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... mahasiswi berkerudung dan tidak berkerudung, serta membandingkan rambut mahasiswi berkerudung sebentar (1,5 - 4 tahun) dengan yang berkerudung.

Peneliti telah melakukan penelitian perbandingan kadar Pb, Cd, Cr pada rambut mahasiswi berkerudung dan tidak berkerudung, serta membandingkan rambut mahasiswi berkerudung sebentar (1,5 - 4 tahun) dengan yang berkerudung lama ( 7 - 1 1 tahun). Cara penelitian, rambut dipotong (1,3 - 2,5 cm), kemudian dilakukan preparasi sampel; rambut digunting kecil-kecil (± 1 mm), rambut ditimbang dengan seksama ± 0,5 gram tiap sampel, direndam aseton 10 ml. Penambahan HNO3 pekat, kemudian dioven pada suhu 150°C selama ± 35 menit. Penambalian akuabides ad 45 ml di atas penangas pasir, kemudian dilakukan penyaringan sampai wama jemih, masukkan dalam wadah masing-masing 1 0 ml sampel yang siap dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer serapan atom, unit ukuran dalam pg/g atau parts-per-million (ppm). Kadar Pb, Cd, Cr diketahui dari persamaan regresi linier Y = bX + a. Persamaan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini untuk Pb, Y=0,0065X-0,00045; Cd, Y=0,0306X+0,00073; Cr, Y=0,0089X0,0002. Perbedaan kandungan Pb, Cd, Cr antara rambut mahasiswi tidak berkerudung, berkerudung, berkerudung sebentar, dan berkerudung lama diketahui melalui metoda statistik uji anova dan uji t. Hasil uji anova; rata-rata kadar Pb, Cd, Cr pada seluruh rambut probandus terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Hasil uji t; perbandingan kadar Pb, Cd, Cr pada rambut mahasiswi tidak berkerudung dengan berkerudung terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Untuk rambut mahasiswi berkerudung sebentar dengan berkerudung lama, kadar Pb dan Cd terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan, sedang kadar Cr tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan.


The investigator examined and wanted to compare the Pb, Cd and Cr contents in the hairs of veiled female students and non-veiled female students, and compared the hair of momentarily veiled students (1,5 - 4 year) and the persistently veiled students ( 7 - 1 1 year). The study done by cutting the hairs (1,3 - 2,5 cm), then done a sample preparation; the hairs were cutting with a scissors in small (± 1 min), the hairs were weighted for 0,5 gram each sample; submerged with acetone 10 m. Then it was added by thick HNO3 , and backed in an oven in the temperature of 150° C for ± 35 minutes. It was added aquavides ad 45 ml on the sand steam bath, then it was done a screening till the colour was clear, and poured into the each 1 0 -ml sample container that was ready to be analysed by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, a measure unit in pg/ g or partsper million (ppm). The Pb, Cd, Cr content were known from al linier regression equation Y = b X + a. The equations which were obtained from the present study to Pb, Y=0,00065X-0,00045; Cd, Y=0,0306X+0,00073; Cr, Y=0,0089X-0,0002. The Pb, Cd, Cr content differences among the hairs of non-veiled female student, veiled female students, momentarily veiled and persistently veiled were known through an anova test statistical method and t-test. The anova test; there were significant differences Pb, Cd, Cr contents in average on all the probandus hairs. The t-test result: there were significant differences among the Pb, Cr, Cd comparison on the non-veiled female student’s hairs and the veiled ones. For the momentarily female student’s hair and the persistently ones, there were significant differences of Pb and Cd contents, and there was no significant difference in the Cr content.