b) Create HTML document to accept information from user. i.e. name, address,. email-id, education details in table forma
JE – 833
VII Semester B.E. (CSE/ISE) Degree Examination, June/July 2013 (2K6 Scheme) CI – 7.3 : INTERNET PROGRAMMING Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer 5 questions selecting atleast 2 from each Part. PART – A 1. a) With CGI programs discuss different ways to access inputs to CGI programs.
b) What features of perl make it ideal for CGI programming ? List the possible application that can be designed using CGI. c) Write steps involved in : i) Configuring server ii) Execute CGI programs on server.
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2. a) With CGI programs discuss following HTTP headers can be used to fine-tune CGI documents. i) Content-length ii) Status iii) Pragma.
b) Write CGI program to accept a UNIX command from HTML form and display the output of the command executed.
c) Write CGI programs to illustrate use of environment variables HTTP-USERAGENT and DOCUMENT-ROOT.
3. a) Write an HTML document to create form that collect name of the song, the composer, performing artist, duration and language. Write CGI programs that collects the data from the form and write to a file. Write another CGI program that reads data from file and display results as Pie chart. 12 b) Create HTML document to accept information from user. i.e. name, address, email-id, education details in table format, list of projects handled (use ordered/ unordered list) technical skill, experience and salary expected.
JE – 833
4. a) Write Java a program which reads, information like username, Regno, marks secured in all 8 subjects and calculate total, average.
b) With a Java program explain the use of static variable and static methods.
c) Discuss the different level of access protection available in Java.
PART – B 5. a) With examples (i.e. Java programs) differentiate between throw and throws.
b) What is exception ? List the exceptions that might occur in java program. With java program illustrate how you can create and handle your own exception.
c) Define interface. Write interface for queue. Use this interface to implement queue operation.
6. a) With java program illustrate different ways to create threads.
b) Give an example where interface can be used to support multiple inheritance. Develop a standalone java program for the example. 10 7. a) Develop an applet that receives three numeric values on inputs from the user and display the largest of the three number on screen. Write HTML page and test the applet. 10 b) Write program to build a frame window form within an applet. 8. a) Write a program that tokenizes an accepted string. b) With java program explain the following : i) Two general form of super ii) Method overiding iii) Abstract class. ———————