Personal Finance. Bach, David. Start Late, Finish Rich. [332.024 BAC]. Leamy,
Elisabeth. Save Big [332.024 LEA]. Opdyke, Jeff. Protecting Your Parents' Money.
Web Sites Company Information Note: The best company information can be found using the Library’s Online Databases. Corporate Information Free company snapshots including foreign corporations. Use “Company Search” box on right. Some very good industry information. Hoover’s Online Lots of valuable information available for free, but in depth information is fee based.
Company Financial Information Annual Reports Free annual report service that covers many, but not all, public companies. SEC Filings & Forms (EDGAR) Database of company financial filings that are required by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commissions. Yahoo! Finance Includes company profiles, company news, key statistics, listings of competitors, industry information, SEC filings, historical information and analyst coverage. Also stock and mutual fund screeners.
Market Analysis and Commentary Website provides information about technical analysis and tools to create charts. Much is available for free.
Market Watch Market analysis with news and commentary. Research tools include stock screener and mutual fund finder.
Market News Bloomberg Market news and financial reporting as well as articles by Bloomberg columnists. Includes Bloomberg videos and Podcasts. Portfolio tracker, too. CNNMoney Giant website with articles from Fortune, Money and Business 2.0. Covers business and investment news, markets, rankings, personal finance info and more.
Personal Finance & Investment Planning Money Central Excellent website for news, investment information, and planning. Especially valuable for researching stocks and mutual funds or see their lists of top-rated stocks. Use website to compare different 401K allocations. Website aggregates financial rate information so that the best bank rates for loans, CD yields, and other services can be found. Site includes practical advice on many topics including car loans, mortgages, credit cards, and personal loans. Many financial calculators. NerdWallet Website compares banks, mortgage lenders, brokerage firms, colleges, hospitals, health insurance, credit cards, and car insurance. Even find scholarship money. Best of all, one is able to ask financial questions and receive advice from financial advisors.
Motley Fool The Motley Fool website has lively online forums and a wealth of information.
Historical Data Big Charts Excellent resource for both historical data and charting. Many chart options are available including averages, indicators, and comparisons as well as different chart formats.
ONLINE DATABASES Links to these databases can be found at under the research button.
Business Insights: Essentials Provides in-depth analysis for companies and industries featuring public and private company histories, SWOT and market share reports, corporate chronologies, business rankings, brands, financials, statistics, and investment reports. Included are scholarly articles from major business publications. ReferenceUSA is a directory of 14 million U.S. companies searchable by name, location, type of business, business size, sales or any combination of these. Available from home to patrons with a Burlington Library card. Morninngstar provides data on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs. Available from home to patrons with a Burlington Library card.
Databases beyond Burlington Mergent Online Company and industry information. Boston Public Library owns. To access, register online for an ecard at and start using Mergent immediately.
IN OUR REFERENCE DEPT. Standard and Poor’s Outlook Value Line Investment Survey (we carry the regular edition as well as the Small and Midcap Edition)
Newspapers Barron’s, Banker & Tradesman ,Investor’s Business Daily, Wall Street Journal
Forbes, Fortune, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine, Money, Smart Money
Retirement Botsford, Erin. Big Retirement Risk [332.024 BOT] Edelman, Ric. The Truth About Retirement Plans and IRAs [332.024 EDE] Hinden, Stan. How to Retire Happy [ ] Jason, Julie. Managing Retirement Wealth [332.024014 JAS] Solin, Daniel. The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read [332.024 SOL] Yeager, Jeff. How to Retire the Cheapskate Way [332.024 YEA]
BOOKS A sampling of the many books in our circulating collection.
Personal Finance Bach, David. Start Late, Finish Rich [332.024 BAC] Leamy, Elisabeth. Save Big [332.024 LEA] Opdyke, Jeff. Protecting Your Parents’ Money [332.OPD] Orman, Suze. Women & Money [332.024 ORM] Also at the same call number are more of her books: Solin, Daniel The Smartest Money Book You’ll Ever Read [332.024 SOL] Quinn, Jane Bryant. Making the Most of Your Money Now [332.024 QUI] Ramsey, Dave. The Total Money Makeover [332.02402 RAM] Schwab-Pomerantz, Carrie The Charles Schwab Guide to Finances After Fifty [332.024 SCH] Yeager, Jeff. The Cheapskate next door [332.024 YEA]
Investments Cramer, Jim. Jim Cramer’s Get Rich Carefully [332.024 CRA] Lynch, Peter. One Up On Wall Street [332.63 LYN] Also by same author Beating the Street [332.6322 LYN] Malkiel, Burton Gordon. The Elements of Investing [332.6 MAL] O’Shea, Peter. Beating the S & P with Dividends [332.6322 OSH] Siegel, Jeremy J. Stocks for the Long Run [ ] Solin, Daniel. The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read [332.678 SOL] Town, Phil. Payback time [332.6 TOW] Burlington Public Library 22 Sears St. Burlington, MA 01803 (781)270-1691 updated 7/2015