of the university through social and recreational activities for its members;. ⢠to assist the university administrati
COPY Illini Veterans University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Constitution & By-Laws Table of Changes Document Version
Description of Changes
Version Date
Version 1.0
Original Constitution & By-Laws Drafted by Illini Veterans President Chad Garland and effective beginning in September 2010
Version 1.1
Added Table of Constitution and Table of Changes; defined document styles/formatting for Main Headers and Article Headers. Some formatting changes applied for readability sake.
Table of Contents Constitution ......................................................................................................... 2 ARTICLE I: NAME ............................................................................................. 2 ARTICLE II: PURPOSE AND GOALS ............................................................... 2 ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP ............................................................................. 3 ARTICLE IV: OFFICER POSITIONS ................................................................. 5 ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS ................................................................................ 12 ARTICLE VII: FINANCES ................................................................................ 13 ARTICLE XII: MEETINGS ............................................................................... 14 ARTICLE XIII: VOTING ................................................................................... 15 ARTICLE XIV: NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY ........................................... 15 ARTICLE XV: NON-HAZING POLICY ............................................................. 15 ARTICLE XVI: AGREEMENT TO RSO POLICIES ......................................... 16 ARTICLE XIX: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION ............................. 16 ARTICLE XX: RATIFICATION ......................................................................... 16 By-Laws ............................................................................................................. 17 ARTICLE I: COMMITTEES ............................................................................. 17 ARTICLE II: FISCAL YEAR ............................................................................. 18 ARTICLE III: EXPENDITURES ....................................................................... 18 ARTICLE IV: ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS ......................................... 18 ARTICLE VI: COMMEMORATIVE DATES ..................................................... 20 ARTICLE VII: AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ............................................ 20 ARTICLE VIII: EXPULSION AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE ....................... 21 ARTICLE IX: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY ............................................... 21
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Constitution ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be “Illini Veterans,” or “Illini Vets” for short, a member chapter of the Student Veterans of America (SVA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE AND GOALS SECTION I. Purpose The purpose of Illini Veterans (hereafter referred to as the Organization) is • to unite and promote fellowship among military veterans, their families, and civilian supporters throughout the student, faculty, and staff population of the university through social and recreational activities for its members; • to assist the university administration in identifying the needs of current and prospective student-veterans; •
to educate the community about military veterans’ experiences and promote an understanding of issues pertaining to student-veterans or veterans in the community;
to perpetuate the memories of achievements of the armed services and its members;
• •
to foster true American patriotism and good-citizenship to celebrate the anniversaries of prominent events of our country’s wars and conflicts;
• •
to promote the national defense; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom and at all times to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
SECTION II. Goals The Organization’s goals include the following, which may or may not all be pursued simultaneously: GOAL I: Organize a network of student peers and mentors to guide and assist student-veterans and their families with transition to civilian/student Version 1.1– January 28, 2011
COPY life, as well as alumni mentors to guide graduating student-veterans or dependents. GOAL II: Become the primary Point of Contact (POC) and trusted source for all information requests pertaining to student-veterans at the university whether from the administration, local media, government agencies (including Department of Defense and Veterans Administration), incoming student-veterans and military service members, ROTC, service organizations, and more. GOAL III: Develop and maintain a resource guide containing forms, documents, and contact information of service organizations and resource centers applicable to veterans, their spouses and dependents. GOAL IV: Develop and promote to faculty, staff, and the ChampaignUrbana community a program to educate youth and adults about the experiences of armed service members and veterans. GOAL V: Develop a process to communicate student-veteran needs, concerns, and interests (feedback) to the university administration, university counseling programs and Veterans Affairs officials. GOAL VI: Develop or coordinate support programs to aid families of military service members within the university community (and beyond, if applicable). GOAL VII: Create a relationship with university admissions, counseling, and service programs to help prepare them for potential/actual studentveteran needs and concerns. GOAL VIII: Develop a committee or group of volunteers to make our presence known at campus and local military recognition events and programs (Veterans Day, Memorial Day, etc). ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP SECTION I. Types of Membership The four categories of membership in the Organization shall be: •
Regular Membership Any student regularly enrolled in the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign who, at any time, honorably served in, or who is now serving in, the armed forces (Illinois Army National Guard, Illinois Air National Guard, United States Army, United States Air Force, United States Coast Guard, United States Marine Corps, or United States Navy) for a period of
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ninety (90) days is eligible for regular membership in the Organization. The ninety days of service need not be consecutive and calculation of this term may include basic training, advanced initial training, drill weekends, and annual drill periods. Associate Membership Any regularly enrolled student, faculty, or staff member at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, not otherwise eligible for regular membership in the Organization, is eligible for associate membership.
Memorial Membership Any regularly enrolled student at the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign who is a surviving spouse, parent, child or sibling of a person who served in the armed forces, is eligible for memorial membership in this Organization.
Alumni Membership Any alumnus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign who would be eligible for membership under the membership classes outlined in SECTIONS I, II, and III of this ARTICLE III, if still regularly enrolled, is eligible for alumni membership in this Organization.
SECTION V. Member Rights & Privileges The Organization shall not deny membership to any otherwise qualified person on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs (except the violent overthrow of the Government of the United States or the refusal to support or adhere to the Purpose set forth in ARTICLE II, SECTION I of the Constitution of the Organization, supra) or national origin. The classes of membership set forth in SECTIONS I, II, III, and IV of this ARTICLE III of the Constitution of the Organization have equal rights and privileges except as otherwise specified herein in the form of restrictions. The rights to hold office, make motions, or vote shall not be extended to Associate, Memorial, or Alumni members. Except for such specified restrictions, the Organization has sole discretion to determine what privileges, rights and amenities shall or may be extended to members other than regular members, provided that such discretion is specifically curtailed by and subject to any and all by-laws and/or rules and regulations as may be enacted and promulgated by the Organization from time to time.
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COPY SECTION VI. Good Standing All members of the Organization shall be considered in good standing unless the member (a) engages in any act(s) that discredits, or is (are) prejudicial to the best interest of, the Organization or (b) belongs to, or sympathizes with, any organization advocating the overthrow of the government of the United States. Members to whom items (a) and/or (b), supra, apply are subject to expulsion from this Organization pursuant to the procedures set forth at ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Organization. SECTION VII. Resignation Any member may resign from the Organization by notifying the President in writing. Such notification severs that member’s relationship with the Organization. SECTION VIII. Expulsion & Suspension The Organization may expel or temporarily suspend any member for cause, consistent with ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Organization, with due regard for such member’s rights. SECTION IX. Reinstatement Any former member of the Organization who resigned while in good standing may rejoin, or be reinstated into the Organization upon written re-application to the President. Members expelled pursuant to ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Organization may apply in writing to the Organization’s Faculty Advisor for new membership after one year and may be reinstated by a two-thirds vote of the officers. ARTICLE IV: OFFICER POSITIONS SECTION I. Designation and Nomenclature The officers of the Organization shall be: (A) Elected. The following officers shall be elected and installed at the final meeting of the academic year: •
• • •
Vice President Secretary Treasurer
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COPY • Legislative Director (B) Appointed. The following officers shall be appointed by each newly elected President, as necessary: • • •
Assistant Treasurer Parliamentarian/Judge Advocate Chaplain
• • • •
Chief Archivist/Historian Advertising/Publicity Chairperson Service Officer Sergeant at Arms
• • •
Web Master Liaison to Active Duty Other Positions as Deemed Necessary and/or Appropriate by the President.
SECTION II. Terms of Office (A) The President shall serve a term of one (1) calendar/fiscal year, unless graduating prior to the completion of the full term. (B) All other elected and appointed officers shall serve a term of one (1) academic year. SECTION III. Succession of Officers PRESIDENT: In the event of the death or resignation of the President, the Vice President shall succeed him or her until elections can be held at the next general business meeting. In the event that the Vice President is unable to complete such term, the Faculty Advisor shall appoint a member to act as President until the next general business meeting. ELECTED OFFICERS OTHER THAN PRESIDENT: In the event of the death or resignation of an elected officer, the President, in consultation with the Faculty Advisor, shall appoint one or more of the Organization’s members to fill the position until the next general business meeting. SECTION IV. Organization Management Elected and appointed officers of this Organization comprise the Organization’s management team. Each, therefore, has the duty to develop a plan to Version 1.1– January 28, 2011
COPY accomplish, and to provide oversight of, his or her assigned duties and functions. Each shall give updates to the President and Faculty Advisor in timely fashion, and provide summary reports at Organization business meetings. SECTION V. Elected Officers’ Duties & Responsibilities Of the following offices, only those of the President and Treasurer are required by RSO policy. The duties and responsibilities of each officer are as follows: PRESIDENT: The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization and shall preside over all general meetings. The President is an Authorized Agent for doing business on behalf of the Organization, with the exception of financial matters. This officer is responsible for overseeing all activities of the Organization’s elected and appointed officers and committees. The President is further responsible for implementation of the Organization’s Purpose of as set forth at Article II of this Constitution, supra, as well as ensuring the Organization’s compliance with standards set forth by the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign and the Student Veterans of America and communicating or coordinating with the Faculty Advisor. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President is responsible for membership, which entails increasing and retaining membership and reporting membership changes to the Secretary. The Vice President shall chair the Organization’s membership committee and shall serve as the interim president in the event the President is unable to complete his or her term, as set forth in Article IV, Section II of this Constitution, or is temporarily incapacitated. This officer shall also fulfill such other duties, functions and responsibilities as the President may assign. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record and distribute an accurate record (minutes) of the Organization’s meetings, to include teleconferences and electronic correspondence or votes. The Secretary shall also maintain the member roles and record and distribute changes to the roles as necessary. The Secretary shall further record and make appropriate changes to and distribute copies of the Constitution of this Organization and its By-Laws as required. This officer shall handle and respond to requests for information from the Organization’s officers and committees as well as university administration, Veterans Administration, and other agencies. He or she shall also transmit
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COPY copies of all official Organization correspondence to the Chief Archivist/Historian and shall fulfill such other duties as the President may assign. TREASURER: The Treasurer is the Organization’s financial officer and shall ensure the financial management of accounts complies with all University, local, state, and federal regulations, policies, procedures, and processes at all times. As such, this officer shall complete a mandatory Treasurers’ Financial Workshop offered by the Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Office. The Treasurer is the ONLY officer who holds signature authority related to the Organization’s finances. Only the Treasurer may submit SORF Expenditure Requests and administer processes to collect on the subsequent allocation. As the financial signature authority, the Treasurer safeguards funds from being utilized for personal gain and fraudulent activity and must ensure funds are being used for legitimate, organization-sponsored activities and business. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receipt and deposit of all Organization funds into the appropriate RSO account, charity account, or outside bank account, and shall disburse the Organization’s funds for all substantiated expenses. These duties will require maintaining accurate and itemized financial records, including copies of all documentation necessary to reconcile monthly transactions for organization’s account(s). Disbursements shall not be issued without a receipt or signed statement explaining the date, amount and purpose of the expenditure. The Treasurer must verify documentation is not forged or falsified by examining receipts, invoices, statements, bills, letters of agreement, contracts, etc. prior to submission. Submitting forged and/or falsified documents is against University Codes and will not be tolerated.[1] The Treasurer shall ensure that the Organization maintains positive account balances and will be held liable for delinquencies according to University policy. The Treasurer also educates members of the Organization about financial policies and procedures, especially required documentation needed for payments and reimbursements and shall be the treasurer of all committees handling funds and monies of the Organization. The Treasurer is also responsible for gaining approval for the Organization’s oncampus fundraising activities from the RSO Office and ensuring all deposits are registered/cleared with the RSO Office. With the aid of any appointed assistant, the Treasurer shall prepare the annual budget report for the Organization end of year meeting in the spring semester. The financial statement will be signed by
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COPY the Treasurer and the President at a minimum. Prior to resignation, the Treasurer must transition all records and information to the new treasurer. As the Organization’s financial representative, the Treasurer votes on disbursement of collective interest earned from the Organization Fund Accounts during the annual Organization Fund Advisory Board meeting held online in the spring semester. The Treasurer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign or as University Code may require. LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR: The Legislative Director shall keep the membership informed of all legislative activity that affects the Rights and Benefits of veterans. This officer shall develop educational/awareness programs for the campus and the public related to issues affecting the military and military veterans, as well as prepare and transmit legislative updates and alerts to the Organization membership. The Legislative Director responds to club members’ inquiries related to legislative activities and discharges other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. SECTION VI. Appointed Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities Not all of the appointed officer positions must be filled — in the initial stages of the Organization’s development, it is likely that several will remain vacant. The duties and responsibilities of the appointed officers listed below may be fulfilled by the President, Vice President, or other members when the positions are vacant. VICE PRESIDENT–PLANNING: The Vice President–Planning is responsible for strategic planning. The positions primary duties include, but are not limited to, the establishment of a long-range plan which coordinates the activities of all Committees in order to create and engender a coherent and forward-looking direction for the Organization under the direction of the President. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. VICE PRESIDENT–COMMUNICATIONS: The Vice President–Communications is responsible for directing all activities pertaining to communications and media. This officer shall chair the Media Advisory Committee and shall oversee the Organization’s communications vehicles (e.g., LISTSERV, Facebook group,
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COPY Twitter, newsletter, etc.). This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. VICE PRESIDENT–FINANCE: The Vice President–Finance shall direct, pursuant to the approval of the President, all financial activities of the Organization, including budget forecasts, and shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee. This officer shall also develop, subject to the approval of the President, and implement ways and means of improving the finances of the Organization, including investment strategies, budgeting, fundraising and fiscal oversight. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. VICE PRESIDENT–IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN & GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR: The Vice President–Iraq, Afghanistan & Global War on Terror shall promote and advance the interests of those members of this Organization who served, and are serving in Iraq or Afghanistan and in the Global War on Terror. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. ASSISTANT TREASURER: The Assistant Treasurer shall acquire a thorough knowledge of the functions, duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer. This officer shall complete special assignments to assist the Treasurer or the Vice President-Finance. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. CHAPLAIN: The Chaplain shall provide spiritual leadership and guidance to the members of the Organization. This officer shall lead the members of this Organization in prayer at the openings and closings of Organization meetings and gatherings and shall assure that members of all faiths are welcome. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. CHIEF ARCHIVIST/HISTORIAN: The Chief Archivist/Historian shall maintain all permanent record files, fill requests for record copies as necessary, serve as a resource for information about the participation of notable Organization members in significant events throughout their military service, acquire an extensive knowledge of the history of the Organization, and research and answer queries
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COPY about that history and about the Organization. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. LIAISON TO MILITARY SERVICES AND ROTC: The Liaison to Military Services and ROTC shall maintain frequent contact with the local military service recruiters and ROTC (Army, Navy, and Air Force) training cadre to keep them updated on the activities of the Organization. This officer shall also assist the Vice President in recruiting eligible active duty, reserve, and national guard members to the Organization and coordinate areas of joint interest with military recruiters and ROTC such as ceremonies, reunions, and family assistance. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. NATIONAL SERVICE OFFICER: The National Service Officer shall provide information and assistance to the membership concerning procedures to file Veterans’ Administration claims, maintain a list of Veterans’ Administration contact numbers, provide timely updates to the membership on benefits and other veterans’ issues through the Organization communications vehicles. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. PARLIAMENTARIAN: The Parliamentarian shall also consult and advise the officers and committees of the Organization on parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised). This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. PUBLICITY CHAIRPERSON: The Publicity Chairperson shall utilize his or her best efforts to obtain and use paid and uncompensated advertisements and news releases to raise awareness of the Organization so as to foster growth of its membership. This officer shall work in conjunction with the Vice PresidentCommunications to establish and implement an advertising plan of action. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. SERGEANT AT ARMS: The Sergeant at Arms shall insure that any meeting or gathering room is properly set for the intended purpose, that flags and banners
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COPY are properly displayed. This officer shall give notice of the starting times of all meetings and shall welcome attendees as well as secure the meeting room at the start of each meeting, coordinate any Honor Guards, take the headcount at each meeting, ensure that all members present at each such meeting are in good standing, collect and count votes, maintain order and, at the conclusion of each such meeting, secure all Organization property and ensure it is properly claimed. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. WEB MASTER: The Web Master shall maintain the Organization’s web site under guidelines established by the Vice President–Communications and the Media Advisory Committee. This officer shall fulfill such other duties and responsibilities as the President may assign. SECTION VII. Faculty Advisor Duties & Responsibilities FACULTY ADVISOR: The Advisor shall maintain communication and meet with the officers regularly, approve all financial expenditures, ensure that the Organization is operating in conformity with the standards set forth by The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The Advisor shall be a member of the university faculty or staff and shall be selected and approved by a majority vote of the members of the Organization. The Advisor shall abide by the rules and policies established by RSO and the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS SECTION I. Officer Elections Election of officers of the Organization shall take place at or prior to the final meeting of the academic year. Each member in good standing of this Organization who is in attendance at such meeting shall be entitled to one (1) vote. SECTION II. Officer Eligibility GOOD STANDING: Only members in good standing with the Organization shall be eligible to hold office. ACADEMIC/DISCIPLINARY STANDING: All nominees must be in academic and behavioral good standing, per existing guidelines and policies of The University
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COPY of Illinois Urbana-Champaign at the time of officer election. VETERAN STATUS: Only regular members of the Organization, that is, those members who have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces shall have the right to hold office. ARTICLE VII: FINANCES SECTION I. Non-profit Status The organization shall operate as a non-profit organization and no profits may accrue to any individual within the organization. The Organization is not a taxexempt organization and any money deposited in outside bank accounts are subject to applicable taxation. The Organization shall apply for non-profit/taxexempt status through the Internal Revenue Service at such time as the membership votes to undertake the process. SECTION II. Revenue FUNDRAISING: In addition to dues, the Organization may conduct fundraising initiatives to support local activities. Fundraising conducted on campus must receive approval through the RSO Office. DONATIONS: The Organization may also solicit individual donations of money, gifts, or goods and services for the use of the Organization. DUES: The Organization may establish reasonable member dues, which shall be the same amount for all membership levels. The amount of the dues shall be determined in the beginning of the academic year by the elected officers and presented to the general membership for a vote. The dues proposal shall only pass with a three-quarters (3/4) majority. SECTION III. Financial Accounts All Organization monies shall be deposited into and disbursed through an RSO account, a charity account, or an outside bank account established for the Organization. All funds must be deposited or distributed according to the provisions of University and RSO policy, as well as local, state, and federal regulations.
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COPY SECTION IV. Financial Review At least two (2) members of the Finance Committee with the Treasurer and Faculty Advisory shall review and examine the financial records on an annual basis and as near to the Organization’s final meeting of the academic year as possible. The Finance Committee may request that the appointed examiners conduct a more thorough and formal examination of the financial records, including but not limited to an actual audit. ARTICLE XII: MEETINGS SECTION I. Regular Meetings ANNUAL MEETING: There shall be a meeting each year at which the officers of the Organization shall be elected and other business pertinent to the welfare of the Organization shall be transacted. This meeting shall take place at least one week prior to the beginning of the spring semester finals schedule. BUSINESS MEETINGS: The Organization’s regular business meetings shall be held once a month on the day designated by the elected officers. OFFICERS’ MEETINGS: The Organization’s officers shall meet once a month on the day designated by the elected and appointed officers, usually two weeks from the regular business meeting. COMMITTEE MEETINGS: The Organization’s committees shall meet at a schedule determined by the respective committee’s chairperson. SECTION II. Special Meetings Special meetings shall be called by the President, the elected officers, the Faculty Advisor, or by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership and must be announced to the entire membership two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date. SECTION III. Agendas Agendas for all meetings shall be prepared and provided to all officers or committee members seventy-two hours prior to the meeting via e-mail and/or hard copy. SECTION IV. Parliamentary Procedure
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COPY Pending adoption by a majority of the members, meetings of the Organization shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. SECTION V. Quorum A quorum for any regular or special meeting, aside from the annual meeting, shall be fifty percent plus one officer present. Presence can be achieved by teleconference. Quorum at the annual meeting shall be the members in good standing who are present. ARTICLE XIII: VOTING SECTION I. Voting Restrictions Voting on all matters pertaining to the Club, including financial and electoral matters shall be limited to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Student Activity Fee paying members. SECTION II. President’s Vote For purposes of any vote, apart from nomination and election of officers, the President will not be eligible to vote unless a tie-breaking vote is needed. During nomination and voting for officer positions, all present Student Activity Feepaying members, including the President, shall have one (1) vote. All other officers will have one vote per issue. SECTION III. Majority Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws or the parliamentary authority, decisions of the organization shall be made by a simple majority (fifty percent plus one) of those present and voting, with those abstaining from the vote not figuring into the determination of the majority required. ARTICLE XIV: NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illini Veterans (Illini Vets) does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, religion, creed, color, handicap, disability, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, or sexual orientation. ARTICLE XV: NON-HAZING POLICY
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COPY The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illini Veterans (Illini Vets) will not practice any physical or psychological forms of hazing. Members are free to discontinue their membership without undue pressure or interference. ARTICLE XVI: AGREEMENT TO RSO POLICIES The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Illini Veterans (Illini Vets) agrees to abide by University policies as well as all applicable federal, state and local laws. ARTICLE XIX: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SECTION I. Ratification This Constitution may be amended and subsequently ratified with the majority approval of the elected officers and Faculty Advisory and with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the membership present and voting at the meeting during which the amendment is put to a vote. SECTION II. Submission All amendments and/or resolutions emanating from members or officers of the Organization must be submitted to the membership in writing fifteen (15) days prior to being put to a vote as described in Section I of this Article XIX. SECTION III. RSO Approval This Constitution and any revisions or amendments must be approved by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Registered Student Organizations Office prior to implementation. SECTION IV. Minor Changes Minor language change, error correction, or ambiguity not affecting substance may be made at any time. ARTICLE XX: RATIFICATION This document shall become effective as the Constitution of the Organization one (1) day after being ratified by the membership and the RSO Office.
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COPY By-Laws ARTICLE I: COMMITTEES SECTION I. All committees shall have at least five (5) members. All voting members in good standing are eligible to serve on a committee. SECTION II. Designation, Nomenclature, and Description The committees of the Organization shall be: (A) Standing. At such time as the membership deems it necessary, the organization shall form the following standing committees: Social: This committee shall plan and organize the Organization’s social and recreational activities. The President and Vice President shall serve as standing members of this committee. Finance (Treasurer/Fundraising): This committee shall meet in conjunction with the elected officers and shall plan and organize fundraising programs and conduct at least annual reviews/audits of the Organization’s finances. In addition to the elected officers, the committee shall include two (2) current members in good standing. The Vice President (or Vice President–Finance, if appointed) shall serve as chair of this committee. Public Relations (Event Productions): This committee shall plan and coordinate public relations events and communications to educate the university community about military service, issues affecting veterans and military service members and other such topics related to the Organization’s purpose and goals. This committee shall also coordinate community service efforts on behalf of the Organization, such as involvement in events to commemorate dates of importance to military veterans (e.g., Veterans Day, Memorial Day, service birthdays, etc.) Membership: This committee shall recommend and implement methods to increase and maintain membership. The Vice President shall serve as chair of the Membership Committee. (B) Ad Hoc. Additional committees may be created by majority vote by the officers to serve a limited period of time within a limited scope.
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COPY SECTION II. Committee Selection Committee membership other than that required of specific officers in SECTION III and IV of ARTICLE IV of this Constitution, shall be determined by volunteering or acceptance of a nomination by an officer. SECTION III. Committee Management CHAIRPERSON: The chairperson of each committee is responsible for organizing the regular meetings of that committee and for the timely delivery of progress reports at general meetings of the Organization. The chairperson is also responsible for informing officers about developments in their planned activities that require officer support, funding, or coordination with other committees or the Organization as a whole. POLICIES: Committees may adopt such policies and procedures as they determine necessary for the proper and responsible management of their duties and powers with the approval of the membership, provided such policies and procedures are compliant with this Constitution and its Bylaws. ARTICLE II: FISCAL YEAR SECTION I. The fiscal year of the Organization and of the local chapters shall begin on July 1st of each year. Officers shall be elected as near to this date as possible. ARTICLE III: EXPENDITURES SECTION I. The elected and appointed officers shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred for approved Organization business when they submit properly signed vouchers to the Treasurer. The Faculty Advisor, Treasurer, and President must authorize expenditures on behalf of the Organization beforehand. ARTICLE IV: ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS SECTION I. PROCEDURES FOR ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN GENERAL: With the advent of the Internet, the best interest of the Organization mandates that it use electronic communication, whenever possible, to assist in recruiting new members, in keeping current membership informed
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COPY and in serving as an information clearing house for new and prospective members, as well as the general public. The Vice President (or Vice President– Communications if appointed) shall ensure that the Organization web site is maintained. WEB SITE COSTS: The cost of maintaining and/or improving a web site shall be paid from the Organization’s general fund. FACEBOOK: The Organization shall maintain a Facebook group administered by the President, Vice President, and Treasurer for as long as Facebook groups remain free, popular, and private/secure, or until the membership votes to delete the group. Only the President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall have administrative control of the group and shall be able to message all members of the group; however, all group members may post to the group “wall” any appropriate message related to the Organization’s functions, individual or small group social activities, or information pertaining to student life, VA benefits, University of Illinois news and events, the armed forces, or other such material as may be of interest to the Organization’s members. E-MAIL: (1) Each Officer shall maintain an e-mail address for communications among the Organization’s leadership so as to enable timely handling of Organization business. (2) Each member shall have the option to register his or her e-mail address with the Organization’s Secretary in order to receive e-mail correspondence from the Organization. (3) The Organization shall establish a LISTSERV e-mail distribution list through the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in order to distribute mass emails to the membership. This LISTSERV shall have opt-in/opt-out features and shall be used to communicate information about events, changes to the Organization, and meeting schedules, as well as other formal and informal communications. SECTION II. PRIVACY IN GENERAL: The Organization shall endeavor to keep private such information as member e-mail addresses, home or cell-phone numbers, addresses, and academic standing. Other than as described in the Organization’s Constitution or By-laws or as mandated by university, local, state, or federal regulation, the
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COPY Organization will not publish such information outside the Organization either through a website or Facebook group, or other electronic communications. Each member is responsible for his or her own use of adequate privacy or security measures in correspondence with the Organization or its membership. OFFICER CONTACT INFORMATION: Elected officer contact information in the form of at least one e-mail address and/or phone number for each elected officer will be published to the membership and the RSO Office to facilitate communication within the Organization. Appointed officer contact information may also be subject to this policy, as required by appropriate governing regulations or policies. FACEBOOK: Facebook privacy settings are controlled by individual user/member settings; however, the Organization encourages members not to post any non-public information such as phone numbers or email addresses to the “wall” or any other public portion of the Organization’s Facebook group without the consent of the individual to whom such information pertains. The group administrators will delete any such unwanted disclosures upon notification. E-MAIL: The Organization requires that mass e-mails not generated by LISTSERV or Facebook or some other service that obscures recipient data must be sent with only the elected officers in the recipient line and all other members in the blind courtesy copy line to prevent unintended release of private e-mail addresses. ARTICLE VI: COMMEMORATIVE DATES SECTION I. The Organization shall make every reasonable effort to commemorate appropriately as many dates of historical importance to the US Armed Forces as possible. ARTICLE VII: AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS SECTION I. AWARDS At such future date as the Organization deems appropriate, it shall establish awards for the recognition of deserving members.
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COPY SECTION II. SCHOLARSHIPS At such future date as the Organization deems appropriate, it shall establish scholarship(s) to assist members, their family, or other designated individuals in pursuing higher education opportunities. ARTICLE VIII: EXPULSION AND REMOVAL FROM OFFICE SECTION I. EXPULSION Any officer or member of the Organization shall, upon three-fourths (3/4) vote of the elected officers, be suspended from membership for misconduct or dishonesty involving the Organization. That officer or member may alternatively be expelled from the Organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general membership present at a regular meeting. SECTION II. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE An elected officer may be removed from office upon a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the elected officers for failure to perform the duties prescribed for the office, conduct unbecoming an officer, conviction of a felony, dishonorable separation from active military service, dishonesty or conduct prejudicial to the Organization. SECTION III. HEARINGS & APPEALS In all cases implicating or involving suspension, expulsion or removal from office, the accused shall have the right to be heard in his or her own defense, to contest the charges and/or penalty, by means of his or her own testimony, and/or that of others, before the elected officers. ARTICLE IX: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY SECTION I. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall govern all situations not specifically addressed in the Organization’s Constitution and/or By-laws. ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS SECTION I. Ratification These By-laws may be amended and subsequently ratified with the majority approval of the elected officers and Faculty Advisory and with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the membership present and voting at the meeting during which the amendment is put to a vote.
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COPY SECTION II. Submission All amendments and/or resolutions emanating from members or officers of the Organization must be submitted to the membership in writing fifteen (15) days prior to being put to a vote as described in Section I of this Article VIII. SECTION III. RSO Approval This Constitution and any revisions or amendments must be approved by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Registered Student Organizations Office prior to implementation. SECTION IV. Minor Changes Minor language change, error correction, or ambiguity not affecting substance may be made at any time.
[1] Doing so can jeopardize registered organization status and the individuals involved will be held accountable to University and legal statutes. Subsequent investigations by University and law enforcement agencies can result in appropriate sanctions.
Version 1.1– January 28, 2011