iraqi minorities: rights and protection - Pax Christi International

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strategy to deal with the current crisis, PAX has invited four Iraqi civil society activists to visit the UN. Human Righ
IRAQI MINORITIES: RIGHTS AND PROTECTION PAX for Peace in cooperation with PAX Christi International cordially invite you to a side event on the protection of minorities in Iraq. Geneva, Centre International de Conferences Genève, room 15, October 9, 2014, 14:00-15:30 hrs

INTRODUCTION The sudden and unforeseen expansion of ISIS in Iraq (and Syria) over the summer has led to a dramatic shift on the ground in the Middle East. In particular in Iraq, the protection of minorities is under threat of massive human rights violations, ethnic cleansing and even genocide is at the very centre of the conflict. In order to advocate for an effective policy to protect Iraqi minorities, as part of a broader political strategy to deal with the current crisis, PAX has invited four Iraqi civil society activists to visit the UN th Human Rights Council in Geneva, in preparation for the 20 Universal Periodic Review Working rd Group Session on Iraq scheduled for November 3 2014. The delegation will subsequently visit European institutions and politicians to discuss the potential role of EU and member states, and the Netherlands. The civil society activists will give witness of the current situation of the most vulnerable groups in Iraq, in particular minorities, women and IDP’s. Yet the focus of the visit will be to move beyond the witnesses of the situation and discuss the policies that UN and EU should develop. The delegation consists of: Abdallah Khaled (45, Erbil), Director of the Iraqi-Kurdish NGO Al Mesalla Housam Abdallah (42, Nineweh, refugee in Erbil), Head of Yezidi Fraternity and Solidarity League Zuhair Khaled Lazgeen (26, from Sinjar area, Shariya), citizenship Ambassador in Dohuk Ali Sahib (33 years, Samawa), citizenship Ambassador in Samawa Governorate

BACKGROUND In Iraq, a large part of the territory controlled by ISIS is disputed between the Iraqi government and the Kurdish Autonomous Region. This area is historically home to various ethnic and religious minorities and has been subjected to various state policies aiming to alter the local demographics. Conflicts that have resulted from these policies are deeply rooted and on-going. The already affected social fabric has been further destroyed by the recent violence of ISIS, where local sectarian conflicts have become part of the dynamic. People in Iraq are very worried about local revenge actions against communities currently supporting ISIS and foresee an exacerbation of already existing local conflicts. An inclusive and comprehensive political strategy that includes a large reconciliation and peace building component is needed to mitigate existing pressures and prevent the potential of escalation that will most likely facilitate an easy return of ISIS after the end of the international military campaign as well as to facilitate a safe return of IDPs. Yet, ISIS is not the only threat to the position of Iraqi minorities. There are grave concerns about the limited codified provision of rights for these communities in the country and the failure of the Iraqi State to fulfil its international obligations. Grave human rights violations are committed by police and security forces with arbitrary arrests, illegal detentions and torture being reported. Other specific issues arise with the increase of violence in Iraq, the rising number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the unaddressed practice of landgrabbing.

AGENDA 13.45 hrs:


14:00 hrs:

Introduction to the event by Thirsa de Vries, senior program officer Iraq at PAX for Peace and Michel Nseir, Programme Executive for the Middle East at the World Council of Churches

14:30 hrs:

Interventions by the panel members with moderation of Jan Jaap van Oosterzee, Senior advisor public affairs Middle East at PAX for Peace

15:00 hrs:

Questions and Answers

15:30 hrs:


BIOGRAPHIES Abdallah Khaled (45 years, Erbil) Abdallah has been the Director of the Iraqi-Kurdish NGO Al Mesalla for more than 10 years. Al Mesalla is an active organization based in Erbil that specializes in peace building and conflict resolution and has produced a number of reports on the position of minorities in Kurdistan. Al-Mesalla is currently working on a draft law for minority right protection. Abdallah used to be a famous journalist in Iraqi Kurdistan. He travelled to Europe frequently to attend Iraqi Civil Society Conferences in Rome in coordination with the Italian NGO UN Ponte Per (UPP). Housam Abdallah (42 years, from Nineweh, now refugee in Erbil) Housam is the Head of Yezidi Fraternity and Solidarity League. Housam comes from Bashika, a village in the Nineveh province, which is now controlled by IS. The Yezidi Fraternity and Solidarity League has been active in supporting dialogue and co-existence between the different minority groups in the Ninewa plain in Iraq for many years, and is seen as one of the main NGOs actively representing Yazidi participation in Iraq. He has been in Geneva earlier to attend UN trainings and conferences. Zuhair Khaled Lazgeen (26 years, from Sinjar area, Shariya) Zuhair is the citizenship Ambassador of PAX KM Program in Dohuk and has been actively involved in humanitarian assistance for Yezidi refugees. Zuhair lives in the village of Shariya, south of Dohuk. Shariya is a village which has received thousands of Yezidis escaping and rescued from Sinjar. Zuhair holds a BA in Architecture and is an activist in Human Rights and Minority Rights. He is working as coordinator in Harikar NGO for the Quick Impact Projects funded by UNHCR which benefit refugees and displaced people settled across Dohuk Governorate. During the last month, he has been an active volunteer organizing emergency support in Shariya. He has been coordinating with media and UN people to bring out information he was receiving from people in Sinjar and people kidnapped by IS, documenting what happened through writing reports, linking with young people to mobilize Yezidi youth in Shariya. Ali Sahib (33 years, Samawa) Ali is the citizenship Ambassador of PAX KM program in Samawa Governorate and has been a civil society activist since 2008 with a special interest in peace and non violence programming. He holds a Master Degree in Human Rights from the Arab University for Human Rights and Non violence from Beirut and currently resides in Muthanna, Samawa. Ali regularly provides free lectures in the Muthanna University and Al Sadek University on Human Rights. He supports campaigns to build a new peaceful Iraq and has recently been involved in IDP assistance in Northern Iraq. This side event is organized by the Dutch peace movement PAX, formerly known as IKV Pax Christi

For further information contact: Sam van Vliet Program Officer Middle East PAX

Mob +31 (06) 204206 41

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