Invitation To Edgar CAYCE Annual National Conference No 22

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Arranged by the Swedish Foundation Edgar CAYCE Centre ... John Van Auken: Updates on A.R.E. Search for the Atlantean Hall of Records. Question time with ...
Invitation to

Edgar CAYCE Annual National Conference no 22 Arranged by the Swedish Foundation Edgar CAYCE Centre September 17-18, 2011 in Furuboda, Sweden The Conference Theme This year’s Conference theme is

“Our Way towards the Light,

seen through Mysteries, Prophecies, Karma, Reincarnation” General information The Edgar Cayce 22nd Conference will take place in Furuboda, Sweden at the Furuboda Competence and Conference Centre September 17-18. In 1998 the Foundation Edgar CAYCE Centre, Sweden organized the first Euro Congress. There have been Euro Congresses every second year since then. Unfortunately this year no organization had the possibility to arrange a Euro Congress, neither did we, and the reason is that our organization is quite small and with limited recourses. Still, the Foundation Edgar CAYCE Centre is very pleased to hereby invite English speaking people to participate in our upcoming annual national conference. At an early stage in the planning we invited John Van Auken from A.R.E. to be our principal speaker. We are pleased to inform that John Van Auken has accepted the invitation and since he will have 7 out of totally 9 presentations we believe that also English speaking visitors will find this conference to be interesting to attend. The Conference begins Saturday morning September 17th. There will be a Conference dinner Saturday evening and the Conference will finally come to an end by Sunday afternoon. Lectures will be in English and Swedish. The English lectures will be interpreted consecutively into Swedish but the two lectures in Swedish will not be translated into English. All lectures will be audio recorded and made available after the Conference. The Furuboda Conference Centre is located in a welcoming and pristine setting by the Baltic Sea, surrounded by a beautiful forest about 30 km (18 miles) south of Kristianstad, Sweden. Furuboda began as a school in 1960 with the philosophy that physically disabled youngsters should have equal access to a quality education as children without disabilities. The Centre has grown considerably since then and is now with approximately 200 employees the largest employer in the area. The Edgar Cayce Conference will utilize the auditorium, lodging facilities and a restaurant at Furuboda Conference Centre. A limited number of rooms are available until August 14th, both at the centre itself and at a hotel nearby in Kastanjelund. Please contact Furuboda at [email protected] or phone +46 44 781 46 10 and Kastanjelund at [email protected] or phone +46 44 23 25 33. You pay for the lodging to the hotel yourself. Welcome

Program schedule Friday 6.00 pm 7.00 pm

September 16th Registration for early arrivals Dinner

Saturday September 17th 8.30 am Registration 9.00 am Gun Olofsson: Welcome, Information, Meditation, and Presentation – Who is Edgar Cayce? 9.45 am Break 10.00 am John Van Auken, Prophecies for Our Times: Mayan, Egyptian, Biblical, Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce 11.15 am Coffee Break 11.45 am John Van Auken: Edgar Cayce and Reincarnation 1.00 pm Lunch 2.30 pm Olav Johansson: The destination of Mankind (Only in Swedish) 3.30 pm Coffee Break 4.00 pm John Van Auken: Edgar Cayce and Ancient Egyptian Mysticism 5.00 pm Question time with John Van Auken and Olav Johansson 5.45 pm Break 7.15 pm Dinner Sunday 8.30 am 9.00 am

September 18th Registration Gun Olofsson: Welcome John Van Auken: Meditation: A Practice for Communicating with God 10.00 am Coffee Break 10.30 am John Van Auken: Edgar Cayce: From Karma to Grace – The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit 11.45 am Break 12.00 am Olav Johansson: The Birth of a New World Culture (Only in Swedish) 1.00 pm Lunch 2.15 pm John Van Auken: Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah: A Resource for Soulful Living 3.15 pm Coffee Break 3.45 pm John Van Auken: Updates on A.R.E. Search for the Atlantean Hall of Records Question time with John Van Auken and Olav Johansson 4.45 pm Ending Ceremony 7.00 pm

Dinner for visitors staying over night

Saturday evening at 9.15 pm, after the dinner and outside the official programme, some participants will meet to meditate and receiving a message of spiritual wisdom through Gudrun Kjellander. Welcome. (Only in Swedish)

Invited Lecturers and their Presentations John Van Auken is a Director at the Edgar Cayce organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). He is editor of the monthly newsletters Living in the Light, a writer for the Ancient Mysteries newsletter, a columnist for Venture Inward magazine, an instructor at the International Metaphysical University, and author of more than a dozen books. He is considered an expert in mysticism and a skillful teacher of meditation – from kundalini to his unique “passage in consciousness.” He practices the techniques he teaches and has become a popular leader of retreats, workshops, and tours. His topics include spirituality, reincarnation, ancient mystical practices, rejuvenation of the body, dream work, meditation, prophecy, mysticism, and Edgar Cayce concepts. He has appeared on several television and radio programs, including the FOX show Opening the Tomb Live from Egypt, Modern Marvels’ The Pyramids, Religion Today, Spiritual Alternatives, several shows on the The History Channel, Discovery, the SciFi Channel’s Quest for Atlantis, and the History Channel’s Digging for the Truth. He is a popular guide on spiritual tours to Egypt, Israel, Europe, the Mayan lands, and other sacred sites around the world. John Van Auken’s first lecture is Prophecies for Our Times: Mayan, Egyptian, Biblical, Nostradamus, and Edgar Cayce. This is an overview of key prophecies from major sources that relate to the times we are living in – with some insights into how these predictions may affect our lives. The second lecture is titled Edgar Cayce and Reincarnation.This presentation reveals the marvellous concepts of karma and reincarnation given by Edgar Cayce and Van Auken’s expanded studies. It includes how reincarnation actually occurs and why, soul groups, soul mates, twin souls, and past-life memory and its effect on our present relationships. The the third lecture is called Edgar Cayce and Ancient Egyptian Mysticism. The highly spiritual and mystical imagery and teachings of the Ancient Egyptians provide us with a rare and wonderful vision into our soul life – its origins and destiny. John will present rarely seen full-color images of ancient Egypt teachings. Sunday morning John Van Auken starts with Meditation: A Practice for Communicating with God. Using a deep meditation technique taught by Edgar Cayce, John will take us on a passage in consciousness – from finite, individual awareness to infinite, universal awareness. It’s easy to do but profoundly effective. After a break John continues with Edgar Cayce: From Karma to Grace – The Power of the Fruits of the Spirit. Here we learn about Edgar Cayce’s method for overcoming and subduing karmic forces with the power of grace through the biblical Fruits of the Spirit. The next lecture is titled Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah: A Resource for Soulful Living. Learn the Kabbalah in an hour – not quite, but we’ll get the major highlights and key teachings to help us awaken to worlds beyond this one and behind the veil of daily consciousness. The last lecture is Updates on A.R.E. Search for the Atlantean Hall of Records. John is the A.R.E. Director overseeing archaeological efforts to find the lost Atlantean stone tablets. He will update us on the latest efforts and discoveries. Olav Johansson lives in Stockholm where he is a study councellor and vocational guidance officer in the Stockholm municipality. He has studied Martinus’ Cosmology for more than 30 years and is in Scandinavia a well known lecturer and writer regarding this subject. His first lecture is titled: The destination of Mankind and his second lecture is called: The Birth of a New World Culture . These lectures are related to one another. The first deals with the current turbulences we see on earth, (e.g. social, financial, geographic, wars, etc.) and he puts those in a historical perspective and shows that these are the consequences of a logical development we can not escape. We can call it “labour pains”. The second lecture concentrates on the world thereafter, i.e. how will future society look like and what will be the mental and spiritual development of the individual.

How to get to Furuboda If you come by air to the Copenhagen airport in Denmark, there is a direct access to the underground railway station. In about two hours, the train takes you over the bridge from Denmark to Sweden and to Kristianstad. There you take bus number 551 to Furuboda kursgard which is located about 30 km south of Kristianstad.For information go to Alternatively, Malmö/Sturup international airport is only 100 km from Furuboda. Many low fare airline companies fly to Sturup from different cities throughout Europe. If you go by car, follow the European road E22 direction Kalmar. At Kristianstad, take road 118 south direction Åhus. Furuboda is located 12 km south of Åhus.

Conference Fee and Meals For those not understanding Swedish the Conference fee for both days is SEK700 (about €80). Lunch and coffee for morning and afternoon is SEK120 (about €14) a day, Conference dinner Saturday night is SEK150 (about €17).

How to register Please fill in the registration form on our website For questions and further information please call Gun Olofsson, phone +46 (0)456 276 49. Welcome to a couple of interesting and unfolding days in Furuboda!

Edgar CAYCE Center P.O. Box 23, 295 21 Bromölla, Sweden Phone Gun +46 (0)456 27649