Interpreting MMPI Profiles

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Detroit Receiving Hospital and University HealthCenter. Psychology 9B, 4201 St Antoine. Detroit, Ml 48201. ABSTRACT. The Assistant is an MS DOS program to ...
The MMPI Assistant: A Microcomputer Based Expert System to Assist in Interpreting MMPI Profiles Barry A. Tanner Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center Psychology 9B, 4201 St Antoine Detroit, Ml 48201

ABSTRACT The Assistant is an MS DOS program to aid clinical psychologists in interpreting the results of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMP9. Interpretive hypotheses are based on the professional literature and the author's experience. After scores are entered manually, the Assistant produces a hard copy which is intended for use by a psychologist knowledgeable about the MMPI. The rules for each hypothesis appear first on the monitor, and then in the printed output, followed by the patient's scores on the relevant scales, and narrative hypotheses for the scores. The data base includes hyp>otheses for 23 validity configurations, 45 twopoit clinical codes, 10 high scoring single-point clinical scales, and 10 low scoring single-point clinical scales. The program can accelerate the production of test reports, while insuring that actuarial rules are not overlooked. It has been especially useful as a teaching tool with graduate students. The Assistant requires an IBM PC compatible with 128k available memory, DOS 2.x or higher, and a printer.