 056, INDIA Tel :+91 80 22961565 (MSR) Tel :+91 80 22961567 (SRK) Fax :+91 80 23219295 Cell :+91 9448482619(MSR) Cell :+91 9731232555(SRK) e-mail: Joint Secretaries(ICEPWCH-2010): Dr.M.G.Venkatesha Dr.P.Mahaboob Basha Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore-560 056, INDIA Cell: +91 9448689080 (MGV) Cell:+91 9448701652(PMB) e-mail: Treasurer (ICEPWCH-2010): Dr.D.V.Purushothama Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore-560 056, INDIA Tel : +91 80 22961363 Cell : +91 9242744475 e-mail:


REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name: Prof /Dr/ Mr/ Ms/ Mrs.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Designation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Field of specialization (choose from the themes listed) : ------------------------------------------------4. Address for communication: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pin/Zip-------------------- Email ----------------------------------------- Phone: -----------------------------Mobile ---------------------------------------------Fax -----------------------------------------------------------5. Mode of presentation: (indicate preference)



Not presenting

6. Title of the paper : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Registration fee enclosed :



Amount Rs………………………………………, Name of the Bank…………………………….. Place where the DD was purchased …………………………D.D No…………………………….. 8. Hotel accommodation required: Yes


9. Accompanying persons: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Type of accommodation ( ) : (a) Hostels

Date :

(b) Guest house

(c) Budget Hotel

(d) Star hotel


To, Dr.M.S.REDDY Organising Secretary (ICEPWCH2010) Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnana Bharathi Bangalore-560 056, INDIA Tel :+91 80 22961565 Fax :+91 80 23219295 Res :+91 80 23485779 Cell :+91 9448482619




Department of Zoology, Alumni Association Jnana Bharathi, Bangalore-560 056, India Membership Form

Photograph 1. Name: Prof /Dr/ Mr/ Ms/ Mrs.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Designation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Address for communication: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pin/Zip-------------------- Email ----------------------------------------- Phone: -----------------------------Mobile ---------------------------------------------Fax ------------------------------------------------------------

4. Year of completion of M.Sc., Zoology/ Ph.D in Zoology (please give all particulars including guide name if you have completed Ph.D from Department of Zoology, Bangalore University) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date :
