International summer school on rockslides and ...

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May 10, 2015 - own sleeping tent and sleeping bag). Organizers will provide help obtaining visas if necessary. Participants should arrive at. Bishkek not later ...
International summer school on rockslides and related phenomena in the Kokomeren River Valley (Kyrgyzstan) Alexander Strom & Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov

Landslides Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides ISSN 1612-510X Volume 12 Number 3 Landslides (2015) 12:625-626 DOI 10.1007/s10346-015-0581-6

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Author's personal copy ICL/IPL Activities Landslides (2015) 12:625–626 DOI 10.1007/s10346-015-0581-6 Received: 18 March 2015 Accepted: 7 April 2015 Published online: 10 May 2015 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Alexander Strom I Kanatbek Abdrakhmatov

International summer school on rockslides and related phenomena in the Kokomeren River Valley (Kyrgyzstan)

Rockslides (bedrock landslides) are among the most hazardous natural phenomena in mountainous regions. Though relatively rare, in comparison with landslides in unconsolidated soils, they pose a threat to vast areas due to the enormous amounts of material involved (sometimes up to billions of cubic meters), high mobility of debris, and ability to create large natural dams, which result in flooding of the valleys upstream and catastrophic outburst floods downstream. Similar rock slope failures occur sometimes in large opencast mines. The aim of this International Summer School is to introduce early-career landslide researchers to rockslides of different types—long runout rock avalanches and intact and eroded rockslide dams, along with various methods of their study (identification, mapping, dating, and detail analysis of rockslide internal structure and grain size composition). Numerous rockslides and rock avalanches of different types ranging in volume from a few millions to more than one billion cubic meters are accessible in the Kokomeren River Valley (central Tien Shan) within a limited area of about 30×60 km at a 1-day trip distance from Bishkek—the capital and largest city of Kyrgyzstan (Fig. 1). Most of sites are located within a few hours of hike of a road along the Kokomeren River. Due to the arid climate and sparse grassland land cover, the landforms are well preserved and clearly visible. Some rockslide deposits are up to 400 m thick

and deeply dissected by erosion, allowing detailed study of their internal structure. Evidence of former lakes caused by rockslide dams and their associated outburst floods is also present in the valley. Along with the bedrock slope failures, several very large landslides in weakly lithified Neogene and Quaternary deposits are found in adjacent neotectonic depressions. Besides rockslides and landslides, the study area provides expressive manifestations of neotectonics and Quaternary tectonics such as active faults, one with surface rupture during the 1992 M7.3 Suusamyr earthquake. There also are numerous examples of tilted and folded pre-Neogene planation surface. One of the topics of the training course is to describe the paleoseismology of the region, paleoseismological interpretation of rockslides in particular. The annual International Summer School, which is supported by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) (, has been organized since 2006. Previous field training courses have been attended by participants from Argentina, Austria, Belgium, China (including Hong Kong), Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan, Tajikistan, and USA (Fig. 2). The 2015 Summer School will be carried out on August 15– 30. The participation fee is EURO 450 (or equivalent amount

Fig. 1 Large-scale landslides, rock avalanches, and caldera-like collapses in the Kokomeren River basin and adjacent part of the Naryn River basin. Suu Suusamyr intermountain depression, Dj Djumgal intermountain depression, K-T Ketmen-Tiube intermountain depression. Selected features, most of which are visited for study during the training course: 1 Seit, 2 Ak-Kiol, 3 Mini-Köfels, 4 Kashkasu, 5 Northern Karakungey, 6 Southern Karakungey, 7 Chongsu, 8 Sarysu, 9 Ming-Teke, 10 Lower Ak-Kiol, 11 Snake-Head, 12 Lower Aral, 13 Kokomeren, 14 Ornok, 15 displaced peneplain, 16 Kyzylkiol

Landslides 12 & (2015)


Author's personal copy ICL/IPL Activities

Fig. 2 Participants of the 2014 Summer School cross the Kokomeren River

in the US dollars or Russian roubles) which includes all onsite costs: food, local transportation, detailed full-color guidebook, and camping (in tents; although some tents can be provided by organizers, participants are asked to bring their own sleeping tent and sleeping bag). Organizers will provide help obtaining visas if necessary. Participants should arrive at Bishkek not later than August 15 (early morning). They will be picked up at the arrival desk of the Bishkek airport. Bishkek is connected with Moscow, Istanbul, Urumchi, Dubai, and Ulan Bator by direct flights. Arrival via Almaty airport also is possible. The participation fee should be paid by cash (in any one of the above currencies) at the participants’ arrival. The organizers will provide cash receipts and certificates confirming attendance at the ICL field training course. The Summer School guidebook can be downloaded from the International Consortium on Landslides homepage: or can be provided upon request by Dr. Alexander Strom.


Landslides 12 & (2015)

Those who are interested, please contact Dr. Alexander Strom Geodynamics Research Centre—branch of JSC BHydroproject Institute^ Volokolamskoe Shosse, 2, 125080, Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +7 910 4553405

A. Strom ()) Geodynamics Research Centre, JSC “Hydroproject Institute”, Volokolamskoe Shosse, 2, Moscow, Russia125080 e-mail: [email protected] K. Abdrakhmatov Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Science, Asanbay 52/1, 720060, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan K. Abdrakhmatov e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Kanatbek Abdrahmatov Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Science, Asanbay 52/1, Bishkek 720060, Kyrgyzstan E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +996 777 403480