International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities ISSN 2277 – 9809 (online) ISSN 2348 - 9359 (Print) A REFEREED JOURNAL OF
Shri Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust Published by iSaRa
Vol 7 Issue 7 [Year 2016]
ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)
2348–9359 (Print)
Role of Indian LIS Institutions in Shodhganga ETD Repositories: A Study Harmandeep Singh Chatha Assistant Professor, Guru Nanak College Budhlada
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: This study is to identify the number of theses/dissertations submitted in the INFLIBNET Shodhganga ETD Repository by Indian universities till June 2016. The present study investigates the rate of successful submitted the thesis and dissertations in the field of Library and Information Science. A total number of 727 theses/dissertations were submitted in Library and Information Science by 61 universities departments. The data collected from Shodhganga website ( It has been analyzed in different parameters and presented in different section I.e. date wise submission, items wise, region wise, university wise, language wise, state wise universities and so on. The aim of the study is to present the real picture of the Shodhganga ETD Repository. KEYWORD: LIS, Shodhganga, ETDs database, Current trend, Theses/Dissertation, Indian Universities, Indian Repositories.
INTRODUCTION After independence of India, the government of Indian was facing challenges to establish a strong education system in the country. In 1949, the recommendation of Radhakrishnan commission that the University Grant Commission could be established for the progress and maintains of higher education system. From 1947 to till date, the UGC has been increasingly contribution both its work in maintain and cooperation as well as dissemination of information within universities/higher institutions. Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) is an autonomous Inter-University Center, which was established by UGC in 1991. The purpose of INFLIBNET is to establish a national network, which used to coordinate between all higher institutions/universities libraries. The Shodhganga is a constituted part of INFLIBNET, which worked as a
repository of Indian theses and dissertations. It provides a platform for research scholar to deposit their theses/dissertations and make use for other. UGC Notification 2009 ‘’The UGC Notification (Minimum standards and procedure for award of M.Phil./Ph.D. degree, Regulation, 2009) dated 1st June 2009 mandates submission of electronic version of theses and dissertations by the researchers in universities (an aim to facilitate open access to Indian theses and dissertations to the academic community world-wide) in Shodhganga. Universities that sign Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) with the INFLIBNET Centre and mandate submission of electronic version of their theses and dissertation to Shodhganga may get financial assistance from the UGC for digitizing their back-file of theses’’ (According to UGC Notification 2009). The ‘’Shodhganga’’ is the name coined to denote digital repository of Indian Theses and Dissertation set up by the UGC INFLIBNET Center. The word ‘’Shodh’’ coming from Sanskrit language and stands for research and discovery. The word ‘’Ganga’’ is the Holiest, largest and longer of all river in India. The Ganga is the symbol of India’s age long culture and civilization, ever-changing, everflowing, even-loved and revered by its people and has held India’s heart captive. Current status of Shodhganga Repository Full text theses Synopses Universities contributing Universities signed MOU
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Vol 7 Issue 7 [Year 2016]
ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)
MOU AGREEMENT Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an agreement, which signed between Universities and INFLIBNET Center. Every university is required to sign on this agreement to participate with Shodhganga project. Till June 2016, total 280 Universities singed MOU agreement.
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3%. [3] Sheeja (2011) conducted a study, which describes the importance of electronic thesis and dissertations repositories. [4] Sankar; Sudha and Kavithe (2015) also explained the purpose, approach, process and responsibility of every level to submit the ETD in Shodhganga.
OBJECTIVE OF STUDY The main objectives of the study are effort to investigate the contribution made by Indian universities in Shodhganga ETDs database. To fulfill the objective of study, the following points are too identified:I.
To know the growth of research items in LIS. To analyze the region wise output.
To know the language of theses/dissertations.
To identify the top ranking universities.
V. VI.
Distribution by type of universities.
METHODOLOGY The present study is an attempt to measurement the research items submitted in the INFLIBNET Shodhganga ETDs repository. The data collected from Shodhganga website ( The available LIS literature in repository has been searched through the universities & departments search option as well as other helpful option. All the required data were downloaded carefully with full bibliographic details. The collected data were recorded on a Microsoft excel worksheet with pre-designed columns I.e. submitted date in Shodhganga, title, name of university, state, type of items, language and etc. The MS Excel record was analyzed according to purpose of study and presented in table.
State wise distribution of universities output. ANALYSIS RELATED STUDIES:
[1] Sivakumaren (2015) examined the Electronic theses and dissertations deposited in INFLIBNET Shodhganga repository (ETDs), which studied the contribution of top five Universities and its top five departments. According to Sivakumaren, the total number of 32000+ theses has been submitted by 201 Universities in the ETDs repositories. The top five universities are Jawaharlal University, New Delhi; Anna University, Chennai; Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam; Bundelkhand University, Jhansi and Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin. The contribution made by the top five universities was 3145 theses in different disciplines. [2] Khaparde and Ambedkar (2014) studied that the growth of ETDs repositories in India is at a slow pace, compared to worldwide repositories. According to this study, there are 2575 ETD repositories registered worldwide on open DOAR. The study also shows the history of Indian repositories, which accounted 69 ETDs repositories in till 2013. As compared to the worldwide contribution, Indian ETDs repositories contribution is
The data is analyzed in following table: Table 1: Number of LIS items submitted in Shodhganga
Sr. no. 1 2
Name of Number of Items items Theses 665 Dissertation 62 Total 727
Figure 1: Number of LIS Shodhganga
Percentage 91.47 08.53 100%
items submitted in
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Vol 7 Issue 7 [Year 2016]
ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)
Table 2 or figure 2 presents the year wise distribution of submission. The table shows the percentage of submission has been increasing regularly from 2010 to 2016 June. The year 2016 (till June) stands on the first position, which 318 items (43.74%) were submitted out of 727, followed by 2015, with 224 items (30.82%) and 2015 in third place. The year 2010 has been recorded lowest, only 2 items (0.27%) submitted, 7 items (0.96%) in 2011, 17 items (2.34%) in 2012 and 87 items (11.97%) in 2013 respectively.
700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 theses
Table 2: Year wise distribution of submission
Rank Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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2016 (till June) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 total
No. of items 318 224 87 72 17 7 2 727
Percentage 43.74 30.82 11.97 9.90 2.34 0.96 0.27 100%
Table 3: Region wise distribution of universities and their submission
Ran k
1 2 3 4
South North West Northe ast East central Total
5 5
No . of Un i. 23 13 14 3
No. of Thesis/disserta tion
Avera ge
360(49.52%) 158(21.72%) 104(14.31%) 37(5.09%)
15.65 12.15 7.42 12.33
4 4 61
34(4.68%) 34(4.68%) 727
8.5 8.5 11.91
Figure 1 Year wise growth of items 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Table 1 or figure 1 shows the doctorate items submitted in Shodhganga ETD database. Out of the total 727 items, 665 (91.47%) Ph.D. theses and only 62 (8.53%) dissertation are submitted by the various university departments during the time of present study. The contribution in dissertation has been made by the student of BLIS, MLIS and M.Phil.
Table 4: Distribution by type of university
Ran k
Type of No. Uni. of Uni . State 47
Deeme d Private total
2 61
No. of thesis/ dissertatio n 570 (78.40%) 132 (18.16%) 23 (3.17%)
Averag e
02 (0.27%) 727 (100%)
1 11.91
12.12 18.85 4.6
Table 3 shows the region wise distribution of Indian universities, those participate in Shodhganga ETD Repositories. During the time span of study, only 61 universities are actively participating. Out of these 61 universities, 360 thesis/dissertations has submitted by
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Vol 7 Issue 7 [Year 2016]
ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0nline)
South universities; followed by 14 west region universities 104 items and 13 north universities 158 ETDs. The submission by the east, central and northeast universities is minimum, contribution made by 11 universities (8.5 items per Uni.). Table 4 describes the distribution by type of university. The maximum number of contribution has made by State universities. It is evident from table that out of total 61 universities, 47 state universities are contributed 570 (78.40%) items of research. After the state universities, 132 (18.16%) items are submitted by 7 central universities, followed by 5 deemed universities 26 (3.17%) and only 2 items are submitted by 2 private universities. Table 5: Range-wise distribution Frequency
No. of University
No. of thesis / dissertation
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 Above 35 total
25 14 6 5 5 2 2 2 61
56 98 80 93 118 59 66 157 727
2.24 7 13.3 18.6 23.6 29.5 33 78.5 11.91
Table 5 reveals the number of items submitted by universities. It can be seen from table that 61 Indian universities have been contributing in Shodhganga ETD database. The maximum contribute has made by two universities above 35 (78.5 items/Uni.), followed by 2 universities in the range 31-35 (33 items/Uni.), 2 universities in the range 26-30 (29.5 items/Uni.), 5 universities in the range 21-25. Out of 61 universities, 25 universities contributes minimum in the range 1-5(2.24 items per universities), and 14 universities in the range 6-10 (7 items/Uni.). Table 6 analyses the rank wise distribution of Indian Universities. The Karnataka University are stand in the top Position in table, submitted 89 (12.24%) doctoral items in ETD database, followed by Aligarh Muslim university with 68 (9.35%), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university with 35 (4.81%), than Manonmaniam Sundaranar University etc.
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Table6: Rank-wise distribution of universities
Rank Name of Uni.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 7 8 8 9 10
No. Percentage of Items
Karnataka Uni. Aligarh Muslim Uni. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada Uni.
89 68
12.24 9.35
Manonmaniam Sundaranar Uni. Punjab Uni. Sri Krishnadevaraya Uni.
30 29
4.12 3.98
Uni. Of Burdwan Bharathiar Uni. Uni. Of Mysore Manipur Uni. Bundelkhand Uni. Guwahati Uni. Other Uni. Total
25 25 23 23 22
3.43 3.43 3.16 3.16 3.02
20 307 727
2.75 42.22 100%
Table 7: State wise distribution of LIS ETD items
Rank Name of No. ETD state items 1 Karnataka 139 2 Tamil Nadu 108 3 Uttar 92 Pradesh 4 Maharashtra 76 5 Andhra 48 Pradesh 6 Kerala 38 7 Chandigarh 30 8 Gujrat 28 9 West 27 Bengal 10 Chhattisgarh 24 Other state 94 Total 727
International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity ( IRJMSH )
Percentage 22.28 14.85 12.65 10.45 6.60 5.22 4.12 3.98 3.71 3.30 12.79 100%
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Table7 projects the state wise distribution of submitted theses/dissertations in Shodhganga ETD Repository. It is clear from the table that the state of Karnataka has been contributing the maximum number of research work in LIS, which 162 (22.28%) theses/dissertations. The Tamil Nadu state are stand on second place with 108 items of research, followed by Utter Pradesh 92 (12.65%), Maharashtra 76 (10.45%), Andhra Pradesh 48 (6.60%) and Kerala 38 (5.22%) respectively. The Union territory Chandigarh also contributes 30 theses/dissertations, representing 4.12 %.
Table 8: Language wise distribution of LIS ETD items 1.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5
Language No. of items English 685 Hindi 19 Gujarati 12 Marathi 8 Bengali 3 Total 727
Percentage 94.22 2.61 1.65 1.10 0.41 100%
Table 8 describes the language wise distribution of LIS research work. The study shows the highest number of work has submitted in English language with 685 (94.22%) theses/dissertation. The Hindi language has stand in the second place with 19 items (2.61). The contribution has made by other language I.e. Gujarati 12 (1.65%), Marathi 8 (1.10%) and Bengali 3 (0.41%).
2. 3.
FINDING AND CONCLUSION The major findings of the study are as follows: i.
iii. iv.
Till June 2016, the total number of 727 theses/dissertations was submitted in Shodhganga ETD database. The analyzed data reveals that a large amount of ETD items has deposited in 2016. Data reveals that the approximately 50% of ETD items has contributed by southern universities. It is observed that State universities ranks first in deposit ETD items. It is noted that 25 Indian universities has been submitted 1-5 ETD items and only 2 universities contributing more than 35.
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The present study shows that the English is the most common language, which mostly used by scholars. 685 ETD items were found in English and followed by Hindi 19 ETD items. Regarding contribution from Indian states, Karnataka state plays a vital role, followed by Tamil Nadu. An analysis of data reveals that the Karnataka universities is on the top position, which counted 89 ETD items, next 68 items deposited by Aligarh Muslim universities. REFFERENCE Sivakumaren, K.S. (2015). Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETDs) by Indian Universities in Shodhganga Project: A Study. Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, 4(1). pp. 62-66. Retrieved from: 1 June, 2016). Khaparde, Vaishali and Ambedkar, Babasaheb (2014). Growth and Development of Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETDs) in India. Journal of Library and Information Sciences, 2(1). pp. 99-116. Retrieved from: mber_2013/10.pdf(Accessed 25 June, 2016). Sheeja, N.K. (2011). The Development of an Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations Repository: An Overview. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2011.08.011 Retrieved from: ndian-electronic-theses-and-dissertationsrepository.pdf (Accessed 25 June, 2016). Sankar,P; Sudha,S and Kavitha(2015). Approaches to Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian theses. International Journal of Applied Research, 1(13). pp. 95-99. Retrieved from: /vol1issue13/PartB/1-12-105.pdf (Accessed 21 June, 2016).
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Shri Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust भारतीय भाषा, शिऺा, साहहत्य एवं िोध ISSN 2321 – 9726 WWW.BHARTIYASHODH.COM