Jul 31, 2017 - The Tax Thesis 2017 Competition is aimed at promoting good research in Tax and ... adjudication process a
INVITATION TO SUBMIT COMPLETED THESIS AND DISSERTATION FOR RESEARCH ON TAX FOR HONOURS; MASTERS AND DOCTORAL DEGREES The South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), in partnership with EY, invites thesis/dissertations that have been submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for Honours, Master’s or Doctoral degrees in Taxation during the years 2016/2017 to be entered for the Tax Thesis 2017 Competition.
It would be appreciated if your university will forward us your top three thesis/dissertation in each degree (where applicable) to be entered in the competition. The candidates should have successfully completed their relevant degree. It is however not a requirement that they should have graduated as we are aware that graduations could be taking place later in the year.
The Tax Thesis 2017 Competition is aimed at promoting good research in Tax and rewarding those candidates whose thesis/dissertation has been selected through the adjudication process as the “best” in their degree level. The competition is open to all universities and the thesis could be in full or part fulfilment of the degree in Taxation.
All thesis/dissertation that have been submitted for the competition will be marked by a panel of tax experts in line with an agreed rubric. Each paper will be marked by at least two independent markers and further independently moderated. There will be one winner in each of the degree levels i.e. Honours; Masters and Doctoral.
The winners will be awarded prizes at the SAIPA 35 year Celebration Conference to be held in Cape Town on 19 October 2017.
The prizes for the winners are as follows;
Doctoral degree winner
R25 000
Master’s degree winner
R15 000
Honours degree winner
R10 000
The university from which each of the winners qualified will be awarded a token prize of R10 000.
Entries close on 31 July 2017. Electronic copies of the thesis/dissertation must be emailed to
[email protected]. For any enquiries please contact the Centre of Tax Excellence: Contact person Sibusiso Thungo.
The university will be advised of the winning thesis no later than 25 September 2017. The winner and the supervisor will be invited to the Awards dinner and the travelling and accommodation costs will be catered for by the competition partners (SAIPA & EY)
Partner with us in fostering the research culture in the field of Tax!
Yours faithfully
Mrs Faith Ngwenya Technical & Standards Services Executive