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Key words: Zoogloea, fatty acids, quinones, chemotaxonomy. Abstract. Nine Zoogloea strains including the type strain of Z. ramigera (IAM 12136 = ATCC 19544 ...
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 61: 231-236, 1992. 9 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Isoprenoid quinones and fatty acids of Zoogloea Akira Hiraishi, Yong Kook Shin, Junta Sugiyama* & Kazuo Komagata

Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan (* requests for offprints) Received 8 July 1991; accepted 6 November 1991

Key words: Zoogloea, fatty acids, quinones, chemotaxonomy Abstract Nine Zoogloea strains including the type strain of Z. ramigera (IAM 12136 = ATCC 19544 = N.C. Dondero 106) and newly isolated strains were investigated for isoprenoid quinone composition and whole-cell fatty acid profiles. Seven of the tested strains, having phenotypic properties typical of Zoogloea, were characterized by their production of both ubiquinone-8 and rhodoquinone-8 as major quinones, whereas the remaining two strains, Z. ramigera IAM 12669 ( = K. Crabtree 1-16-M) and IAM 12670 ( = P.R. Dugan 115), formed ubiquinone-10 and ubiquinone-8, respectively, as the sole quinone. All rhodoquinone-producing strains contained palmitoleic acid and 3-hydroxy-decanoic acid as the major components of nonpolar and hydroxylated fatty acids, respectively. Marked differences were noted in the fatty acid composition between the strains with and without rhodoquinones. The chemotaxonomic data suggested that the rhodoquinonelacking strains should be excluded from the genus Zoogloea. Since there have been no reliable taxonomic tools for Zoogloea, rhodoquinone analysis may provide a new criterion of great promise for identifying Zoogloea strains.

Introduction Bacteria of the genus Zoogloea, which has now only one species Z. ramigera, are Gram-negative nonfermentative chemoorganotrophs that are associated principally with aerobic wastewater treatment systems such as trickling filters and activated sludge units (Dugan 1981; Unz 1984). Zoogloea strains are known to form characteristic cell aggregates embedded in gelatinous matrices, often called zoogloeal matrices, and have been suggested to play an important role in forming bacterial flocs in activated sludge systems. However, the longconfused taxonomic status of the genus Zoogloea has prevented our precise knowledge of its identity and ecophysiology. The major reason for the ambiguous taxonomic status is that floc formation has

been used for a long time as a distinctive property for differentiating Zoogloea from phenotypically related bacteria, such as Comamonas and Pseudomonas (Dias & Bhat 1964; Dugan 1981; Palleroni 1984), although this characteristic is too nonspecific to provide a criterion for taxonomic purpose. The introduction of this taxonomic scheme has resuited in conflicting descriptions of bacterial strains identified as Z. ramigera. Unz (1971, 1984) has pointed out that some of the well-known Z. ramigera strains, i.e. strains 1-16-M (Crabtree at al. 1965; Crabtree & McCoy 1967) and 115 (Friedman & Dugan 1968; Dugan 1981) differ from typical Zoogloea strains in several respects and that they should be excluded from the genus Zoogloea. While chemotaxonomic approaches to bacterial systematics has become increasingly important in

232 defining and evaluating bacterial genera, the genus Zoogloea has not received intensive study in its chemotaxonomic aspects. To improve the circumscription of this genus, we have characterized nine Zoogloea strains by profiling of quinones and fatty acids, whose importance as chemotaxonomic tools has been fully realized (Collins & Jones 1981; Jantzen & Bryn 1985). The present paper describes the results obtained and deals in particular with the occurrence of rhodoquinones as a characteristic feature of Zoogloea.

had the following composition: mineral base RM2 (per liter: (NH4)2SO4, 1.0g; KH2PO4, 1.0g; MgCI2.6H20, 0.2g; CaC12.2H20, 0.05 g; trace element solution SL8 l ml) (Hiraishi & Kitamura 1984), 1,000ml; sodium lactate, 2.2g; yeast extract, 0.5g; vitamin B1z, 5/zg; pH 6.8. Aerobic cultures were grown in test tubes or Erlenmeyer flasks on reciprocal shakers, whereas anaerobic cultures were made in screw-capped test tubes or bottles completely filled with the medium supplemented with 20mM nitrate. Incubation was at 30~C.

Materials and methods

Analyses of quinones and fatty acids Bacterial strains and culture conditions Nine strains of Zoogloea were studied as listed in Table 1. Z. ramigera IAM 12136 ( = ATCC 19544= N.C. Dondero 106, type strain [Unz 1971]), IAM 12669 ( = ATCC 19623 = K. Crabtree 1-16-M [Crabtree et al. 1965; Crabtree & McCoy 1967]), and IAM 12670 ( = ATCC 25935 = P.R. Dugan 115 [Friedman & Dugan 1968; Dugan 1981]) were obtained from the Culture Collection Center of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan). Zoogloea sp. strains with ATCC numbers were from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, USA). The strains with AS numbers were newly isolated by us from activated sludge, using the spread-plating method with toluate agar (Unz & Farrah 1972). The isolates were identified as Zoogloea on the basis of the following observations: they were Gram-negative aerobic rods with a relatively large cell diameter (1.0 to 1.2 tzm) and with motility by means of single polar flagella, showed positive reactions for oxidase and catalase, hydrolyzed gelatin, failed to produce acid from glucose, exhibited poor growth on ordinary nutrient agar media, and decomposed benzoate by meta cleavage of the ring structure. The isolates also formed visible flocs characterized by their finger-like morphology when grown in liquid media. However, one of the isolates (AS180) lost this ability upon subculture. A chemically defined medium designated LYS was used for culturing the organisms. The medium

Cells were harvested by centrifugation from cultures at the early stationary phase of growth, washed with 1% saline, and then lyophilized. Quinones were extracted with an organic solvent mixture, purified by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and mass spectrometry as previously described (Hiraishi & Hoshino 1984). Quinone components were identified by comparing their HPLC retention times and mass fragmentation patterns with those of authentic quinones. In this study, ubiquinones and rhodoquinones with n isoprene units were abbreviated Q-n and RQ-n, respectively. Cellular fatty acids were methanolyzed by treating freeze-dried cells with 5% methanol-HC1, extracted into hexane, and separated into nonpolar and hydroxylated acid factions by TLC as described previously (Ikemoto et al. 1978; Suzuki & Komagata 1983). Components of each fraction were separated and identified by gas-liquid chromatography with internal and external standards, using Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph GC-8A fitted with a flame ionization detector and an AdvanceDS capillary column (Shinwa Kako Co., Kyoto, Japan). Data were analyzed with a microcomputer, Shimadzu Chromatopac C-R3A.

233 100

2 _~0




711 40






9 2{~0






800 M/Z

Fig. 1. Massspectrum of the rhodoquinone isolated from ZoogloearamigeraIAM 12136. Standard quinones and fatty acids Ubiquinone and rhodoquinone standards were prepared from some strains of phototrophic bacteria (Hiraishi & Hoshino 1984). An authentic fatty acid methyl ester mixture (Bacterial Acid Methyl Ester Mix) was obtained from Supelco, Inc., Bellefont, USA. 3-Hydroxy fatty acid methyl ester was prepared from a strain of Rhodocyclus tenuis (Hiraishi et al. 1991).


Quinone composition Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of the lipid extracts from all Zoogloea strains revealed the occurrence of an yellow-colored quinone group with the same mobility as a co-chromatographed authentic ubiquinone. The quinones of this fraction had a UV spectrum with an absorption maximum at 275 nm (in ethanol) and a reduced vs. oxidized difference spectrum with a maximum decrease in absorption at 273 nm. Thus, these quinones were easily identified as ubiquinones. Most strains also produced another quinone group that was purple-

colored and appeared just behind their ubiquinones upon TLC. The purple quinone had a UV spectrum with an absorption maximum at 283 nm (in ethanol) and showed a characteristic redox response to the addition of borohydride, like authentic rhodoquinones (Hiraishi & Hoshino 1984). Mass spectrometry indicated that the purple quinones displayed a molecular ion peak at m/z 711 and intensive fragment peaks at m/z 220 and 182 (Fig. 1), thereby identifying them to be rhodoquinones with RQ-8 predominating. High-performance liquid chromatography experiments showed that there was some heterogeneity in the quinone composition among the Zoogloea strains (Table 1). Seven of the tested strains, including the type strain of Z. ramigera (IAM 12136), contained both Q-8 and RQ-8 as the major quinones with the next lower and higher homologs as minor components. On the other hand, the remaining two strains, Z. ramigera IAM 12669 and IAM 12670, lacked rhodoquinones and possessed Q-10 and Q-8, respectively, as their major ubiquinones. Z. ramigera IAM 12136 was investigated in greater detail to obtain information about relative contents of ubiquinones and rhodoquinones. The amounts of ubiquinones and rhodoquinones

234 Table 1. Quinone composition of

Zoogloea strains.


Ubiquinone a


Rhodoquinone ~ Others






96 t Not detected





I A M 12136




I A M 12669 I A M 12670


3 93

4 t

ATCC 19123









ATCC 19173




ATCC 19324 AS180 AS456

3 3 4

95 93 95

t 2 t

2 2

5 8

93 90

t t

2 2




















ram@era 93


Not detected

Zoogloea sp.

aData were expressed as percentage of total peak area. bTrace (less than 1% of total peak area),

ed with 20 mM nitrate (i.e. denitrifying conditions) (data not shown).

formed in aerobically grown cells were, respectively, 1.54 to 2.30 and 0.14 to 0.22tzmol/g (dry weight) of cells. Thus, the average rhodoquinone/ ubiquinone ratio obtained was ca. 0.1. Similar values have been recorded for another rhodoquinoneproducing group of chemoorganotrophic bacteria recently isolated from activated sludge (Hiraishi & Komagata 1989). The Z. ramigera strain produced a much lower amount of rhodoquinones when grown anaerobically in LYS medium supplement-

Table 2. Cellular fatty acid composition of Organism

Upon TLC, two fractions of the whole-cell fatty acid methyl esters, i.e. the nonpolar and 3-hydroxylated fractions, were detected from all tested strains. None of the strains produced significant amounts of 2-hydroxylated fatty acids. Table 2

Zoogloea strains. 3-OH component a

Nonpolar component a 10:0


Fatty acid composition











14 13


ramigera I A M 12136










I A M 12669 I A M 12670


2 4

2 3

8 38

7 41

t t

77 12



ATCC 19123 ATCC 19173

5 4

8 7

1 t

14 21

66 63


6 5

83 73

17 27

ATCC 19324 AS180 AS456 AS480

4 3 2 2

6 6 4 4

t 1 1 t

16 16 30 33

66 68 56 54

t t

5 6 7 7

85 90 82 83

15 10 18 17

Zoogloea sp.

a D a t a were expressed as percentage of total peak area.

bTrace (less than 1% of total peak area).

235 shows the fatty acid profiles of each fraction as determined by gas-liquid chromatography. In all rhodoquinone-producing strains, palmitoleic acid (C16 : 1) occurred as the major component of the nonpolar fraction. Also, 3-hydroxy-decanoic acid (3-OH C10 : 0) was found as the major hydroxylated fraction with smaller but significant amounts of 3-OH C12 : 0 in these strains. On the other hand, the rhodoquinone-lacking strain Z. ramigera IAM 12669 differed significantly from the former group of strains in producing C18 : 1 and 3-OH C16 : 0 as the major components of the nonpolar and hydroxylated fractions, respectively. Z. rarnigera IAM 12670, which also lacked rhodoquinones, was similar to the strains with rhodoquinones in the nonpolar fatty acid profiles, but was distinguishable from the latter in containing both 3-OH C10 : 0 and 3-OH C14 : 0 as the hydroxylated fatty acid components.

Discussion The present results have shown that the Zoogloea strains investigated are heterogeneous in their chemotaxonomic aspects. The typical strains of Z. ramigera, including its type strain (IAM 12136--ATCC 19544 = strain 106), were characterized by their production of rhodoquinones with RQ-8 predominating. On the other hand, Z. ramigera IAM 12669 (strain 1-16-M) and IAM 12670 (strain 115), both of which are well known through experimental use, proved to contain no rhodoquinones. The fatty acid analysis revealed that there was dissimilarity between the Zoogloea strains with and without rhodoquinones. Although Z. ramigera IAM 12669 and IAM 12670 are the floc-forming bacteria originally derived from polluted environments, they have been found to differ from the type strain in several respects (Unz 1971, 1984). Our chemotaxonomic data expand the previous findings and improve the circumscription of the genus Zoogloea. These data indicate that the rhodoquinonelacking strains should be excluded from the genus

Zoogloea. Rhodoquinones have been reported to be associated with several species of phototrophic purple

nonsuifur bacteria among members of prokaryotes (Hiraishi & Hoshino 1984). Recently some strains of aerobic chemoorganotrophic bacteria that produced rhodoquinones with RQ-8 predominating were newly isolated from activated sludge (Hiraishi & Komagata 1989). Rhodoquinones are known to be the derivatives of ubiquinones in which one of the methoxyl group is replaced by an amino group. Therefore, we have further attempted to find the aminoquinones in the currently established species with ubiquinones, all of which are included in the class Proteobacteria (Stackebrandt et al. 1988). But these attempts have produced negative results so far. Considering this and the fact that there have been no reliable taxonomic tools for Zoogloea, rhodoquinone analysis provides a new criterion of great promise for identifying strains of this genus. The current taxonomic position of the genus Zoogloea among the genera of the family Pseudomonadaceae is solely based on phenotypic information (Palleroni 1984; Unz 1984). Also, this family itself is an assemblage of phylogenetically different genera (Palleroni 1984; Stackebrandt et al. 1988), emphasizing the need to study the phylogenetic relationships of Zoogloea to other genera of the pseudomonads. A molecular approach to this subject by 16S rRNA gene sequencing will be reported elsewhere.

Acknowledgement We are grateful to Dr. N. Morisaki for performing the mass spectrometry.

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